
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted chronologically

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[WF+03] Waismann, Rogeria / Fenwick, Peter B.C. / Wilson, Glenn D. / Hewett, Terry D. / Lumsden, John, 135-144
EEG Responses to Visual Erotic Stimuli in Men with Normal and Paraphilic Interests , Vol. 32, No. 2, 135-144, pp. 135-144
Abstract:  Contingent negative variation and evoked potentials to visual erotic stimuli were recorded from 8 brain sites in a sample of 62 right-handed men aged 20–50, half of whom declared paraphilic interests and half claimed "normal" heterosexual interests. To quantify erotic preferences, a "variance quotient" (VQ) was calculated from scores on the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire using the formula VQ = Impersonal + Sadomasochistic fantasies/Intimate + Exploratory fantasies. Stimuli consisted of 57 paraphilic slides (depicting fetishistic and sadomasochistic themes), 57 heterosexual erotic slides (explicit pictures of nude women, coitus, and oral sex), and 57 neutral slides (landscapes and street scenes). The P600 response appeared to be the best indicator of erotic preferences, but the locus of maximum arousal was different for paraphilic and heterosexual stimuli. The primary brain site for heterosexual arousal was P4 (right parietal), where there was a -.34 (p < .01) correlation between VQ and P600 (i.e., nonvariant males showed greater responses to normal erotic stimuli at this location). For paraphilic stimuli, there was a correlation of .26 (p < .05) between the VQ and P600 response at the F3 (left frontal) site (i.e., paraphilic men showed greater responses to paraphilic stimuli than normal men at this brain location). Dividing the sample into groups of 23 paraphilics and 23 heterosexual controls on the basis of their VQs showed that "normals" differentiated between stimulus types more at the P4 than paraphilics. Theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.
[Mir98] della Mirandola, Pico, 1498
Disputationum adversus astrologos libri duodecim
in: (ed.): Joannis Pici Mirandulae Omnia opera, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Bernhardinus Venetus, Venedig
Language: Latin
[Ric16] Ricchieri, Lodovico (Lodovicus Caelius Rhodiginus), 1516
Ludovici Caelii Rhodigini lectionum antiquarum libri XVI
Publisher: Aldus, Venezia
Language: Latin
[Bru34] Brunfels, Otto, 1534
Onomastikon medicinae
Publisher: J. Schott, Straßburg
Language: Latin
Notes:  Several different editions, circa 372 pages.
[Mei39] Meibom, Johann Heinrich, 1639
Tractatus de usu flagrorum in re medica & veneria
Publisher: ohne Verlag, Lübeck
Language: Latin
[Bra66] Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeille de, 1666
Memoires de Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur de Brantôme: contenans les vies des dames galantes de son temps
Publisher: Iean Sambix le ieune, Leiden
Language: French
[Bar69] Bartholinus, Thomas (ed.), 1669
Thomae Bartholini, Joan. Henrici Meibomi, patris, Henrici Meibomi, filii, De usu flagrorum in re medica & veneria lumborumque & renum officio
Publisher: probably D. Paulli, Frankfurt
Language: Latin
[Pau98] Paullini, Kristian Franz, 1698
Flagellum Salutis, Das ist: Curieuse Erzählung, Wie mit Schlägen Allerhand schwere, langweilige und fast unheylbare Kranckheiten offt, bald und wohl curiret worden.
Publisher: Knochen, Franckfurt am Mayn
Language: German
[Boi00] Boileau, Jacques, 1700
Historia flagellantium: de recto et perverso flagrorum usu apud christianos; ex antiquis scripturae, patrum, pont., conciliorum, & scriptorum profanorum monumentis cum cura & fide expressa
Publisher: Anisson, Paris
Language: Latin
[Boi01] Boileau, Jacques, 1701
Histoire des flagellants oł l'on fait voir le bon et le mauvais usage des flagellations parmi les chrétiens ...
Publisher: F. Vander Plaats, Amsterdam
Language: French
Notes:  French translation of → Boi00 by the author.
[Thi03] Thiers, Jean-Baptiste., 1703
Critique de l'histoire des flagellants et justification de l'usage des disciplines volontaires
Publisher: Jean de Nully, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  420 pages.
[Gar14] Garmannus, Christianus Fridericus, 1714
L. Christiani Friderici Garmanni & Alior. Viror. Clarissimor. Epistolarum Centuria Argumenti Miscellanei, potissimum Physico-Medici, Selectioris & Curiosi
Publisher: Sumtibus Christian-Gotthold Garmanni Bibliopolę, Rostock und Leipzig
Language: Latin
Notes:  436 pages.
Abstract:  "The earliest definitely described medical case of sadistic pleasure in the sight of active whipping I have myself come across belongs to the year 1672, and occurs in a letter in which Nesterus seeks the opinion of Garmann. He knows intimately, he states, a very learned man - whose name, for the honor he bears him, he refrains from mentioning - who, whenever in a school or elsewhere he sees a boy unbreeched and birched, and hears him crying out, at once emits semen copiously without any erection, but with great mental commotion. The same accident frequently happens to him during sleep, accompanied by dreams of whipping." (→ Ell42, Band I "Love and Pain", S. 132)
[Mei18] Meibom, Johann Heinrich, 1718
A treatise of the use of flogging in venerial affairs: also of the office of the loins and reins / by John Henry Meibomius; made English from the Latin original by a physician. To which is added A Treatise of Hermaphrodites (by Giles Jacob).
Publisher: E. Curll, London
[Sch20] Schurig, Martin, 1720
Spermatologia historico-medica, h(oc) e(st) seminis humani consideratio physico-medico-legalis, qua ejus natura et usus, insimulque opus generationis et varia de coitu aliaque huc pertinentia, v. g. de castratione, herniotomia, phimosi, circumcisione, recutitione, et infibulatione, item de hermaphroditis et sexum mutantibus, raris et selectis observationibus annexo indice locupletissimo
Publisher: MISSING, Frankfurt am Main
Language: Latin
Notes:  721 pages
Abstract:  "Numerous old cases of pleasure in flagellation and urtication were brought together by Schurig in 1720 in his Spermatologia, pp. 253-258." (→ Ell20, Band I "Love and Pain", S. 132)
[Arg48] Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer Marquis d', 1748
Thérèse philosophe
Language: French
[Cle48] Cleland, John, 1748/49
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
Publisher: G. Fenton, London
Notes:  2 volumes
Abstract:  Contains one of the earliest flagellation scenes in literature.
[Cho52] Chorier, Nicolas, 1752
Joannis Meursii Elegantiae Latini sermonis seu Aloisia Sigaea Toletana De arcanis amoris & veneris. Adjunctis fragmentis quibusdam eroticis.
Publisher: Ex typis Elzevirianis, Leiden
Language: Latin
[Sai57] Saint-Cyr, Jacques Baron Révérony de, 1757-58
Sabina d'Herfeld ou les Dangers de l'imagination
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
Language: French
[Cle76] Cleugh, James, 176
Il marchese de Sade e il cavaliere von Sacher-Masoch. Vita e opere.
Publisher: Mursia, Milano
Language: Italian
Notes:  281 pages, Italian translation of → Cle51.
[Cle65] Cleland, John, 1765
Entdeckte Heimlichkeiten einer zuletzt glücklich gewordenen Maitresse
Publisher: Pollmann, Görlitz
Language: German
[Oel66] Oelrichs, Johann Carl Conrad, 1766
Abhandlung von dem Gebrauche der Alten, fürnehmlich der Griechen und Römer, ihre Geliebte zu schlagen. Aus dem Franz. übersetzt u. mit einigen Anmerkungen vermehret.
Publisher: Birnstiel, Berlin
Language: German
[Swe68] Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1768
Delitiae sapientiae de amore coniugali post quas sequuntur voluptates insaniae de amore scortatorio
Publisher: Swedenborg-Verlag, Zürich
Language: Latin
[Ano77] Anonymous, 1777
Exhibition of Female Flagellants in the Modest and Incontinent World etc.
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Lol77] Lolme, Jean Louis de, 1777
The History of the Flagellants, or The Advantages of Discipline: Being a Paraphrase and Commentary on the "Historia Flagellantium" of the Abbé Boileau, Doctor of the Sorbonne ...
Publisher: M. Hingeston, London
Language: French
[Lol85] Lolme, Jean Louis de, 1785
Beyträge zur Geschichte des menschlichen Aberglaubens; als Paraphrase und Kommentar zur Geschichte der Flagellanten des Abt Boileau, Doktor der Sorbonne, Kanonikus der Kathedralkirche zu unsrer lieben Frauen etc. von Einem, der nicht Doktor der Sorbonne ist.
Publisher: im Schwickertschen Verlage, Leipzig
Language: German
[Ano88] Anonymous, 1788
Venus School-Mistress, or, Birchen Sports
[Dop88] Doppet, François Amédée, 1788
Traité du fouet et de ses effects sur le physique de l'amour, ou Aphrodisiaque externe, ouvrage médico-philosophique, suivi d'une dissertation sur tous les moyens capables d'exciter aux plaisirs de l'amour
Publisher: MISSING, no place
Language: French
Notes:  108 pages.
[Sad91] Sade, Marquis de, 1791
Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu
Publisher: chez les Libraires associés, en Hollande
Language: French
[Sad91a] Sade, Marquis de, 1791
Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu
2nd enlarged edition
Publisher: chez les Libraires associés, en Hollande
Language: French
[Mei92] Meibom, Johann Heinrich, 1792
De l'utilité de la flagellation dans les plaisirs du mariage et dans la médecine, et des fonctions des lombes et des reins = De flagrorum usu in re medica et venerea, et lumborum renumque officio
Publisher: Girouard, Paris
Language: French
[Sad92] Sade, Marquis de, 1792
Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu
3rd enlarged edition
Publisher: Cazin, Paris
Language: French
[Sad93] Sade, Marquis de (angegeben als "le Citoyen S***"), 1793
Aline et Valcour ou le Roman philosophique. Ecrit à la Bastille un an avant la Révolution de France.
Publisher: Girouard, Paris
Language: French
[Dub94] Dubouleau, Mademoiselle, 1794
Elements of Tuition, and Modes of Punishment. In Letters, from Mademoiselle Dubouleau, A celebrated Parisian Tutoress, to Miss Smart-Bum, Governess of a young Ladies' Boarding School at --. With some secrets developed of Mock Tutors, Who have taken a delight in administering Birch Discipline to their Female Pupils.
Publisher: MISSING, no place
Abstract:  "The five letters of which the Elements of Tuition are composed contain a number of common-place anecdotes about flagellation, told in the most tedious manner and in language frequently ungrammatical. The Dedicatory Epistle to Signora Birchini embraces many of the remarks upon the subject which I have already offered elsewhere, and is the best part of the book. The Anecdotes of Lady Flaybum contain one tale almost identical, and some verses quite the same, as those comprised in the body of the book." (→ Fra85)
[Sad94] Sade, Marquis de, 1794
Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu
3rd (4th) corrected and enlarged edition
Publisher: MISSING, "à Philadelphie"
Language: French
[Res94] Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edmé, 1794-1797
Monsieur Nicolas ou Le coeur humain dévoilé
Publisher: Imprimé à la maison, Paris
Language: French
[Sad95] Sade, Marquis de, 1795
La Philosophie dans le boudoir or les Instituteurs libertins, Dialogue. Ouvrage posthume de l'auteur de Justine.
Publisher: MISSING, London (Paris)
Language: French
[Sad95a] Sade, Marquis de, 1795
Valmor et Lydia ou Voyage autour du monde de deux amants qui se cherchent
Publisher: Pigoreau ou Leroux, Paris
Language: French
[Sad99] Sade, Marquis de, 1795
Alzonde et Koradin
Publisher: Cercoux et Montardier, Paris
Language: French
[Sad96] Sade, Marquis de, 1796
Juliette ou la Suite de Justine
Language: French
[Sad97] Sade, Marquis de, 1797
La Nouvelle Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu, suivi de l'Histoire de Juliette sa soeur, ou les Prospérités du vice
Publisher: Bertrandet oder Didot?, Paris
Language: French
[Vil97] Villers, Charles, 1797
Lettre sur le Roman intitulé Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu
in: (ed.): Spectateur du Nord Vol. IV, pp. ?-?
Language: French
[Res98] Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edmé, 1798
L' anti-justine ou les Délices de l'amour
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
Language: French
[Sai98] Saint-Cyr, Jacques Baron Révérony de, 1798
Pauliska, ou la Perversité moderne, mémoires récents d'une Polonaise
Publisher: Lemierre et chez Courcier, Paris
Language: French
[Tou03] Toulotte, E.L.J., 1803
Le Dominicain, ou les crimes de l'intolérance et les effets du célibat réligieux
Publisher: Pigoreau, Paris
Language: French
[Ano13] Anonymous, 1813
La Marquise de Ganges
Publisher: Béchet, Paris
Language: French
[Gar13] Gardy, J.A., 1813
Elica, ou les Malheurs de la vertu
Publisher: Tiger, Paris
Language: French
[Sai18] Saint-Cyr, Jacques Baron Révérony de, 1818
Le Torrent des passions, ou les Dangers de la galanterie
Publisher: Barba, Paris
Language: French
[Col20] Coleman, George, 1820
The Rodiad
Publisher: Cadell et Murray, London
[Rug21] Ruggieri, Cesare, 1821
Mathieu Lovat's Selbstkreuzigung zu Venedig im Jahr 1805
Publisher: MISSING, Meiningen
Language: German
[Loe23] Löwenstein, Hermann Joseph, 1823
De mentis aberrationibus ex partium sexualium conditione abnormi oriundis
Publisher: MISSING, Bonn
Language: Latin
[Lan25] Lanjuinais, Jean-Denis, 1825
La Bastonnade et la flagellation pénales, considerées chez les peuples anciens et chez les modernes
2nd edition
Publisher: Baudouin, Paris
Language: French
[Hae26] Häussler, J., 1826
Über Beziehungen des Sexualsystems zur Psyche überhaupt und zum Cretinismus ins Besondere
Language: German
[Foe28] Förstemann, Ernst Günther, 1828
Die christlichen Geißlergesellschaften
Publisher: Renger, Halle
Language: German
[Bru29] Bruckbräu, Friedrich W. (ed.), 1829
Mittheilungen aus den geheimen Memoiren einer deutschen Sängerin: ein Spiegel wundersamer Liebesabenteuer der denkwürdigsten Personen unserer Zeit
Publisher: MISSING, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Ano30a] Anonymous, 1830
The Inutility of Virtue
Publisher: Published as the Act directs, By Madame Le Duck, Mortimer Street, London
[Fru34] Frusta, Giovanni (i.e. Carl August Fetzer), 1834
Der Flagellantismus und die Jesuitenbeichte. Historisch-psychologische Geschichte der Geisselungsinstitute, Klosterzüchtigungen und Beichtstuhlverirrungen aller Zeiten
Publisher: Scheible, Leipzig und Stuttgart
Language: German
[Rab35] Raban, Louis-François, 1835
Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu avec préface par Marquis de Sade
Publisher: Olivier, Impr. Maltesse, Paris
Language: French
[Goe36] Görres, Josef von, 1836-1842
Die christliche Mystik Vol. IV, 2. Abteilung
Publisher: Manz, Regensburg
Language: German
[PL37] Parent-Duchâtelet, Alexandre-Jean-Baptiste / Leuret, François, 1837
De la prostitution dans la ville de Paris: considérée sous le rapport de l'hygiène publique, de la morale et de l'administration, ouvrage appuyé de documents statistiques puisés dans les archives de la Prefecture de Police
2nd revised and corrected edition
Publisher: J.-B. Ballière, Paris
Language: French
[Rou37] Roure, Marquis de, 1837
Analectabiblion, ou extraits critiques de divers livres rares oubliés ou peu connus tirés du cabinet du marquis D. R*** Vol. II
Publisher: Techener, Paris
Language: French
[Kaa44] Kaan, H., 1844
Psychopathia sexualis
Publisher: L. Voss, Leipzig
Language: Latin
[Cor45] Corvin Wiersbitsky, Otto Julius Bernhard von, 1845
Die Geißler: Historische Denkmale des Fanatismus in der römisch-katholischen Kirche; Ergänzungswerk zum Pfaffenspiegel
Publisher: Expedition Pfaffenspiegel, Zürich
Language: German
[Mal45] Mallet, F., 1845
Les Flagellants
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
Language: French
[Dop47] Doppet, François Amédée, 1847
Das Geißeln und seine Einwirkung auf den Geschlechtstrieb etc.
in: Scheible, Johann (ed.): Der Schatzgräber in den literarischen und bildlichen Seltenheiten, Sonderbarkeiten etc. hauptsächlich des deutschen Mittelalters. Vol. 4, pp. 367-407
Publisher: Kloster, Stuttgart et al.
Language: German
[Mei47] Meibomius, J.H., 1847
Von der Nützlichkeit der Geißelhiebe in medizinischer und physischer Beziehung, und von den Verrichtungen der Lenden und Nieren
in: Scheible, Johann (ed.): Der Schatzgräber in den literarischen und bildlichen Seltenheiten, Sonderbarkeiten etc. hauptsächlich des deutschen Mittelalters. Vol. 4, pp. 245-292
Publisher: Scheible, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Mei47a] Meibomius, J.H., 1847
Die Nützlichkeit der Geißelhiebe in den Vergnügungen der Ehe, sowie in der ärztlichen Praxis, und die Verrichtungen der Lenden und Nieren.
in: Scheible, Johann (ed.): Der Schatzgräber in den literarischen und bildlichen Seltenheiten, Sonderbarkeiten etc. hauptsächlich des deutschen Mittelalters. Vol. 4, pp. 293-365
Publisher: Scheible, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Rei48] Reinhard, W., 1848
Lenchen im Zuchthause
Publisher: F. Bielefeld, Karlsruhe
Language: German
[Boi49] Boismont, Brierre de, 1849
Remarques médico-legales sur la perversion de l'instinct génésique
In: Gaz. méd. de Paris, Vol. 29, 1849, pp. 555-564
Language: French
[Sto53] Stolz, Alban (ed.), 1853
Zuchthausgeschichten von einem ehemaligen Züchtling Vol. 1-2
Publisher: Theissing'sche Buchhandlung, Münster
Language: German
[Mor57] Morel, Bénédict Auguste, 1857
Traité des Dégénérescences physiques, intellectuelles et morales de l'espèce humaine et des causes que produisent ces variétés maladives
Publisher: J.B. Baillière, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  23 pages
[Sac57] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1857
Der Aufstand in Gent unter Kaiser Carl V
Publisher: Verlag der Hurter'schen Buchhandlung, Schaffhausen
Language: German
[Sac58] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1858
Eine Galizische Geschichte
Publisher: Verlag der Hurter'schen Buchhandlung, Schaffhausen
Language: German
[Ano62] Anonymous, 1862-1875
Aus den Memoiren einer Sängerin
Publisher: Reginald Chesterfield (Verlagsbureau Altona), Boston
Language: German
[Ano63] Anonymous, 1863
Mysteries of Flagellation, or, A History of the Secret Ceremonies of the Society of Flagellants
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Sac63] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1863
Der Emissar. Eine galizische Geschichte.
Publisher: Credner, Prag
Language: German
[Ano66] Anonymous, 1866
The Romance of Chastisement, or the Revelations of Miss Darcy
Publisher: Dugdale, London
[Ano67] Anonymous, 1867
Revelries! and Devilries! or Scenes in the Life of Sir Lionel Heythorp
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Tar67a] Tardieu, Ambroise-Auguste, 1867
Étude médico-légale sur les attentats aux moeurs
5th edition
Publisher: J.-B. Baillière, Paris
Language: French
[Ans68] Anson, Margaret (i.e. probably James G. Bertram), 1868
The Merry Order of St. Bridget: Personal Recollections of the Use of the Rod
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Tou68] Toulmouche, first name?, 1868
In: Annales d'hygiène, Vol. VI, 1868, pp. 100
Language: French
[Jea69] Jeannel, Julien François, 1869
Die Prostitution in den Städten im neunzehnten Jahrhundert und die Vernichtung der venerischen Krankheiten
Publisher: Enke, Erlangen
Language: German
[Coo70] Cooper, William M. (i.e. James Glass Bertram), 1870
Flagellation and the Flagellants: A History of the Rod in All Countries From the Earliest Period to the Present Time
Publisher: John Camden Hotten, London
[Mar70] Martinet, Mrs. (Pseud.), 1870
The Quintessence of Birch Discipline. A sequence to the Romance of Chastisement, etc.
Publisher: Privately printed, London
Abstract:  "The Quintessence terminates at p. 23, and the remaining seven pages are occupied by a Letter From a Page Boy to his Mother in the country." (→ Fra85) A detailed summary follows (pp. 258 et sqq.).
[Sac70] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1870
Das Vermächtniß Kains. Novellen.
Publisher: J.G. Cotta, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  2 volumes, 401/528 pages.
[Ano72] Anonymous, 1872
Madame Birchini's Dance, from The Exhibition of Female Flagellants
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Hot72] Hotten, John Camden (ed.), 1872
Library Illustrative of Social Progreß. From the Original Editions collected by the late Henry Thomas Buckle, Author of "History of Civilization in England".
Publisher: J.C. Hotten, London
[Ano73] Anonymous, 1873
The Romance of Lust
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Coo73] Cooper, William M. (i.e. James Glass Bertram), 1873
Flagellation and the Flagellants: A History of the Rod in All Countires From the Earliest Period to the Present Time
2nd revised and corrected edition
Publisher: John Camden Hotten, London
[Sac73] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1873
Soziale Schattenbilder: Aus den Memoiren eines österreichischen Polizeibeamten
Publisher: Gesenius, Halle
Language: German
[Ano75] Anonymous, 1875
Curiosities of Flagellation. A Series of Incidents and Facts collected by an Amateur Flagellant, and published in 5 volumes.
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ano70] Anonymous (St. George H. Stock), 1876
The Romance of Chastisement or, Revelations of School and Bedroom, by an Expert
Publisher: MISSING, London
[GH76] Giraldès, first name? / Horteloup, Vorname?, 1876
In: Annales d'hygiène, Vol. ?, 1876, pp. 419
Language: French
[Fra77] Fraxi, Pisanus (i.e. Henry Spencer Ashbee), 1877
Index Librorum Prohibitorum: Being Notes Bio- Biblio- Icono-graphical and Critical on Curious and Uncommon Books
Publisher: Privately printed, London
[Kra77] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1877
Ueber gewisse Anomalien des Geschlechtstriebs und die klinisch-forensische Verwerthung derselben als eines wahrscheinlich functionellen Degenerationszeichens des centralen Nervensystems
In: Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, Vol. 7, 1877, pp. 291-312
Language: German
[Las77] Lasègue, first name?, 1877
In: Union médicale, Vol. ?, 1877, pp. ?
Language: French
[Ort77] Ortmann, Rudolf, 1877
Über Verletzung, insbesondere Tödtung eines Einwilligenden
In: Archiv für Gemeines Deutsches und für Preußisches Strafrecht, Vol. 25, 1877, pp. 104-119
Language: German
[Mer78] Mertens, Theo, 1878
Schläge in der Schule
2nd unaltered edition
Publisher: Helwingsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Hannover
Language: German
[Sac78] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1878
Das Vermächtniß Kains. Novellen.
4th revised and enlarged edition
Publisher: J.G. Cotta, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  2 volumes, 401/550 pages
[Spa78] Spanker, Colonel (Pseud.), 1878
Experimental Lecture. By Colonel Spanker, on The exciting and voluptuous pleasures to be derived from crushing and humiliating the spirit of a beautiful and modest young lady; as delivered by him in the assembly room of the Society of Aristocratic Flagellants, Mayfair.
Publisher: Privately printed, London
[Coo79] Coote, Rosa Belinda, 1879
The Convent School, or Early Experiences of a young Flagellant
Publisher: Privately printed, London
[Fra79] Fraxi, Pisanus (i.e. Henry Spencer Ashbee), 1879
Centuria Librorum Absconditorum: Being Notes Bio- Biblio- Icono-graphical and Critical on Curious and Uncommon Books
Publisher: Privately printed, London
[Pea79] Anonymous, various authors, 1879-1882
The Pearl, a Monthly Journal of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ano80] Anonymous, 1880
The Festival of Love or, Revels at the Fountain of Venus: Disclosed in a Series of Luscious Dialogues and Amatory Letters Between Flora and the Voluptuous Aldabella by the Princess Piccolomini
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Mor80a] Moreau de Tours, Paul, 1880
Des aberrations du sens génésique
Publisher: MISSING, Asseline et Cie.
Language: French
[Che82] Chevet, Emile, 1882
Publisher: A. Lemerre, Paris
Language: French
[Eto82] Etonensis (i.e. George Augustus Sala), 1882
The Mysteries of Verbena House, or, Miss Bellasis Birched for Thieving
Publisher: Privately printed, London
[Roc84] Rochethullon, Madame de, 1884
Chronik der eleganten Welt: Femmes et fourrures (Frauen und Pelze)
In: Auf der Höhe (Leipzig), Vol. 13, No. 39, 1884, pp. 464-468
Language: German
Notes:  Also published in → Far03, pp. 70-77.
[Ano85] Anonymous, 1885
Experiences of Flagellation: A Series of Remarkable Instances of Whipping Inflicted on Both Sexes with Curious Anecdotes of Ladies Fond of Administering Birch Discipline
Publisher: Metropolitan Publishing Company, London
[Bau85] Baudin, P., 1885
Fetichism and Fetich Worshippers
Publisher: Benziger Brothers, New York
[Dop85] Doppet, François Amédée, 1885
Traité du fouet et de ses effects sur le physique de l'amour, ou Aphrodisiaque externe, ouvrage médico-philosophique par D*** ... Réimpression textuelle sur l'édition originale à Genève 1788, augmentée de notes bibliographiques
Publisher: MISSING, London
Language: French
[Fra85] Fraxi, Pisanus (i.e. Henry Spencer Ashbee), 1885
Catena Librorum Tacendorum: Being Notes Bio- Biblio- Icono-graphical and Critical on Curious and Uncommon Books
Publisher: Privately printed, London
[Hay85] Hayn, Hugo, 1885
Bibliotheca Germanorum erotica: Verzeichniss der gesammten deutschen erotischen Literatur mit Einschluss der Uebersetzungen, nebst Angabe der fremden Originale
2nd revised and much enlarged edition
Publisher: Albert Unflad, Leipzig
Language: German
[Mag85] Magnan, Valentin, 1885
Des anomalies, des aberrations et des perversions sexuelles
In: Annales médico-psychologiques, 7ème serie, Vol. ?, 1885, pp. 454ff.
Language: French
[Ull85] Ullmann, E., 1885
Zur Frage über die Bedeutung der Einwilligung im Strafrecht
In: Der Gerichtssaal, Vol. 37, 1885, pp. 529-556
Language: German
[Zim85] Zimmermann, Otto, 1885
Die Wonne des Leids. Beiträge zur Erkenntnis des menschlichen Empfindens in Kunst und Leben.
2nd edition
Publisher: C. Reissner, Leipzig
Language: German
[Hay86] Hayn, Hugo, 1886
Bibliotheca Germanorum gynaecologica et cosmetica: Verzeichniss deutscher sexueller und cosmetischer Schriften mit Einschluss der Uebersetzungen nebst Angabe der Originale; unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der älteren populären Medicin und Beifügung von Antiquarpreisen
Publisher: Albert Unflad, Leipzig
Language: German
[Kra86] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1886
Psychopathia Sexualis. Eine klinisch-forensische Studie.
1st edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Man86] Mantegazza, Paolo (ed.), 1886
Gli amori degli uomini
Language: Italian
[Tar86] Tarnowsky, Benjamin, 1886
Die krankhaften Erscheinungen des Geschlechtssinnes: eine forensisch-psychiatrische Studie
Publisher: Hirschwald, Berlin
Language: German
[Bin87] Binet, Alfred, 1887
Le Fétichisme dans l'amour: Etude de psychologie morbide
In: Revue philosophique, Vol. 24, 1887, pp. 143-167, 252-274
Language: French
[Kra87] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1887
Psychopathia Sexualis. Eine klinisch-forensische Studie.
2nd enlarged and corrected edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Swi87] Swinburne, Algernon Charles (ed.), 1887, nach anderen Quellen 1888
The Whippingham Papers: Collection of Contributions in Prose and Verse, Chiefly by the Author of the "Romance of Chastisement".
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Cof88] Coffignon, A., 1888
Paris vivant. La Corruption à Paris.
5th edition
Publisher: Librairie illustrée, Paris
Language: French
[Del88] Delcourt, Pierre, 1888
Le Vice à Paris
Publisher: A. Piaget, Paris
Language: French
[Kra88] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1888
Psychopathia sexualis: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung; eine klinisch-forensische Studie
3rd enlarged and corrected edition
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Kra88a] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1888
Perversion of the Sexual Instinct - Report of Cases
In: Alienist and Neurologist, Vol. 9, 1888, pp. 565-581
[Hay89] Hayn, Hugo, 1889
Bibliotheca erotica et curiosa monacensis: Verzeichniss französischer, italienischer, spanischer, englischer,holländischer und neulateinischer erotica und curiosa, von welchen keine deutschen Uebersetzungen bekannt sind / zusammengestellt auf der Königlichen Hof- und Staats-Bibliothek zu München, und mit bibliographischen Anmerkungen und Marktpreisen versehen von Hugo Hayn
Publisher: Harrwitz, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  VI/86 pages
[Kra89] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1889
Psychopathia sexualis: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung; eine klinisch-forensische Studie
4th enlarged and partly revised edition
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  VIII/226 pages
[Kra90a] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1890
Neue Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Psychopathia sexualis: eine medicinisch-psychologische Studie
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Kra90b] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1890
Psychopathia sexualis: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung; eine klinisch-forensische Studie
5th enlarged and partly revised edition
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  VIII/295 pages
[Kra90c] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1890
Ueber Masochismus. Aus einer neuen medizinisch-psychologischen Studie des Verfassers.
In: Wiener medizinische Blätter, Vol. 13, 1890, pp. 817-820
Language: German
[Ano91] Anonymous, 1891
The Yellow Room
[ED91] E.D., 1891
Lesbia, Maitresse D'ecole (sic)
2nd or 3rd edition
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
Language: French
[Kra91] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1891
Neue Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Psychopathia sexualis. Eine medicinisch-psychologische Studie.
2nd revised and enlarged edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Kra91a] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1891
Psychopathia sexualis mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung: Eine klinisch-forensische Studie
6th enlarged and partly revised edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  328 pages.
[Kra91b] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1891
Ueber Fetischismus eroticus
In: Wiener medizinische Blätter, Vol. 14, 1891, pp. 400-402, 432-434
Language: German
[Tax91] Taxil, Léo (i.e. Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès), 1891
La corruption fin de siècle
Publisher: Noirot, Paris
Language: French
[Urq91] Urquhart, Alexander Reid, 1891
Case of Sexual Perversion
Publisher: MISSING, Edinburgh
[Mag91] Magnan, Valentin, 1891-?
Psychiatrische Vorlesungen
Publisher: Thieme, Leipzig
Language: German
[ED92] E.D., 1892
Les Callipyges ou les Délices de la verge
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
Language: French
[Kie92] Kiernan, first name ?, 1892
Responsibility in Sexual Perversion
In: Chicago Medical Recorder, 1892, pp. ?-?
[Kra92] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1892
Psychopathia sexualis mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung
7th enlarged and partly revised edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  432 pages.
[Kra92a] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1892
Psychopathia Sexualis, with Special Reference to Contrary Sexual Instinct: a Medico-Legal Study
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia
[Kra92b] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1892
Bemerkungen über "geschlechtliche Hörigkeit" und Masochismus
In: Jahrbücher für Psychiatrie und forensische Psychologie, Vol. 10, 1892, pp. 199-211
Language: German
[Sch92] Schrenck-Notzing, Albert von, 1892
Die Suggestions-Therapie bei krankhaften Erscheinungen des Geschlechtssinnes: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Ich93] Ichenhauser, Julius David, 1893
Illustrated Catalogue of the Historical and World-Renowned Collection of Torture Instruments, Etc. from the Royal Castle of Nuremberg Amongst Which will be Found the Celebrated Original Iron Maiden (Eiserne Jungfrau)
Publisher: J.J. Little, New York
[Kra93] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1893
Psychopathia sexualis mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung
8th corrected and partly enlarged edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Kra93a] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1893
Taschentuch-Fetischismus (Fortgesetzte Diebstähle von Weibern gehörigen Taschentüchern)
In: Wiener medizinische Blätter, Vol. 16, 1893, pp. 209-210
Language: German
[Rob93] Robinson, Julian (Stanislas de Rhodes zugeschrieben), 1893
Gynecocracy, a narrative of the adventures and psychological experiences of Julian Robinson (afterwards Viscount Ladywood). Under petticoat rule, written by himself
Publisher: Diverse, Liverpool, Paris, Rotterdam
[Sey93] Seydel, Carl, 1893
Die Beurtheilung der perversen Sexualvergehen in foro
In: Vierteljahresschrift für gerichtliche Medicin und öffentliches Sanitätswesen, Vol. 5, 1893, pp. 272-283
Language: German
[Kra94a] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1894
Psychopathia sexualis mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung; eine klinisch-forensische Studie
9th corrected and partly enlarged edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Kra94b] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1894
Ueber Zoophilia erotica, Bestialität und Zooerastie
In: Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Vol. 50, 1894, pp. 761-765
Language: German
[Eul95] Eulenburg, Albert, 1895
Sexuale Neuropathie: Genitale Neurosen und Neurosenpsychosen der Männer und Frauen
Publisher: Vogel, Leipzig
Language: German
[Kra95] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1895
Der Conträrsexuale vor dem Strafrichter
2nd enlarged edition
Publisher: Deuticke, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  112 pages
[Sch95c] Schrenck-Notzing, Albert von, 1895
Therapeutic suggestion in psychopathia sexualis (pathological manifestations of the sexual sense); With especial reference to contrary sexual instinct.
Publisher: Davis, Philadelphia
[Wol95] Wollenmann, A.G., 1895
Die Phimose als Ursache einer perversen Sexualempfindung
In: Der ärztliche Praktiker, Vol. 23, 1895, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Dub96] Dubarry, Armand, 1896
Le fétichiste Series: Les déséquilibrés de l'amour, Vol. 1
Publisher: Chamuel, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  340 pages.
[Ear96] Earle, Alice Morse, 1896
Curious Punishments of Bygone Days
Publisher: Herbert S. Stone, Chicago
[Gar96] Garnier, Paul-Emile, 1896
Les fétichistes, pervertis, et invertis sexuels: Observations médico-légales
Language: French
[Hoc96] Hoche, A., 1896
Zur Frage der forensischen Beurteilung sexueller Vergehen
In: Neurologisches Centralblatt, Vol. ?, 1896, pp. 57-68
Language: German
[Pen96] Penta, Pasquale, 1896
Dei pervertimenti sessuali: Caratteri generali, origine e significato dimostrati colle autobiografie di Alfieri e di Rousseau e col dialogo "gli amori" di Luciano
Publisher: F.lli Capaccini, Roma
Language: Italian
Notes:  12 pages
[Spa96] Spanker, Lady Gay (Pseud.), 1896
Lady Gay Spanker's Tales of Fun & Flagellation, etc.
Publisher: Privately printed, MISSING
Notes:  128 pages
[Cab97] Cabanès, Augustin, 1897
The Curious Bypaths of History Followed by a Fascinating Study of Flagellation in France From a Literary, Medical, and Historical Standpoint
Publisher: MISSING, ? (London?)
Notes:  Translation from French.
[Rus97] Russalkow, Wladimir, 1897
Grausamkeit und Verbrechen im sexuellen Leben. Historisch-psychologische Studien.
2nd edition
Publisher: A.F. Schlöffels, Leipzig
Language: German
[Ano98] Anonymous, 1898
Flagellation in France From a Medical and Historical Standpoint
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Notes:  164 pages
[Ano98a] Anonymous, 1898
Lascivious Scenes in the Convent: How Tasso Diligently Cultivated Certain Waste Fields, and Made of Them a Delightful Paradise
[Bou98] Du Bouleau, Comte, 1898
The Petticoat Dominant, or, Woman's Revenge: the autobiography of a young nobleman as a pendant to Gynecocracy
Publisher: MISSING, New York
Notes:  Translation from French, original title MISSING.
[Cox98] Cox, Ophelia, 1898
With Rod and Bum, or, Sport in the West End of London
Publisher: Erotica Biblion Society, London, New York
[Dub98] Dubarry, Armand, 1898
Les flagellants Series: Les déséquilibrés de l'amour, Vol. ?
2nd revised and corrected edition
Publisher: Chamuel, Paris
Language: French
[Kra98] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1898
Psychopathia sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung. Eine klinisch-forensische Studie.
10th corrected and partly enlarged edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Mol98] Moll, Albert, 1898
Untersuchungen über die Libido sexualis Vol. I
Publisher: Fischer, Berlin
Language: German
[Wre98] Wrede, Richard, 1898
Die Körperstrafen bei allen Völkern von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart: Kulturgeschichtliche Studien
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Ano99] Anonymous, 1899
The Memoirs of Dolly Morton
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
[Cab99] Cabanès, Augustin, 1899
La Flagellation dans l'histoire et la littérature
Publisher: Daix frères, Clermont (Oise)
Language: French
Notes:  20 pages
[Cas99] Castor (i.e. Heinrich Wrede), 1899
Das sexuelle Moment im Flagellantismus: eine psycho-physiologische Studie
Publisher: Wrede, Berlin
Language: German
[Coo99] Cooper, William M. (i.e. James Glass Bertram), 1899
Der Flagellantismus und die Flagellanten. Eine Geschichte der Rute in allen Ländern.
Publisher: H. R. Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Coo70 by Hans Dohrn.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Eul99] Eulenburg, Albert, 1899
Der Marquis de Sade
In: Die Zukunft, Vol. VII, No. 26, 1899, pp. 497-515
Language: German
[Fer99] Féré, Charles, 1899
L'instinct sexuel: évolution et dissolution
Publisher: Alcan, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  II/346 pages
[Fuc99] Fuchs, Alfred, 1899
Therapie der anormalen Vita sexualis bei Männern
Publisher: MISSING, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Gor99] Goron, Marie-François, 1899
L'amour à Paris (3): Les parias de l'amour: nouveaux memoires.
Publisher: E. Flammarion, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  337 pages
[Han99] Hansen, Dieter, 1899
Stock und Peitsche im XIX. Jahrhundert: Ihre Anwendung und ihr Mißbrauch im Dienste des modernen Straf- und Erziehungswesens Vol. I
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
Notes:  97 pages.
[Kra99] Krausse, Heinrich, 1899
Die Prügelstrafe. Eine kriminalpolitische Studie.
Publisher: Verlag von Struppe & Winkler, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  136 pages.
[Kra99b] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1899
in: Fuchs, A. (ed.): Therapie der anomalen Vita sexualis bei Männern. Mit spezieller Berücksichtigung der Suggestivbehandlung., pp. 3-4
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Kra99c] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1899
Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Masochismus
In: Arbeiten aus dem Gesammtgebiet der Psychiatrie und Neuropathologie, Vol. IV, 1899, pp. 127-160
Language: German
[Kra99d] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1899
Zum Sadismus
In: Arbeiten aus dem Gesammtgebiet der Psychiatrie und Neuropathologie, Vol. IV, 1899, pp. 160-169
Language: German
[Kra99e] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1899
Zum Fetischismus
In: Arbeiten aus dem Gesammtgebiet der Psychiatrie und Neuropathologie, Vol. IV, 1899, pp. 169-174
Language: German
[Lac99] Lacassagne, Alexandre, 1899
Vacher l'éventreur et les crimes sadiques Series: Bibliothèque de criminologie, Vol. 19
Publisher: A. Storck, Lyon
Language: French
[Mir99] Mirbeau, Octave, 1899
Le jardin des supplices
Publisher: Charpentier, Paris
Language: French
[Reg99] Régis, E., 1899
Un Cas de Perversion Sexuelle, à forme Sadique
In: Archives d'Anthropologie Criminelles, 1899, pp. ?-?
Language: French
[Sch99a] Schrenck-Notzing, Albert von, 1899
Litteraturzusammenstellung über die Psychologie und Psychopathologie der Vita sexualis (3. Fortsetzung)
In: Zeitschrift für Hypnotismus, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1899, pp. 111-112
Language: German
[Vil99] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington), 1899
Étude sur la flagellation à travers le monde aux points de vue historique, médical, religieux, domestique et conjugal avec un exposé documentaire de la flagellation dans les écoles anglaises et les prisons militaires
1st edition
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
[Edw93] Edwards, S., 19. März 1993
No Defence for a Sado-Masochistic Libido
In: New Law Journal, 19. März 1993, pp. 406
[Alb00] Albrecht, J.F., 1900
Hilfsbuch für Männer, welche an Schwäche der Geschlechtsteile leiden (Beseitigung der Folgen der Onanie)
Publisher: Verlagsbuchhandlung Leipzig, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  95 pages + 4 pages of publisher's ads.
[BA00] Beaumont, Ed. de / Allison, Alfred, 1900
The Sword and Womankind: Being a study of the Influence of "The Queen of Weapons" upon the moral and social statute of women
Publisher: The Society of British Bibliophiles, Paris
Notes:  "Adapted from Ed. de Beaumont's "L'Epée et les Femmes" with additions and an index by Alfred Allison M.A., Oxon".
[CP00] Castor / Pollux (Pseud.), 1900
Das Masseusen-Unwesen in Berlin
Publisher: MISSING, Berlin
Language: German
[Dub00] Dubarry, Armand, 1900
Mademoiselle Callipyge Series: Les déséquilibrés de l'amour, Vol. ?
Publisher: Chamuel, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  328 pages.
[Due00] Dühren, Eugen (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1900
Der Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit. Ein Beitrag zur Cultur- und Sittengeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Lehre von der Psychopathia Sexualis. Series: Studien zur Geschichte des menschlichen Geschlechtslebens, Vol. 1
1st edition
Publisher: Hermann Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
[Fer00] Féré, Charles, 1900
In: Revue de Médecine, 1900, pp. ?-?
Language: French
Abstract:  "In this paper Féré brings together many interesting facts concerning flagellation in ancient times." (→ Ell42, Vol. I "Love and Pain", p. 137)
[Gar00] Garnier, Paul-Emile, 1900
Des Perversions Sexuelles
Language: French
[Gue00] Guénolé, Pierre (ed.), 1900
Le Cinglant argument
Publisher: Office central de librairie, Paris
Language: French
[Han00] Hansen, Dieter, 1900
Stock und Peitsche im XIX. Jahrhundert: Ihre Anwendung und ihr Mißbrauch im Dienste des modernen Straf- und Erziehungswesens. Neue Folge: Ihre Anwendung im Dienste der Erziehung, der Vergeltung und des krankhaften Sexualismus Vol. II
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
Notes:  130 pages.
[Kra00] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1900
Flagellatio puerorum als Ausdruck des larvirten Sadismus eines paedophilen Conträrsexualen. Fragliche rechtliche Verantwortlichkeit.
In: Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Vol. 58, 1900, pp. 545-547
Language: German
[Kra00a] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1900
Ueber sexuelle Perversionen, welche, in Gestalt von Zwangsvorstellungen und Zwangshandlungen sich äussernd, gerichtlich-medizinisch von Bedeutung sind
In: Wiener medizinische Blätter, 1900, pp. 584-585
Language: German
[Vil00] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington), 1900
Curiosités et anecdotes sur la flagellation: La cour martiale de miss Fanny Hayward
Publisher: Librairie des bibliophiles, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XX/434 pages
[Ano01] Anonymous, 1901
Flagellations-Erfahrungen: eine Reihe bemerkenswerter Beispiele von körperlichen Züchtigungen, vorgenommen an beiden Geschlechtern; mit interessanten Anekdoten von Damen, welche die Birkenrute anzuwenden lieben. Zusammengestellt von einem Amateur.
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag GmbH, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ano85 by E. Weber, 91 pages.
[Ano01a] Anonymous, 1901
Suburban Souls
Publisher: Charles Carrington, MISSING
[Asm01] Asmodeus (i.e. Burghard Assmus), 1901
Die Kupplerinnen von Berlin: Enthüllungen aus Perversen Kreisen
(The Bawds of Berlin: Revelations from Perverse Circles)
Publisher: Tessaro, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  31 pages
[Cab01] Cabanès, Augustin, 1901
Curious Cases of Flagellation in France. Considered From a Legal, Medical, and Historical Standpoint. With Reference to Analogous Cases in England, Germany, Italy, America, Australia and the Soudan.
2nd edition
Publisher: Privately printed, London
Notes:  269 pages. Privately printed for subscribers of Dr. Cabanès' "Bypaths of History". Year doubtful.
[Doh01] Dohrn, H.R. (ed.), 1901
John Bull beim Erziehen: Eine Sammlung Briefe von Anhängern und Gegnern der körperlichen Züchtigung und der Korsettdisziplin
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Doh01a] Dohrn, H.R. (ed.), 1901
John Bull beim Erziehen: Eine Sammlung Briefe von Anhängern und Gegnern der körperlichen Züchtigung und der Korsettdisziplin. Neue Folge. Vol. 1
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Doh01b] Dohrn, H.R. (ed.), 1901
John Bull beim Erziehen: Eine Sammlung Briefe von Anhängern und Gegnern der körperlichen Züchtigung und der Korsettdisziplin. Neue Folge. Vol. 2
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Doh01c] Dohrn, H.R. (ed.), 1901
John Bull beim Erziehen: Eine Sammlung Briefe von Anhängern und Gegnern der körperlichen Züchtigung und der Korsettdisziplin. Neue Folge. Vol. 3
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Due01a] Dühren, Eugen (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1901
Der Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit. Ein Beitrag zur Cultur- und Sittengeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Lehre von der Psychopathia Sexualis. Series: Studien zur Geschichte des menschlichen Geschlechtslebens, Vol. 1
3rd completely revised and considerably enlarged edition
Publisher: Hermann Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  X/536 pages
[Ell01] Ellis, Havelock, 1901
Geschlechtstrieb und Schamgefühl
2nd unaltered edition
Publisher: Stuber's Verlag (C. Kabitzsch), Würzburg
Language: German
[Eul01] Eulenburg, Albert, 1901
Der Marquis de Sade
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Gin01] Ginisty, Paul, 1901
La marquise de Sade
Publisher: E. Fasquelle, Paris
Language: French
[Hag01] Hagen, Albert (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1901
Die sexuelle Osphresiologie. Die Beziehungen des Geruchssinnes und der Gerüche zur menschlichen Geschlechtsthätigkeit. Series: Studien zur Geschichte des menschlichen Geschlechtslebens; Ergänzungsband,
Publisher: H. Barsdorf, Charlottenburg
Language: German
[Kra01] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1901
Flagellatio puerorum als Ausdruck des larvierten Sadismus eines pädophilen Conträrsexuellen
In: Allgemeine Zeitschrift fuer Psychiatrie und psychisch-gerichtliche Medizin, Vol. 58, 1901, pp. 545-?
Language: German
[Kra01a] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1901
Psychopathia sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindungen.
11th corrected and enlarged edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Kra01b] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1901
Psychopathia Sexualis, with Especial Reference to Antipathic Sexual Instinct: a Medico-Legal Study
Publisher: Rebman Company, New York
[Kra01c] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1901
Ueber sexuelle Perversionen
in: Leyden, E. von / Klemperer, F. (ed.): Die deutsche Klinik am Eingang des 20. Jahrhunderts in akademischen Vorlesungen, pp. 113-154
Publisher: Urban und Schwarzenberg, Berlin
Language: German
[PN01] Poinsot et Normandy, 1901
Publisher: Fasquelle, Paris
Language: French
[Ros01] Roscaud, Count, 1901
Human Gorillas, a study of rape with violence
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Notes:  XIV/235 pages
[Sch01] Schlichtegroll, Carl Felix von, 1901
Sacher-Masoch und der Masochismus: Litterarhistorische und kulturhistorische Studien
Publisher: H.R. Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03a.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ull01] Ullo, Dr., 1901
Die Flagellomanie. Ihre Erscheinungsformen bei Anwendung der Straf- und Erziehungsmittel. Aufzeichnungen aus dem Leben, der Litteratur und Vergangenheit
Publisher: H.R. Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Vil01] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington), 1901
Étude sur la flagellation à travers le monde aux points de vue historique, médical, religieux, domestique et conjugal avec un exposé documentaire de la flagellation dans les écoles anglaises et les prisons militaires
2nd enlarged edition
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XXIV/646 pages
[Vil01a] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1901
Les mystères de la maison de la Verveine, ou Miss Bellasis fouettée pour vol, tableau de l'éducation des jeunes Anglaises, adapté de l'anglais par Jean de Villiot
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  VIII/156 pages with illustrations by Adolphe Lambrecht. Probably translation of → Eto82.
[Vil01b] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1901
Une société de flagellantes, réminiscences et révélations d'une soubrette de grande maison par Marguerite Anson; adapté de l'anglais par Jean de Villiot.
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XVI/280 pages with illustrations by Adolphe Lambrecht. Probably translation of → Ans68.
[Vil01c] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1901
En Virginie, épisode de la Guerre de sécession, précédé d'une étude sur l'esclavage et les punitions corporelles en Amérique
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
[X01] X, Dr. Jacobus, 1901
De l'Amour: étude physiologique de l'amour normal et de ses abus, perversions, folies et crimes dans l'espèce humaine: l'ethnologie du sens génital.
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XII/421 pages.
[Zie01] Ziegler, C., 1901, 07.09.
Sacher-Masoch und der Masochismus
In: Die Gegenwart (Berlin), Vol. 60, No. 36, 1901, 07.09., pp. 148-150
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03.
[rh01] r.h., 1901, 20.05.
Sacher-Masoch und der Masochismus
In: Die Wage (Wien), Vol. 4, No. 21, 1901, 20.05., pp. 337
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03.
[Rif01] J.R. (i.e. Julius Riffert, 1901, 23.03.
Wider den Masochismus
In: Wissenschaftliche Beilage der Leipziger Zeitung, No. 35, 1901, 23.03., pp. 138-140
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03a.
[Eul01a] Eulenburg, Albert, 1901, 25.05.
In: Die Zukunft (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1901, 25.05., pp. 306-313
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03.
[Gro01] Gross, Hanns, 1901, 30.05.
Sacher-Masoch und der Masochismus
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik (Leipzig), Vol. 6, No. 3/4, 1901, 30.05., pp. 356-357
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03.
[Due01] Dühren, Eugen (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1901-1903
Das Geschlechtsleben in England. Mit besonderer Beziehung auf London. Series: Studien zur Geschichte des menschlichen Geschlechtslebens, Vol. 2-4
Publisher: Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
[Ano02a] Anonymous, 1902
Frank and I
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
[Blo02] Bloch, Iwan, 1902
Beiträge zur Ätiologie der Psychopathia sexualis Vol. 1.
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
Notes:  XVI/272 pages with a preface by Albert Eulenburg. The section "Die Flagellation - Ein Beitrag zur Ätiologie" is also published in → Far91.
[Doh02] Dohrn, H.R. (ed.), 1902
John Bull beim Erziehen: Eine Sammlung Briefe von Anhängern und Gegnern der körperlichen Züchtigung und der Korsettdisziplin. Neue Folge. Vol. 4
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Eul02] Eulenburg, Albert, 1902
Sadismus und Masochismus Series: Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens: Einzeldarstellungen für Gebildete aller Stände, Vol. 19
Publisher: J.F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden
Language: German
Notes:  89 pages
[Fuh02] Fuhrmann, Richard, 1902
Herunter die Maske! Eine Anklageschrift gegen unsere "unmoralische Moral" und unser perverses Sexualleben
Publisher: Handels-Dr., Bamberg
Language: German
[Han02] Hansen, Dieter, 1902
Stock und Peitsche: Ihre Anwendung und ihr Mißbrauch im modernen Straf- und Erziehungswesen
2nd revised edition
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Rei02] Reichert, F., 1902 (Doctoral thesis)
Die Bedeutung der sexuellen Psychopathie des Menschen für die Tierheilkunde
School: ?, Bern und München
Language: German
[Sch02] Schrenck-Notzing, Albert von, 1902
Kriminalpsychologische und Psychopathologische Studien. Gesammelte Aufsätze aus den Gebieten der Psychopathia sexualis, der gerichtlichen Psychiatrie und der Suggestionslehre.
Publisher: Barth, Leipzig
Language: German
[Vil02] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1902
Les Anglaises chez elles. Le Magnétisme du fouet, ou les indiscrétions de miss Darcy, traduit de l'anglais par Jean de Villiot
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  284 pages, probably translation of → Ano66.
[Vil02a] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1902
Sous le fouet. La femme et son maître.
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
[Vir02] Virmaitre, Charles, 1902
Les Flagellants et les Flagellés de Paris
Publisher: Carrington, Paris
Language: French
[Blo03] Bloch, Iwan, 1903
Beiträge zur Ätiologie der Psychopathia sexualis Vol. 2.
Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
Notes:  XVIII/400 pages.
[Doh03] Dohrn, H.R. (ed.), 1903
Amerika beim Erziehen: eine Sammlung Briefe von Anhängern der körperlichen Züchtigung als Strafmittel für Jung und Alt übersetzt aus "Illustrated Boston News" von Erna Neumann
Publisher: H.R. Dohrn / Leipziger Verlag, Dresden / Leipzig
Language: German
[Dol03] Dolorosa (i.e. Maria Eichhorn-Fischer), 1903
Confirmo te chrysmate
Publisher: Lilienthal, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  95 pages.
[Fro03] Froehner, R., 1903
Sadistische Verletzungen von Tieren
In: Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, Vol. 7, 1903, pp. ?
Language: German
[Hor03] Hora, Franz, 1903
Ein Fall von Unzucht wider die Natur an einer Gans
In: Tierärztliches Zentralblatt, Vol. 13, 1903, pp. ?
Language: German
[Kie03] Kiernan, first name ?, 1903
Responsibility in Active Algophily
In: Medicine, 1903, pp. ?-?
[Kra03] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1903
Psychopathia sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindungen. Eine medicinisch-gerichtliche Studie für Ärzte und Juristen.
12th corrected and enlarged edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Lau03] Laurent, Emile, 1903
Sadisme et masochisme Series: Les Perversions sexuelles, Vol. 11
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  260 pages.
[Mus03] Musset, Alfred de, 1903
Beichte eines Kindes seiner Zeit
Publisher: MISSING, Leipzig
Language: German
[Nae03] Näcke, Paul, 1903
Forensisch-psychiatrisch-psychologische Randbemerkungen zum Prozeß Dippold, insbesondere über Sadismus
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. XIII, 1903, pp. 350-372
Language: German
[Rei03] Reinhard, W., 1903
Unter dem Bakel
Publisher: H.R. Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Sch03] Schlichtegroll, Carl Felix von, 1903
Die Bestie im Weibe. Beiträge zur Geschichte menschlicher Verirrung und Grausamkeit.
Publisher: H.R. Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Tue03] Türkel, Siegfried, 1903
Sexualpathologische Fälle
In: Archiv für Kriminalanthropologie, Vol. XI, 1903, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Ver03] Veriphantor (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1903
Der Sadismus. Ein Beitrag zur Sittengeschichte unserer Zeit. Series: Zur Psychologie unserer Zeit, Vol. 2
Publisher: Lilienthal, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  29 pages
[Ver03a] Veriphantor (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1903
Der Masochismus. Ein Beitrag zur Sittengeschichte unserer Zeit. Series: Zur Psychologie unserer Zeit, Vol. 3
Publisher: Lilienthal, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  37 pages. Also published in → Far03, pp. 78-101.
[Ver03b] Veriphantor (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1903
Der Flagellantismus. Series: Zur Psychologie unserer Zeit, Vol. 1
Publisher: Lilienthal, Berlin
Language: German
[Vil03] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington) (ed.), 1903
Whipped women. The confessor. Procured by a whipping. Victims of love. Daughters to marry. The colonel and his cook.
Publisher: impr. de Vve Folguy, Alençon
[Due04] Dühren, Eugen (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1904
Neue Forschungen über den Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sexualphilosophie de Sade's auf Grund des neu entdeckten Original-Manuskriptes seines Hauptwerkes "Die 120 Tage von Sodom". Mit mehreren bisher unveröffentlichten Briefen und Fragmenten.
Publisher: Max Harrwitz, Berlin
Language: German
[Ell04] Ellis, Havelock, 1904
Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
Publisher: Society of Psychological Research, MISSING
[Fuc04] Fuchs, Hanns, 1904
Auf Dornenpfaden. Ein masochistischer Roman.
Publisher: Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
[Gue04] Guénolé, Pierre, 1904
L'étrange passion. La Flagellation dans les moeurs d'aujourd'hui. Etudes et Documents.
Publisher: Office central de librairie, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  168 pages
[Kie04] Kiefer, Otto, 1904
Die körperliche Züchtigung bei der Kindererziehung in Geschichte und Beurteilung. Ein Buch für Eltern und Erzieher.
Publisher: Albert Kohler, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  196 pages
[Lau04] Laurent, Emile, 1904
Sexuelle Verirrungen. Sadismus und Masochismus.
1st edition
Publisher: Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  271 pages. German translation of → Lau03 by Dolorosa (Maria Eichhorn-Fischer). Bibliography on pp. 265-270. From the 7th edition on the bibliography had to be left out due to a court order. pp. 201-264 also published in → Far03, pp. 102-137.
[Rau04] Rau, Hans (i.e. A. Sper), 1904
Der Marquis de Sade und der Sadismus
Publisher: Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  68 pages
[Rau04a] Rau, Hans (i.e. A. Sper), 1904
Der Sadismus in der Armee
Publisher: Bermühler, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  63 pages
[Rau04b] Rau, Hans (i.e. A. Sper), 1904
Sadismus und Erzieher: Der Fall Dippold. Ein Sittenbild aus dem 20. Jahrhundert.
Publisher: Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
[Rue04] Rüdin, Ernst, 1904
Zur Rolle der Homosexuellen im Lebensprozess der Rasse
In: Archiv für Rassen und Gesellschaftsbiologie, Vol. 1, 1904, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Sch04] Schlichtegroll, Carl Felix von, 1904
Ein Sadist im Priesterrock
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag, Leipzig
Language: German
[Ver04] Verus, Dr., 1904
Kinderprügeln und Sexualtrieb
Publisher: Walther Rohmann Verlag, Leipzig
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[X04] X, Dr. Jacobus, 1904
Crossways of Sex: A Study in Eroto-Pathology
Publisher: British Bibliophiles Society
Notes:  380 pages, English translation of → X01.
[Ale05] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1905
La flagellation passionelle
Publisher: H. Pauwels, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  279 pages with illustrations
[Ano05] Anonymous, 1905
Beauty and the Birch
[Blo05] Bloch, Iwan, 1905
Die Perversen. Moderne Zeitfragen
Publisher: Pan-Verlag, Berlin
Language: German
[Dub05] Dubois-Desaulle, G., 1905
Etude sur la Bestialité au point de vue historique, médical et juridique
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
Language: French
[For05] Forel, August, 1905
Die sexuelle Frage. Eine naturwissenschaftliche, psychologische, hygienische und soziologische Studie für Gebildete.
Publisher: Ernst Reinhardt Verlagsbuchhandlung, München
Language: German
[Fre05] Freud, Sigmund, 1905
Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie
Publisher: Deuticke, Leipzig u.a.
Language: German
Notes:  82 pages
[Fre05a] Freud, Sigmund, 1905
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
in: Strachey, James et al. (ed.): Standard Edition of the Complete Works of Sigmund Freud, pp. 130-245
Publisher: Hogarth, London
Notes:  English translation of → Fre05
[Gru05] Grundmann, 1905
Ein Fall von Sodomie und Sadismus
In: Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, Vol. 45, 1905, pp. ?
Language: German
[Hay05] Hayn, Hugo, 1905
4 neue Curiositäten-Bibliographieen: Bayerischer Hiesel; Amazonen-Litteratur; Halsbandprozess und Cagliostro; Bibliotheca selecta erotico-curiosa Dresdensis; Sämtlich zum ersten Male zusammengestellt von Hugo Hayn
Publisher: H.W. Schmidt, Jena
Language: German
Notes:  88 pages
[Sch05] Schlichtegroll, Carl Felix von, 1905
Satans Töchter. Novelle. Series: Die Venuspeitsche. Novellen., Vol. 1
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag (?), Leipzig
Language: German
[Ano06] Anonymous, 1906
The Shuttered Houses of Paris
[Ano06a] Anonymous, 1906
Rezension zu Schlichtegroll, 1901
In: Sexualreform, Beiblatt zu Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1906, pp. 322
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03.
[Blo06] Bloch, Iwan, 1906
Ein merkwürdiger Fall von sexueller Perversion (Zoophilie)
In: Medizinische Klinik, Vol. 2, 1906, pp. ?
Language: German
[Blo06a] Blondel, Dr., 1906 (Doctoral thesis)
Les Automutilateurs
School: ?, Paris
Language: French
[DH06] Dühren, Eugen (i.e. Iwan Bloch) (ed.), 1906
Verzeichnis der französischen und deutschen Ausgaben und Schriften von und über Rétif de la Bretonne
Publisher: Harrwitz, Berlin
Language: German
[Dri06] Drialys, Lord, 1906
Études de moeurs américaines. Lord Drialys. Les belles flagellantes de New-York
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  264 pages
[Due06] Dühren, Eugen (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1906
Rétif de la Bretonne. Der Mensch, der Schriftsteller, der Reformator.
Publisher: Harrwitz, Berlin
Language: German
[Ert06] Ertel, W., 1906
Ein "Sklave"
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 25, No. 1-2, 1906, pp. 104-110
Language: German
[For06] Forel, August, 1906
Die sexuelle Frage: eine naturwissenschaftliche, psychologische, hygienische und soziologische Studie für Gebildete
4th and 5th corrected and enlarged edition
Publisher: Reinhardt, München
Language: German
Notes:  XII/623 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ham06] Hammer, Wilhelm, 1906
Die Prügelstrafe ärztlich beleuchtet: mit Benutzung der Briefsammlungen John Bull beim Erziehen und Amerika beim Erziehen
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag, Leipzig
Language: German
[Kra06] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1906
Psychopathia Sexualis. With Especial Reference to the Antipathic Sexual Instinct, a Medico-Forensic Study
Publisher: Rebman, New York
[Neu06] Neumann, Erna, 1906
Erzählungen von der Rute
Publisher: H. Hartleb, Pressburg
Language: German
[Rei06] Reinhard, W., 1906
Lenchens Abschied. Nachtrag zu Lenchen im Zuchthaus.
Publisher: Privately printed, no place
Language: German
[Sac06] Sacher-Masoch, Wanda von, 1906
Meine Lebensbeichte
Publisher: Schuster & Loeffler, Berlin und Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  519 pages.
[Sad06] Sade, Marquis de, 1906
Die Geschichte der Justine oder die Nachteile der Tugend
Publisher: Privately printed
Language: German
[Sad06a] Sade, Marquis de, 1906
Die Geschichte der Juliette oder die Vorteile des Lasters
Publisher: Privately printed
Language: German
[Sch06] Schlichtegroll, Carl Felix von, 1906
Wanda ohne Maske und Pelz. Eine Antwort auf "Wanda" von Sacher-Masochs "Meine Lebensbeichte" nebst Veröffentlichungen aus Sacher-Masochs Tagebuch
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  251 pages
[Sch06a] Schlichtegroll, Carl Felix von, 1906
Die Wölfin, Novelle Series: Die Venuspeitsche, Vol. 4
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag (?), Leipzig
Language: German
[Ser06] Serieux, Armand (probably Pseud.), 1906
Unter strenger Hand Vol. 8 (?)
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag GmbH, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  100 pages
[SS06] Schönenberger, Franz / Siegert, W., 1906
Das Geschlechtsleben und seine Verirrungen. Was junge Leute davon wissen sollten und Eheleute wissen müßten.
Publisher: Verlag von Förster und Borries, Zwickau
Language: German
[Woh06] Wohlfeld, S.k., 1906
Sacher-Masochs Ehegeschichte
In: Die Wage (Wien), Vol. 9, No. 43, 1906, pp. 972-974
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03.
[Wol06] Wolffhein, Nelly, 1906
Zur Geschichte der Prügelstrafe in Schule und Haus
Publisher: E. Frensdorff, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  71 pages
[Pet06] J.P. (J. Petersen), 1906, 21.08.
Wanda ohne Maske und Pelz
In: Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung (München), No. 192, 1906, 21.08., pp. 343
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03
[Blo07] Bloch, Iwan, 1907
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur
1st edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  VIII/823 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Blo07a] Bloch, Iwan, 1907
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur
2nd and 3rd, corrected and enlarged edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  XII/829 pages
[Ell07] Ellis, Havelock, 1907
Die krankhaften Geschlechts-Empfindungen auf dissoziativer Grundlage
Publisher: Stuber's Verlag (Curt Kabitzsch), Würzburg
Language: German
[Ell07a] Ellis, Havelock, 1907
Geschlechtstrieb und Schamgefühl
3rd enlarged and completely revised edition
Publisher: Stubers (C. Kabitzsch), Würzburg
Language: German
[Fow07] Fowler, Dr. Gastien, 1907
Maisons de flagellation
probably 1st edition
Publisher: MISSING, Paris-Pragues
Language: French
[Gru07] Gruber, Friedrich, 1907 (Doctoral thesis)
Beitrag zur Kasuistik der sexuellen Perversionen
School: Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg im Breisgau
Language: German
Notes:  33 pages
[Hir07] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1907
Ein Beitrag zur Psychologie der russischen Revolution (Entwicklungsgeschichte eines algolagnistischen Revolutionärs)
in: Bloch, Iwan (ed.): Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur, pp. 641-663
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
[Kie07] Kiefer, Otto, 1907
Zur Frage der körperlichen Züchtigung bei Kindern. Studien für praktische Erzieher.
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag GmbH, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  54 pages
[Koe07] Kötscher, Louis M., 1907
Das Erwachen des Geschlechtsbewusstseins und seine Anomalien Series: Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens, Vol. 52
Publisher: Bergmann, Wiesbaden
Language: German
Notes:  82 pages
[Kra07] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1907
Psychopathia sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung. Eine medizinisch-gerichtliche Studie.
13th enlarged edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  452 pp. Edited by Alfred Fuchs.
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Laf07] Lafière, Elsa, 1907
Wanda ohne Maske und Pelz
In: Sexualreform, Beiblatt zu Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1907, pp. 20-21
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03.
[Moy07] Moyer, Harold, 1907
Is Sexual Perversion Insanity?
In: Alienist and Neurologist, 1907, pp. ?-?
[Roh07] Rohleder, Hermann, 1907
Vorlesungen über Geschlechtstrieb und gesamtes Geschlechtsleben des Menschen
Publisher: Kornfeld, Berlin
Language: German
[Sac07] Sacher-Masoch, Wanda von, 1907
Confession de ma vie. Avec deux portraits.
Publisher: Mercure de France, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  411 Seiten. French translation of → Sac06.
[Sal07] Salgó, J., 1907
Die forensische Bedeutung der sexuellen Perversität
Publisher: MISSING, Halle
Language: German
[Ser07] Serieux, Armand (probably Pseud.), 1907
Unter strenger Hand Vol. 8 (?)
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag GmbH, Leipzig?
Language: German
Notes:  101 pages
[Stc07] Stcherbak, first name ?, 1907
Contribution à l'Etude des Perversions Sexuelles
In: Archives de Neurologie, 1907, pp. ?-?
Language: French
[Swi07] Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1907
Sadopaideia : being the experiences of Cecil Prendergast, undergraduate of the University of Oxford, shewing how he was led through the pleasant paths of masochism to the supreme joys of sadism.
Publisher: G. Ashantee, Edimburg (d.i. Paris)
[Wla07] Wladiczek, Regina von (i.e. Richard Fuhrmann), 1907
Die Fieberschule der Amalgamisten. Dämonischer Roman aus der Gegenwart. Series: Dokumente zur Sittengeschichte der Menschheit, Vol. 12
Publisher: Privately printed, probably W. Schindler, no place, probably Berlin
Language: German
[Ale08] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1908
Esclaves blanches. Moeurs de l'état de Louisiane au milieu du XIXème siècle.
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Massy
Language: French
Notes:  272 pages with illustrations.
[Ale08a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1908
Cinquante Ans de flagellation, d'après le journal intime du Bon de M***, flagellant de marque
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Massy
Language: French
Notes:  266 pages
[Blo08] Bloch, Iwan, 1908
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit
4th-6th enlarged edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  840 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Cox08] Cox, Ophelia, 1908
Rutenspiele und Liebesabenteuer der Miss Ophelia Cox
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Cox98 by "T.v.L.", 72 or 79 pages. Newer editions are censored in Germany.
[Ger08] Gerland, Heinrich Balthasar, 1908
Vergleichende Darstellung des deutschen und ausländischen Strafrechts
in: (ed.): , pp. 487-530
Publisher: MISSING, Berlin
Language: German
[Hir08] Hirsch, Max, 1908
Das Geschlechtsleben und seine Abnormitäten
Publisher: A. Pulvermacher & Co., Berlin
Language: German
[Kie08] Kiefer, Otto, 1908
Die Prügelstrafe in der Erziehung Series: Beiträge zur Kinderforschung und Heilerziehung in Beiheften zur selbigen Zeitschrift, Vol. 49
Publisher: Hermann Beyer u. Söhne, Langensalza
Language: German
Notes:  80 pages
[Ler08] Leroy, Bernard, 1908
Un Singulier Cas de Perversion Sexuelle: La Passion des Chaines
In: Journal de Psychologie Normale et Pathologique, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1908, pp. ?-?
Language: French
[Pan08] Panormitae, Antonius (i.e. Antonio Beccatelli), 1908
Publisher: Adolf Weigel, privately printed, Leipzig
Language: Latin, German
[Sac08] Sacher-Masoch, Wanda von, 1908
Masochismus und Masochisten: Nachtrag zur Lebensbeichte
Publisher: Verlag von Hermann Seemann Nachfolger, Berlin und Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  94 pages
[Vir08] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1908
La Flagellation des esclaves aux États-Unis. Corrections féminines, souvenirs d'un médecin français.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  268 pages
[Vir08a] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1908
La Flagellation des femmes en Espagne. Sous le fouet de l'Inquisition, épisodes de la guerre de l'Indépendance.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  278 pages
[Vir08b] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1908
La Flagellation des femmes en Pologne. Par le knout, une idylle policière en Pologne.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  284 pages
[Vir08c] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1908
Maître et esclave: la flagellation des femmes à Rome sous Néron ...
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
[Vil08] Villiot, Jean de (i.e. Hugues Rebell, Hector France, Charles Carrington), 1908 oder 1909
Erlebte Flagellationen oder die kuriose Geschichte einer Ehe
Publisher: Hermann Wolf, Brünn
Language: German
Notes:  97 pages, probably translated from French.
[Gue08] Guénolé, Pierre (ed.), 1908-1909
Anecdotes intimes sur la flagellation
Publisher: Office central de librairie, Paris
Language: French
[Ale09] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1909
Le Journal d'une Flagellée
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  258 pages
[Blo09] Bloch, Iwan, 1909
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur
7th-9th enlarged edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  850 pages
[Ess09] Essée, Fedor (i.e. Franz Wolfbauer), 1909
Ruten-Reigen: Familienszenen nach berühmtem Vorbild
Publisher: Privately printed, no place
Language: German
Notes:  95 pages
[Kid09] Kidrodstock, Lord, 1909
Stays and Gloves: figure training and deportment by means of the discipline of tight corsets, narrow high-heeled boots, clinging kid gloves, combinations, etc. etc.
Publisher: Roberts et Dardaillon, Paris
[Mer09] Merzbach, Georg, 1909
Die krankhaften Erscheinungen des Geschlechtssinnes
Publisher: Hölder, Wien et al.
Language: German
[Nae09] Näcke, Paul, 1909
Zum Flagellantismus
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 33, 1909, pp. 361-362
Language: German
[Rob09] Robinson, Julian, 1909
Weiberherrschaft. Die Geschichte der körperlichen und der seelischen Erlebnisse des Julian Robinson, nachmaligem Viscount Ladywood, von ihm selbst aufgezeichnet zu einer Zeit, wo er unter dem Pantoffel stand.
Publisher: Privately printed, Leipzig
Language: German
[Vir09] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1909
Flagellées. La flagellation des femmes dans la Rome antique.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  269 pages
[Vir09a] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1909
Gitanes flagellantes (moeurs de romanichels)
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  269 pages
[Vir09b] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1909
Martyrisées (épisode de l'insurrection des Boxeurs, 1900)
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  269 pages
[Vir09c] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1909
Le Triomphe du fouet, conte scientifique.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  291 pages
[AA10] d'Agérur, Jean / Aléra, Don Brennus, 1910
Contes paillards
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  280 pages
[Abr10] Abraham, Karl, 1910
Bemerkungen über einen Fall von Fuß- und Korsettfetischismus
(Comments on a case of foot and corset fetishism)
In: Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse, 1910, pp. 129-?
Language: German
[Ale10] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1910
L'Amant des chaussures
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  340 pages
[Ale10a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1910
Le Château du fouet
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  272 pages
[Ale10b] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1910
En Louisiane
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  272 pages
[Asn10] Asnaurow, Felix, 1910
Algolagnie und Verbrechen
(Algolagnia and Crime)
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 38, 1910, pp. 289-297
Language: German
[Bac10] Back, Georg (i.e. Georg Merzbach), 1910
Sexuelle Verirrungen des Menschens und der Natur. Großes illustriertes Sammelwerk über die krankhaften Erscheinungen des Geschlechtstriebes beim Menschen, das echte und das Schein-Zwittertum und andere rätselhaften Erscheinungen der Natur auf sexuellem Gebiete.
3rd and 4th edition
Publisher: Standard Verlag John Pohl GmbH, Berlin
Language: German
[Der10] Deries, Jean, 1910
Geißel und Rute in Frankreich: Eine Geschichte der Körperstrafen und der Anwendung von Stock und Rute in französischen Volksgebräuchen Series: Die Disziplin bei allen Völkern, Vol. 2
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag, Leipzig
Language: German
[Tal10] Talmeyr, Maurice, 1910
Das Ende einer Gesellschaft: neue Formen der Korruption in Paris Series: Sexualpsychologische Bibliothek, Vol. 6
Publisher: L. Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
[Vir10] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1910
Esclaves modernes. La traite et la flagellation des blanches dans le Sud-Afrique.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  299 pages.
[Vir10a] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1910
Parisiennes flagellées. (Chez les brigands siciliens.)
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  308 pages
[Ell10] Ellis, Havelock, 1910-1911
Geschlecht und Gesellschaft: Grundzüge der Soziologie des Geschlechtslebens
Publisher: Kabitzsch, Würzburg
Language: German
[Hir10] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1910-1912
Die Transvestiten
Publisher: Pulvermacher, Berlin
Language: German
[AA11] d'Agérur, Jean / Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
Contes polissons
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  280 pages
[Ale11] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
Vendue et Domptée
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
[Ale11a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
Les Bottes rouges d'Imperia
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  140 pages
[Ale11b] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  272 pages
[Ale11c] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
La Chanoinesse, marchande d'esclaves
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  344 pages
[Coh11] Cohn, Michael, 1911
Kinderprügel und Masochismus Series: Beiträge zur Kinderforschung und Heilerziehung in Beiheften zur selbigen Zeitschrift, Vol. 95
Publisher: Hermann Beyer u. Söhne, Langensalza
Language: German
[Eul11] Eulenburg, Albert, 1911
Sadismus und Masochismus
2nd partly revised edition
Publisher: J.F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden
Language: German
Notes:  Also published in → Far03, pp. 178-283.
[Gwy11] Gwynn, Marie, 1911
The Whippers. A Strange Document of Flagellation.
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Loe11] Löwenfeld, Leopold, 1911
Über die sexuelle Konstitution und andere Sexualprobleme
Publisher: Bergmann, Wiesbaden
Language: German
Notes:  231 pages.
Abstract:  "Löwenfeld considers that only about 1 per cent of people can be sexually excited by flagellation of the buttocks ..." (→ Ell42, Vol. I "Love and Pain", p. 136)
[Nae11] Näcke, Paul, 1911
Warnung vor überschneller Annahme von Sadismus und Masochismus
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 41, 1911, pp. 157-158
Language: German
[Nae11a] Näcke, Paul, 1911
Auto-Sadismus und autosadistischer Selbstmord
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 42, 1911, pp. 171-172
Language: German
[Tho11] Thoinot, Léon Henri, 1911
Medicolegal aspects of moral offenses
Publisher: F.A. Davis, Philadelphia
Notes:  487 pages. Translated from French and enlarged by Arthur W. Weysse.
[Vir11] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1911
Inquisiteurs vénézuéliens. Le martyre d'une jeune fille.
Publisher: Librairie du Temple, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  240 pages
[Ale12] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1912
Ames sauvages
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  VIII/236 pages
[Ale12a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1912
Les Asservies Vol. 1
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  146 pages
[Ale12b] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1912
The underground Haunt, the adventures of two flagellants from the private diary of the baron de M***, a flagellant of note
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Notes:  265 pages, English translation of → Ale08a.
[Ale12c] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1912
L'Esclave gantée
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  352 pages
[Ans12] Anson, Margaret (i.e. probably James G. Bertram), 1912
Un Club de flagellantes: souvenirs personnels recueillis par Marguerite Anson
Publisher: Librairie franco-anglaise, Paris
Language: French
[Blo12] Bloch, Iwan, 1912
Die Prostitution Vol. 1
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
[Dod12] Dodel, Wilhelm, 1912
Beitrag zu der Geschichte sadistischer Verbrechen
Publisher: Ebering, Berlin
Language: German
[Due12] Dühren, Eugen (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1912
Englische Sittengeschichte
2nd revised edition
Publisher: Louis Marcus Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin
Language: German
[Ell12] Ellis, Havelock, 1912
Handbuch der Sexualwissenschaften: Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der kulturgeschichtlichen Beziehungen
Publisher: F.C.W. Vogel, Leipzig
Language: German
[HG12] Hayn, Hugo / Gotendorf, Alfred N. (ed.), 1912
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 1 (A-C)
Publisher: Müller, München
Language: German
[Kra12] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1912
Psychopathia sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung. Eine medizinisch-gerichtliche Studie für Ärzte und Juristen.
14. enlarged edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Mar12] Marcuse, Max, 1912
Ein Fall von vielfach komplizierter Sexualperversion
In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Vol. IX, No. 3, 1912, pp. 19-?
Language: German
[Mol12] Moll, Albert (ed.), 1912
Handbuch der Sexualwissenschaften: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der kulturgeschichtlichen Beziehungen
Publisher: Vogel, Leipzig
Language: German
[Mue12] Müller, Franz C., 1912
Sexuelle Verbrechen und Verirrungen mit Rücksicht auf die moderne Gesetzgebung
Publisher: Sachs, München
Language: German
[Ung12] Unger, Franz (ed.), 1912
Die Flagellanten: Beiträge zur Geschichte und Psychologie des historischen Flagellantismus und der Flagellomanie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Werke von Giovanni Frusta und des Abbé Boileau, bearbeitet von Franz Unger Series: Rätselhafte Naturen, Vol. 1
Publisher: Schumann, Coethen
Language: German
Notes:  79 pages
[Ale13] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1913
Bellone, batteuse de femmes
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  350 pages
[Asn13] Asnaourow, Felix, 1913
Sadismus, Masochismus in Kultur und Erziehung
(Sadism, Masochism in Culture and Education)
Publisher: Reinhardt, München
Language: German
Notes:  40 pages
[Bou13] Bourke, John Gregory, 1913
Der Unrat in Sitte, Brauch, Glauben und Gewohnheitsrecht der Völker Series: Beiwerke zum Studium der Anthropophyteia, Vol. VI
Publisher: Ethnologischer Verlag, Leipzig
Language: German
[Col13] Collas, Georg Friedrich (i.e. Carl Felix von Schlichtegroll), 1913
Der Flagellantismus im Altertum Series: Geschichte des Flagellantismus unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Religionsgebräuche, des Erziehungswesens, der Sklaverei, der Strafrechtspflege und verwandter Materien, Vol. 1
Publisher: Wigand, Leipzig
Language: German
[Fed13] Federn, Paul, 1913
Beiträge zur Analyse des Sadismus und Masochismus
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für ärztliche Psychoanalyse, Vol. 1, 1913, pp. 29-49
Language: German
[FK13] Fuchs, Eduard / Kind, Alfred, 1913
Die Weiberherrschaft in der Geschichte der Menschheit
Publisher: A. Langen, München
Language: German
[Fra13] Frank, Ludwig, 1913
Affektstörungen: Studien über ihre Ätiologie und Therapie
Publisher: Julius Springer, Berlin
Language: German
[HG13] Hayn, Hugo / Gotendorf, Alfred N. (ed.), 1913
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 2 (D-G)
Publisher: Müller, München
Language: German
[HG13a] Hayn, Hugo / Gotendorf, Alfred N. (ed.), 1913
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 3 (H-K)
Publisher: Müller, München
Language: German
[HG13b] Hayn, Hugo / Gotendorf, Alfred N. (ed.), 1913
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 4 (L-M)
Publisher: Müller, München
Language: German
[HG13c] Hayn, Hugo / Gotendorf, Alfred N. (ed.), 1913
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 5 (M-O)
Publisher: Müller, München
Language: German
[Jas13] Jaspers, Karl, 1913
Allgemeine Psychopathologie
1st edition
Publisher: Springer, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  338 pages
[Rau13] Rau, Hans (i.e. A. Sper), 1913
Die Grausamkeit. Mit besonderer Bezugnahme auf sexuelle Faktoren.
Publisher: Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
[Sac13] Sachse, J.J., 1913
Geschichte und Theorie der Erziehungsstrafe
3rd corrected edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn
Language: German
[Sad13] Sadger, Isidor Isaak, 1913
Über den sado-masochistischen Komplex
In: Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen, Vol. 5, 1913, pp. 157-232
Language: German
[Sei13] Seitz, A., 1913
Ein seltener Fall perverser Sexualität
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 54, 1913, pp. 356-362
Language: German
[AA14] d'Agérur, Jean / Aléra, Don Brennus, 1914
Contes inconvenants
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  266 pages, Select Bibliothèque No 43.
[Ale14a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1914
Les Asservies Vol. 2
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  133 pages
[BDB14] Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (ed.), 1914
Verzeichnis der verbotenen Bücher und Zeitschriften: 1903 bis Ende März 1914.
Publisher: Verlag des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  78 pages
[Blo14] Bloch, Iwan, 1914
Handbuch der gesamten Sexualwissenschaft in Einzeldarstellungen
Publisher: Louis Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
[Blu14] Blüher, Hans, 1914
Studien über den perversen Charakter
In: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie, Vol. 4, 1914, pp. 10-?
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Eul14] Eulenburg, Albert, 1914
Über sexuelle Perversionen
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, Vol. 8, 1914, pp. 305 und 347
Language: German
[Fed14] Federn, Paul, 1914
Beiträge zur Analyse des Sadismus und Masochismus
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für ärztliche Psychoanalyse, Vol. 2, 1914, pp. 105-130
Language: German
[FK14] Fuchs, Eduard / Kind, Alfred, 1914
Die Weiberherrschaft in der Geschichte der Menschheit, Ergänzungsband
Publisher: A. Langen, München
Language: German
[Ham14] Hammer, Wilhelm, 1914
Psychopathia sexualis: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Therapie; für praktische Aerzte dargestellt
Publisher: Schweizer, Berlin et al.
Language: German
Notes:  146 pages.
[HG14] Hayn, Hugo / Gotendorf, Alfred N. (ed.), 1914
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 6 (P-R)
Publisher: Müller, München
Language: German
[HG14a] Hayn, Hugo / Gotendorf, Alfred N. (ed.), 1914
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 7 (S-T)
Publisher: Müller, München
Language: German
[HG14b] Hayn, Hugo / Gotendorf, Alfred N. (ed.), 1914
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 8 (V-Z)
Publisher: Müller, München
Language: German
[Mol14] Moll, Albert, 1914
Die Behandlung sexueller Perversionen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Associationstherapie
In: Zeitschrift für Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 3, 1914, pp. 3-29
Language: German
[Hug15] Hug-Hellmuth, Hermine, 1915
Originaltitel unklar, etwa: Ein Fall von weiblichem Fuß- oder vielmehr Stiefelfetischismus
(A case of female foot or more properly boot fetishism)
In: ?, Vol. ?, 1915, pp. ?-?
Language: German
Notes:  English translation in → Ric90.
[Sig15] Sigg, E., 1915/16
Zur Kasuistik des Fetichismus
In: Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, Vol. 2, 1915/16, pp. 366-?
Language: German
[Eul16] Eulenburg, Albert, 1916
Moralität und Sexualität: sexualethische Streifzüge im Gebiete der neueren Philosophie und Ethik
Publisher: Marcus & Weber, Bonn
Language: German
Notes:  92 pages.
[Kan16] Kanter, Waldemar, 1916
Unter John Bulls Peitsche
Publisher: Huber, Diessen vor München
Language: German
Notes:  38 pages
[Due17] Dühren, Eugen (i.e. Iwan Bloch), 1917
Der Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit. Ein Beitrag zur Kultur- und Sittengeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Lehre von der Psychopathia sexualis. Series: Studien zur Geschichte des menschlichen Geschlechtslebens, Vol. 1
6th edition
Publisher: Hermann Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
[Foe17] Förster, F. W., 1917
Sexualethik und Sexualpädagogik. Eine neue Begründung alter Wahrheiten.
(Sexual ethics and sexual pedagogics. A new substantiation of old truths.)
4th enlarged edition
Publisher: Verlag der Jos. Kösel'schen Buchhandlung, Kempten und München
Language: German
[Hir17] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1917
Sexualpathologie: Ein Lehrbuch für Ärzte und Studierende
Publisher: Marcus und Weber, Bonn
Language: German
[Kra18] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1918
Psychopathia sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung. Eine medizinisch-gerichtliche Studie für Ärzte und Juristen.
15th enlarged edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Rod18] Rod, Miss (Pseud.), 1918
John Bull's Erzieherin
Publisher: Korrespondenzverlag, Triest
Language: German
[Blo19] Bloch, Iwan, 1919
Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur
10th-12th corrected edition
Publisher: Marcus, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  816 pages
[Fre19a] Freud, Sigmund, 1919
A Child is Being Beaten
in: Strachey, James et al. (ed.): Standard Edition of the Complete Works of Sigmund Freud, pp. 175-204
Publisher: Hogarth, London
Notes:  English translation of → Fre19
[Fri19] Fried, Eugen, 1919
Der Vaginismus und die Ehen perverser Männer
Publisher: Selbstverlag, Wien
Language: German
Notes:  18 pages
[Hon19] Honig, Richard, 1919
Die Einwilligung des Verletzten
Publisher: MISSING, Berlin
Language: German
[Vir19] Virgans, Jean de (Pseud.), 1919
Sabina, esclavage et martyre de vierges romaines
Publisher: Librairie franco-anglaise, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  253 pages
[ED20] E. D., 1920
Die Kallipygen oder Die Freuden der Rute
Publisher: Privately printed, no place
Language: German
[Fre12] Freud, Sigmund, 1920
Über die allgemeinste Erniedrigung des Liebeslebens
in: (ed.): Sigmund Freud, Studienausgabe Vol. 3, pp. ?-?
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Fre19] Freud, Sigmund, 1920
Ein Kind wird geschlagen
in: (ed.): Sigmund Freud, Studienausgabe Vol. 7, pp. ?-?
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Fre20] Freud, Sigmund, 1920
Jenseits des Lustprinzips
in: (ed.): Sigmund Freud, Studienausgabe Vol. 3, pp. ?-?
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Fre20a] Freud, Sigmund, 1920
Beyond the Pleasure Principle
in: Strachey, James et al. (ed.): Standard Edition of the Complete Works of Sigmund Freud, pp. 36-38
Publisher: Hogarth, London
Notes:  English translation of → Fre20
[Jas20] Jaspers, Karl, 1920
Allgemeine Psychopathologie
2nd revised edition
Publisher: Springer, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  416 pages
[Roh20] Rohleder, Hermann, 1920
Vorlesungen über das gesamte Geschlechtsleben des Menschen.
4th edition
Publisher: H. Kornfeld, Berlin
Language: German
[Sum20] Summers, Alphonsus Joseph-Mary Augustus Montague, 1920
The Marquis de Sade: A study in algolagnia. Series: British Society for the Study of See Psychology, Vol. 6
Publisher: British Society for the Study of See Psychology, London
[Ale21] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1921
Under the Yoke. Slavish customs in the middle of the nineteenth century
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Notes:  176 pages, probably English translation of → Ale08.
[Ale21a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1921
Les Asservies Vol. 3
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  128 pages
[Ano21] Anonymous, 1921
Göttin Astra: Aufzeichnungen eines perversen Buß- und Betzirkels
Publisher: Privately printed, Hamburg
Language: German
[Bir21] Birch, William, 1921
Die Philantropin
Publisher: Privately printed, Budapest
Language: German
[Kro21] Kronfeld, Arthur, 1921
Über psychosexuellen Infantilismus, eine Konstitutionsanomalie Series: Sexus, Vol. 1
Publisher: Bircher, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  IX/68 pages
[Sad21] Sadger, Isidor Isaak, 1921
Die Lehre von den Geschlechtsverirrungen (Psychopathia sexualis) auf psychoanalytischer Grundlage
Publisher: Deuticke, Leipzig, Wien
Language: German
[Ale22] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1922
La Semeuse de caresses
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  160 pages, Select Bibliothèque No 51.
[Ale22a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1922
Les Asservies Vol. 4
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
[Fre22] Freud, Anna, 1922
Schlagephantasie und Tagtraum
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 4, 1922, pp. 89-102
Language: German
[Ran22] Rank, O., 1922
Perversion und Neurose
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. VIII, No. 4, 1922, pp. 403-?
Language: German
[Sch22] Schöffel, F.D., 1922
Irrwege des Sexualtriebes und 6. Sinn. Eine okkultistische Beleuchtung des Problems perverser Liebesempfindungen
Publisher: Baum Verlag, Pfullingen
Language: German
[Sch22a] Schwenke, A., 1922
Ein sonderbarer Fall menschlichen Trieblebens
(A strange case of human passion)
In: Kriminalistische Monatshefte, Vol. 6, 1922, pp. 14-15
Language: German
Abstract:  "Without apparent robbery motive, a young man had stolen into homes, burned and torn to pieces articles of women's underwear and bed linen, and removed feathers from bed and pillows. An inquiry into his past revealed homosexual proclivities. The destruction of the above-mentioned articles was effected in rage and accompanied by sexual satisfaction. The psychic impulses operative here are transvestitism and fetishism, combined with the impulse to destroy the fetish - i.e., a form of sadism directed against an inanimate object. The writer points out that the perpetrator of such an offense is to be sought not among thieves, but among people of perverse impulses." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ste22] Stekel, Wilhelm, 1922
Psychosexueller Infantilismus. (Die seelischen Kinderkrankheiten der Erwachsenen.) Series: Störungen des Trieb- und Affektlebens, Vol. V
Publisher: Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin und Wien
Language: German
Notes:  616 pages.
[Wul22] Wulffen, Erich, 1922
Der Sexualverbrecher. Ein Handbuch für Juristen, Verwaltungsbeamte und Ärzte. Mit zahlreichen kriminalistischen Originalaufnahmen.
Publisher: P. Langenscheidt, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  Sadomasochism on pp. 305-333 and 502-524.
[Bal23] Balamour, 1923
Liebesspiele: erotische Erzählung, teils Wahrheit, teils Dichtung
Publisher: Aphrodite, Prag
Language: German
[Bec23] Bechterev, V.M., 1923
Die Perversitäten und Inversitäten vom Standpunkt der Reflexologie
In: Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, Vol. 68, 1923, pp. 100-?
Language: German
[Ebs23] Ebstein, Erich, 1923
In memoriam: Iwan Bloch. With Bibliographia Blochiana
In: Medical Life, Vol. 30, 1923, pp. 57-70
[Jas23] Jaspers, Karl, 1923
Allgemeine Psychopathologie
3rd enlarged and corrected edition
Publisher: Springer, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  458 pages
[Jor23] Jordan, K.F. (i.e. Max Katte), 1923
Die Reziprozität des sadistischen und masochistischen Moments im Sexualleben
In: Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen, Vol. 23, 1923, pp. 58-69
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Kro23] Kronfeld, Arthur, 1923
Publisher: Deuticke, Leipzig, Wien
Language: German
[Mar23] Marcuse, Max (ed.), 1923
Handwörterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft. Enzyklopädie der natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sexualkunde des Menschen.
Publisher: Marcus & Weber, Bonn
Language: German
Notes:  481 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Sac23] Sachs, H., 1923
Zur Genese der Perversionen
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 9, 1923, pp. 172-?
Language: German
[Sch23] Schuster, Julius, 1923
Schmerz und Geschlechtstrieb: Versuch einer Analyse und Theorie der Algolagnie (Sadismus und Masochismus) Series: Monographien zur Frauenkunde und Eugenetik, Sexualbiologie und Vererbungslehre, herausgegeben von Dr. Max Hirsch, Vol. 5
Publisher: Curt Kabitzsch, Leipzig
Language: German
[Ste23] Stekel, Wilhelm, 1923
Der Fetischismus. Dargestellt für Ärzte und Kriminalogen Series: Störungen des Trieb- und Affektlebens, Vol. VII
Publisher: Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin
Language: German
[Wul23] Wulffen, Erich, 1923
Das Weib als Sexualverbrecherin. Ein Handbuch für Juristen, Verwaltungsbeamte und Ärzte. Mit kriminalistischen Originalaufnahmen.
Publisher: P. Langenscheidt, Berlin
Language: German
[Adi24] Adivec, K.E.I., 1924
Die Schülerin des Sadisten
Publisher: Privately printed
Language: German
[Ano24] Anonymous, 1924
Von der Peitsche zum Laster
Publisher: Hollandia-Verlag, Amsterdam
Language: German
[Ano24a] Anonymous, 1924
A Guide to the Correction of Young Gentlemen. Written by a Lady.
[Fre24] Freud, Sigmund, 1924
Das ökonomische Problem des Masochismus
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1924, pp. 121-133
Language: German
Notes:  Also published in → Far03, pp. 350-358.
[Fre24a] Freud, Sigmund, 1924
The Economic Problem of Masochism
in: Strachey, James et al. (ed.): Standard Edition of the Complete Works of Sigmund Freud, pp. 159-170
Publisher: Hogarth, London
Notes:  English translation of → Fre24
[Hir24] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1924
Sexualität und Kriminalität: Überblick über Verbrechen geschlechtlichen Ursprungs
Publisher: Interterritorialer Verlag Renaissance (Erdtracht), Wien et al.
Language: German
Notes:  100 pages
[Kra24] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1924
Psychopathia sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung. Eine medicinisch-gerichtliche Studie für Ärzte und Juristen.
16th-17th revised edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Res24] Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edmé, 1924
Irrwege des Herzens
3rd edition
Publisher: Rhombus, Wien
Language: German
[Adl25] Adler, Alfred, 1925
Eine häufige Wurzel des Sadismus
(A common root of sadism)
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie, Vol. 3, 1925, pp. 49-50
Language: German
[Ale25] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1925
The Diary of a flagellee
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Notes:  148 pages, probably English translation of → Ale09.
[Ale25a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1925
Les Asservies Vol. 5
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  129 pages
[Fen25] Fenichel, Otto, 1925
The Clinical Aspect of the Need for Punishment
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 9, 1925, pp. 47-70
Notes:  Also reprinted in → Han95.
[Fer25] Ferenczi, Sandor, 1925
Zur Psychoanalyse von Sexualgewohnheiten
Publisher: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, Leipzig, Wien, Zürich
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[HB25] Helbing, Franz / Bauer, Max, 1925
Die Tortur. Geschichte der Folter im Kriminalverfahren aller Zeiten und Völker.
Publisher: Langenscheidt, Berlin
Language: German
[Lic25] Licht, Hans, 1925
Sittengeschichte Griechenlands
Publisher: Aretz, Dresden / Zürich
Language: German
[Ste25] Stekel, Wilhelm, 1925
Sadismus und Masochismus. Für Ärzte und Kriminalogen dargestellt. Series: Störungen des Trieb- und Affektlebens, Vol. VIII
Publisher: Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Wien
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ale26] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1926
The Castle of the whip, from the private diary of the Baron de M***, a flagellant of note
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Notes:  160 pages, might be a translation of → Ale10a.
[Ano26] Anonymous, 1926
Garnisonen ohne Männer: Wollust und Grausamkeit im Balkankrieg
Publisher: Privately printed, no place
Language: German
[Bra26] Bracken, H. von, 1926
Die Prügelstrafe in der Erziehung: Soziologische, psychologische und pädagogische Untersuchungen
Publisher: Verlag am andern Ufer, Dresden
Language: German
[Cad26] Cadwé, Edith (i.e. Edith Kadivec), 1926
Mein Schicksal
Publisher: Astraverlag, Wien
Language: German
Notes:  196 pages
[ED26] E. D., 1926
Die Memoiren einer russischen Tänzerin
Publisher: Privately printed, no place
Language: German
[Ell26] Ellis, Havelock, 1926
Studies in the Psychology of Sex Vol. 3
2nd revised and enlarged edition
Publisher: F.A. Davis, Philadelphia
[Hir26] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1926
Geschlechtskunde auf Grund dreißigjähriger Forschung und Erfahrung bearbeitet von Magnus Hirschfeld: Die körperseelischen Grundlagen Vol. I
Publisher: Julius Püttmann Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Hod26] Hodann, Max, 1926
Bub und Mädel. Gespräche unter Kameraden über die Geschlechterfrage.
Publisher: Greifenverlag, Rudolstadt
Language: German
[Kro26] Kronfeld, Arthur, 1926
Fetischismus, Flagellation, Masochismus, Perversion und Perversität, Sadismus
in: Marcuse, Max (ed.): Handwörterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft: Enzyklopädie der natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sexualkunde des Menschen, 2nd much enlarged edition, pp. 189f., 190, 487f., 549ff., 673ff.
Publisher: Marcus & Weber, Bonn
Language: German
[Lev26] Levy-Lenz, Ludwig, 1926
Sexualkatastrophen. Bilder aus dem modernen Geschlechts- und Eheleben.
Publisher: Payne, Leipzig
Language: German
[Mar26] Marcuse, Max (ed.), 1926
Handwörterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft. Enzyklopädie der natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sexualkunde des Menschen.
2nd much enlarged edition
Publisher: Marcus & Weber, Bonn
Language: German
[Mar26a] Marcuse, Max, 1926
in: Marcuse, Max (ed.): Handwörterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft: Enzyklopädie der natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sexualkunde des Menschen, 2nd much enlarged edition, pp. 21
Publisher: Marcus & Weber, Bonn
Language: German
[Mol26] Moll, Albert (ed.), 1926
Handbuch der Sexualwissenschaften: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der kulturgeschichtlichen Beziehungen
3rd revised edition
Publisher: Vogel, Leipzig
Language: German
[Sad26] Sadger, Isidor Isaak, 1926
Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis des Sado-Masochismus
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 7, No. 3-4, 1926, pp. 413-421
Language: German
[Sad26a] Sade, Marquis deHeine, Maurice (ed.), 1926
Historiettes, contes & fabliaux / de Donatien Alphonse François Marquis de Sade. Publ. pour la première fois sur les manuscripts autographes inédits par Maurice Heine
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  333 pages.
[Sch26] Schindler, Walter, 1926
Zur Dynamik des Sadomasochismus
in: Stekel, Wilhelm (ed.): Fortschritte der Sexualwissenschaft und Psychanalyse Vol. 2, pp. 127-195
Publisher: Franz Deuticke, Leipzig und Wien
Language: German
[Vel26] van de Velde, Theodoor Hendrik, 1926
Die vollkommene Ehe: Eine Studie über ihre Physiologie und Technik
1st edition
Publisher: Benno Konegen, Leipzig und Stuttgart
Language: German
[Ale27] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1927
Lina Frido, jeune homme devenue femme
Publisher: probably Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
[Ale27a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1927
La Reine Esclave
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  218 pages
[Bec27] Bechterev, V.M., 1927
Über die Perversion und die Abweichungen des Geschlechtstriebes vom reflexologischen Standpunkt aus (Fortsetzung)
(Concerning the perversion and the abnormalities of the sex drive from the reflexological standpoint (Conclusion))
In: Psychologie und Medizin, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1927, pp. 233-253
Language: German
Abstract:  "Sexual perversions result from the fixation of an abnormal reflex under the influence of inadequate stimuli in the period when the sex instinct is first awakened. Bekhterev substantiates this hypothesis by case histories illustrating the origin of homosexuality, masochism, sadism, fetishism, and other sex perversions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cla27] Clark, L. Pierce, 1927
A Tentative Formulation of the Origin of Sadomasochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 14, 1927, pp. 85-88
[Daw27] Dawes, Charles Reginald, 1927
The Marquis de Sade
Publisher: Robert Holden, London
[Eng27] Englisch, Paul, 1927
Geschichte der erotischen Literatur
Publisher: Püttmann, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Fre27] Freud, Sigmund, 1927
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 13, 1927, pp. 373-378
Language: German
[Kug27] Kugelmeier, Leo, 1927 (Doctoral thesis)
Über Sadismus und Masochismus
School: Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn
Language: German
[Pie27] Pierce, C.L., 1927
A Tentative Formulation of the Origin of Sadomasochism
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. , No. ?, 1927, pp. ?
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Sym27] Symons, N.J., 1927
Does Masochism Necessarily Imply the Existence of a Death-Instinct?
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1927, pp. 38-46
[Tra27] Traeger, Ludwig, 1927
Die Einwilligung des Verletzten und andere Unrechtsausschließungsgründe im zukünftigen Strafrecht
In: Der Gerichtssaal, Vol. 94, 1927, pp. 112-176
Language: German
[Bir28] Birlinger, Johannes R., 1928
Das grausame Weib: Sexualpsychologische und pathologische Dokumente von der Grausamkeit und Dämonie der Frau Series: Allmacht Weib. Erotische Typologie der Frau., Vol. 2
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Blo28] Bloch, Iwan, 1928
The sexual life of our time: In its relations to modern civilization
Publisher: Allied Book Company, New York
Notes:  790 pages, probably translation of → Blo19.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Fen28] Fenichel, Otto, 1928
The Clinical Aspect of the Need for Punishment
In: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 9, 1928, pp. 47-70
[Fre28] Freud, Sigmund, 1928
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 9, 1928, pp. 161-166
Notes:  English translation of → Fre27.
Abstract:  "The fetish is the substitute for the woman's (mother's) phallus, which the little boy believed in, and will not give up. The child represses the perception of the genital. Or, if it is desired to distinguish between the fate of the affect and the image, repression could be used to refer to the fate of the affect, and denial (not "scotomization") to express the fate of the image. All fetishists show hostility to the real feminine genital. Freud ascribes this attitude to the castration terror, and not also to the memory of the birth trauma. The fetishes often show the double attitude of denial and acceptance of the woman's castration, as well as tenderness and hostility. With this is compared the Chinese reverence towards the woman's crippled foot." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hir28] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1928
Geschlechtskunde auf Grund dreißigjähriger Forschung und Erfahrung bearbeitet von Magnus Hirschfeld: Folgen und Folgerungen Vol. II
Publisher: Julius Püttmann Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  659 pages
[IfS28] Institut für Sexualforschung Wien (ed.), 1928
Bilder-Lexikon Kulturgeschichte Series: Bilder-Lexikon der Erotik, Vol. 1
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Kah28] Kahn, E., 1928
Sexualpsychopathen - Über die geschlechtliche Entwicklung
in: Bumke, O. (ed.): Handbuch Geisteskrankheiten, pp. 277 ff.
Publisher: Springer, Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[McC28] McCartney, J.L., 1928
Sadism and Masochism: With a Discussion of Erotic Flagellation
In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 68, 1928, pp. ?-?
[Sch28] Schröder-Devrient, Wilhelmine, 1928
Aus den Memoiren einer Sängerin
Publisher: Rosen, Dresden
Language: German
[Sch28a] Scheda, Franz, 1928
Der Masochismus Series: Die Abarten im Geschlechtsleben, Vol. 5
Publisher: Schwalbe-Verlag, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  Also published in → Far03, pp. 418-451.
[Wie28] Wiethold, F., 1928
Der Sadismus bei weiblichen Jugendlichen
In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin, Vol. 11, 1928, pp. 329-?
Language: German
[WS28] Wangen, F.L. / Scheuer, O.F., 1928
Das üppige Weib Series: Allmacht Weib. Erotische Typologie der Frau., Vol. 1
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  223 pages with many illustrations, some in color
[Alb29] Albrecht, O., 1929
Über eine Sadistin mit dem Versuch einer erbbiologischen Persönlichkeitsanalyse
In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Vol. 122, 1929, pp. 266-?
Language: German
[Ale29] Alexander, F., 1929
The Need for Punishment and the Death-Instinct
In: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 10, 1929, pp. 256-269
[Ale29a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1929
Les Asservies Vol. 7
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  124 pages
[Ano29] Anonymous, 1929
Das Tagebuch einer Tänzerin
Publisher: Elite, Leipzig
Language: German
[Bou29] Boulenger, M., 1929
Kleptomanie et fétichisme
(Kleptomania and fetishism)
In: Journal de Neurologie et de Psychiatrie Brussels, Vol. 29, 1929, pp. 304-307
Language: French
Abstract:  "The history of a mentally defective boy who showed a very persistent habit of stealing. Some of the objects stolen were of a clearly fetishistic character; they were used by the patient to produce sexual excitement, especially through the sense of smell. The patient at the age of 14.5 years had an intelligence quotient of 58. The author suggests eugenic sterilization in such cases." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bre29] Brettschneider, Rudolf, 1929
Das feile Weib Series: Allmacht Weib. Erotische Typologie der Frau., Vol. ?
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Dup29] Dupouy, R., 1929
Du masochisme
(Concerning masochism)
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 5, 1929, pp. 394-405
Language: French
Abstract:  "Contrary to some beliefs, the author maintains that masochism is present only in the male sex. Masochism is a sexual perversion characterized essentially by obsessions or fixed ideas of being physically and morally dominated by the loved one. This submission goes to the length of sadness and humiliation to attain a feeling of sexual satisfaction. It is the exception rather than the rule that the male denies his sex. On the contrary he vigorously asserts it. He commands that he be commanded. In a case of resistance to deference to his desire he is capable of striking the woman in order that she consent to strike him back. A case of masochistic fetishism is described in which the subject symbolizes his servitude to the female by disguising himself as a horse. The greater part of the article is given over to this detailed account." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Eng29] Englisch, Paul (ed.), 1929
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 9 (Ergänzungsband)
3rd much enlarged edition
Publisher: Müller, München
Language: German
[Geb29] Gebsattel, Victor Emil von, 1929
Über Fetischismus
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 2, 1929, pp. 8-?
Language: German
[Ham29] Hamilton, Gilbert Van Tassel, 1929
A Research in Marriage
Publisher: Boni, New York
[Hoy29] Hoyer, Erik, 1929
Das lüsterne Weib. Sexualpsychologie der begehrenden unbefriedigten und schamlosen Frau. Series: Allmacht Weib. Erotische Typologie der Frau., Vol. 4
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[IfS29] Institut für Sexualforschung Wien (ed.), 1929
Bilder-Lexikon Literatur und Kunst Series: Bilder-Lexikon der Erotik, Vol. 2
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Kes29] Kessel, Joseph, 1929
Belle de Jour
Publisher: Gallimard, Paris
Language: French
[MF29] Marcuse, Max, 1929
Sadismus bei weiblichen Jugendlichen
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik, Vol. XVI, No. 1, 1929, pp. 79
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mei29] Meinertz, J., 1929
Analyse eines eigenartigen Falles von Fetischismus mit Verstümmelungsphantasien
(Analysis of a peculiar case of fetishism with mutilation-phantasies)
In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Vol. 117, 1929, pp. 19-48
Language: German
Abstract:  "A gifted young man showed a sexual perversion in that he was sexually excited only by one-legged women. Dressed up in women's clothes with one leg tied up double, he experienced orgasms. The analysis, especially on the basis of dreams, shows that his curious sexual development can be traced back to his relations with his father. Tyrannized over by his father, he still remained bound to him both in love and hate. Wishes that his father were castrated changed into fear of castration. At the same time, however, his own mutilation would make him a satisfactory female sexual object for his father, as he wanted to be. In his relation with women he experienced homo-sexually their mutilation as a male component. The determination to such a contradictory development was shown in his experiences as a child. Fetishism seemed to him both pleasure and punishment and its genesis was regarded as a very complex symbolization." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Oph29] Ophuijsen, J.H.W. van, 1929
Das Sexualziel des gewalttätigen Sadismus
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 15, 1929, pp. 154-159
Language: German
[RR29] Rühle, Otto / Rühle, Alice, 1929
Sexualanalyse. Psychologie des Liebes- und Ehelebens.
Publisher: Greifenverlag, Rudolstadt
Language: German
[Sau29] De Saussure, Raymond, 1929
Fragments d'analyse d'un pervers sexuel
(Fragments of the analysis of a sexual pervert)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 3, 1929, pp. 631-689
Language: French
Abstract:  "This is the partial analysis and discussion of a case of sexual perversion in a neurotic married man of 31 who had never had normal sex relations. Sex satisfaction was obtained in various narcissistic ways and the subject also showed some sadistic, masochistic, and fetishistic tendencies. He was one of six children, all of whom manifested psychopathological peculiarities, and the heredity was also abnormal in this respect. The patient's difficulties are explained on the basis of a strong castration complex, among other complexes, bringing it about that the patient can never satisfy his erotic impulses directly, but can only eroticize, secondarily, the inhibiting forces, so that he obtains his greatest satisfaction when he is resisting satisfaction most strongly. His conflicts are fixed in an anxiety hysteria. The anxiety is sufficiently compensated, however, so that the patient makes a fairly good adjustment to reality except in the field of sexuality. The analysis was incomplete, but showed interesting psychoanalytic mechanisms which appeared to merit discussion." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ste29] Stekel, Wilhelm, 1929
Sadism and Masochism: The psychology of hatred and cruelty
Publisher: Liveright, Inc., New York
[Sto29] Storfer, A.J., 1929
Askese und Sadomasochismus
In: Die psychoanalytische Bewegung, Vol. 1, 1929, pp. 163-166
Language: German
[Wei29] Weimann, Waldemar, 1929
Selbstfesselung und Selbstknebelung
In: Archiv für Kriminologie, Vol. 85, 1929, pp. 70-88
Language: German
[Wel29] Welzl, Joachim, 1929
Das Weib als Sklavin. Die Frau in gewollter und erzwungener Hörigkeit, das brutalisierte und misshandelte Weib, die Sexualpsychologie der Masochisten. Series: Allmacht Weib: Erotische Typologie der Frau., Vol. 3
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien
Language: German
[Wul29] Wulffen, Erich, 1929
Irrwege des Eros. Mit einer Einleitung: Mütter und Töchter.
Publisher: Avalun, Hellerau
Language: German
[Sch29] Schertel, Ernst, 1929-1932
Der Flagellantismus als literarisches Motiv. Eine literaturgeschichtlich-psychologische Untersuchung.
Publisher: Parthenon, Leipzig
Language: German
[Adl30] Adler, Alfred, 1930
Das Problem der Homosexualität: erotisches Training und erotischer Rückzug
(The problem of homosexuality: erotic training and erotic withdrawal)
Publisher: Hirzel, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  VI/110 pages.
[Ano30c] Anonymous, 1930
Momente eines Lebens - Aus den Briefen eines Masochisten, 14. Februar 1930 - 28. Juli 1930
In → Far03, S. 454-475 abgedruckt.
[Bus30] Buschan, Georg, 1930
in: Institut für Sexualforschung Wien (ed.): Bilder-Lexikon Sexualwissenschaft, pp. 253-256
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Deu30] Deutsch, Helene, 1930
The Significance of Masochism in the Mental Life of Women
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 11, 1930, pp. 48-60
[Deu30a] Deutsch, Helene, 1930
Der feminine Masochismus und seine Beziehung zur Frigidität
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. II, 1930, pp. 172-184
Language: German
[Esz30] Eszterhazy, Gräfin Agnes (ed.), 1930
Das lasterhafte Weib. Bekenntnisse und Bilddokumente zu den Steigerungen und Abberrationen im weiblichen Triebleben. Psychologie und Pathologie der sexuellen Ab- und Irrwege des Weibes. Series: Allmacht Weib. Erotische Typologie der Frau., Vol. ?
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Fla30] Flake, Otto, 1930
Marquis de Sade. Mit einem Anhang über Retif de la Bretonne.
Publisher: S. Fischer, Berlin
Language: German
[Hel30] Helle, first name?, 1930
Kotschmierender Samt-Seiden-Fetischist und Transvestit
(A feces-smearing velvet-silk fetishist and wearer of women's garments)
In: Kriminalistische Monatshefte, Vol. 4, 1930, pp. 133-134
Language: German
Abstract:  "This is an extreme case of sexual perversion, appearing before the courts. The subject of the article, a man thirty-two years of age, was accused of filth-smearing by twenty-five women. His activities are interpreted in terms of sadism, according to the thesis of Krafft-Ebing to the effect that this psychopathological condition is indicated by an association between fetishism and besmirching the fetish. An analysis is given of the married life of the convicted man, demonstrating his absolute impotency in respect to all normal sexual relations." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hir30] Hirschfeld, Magnus (ed.), 1930
Geschlecht und Verbrechen
Publisher: Verlag für Sexualwissenschaft Schneider, Leipzig et al.
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Hir30a] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1930
Geschlechtskunde auf Grund dreißigjähriger Forschung und Erfahrung bearbeitet von Magnus Hirschfeld: Einblicke und Ausblicke Vol. III
Publisher: Julius Püttmann Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  780 pages
[Hir30b] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1930
Geschlechtskunde auf Grund dreißigjähriger Forschung und Erfahrung bearbeitet von Magnus Hirschfeld: Bilderteil Vol. IV
Publisher: Julius Püttmann Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Hir30c] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1930
Geschlechtskunde auf Grund dreißigjähriger Forschung und Erfahrung bearbeitet von Magnus Hirschfeld: Registerteil Vol. V
Publisher: Julius Püttmann Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart
Language: German
[IfS30] Institut für Sexualforschung Wien (ed.), 1930
Bilder-Lexikon Sexualwissenschaft Series: Bilder-Lexikon der Erotik, Vol. 3
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Kad30] Kadivec, Edith, 1930
Unter der Peitsche der Leidenschaft. Roman eines Schicksals.
Publisher: Astra, Wien
Language: German
Notes:  Seems to be a reprint of → Cad26.
[Kin30] Kind, Alfred, 1930
Die Weiberherrschaft von heute Series: Die Weiberherrschaft in der Geschichte der Menschheit, Vol. 1
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Kin30a] Kind, Alfred, 1930
Die Weiberherrschaft von heute Series: Die Weiberherrschaft in der Geschichte der Menschheit, Vol. 2
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Mar30] Marcuse, Max, 1930
Sexualpsychopathie, Perversionen
in: Birnbaum, K. (ed.): Handwörterbuch der medizinischen Psychologie, pp. 549ff.
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Leipzig
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Pol30] Polzer, W., 1930
Sexuellperverse. Populärwissenschaftliche Darstellung aller geschlechtlichen Perversionen und Verwandtes.
Publisher: Asa-Verlag, Leipzig
Language: German
[Pra30] Praz, Mario, 1930
La carne, la morte e il diavolo nella letteratura romantica
Publisher: La Cultura, Milano, Roma
Language: Italian
Notes:  505 pages
[Sch30] Schertel, Ernst, 1930
Sitte und Sünde: eine Sittengeschichte im Querschnitt
Publisher: Parthenon, Leipzig
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sch30a] Schidlof, Bertold, 1930
Grausamkeit und Sexualität: Eine zeitgeschichtliche Untersuchung Series: Studien zur Geschichte der sexuellen Verirrungen, Vol. 1
Publisher: Barsdorf, Berlin
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Sch30b] Schuppe, first name?, 1930
Ein interessanter Fall von Fetischismus
(An interesting case of fetishism)
In: Kriminalistische Monatshefte, Vol. 4, 1930, pp. 60-61
Language: German
Abstract:  "This is a description of a case of sex pathology in a feeble-minded, epileptic man, showing itself in fetishistic and sadistic tendencies combined. Sex satisfaction was obtained mainly through gaining entrance to first-floor bedrooms and cutting up, soiling, and wetting white bedspreads, which had a fetishistic value for this man. He was adjudged irresponsible for his acts but dangerous, and confined in an institution. Schuppe reports the case because he finds this sort of combination of fetishistic and sadistic tendencies apparently rare." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sch30c] Scheda, Franz, 1930
Die Abarten im Geschlechtsleben
(The Deviations in Sex Life)
Publisher: Schwalbe, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  288 pages. Contains: I. Lesbian Love. II. Homosexuality. III. Sexual Fetishism. IV. Flagellantism. V. Masochism. VI. Sadism.
[Sch30d] Schertel, Ernst, 1930
Der Mann unter der Rute Series: Der Flagellantismus als literarisches Motiv, Folge 5, Lieferung 2,
Publisher: Parthenon, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  p. 97-192, with illustrations.
[Sch30e] Scheuer, Oskar F., 1930
Sexueller Flagellantismus
in: Institut für Sexualforschung Wien (ed.): Bilder-Lexikon Sexualwissenschaft, pp. 258-262
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Sch30f] Scheuer, Oskar F., 1930
in: Institut für Sexualforschung Wien (ed.): Bilder-Lexikon Sexualwissenschaft, pp. 814
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Ste30] Stekel, Wilhelm, 1930
Sexual Aberrations: The Phenomena of Fetishism in Relation to Sex.
Publisher: Liveright, Oxford
Notes:  2 vols, 369 and 355 pp. "Authorized English Version from the First German Edition by Dr. S. Parker".
Abstract:  "Fetishism resolves itself into a kind of compulsion neurosis, and its psychic structure can be understood only as such. Erotic symbolism expresses this constraint in its choice of a fetish, which is the manifest and visible symbol of the compulsion. The choice is presumably determined by emotional displacement or conditioning. There is usually present a tendency to construct a series of fetishes, to collect a "harem." The fetish replaces the sexual partner, and thus makes possible a retreat from active heterosexual relationship. The male fetishist either flees from or depreciates the female; the female either is anesthetic with men or avoids coitus entirely. The fetishist suffers from a form of psycho-sexual infantilism. This infantilism is expressed in onanistic phantasies, in vagrancy, kleptomania, or exhibitionism. There is also an invariable criminal component present. Fetishism seems to be a paraphilia, but it is really a religion, a cult; the patient forces fetishism upon himself out of motives of atonement. In a practice including 30-35% Jews, Stekel has seen only one fetishist who is not a Christian. This one Jew was not circumcised, and showed a distinct leaning toward the Christian religion. This fact suggests two possible explanations of fetishism. The physical explanation would associate the phimosis present in nearly every case with the feeling of compulsion essential to the development of fetishism. On the other hand, the connection may lie in the psychic field, in the "Christ ideal" of asceticism and martyrdom. The author believes that the symbolism of fetishism can be interpreted and cleared up only by a deep psychoanalysis. The major portion of the work consists of detailed, complete reports of a few successful analyses." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Str30] Straus, E., 1930
Geschehnis und Erlebnis
Publisher: Springer, Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg
Language: German
[Wei30] Weimann, Waldemar, 1930
in: Institut für Sexualforschung Wien (ed.): Bilder-Lexikon Sexualwissenschaft, pp. 693-701
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Wei30a] Weimann, Waldemar, 1930
in: Institut für Sexualforschung Wien (ed.): Bilder-Lexikon Sexualwissenschaft, pp. 529-540
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Ale31] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1931
La Beine du cuir verni
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  175 pages, Select Bibliothèque No 66.
[Ber31] Berg, K., 1931
Der Sadist
In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin, Vol. 17, 1931, pp. 247-?
Language: German
[Bra31] Brachfeld, O., 1931
Über "Glyptophilie"
(Concerning "Glyptophilia")
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik, Vol. 17, 1931, pp. 420-425
Language: German
Abstract:  "The kissing of photographs, busts, or plaster casts of beloved persons, and the kissing of religious pictures and statues, may be called a sexual aberration, but not a perversion." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cad31] Cadivec, Edith (i.e. Edith Kadivec), 1931
Bekenntnisse und Erlebnisse
Publisher: Avalun, Hellerau-Dresden
Language: German
Notes:  Privately printed, 346 pages. First edition, very few copies. Newer editions censored in Germany.
[Eng31] Englisch, Paul, 1931
Irrgarten der Erotik. Eine Sittengeschichte über das gesamte Gebiet der Welt-Pornographie
Publisher: MISSING, Leipzig
Language: German
[Fen31] Fenichel, Otto, 1931
Perversionen, Psychosen, Charakterstörungen. Psychoanalytische spezielle Neurosenlehre
Publisher: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, Wien
Language: German
[For31] Forel, AugustFetscher, Rainer (ed.), 1931
Die sexuelle Frage
16th completely revised edition
Publisher: Reinhardt, München
Language: German
Notes:  588 pages
[Fri31] Friedjung, J.K., 1931
Krankhafte Triebabweichungen im Kindesalter
(Pathological deviations of the instincts in childhood)
In: Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde, Vol. 50, 1931, pp. 781-784
Language: German
Abstract:  "Friedjung dissents from the opinion of W. Stern that the psychoanalytic doctrine of the child's instinctive life is for the most part not the result of direct observation, but a 'backward projection of the experiences and instinctive attitudes of the adult.' He asserts, on the contrary, that in science, aside from the prediction of the hitherto unknown planet Neptune by Leverrier, there has been no greater example of genius than the enunciation of the doctrine of infantile sexuality by Freud in his Three Contributions to Sexual Theory, without a knowledge of childhood. As illustrations, he reports three of his own cases of pathological changes in the instinctive life of children: one, previously published, of a 16-months-old child with an underclothing fetishism; an 8-year-old flagellant; and a child of the same age with an anxiety neurosis." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hey31] Heymann, Robert, 1931
Der masochistische Mann Series: Sittengeschichte der Erotomanie, Vol. 1
Publisher: Lykeion, Leipzig
Language: German
[Hir31] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1931
Perversions sexuelles
Publisher: Aldor, Paris
Language: French
[IfS31] Institut für Sexualforschung Wien (ed.), 1931
Ergänzungsband zum Bilder-Lexikon Series: Bilder-Lexikon der Erotik, Vol. 4
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Jew31] Jewreinow, N., 1931
Die Körperstrafen in der russischen Rechtspflege und Verwaltung. Beiträge zur Sittengeschichte des vorrevolutionären Russland.
Publisher: Verlag für Sexualwissenschaft, Wien, Leipzig
Language: German
[Kin31] Kind, Alfred, 1931
Die Weiberherrschaft von heute Series: Die Weiberherrschaft in der Geschichte der Menschheit, Vol. 4
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
[Los31] Losa, 1931
Sexuelle Verirrungen. Fetischismus / Sadismus / Masochismus / Flagellantismus / Exhibitionismus usw.
2nd edition
Publisher: Auffenberg, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  pp. 59-73 also published in → Far03, pp. 506-513.
[Mar31] Martens, K., 1931
Psychopathie und strafrechtliche Bedeutung unzüchtiger Abbildungen
(Psychopathy and the criminal significance of lascivious illustrations)
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik, Vol. 18, 1931, pp. 17-23
Language: German
Abstract:  "The rating of printing, photographs, and sculpture as 'artistic' or 'suggestive' is determined largely by subjective factors. The police of Dresden have a collection of confiscated material which includes a great mass of proscribed photographs, utensils, drawings, etc. The individuals who make use of such articles to arouse sex feelings are definitely psychopathic, in the same class with fetishists, voyeurs, or onanists. The author summarizes German law on the subject of such offenses against public morals." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MF31] Marchand, L. / Fuller, H.A., 1931
Fétichisme du pied chausse. Heredosyphilis.
(Fetishism of a clad foot. Hereditary syphilis.)
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 89, 1931, pp. 447-452
Language: French
Abstract:  "A patient with hereditary syphilis from the age of seven took great satisfaction in being stepped upon, especially when the foot was covered by a shoe which he particularly liked. At the age of puberty he had his first real orgasm when stepped upon by a young girl. Even after marriage, being stepped upon was his only source of sexual satisfaction for some time. After his wife suffered a nervous disorder, he followed the advice of his physician and was able to have normal sexual relations. However, after his wife died following a miscarriage, he reverted to his old fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sch31] Schertel, Ernst (ed.), 1931
Flagellantismus und Gesetz: eine Kampf- und Verteidigungsschrift
Publisher: Parthenon, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  78 pages.
[Sch31a] Schertel, Ernst, 1931
Der Sturm auf das Weib
Publisher: Parthenon, Leipzig
Language: German
[Sch31b] Schertel, Ernst, 1931
Weib, Wollust und Wahn
Publisher: Parthenon, Leipzig
Language: German
[Wul31] Wulffen, Erich, 1931
Die Erotik in der Photographie: die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Aktphotographie und des erotischen Lichtbildes und seine Beziehungen zur Psychopathia sexualis
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien et al.
Language: German
Notes:  252 pages with many illustrations.
[Adl32] Adler, Alfred, 1932
Zum Thema: Sexuelle Perversionen
(On the subject of sexual perversions)
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie, Vol. 10, 1932, pp. 401-409
Language: German
[Ano32] Anonymous, 1932
Günthers Erlebnisse (Aus dem Tagebuch eines Flagellanten)
Publisher: Gemeinschaftsbund Schwalbe (Hendebett), Berlin
Language: German
[Cad32] Cadivec, Edith (i.e. Edith Kadivec), 1932
Eros, der Sinn meines Lebens
Publisher: Avalun, Rahnitz-Hellerau
Language: German
Notes:  Privately printed, 322 pages. Newer editions censored in Germany.
[Fer32] Féré, Charles Samson, 1932
Scientific and Esoteric Studies in Sexual Degeneration in Mankind and in Animals
Publisher: Falstaff Press, Anthropological Press, New York
[Has32] Hasper, Eberhard, 1932
Leopold von Sacher Masoch - Sein Lebenswerk, mit vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der Prosadichtungen
Publisher: Adler, Greifswald
Language: German
Notes:  107 pages
[Hes32] Hesnard, A., 1932
Contribution a l'étude des phantasmes erotiques
(A contribution to the study of erotic imagery)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 4, 1932, pp. 526-548
Language: French
Abstract:  "Confined to the study of deliberately induced erotic imagery in adults. Considers: general characteristics; etiology; psychoanalytic clinical characteristics (with special reference to relations of erotic fantasy to actual erotic behavior); classification of fantasies (sadistic, masochistic, exhibitionistic, scoptophilic, fetishistic, and homosexual); and their psychoanalytic mechanisms. From the point of view of diagnosis these fantasies are of great significance." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hir32] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1932
Sexual Pathology. Being a Study of the Abnormalities of the Sexual Functions, An Exhaustive Treatise on Sexual Symbolism, Hypereroticism, Impotence, etc., Based Upon Research, Observations and Recent Clinical Data Gathered at the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin.
Publisher: Julian Press (Jack Brussel), New York
[Kaf32] Kafka, Viktor, 1932
Sexualpathologie für Mediziner, Juristen und Psychologen
Publisher: Deuticke, Leipzig et al.
Language: German
[Ley32] Leydenegg, Hanns von, 1932
Der gestiefelte Eros. Lebensbeichte eines transvestitischen Schuhfetischisten. Series: Literarische Dokumente zu den Abarten des Sexuallebens, Vol. 1
Publisher: Spiegel Verlag, Berlin
Language: German
[Mar32] Marett, R.R., 1932
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
in: (ed.): , pp. 201-202
Publisher: Macmillan, Oxford
Abstract:  A history and discussion of the uses of the term.
[Rei32] Reich, Wilhelm, 1932
Der masochistische Charakter: Eine sexualökonomische Widerlegung des Todestriebes und des Wiederholungszwanges
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1932, pp. 303-351
Language: German
Notes:  Also published in → Far03, pp. 514-558.
[Rhe32] Rheine, Theodor von, 1932
Stiefelmädchen: die sadistisch-fetischistische Prostitution Series: Der Sadismus in Einzeldarstellungen, Vol. I
Publisher: Sexualwissenschaftliche Verlags-Anstalt, Berlin
[Rhe32a] Rheine, Theodor von, 1932
Sklaven ihrer Veranlagung: Die erste umfassende Publikation mit völlig neuem Material in Wort und Bild Series: Der Sadismus in Einzeldarstellungen, Vol. I
Publisher: Sexualwissenschaftliche Verlags-Anstalt, Berlin
Language: German
[Sch32] Schwarz, Fritz, 1932
Tödliche Unfälle als Folgen perverser Neigungen
In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Gerichtliche Medizin, Vol. 19, 1932, pp. 85-91
Language: German
[Sch32a] Schnyder, P., 1932
Le flagellantisme à travers les siecles. Etude historique et medicale.
(Flagellantism throughout the centuries. Historical and medical study.)
In: Archives de Psychologie, Vol. 23, 1932, pp. 279-289
Language: French
Abstract:  "The author divides his study according to the sources furnished by literature. (1) History gives the discipline and penitence practices of religious flagellation from the time of its introduction into monastic life to its systematization in the flagellant movement, which is characterized by the idea of penitence and which still has adherents. (2) Flagellantism as a literary and social subject or profane flagellation is represented by numerous works in anecdotal vein. They mark out the history of whipping since its utilization as an instrument of discipline and education, and after having been an instrument of penitence, until its degeneration into a means of sexual perversion and its use even in the present time. (3) The medical analysis of flagellantism by Freud, Stekel and Sadger has shown clearly its relations with sadism and masochism, with a foundation of psycho-sexual infantilism with leanings toward fetishism. But it is necessary to guard against exaggeration. Although the psychoanalytic theories clearly explain profane flagellation, religious flagellation, apart from the scandalous abuse which it encounters in every religion, is dependent on a feeling of contrition and penitence which we no longer recognize today and which, in consequence, we are incapable of understanding. The author gives as an illustration a personal observation of an individual who showed a phase of profane masochistic flagellation followed by a phase of religious flagellation characterized by penitence." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Von32] Vondráček, Vladimír, 1932
Pripad fetišismu
(A case of fetishism)
In: Revue v Neurologii a Psychiatrii, Vol. 29, 1932, pp. 20-22
Language: Czech
Abstract:  "A description of an interesting case of fetishism in a young man of 18." (APA/PsycINFO)
[WP32] Wörenkamp, Heinrich / Perkauf, Gertrude, 1932
Erziehungsflagellantismus. Sexualkundliche Untersuchungen und ihre Ergebnisse
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien et al.
Language: German
[WR32] Werner-Solm, Johannes / Richter, Herma, 1932
Kasuistisches Material. Schulbeispiele und authentische Fälle - als Ergänzung zu den sexualpsychologisch-theoretischen Studien von Dr. Heinrich Wörenkamp / Dr. Gertrude Perkauf über Erziehungsflagellantismus aufgrund des Dokumentenmaterials usf. am Institut für Sexualforschung in Wien.
Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  Supplement to → WP32, 47 pages.
[All33] Allendy, R., 1933
Sadism in Woman
In: Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytical Review, Vol. 20, 1933, pp. 437-439
[Bir33] Birlinger, Johannes R., 1933
Die Herrin des Mannes
Publisher: MISSING, Leipzig
Language: German
[Fen33] Fenichel, Otto, 1933
Outline of Clinical Psychoanalysis, Chapter VI: Sexual Perversions
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 2, 1933, pp. 260-308
Abstract:  "Differentiation is made between compulsion neuroses and perversions, both of which arise from the pregenital phase but differ in that perversions are ego-acceptable. Perversions are more than a continuance of infantile sexuality, representing also regression and a complex developmental anomaly in response to life experiences such as fixations, disappointments, and incomplete repressions. Bisexualism plays a part both as a constitutional and as a psychic factor. Most important are Oedipus and castration complexes in the development of perversions. Analysis of homosexualism reveals that it serves as an associative force in repressing other and more ego-objectionable things, such as Oedipus and castration anxieties, with consequent libido displacement. Formulations derived from the study of homosexualism are applicable to the whole group of perversions. Fetishism, transvestitism, and exhibitionism are all forms of castration denial. Voyeurism is related to the primal scene. The constitutional element is probably an augmented erogenicity of specific zones. Prognosis and therapy are restricted by the ego-acceptableness of the perversion, but are better than generally assumed in homosexuals. In combination with neuroses prognosis is better." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Glo33] Glover, E., 1933
The Relation of Perversion Formation to the Development of Reality Sense
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 14, 1933, pp. 486-503
Abstract:  "The author defines reality-sense, reality-testing, and objectivity, and discusses as incomplete Ferenczi's, Federn's, and Klein's methods of investigating these concepts. Drug addiction analysis suggests possible reconstruction of the reality-sense from psychopathological data, because (1) drug addiction shows phases of regression which allow reassessment of reality, and (2) perversion-formation and fetishistic phenomena accompany addiction. Likewise, psychotic crises show transitory perversions as measures of preserving reality-sense. Sado-masochistic tendencies increase the reality-sense by allowing acceptance of part objects or fetish development through libidinization. Perversions show, parallel to the developmental order of psychic states, an orderly differentiation as regards object aim and completeness. They constitute protection against introjection and projection anxiety by means of excessive libidinization. This libidinization cancels or holds in suspense unreal fear systems. It is reinforced by repression. The original nucleus of infantile reality when extricated from the unreal reactions becomes the adult objective reality. Infantile anxiety reanimated in adult life gives rise to perversions which serve to patch over flaws in the development of the reality-sense. Probably the best perspective for reality-sense study is the meeting point of transitional psychoses, perversions, and obsessional neuroses." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Nac33] Nacht, S., 1933
Les troubles de la vie sexuelle
(Disorders of the sexual life)
In: Journal Medical Français, Vol. 22, 1933, pp. 109-115
Language: French
Abstract:  "This is a study of inversion, exhibitionism, and fetishism. For each perversion there are two kinds of perverts: those who are stable in their perversion and do not suffer, and the neurotics who do not accept their perversion and who have more or less conscious remorse. It is in the latter case that psychoanalytic treatment is possible." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pra33] Praz, Mario, 1933
The Romantic Agony
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
[Rey33] Reynolds, Edward L., 1933
Der Flagellantismus in der Photographie. Zusammenfassende Untersuchungen über die Verbreitung und die Erscheinungsformen der Flagellomanie und ihre Zusammenhänge mit der Photographie.
Publisher: The Hippocrates Press, Fachverlag für medizinische Literatur, deutsche Abt., London
Language: German
[Spa33] Spahn, H., 1933
Über indirekten und larvierten Exhibitionismus und Fetischismus
(Indirect and disguised exhibitionism and fetishism)
Publisher: Kubens, MISSING
Language: German
Notes:  19 pp.
[Ste33] Stern, Léopold, 1933
Sacher Masoch ou L'amour de la souffrance
Publisher: B. Grasset, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  237 pages
[Eid34] Eidelberg, Ludwig, 1934
Beiträge zum Studium des Masochismus
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 20, 1934, pp. 336-353
Language: German
[Hor34] Horney, Karen, 1934
Das Problem des weiblichen Masochismus
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 20, No. 3, 1934, pp. 390
Language: German
[Kru34] Krueger, H.E., 1934
Verirrungen menschlichen Trieblebens
(Deviations of human instinctive life)
In: Kriminalistische Monatshefte, Vol. 8, 1934, pp. 161
Language: German
Abstract:  "A case report of an otherwise exemplary family man who repeatedly stole pillows to use as fetishes. The etiology appeared to be a war-wound of the head, which caused attacks of intense headache. The activities were carried out during these attacks, compulsively in a state of clouded consciousness, and they relieved the pain. His previously normal sex life gradually declined." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Par34] Parry, Albert, 1934
Tatooing Among Prostitutes and Perverts
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 3, 1934, pp. 476-482
[Sac34] Sackville-West, Vita, 1934
A Dark Island
Publisher: The Hogarth Press Ltd., London
[Wil35] Wildermuth, H., 1934
Physiologischer Fetischismus
(Physiological fetishism)
In: Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie und Psychisch-Gerichtliche Medizin, Vol. 102, 1934, pp. 39
Language: German
Abstract:  "Through the use of clothes the sexual drive is more and more displaced from the genitals to the secondary sex characteristics. Thus a 'physiological' fetishism arises which leads without sharp limits into the realm of pathological fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Wol34] Wolf, Charles, 1934
Die Kastration bei sexuellen Perversionen und Sittlichkeitsverbrechen des Mannes
Publisher: Schwabe, Basel
Language: German
[Ale35] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1935
Les Asservies Vol. 8
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  112 pages
[Bal35] Balint, Michael, 1935
A Contribution on Fetishism
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 16, 1935, pp. 481-483
Abstract:  "From a case analysis the author reports that in addition to the interpretation as a penis substitute, a fetish may be a vagina or womb substitute, or that it may signify feces, since it is an object of small or no value transformed into a love object of high value." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bon35] Bonaparte, Marie, 1935
Passivität, Masochismus und Weiblichkeit
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1935, pp. 23-29
Language: German
[Ell35] Ellis, Havelock, 1935
From Rousseau to Proust
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York
[Hor35] Horney, Karen, 1935
The Problem of Feminine Masochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 22, 1935, pp. 241-257
[Sch35] Schwarz, Oswald, 1935
Sexualpathologie, Wesen und Formen der abnormen Geschlechtlichkeit
Publisher: Verlag für Medizin, Weidemann & Co., Wien, Leipzig, Bern
Language: German
[Sch35a] Schischoff, L., 1935
In: Urologic and Cutaneous Review, 1935, pp. 40-?
[Wei35] Weiss, Edoardo, 1935
Todestrieb und Masochismus
In: Imago: Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Psychologie, ihre Grenzgebiete und Anwendungen, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1935, pp. 393-411
Language: German
[Ale36] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1936
L'Amoureux des Chevelures
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  138 pages, might be in 2 volumes.
[Hau36] Hauke, Walter, 1936
In: Kriminalistische Monatshefte, Vol. 10, 1936, pp. 217-223
Language: German
Notes:  Also published in → Far03, pp. 560-572.
Abstract:  "Hauke describes the fetish, theatrical and self-torturing types, some of the more unusual manifestations of the perversion, and (with illustrations) the commercial devices and arrangements for supplying the demand. Masochism is of criminological importance, as it is involved in obscence literature and pictures and some advertisements. It is also responsible for some unexplained deaths, when the body shows injuries and is chained in a peculiar position. A sadism, directed against the self, is also present in such cases." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kam36] Kamiat, Arnold H., 1936
Male masochism and culture
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1936, pp. 84-91
[KS36] Kronengold, E. / Sterba, R., 1936
Two cases of fetishism
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 5, 1936, pp. 63-70
Abstract:  "A report is given of two cases of fetishism analyzed by the authors, in which the analytic findings comply with the formula for transvestitism proposed by Fenichel. The fetishistic act signified an identification with a woman who kept her penis despite her masochistic role, both cases representing the penis in the manner Fenichel considers specific for transvestitism, although both patients were pure fetishists without a transvestitic component. In the one case the presence of the penis was emphasized by pressure against the body with the fetish; in the other, the fetish by attachment to the body became the penis, thus leading to a duplication serving for a vigorous denial of a deficiency. The authors conclude that Fenichel's formula concerning the denial of the penisless condition of the woman by a means of a reduplicated emphasis of her penis should not be confined to transvestitism, but should be extended to include cases of masochistic fetishism in which the person acts out on himself an identification with the woman, using an attribute of phallic significance." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mur36] Murat, Walter von (ed.), 1936
Erotische Literatur in Deutschland, 1928-1936
Publisher: Reichsdruckerei, Berlin
Language: German
[Ano37] Anonymous, 1937
Pensionserlebnisse eines jungen Mädchens
Publisher: private manuscript, Berlin
Language: German
[Bal37] Balint, Michael, 1937
Ein Beitrag zum Fetischismus
(A contribution on fetishism)
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 23, 1937, pp. 413-414
Language: German
Notes:  Probably German translation of → Bal35.
Abstract:  "A fetish object is always one of relatively slight intrinsic value which is given an exaggerated significance by reason of the personal complexes involved. Usually it is non-living, and most often is something which can either be worn or into which some part of the body can be put. These characteristics connect fetishism with kleptomania and transvestitism. In the former intrinsically worthless objects are imbued with great value, while in the latter the accent is placed on the urge to dress in the clothes of the opposite sex." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bel37] FEHLT (ed.), 1937
Art Album of Flagellation: photos & drawings from the collection of Horace Bellow
Publisher: Franco Publications, New York
Notes:  2 volumes
[Kra37] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1937
Auf Grund der 11. Auflage von Psychopathia Sexualis. Eine medizinisch-gerichtliche Studie für Ärzte u. Juristen.
1st edition
Publisher: A. Müller, Rüschlikon
Language: German
[Lam37] Lampl-de Groot, Jeanne, 1937
Masochismus und Narzißmus
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 23, 1937, pp. 479-489
Language: German
[Maa37] Maaßen, Karl-Werner, 1937 (Doctoral thesis)
Über einen Fall von Briefmasochismus
School: Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel
Language: German
[Wit37] Wittels, Fritz, 1937
The Mystery of Masochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 24, 1937, pp. 139-149
[Abd38] Abdin, M.Z., 1938
Psychology of fetishism
In: Indian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 13, 1938, pp. 74-75
Abstract:  "The author views all fetish objects as substitutes for the breast of the mother, and states that in normal cases the function of the fetish is to enhance the sexual excitement; it becomes a perversion only when procreation is not the aim and it takes the place of coitus for producing an orgasm." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ami38] Amiaux, Mark, 1938
Un grand anormal: Le Chevalier de Sacher-Masoch
Publisher: Ed. de France, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  216 pages
[Ber38] Bergler, Edmund, 1938
Preliminary Phases of the Masculine Beating Fantasy
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. ?, No. ?, 1938, pp. 7514-7536
Abstract:  "Contains discussion of male/female differences in the sequencing of beating fantasies. Based on Freud's discussion in 'A Child is Being Beaten'." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Chi35] Chideckel, Maurice, 1938
Female Sex Perversion: The Sexually Aberrated Woman as She Is
Publisher: Eugenics Publishing, New York
[Due38] Duehren, V., 1938
Sexuelle Verirrung infolge Rückgratverletzung?
(Sexual aberration due to spinal injury?)
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 12, 1938, pp. 232
Language: German
Abstract:  "A 33-year-old man was discovered rummaging through baby carriages outside a pediatrician's office. He explained that, in consequence of a spinal injury 18 years previously, he could attain orgasm only when touching children's underclothes or bed linen." (APA/PsycINFO) See also → Pan38.
[Hav38] Haverly, Ernest (ed.), 1938
Selected Studies of Sadism in Art Vol. 3
Publisher: Privately printed for subscribers by Dodson Publications, New York
[Rei38] Reichsschrifttumskammer (ed.), 1938
Liste des schädlichen und unerwünschten Schrifttums
, Leipzig
Language: German
[Sco38] Scott, George Ryley, 1938
The History of Corporal Punishment: A Survey of Flagellation in its Historical, Anthropological, and Sociological Aspects
Publisher: Laurie, London
[Wil38] Wilcke, first name?, 1938
Nur ein Transvestit?
(Only a transvestite?)
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 12, 1938, pp. 157-159
Language: German
Abstract:  "A description of transvestism and flagellation in a middle-aged professor, well-known in his specialty, happily married, and a paterfamilias. The transvestism began as a corset fetishism in youth, then receded, to re-appear in more extensive, extravagant, and fantastic forms in middle age, when it was combined with flagellation and marked narcissism. The masochism was traced to his boyhood enjoyment of stories of South Sea islanders' submission to tattooing. He wrote numberless stories, poems, etc., on fantasies of the transvestite and masochistic-fetishistic world, some of which were published. The case is interesting for the variety of perversions and also because it appears to show that in their beginnings these can be abreacted, if not abolished, by a satisfactory marriage." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mei39a] Meixner, F., 1939
Der Brillenräuber
(The glasses thief)
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 13, 1939, pp. 223-224
Language: German
Abstract:  "A unique case of fetishism with sadistic elements. During the course of two years, a 40-year-old man repeatedly lay in wait at night on quiet streets for young women wearing glasses, which he would snatch off and carry away, if they were not broken. He would later throw them into the fire, or lay them on the street-car track, and was filled with satisfaction as he heard them ground under the wheels. He confessed that he was always especially drawn to women wearing glasses, but if they were indifferent to him he became sexually excited and felt impelled to tear off their glasses, which act relieved the tension. All the members of his family, both men and women, wore glasses." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pan38] Panning, G., 1939
Ärztliche Stellungnahme zum vorstehend beschriebenen Fall einer sexuellen Verirrung angeblich infolge Rückgratverletzung
(Medical opinion in the above described case of sexual perversion said to have followed spinal injury)
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 12, 1939, pp. 232-234
Language: German
Notes:  Refers to → Due38.
Abstract:  "There was no sign of a previous organic injury to the spinal cord, and in fact, the history and symptomatology made it doubtful that one had ever been present. The case is one of fetishism of a rare but not unknown variety. The connection is not worked out." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pay39] Payne, S.M., 1939
Some Observations on the Ego-Development of the Fetishist
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 20, 1939, pp. 161-170
Abstract:  "In this study, based upon the analysis of two cases of fetishism and observations on a third, the author undertakes to show 'that the necessity to make a defense against an archaic sexual aim is one of the determinants of fetishism - the aim being to kill the love object; to describe the type of situation in which the fixation of this sexual aim occurs; and to make some observations on the form of ego development which accompanies the adoption of this abnormal sexual behavior. Detailed material is cited from one of the case histories to illustrate these various points, and the author concludes 'that the psychology of the fetishist is dominated by castration fear,' and that this fear may be traced 'to infantile situations connected with unusual tension of the aggressive impulses inseparably bound up with sexuality.'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[All40] Allen, Clifford, 1940
The Sexual Perversions and Abnormalities: A study in the psychology of paraphilia
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London et al.
[Ber40] Berliner, Bernhard, 1940
Libido and reality in masochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 9, 1940, pp. 322-333
[Gil40] Gillespie, W.H., 1940
A Contribution to the Study of Fetishism
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 21, 1940, pp. 401-415
Abstract:  "'Is fetishism primarily a product of castration anxiety, to be related almost exclusively to the phallic phase, and concerned to maintain the existence of a female penis; or does the main dynamic force really come from more primitive levels, which undeniably contribute to give its ultimate form to fetishism?' The author proceeds to discuss this formulation not in terms of what makes a patient a fetishist, but in terms of the difficulties precluding normal sexual development. To this end analytic findings on a fetishistic patient are cited and discussed in detail, and the conclusion is offered that fetishism is the result of a specific form of castration anxiety, produced by a strong admixture of certain oral and anal trends." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hir40] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1940
Sexual Pathology
Revised edition
Publisher: Emerson, Oxford
Notes:  368 pp.
Abstract:  "A descriptive account of cases observed, diagnoses made, and treatment prescribed during the course of the author's practice. Part I, Sexual Symbolism, is an account of fetishism for parts of the body or for clothing or some other inanimate object. Parts II, Hypereroticism, and III, Impotence, deal with abnormal strength and weakness respectively of sexual desires and capacities. Hypereroticism involves an excess of sexual activity aroused by a single individual (superfixation) or by any individual of a given type (polyeroticism). The activity may involve either an unusual frequency of normal relations or a perversion of the normal relation (hypererotic deviation). Cases of impotence are classified according to locus of deficiency, as cerebral, spinal, genital, and germinal. Methods of therapy are suggested." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lis40] Liss, Edward, 1940
Learning: Its Sadistic and Masochistic Manifestations
In: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 10, 1940, pp. 123-128
[Rei40] Reich, Annie, 1940
A Contribution to the Psychoanalysis of Extreme Submissiveness in Woman
In: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 9, 1940, pp. 470-480
[Rei40a] Reik, Theodor, 1940
Aus Leiden Freuden
Publisher: Imago, London
Language: German
[Bag41] Baggally, W., 1941
Hedonic Conflict and the Pleasure Principle
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 22, No. 3-4, 1941, pp. 280-300
[Doo41] Dooley, Lucile, 1941
The Relation of Humor to Masochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 28, 1941, pp. 37-46
[Kar41] Karpman, Benjamin, 1941
Perversions as neuroses (the paraphiliac neuroses); their relation to psychopathy and criminality
In: Journal of Criminal Psychopathology, Vol. 3, 1941, pp. 180-199
Abstract:  "Perversions (Paraphilias) are still regarded quite universally by psychiatrists as belonging to the group of Psychopathies. The purpose of this presentation was to show that paraphilias are basically neuroses and should be recognized as such, that they have an intimate relationship to other neuroses, such as hysterical neuroses, with which they share many features in common. An attempt was made to demonstrate the points in common and the points in difference by the presentation of several relevant cases and pertinent discussions. The recognition is important not only from a clinical and theoretical standpoint but from a forensic point of view as well since these paraphilias and related reactions contribute most to sex crimes. It has been further submitted that the proper treatment for this type of case is psychotherapy just as it is for neuroses in general."
[Rei41] Reik, Theodor, 1941
Masochism in Modern Man
Publisher: Farrar & Rinehart, New York
[Ban42] Banay, Ralph S., 1942
Apparent Recovery of a Sex Psychopath After Lobotomy
In: Journal of Criminal Psychopathology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1942, pp. 59-66
[Ber42] Berliner, Bernhard, 1942
The Concept of Masochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 29, 1942, pp. 386-400
[Ell42] Ellis, Havelock, 1942
Studies in the Psychology of Sex
Publisher: Random House, New York
[Fro42] Fromm, Erich, 1942
The Fear of Freedom
Publisher: Paul, Trench, Trubner, London
Notes:  XI/257 pages
[Kun42] Kunz, H., 1942
Zur Theorie der Perversion
In: Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Vol. 105, 1942, pp. 1-?
Language: German
[Mas42] Maslow, A.H., 1942
Selfesteem (dominance feeling) and sexuality in women
In: Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 16, 1942, pp. 259-280
[Eas44] East, W.N., 1944
Sexual Offenders
in: Radzinowicz, L. / Turner, J.W.C. (ed.): English Studies in Criminal Science. Vol. II: Mental abnormality and crime., pp. 177-207
Publisher: Macmillan, Oxford
Notes:  XXIV, 316 pp.
Abstract:  "A discussion is presented of sexual irregularities as seen from the standpoint of the law, the church, and medicine, with a plea for an integration of these views. Tables show the frequency and type of sexual crimes in England. In a discussion of psychological factors in sexual irregularities, the author defines sexual perversion as sexual activity in which complete satisfaction is sought and obtained without the necessity of heterosexual intercourse and which is not a substitute for preferred heterosexual activity. Both inherited and environmental factors seem important in developing perverts. Brief discussions are given on the incidence of sexual crimes committed by the mentally ill and deficient and on the types of crimes committed (heterosexual, homosexual, exhibitionistic, sadistic, masochistic, fetishistic and transvestic). Seduction in childhood is considered the most important environmental factor in producing homosexuality. Treatment is discussed in relation to punishment." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gar44] Garma, Angel, 1944
Sadism and Masochism in Human Conduct (Part I)
In: Journal of Clinical Psycho-Pathology and Psychotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1944, pp. 1-36
[Gar44a] Garma, Angel, 1944
Sadism and Masochism in Human Conduct (Part II)
In: Journal of Clinical Psycho-Pathology and Psychotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1944, pp. 355-90
[Gar45a] Garma, Angel, 1944
Sadism and Masochism in Human Conduct (Part IV)
In: Journal of Clinical Psycho-Pathology and Psychotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1944, pp. 43-64
[Hir44] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1944
Sexual Anomalies and Perversions; physical and psychological development and treatment
Publisher: Francis Aldor / Emerson Books, Oxford
Notes:  English edition of → Hir31; according to Gayle Rubin (personal communication) a very unreliable translation. 630 pp.
Abstract:  "First published in a limited edition of 1,200 copies in England, this authorized translation, constituting a summary of the author's life work, is now reissued for restricted sale to qualified persons. Book I (2 chapters), Normal Development of Sexuality, covers the physical and the psychological foundations of sexuality. Book II (4 chapters), Irregular Sexual Development, discusses quantitative irregularities of development, castration, infantilism, and hypererotism. Book III (9 chapters), Deflections of the Sexual Impulse, discusses autoerotism, hermaphroditism, androgyny, transvestitism, and the varieties, causes, and diagnosis of homosexuality. Book IV (8 chapters), Sadism and Masochism, discusses sexual aberrations arising from fixations on component impulses, particularly sadism and masochism, sexual murder, and necrophilia. Book V (5 chapters), Other Partial Impulses, discusses kinds and varieties of fetishism, exhibitionism, and scopophilia. Much clinical and anecdotal material is cited." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lew44] Lewinsky, Hilde, 1944
On Some Aspects of Masochism
In: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 25, 1944, pp. 150-155
[Eid45] Eidelberg, Ludwig, 1945
A Contribution to the Study of the Masturbation Phantasy
In: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 26, 1945, pp. 127-137
[Fen45] Fenichel, Otto, 1945
The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis
Publisher: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, London / New York
Notes:  703 pp.
[Fro45] Fromm, Erich, 1945
Die Furcht vor der Freiheit
Publisher: Steinberg, Zürich
Language: German
[Gar45] Garma, Angel, 1945
Sadism and Masochism in Human Conduct (Part III)
In: Journal of Clinical Psycho-Pathology and Psychotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 3-4, 1945, pp. 403-508
[Thu45] Thürlimann, Rochus, 1945 (Doctoral thesis)
Über die Indikation und den therapeutischen Erfolg der Kastration bei sexuell Perversen
School: Universität Zürich
Language: German
Notes:  57 pages
[Jas46] Jaspers, Karl, 1946
Allgemeine Psychopathologie
4th completely revised edition
Publisher: Springer, Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg
Language: German
[Low46] Lowenstein, R., 1946
A Special Form of Self-Punishment
In: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 14, 1946, pp. 1-?
[McC46] McCabe, Joseph, 1946
The History of Flagellation: The Whip as an Instrument of Punishment, Torture, Self-Beatings, Religion and Erotic Stimulation
Publisher: Haldeman-Julius Publications, Girard, Kan.
[Wul46] Wulff, M., 1946
Fetishism and Object Choice in Early Childhood
In: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 15, 1946, pp. 450-471
Abstract:  "Clinical case material is cited to demonstrate that fetishism is not uncommon in childhood, that the fetish represents a substitute for the mother's breast and that its psychological structure differs from that of the fetishism of the adult."
[Ber47] Berliner, Bernhard, 1947
On Some Psychodynamics of Masochism
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1947, pp. 459-471
[Ber47a] Bergman, Paul, 1947
Analysis of an unusual case of fetishism
In: Bulletins of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 11, 1947, pp. 67-75
Abstract:  "A case is described of a boy in late adolescence whose sexual life was almost wholly absorbed by a fascination for the exhaust pipes of cars. The perversion started almost simultaneously with adolescent masturbation and was preceded in early childhood by a period of extreme cruelty toward animals. He attempted to control his fetishistic perversion by severe self-discipline of mind and body. One long period of abstinence ended in serious acts of arson. At one time during analysis there was a short break with reality marked by hallucinations of witchlike women torturing the patient. Where fetishism is a symptom of central importance, causing great suffering, 'the symptom may be assumed to grow out of and as a defense against psychotic personality structure.'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bos47] Boss, Medard, 1947
Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen: Ein daseinsanalytischer Beitrag zur Psychopathologie des Phänomens der Liebe
Publisher: Huber, Bern
Language: German
[Gut47] Gutheil, Emil A., 1947
A Rare Case of Sadomasochism (Torture by Tickling)
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 1, 1947, pp. 187-192
Abstract:  "This is a case report of a 39-year-old lawyer who has been obsessed since early childhood by sexual ideas connected with the act of tickling. Since the patient was not analyzed, only speculation is possible as to the interplay of sadistic and masochistic elements, homosexual trends, and fetishism in the creation of this unusual paraphilia." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Abr48] Abraham, Karl, 1948
Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis
in: (ed.): , pp. ?-?
Publisher: Hogarth, London
Notes:  English translation of → Abr10. Also in → Rui67.
[Ber48] Beroud, Dr. Georges, 1948
Pendaison accidentelle d'un masochiste
In: Revue de criminologie et de police technique, 1948
Language: French
[Bon48] Bonnet, Federico, 1948
Autofetichismo del calzado
(Autofetishism of footwear)
In: Archivos de Medicina Legal, Buenos Aires, Vol. 18, 1948, pp. 118-130
Language: Spanish
Abstract:  "This is the presentation of a case history of a man of 20, whose eroticism centered entirely about footwear, starting at first with his own and then spreading to other people's shoes. Altho he was sexually active, there had never been any but auto-erotic expressions. Discussion of definitions, symptomatology, etiology, and nosology of fetishisms. 25 references." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Deu48] Deutsch, Helene, 1948
Psychologie der Frau
Publisher: Huber, Bern, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Hen48] Henry, G.W., 1948
Sex Variants
2nd edition
Publisher: MISSING, London, New York
[Kar48] Karpman, Benjamin, 1948
Coprophilia: A Collective Review
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 35, 1948, pp. 253-272
Abstract:  "'... the reviewer has failed to find' any psychoanalytic contribution that specifically takes up the problem of coprophilia. 'Because of this, and to stimulate further interest, ...' the present review seemed desirable. Coprophilia is discussed briefly under the following 12 rubrics: General Biological Considerations, Erogenous Significance of Anal Zone, Defecation, Foot Fetishism, Voyeurism and Exhibitionism, Anal Erotism and Sadism, Coprophagia and Necrophagia, Copro-symbols, Language, Money Interests, Gastro-intestinal Interests, and Clinical Aspects. References are made chiefly to the writings of Freud, Ferenczi, Abraham, Kempf, Jones, Roheim, and Karpman." (APA/PsycINFO)
[KPM48] Kinsey, Alfred C. / Pomeroy, Wardell B. / Martin, Clyde E., 1948
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male
Publisher: Saunders, Philadelphia
[Lud48] Ludovici, Anthony M., 1948
Untapped Reserves of Sadism in Modern Men and Women
In: Journal of Sex Education, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1948, pp. 95-100
[Nac48] Nacht, S., 1948
Le Masochisme: Etude Psychanalytique
Publisher: Librairie le François, Paris
Language: French
[WHO48] World Health Organization (ed.), 1948
Manual of the international statistical classification of diseases, injuries and causes of death: sixth revision of the International lists of diseases and causes of death, adopted 1948 / compiled under the auspices of the World Health Organization
Publisher: WHO, Geneva
[Bos49] Boss, Medard, 1949
Meaning and Content of Sexual Perversions; a Daseinsanalytic approach to the psychopathology of the phenomenon of love
Publisher: Grune & Stratton, Oxford
Notes:  153 pp.; probably English translation of → Bos47.
Abstract:  "The psychoanalytic and anthropologic theories of perversions are criticized and a synthesis of their best points is achieved in Daseinsanalyse, a psychoanalytic-phenomenologic psychopathology. With this approach a fetishist, coprophiliac, a kleptomaniac, a voyeur and exhibitionist, a sadomasochist and three homosexuals are presented as cases of restriction in the expression of love." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Che49] Chesser, Eustace, 1949
Sexual Behaviour - Normal and Abnormal
Publisher: Medical Publications Ltd., London
[Gra49] Grant, Vernon W., 1949
A fetishistic theory of amorous fixation
In: Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 30, 1949, pp. 17-37
Abstract:  "The fundamental needs of a fetish theory are set forth in a discussion of the varied roles of fetishes in 'the affective and perceptual components of sexual behavior.' 55 references." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kar49] Karpman, Benjamin, 1949
A moder Gulliver: a study in coprophilia
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 36, 1949, pp. 162-185
Abstract:  "A psychoneurotic's comments to 'Gulliver's Travels' are laden with strong coprophiliac trends and phantasies. The 3 parts of this 12 part article presented in this issue deal with (1) coprophilia, (2) mysophilia and urophilia, and (3) fetishism and partialism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[KP+49] Kinsey, A.C. / Pomeroy, W.B. / Martin, C.E. / Gebhard, Paul H., 1949
Concepts of Normality and Abnormality in Sexual Behavior
in: Hock, P.H. / Zubin, J. (ed.): Psychosexual Development in Health and Disease, pp. 11-32
Publisher: Grune & Stratton, New York
[McC49] McCabe, Joseph, 1949
The History of Torture
Publisher: Haldeman-Julius Publications, Girard, Kan.
[Rom49] Romm, May E., 1949
Some dynamics in fetishism
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 18, 1949, pp. 137-153
Abstract:  "Analysis of a patient with a hair-cutting fetishism involving his wife is interpreted in terms of an expression of strong homosexual feelings toward his father. Therapy resulted from directing his psychological energy away from his projective defenses toward constructive activity." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sad49] Sade, Marquis de (ed.), 1949
L'Aigle, Mademoiselle: Lettres publiées pour la première fois sur les manuscrits autographes inédits
Publisher: Georges Artigues, Paris
Language: French
[Sco40] Scott, George Ryley, 1949
The History of Torture Throughout the Ages
Publisher: Laurie, London
[Spi49] Spirek, Alfred, 1949 (Doctoral thesis)
"Das Vermächtnis Kains" von Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
School: FEHLT, Wien
Language: German
Notes:  222 pages, typescript
[Bin49] Binswanger, Ludwig, 1949/50
Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen
In: Psyche, 1949/50, pp. 881-?
Language: German
[Ahl50] Ahlbeck, Werner, 1950
Geheimnisse der erotischen Liebeskunst: Perversitäten bei Mann und Frau Series: Geheimnisse der erotischen Liebeskunst, Vol. 8
Publisher: Krämer, Bad Kissingen
Language: German
[Geb50] Gebsattel, Victor Emil von, 1950
Daseinsanalytische und anthropologische Auslegung der sexuellen Perversionen
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 1, 1950, pp. 128-?
Language: German
[LC50] London, Louis Samuel / Caprio, Frank S., 1950
Sexual Deviations: A Psychodynamic Approach
Publisher: Linacre Press, Washington, D.C.
[May50] Mayer, E.E., 1950
The Sex Deviate
In: Pennsylvania Medical Journal, Vol. 53, 1950, pp. 32-?
[Mon50] Monchy, R. de, 1950
Masochism as a Pathological and as a Normal Phenomenon in the Human Mind
In: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 31, 1950, pp. 95-97
[Bea51] Beauvoir, Simone de, 1951
Faut-il bruler Sade?
In: Les Temps Modernes, Vol. ??, 1951, pp. ??
Language: French
[Cle51] Cleugh, James, 1951
The Marquis and the Chevalier. A study in the psychology of sex as illustrated by the lives and personalities of the Marquis de Sade (1470-1814) and the Chevalier von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1905).
Publisher: Melrose, London u.a.
Notes:  255 pages. Also published 1952 by Duell Sloan & Pearce, New York, 295 pages and 1972 by Greenwood, Westport (CT), 295 pages.
[Eis51] Eisler, Robert, 1951
Man into Wolf: An Anthropological Interpretation of Sadism, Masochism, and Lycanthropy
Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul, London
[FB51] Ford, Clellan S. / Beach, Frank A., 1951
Patterns of Sexual Behavior
Publisher: Harper & Brothers, New York
[Gre51] Greenberg, Pearl, 1951
A case of pronounced fetishism
In: Case Reports in Clinical Psychology, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1951, pp. 32-41
Abstract:  "Complaints of inability to concentrate, failing in school and compulsion to masturbate in women's underwear were made by a 29 year-old divorced male. A psychological examination was administered as an aid to possible psychotherapy. Test data suggest an individual who has fixated on a level of autoerotic sexual satisfaction. It was thought that the patient was well motivated for treatment, related well and manifested active conflict relative to his perversion. Depth therapy and character analysis were recommended." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Jae51] Jaeger, Jacob O.S., 1951
Summary of the psychiatric examination
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 5, 1951, pp. 245-250
Abstract:  "Examination reveals paraphilia, masochism, and passive homosexuality at the basis of a case of self-inflicted insertion of foreign bodies into the pararectum. Diagnosis: Constitutional psychopathy with a homosexual deviation." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kar51] Karpman, Benjamin, 1951
The sexual psychopat
In: Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. 42, 1951, pp. 184-192
Abstract:  "Sexual psychopathy is more correctly a paraphiliac neurosis. All normal people possess potentialities for sexual deviations, and many show deviations in minor ways. Sexual psychopaths are victims of a disease which harms them as much as it does their victims. Their abnormal impulses are irresistible, being formed by deep-lying psychogenic emotional factors, and are neither cured not sensibly diminished by punishment. The etiology of sexual disturbances is not yet known. People who are imprisoned and executed for sexual crimes should be studied to learn the secret of their pathology." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kra51] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1951
Aberrations of Sexual Life after the Psychopathia Sexualis: A Medico-Legal Study for Doctors and Lawyers Brought up to Date and Issued by Alexander Hartwich
Publisher: Staples Press, London
[Tho51] Thompson, Janet, 1951
Transvestism: an empirical study
In: International Journal of Sexology, Vol. 4, 1951, pp. 216-219
Abstract:  "The author, a man 38 years old, has worn female clothes exclusively since age 31 years. His second wife divorced him because of his transvestism. Although transvestism is sometimes linked with fetishism or homosexuality, the writer's acquaintanceship with over 50 transvestites has shown no 'common denominator other than the desire to wear the clothes of the opposite sex.' The position is taken that transvestism begins prior to age five years and is largely due to 'faulty, incomplete or distorted sex identification.' Since the mechanism becomes compulsive, no cure can be effected until the underlying emotional problem is resolved." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Wil51] Wildman, Eric A., 1951
The German Girl [and] Corporal Punishment in Germany and Austria
Publisher: Corpun Educational Organisation, London
[Wul51] Wulff, M., 1951
On fetishism
In: International Journal of Sexology, Vol. 4, 1951, pp. 224-227
Abstract:  "In fetishism an object, though completely unrelated to sex, may elicit sexual excitement and even orgasm. Drawing upon the literature for illustrative cases, the hypothesis is made that fetishism results from early childhood conditioning with some object, usually one associated by sight or smell with a loved person. The fetish gives the child a feeling of happiness and security 'in the absence of the mother who cannot always be present. As soon as the genital region is sufficiently developed, it is drawn into this development. This can happen in boys and in girls.'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ano52] Anonymous, 1952
Figure-training Fundamentals for Women of Distinction and Discernment
Publisher: Naboma Company, Los Angeles
[APA52] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1952
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[Bon52] Bonaparte, Marie, 1952
Some Biophysical Aspects of Sadomasochism
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1952, pp. 373-383
[Bos52] Boss, Medard, 1952
Sinn und Gehalt der sexuellen Perversionen
Publisher: Huber, Bern, Stuttgart
Language: German
Abstract:  "Presents a psychoanalytical, phenomenological, and anthropological discussion of different varieties of sexual deviations illustrated with 8 case histories." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gie52] Giese, Hans (ed.), 1952
Wörterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft
Publisher: Instituts-Verlag, Bonn
Language: German
[Gil52] Gillespie, W.H., 1952
Notes on the Analysis of Sexual Perversions
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 33, 1952, pp. 397-?
[Kna52] Knapp, Hans, 1952
Masochist "schlachtet" sich selbst und erleidet Tod durch Gehirnschlag
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 6, 1952, pp. 284-285
Language: German
[Lel52] Lély, Gilbert (ed.), 1952
Vie du marquis de Sade. Avec un examen de ses ouvrages. Vol. I
Publisher: Gallimard, Paris
Language: French
[Mei52] Meixner, Franz, 1952
Kriminalität und Sexualität. Leitfaden für die Untersuchung von Sexualverbrechen. Unter Berücksichtigung der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen Gesetzgebung.
Publisher: Kriminalistik Verlag, Heidelberg
Language: German
[Sar52] Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1952
Das Sein und das Nichts. Versuch einer phänomenologischen Ontologie.
Publisher: Rowohlt, Hamburg
Language: German
[Sch52] Schultz, Johannes Heinrich, 1952
Organstörungen und Perversionen im Liebesleben - Bedeutung, Entstehung, Behandlung, Verhütung
(Physiological Disturbances and Perversions of the Love Life - Meaning, Formation, Therapy, Prevention)
Publisher: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, München/Basel
Language: German
Notes:  278 pp.
Abstract:  "A non-technical exposition of sexual disturbances is presented from the psychodynamic standpoint. Topics covered include: psychosexual development, masturbation, frigidity, impotence, fetishism, sadism, masochism, exhibitionism, and homosexuality. Case histories illustrate treatment with psychotherapy." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sch52a] Schultz, Johannes Heinrich, 1952
Die perverse Fehlhaltung
in: (ed.): Handwörterbuch der Neurosenlehre und Psychotherapie, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Urban und Schwarzenberg, München
Language: German
[Ste52] Stekel, Wilhelm, 1952
Sexual Aberrations; the phenomena of fetishism in relation to sex
Publisher: Liveright, Oxford
Notes:  A reprint of → Ste30 with a new introduction by Emil A. Gutheil.
[Aig53] Aigner, S., 1953
Zum Problem des Masochismus
(On the problem of masochism)
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 6, 1953, pp. 255-258
Language: German
[All53] Allen, Clifford, 1953
Some Aspects of Sadism
In: International Journal of Sexology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1953, pp. 228-231
[BAG53] Bürger-Prinz, Hans / Albrecht, H. / Giese, Hans, 1953
Zur Phänomenologie des Transvestitismus bei Männern
In: Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Vol. 3, 1953, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Bak53] Bak, Robert C., 1953
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 1, 1953, pp. 285-294
Abstract:  "Fetishists show weakness of ego structure, inordinate separation anxiety, erotization of the hands, pregenital fixations, and simultaneous and alternating identification with the phallic and penisless mother." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bie53] Bieber, Irving, 1953
The Meaning of Masochism
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1953, pp. 433-448
[Boh53] Bohm, Ewald, 1953
Ein Fall von masochistischem Transvestitismus Series: Beihefte zur Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Anwendungen, Vol. 21
Publisher: Huber, Bern
Language: German
[Fri53] Friedeburg, Ludwig von, 1953
Die Umfrage in der Intimsphäre Series: Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Vol. 4
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Gee53] Geerds, Friedrich, 1953 (Doctoral thesis)
Einwilligung und Einverständnis des Verletzten
School: Universität Kiel
Language: German
[Gra53] Grant, Vernon W., 1953
A case study of fetishism
In: Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Vol. 48, 1953, pp. 142-149
Abstract:  "A 35-year-old male recounts his experiences when suffering from a shoe fetish." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hoe53] Hoelen, Ed, 1953
Le cas d'un fétichiste qui versait de l'encre sur les toilettes des jeunes femmes
(The case of a fetishist who poured ink on young women's dresses)
In: Psyche, Vol. 8, 1953, pp. 1-11
Language: French
Abstract:  "The patient, a retired Army major, thrice married, was apprehended by the authorities for throwing ink on young women's dresses. A psychiatric examination revealed a relatively healthy personality with tendencies to fetishism for feet and dainty shoes, a relatively impotent sexual life, a fear of castration and some sadistic traits." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hoe53a] Hoelen, Ed, 1953
Le cas d'un fétichiste qui versait de l'encre sur les toilettes des jeunes femmes
(The case of a fetishist who poured ink on young women's dresses)
In: Psyche, Vol. 8, 1953, pp. 119-123
Language: French
Abstract:  "The second of two articles; the results of a physical and neurological examination are given. The case confirms the thesis of modern psychiatrists that the libido is projected toward an inoffensive object as a result of a fear of castration." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hor53] Hora, Thomas, 1953
The structural analysis of transvestitism
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 40, 1953, pp. 268-274
Abstract:  "A patient's transvestitism was composed of four elements: the transvestite act (intercourse with mother), fetishism (denial of castration), passive homosexual attitude (denial of male competitive desires), and masochism (castration as punishment for incest). The punishment and disguise fantasies had the same value to the patient as the incest drive itself. Analysis proceeded from ego defenses (passivity) to superego pressures (masochism) and then to id drives (fetishism and transvestitism)." (APA/PsycINFO)
[KP+53] Kinsey, Alfred C. / Pomeroy, Wardell B. / Gebhard, Paul H. / Martin, Clyde E., 1953
Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
Publisher: W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia
[Men53] Menaker, Esther, 1953
Masochism - A Defense Reaction of the Ego
In: Psychoanalysis Quarterly, Vol. 22, 1953, pp. 205-220
[PRW53] Peabody, George A. / Rowe, Arthur T. / Wall, James H., 1953
Fetishism and transvestism
In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 118, 1953, pp. 339-349
Abstract:  "A brief review of the literature with reference to etiology and dynamics of these disorders, a number of case histories of such patients and a discussion of their hospital treatment and management are elaborated. 24 references." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sch53] Schindler, Walter, 1953
A case of crutch fetishism as the result of a literal Oedipus complex
In: International Journal of Sexology, Vol. 6, 1953, pp. 131-135
[Ujh53] Ujhely, Valentine A., 1953
An unusual case of renifleurism
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 7, 1953, pp. 68-71
Abstract:  "An unusual case of olfactory-sexual fixation and compulsive paraphilic behavior is reported. An attempt is made to show that renifleurism substitutes for a more serious paraphilia (homosexuality)."
[Arl54] Arlow, Jacob, 1954
Perversions: Theoretical and Therapeutic Aspects
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 2, 1954, pp. 336-?
[Dud54] Dudley, Geoffrey A., 1954
A rare case of female fetishism
In: International Journal of Sexology, Vol. 8, 1954, pp. 32-34
Abstract:  "A rubber mackintosh fetish in a 17-year-old girl is presented to show that female fetishism does exist despite psychoanalytic theories of fetishism which preclude the possibility of females being so affected. Although this particular case was not investigated psychoanalytically, several tentative unconscious motives for the fetish are suggested." (APA/PsycINFO)
[FB54] Ford, Clellan S. / Beach, Frank A., 1954
Das Sexualverhalten von Mensch und Tier
Publisher: Kraemer & Hansen GmbH, Osnabrück
Language: German
[Fin54] Fink, Harold Kenneth, 1954
Long Journey: A Verbatim Report of a Case of Severe Psychosexual Infantilism
Publisher: Julian Press, New York
[Geb54] Gebsattel, Victor Emil von, 1954
Prolegomena einer medizinischen Anthropologie
Publisher: Springer, Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg
Language: German
Notes:  V/414 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Gee54] Geerds, Friedrich, 1954
Einwilligung und Einverständnis des Verletzten im Strafrecht
In: Goltdammers Archiv für Strafrecht, Vol. ?, 1954, pp. 262-269
Language: German
[Gra54] Grant, Vernon W., 1954
A problem in sex pathology
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 110, 1954, pp. 589-593
Abstract:  "The phenomenon of sexual fetishisms is discussed and an illustrative case is outlined. In this setting, some contemporary theory is considered particularly in its applicability to certain features of the data on fetishisms, with special reference to conditioning. Psychoanalytic interpretations and Binet's observations on near-normal varieties of fetishism are also discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gre54] Greenacre, Phyllis, 1954
Certain Relationships between Fetishism and the Faulty Development of the Body Image
In: The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 8, 1954, pp. 79-98
Abstract:  "Fetishism is the obligatory use of some non-genital object as part of the sexual act, without which gratification cannot be obtained. Fetishism is the result of disturbances in body image in the early months of life and complementary disturbances in the phallic phase producing an exaggeration of the castration complex. The persistent primary identification plus the sight of penislessness in the partner makes genital performance impossible unless the special support of the fetish is offered. The fetish preserves the idea of the mother's phallus and denies sex differences." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gru54] Grunberger, Benjamin C., 1954
Esquisse d'Une Théorie Psychodynamique du Masochisme
In: Revue française de psychanalyse, Vol. , No. ?, 1954, pp. ?
Language: French
[Gut54] Gutheil, Emil A., 1954
The psychologic background of transsexualism and transvestism
In: Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, Vol. 8, 1954, pp. 231-239
Abstract:  "Six psychopathological factors are held responsible for transvestism: (1) latent (or manifest) homosexuality with an unresolved castration complex; (2) the sadomasochistic component; (3) the narcissistic component; (4) the scoptophilic; (5) the exhibitionistic, and (6) the fetishistic component. In every case all six tributaries are represented in varying degrees." (APA/PsycINFO)
[GW54] Giese, Hans / Willy, A. (ed.), 1954
Mensch - Geschlecht - Gesellschaft: Das Geschlechtsleben unserer Zeit gemeinverständlich dargestellt
Publisher: Zühlsdorf, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  998 pages
[Hal54] Haller, W. von, 1954
Ein Fall von jugendlichem Fetischismus
(A case of juvenile fetishism)
In: Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, Vol. 3, 1954, pp. 257-260
Language: German
Abstract:  "The case of a 13 year old boy who stole lingerie belonging to girls and women and later destroyed it, is discussed, and the current personality theory in relation to fetishism is presented." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hei54] Heinen, Wilhelm, 1954
Fehlformen des Liebesstrebens in moralpsychologischer Deutung und moraltheologischer Würdigung
Publisher: Herder, Freiburg
Language: German
[Hun54] Hunter, Dugmore, 1954
Object-relation changes in the analysis of a fetishist
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 35, 1954, pp. 302-312
Abstract:  "The analysis of a mackintosh fetishist is reviewed with the purpose of showing how changes in the analytic relationship produced underlying character changes which led towards a gradual reordering of the patient's inner world and of his attitudes toward people and discarding of the fetish object." (APA/PsycINFO)
[KP+54] Kinsey, Alfred C. / Pomeroy, Wardell B. / Gebhard, Paul H. / Martin, Clyde E., 1954
Das sexuelle Verhalten der Frau
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[KP+54a] Kinsey, A.C. / Pomeroy, W.B. / Martin, C.E. / Gebhard, Paul H., 1954
Begriff des Normalen und Abnormen im Geschlechtsverhalten
in: Giese, Hans / Willy, A. (ed.): Mensch - Geschlecht - Gesellschaft: Das Geschlechtsleben unserer Zeit gemeinverständlich dargestellt, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Zühlsdorf, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Kri54] Krich, Aron M. (ed.), 1954
Men: The Variety and Meaning of Their Sexual Experience
Publisher: Dell, New York
[MFH54] Mitchell, W. / Falconer, M. / Hill, D., 1954
Epilepsy With Fetishism Relieved by Temporal Lobectomy
In: Lancet, Vol. II, 1954, pp. 626-630
[Rea54] Réage, Pauline, 1954
Histoire d'O
Publisher: Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Sceaux
Language: French
[Ric54] Richter, H.E., 1954
Über die Grundlagen des Masochismus
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 25, 1954, pp. 201-?
Language: German
[Sie54] Siebecke, E., 1954
Sadismus und Masochismus
in: Giese, Hans / Willy, A. (ed.): Mensch - Geschlecht - Gesellschaft: Das Geschlechtsleben unserer Zeit gemeinverständlich dargestellt, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Zühlsdorf, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[BB54] Boss, Medard / Benedetti, G., 1954/55
Psychoanalyse eines Sadisten
In: Psyche, Vol. 7, 1954/55, pp. 241-?
Language: German
[Bat55] Bataille, Diane (anonym erschienen), 1955
The Whip Angels
Publisher: Olympia Press, Paris
[BL55] Bohne, G. / Lehrndorfer, G., 1955
Zwei Fälle von Gummi-Fetischismus
(Two cases of rubber fetishism)
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 26, 1955, pp. 280-285
Language: German
[Cap55] Caprio, Frank Samuel, 1955
Variations in Sexual Behavior
Publisher: Grove Press, New York
[Gie55] Giese, Hans (ed.), 1955
Die Sexualität des Menschen: Handbuch der medizinischen Sexualforschung
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Gre55] Greenacre, Phyllis, 1955
Further Considerations regarding Fetishism
In: The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 10, 1955, pp. 187-194
Abstract:  "Fetishists have fantasies limited in nature, act out more than usual, have topical unreality states, are early suffused with aggression, show quick denial and reversal, and use the love object for narcissistic rather than for mutual gratification. Object-relationship is jeopardized rather than supported by the sexual act. The whole body of the fetishist is more than ordinarily equated with the phallus and every part of the body may become genitalized." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hag55] Hagen, Siegfried (ed.), 1955
Language: German
[Hir55] Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1955
Geschlechtsanomalien und Perversionen. Ein Studienbuch für Ärzte, Juristen, Seelsorger und Pädagogen.
Publisher: Nordische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt, Stockholm
Language: German
[KPM55] Kinsey, Alfred C. / Pomeroy, Wardell B. / Martin, Clyde E., 1955
Das sexuelle Verhalten des Mannes
Publisher: Fischer, Berlin
Language: German
[Lor55] Lorulot, André, 1955
La Flagellation et les perversions sexuelles, l'amour, la religion et le fouet, a travers la cruauté les aberrations de la sexualité
Publisher: Éditions de l'Idée libre, Herblay
Language: French
[Mar55] Marcuse, Herbert, 1955
Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud
Publisher: Beacon Press, Boston
[Mea55] Mead, Margaret, 1955
Mann und Weib. Das Verhältnis der Geschlechter in einer sich wandelnden Welt.
Publisher: Diana, Stuttgart et al.
Language: German
[Nol55] Noll, Peter, 1955
Übergesetzliche Rechtfertigungsgründe, im besonderen die Einwilligung des Verletzten
Publisher: MISSING, Basel
Language: German
[Sch55] Schelsky, H., 1955
Soziologie der Sexualität
Publisher: Rowohlt, Hamburg
Language: German
[Sto55] Stourzh-Anderle, Helene, 1955
Sexuelle Konstitution: Psychopathie, Kriminalität, Genie Series: Wiener Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Vol. 1
Publisher: Verlag für medizinische Wissenschaften Wilhelm Maudrich, Wien / Bonn
Language: German
Notes:  IX/262 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Bak56] Bak, Robert C., 1956
The Problem of Masochism in the Theory and Technique of Psychoanalysis
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 4, 1956, pp. 526-538
[Ber56] Berg, Jean de (i.e. Catherine Robbe-Grillet), 1956
Publisher: Ed. de minuit, Paris
Language: French
[BN56] Brown, Sydney / Nyswander, Marie, 1956
The Treatment of Masochistic Adults
In: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1956, pp. 351-364
[Bre56] Bressler, David M., 1956
Masochism in Terms of Adlerian Psychology
In: Journal of Individual Psychology, Vol. 12, 1956, pp. 123-127
[Dra56] Dracoulides, N.N., 1956
Fétichisme du pied
(Foot fetishism)
In: Acta Psychotherapeutica, Psychosomatica et Orthopaedagogica, Vol. 4, 1956, pp. 73-82
Language: French with English and German summaries
Abstract:  "A case of foot fetishism in a sexually inhibited male is based on a pre-Oedipal fixation to a phallic mother, promoted by retarded weaning and by oral and genital practices effected by the toe and sole of the maternal foot during the patient's infancy. The problem was resolved after one thousand analytic sessions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fra56] Franzen, Peter, 1956
Die Flagellomanie und ihre heutigen Erscheinungsformen
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Fri56] Friedenberg, F.S., 1956
A Contribution to the Problem of Sadomasochism
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 43, 1956, pp. 91-96
[Gar56] Garma, Angel, 1956
The meaning and genesis of fetishism
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 37, 1956, pp. 414-415
Abstract:  "Discusses the fetishism of a patient who developed an intense castration anxiety as regards the feminine genital organ. He thought it was toothed and liable to bite; and he considered it as a wound through which a woman could empty herself out." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gil56] Gillespie, W.H., 1956
A General Theory of Sexual Perversion
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37, 1956, pp. 396-403
[LB56] Lorand, Sandor / Balint, Michael (ed.), 1956
Perversions: Psychodynamics and Therapy
Publisher: Random House, New York
Notes:  XII, 307 pp.
Abstract:  "17 psychoanalysts from the United States and Europe offer 16 papers on varied aspects of sexual perversion. As a basis for their discussion they 'accept as valid Freud's formulations.' General problems of theory, etiology, and cultural norm are reviewed by F. Alexander, M. Balint, W. H. Gillespie, R. Le Coultre, and W. Muensterberger. Male and female homosexuality are considered by S. S. Feldman, G. Bychowski, C. L. Bacon, M. L. Miller, B. Grunberger, G. Ruffler, R. C. Bak, and L. Eidelberg. H. Christoffel and J. Lacan discuss male genital exhibitionism and fetishism. S. Lorand concludes the volume with a review of therapeutic principles in the treatment of perversions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pan56] Panel (M. Stein reporter), 1956
The problem of masochism in the theory and technique of psychoanalysis
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 4, 1956, pp. 526-538
[Pau56] Pauly, Joachim, 1956
Die Algolagnie (Schmerzwollust)
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Riv56] River, J. Paul de, 1956
The Sexual Criminal: A Psychoanalytical Study
2nd edition
Publisher: Ch. C. Thomas, Springfield
Notes:  375 pages.
[SC56] Shankel, L. Willard / Carr, Arthur C., 1956
Transvestism and hanging episodes in a male adolescent
In: Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol. 30, 1956, pp. 478-493
Abstract:  "A boy of 17 would dress in stolen female clothing during masturbation and would then unsuccessfully and repeatedly hang himself so as to add to his pleasure. The body-phallus equation suggests the utilization of the construction of the neck as a sexual stimulant. Six elements cited by Gutheil in the etiology of transvestism are homosexuality and castration, fetishism, narcissism, exhibitionism, sadomasochism, and scopophilia." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ste56] Stein, Martin M., 1956
The Problem of Masochism in the Theory and Technique of Psychoanalysis
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 4, 1956, pp. 526-538
[Wei57] Weissman, Philip, 1956
Some aspects of sexual activity in a fetishist
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 26, 1956, pp. 494-507
Abstract:  "Sexual activity accompanying fetishism is not under the impetus of a heightened genital wish. This is even true when the activity is sexual intercourse and produces gratification. The sexual activity augments the work of the fetishistic activity by safe-guarding against anxieties caused by pregenital disturbances - fears of disintegration and separation and their accompanying disturbances of affect and object relationship."
[Woo56] Wood, Robert, 1956
Fur Fetishism
In: Sexology, Vol. ? (Februar), 1956, pp. 426-431
[Ano57] Anonymous, 1957
The Callipyges. The whole philosophy and secret mystery of female flagellation now for the first time fully exposed. By four English ladies.
Publisher: Pall Mall Press, Paris
[Boo57] Boots (Pseud.), 1957
The Feelings of a Fetishist
In: Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol. 31, 1957, pp. 742-758
Abstract:  "'Boots' collects rubber boots under the guise of part-time trading in scrap rubber and by explaining his boot collection as a hobby. 'Boots' is a self-professed homosexual fetishist. He believes in 'once a fetishist, always a fetishist.' He functions in society without psychiatric care. He points out that not all homosexuals are fetishists. He states that a fetish is often a throwback resulting from early childhood memories which are especially vivid." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Buy57] Buytendijk, F.J.J., 1957
Over de Pijn
Publisher: Het Spectrum, Utrecht/Antwerpen
Language: Dutch
[Cau57] Cauldwell, David O., 1957
The Rubber Fetishist
In: Sexology, Vol. ? (Juni?), 1957, pp. 716-721
[Cli57] Clinard, Marshall Barron, 1957
Sociology of Deviant Behavior
Publisher: Rinehart, New York
[Lel57] Lély, Gilbert (ed.), 1957
Vie du marquis de Sade. Avec un examen de ses ouvrages. Vol. II
Publisher: Gallimard, Paris
Language: French
[Lis57] Lister, Milton, 1957
The Analysis of an Unconscious Beating Fantasy in a Woman
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 38, No. 1, 1957, pp. 22-31
[Loe57] Loewenstein, Rudolph M., 1957
A Contribution to the Psychoanalytic Theory of Masochism
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1957, pp. 197-234
[Lon57] London, L., 1957
Sexual Deviations in the Female
Publisher: MISSING, New York
[Lon57a] London, Louis Samuel, 1957
Abnormal Sexual Behavior: Twenty-Three Detailed Case Studies
Publisher: Julian Press, New York
[Nag57] Nagler, S.H., 1957
Fetishism: A review and a case study
In: Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol. 31, 1957, pp. 713-741
Abstract:  "The paper reviews analytic literature on fetishism and presents in detail a case of homosexual foot fetishism. 'It is suggested that the fetishist is a passive, dependent individual of extremely low self esteem, who seeks slavishly in fantasy to win favor and acceptance. Feeling inadequate to the full role of the male he serves the woman adoringly, religiously, or slavishly, to gain her love and her tolerance for his inadequate performance. In the case of the homosexual fetishist, he serves the man to gain his own acceptance as a male and thus is permitted to salvage his self-esteem.'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pau57] Pauly, Joachim, 1957
Der sexuelle Fetischismus
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Pau57a] Pauly, Joachim, 1957
Die Problematik der Perversionen
Publisher: Reichelt, Wiesbaden
Language: German
[Rei57] Reinhardt, James Melvin, 1957
Sex Perversions and Sex Crimes
Publisher: Charles C. Thomas, Oxford?
Notes:  X, 340 pp.
Abstract:  "The primary emphasis in this book '... is upon the import of the sociocultural environment and unique individual experiences as conditioners of sexually pervertive behavior.' Following a discussion of 'The perversion and the norm,' the author treats homosexuality, transvestism, pyromania, sadomasochism, lust murder, fetishism, pedophilia, necrophilia, exhibitionism and voyeurism. Many case histories are presented, as well as many references to world sexual literature. A critical review of the Kinsey report and a bibliography of books dealing with sex variants supplement the text." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rot57] Rottenberg, Max, 1957 (Doctoral thesis)
Der Sittlichkeitsverbrecher und seine strafrechtliche Behandlung
School: Universität Zürich
Language: German
[Sal57] Salfield, D., 1957
Juvenile Fetishism
In: Zeitschrift für Kinderpsychiatrie, Vol. 24, 1957, pp. 183-196
Abstract:  "Fetishism is rare in children and juveniles. Fragmentary hypnotic treatment of a 14-year-old boy who continually stole women's underthings revealed remarkable psychopathological phenomena and inhibited the abnormal behavior for some weeks. Findings seem to indicate the cause as partial inhibition of identification with both father and mother, acting as a double bar to the development of manifest homosexuality." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sch57] Schertel, Ernst, 1957
Der Flagellantismus in Literatur und Bildnerei
Publisher: Franz Decker Verlag Nachf., Schmiden
Language: German
[Sto57] Storr, Anthony, 1957
The psychopathology of fetishism and transvestitism
In: Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol. 2, 1957, pp. 153-166
Abstract:  "Fetishists and transvestists are persons who, because of a certain type of immaturity, feel themselves to be inadequate as men. 'Their symptoms are an effort to remedy this situation by an attempt to transfer masculinity from another person to themselves, whether this person be male or female ... This attempt is paralleled in the mythological theme of the hero's struggle with the bisexual dragon ... Opposing views of other psychopathologists can be reconciled if this interpretation is accepted.' Cases of impotence, homosexual fetishism, and heterosexual fetishism are presented." (APA/PsycINFO)
[WHO57] World Health Organization (ed.), 1957
Manual of the international statistical classification of diseases, injuries, and causes of death: based on the recommendations of the Seventh Revision Conference, 1955, and adapted by the Ninth World Health Assembly under the WHO nomenclature regulations
Publisher: WHO, Geneva
[Win57] Winnik, N.Z., 1957
Bemerkungen zu einem thanatophilen Aspekt des Masochismus
In: Psyche, Vol. XV, No. 11, 1957, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Sch57a] Schultz, Johannes Heinrich, 1957-1959
Die perverse Fehlhaltung
in: Frankl, Viktor Emil / von Gebsattel, Viktor Emil / Schultz, Johannes Heinrich (ed.): Handbuch der Neurosenlehre und Psychotherapie, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Urban & Schwarzenberg, München et al.
Language: German
[Bra58] Bräutigam, Walter, 1958
Zur Phänomenologie der erotischen und sexuellen Liebe sowie ihrer Perversionen
(On the phenomenology of erotic and sexual love and their perversions)
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 29, 1958, pp. 53-59
Language: German
Abstract:  "The erotic and sexual encounter of male and female takes place in several phases. The first one is optic-aesthetic. Perversions at this level include exhibitionism and voyeurism. Transvestites are fixated on this stage. The next step is physical contact, its perversions are sado-masochism and fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Eis58] Eissler, K.R., 1958
Bemerkungen zur Technik der psychoanalytischen Behandlung Pubertierender nebst einigen Überlegungen zum Problem der Perversion
In: Psyche, Vol. 20, 1958, pp. 837-872
Language: German
[Gar58] Garma, Angel, 1958
Dynamik des Fetischismus
(Dynamics of fetishism)
In: Psyche, Vol. 12, 1958, pp. 460-473
Language: German
Abstract:  "The psychoanalysis of a case of male fetishism. At once both a repression and an assertion of his castration anxiety, the fetishism enabled him a certain masculinity in whose form a surrender of his masculine genitality was simultaneously expressed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kri58] Krich, Aron M. (ed.), 1958
Women: The Variety and Meaning of Their Sexual Experience
Publisher: MISSING, New York
[Pau58] Pauly, Joachim, 1958
Liebe, Lust und Laster
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Pea58] Pearson, Angela (i.e. John Millington-Ward), 1958
The Whipping Club: An Account of Some of the Activities of a Number of Lovely Women Who Have Men in Their Power
Publisher: Olympia Press, Paris
[Soc58] Socarides, Charles W., 1958
The Function of Moral Masochism: With Special Reference to the Defense Process
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 39, 1958, pp. 587-597
[BKA59] Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden (ed.), 1959
Sittlichkeitsdelikte: Arbeitstagung im Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden vom 20. April bis 25. April 1959 über Bekämpfung der Sittlichkeitsdelikte
Proceedings of: Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden, 1959
Publisher: Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden
Language: German
[Bre59] Brenner, Charles, 1959
The Masochistic Character: Genesis and Treatment
In: Journal of the Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 7, 1959, pp. 197-226
[Byc59] Bychowski, Gustav, 1959
Some Aspects of Masochistic Involvement
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1959, pp. 248-273
[Gor57] Gorer, Geoffrey, 1959
Marquis de Sade
Publisher: Limes, Wiesbaden
Language: German
[Hol59] Holm, Dr. med., 1959
Mach mich glücklich
in: (ed.): , pp. 125-150
Publisher: Lothar Hemshorn, Hamburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[HWP59] Heller, Walther G. / Wagner, Harry S. / Pauly, Joachim, 1959
Der Flagellantismus und verwandte Formen exzentrischer Sexualität in Amerika
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Kie59] Kierstein, G., 1959
Sadistische Betätigung eines Masochisten
In: Kriminalistik, 1959, pp. 395-396
Language: German
[KK59] Kronhausen, Phyllis / Kronhausen, Eberhard, 1959
Pornography and the Law: The Psychology of Erotic Realism and Pornography
Publisher: Ballantine, New York
[Lan59] Cecil Y. Lang (ed.), 1959
The Swinburne Letters Vol. 1-6
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut
[Wet59] Wettley, Annemarie, 1959
Von der "Psychopathia sexualis" zur Sexualwissenschaft Series: Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Vol. 17
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[LeV59] Le Vine, R.A., 1959
Gusii Sex Offenses. A Study in Social Control
In: American Anthropologist, Vol. 61, No. 6, 1959, pp. ?-?
[Mec59] Mechler, Ulrich, 1959
Sadistinnen und Masochisten
Publisher: Prehm, Dachau
Language: German
[Pea59] Pearson, Angela (i.e. John Millington-Ward), 1959
The Whipping Post
Publisher: Olympia Press, Paris
Language: German
[Rey59] Reynolds, R., 1959
Eine Studie in Einzelhilfe mit sadomasochistischen Ehepartnern
In: Social Casework, Vol. ?, 1959, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[RS59] Reynolds, Rosemary / Siegle, Else, 1959
A Study of Casework with Sado-masochistic Marriage Partners
In: Social Casework, 1959, pp. 545-550
[Sho59] Shontz, Franklin C.F.S.L., 1959
A Psychobiological Analysis of Discomfort, Pain, and Death
In: Journal of General Psychology, Vol. , No. ?, 1959, pp. ?-?
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Whi59] Whitelaw, J.D.A., 1959
A case of fetishism treated with lysergic acid diethylamide
In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 129, 1959, pp. 573-577
[Ber60] Bergler, E., 1960
Differential diagnosis between a calculated risk and a masochistic action
In: Diseases of the Nervous System, Vol. 21, 1960, pp. 30-?
[DM60] Davies, B. / Morgenstern, F., 1960
A Case of Cysticerosis, Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, and Transvestism
In: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Vol. 23, 1960, pp. 247-249
[Eps60] Epstein, Arthur W., 1960
Fetishism: A Study of Its Psychopathology With Particular Reference to a Proposed Disorder in Brain Mechanisms as an Etiological Factor
In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 130, 1960, pp. 107-110
Abstract:  "In an attempt to gain greater understanding of fetishism, a case of the author's and documented cases in the literature are presented and analyzed. The psychodynamics of the fetishist are said to stem from a disturbance of cerebral physiology." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gra60] Grant, Vernon W., 1960
The cross-dresser: A case study
In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 131, 1960, pp. 149-159
Abstract:  "The case history of a transvestite with a strong fetishistic interest in feminine shoes is presented and discussed. Although he rarely dressed fully in woman's clothing, his fantasy and preoccupation with feminine apparel and his erotic stimulation from wearing feminine shoes classify him as a transvestite rather than a fetishist. The need for obtaining more data along the lines of sex deviation rather than theorizing is indicated." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gre60] Greenacre, Phyllis, 1960
Further Notes on Fetishism
In: The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 15, 1960, pp. 187-?
[Hor60] Hori, Akio, 1960
One Case of Sadism
In: Acta Medica, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1960, pp. 277-280
[KK60] Kronhausen, Phyllis / Kronhausen, Eberhard, 1960
Sex Histories of American College Men
Publisher: Ballantine, New York
[Lem60] Lemke, K.J.E., 1960
Fetischismus und Fetischisten
Publisher: MISSING, Oberndorf
Language: German
[Luk60] Lukianowicz, N., 1960
Imaginary sexual partner
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 3, 1960, pp. 429-449
Abstract:  "Masturbation is normal in children, young adults, and in adults in the absence of a sexual partner. It is frequently accompanied by fantasies which represent a wish-fulfillment. These fantasies differ mainly in duration from those of imaginary companions frequently found in single and lonely children and from erotic daydreams. The nature of the imaginary sexual partner (sex, animal, fetish) and of the imagined sexual scene (normal, perverse, sadistic) corresponds to the sexual preference of the masturbator as illustrated by 20 cases. Masturbation, visual masturbatory fantasies, and psychiatric illness seem unrelated." (APA/PsycINFO)
[McL60] McLeish, John, 1960
Sadism and Masochism
In: Medical World, Vol. 93, No. 4, 1960, pp. 363-367
[Mec60] Mechler, Ulrich, 1960
FEHLT (Sadistinnen und Masochisten, Teil II)
Publisher: Prehm, Dachau
Language: German
[MR+60] Michaux, Léon / Rapaud, G. / Moor, L., 1960
Cinquante Ans De Mutilations Monstrueuses Chez Un Masochiste, Fils De Masochiste
In: Presse Médicale, Vol. 68, 1960, pp. 655-?
Language: French
[Pea60] Pearson, Angela (i.e. John Millington-Ward), 1960
Whips Incorporated
Publisher: Olympia Press, Paris
[Pla60] Plaut, Paul, 1960
Der Sexualverbrecher und seine Persönlichkeit
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[PW60] Podolsky, Edward / Wade, Carlson, 1960
Erotic Symbolism: A Study of Fetishism in Relation to Sex
Publisher: Epic Publishing, New York
[Sch60] Schmidt, Franz von, 1960
Nachtseiten der Liebe. Von Verirrungen des Geschlechtslebens. Aus den Akten der Kriminalpolizei.
Publisher: A. Müller, Rüschlikon
Language: German
[Soc60] Socarides, Charles W., 1960
The Development of a Fetishistic Perversion
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 8, 1960, pp. 281-311
Abstract:  "The patient's preoedipal mother fixation led to a primary female identification, a prolonged clinging to the transitional object, the wish to bear a child, a fetishistic perversion, and an intensity of anal and oral aggressive drives and fantasies. Both preoedipal and oedipal conflicts are mutually interrelated so that a differentiation as to causative process is very difficult." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ste60] Stein, Conrad, 1960
Inversion Sado-Masochique du Complexe d'Oedipe et Relation d'Objet Paranoļaque
In: Revue Française De Psychanalyse, Vol. 24, 1960, pp. 301-332
Language: French
[The60] Thelen, Friedrich, 1960
Die Welt der Flagellanten
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Und60] Underwood, Miles (i.e. John Glassco), 1960
Under the Birch: The Story of an English Governess
Publisher: Olympia Press, Paris
[Bac61] Bachem, Bele (i.e. Renate Gabriele Böhmer), 1961
Anbetung des Korsetts
Publisher: Fackelträger, Hannover
Language: German
[Bre61] Brettner, Heinz, 1961
Masochismus, Pyromanie, Schizophrenie? Feuertod auf dem eigenen Scheiterhaufen
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. , No. ?, 1961, pp. 264-266
Language: German
[EA61] Ellis, Albert / Abarbanel, Albert, 1961
The Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior
Publisher: Hawthorn Books, New York
Notes:  2 volumes, 1059 pages
[Eps61] Epstein, Arthur W., 1961
Relationship of Fetishism and Transvestism to Brain and Particularly to Temporal Lobe Disfunction
In: The Journal of nervous and mental disease, Vol. 133, 1961, pp. 247-253
Abstract:  "5 cases of fetishism and cross-dressing are presented in support of a brain dysfunction theory of these disorders." (Psyc Abstracts)
[Fie61] Fielitz, Hans, 1961
Anerzogener Masochismus
Publisher: Eruditor, Oberndorf
Language: German
[Fou61] Foucault, Michel, 1961
Folie et déraison. Histoire de la folie a l'âge classique.
Publisher: Plon, Paris
Language: French
[HZ61] Haines, W.H. / Zeidler, J.C., 1961
Sexual fetishism as related to criminal acts
In: Journal of Social Therapy, Vol. 7, 1961, pp. 187-196
Abstract:  "3 case records are reported which illustrate that some object or body part has a special symbolic significance for the fetishist. Although some acts of fetishism have only nuisance value, the authors believe that there is sufficient evidence indicating that such sexual deviation may ultimately lead to acts of violence." (Psyc Abstracts)
[Kar61] Karpman, Benjamin, 1961
From the dream life of a voyeur: A study in the psychodynamics of antisocial paraphilias. Conclusion
In: Archives of Criminal Psychodynamics, Vol. 4, 1961, pp. 317-365
Abstract:  "This anamnesis of a patient whose fear of arrest because of his sexual peculiarities brought him to treatment describes his dream life and its interpretation in terms of his developmental history." (Psyc Abstracts)
[KPM61] Kinsey, Alfred C. / Pomeroy, Wardell B. / Martin, Clyde E. / Gebhard, Paul H., 1961
Begriff des Normalen und Abnormen im geschlechtlichen Verhalten
in: Giese, Hans / Willy, A. (ed.): Mensch - Geschlecht - Gesellschaft: Das Geschlechtsleben unserer Zeit gemeinverständlich dargestellt, 2nd edition, pp. 833ff.
Publisher: Verlag für angewandte Wissenschaften, Baden-Baden
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Lel61] Lely, Gilbert, 1961
Leben und Werk des Marquis de Sade
Publisher: Karl Rauch, Düsseldorf
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Pau61] Pauly, Joachim, 1961
Eros auf falschem Wege
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  255 pages
[Ras61] Rashman, S., 1961
Sexual disorders and behavior therapy
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 118, 1961, pp. 235-240
Abstract:  "An account is given of the available results of behavior therapy in the treatment of sexual disorders. To date attempts have been made to treat impotence, frigidity, voyeurism, exhibitionism, transvestism, fetishism and homosexuality. The results suggest that the methods of behavior therapy can be applied with success in treating sexual disorders. Some additional suggestions are made." (Psyc Abstracts)
[Sch61] Schneck, Stephen, 1961
Der Nachtportier
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Wyr61] Wyrsch, J., 1961
Die sexuelle Perversion und die psychiatrisch-forensische Bedeutung der Sittlichkeitsdelikte
In: Psychiatrie der Gegenwart, Vol. 3, 1961, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Fin62] Finkelstein, J., 1962
A Propos De Quelques Conduites Masochiques
In: Revue Française De Psychanalyse, Vol. 26, 1962, pp. 67-86
Language: French
[Geb62] Gebsattel, Victor Emil von, 1962
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Psychopathologie der Sexualität, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Ger62] Gero, George, 1962
Sadism, Masochism, and Aggression: Their Role in Symptom-Formation
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. ?, 1962, pp. 3131-3142
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Gie62] Giese, Hans, 1962
Psychopathologie der Sexualität
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Hau62] Hauck, A., 1962
Beitrag zur Psychoendokrinologie des Masochismus
In: Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1962, pp. 265-279
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Hug62] Hughes, Graham, 1962
Consent in Sexual Offences
In: The Modern Law Review, Vol. 25, 1962, pp. 672-686
[Mas62] Masters, Robert E.L., 1962
Forbidden Sexual Behavior and Morality: An Objective Re-Examination of Perverse Sex Practices in Different Cultures.
Publisher: Julian Press, New York
[PW62] Podolsky, Edward / Wade, Carlson, 1962
Fetishism. Sexual Nature of Erotic Symbolism.
Publisher: Epic Publishing, New York
[Ras62] Rasch, 1962
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Psychopathologie der Sexualität, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Ros62] Rosy, 1962
Das Korsett im Wandel der Zeiten
Publisher: Kunzmann, Pforzheim
Language: German
[Win62] Winnik, N.Z., 1962
Bemerkungen zu einem thanatophilen Aspekt des Masochismus
In: Psyche, Vol. 11, 1962, pp. 641-650
Language: German
[Kle62] Klein, C., 1962-1963
A Case of Mental Sadism
In: The British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 3, 1962-1963, pp. 170-175
[Ado63] Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund, 1963
Sexualtabus und Recht heute
(Sexual taboos and law today)
in: Bauer, Fritz / Bürger-Prinz, Hans / Giese, Hans / Jäger, Herbert (ed.): Sexualität und Verbrechen: Beiträge zur Strafrechtsreform, pp. ?-?
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[App63] Appelbaum, Stephen A., 1963
The Masochistic Character as a Self-Saboteur (With Special Reference to Psychological Testing)
In: Journal of Projective Techniques, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1963, pp. 35-46
[Bau63] Bauer, Fritz, 1963
Sexualstrafrecht heute
in: Bauer, Fritz / Bürger-Prinz, Hans / Giese, Hans / Jäger, Herbert (ed.): Sexualität und Verbrechen: Beiträge zur Strafrechtsreform, pp. ?-?
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[BB+63] Bauer, Fritz / Bürger-Prinz, Hans / Giese, Hans / Jäger, Herbert (ed.), 1963
Sexualität und Verbrechen: Beiträge zur Strafrechtsreform
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Bec63] Becker, Howard S., 1963
Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance
Publisher: The Free Press, London
[Ber63] Berg, Steffen, 1963
Das Sexualverbrechen: Erscheinungsformen und Kriminalistik der Sittlichkeitsdelikte
Publisher: Kriminalistik Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[Cla63] Clark, D.F., 1963
Fetishism treated by negative conditioning
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 109, 1963, pp. 404-407
Abstract:  "A male girdle-wearer with no gross neuroticism - all MMPI scores being within ordinary limits - was treated with subcutaneous apomorphine twice daily for 16 sessions. 3-month follow-up suggested freedom from symptoms." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Coo63] Cooper, A.J., 1963
A case of fetishism and impotence treated by behaviour therapy
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 109, 1963, pp. 649-652
Abstract:  "Effects 9 mo. after treatment were still impressive." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fre63] Freud, Sigmund, 1963
Sexuality and the psychology of love
Publisher: Collier/Macmillian, New York
Notes:  X, 213 pp.
Abstract:  From the cover: "The importance of sexuality and infantilism in shaping individual destiny sets the general theme for these groundbreaking studies. Elaborating his now-famous frustration theory, Freud dramatically illustrates how a person's sexuality can be stifled to the point of neurosis by a sex-scared society. With utter frankness, he explains various aspects of homosexuality, incest, frigidity, impotence, masochism, sadism, and fetishism."
[Gre63] Greenwood, M.D., 1963
Unusual Sex Practices
Publisher: Genell Corp., Hollywood
[Her63] Hertig, Hans von, 1963
Der Biss
In: Archiv für Kriminologie, Vol. ?, No. ?, 1963, pp. ?-?
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[HVM63] Hunter, R. / Valentine, L. / McMenemy, W.H., 1963
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Supervening on Longstanding Transvestism and Fetishism
In: Epilepsia, Vol. 4, 1963, pp. 60-65
[Kel63] Kellerhals, Adolf, 1963
Ein Fall von Masochismus
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1963, pp. 28-29
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[KK63] Kronhausen, Eberhard / Kronhausen, Phyllis, 1963
Pornographie und Gesetz. Die Psychologie des erotischen Realismus und der Pornographie.
Publisher: Decker, Schmiden
Language: German
[Kli63] Klinger, Franz, 1963
Des Mannes Hörigkeit. Eine sexualpsychologische Studie für Ärzte, Juristen, Seelsorger, Erzieher und psychologisch Interessierte.
Publisher: Albert Müller, Zürich et al.
Language: German
[Koh63] Kohlhaas, Max, 1963
Die rechtfertigende Einwilligung bei Körperverletzungstatbeständen
In: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift, Vol. ?, 1963, pp. 2348-2352
Language: German
[Lei63] Leigh, Michael, 1963
The Velvet Underground
Publisher: Macfadden Books, New York
[ML63] Masters, Robert E.L. / Lea, Eduard, 1963
Perverse Crimes in History: Evolving concepts of sadism, lust-murder, and necrophilia - from ancient to modern times
Publisher: Julian Press, New York
[Mon63] Money, J.A., 1963
Cytogenetic and psychosexual incongruities, with a note on space-form blindness
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 119, 1963, pp. 820-827
[Par63] Parkin, Alan, 1963
On fetishism
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 44, No. 3, 1963, pp. 352-361
Abstract:  "A young married man, troubled by the attraction he felt towards girls dressed in mackintoshes, undertook a psychoanalysis. His father had been cold and cruel; his mother - who died when he was 5 - had been warmly loving at times, but domineering at others. A passive homosexual attitude, masochistic and sadistic fantasies of an anal kind, and oral-aggressive trends were revealed in the analysis. The fetishistic interest in mackintoshes expressed all of these underlying problems." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pau63] Pauly, Joachim, 1963
Perversion und Ausschweifung Series: Sexualkundliche Studien, Vol. 1
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Pin63] Pinkava, Václav, 1963
K otázce koincidence homosexuality u muže s bisexuálni zoofilií a k některým příbuzným otázkám
In: Československá Psychologie, Vol. 7, 1963, pp. ?-?
Language: Czech with English summary
[Pra63] Praz, Mario, 1963
Liebe, Tod und Teufel: Die schwarze Romantik
Publisher: Hanser, München
Language: German
[Sch63] Schwarz, Hans Rudolf, 1963
Die medizinische Flagellation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Meibom, Bartholin und Paullini Series: Zürcher medizingeschichtliche Abhandlungen, Vol. 9
Publisher: Juris, Zürich
Language: German
[The63] Thelen, Friedrich, 1963
Das Verhalten der Flagellanten in Realität und Phantasie
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Wal63] Waldemar, Charles, 1963
Höllenfahrt des Marquis de Sade: Roman aus dem Leben eines Erotomanen
Publisher: Franz Decker Verlag Nachf., Schmiden
Language: German
[BB64] Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, B.L., 1964
The History of Prostitution
Publisher: University Books, New Hyde Park, NY
[Bea64] Beauvoir, Simone de, 1964
Soll man de Sade verbrennen? Drei Essays zur Moral des Existenzialismus.
Publisher: MISSING, München
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ble64] Bledsoe, Robert, 1964
Male Sexual Deviations and Bizarre Practices
Publisher: Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles
[Ble64a] Bledsoe, Robert, 1964
Female Sexual Deviations and Bizarre Practices
Publisher: Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles
[BMM64] Brown, J.S. / Martin, R.C. / Morrow, M., 1964
Self-punitive behaviour in the rat: facilitative effects of punishment on resistance to extinction
In: Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, Vol. 57, 1964, pp. 127-133
[Car64] Carstairs, G.H., 1964
Cultural differences in sexual deviation
in: Rosen, Ismond (ed.): The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Deviation, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
[CB64] Caprio, Frank Samuel / Brenner, Donald, 1964
Sexual Behavior: Psycho-Legal Aspects
Publisher: Paperback Library, New York
[Coa64] Coates, S., 1964
Clinical Psychology in Sexual Deviation
in: Rosen, Ismond (ed.): The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Deviation, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
[Cro64] Cross, Harold H.U., 1964
The Cross Report on Perversion
Publisher: Softcover Library, New York
[Gea64] Gear, Norman, 1964
Dämon Marquis de Sade. Eine Biographie.
Publisher: List, München
Language: German
[Gil64] Gillespie, W.H., 1964
The Psycho-Analytic Theory of Sexual Deviation with Special Reference to Fetishism
in: Rosen, Ismond (ed.): The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Deviation, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
[Glo64] Glover, E., 1964
Aggression and sado-masochism
in: Rosen, Ismond (ed.): The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Deviation, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
[Gor64] Gorman, G.F., 1964
Fetishism occurring in identical twins
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 110, 1964, pp. 255-256
[Gre64] Greenacre, Phyllis, 1964
in: Rosen, Ismond (ed.): The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Deviation, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
[Hae64] Hävernick, Walter, 1964
"Schläge" als Strafe: Ein Bestandteil der heutigen Familiensitte in völkerkundlicher Sicht
Publisher: Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, Hamburg
Language: German
[Har64] Harris, Trudy, 1964
Sado-Masochistic Patient
In: American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 64, No. 10, 1964, pp. 113-114
[Hen64] Henrici, Arnold, 1964
Die verbotenen Wünsche Series: Sexualkundliche Studien, Vol. IV
Publisher: Hans W. Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Mar64] Marcus, Steven, 1964
The Other Victorians. A Study of Sexuality and Pornography in Mid-Nineteenth-Century England
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
[Mey64] Meyer, B.C., 1964
Psychoanalytic studies on Joseph Conrad: II. Fetishism
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 12, 1964, pp. 357-391
Abstract:  "Conrad was fetishistic in respect to hair, fur, teeth, feet and shoes. Conrad denied the anatomical differences between the sexes, revered and denigrated women, was in conflict regarding scopophilic and exhibitionistic impulses, and showed castration hypochondria while precipitating injuries and misfortunes to himself." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ott64] Otto, Herbert A., 1964
"The Pornographic Fringeland" on the American Newsstand
In: Journal of Human Relations, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1964, pp. 375-390
[Par64] Parkin, Alan, 1964
On Sexual Enthrallment
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1964, pp. 336-356
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[RM64] van Renynghe de Voxvrie, G. / Massion-Verniory, L., 1964
A propos d'un cas de cleptolagnie de caractère homophilique
In: Acta Neurologica et Psychiatrica Belgica, Vol. 64, No. 7, 1964, pp. 753-762
Language: French
Abstract:  "A case of kleptolagnia is reported. This relatively rare observation differs from kleptomania by the fact that the impulse to steal is associated with erotic fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ros64] Rosen, Ismond (ed.), 1964
The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Deviation
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
[Rox64] Roxin, Claus, 1964
Verwerflichkeit und Sittenwidrigkeit als unrechtsbegründende Merkmale im Strafrecht
In: Juristische Schulung, Vol. ?, 1964, pp. 371-?
Language: German
[San64] Sandler, Jack, 1964
Masochism: An Empirical Analysis
In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 62, No. 3, 1964, pp. 197-204
[Sch64] Schindler, Walter, 1964
Betrachtungen über den Sado-Masochismus und dessen Erscheinungsformen
In: Zeitung für Psychotherapie und Medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 14, 1964, pp. 62-74
Language: German
[Sto64] Storr, Anthony, 1964
Sexual Deviation
Publisher: Penguin, Harmondsworth/Baltimore
[Tab64] Tabachnick, Norman, 1964
Failure and Masochism
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 18, 1964, pp. 304-316
[Ull64] Ullerstam, Lars, 1964
De seksuelle minoriteter
Publisher: Pax, Oslo
Language: Swedish
Abstract:  "The Swedish medical doctor Lars Ullerstam's book had a considerable influence to inform people about sexual diversiveness in Scandinavia in the 1960s." (Svein Skeid)
[VK64] Vanden Berg, Richard L. / Kelly, John F., 1964
Vampirism: a Review with New Observations
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 11, 1964, pp. 543-547
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Wol64] Wolf, Karl-Heinz, 1964 (Doctoral thesis)
Untersuchungen zur Häufigkeit des Flagellatismus: Unter Berücksichtigung der veränderten Einstellung zur Prügelstrafe
School: Medizinische Fakultät, Leipzig
Language: German
[Woo64] Wootwark, L.T., 1964
Publisher: MISSING, New York
[Bas65] Bassermann, Lujo, 1965
Das älteste Gewerbe: Eine Kulturgeschichte
Publisher: Econ, Wien
Language: German
[Bea65] Beach, Frank A. (ed.), 1965
Sex and Behavior
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York
Notes:  XVI/592 pages
[BH65] Barclay, A.M. / Haber, R.N., 1965
The relation of aggression to sexual motivation
In: Journal of Personality, Vol. , No. 33, 1965, pp. 462-475
[Bie65] Biermann, G., 1965
Kritik zu: Hävernick, W. (Schläge als Strafe, 1964)
In: Psyche, Vol. 19, 1965, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Blu65] Blüher, Hans, 1965
Studien zur Inversion und Perversion: Das uralte Phänomen der geschlechtlichen Inversion in natürlicher Sicht
Publisher: F. Decker, Schmiden
Language: German
[Bou65] Bouillier, Francisque, 1965
Du plaisir et de la douleur
Publisher: Germer-Baillière, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XI/159 pages
[Bro65] Brown, J., 1965
A Behavioral Analysis of Masochism
In: Journal of Experimental Research Perspectives, Vol. 1, 1965, pp. 65-70
Abstract:  "In examining masochism from a behavior-theory viewpoint, stimulus-situation properties such as noxiousness are revealed as usefully defined only in terms of behavior. But since a given situation may be approached by one organism and avoided by another, its pleasantness or aversiveness is entirely relative to the behavior chosen as the foundation for one's definition. The "pleasure in pain" of the masochist involves two such contradictory behavior-based statements since the situations he approaches are sometimes avoided by others. By shifts of primary emphasis, any of numerous pairs of behavioral observations may be used to define either masochism or its opposite, hedonophobia. Mechanisms capable of producing unlike reactions to the same situation are considered."
[Bro65a] Bromberg, Norbert, 1965
Maternal Influences in the Development of Moral Masochism
In: The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1965, pp. 802-812
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Cou65] Coulteray, Georges de, 1965
Sadism in the movies
Publisher: Medical Press, New York
Notes:  English translation of "Le Sadisme au Cinéma" (1964).
[FK65] Freund, Kurt / Kolárský, A., 1965
Grundzüge eines einfachen Bezugssystems für die Analyse sexueller Deviationen
In: Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 17, 1965, pp. 221-225
Language: German
[Gie65] Giese, Hans, 1965
Das obszöne Buch Series: Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Vol. 35
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Gil65] Gillette, Paul J., 1965
An Uncensored History of Pornography
Publisher: Holloway House, Los Angeles
[Hei65] Heitmann, Heinz, 1965
Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Masochismus und Sadismus
In: Kriminalistik, 1965, pp. 321-324
Language: German
[Jon65] Jones, Hugh, 1965
The Sexual Fetish in Today's Society
Publisher: Brandon House, North Hollywood, Calif.
[Jos65] Joseph, Edward D., 1965
Beating Fantasies: Regressive Ego Phenomena in Psychoanalysis Series: The Kris Study Group of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, Vol. I
Publisher: International Universities Press, Inc., New York
[Kra65] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1965
Psychopathia Sexualis with Especial Reference to the Antipathic Sexual Instinct: A Medico-Forensic Study
Publisher: Stein and Day, New York
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Kra65a] Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 1965
Psychopathia Sexualis: A Medico-Forensic Study
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York
[Len65] Lennig, Walter, 1965
Marquis de Sade in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten Series: rororo Bildmonographien,
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[LMZ65] Lepanto, R. / Moroney, W. / Zenhausern, R., 1965
The contribution of anxiety to the laboratory investigation of pain
In: Psychonomic Science, Vol. 3, 1965, pp. 475
[Mas65] Masters, Robert E.L., 1965
Sexuelle Tabus und Moral. Eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung perverser sexueller Praktiken in verschiedenen Kulturen.
Publisher: Kala, Hamburg
Language: German
[MCY65] McGuire, R.J. / Carlisle, J.M. / Young, B.G., 1965
Sexual deviations as conditioned behaviour: a hypothesis
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 2, 1965, pp. 185-190
[MRG65] Marks, I.M. / Rachman, S. / Gelder, M.G., 1965
Methods for Assessment of Aversion Treatment in Fetishism with Masochism
In: Behavioral Research Therapy, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1965, pp. 253-258
Abstract:  "An operant conditioning measure is described, which showed that faradic shocks were aversive in a patient whose fetishism was associated with masochism. The patient's response was in keeping with expectations drawn from the initial measures, since faradic aversion produced rapid improvement of the masochism with subsequent improvement of the fetishism, and increased enjoyment of normal sexual relations. The operant conditioning and semantic differential measures accurately reflected clinical changes after treatment, and are useful to assess progress. Masochism does not necessarily contra-indicate aversion treatment." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pau65] Pauly, Joachim, 1965
Der flagellantische Komplex
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Pin65] Pinkava, Václav, 1965
Systém sexuálních deviací ve dvou hrubých dimensích a jedna z výkladových hypothés jejich mechanismu
in: Sborník (ed.): Kybernetika a její využití, pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING, Praha
Language: Czech with English summary
[Pin65a] Pinkava, Václav, 1965
Cifrový model ražby, fetišismu a příbuzných poruch
In: Československá Psychologie, Vol. FEHLT, 1965, pp. ?-?
Language: Czech with English summary
[RO65] Raymond, Michael / O'Keeffe, Kevin, 1965
A case of pin-up fetishism treated by aversion conditioning
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 111, 1965, pp. 579-581
Abstract:  "A single case of a 23-yr-old male who had 2 aversion treatments per day for 2 wk. and lost his symptoms. Follow-up 22 mo. later showed continued freedom from symptoms." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rot65] Roth-Stielow, K., 1965
Die "guten Sitten" als aktuelles Auslegungsproblem
In: Juristische Rundschau, Vol. ?, 1965, pp. 210-212
Language: German
[Rub65] Rubinfine, D.L., 1965
On Beating Phantasies
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 46, 1965, pp. 315-?
[Sch65] Schlegel, Willhart S., 1965
Sexuelle Partnerschaft in Ehe und Gesellschaft (Variationen und Perversionen)
Publisher: Freyja, Schmiden
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ull65] Ullerstam, Lars, 1965
Die sexuellen Minderheiten
Publisher: Kala Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ull64, with a preface and notes by Dr. med. Willhart S. Schlegel
[Wal65] Wålinder, J., 1965
Transvestism: Definition and Evidence in Favour of Occasional Derivation From Cerebral Dysfunction
In: International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Vol. 1, 1965, pp. 567-573
[Web65] Weber, Paul-Gerhard, 1965
Rohrstock in Schule und Heim
Publisher: Symposion, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Ant66] Antenprecht, Wilhelm, 1966
Neurose der körperlichen Züchtigung
(Corporal punishment neurosis)
Publisher: Chronos, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[AS66] Alexander, Franz G. / Selesnick, Sheldon T., 1966
The History of Psychiatry: An Evaluation of Psychiatric Thought and Practice from Prehistoric Times to the Present
Publisher: Harper and Row, New York
[Bal66] Balint, Michael, 1966
Perversion und Genitalität
in: Balint, M. (ed.): Die Urformen der Liebe und die Technik der Psychoanalyse, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Huber et al., Bern et al.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Primary Love and Psycho-Analytic Technique"
[BT66] Basquin, M. / Trystram, D., 1966
(Exhibitionism in the adolescent)
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1966, pp. 534
Language: French
Abstract:  "Exhibitionism in 4 adolescents was found to represent a global sexual disturbance unlike adult exhibitionism, and was not considered to be a perverse isolated nucleus. Analysis indicates it is a result of loneliness, impulsiveness, ignorance of sexual reality, and a rigid family environment. (This report was presented at the Societé de psychopathologie et d'hygiene mentale de Dakar meeting on April 5, 1966.)" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Can66] Canguilhem, Georges, 1966
Le normal et le pathologique
Publisher: Presses universitaires de France, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  226 pages
[CS66] Callieri, Bruno / Semerari, Aldo, 1966
Contributo Psicopatologico Al Problema Della Necrofilia
In: Sessuologia, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1966, pp. 1-21
Language: Italian
[Dam66] Damaskow, Friedrich, 1966
Verbotene Früchte. Pathologie der libidinösen Individual- und Kollektiv-Neurosen.
Publisher: Schmitz, München
Language: German
[Gil66] Gillette, Paul J., 1966
Psychodynamics of Unconventional Sex Behavior and Unusual Practices
Publisher: Holloway House, Los Angeles
[Hai66] Haire, Norman (ed.), 1966
Sexual anomalies and perversions: Physical and psychological development and treatment - A summary of the works of the late Professor Magnus Hirschfeld
Publisher: Encyclopaedic Press, London
Notes:  Original work published 1938.
[Hen66] Hentig, Hans von, 1966
Die Kriminalität des homophilen Mannes Series: Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Vol. 20
2nd completely revised edition
Publisher: Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Koh66] Kohlberg, Lawrence, 1966
A Cognitive-Developmental Analysis of Children's Sex Role Concepts and Attitudes
in: Macoby, E. (ed.): The Development of Sex Differences, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif.
[LL66] Lebeuf, J. / Lefebvre, P., 1966
Contribution to the Study of Sado-Necrophilia
In: Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, Vol. 11, 1966, pp. 123-?
[Loe66] Löblein, Heribert, 1966
Speichelfresserei - ein masochistisches Problem
In: Kriminalistik, 1966, pp. 411-?
Language: German
[Mee66] Mees, Hayden L., 1966
Sadistic Fantasies Modified by Aversive Conditioning and Substitution: a Case Study
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1966, pp. 317-320
Abstract:  "A case study involving unpleasant electric shocks as the consequence of sadistic fantasies seems to have successfully helped to suppress or extinguish them while incompatible 'normal' sex fantasies were strengthened. The results are seen as analogous to other studies using extinction with aversive stimuli." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MJ66] Masters, William H. / Johnson, Virginia E., 1966
Human Sexual Response
Publisher: Little, Brown and Co., Boston
[New66] Newnham, William H., 1966
Sexual perversion associated with cerebral tumor
In: International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1966, pp. 633-636
Abstract:  "A man exhibiting sexual perversions from early adolescence was admitted to psychiatric care in middle age. He developed gross neurological signs and a fronto-parietal tumor was demonstrated by EEG and angiography. A causal relationship between the tumor and the perversions is suggested and the general interplay between organic and psychological conditions is discussed briefly." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Osb66] Osborn, Robert W., 1966
Sex in den USA: Zwischen Prüderie und Perversion
Publisher: Lassen, Hamburg
Language: German
[Phe66] Phelan, Joseph G., 1966
Paranoia and Masochism: Stages on the Road to Despair
In: International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1966, pp. 149-153
[Pin66] Pinkava, Václav, 1966 (Doctoral thesis)
Logické modely sexuálnich deviací v objektu
School: Univerzita Karlova, Praha
Language: Czech
[Pla66] Platz, Fritz-Peter, 1966 (Doctoral thesis)
Anfragen aus der sexuellen Intimsphäre des Menschen
School: Universität Hamburg, Medizinische Fakultät
Language: German
[Rac66] Rachman, S., 1966
Sexual fetishism: an experimental analogue
In: The Psychological Record, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1966, pp. 293-296
Abstract:  "Conditioned sexual responses to a pair of female boots were established by the following method. A colored photographic slide was repeatedly projected on a screen immediately prior to the presentation of slides of sexually arousing nude women. The criterion of 5 successive sexual responses to the boots was attained by the 3 Ss in 30, 65, and 24 trials, respectively. Extinction and spontaneous recovery were also demonstrated." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sch66] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1966
Die sexuelle Perversion, ihre Differentialdiagnose und Therapie
In: Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, Vol. 49, 1966, pp. 253-262
Language: German
[Sch66a] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1966
Sexualität und Jugendgefährdung
In: Ärztliche Praxis, Vol. 18, 1966, pp. 2207-2208
Language: German
[Sch66b] Schuster, D.B., 1966
Notes on "A Child is Being Beaten"
In: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 35, 1966, pp. 357-?
[Sch66c] Schollmeyer, W., 1966
Autoerotische Unfälle
In: Archiv für Kriminologie, Vol. 137, 1966, pp. 17-24
Language: German
[Tue66] Tüllmann, Adolf, 1966
Sex und Liebe in USA
Publisher: Günther, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Ale67] Alexander, Leo, 1967
Psychotherapy of sexual deviation with the aid of hypnosis
In: American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1967, pp. 181-183
Abstract:  "Hypnosis is useful in psychotherapy with patients suffering from sexual deviation, because with this technique it is relatively easy to extinguish conditional associations and establish new ones." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ami67] Amir, M., 1967
Victim Precipitated Forcible Rape
In: Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Police Science, Vol. 4, No. 85, 1967, pp. ?-?
[BE67] Bond, I.K. / Evans, D.R., 1967
Avoidance therapy: Its use in two cases of underwear fetishism
In: Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 96, No. 16, 1967, pp. 1160-1162
Abstract:  "A pilot study in the use of a modified form of avoidance therapy in the treatment of fetishism is described. The theory and method are reported in conjunction with their use and result in 2 cases of underwear fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Blo67] Bloch, Iwan, 1967
Die anthropologische Betrachtung der Psychopathia sexualis
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 109-128
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Bon67] Bond, Alma H., 1967
Sadomasochistic Patterns in an 18-Month-Old Child
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 48, 1967, pp. 596-603
[Bra67] Braun, Walter, 1967
The Cruel and the Meek: Aspects of Sadism and Masochism, Being Pages from a Sexologist's Notebook
Publisher: Lyle Stuart, New York
[CC67] Cath, S. / Cohen, H., 1967
Elbow rubbing and the wish to be beaten: a study of a case and the possible genesis of perversion
In: Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1967, pp. 185-197
Abstract:  "Presents the case history of a neurotic male child who rubbed the elbows of his parents demonstrating the interdependence of autoerotic transitional and fetishistic behavior as he struggled to develop ego strength but tended towards sado-masochistic perversion in his object relationship. Source material was based on the mother's psychotherapy, a diary she kept throughout the boy's life, and psychological testing. It was hypothesized that, in both parents, there was evidence of a defective reality sense which included inadequate sexual differentiation and the retention of the delusion of the maternal phallus as a central theme. The probability of multiple pregenital fixations, the persistance of fantasy, and certain ego weaknesses (i.e., limited capacity for renunciation oand lack of empathic identification with love objects) was suggested. S's request to be beaten, in combination with the other factors, led to the hypothesis that masochism may be a prerequisite for love and that the present case may represent the genesis of a perversion." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cle67] Cleugh, James, 1967
The First Masochist: A Biography of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895)
Publisher: Anthony Blond, London
Notes:  216 pages. Also published 1967 by Stein & Day, New York, 220 pages.
[Del67] Deleuze, Gilles, 1967
Présentation de Sacher-Masoch. Le froid et le cruel. Avec le texte intégral de "La Vénus à la fourrure".
Publisher: Editions de Minuit, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  275 pages. With the entire text of "Venus in Furs", translated into French from → Sac70 by Aude Willm.
[Dou67] Doucet, Friedrich W., 1967
Sadismus und Masochismus
Publisher: Kindler, München
Language: German
[Dur67] Durgnant, Raymond, 1967
sexus eros kino: 60 Jahre Film als Sittenspiegel
Publisher: Wilhelm Heyne, München
Language: German
[Eid67] Eidelberg, L., 1967
A Contribution to the Study of Masochism
in: Ruitenbeek, Hendrik M. (ed.): The Psychotherapy of Perversions, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Citadel Press, New York
[Eis67] Eisenbud, Ruth-Jean, 1967
Masochism Revisited
In: Psychoanalysis Review, Vol. 54, 1967, pp. 561-582
[Fae67] Faergeman, P.M., 1967
Perversität, Pornographie und Entrüstung
Publisher: Kala, Hamburg
Language: German
[Gie67] Giese, Hans (ed.), 1967
Die sexuelle Perversion
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsanstalt, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gie67a] Giese, Hans, 1967
Probleme der abnormen Sexualität
in: Saller, K. (ed.): Sexualität heute, pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING, München
Language: German
[Gil67] Gillette, Paul J., 1967
Abartiges Sexualverhalten und ungewöhnliche Sexualpraktiken
Publisher: Lichtenberg im Kindler Verlag, München
Language: German
[Gla67] Glassco, John, 1967
Harriet Marwood, Governess
Publisher: Grove Press, New York
Notes:  First US edition, anonymously. Masquerade Books reprinted it as "The English Governess", in the 1990s. Also translated into German as → Poo67.
Abstract:  "This is ... the first appearence of the text as the author meant it, the earlier printings of the work by Olympia Press in Paris 'spiced' up the sex action."
When Lord Lovell“s son was expelled form his prep school for masturbation, his father hired a very proper gouverness to tutor the boy - giving her strict instructions not to spare the rod to break him of his bad habits. But gouverness Harriet Marwood was addicted to domination. The downward path to perversion" (Masquerade)
[GS67] Gagnon, John / Simon, William, 1967
Sexual Deviance
Publisher: Harper and Row, New York
[Har67] Hartman, Bernard J., 1967
Comparison of selected experimental MMPI profiles of sexual deviates and sociopaths without sexual deviation
In: Psychological Reports, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1967, pp. 234
Abstract:  "Of 36 mental hospital patients, 18 were diagnosed as sexual deviates and 18 as sociopaths without sexual deviation. All Ss scored above 70 t score on the psychopathic deviate scale. The following experimental scales were used: sexual deviation, amorality, social alienation, impulsivity, hostility, personal and emotional sensitivity, ego strength, control, responsibility, manifest anxiety, and emotional immaturity. Multiple t for related scores tests yielded no significant values." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hen67] Hentig, Hans von, 1967
In: Monatsschrift fuer Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, Vol. 2, 1967, pp. 77-85
Language: German
[Hor67] Hori, Akio, 1967
Four Cases of Sexual Perversion
In: Kyushu Neuro-Psychiatry, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1967, pp. 232-238
[Imi67] Imielinski, Kazimierz, 1967
Die Sexualperversionen
Publisher: Maudrich, Wien
Language: German
[Kaa67] Kaan, H., 1967
Was ist Psychopathia sexualis
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 26-27
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Kei67] Keiser, S., 1967
The Fear of Sexual Passivity in the Masochist
in: Ruitenbeek, H.M. (ed.): The Psychotherapy of Perversions, pp. 162-171
Publisher: Citadel Press, New York
[KF+67] Kolárský, A. / Freund, Kurt / Machek, J. / Polák, O., 1967
Male Sexual Deviation: Association With Early Temporal Lobe Damage
In: Archives of general psychiatry, Vol. 17, No. 6, 1967, pp. 735-743
Abstract:  "Attempted to relate sexual deviations to the inferred localization and the age of brain lesion onset by compiling neurological and psychosexual data for 86 male epileptic outpatients. Sexual deviations judged independently of the neurological data were associated with temporal lobe damage prior to the end of the 1st yr. of life. The influence of antiepileptic medication and other epilepsy-related factors during the preschool period could by excluded as etiological factors. Ss with nondeviant sexual disturbances had temporal rather than extratemporal lesions significantly more often than sexually undisturbed Ss." (APA/PsycINFO)
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[KK67] Kronhausen, Phyllis / Kronhausen, Eberhard, 1967
Abarten des weiblichen Sexualverhaltens
Publisher: Lichtenberg / Kindler, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Kol67] Kolle, Oswalt, 1967
Dein Mann, das unbekannte Wesen
Publisher: Südwest, München
Language: German
[Kol67a] Kolvin, Israel, 1967
"Aversive Imagery" treatment in adolescents
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1967, pp. 245-248
Abstract:  "Describes a technique of 'aversive imagery' in the treatment of intellectually dull and inarticulate adolescents. 2 cases, a fetishist and a petrol addict, are discussed. With the 1st the treatment was supplemented by psychosexual instruction, education, and reassurance about acceptable heterosexual relationships. The fetishist recovered in 8 sessions, the petrol addict in 20. Later inquiries revealed no relapses but the fetishist merits prolonged follow-up." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kra67] Kraft, T., 1967
Behaviour therapy and the treatment of sexual perversions
In: Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Vol. 15, No. 5, 1967, pp. 351-357
Abstract:  "Presents a case history of a 22-yr-old male with the following sexual aberrant behavior: masturbation, narcissism, transvestism, sadomasochism, fear of homosexuals, and excessive pornographic interests. The case history revealed a family constellation not conducive to the development of normal heterosexual behavior. Treatment consisted of 10 systematic desensitizing sessions with hypnotic relaxation. Heterosexual stimuli were provided in ascending order of increasing stress. Progressive recovery was noted. A 12-mo follow-up showed no recurrence of sexual deviations, and success in the formation of a good heterosexual relationship. It is concluded that systematic desensitization, as an alternative to aversive conditioning, might be used in treating some sexual perversions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mag67] Magnan, V., 1967
Zwangsvorstellungen in Bezug auf den Geschlechtssinn
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 50-54
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Mau67] Mauriac, Claude, 1967
Zur französischen Neuübersetzung der "Venus im Pelz" und "Ästhetik des Häßlichen": Zwei vergessene Erzählungen von Leopold Sacher-Masoch
In: Figaro (Paris), Vol. FEHLT, 1967, pp. FEHLT
Language: German
[Mer67] Merskey, H., 1967
in: Merskey, H. / Spear, F.G. (ed.): Pain: Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Baillière, Tindall & Cassell, London
[MG67] Marks, I.M. / Gelder, M.G., 1967
Transvestism and fetishism: Clinical and psychological changes during faradic aversion
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 113, 1967, pp. 711-729
Abstract:  "Clinical reports, erections measured on a penis transducer, and attitudes on evaluative scales of the semantic differential show changes in 3 transvestites and 2 fetishists. The patients were highly motivated, cooperative, and had well-adjusted personalities, apart from the deviant sexual excitement. Intensive treatment for 2 wk., with outpatient follow-up, produced marked improvement that is attributed to the electrical aversion training." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MJ67] Masters, William H. / Johnson, Virginia E., 1967
Die sexuelle Reaktion
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt a.M.
Language: German
[Mol67] Moll, Albert, 1967
Untersuchungen über die Libido sexualis - Zusammenfassung
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 55-58
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Mor67] Moreau, P., 1967
Abweichungen des Geschlechtssinnes
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 28-35
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[MS67] Marks, Isaac M. / Sartorius, Norman H., 1967
A contribution to the measurement of sexual attitude
In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 145, No. 6, 1967, pp. 441-451
Abstract:  "Reports a measure of sexual attitude that is helpful in assessing progress of patients in treatment for sexual deviation. Patients rated 20 sexual and nonsexual concepts on 13 bipolar scales of semantic differential types. On principal components analyses of scales, 2 semantic dimensions emerged that reflected patients' clinical state - the well-known factor of general evaluation and a new one of sexual evaluation. On both these dimensions 8 transvestites and fetishists treated with faradic aversion therapy showed marked selective devaluation and desexualization of concepts about sexual deviance, with insignificant changes in other concepts. Change on sex evaluative scales was significantly greater than on general evaluative scales. Ratings on an anxiety dimension did not change significantly and were not helpful in assessing patients' clinical state." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mue67] Muensterberger, W., 1967
Perversion, Cultural Norm and Normality
in: Ruitenbeek, H.M. (ed.): The Psychotherapy of Perversions, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Citadel Press, New York
[Ol67] Oliver, Bernard J., 1967
Sexual Deviation in American Society: A Social-Psychological Study of Sexual Non-Conformity
Publisher: College & University Press, New Haven, CT
[Pan67] Panken, Shirley, 1967
On Masochism: A Re-evaluation
In: Psychoanalysis Review, Vol. 54, No. 3, 1967, pp. 135-149
[Poo67] Poolidge, Harvey (i.e. John Glassco), 1967
Die Gouvernante
Publisher: Gala, Hamburg
Language: German
[Ray67] Raymond, Michael J., 1967
Treatment by Revulsion
In: Mental Health, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1967, pp. 24-25
Abstract:  "The application of aversion therapy (Pavlov) in treating sexually deviant behavior is explained. Aversion conditioning can be produced pharmacologically with the use of apomorphine or emetine, which induce nausea, or electrically. The uses of the 2 methods are described and briefly compared. it is noted that in regard to the former, 'the alternative unpleasant response is experienced as occurring within the individual as opposed to the shock, which is obviously inflicted by the contemporaneous act of the therapist, and which may easily be interpreted as purely punitive.' However, the latter method is simpler and less time-consuming." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rea67] Réage, Pauline, 1967
Geschichte der O
Publisher: Melzer, Darmstadt
Language: German
[Rui67] Ruitenbeek, Hendrik M. (ed.), 1967
The Psychotherapy of Perversions
Publisher: Citadel Press, New York
Notes:  452 pp.
Abstract:  Presents studies from the literature on perversions with representative case histories.
[Sac67] Sacher-Masoch, Wanda von, 1967
Confession de ma vie
Publisher: Tchou, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  311 pages, with a preface by Pascal Pia
[Sac67a] Sacher-Masoch, Wanda von, 1967
Confessioni della mia vita
Publisher: Blu, Roma
Language: Italian
Notes:  316 pages. Italian translation of → Sac06.
[SB67] Solyom, Leslie / Beck, Philip R., 1967
GSR Assessment of aberrant sexual behavior
In: International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1967, pp. 52-59
Abstract:  "A preliminary study is presented in which 4 patients with sexually aberrant behavior were shown photographs of their sexually stimulating object while their GSRs were measured. The responses were compared with those elicited by neutral and heterosexual stimuli. Analysis of the results indicates that responses to the particular sexual stimuli are stronger and more prolonged. The significance of this method for diagnosis and treatment is discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[SS67] Schmidt, Gunter / Sigusch, Volkmar, 1967
Zur Frage des Vorurteils gegenüber sexuell devianten Gruppen
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ67] Strzyzewsky, Janusz / Zierhoffer, Maria, 1967
Aversion therapy in a case of fetishism with transvestistic component
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1967, pp. 163-167
Abstract:  "Presents a case of fetishism in an 18-yr-old boy. S was treated by means of aversion therapy. The course of treatment and its successful outcome are described." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Tar67] Tarnowsky, Benjamin, 1967
Perversität des Geschlechtssinnes
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 36-49
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Tho67] Thorne, Melvin Q. Jr., 1967
Marital and LSD therapy with a transvestite and his wife
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1967, pp. 169-177
Abstract:  "Presents a case report of a 43-yr-old male, who was a transvestite, drug addict, alcoholic, and a sadomasochist, and his 33-yr-old wife. 'Observations of the symptomatology, etiology, and treatment of a transvestite' are presented. 20 therapy sessions were conducted. The purpose of therapy was to help the S 'gain a better understanding of his need for this type of behavior.' The partners' relationships were sadomasochistic. The wife admitted having homosexual desires. After a 90-day treatment program, S was discharged and the couple continued outpatient treatment. At lst, his acceptance of himself was improved, but his addiction continued. At the time of S's sudden death, however, he had been free from drugs for 4 mo. and was warning young people about the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Tis67] Tissot, M., 1967
Der Onanismus, seine hintergründigen Gefahren
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 10-18
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Wal67] Waldemar, Charles, 1967
Venus Perversa: Unheimliche Liebe, grausame Ekstasen
3rd edition
Publisher: Perseus, München
Language: German
[Wei67] Weisman, Avery D., 1967
Self-Destruction and Sexual Perversion
in: Shneidman, E.S. (ed.): Essays in Self-Destruction, pp. 265-299
Publisher: Science House, New York
[WHO67] World Health Organization (ed.), 1967
International classification of diseases: manual of the international statistical classification of diseases, injuries, and causes of death, based on the recommendations of the Eighth Revision Conference, 1965, and adopted by the Nineteenth World Health Assembly
Publisher: WHO, Geneva
[Zec67] Zechenter, Karl, 1967
Ein eigenartiger Fall von Sadismus und Fetischismus mit Frauensohlen
In: Archiv für Kriminologie, Vol. 140, 1967, pp. 32-40
Language: German
[APA68] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1968
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Second Edition (DSM-II)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[Bak68] Bak, Robert C., 1968
The Phallic Woman: The Ubiquitous Fantasy in Perversion
In: Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 23, 1968, pp. 15-36
[Bal68] Ball, J.R., 1968
A case of hair fetishism, transvestitism, and organic cerebral disorder
In: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol. 44, No. 3, 1968, pp. 249-254
Abstract:  "Describes a 46-yr-old man with a history of early organic impairment and life-long persistance of a minor degree of neurological disability. He also developed abnormal sexual behavior which proved resistive to psychiatric treatment for many yr. This behavior was eventually relieved by sedation and antidepressant medication followed by the application of behavior therapy. Although initially very disturbing, his marriage may ultimately have been an important therapeutic factor. Following this he remained asymptomatic until, coincidental with neurological impairment and epilepsy due to cerebral neoplasm, his deviant sexual interests returned." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Boy68] Boyle, Lance, 1968
The Changing Sexual Deviant
Publisher: Triumph News, Triumph Fact, Van Nuys, CA
[Boy68a] Boyer, P.S., 1968
Purity in Print - The Vice Society Movement and Book Censorship in America
Publisher: MISSING, New York
[BS68] Bartova, D. / Sahanek, O., 1968
(A case of a fetishism-like motivated automutilation)
In: Československa Psychiatrie, Vol. 64, No. 3, 1968, pp. 183-186
Language: Czech
Abstract:  "Describes a male patient, with a long-standing fetishism of female breasts, who developed gynecomastia by means of an instrument he designed. Ethiopathogenesis (after brain trauma), diagnostic classification, and therapy are discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cai68] Cain, J., 1968
From Masoch to masochism
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1968, pp. 621
Language: French
Abstract:  "Describes Sacher Masoch as having been 'as much a voyeur, exhibitionist, fetishist, as masochist.' His masochistic pursuits were pure fantasy. Evidence of his origin and true identity remain obscure." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Car68] Carney, William, 1968
The Real Thing
Publisher: Putnam, New York
[Dan68] Danch, William, 1968
Sexual Perversion and the Teen-Ager
Publisher: Brandon House, North Hollywood
[Dav68] Davison, G.C., 1968
Elimination of a sadistic phantasy by a client-controlled counter-conditioning technique: a case study
In: The Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 73, No. 1, 1968, pp. 84-90
[DCA68] Darcourt, G. / Capdeville, C. / Albaranes, S., 1968
(Masochism, narcissism, and narcissistic masochism: A clinical study)
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1968, pp. 621
Language: French
Abstract:  "Reviews the principal traits of masochism and narcissism to demonstrate the opposition between their behavior structures, noting the difference between this relationship and the antithetical one between sadism and masochism. Lagache's notion on 'narcissistic masochism' is considered to have an original identity, without dependence on the association of signs from each category. This concept is discussed within the context of the 2 foregoing relationships, particularly with respect to its clinical applications." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Dum68] Dumont, E., 1968
(A case of kleptomania)
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1968, pp. 304
Language: French
Abstract:  "Presents the case of a 28-yr-old male whose sexual desires were aroused on satisfying a need to defecate in the apartments he burglarized. The robberies were considered to be a consequence of the search for such sexual stimulation." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fai68] Fain, M., 1968
Analyse du Masochisme Inadapté
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 32, 1968, pp. 145-149
Language: French
[FB68] Ford, Clellan S. / Beach, Frank A., 1968
Formen der Sexualität. Das Sexualverhalten bei Mensch und Tier.
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[FMM68] Feldman, M.P. / MacCulloch, M.J. / MacCulloch, Mary L., 1968
The aversion therapy treatment of a heterogeneous group of five cases of sexual deviation
In: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol. 44, No. 2, 1968, pp. 113-123
Abstract:  "Describes the case histories and response to treatment of 5 patients, displaying sexual deviations other than homosexuality, who had been treated by anticipatory avoidance learning. Only 2 of these Ss have responded successfully to treatment. It is concluded that a response to treatment is closely related both to preexisting psychopathology and to the S's social setting. Detailed pretreatment assessment of these factors and attention to them in the treatment situation are as essential to successful therapy as a sound and carefully applied learning technique." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gag68] Gagnon, J.H., 1968
Sexual Behavior: Deviation: Social aspects
in: (ed.): The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Vol. 14, pp. 215-221
Publisher: Crowell-Collier, New York
[Geb68] Gebhard, Paul H., 1968
Fetishism and Masochism
Paper presented at Winter Meeting of American Academy of Psychoanalysis, New Orleans
[Gre68] Greenacre, Phyllis, 1968
Perversions: General Considerations regarding their Genetic and Dynamic Background
In: Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 23, 1968, pp. 47-62
Abstract:  "Traces the formation of fetishes through each stage of psychosexual development and disucsses fetishistic performance. The 'importance of and variations in the phallic phase with its intimate relationship with the oedipus complex ... are discussed as they give insight into the 'complexities of infantile organization which already exists as the child enters this phase.' The vicissitudes of pregenital development are considered to aid in understanding penis envy and the fear of castration. It is further noted that traumas play an important role in case of fetishism, transvestism, and related perversion. The role of aggression in perversions is also examined." (APA/PsycINFO)
[GS68] Giese, Hans / Schmidt, Gunter, 1968
Studenten-Sexualität - Verhalten und Einstellung
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Haa68] Haas, Ladislav, 1968
The secondary defensive struggle against the symptom in sexual disturbances
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 49, No. 2-3, 1968, pp. 402-407
Abstract:  "The balance of forces between the id, ego, and superego is continually changing in the secondary defensive struggle against the symptom. While sexual deviations and perverted fantasies can be regarded as 'symptom equivalents' they may also assume a defensive function in warding off anxiety and inhibition of genital sexuality. Discussion by L. Szekely follows." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ham68] Hammer, Emanuel F., 1968
Symptoms of Sexual Deviation: Dynamics and Etiology
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 55, No. 1, 1968, pp. 5-27
Abstract:  "Castration feelings and oedipal involvement were more intense and more frequent in 286 sexual deviates than in comparison groups. In addition the deviates showed a concrete orientation with lowered capacity to employ fantasy and sublimatory outlets, resulting from seductive experiences at the hands of incest figures. Since the incestuous impulses are no longer repressed, the only defense left is to deflect them toward children or other perverse substitutes. 'Where Freud found a fantasy seduction a factor in the formation of hysterical neurosis in mid-Victorian Vienna, we find an actual seduction a causative influence in the formation of perversion in contemporary times.'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kes68] Kessel, Joseph, 1968
La belle du jour
Publisher: Desch, München
Language: German
[Kli68] Klimmer, Rudolf, 1968
Urolagnie - eine Form des Fetischismus?
(Urolagnia - a form of fetishism?)
In: Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1968, pp. 219-222
Language: German
Abstract:  "In the German literature, urolagnia and eoprolagnia are usually treated either as fetishism or masochism. References reveal the presence of these perversions in folklore and mythology. 3 case histories are interpreted as being incorporation phenomena. Unconscious or conscious mystical fantasies also play a part." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lem68] Lemmhut, Erich, 1968
Schulbeispiele der körperlichen Züchtigung
Publisher: Verlag für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Kultur Henseler, Esslingen
Language: German
[Pet68] Peters, T.K., 1968
Unusual Sex Acts, Practices and Perversions
Publisher: Medco Books, Los Angeles
[Rei68] Reiche, Reimut, 1968
Sexualität und Klassenkampf. Zur Abwehr repressiver Entsublimierung. Series: Probleme sozialistischer Politik 9,
Publisher: Verlag Neue Kritik, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[RH68] Rachman, S. / Hodgson, R.J., 1968
Experimentally induced 'sexual fetishism': replication and development
In: Psychological Record, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1968, pp. 25-27
Abstract:  "5 Ss were conditioned to give sexual response to a photograph of a pair of knee-length boots (cs) and then the response was extinguished by repeated presentation of the cs alone. Another condition (backward conditioning) was included to control for the possibility of pseudoconditioning. None of the Ss reached the criterion in this control condition." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rie68] Riemann, Fritz, 1968
Psychoanalyse der Perversionen
(Psychoanalysis of perversions)
In: Psychosomatische Medizin, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1968, pp. 3-15
Language: German
Abstract:  "Discusses the formation of deviations in relation to child development. Perversion formation is seen as a function of neurotic repetition of the inability to love and succeed in a love relationship. Sexual deviants have common family background characteristics such as difficulty in role identification. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice. Success depends upon the individual's developing the ability to love." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rit68] Ritchie, George G. Jr., 1968
The use of hypnosis in a case of exhibitionism
In: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1968, pp. 40-43
Abstract:  "Presents a case report of a 23-yr-old male. A compulsion toward exhibitionism, arising from castration fear, was ended through hypnotic suggestions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rub68] Rubio, José, 1968
(A case of apparent necrophilia)
In: Revista de Psicoanalisis Psiquiatria y Psicologia, Vol. ?, 1968, pp. 17-31
Abstract:  "Presents a case study of a 34-yr-old male with symptoms suggestive of necrophilia, and examines Freud's concept of oral and anal regression levels, as well as Fromm's observation that necrophilia is a 'malignant form of the anal character,' in which dreams provided the clearest manifestation." (APA/PsycINFO)
[RW68] Rubington, Earl / Weinberg, Martin S. (ed.), 1968
Deviance: The Interactionist Perspective
Publisher: Macmillan, New York
[Sch68] Schlichtegroll, Carl Felix von, 1968
Wanda sans masque et sans fourrure. Suivi des Nouvelles confessions de Wanda de Sacher-Masoch.
Publisher: Tchou, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  XVIII/259 pages. French translation of → Sch06.
[Sig68] Sigusch, Volkmar, 1968
Das Antipathiegefälle gegenüber sexuell devianten Gruppen
(The decline of antipathy in relation to sexual deviant groups)
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1968, pp. 114-123
Language: German
Abstract:  "Investigated the intensity of emotional aversion and/or rejection to each of 8 categories of sexual deviants. Ss were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 was comprised of 169 male and 139 female 20-60 yr. old Ss having various educational backgrounds and religions. Group 2 was comprised of (56 male and 49 female college students. Group 3 was comparised of 91 male homosexuals. Ss were given a questionnaire having 28 possible pair combinations. Thurstone's method of paired comparison was used, and judgment differences were scaled according to the law of comparative judgment. Specific tables of results were provided. In general, the following were noted: (1) each sex group rejected the homosexual group of the same sex more than the homosexual group of the opposite sex, (2) significant judgment differences (chi-square) were found between Ss of different religions, (3) homosexual males showed less antipathy toward homosexual females and pedophiles, and (4) homosexual males accorded the same rank order of antipathy (aversion) to all other categories of sexual deviation as did nonhomosexual males." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ste68] Stewart, Sidney, 1968
Quelques Aspects Théoretiques du Fétichisme
(Some theoretical aspects of fetishism)
In: Interpretation, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1968, pp. 83-103
Language: French
Abstract:  "Discusses contradictory theories in the literature, noting that fetishism has practically never been studied from the structural angle. Analysis of a personal case (a male patient whose fetish was an enema bag filled with very hot water, who sought treatment not for the purpose of ridding himself of his fetish, but because of associated sado-masochistic fantasies which he feared transforming into action) illustrates 4 points. (a) Fetishism has the same sado-masochistic structure as that described by Freud in 'A child is being beaten.' (b) Fetishism represents only part of the splitting process each element of the fantasy and ritual is devised in such a way that each has 2 totally opposed meanings, simultaneously representing and denying the representation. (c) In the fantasy, the object is also divided in an attempt to preserve the erotic attachment. (d) In regressing to the sadic-anal phase, the fetishist accomplishes in a particular manner a 'splitting' of the identification process, thus endeavoring to avoid castration anxiety while retaining his mother as sexual object, and, at the same time, negating this attachment by making his father a homosexual object. To appease the superego, the homosexual object is disguised as female, but the fetishist denies that this is a representation of his mother." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Str68] Strange, Nicholas, 1968
The Sado-Masochistic Lesbian
Publisher: Echelon, Los Angeles
[Vil68] Villeneuve, Roland, 1968
Grausamkeit und Sexualität. Sadistisch-flagellantische, pathologische, gesellschaftlich-machtpolitische und religiöse Hintergründe der Leibes- und Todesstrafen, Hinrichtungsarten, Martern und Qualen bis in die Gegenwart in Wort und Bild.
Publisher: Decker, Wiesbaden
Language: German
[WHO68] World Health Organization (ed.), 1968
Internationale Klassifikation der Krankheiten: 8. Revision
Publisher: Karger, Basel, New York
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → WHO67.
[And69] Andros, Phil (i.e. Samuel Steward), 1969
Publisher: Guild Press, MISSING
[Ber69] Berz, Ulrich, 1969
Die Bedeutung der Sittenwidrigkeit für die rechtfertigende Einwilligung
In: Goltdammers Archiv für Strafrecht, 1969, pp. 145-152
Language: German
[BLA69] Barlow, David H. / Leitenberg, H. / Agras, W.S., 1969
The experimental control of sexual deviation through manipulation of the noxious scene in covert sensitization
In: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 74, 1969, pp. 596-601
[Bre69] Brecher, Edward M., 1969
The Sex Researchers
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Toronto
[Cle69] Cleugh, James, 1969
Le premier masochiste: Sacher-Masoch
Publisher: Trévise, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  252 pages. French translation of → Cle67 by Andrée R. Picard.
[Coh69] Cohen, Sydney, 1969
The Origin and Function of Sadistic Behavior
In: Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1969, pp. 3-7
[Dam69] Damaskow, Friedrich, 1969
Die Algophilie - Abstrafung und körperliche Züchtigung im heterosexuellen Partnerschaftsverhältnis im Hinblick auf die psychopathologische Symptomatik der Algophilie. Eine vergleichende kasuistische Untersuchung.
Publisher: Chronos, München
Language: German
[Der69] Deran, P.L., 1969
Erotik am Abgrund
Publisher: Stephenson, Flensburg
Language: German
[Dou69] Douglas, Jason, 1969
The Age of Perversion
Publisher: Luxor Press, London
[Ene69] Enelow, M.L., 1969
Fetishism and murder: discussion
In: SPSA, Vol. 15, 1969, pp. 99-100
[Eps69] Epstein, Arthur W., 1969
Fetishism: a comprehensive view
in: Masserman, Jules E. (ed.): Dynamics of Deviant Sexuality → Mas69 Vol. 15, pp. 81-87
Publisher: Grune & Stratton, New York, London
[Foo69] Fookes, B.H., 1969
Some experiences in the use of aversion therapy in male homosexuality, exhibitionism and fetishism-transvestism
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 115, 1969, pp. 339-341
Abstract:  "Summarizes experiences of 5 yr. of treatment of 27 cases of sexual disorders. Success ranged from 60% with homosexuality to 100% with fetishism-transvestism, and no harmful effects of aversion treatments were discernible. The patients welcomed the changes, consisting of the loss of desire for the perversion." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fue69] Fürstauer, Johanna, 1969
Dolly und die Peitsche (... brennende Hiebe auf meinem nackten Popo ...)
Publisher: Exakt, Konstanz
Language: German
[Fue69a] Fürstauer, Johanna, 1969
... mit Rohrstock und Peitsche. Eine Sittengeschichte der Flagellomanie.
Publisher: Exakt-Verlag, Konstanz
Language: German
[Geb69] Gebhard, Paul H., 1969
Fetishism and Sadomasochism
in: Masserman, Jules E. (ed.): Dynamics of Deviant Sexuality → Mas69 Vol. 15, pp. 71-80
Publisher: Grune & Stratton, New York, London
[Gre69] Gregersen, Edgar A., 1969
The Sadomasochistic Scene
[Har69] Harris, Edwin, 1969
Animals as Sex Partners
Publisher: Ultima House, Los Angeles
[Jac69] Jackson, B.T., 1969
A case of voyeurism treated by counterconditioning
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1969, pp. 133-134
Abstract:  "Reported the case of a 20-yr-old, unmarried male whose voyeurism was overcome through counterconditioning. The S stated that after peeping in windows, masturbation would take place, thus reinforcing the voyeurism. After 8 sessions, however, the S associated orgasm with sexual stimuli of decreasing similarity, i.e., young nude females to pornographic pictures, and arousal -potential from voyeuristic fantasy, thus, creating a positive attraction to more acceptable objects. A 9-mo follow-up revealed that S no longer had a desire for voyeurism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kaf69] Kafka, J., 1969
("The Verdict" of Franz Kafka from the point of view of psychopathology)
In: Encephale, Vol. 58, No. 6, 1969, pp. 481-485
Abstract:  "Analysis of Kafka's The Verdict reveals some of his conflicts over aggression, particularly in relation to his father. He suffered from algolagnia with a strong masochistic component." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kat69] Katan, M., 1969
Link between Freud's work on aphasia, fetishism, constructions
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 50, 1969, pp. 547-554
[Kha69] Khan, M. Masud R., 1969
Role of the 'Collated Internal Object' in Perversion-Formations
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1969, pp. 555-565
[KK69] Kronhausen, Eberhard / Kronhausen, Phyllis, 1969
Erotic Fantasies: A Study of the Sexual Imagination
Publisher: Grove Press, New York
[KK69a] Kronhausen, Eberhard / Kronhausen, Phyllis, 1969
Bücher aus dem Giftschrank. Eine Analyse der verbotenen und verfemten erotischen Literatur.
Publisher: Rütten und Loening / Scherz, Bern et al.
Language: German
[Mas69] Masserman, Jules E., 1969
Dynamics of Deviant Sexuality
Publisher: Grune & Stratton, New York, London
[Men69] Menaker, Esther, 1969
Will and the Problem of Masochism
In: Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1969, pp. 67-77
[Mit69] Mitchell, W.M., 1969
Observations on Animal Behavior and Its Relationship to Masochism
In: Diseases of the nervous system, Vol. 30, 1969, pp. 124-129
[Nag69] Nagler, S.H., 1969
Fetishism and murder: discussion
In: SPSA, Vol. 15, No. , 1969, pp. 97-98
[Neu69] Neumann, John, 1969
Erziehung in Amerika. Eine Dokumentation über Flagellomanie in der neuen Welt.
Publisher: J.M. Hönscheid, MISSING
Language: German
[Nol69] Noll, Peter, 1969
Begriff und Funktion der guten Sitten im Strafrecht
in: ? (ed.): Festschrift zum 150jährigen Bestehen des Oberlandesgerichts Zweibrücken, pp. 206-230
Publisher: MISSING, Wiesbaden
Language: German
[Ort69] Orthner, H., 1969
Zur Therapie sexueller Perversionen: Heilung einer homosexuell-pädophilen Triebabweichung durch einseitigen stereotaktischen Eingriff im Tuber cinerum
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Qui69] Quignard, Paris, 1969
L'être du balbutiement
Publisher: Mercure de France, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  191 pages
[Rea69] Réage, Pauline, 1969
Rückkehr nach Roissy
Publisher: Melzer, Darmstadt
Language: German
[Rub69] Rubins, Jack L., 1969
Sexual perversions: Some dynamic considerations
In: American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1969, pp. 94-105
Abstract:  "Studied 8 clinical cases involving exhibitionism, voyeurism, haircutting fetishism, and transvestism to show that (1) disturbance of sexual function produces disturbances in other areas of living, (2) there are correlations between fluctuations in perverse activity and changes in dynamic personality factors, and (3) these deviations can be treated by long-term psychoanalytic therapy." (APA/PsycINFO)
[SB69] Snow, E. / Bluestone, H., 1969
Fetishism and murder
in: Masserman, Jules E. (ed.): Dynamics of Deviant Sexuality → Mas69 Vol. 15, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Grune & Stratton, New York, London
[Sch69] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1969
Sexualität in der Wissenschaft - Rückblick und Ausblick
in: (ed.): Sexualität ist nicht pervers. Vorträge und Diskussion im Rahmen einer Informationsreihe, veranstaltet vom Verband Sozialistischer Studenten Österreichs in der Zeit vom 16. bis 20. Oktober 1967 an der Universität Wien., pp. 69-83
Publisher: Europa Verlag, Wien, Frankfurt, Zürich
Language: German
[Sch69a] Schnabl, Siegfried, 1969
Mann und Frau intim: Fragen des gesunden und des gestörten Geschlechtslebens
1st edition
Publisher: Greifenverlag, Rudolstadt
Language: German
[Smi69] Smirnoff, Victor N., 1969
The Masochistic Contract
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1969, pp. 665-671
Notes:  Also published in → Han95.
Abstract:  "Describes Sacher-Masoch's 1870 contract with his wife. She was to flog him and mistreat him and he, in turn, would eliminate cruel women from his novels. This whipping fetish is presumably related to Sacher-Masoch's witnessing his aunt's adultery, his subsequent discovery, and his severe punishment. This is interpreted as a screen memory. Love object here plays 2 roles; pure and loving and harsh and sensual." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Tro69] Trocchi, Alexander, 1969
Publisher: Olympia Press, Darmstadt
Language: German
[War69] Warfield, Selena (i.e. Diane Bataille), 1969
Die Peitschenengel
Publisher: Olympia Press, Darmstadt
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bat55, censored in Germany.
[Woo69] Woodward, L.T., 1969
Publisher: Lancer Books, New York
[Ker] Kerfstok (various authors), 1969-
Kerfstok - de scherpe kant van de liefde
Notes:  Archived issues: 2/2002 and 4/2002.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Apo70] Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1970
Die elftausend Ruten
Publisher: Rogner & Bernhard, München
Language: German
[Bar70] Barclay, A.M., 1970
The effect of female aggressiveness on aggressive and sexual fantasies
In: Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment, Vol. , No. 34, 1970, pp. 19-26
[Bar70a] Barthes, Roland, 1970
Sade, Fourier, Loyola
Publisher: Editions du Seuil, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  191 pages
[Ber70] Berest, Joseph J., 1970
Report of a Case of Sadism
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1970, pp. 210-219
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ble70] Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, C.I., 1970 (Doctoral thesis)
Sexuelle Abartigkeit im Urteil der abendländischen Religions-, Geistes- und Rechtsgeschichte im Zusammenhang mit der Gesellschaftsentwicklung
School: ?, Bonn
Language: German
[Bra70] Braun, Walter, 1970
Sexspiele der Perversen
Publisher: Stephenson, Flensburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bra67 by Helmut B. Iversen.
[Bra70a] Brand, Clavel, 1970
Publisher: Luxor Press, London
[Bra70b] Brand, Clavel, 1970
The Kinky Crowd. Vol. 1, The Rubber Devotee and The Leather Lover
Publisher: Luxor Press, London
[Buc70] Buchen, Irving (ed.), 1970
The Perverse Imagination: Sexuality and Literary Culture
Publisher: New York University Press, New York
[Che70] Chesney, Kellow, 1970
The Victorian Underworld
Publisher: Temple Smith, London
[Ell70] Ellison, Alfred, 1970
Sex Between Humans & Animals: The Psycho-Mythic Meaning of Bestiality
Publisher: Academy Press, San Diego
[Far70] Farley-Gray, R., 1970
The leather scene. A guide in photographs to the sexual world of leather and latex
Publisher: Canova Press, London
[Fri70] Friedman, Leon (ed.), 1970
The complete oral arguments before the Supreme Court in the major obscenity cases
Publisher: Chelsea House, New York
[Fue70] Fürstauer, Johanna, 1970
Lustperversionen durch Folter und Qual. Die intimsten Enthüllungen aus dem Leben von Gummifetischisten, Fesselungsspezialisten und Liebhabern der sexuellen Tortur.
Publisher: Exakt, Konstanz
Language: German
[Fue70a] Fürstauer, Johanna, 1970
Verbotene Liebespraktiken - perverse Wollust
Publisher: Decker, Schmiden
Language: German
[Hat70] Hatterer, Lawrence, 1970
Changing Homosexuality in the Male: Treatment for Men Troubled by Homosexuality
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, New York
[Haw70] Hawkes, Daniel, 1970
Violation: A New Look at Sexual Violence
Publisher: Luxor Press, London
Abstract:  "Case histories of people who are only aroused by sadistic and brutal sexual acts including Rape, S&M, Spanking, Flagellation, sexual murder etc."
[Hel70] van Heller, Marcus, 1970
Die Herrin mit der Peitsche
Publisher: Olympia Press, Darmstadt
Language: German
[Hen70] Hensel, Georg, 1970
Zu Neuauflagen anlässlich des 75. Todestages: Wollust durch Wanda. Vor 75 Jahren starb Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Vol. FEHLT, 1970, pp. FEHLT
Language: German
[Kie70] Kientzy, Dieter, 1970
Der Mangel am Straftatbestand infolge Einwilligung des Rechtsgutsträgers
Publisher: MISSING, Tübingen
Language: German
[Koe70] Köhr, Dietrich, 1970
Wollust unter Peitschenhieben. Ein zeitkritischer Bericht über drei weitverbreitete Perversionen in Europa.
Publisher: Kranz, Hamburg
Language: German
[Lih70] Lihn, Henry, 1970
Fetishism: A case report
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 51, No. 3, 1970, pp. 351-358
Abstract:  "Describes the case history of a male with a ladies' panty fetish from his start in therapy through his marriage and fatherhood." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MGB70] Marks, Isaac / Gelder, Michael / Bancroft, John, 1970
Sexual Deviants Two Years after Electric Aversion
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 117, 1970, pp. 173-185
Abstract:  "24 patients comprised of 12 transvestites and fetishists, 7 transsexuals, and 5 sadomasochists given 2-3 wk. of electric aversion showed improvement except for the transsexuals. Improvement was not related to the amount of treatment with early evidence of improvement shown by those achieving the greatest change in incidence of deviant acts and fantasies or in deviant concepts. Untreated deviants showed less change during the 14-mo follow-up. These findings indicate that despite its unpleasant nature aversion therapy may be of value in the treatment of sexual deviations other than transsexual feelings." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MM70] Mertner, Edgar / Mainusch, Herbert, 1970
Pornotopia. Das Obszöne und die Pornographie in der literarischen Landschaft.
Publisher: Athenäum, Frankfurt
Language: German
[Neu70] Neumann, John, 1970
Sadistinnen und Masochisten
Publisher: MISSING, London
Language: German
[Nor70] North, Maurice, 1970
The Outer Fringe of Sex: A Study in Sexual Fetishism
Publisher: Odyssey Press, London
[Pea70] Pearson, Angela (i.e. John Millington-Ward), 1970
Küsse mich und quäle mich
Publisher: Olympia Press, Darmstadt
Language: German
[Pet70] Peters, T.K., 1970
A Study of Sado-Masochism
Publisher: SECS Press, Sex Education Clinical Series, Los Angeles
[Pet70a] Peters, T.K., 1970
A Study of Sexual Fetishes: An Illustrated Examination of the Sexual Deviate
Publisher: SECS Press, Sex Education Clinical Series, Los Angeles
[Pou70] Pouillon, J., 1970
Fétiches sans fétichisme
In: Nouvelle Revue de Psychoanalyse, Vol. II, 1970
Language: French
[PT70] Perlson, P. / Tobin, J.M., 1970
Treatment of Psychic Masochism in Schizophrenic Patients
In: Diseases of the Nervous System, Vol. 31, No. 11, suppl., 1970, pp. 122-129
[Rob70] Robertiello, Richard C., 1970
Masochism and the female sexual role
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1970, pp. 56-58
Abstract:  "It is felt that masochism is the result of cultural attitudes in combination with changes in sexual and psychological development. Masochism is defined as 'the turning of destructive drives against the self' and refers to the sexual masochist as 'one who cannot enjoy the sexual act unless it is accompanied by pain, humiliation, or submission.' It is asserted that female sexual masochism arises when the child develops rage toward her mother because of inadequate mothering. The child, in turn, is afraid to outwardly express rage for fear of abandonment; and therefore turns rage against herself which, if rewarded with sympathy, persists into adulthood." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rob70a] Robertiello, Richard C., 1970
The Treatment of Masochistic Character Disorders
In: Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1970, pp. 41-44
[SG70] Simon, William / Gagnon, John H., 1970
Sexuelle Außenseiter. Kollektive Formen sexueller Abweichungen.
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Sie70] Siegrist, Harald Olav, 1970
Ein Masochist?
In: Kriminalistik, 1970, pp. 493-494
Language: German
[Sto70] Stoller, Robert J., 1970
Pornography and perversion
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1970, pp. 490-499
Abstract:  "Discusses how pornography can help to 'investigate the dynamics of perversions,' including such forms as voyeurism, sadism, and masochism. Pornography is discussed as a form of behavior specific to each user, i.e., 'a sadist will choose depictions of sadistic acts and a fetishistic transvestite depictions of acts of cross-dressing.' The unconscious memory of past life history events finds conscious expression in particular pornographic materials. Thus 'pornography for 1 person is not so for another with a different life history and psychodynamics.' All forms 'share in common the essential factor that the pornography will illustrate danger (humiliation, anxiety, fear, frustration) surmounted. In this sense all pornography contains the psychodynamics of perversion.' Though much of it is aimed at heterosexual men, these forms still exist as 'solutions to conflict, distress, frustration, and anger.' The reactions of women to pornography are also discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ull70] Ullerstam, Lars, 1970
Die Abartigen
Publisher: Lichtenberg, München
Language: German
[Ung70] Ungerer, Tomi, 1970
Publisher: Diogenes, Zürich
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Aar71] Aarons, Z.A., 1971
Fetish, fact and fantasy: A clinical study of the problems of fetishism
In: International Review of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1971, pp. 199-230
Abstract:  "Presents a verification of Freud's theory of the fetishistic phenomenon as the clearest evidence of the existence of the castration complex. In the present case study, a young man's identification with his mother during his early pre-oedipal period is considered the predisposing cause of the fetish (involving one-legged girls). The fetishist can allow himself to be intimate with the fetish, but not with what it symbolizes. Analytic success is dependent on a replication in the transference of the patient's efforts to overcome the originally traumatic deprivation." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Alb71] Alby, Jean-Marc, 1971
A Propos D'Un Fantasme Sadomasochique
In: Revue Française De Psychanalyse, Vol. 35, No. 2-3, 1971, pp. 277-285
Language: French
[Bak71] Bak, Robert C., 1971
Object-Relationship in Schizophrenia and Perversion
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 52, 1971, pp. 235-?
[Ban71] Bancroft, J.H.J., 1971
The Application of Psychophysical Measures to the Assessment and Modification of Sexual Behaviour
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 9, 1971, pp. 119-130
[Ber71] Berest, Joseph J., 1971
Fetishism: Three case histories
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1971, pp. 237-239
Abstract:  "Discusses the fact that the fetishist only loves a part of the female and is unable to love her as a real person. The 3 fetishist case histories discussed include psychosexual infantilism, scoptophilia, and pygmalionism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BL71] Byrne, D. / Lamberth, J., 1971
The effect of erotic stimuli on sex arousal, evaluative responses and subsequent behaviour
in: ? (ed.): Technical Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography Vol. 3, pp. ?
Publisher: U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
[Bre71] Brecher, Edward M., 1971
Vom Tabu zum Sex-Labor: Die erste Geschichte der Sexualforschung
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bre69.
[Che71] Chesser, Eustace, 1971
Strange Loves: The Human Aspects of Sexual Deviation
Publisher: William Morrow and Company, New York
[Del71] Deleuze, Gilles, 1971
Masochism. An Interpretation of Coldness and Cruelty together with the entire text of "Venus in Furs" by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.
Publisher: G. Braziller, New York
Notes:  248 pages. English translation of → Del67.
[Dre71] Dreyer, Paul, 1971
Self-Punitive Behavior - Masochism or Confusion?
In: Psychological Review, Vol. 78, No. 4, 1971, pp. 333-337
[Far71] Farley-Gray, Roger, 1971
Sexual Deviation
Publisher: Luxor Press, London
Abstract:  "Ten personal confessions of people with strange desires, leather, rubber, bondage, spanking etc."
[Geb71] Gebhard, Paul H., 1971
Human sexual behavior: A summary statement
in: Marshall, Donald S. / Suggs, Robert C. (ed.): Human Sexual Behavior: Variations in the ethnographic spectrum, pp. 206-217
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
[Gie71] Giese, Hans (ed.), 1971
Die Sexualität des Menschen. Handbuch der medizinischen Sexualforschung.
2nd revised and enlarged edition
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Gre71] Greenacre, Phyllis, 1971
Certain relationships between fetishism and the faulty development of the body image
in: (ed.): Emotional Growth, pp. 9-30, 113-127, 315-334, 335-352
Publisher: International Universities Press, New York
[Hen71] Henry, Russell Cole, 1971
"Sex" Hangings in the Female
In: Medico-Legal Bulletin, Vol. 20, No. 29, 1971, pp. 1-5
[Hun71] Hunold, Günther, 1971
... vergiss die Peitsche nicht. Eine Studie über Sadismus und Masochismus. Mit Auszügen aus der einschlägigen Literatur
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Jos71] Joseph, Betty, 1971
A clinical contribution to the analysis of a perversion
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 52, No. 4, 1971, pp. 441-449
Abstract:  "Presents clinical data on a patient with a rubber fetish. Apparent passive behavior masks a sadomasochistic behavior and erotization of the transference. The sexual excitement is split and projected. The perversion affected relationships with external and internal objects along with the patient's truth and guilt." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Keu71] Keupp, Lutz, 1971
Aggressivität und Sexualität
Publisher: Goldmann, München
Language: German
[Kit71] Kittrie, N.N., 1971
The Right to be Different: Deviance and Enforced Therapy
Publisher: Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore
[KOP71] Kommission für Obszönität / Pornographie des amerikanischen Kongresses (ed.), 1971
Der Pornographie-Report. Untersuchungen der Kommission für Obszönität und Pornographie des amerikanischen Kongresses.
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Leo71] Leonhardt, Rudolf Walter, 1971
Wer wirft den ersten Stein?
Publisher: dtv, München
Language: German
[Leo71a] Leonhard, Karl, 1971
(Learning, habit formation, imprinting in divergent developments of children's personalities)
In: Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 23, No. 12, 1971, pp. 665-674
Language: German
Abstract:  "Discusses meaning of learning, habit formation, and Lorenzian imprinting. Fetishism and forms of homosexuality are related to early impressions. Case histories relate disturbances in childhood learning, habit formation, and imprinting to chronic manifestations in adults." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lev71] Levitt, Eugene E., 1971
In: Sexual Behavior, Vol. 1, 1971, pp. 69-80
[Lih71] Lihn, Henry, 1971
Sexual Masochism: A Case Report
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 52, No. 4, 1971, pp. 469-478
[Low71] Lower, Richard B., 1971
Depersonalization and the Masochistic Wish
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 40, 1971, pp. 584-602
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Mal71] Malfatti, Felice Tino (Pseud.), 1971
Die Peitsche der Artemis
Publisher: Johannes M. Hönscheid, München
Language: German
[Mar71] Marmor, Judd, 1971
"Normal" and "Deviant" Sexual Behaviour
In: The Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 217, No. 2, 1971, pp. 165-170
[Mar71a] Maris, R.W., 1971
Deviance as Therapy: The Paradox of the Self-Destructive Female
In: Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1971, pp. 113-124
[Mos71] Moser, Tilmann, 1971
Repressive Kriminalpsychiatrie. Vom Elend einer Wissenschaft. Eine Streitschrift.
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[MS71] Marshall, Donald S. / Suggs, Robert C. (ed.), 1971
Human Sexual Behavior: Variations in the ethnographic spectrum
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
Notes:  XVIII/302 pages
[Mun71] Mundinger, Gerda, 1971
Corporal Punishment
Publisher: Grove Press, New York
Notes:  146 pages
[Mur71] Murat, Jean-Claude, 1971
Hiebe aus Liebe in Frankreich. 11 flagellantische Storys mit Bild-Dokumentationen Series: Hiebe aus Liebe, Vol. 1
4th edition
Publisher: Isabella Verlag, München
Language: German
[Neu71] Neuhuber, Rolf D., 1971
Techniken der körperlichen Züchtigungen in Pädagogik und Justiz: eine Dokumentation
Publisher: Hönscheid, München
Language: German
[Pet71] Peterssen, Jon A., 1971
The Photo Illustrated History of Flagellation
Publisher: Academy Press, San Diego, Calif.
[Pin71] Pinkava, Václav, 1971
Logical models of sexual deviations
In: International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1971, pp. 351-374
Abstract:  "Argues that the traditional approaches to sexual deviations-biological and psychogenetic-are either too simple, too global, or not in accord with empirical findings. A new theoretical approach is presented which is based on ethology and the theory of automata and which considers deviations as impairments of instinctive behavior. General characteristics of instincts are discussed and viewed as finite automata, and the existence of human as well as subhuman imprinting is noted. A formal model of deviations, based on the structural theory of automata and including both fetishistic and nonfetishistic types, is demonstrated." (APA/PsycINFO)
[RB71] Rousal, J. / Brichcin, S., 1971
The case of mysophilia
In: Československa Psychiatrie, Vol. 67, No. 3, 1971, pp. 176-180
Language: Czech with Russian and English summaries
Abstract:  "Analyzes the case of a 28-yr-old urophile with fetishistic and masochistic traits who voluntarily came to be treated as an outpatient. He had anancastic personality structure and compulsive behavior with basic mysophobia and expressed picacistic, toucheur, voyeur, ecouteur, and renifleur activity, often paradoxically. The report is supplemented by a literature comparison and estimation of the social dangerousness of fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Riv71] River, Joseph Paul de, 1971
Wenn Züchtigen zur Lust wird: Die Ursachen des Sadomasochismus (Teil I)
In: Flag (deutsche Ausgabe), Vol. 3, 1971, pp. 15-17
Language: German
Notes:  Probably an extract from → Riv56.
[Rob71] Roberts, Allan, 1971
Sexual Behavior and the Law
Publisher: Academy Press, San Diego
[Rot71] Rothman, G., 1971
The Riddle of Cruelty
Publisher: Philosophical Library, New York
[Sag71] Sagarin, E., 1971
Sex Research and Sociology: Retrospective and Prospective
in: Henslin, James M. (ed.): Studies in the Sociology of Sex, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York
[SC+71] Shore, Miles F. / Clifton, Anne / Zelin, Martin / Myerson, Paul G., 1971
Patterns of Masochism: An Empirical Study
In: The British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol. 44, No. 1, 1971, pp. 59-66
Language: German
Abstract:  see → Bie00.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sch71] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1971
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Sch71a] Schwendter, Rolf, 1971
Theorie der Subkultur
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln et al.
Language: German
[Sch71b] Schnabl, Siegfried, 1971
Mann und Frau intim: Fragen des gesunden und des gestörten Geschlechtslebens
3rd revised edition
Publisher: VEB Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin
Language: German
[Shu71] Shulman, Bernhard H.P.D., 1971
Sex for Domination
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 5, No. 10, 1971, pp. 28-32
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[SP71] Shulman, B.H. / Peven, D., 1971
Sex for Domination
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 5, 1971, pp. 28-32
[Win71] Wind, E. de, 1971
Perversion oder Liebe - Was ist in der Sexualität noch normal? Series: konkret extra Band 11,
Publisher: Konkret Buchverlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[Zav71] Zavitzianos, George, 1971
Fetishism and Exhibitionism in the Female and Their Relationship to Psychopathy and Kleptomania
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 52, No. 3, 1971, pp. 297-305
Abstract:  "Confirms previous observations that fetishism exists in women. It is also shown that exhibitionism is possible as a sexual perversion. It is also suggested that kleptomania is derived from fetishism and that there is a close relation between perversion and some psychopathic personalities. In the case presented, kleptomania developed after the fetish became detached from its sexual function. This coincided with severe childhood anxieties which led to complete suppression of masturbation and anhedonism. Kleptomania and the psychopathic behavior in general were the result of acting out in the environment the perverse masturbation fantasies of the phallic phase." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cle73] Cleef, Monique von / Waterman, William, 1971 oder 1973
The House of Pain - The Strange World of Monique von Cleef, The Queen of Humiliation. An Autobiography and a Message to All Human Slaves
Publisher: Lyle Stuart Inc., Secaucus
[Flag] Flag (various authors), 1971-?
Flag Bildmagazin
Notes:  German edition of Flag International. Archived issue: 3/1971.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bac72] Bacher, Ulli, 1972
Hiebe aus Liebe in Österreich: 8 flagellantische Storys mit Bild-Dokumentationen Series: Hiebe aus Liebe, Vol. 3
Publisher: Isabella-Verlag, München
Language: German
Notes:  75 pages with illustrations
[BS72] Bleischwitz, Karl / Schrader, Klaus, 1972
Ein Flagellant
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 11, 1972, pp. 533-536
Language: German
[CL72] Callahan, E.J. / Leitenberg, H., 1972
Aversion therapy for sexual deviation: Contingent shock and covert sensitization
In: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 81, 1972, pp. 60-73
[Cle72] Cleef, Monique von, 1972
Monique, Herrin ohne Mitleid
Publisher: Olympia Press, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Com72] Comfort, Alex, 1972
The Joy of Sex. A Cordon Bleu Guide to Lovemaking.
1st edition
Publisher: Crown, New York
[Dam72] Damaskow, Friedrich, 1972
Ist mein Mann pervers? Ein Sexualpsychologe antwortet auf intimste Fragen. Beispiel & Analyse.
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[DD+72] Demoulin, C. / Donnay-Richelle, J. / Renerte, J.C. / Timsit, M., 1972
Sexual perversions: The teaching of Freud
In: Feuillets Psychiatriques de Liège, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1972, pp. 172-181
Language: French
Abstract:  "Presents a statement of the theoretical orientation of a group studying male sexual perversions. Brief summaries of Freud's texts on castration and fetishism are provided and discussed. It is concluded that perversion involves the mechanism of denial." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Eve72] Everett, G., 1972
Effects of Amyl-Nitrite ("Poppers") on Sexual Experience
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. ? (Dezember), 1972, pp. 146-?
[Gli72] Glick, Burton S., 1972
Aversive imagery therapy using hypnosis
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1972, pp. 432-436
Abstract:  "Treated a severe, chronic 27-yr-old male clothing fetishist with a variant of the aversive imagery technique. Suggested nausea under hypnosis was paired with imaginary scenes depicting his pathological behavior. 6 treatment sessions over a 6-wk period resulted in a definite abatement of the symptom. It is concluded that this technique may prove to be a simple and convenient therapeutic approach in appropriate cases, since it does not require use of emetic drugs or electric shock." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Goc72] Gochros, H.L., 1972
The Sexually Oppressed
In: Social Work, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1972, pp. 16-23
[Gre72] Grewther, Roy, 1972
Hiebe aus Liebe in England: 8 flagellantische Storys mit Bild-Dokumentationen Series: Hiebe aus Liebe, Vol. 4
Publisher: Isabella-Verlag, München
Language: German
[Har72] Hariton, E., 1972 (Doctoral thesis)
Women's Fantasies during Sexual Intercourse with Their Husbands: A Normative Study with Tests of Personality and Theoretical Models.
School: City University of New York
[Hud72] Hudson, Derek (ed.), 1972
Munby, Man of Two Worlds: the Life and Diaries of Arthur J. Munby, 1828-1910
Publisher: Gambit, Boston
Abstract:  See → Sta84.
[Kle72] Klein, Henriette, 1972
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 6, No. 11, 1972, pp. 33-53
[Kli72] Klimmer, Rudolf, 1972
Bericht über einen Masochisten mit homosexuellem Einschlag
In: Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung, Vol. 66, No. 15, 1972, pp. 782-785
Language: German
[Kru72] Krüger, Hans-Gerd, 1972
Hiebe aus Liebe in Deutschland: 8 flagellantische Storys mit Bild-Dokumentationen Series: Hiebe aus Liebe, Vol. 2
Publisher: Isabella, München
Language: German
[LS72] Litman, Robert E. / Swearingen, Charles, 1972
Bondage and Suicide
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 27, 1972, pp. 80-85
Abstract:  "'Bondage' is a well-established category of deviant sexual behavior. It includes practices for erotic pleasure of being humiliated, enslaved, and physically bound and restrained. Life is threatened when, as is common, neck binding or partial asphyxiation forms part of the behavior. In the United States there are yearly about 50 such deaths, sometimes suicide, usually by accident. We report two fatal cases rich in detail provided by the now deceased. In addition, we interviewed nine men and three women who responded to a notice in the underground press. Subjects were diverse in character and varied in the details of their bondage behavior. All of the men were isolated, depressed, and oriented toward death. Their masochism was first a challenge, then an invitation to death. When they see psychiatrists (for depression), the sexual problems are minimized."
[Mar72] Marks, I.M., 1972
Phylogenesis and learning in the acquisition of fetishism
In: Danish Medical Bulletin, Vol. 19, 1972, pp. 307-310
[McD72] McDougall, Joyce, 1972
Primal Scene and Sexual Perversion
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 53, 1972, pp. 371-384
[McS72] McSweeny, Austin J., 1972
Fingernail fetishism: Report of a case treated with hypnosis
In: American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1972, pp. 139-143
[Min72] Minton, Hugo, 1972
What You Always Wanted to Know About Bondage, Spanking and Sex: But Were Afraid to Ask
Publisher: Eros Pub. Co., Wilmington, Del.
[Nor72] Norton, David L., 1972
Eudaimonia and the Pain-Displeasure Contingency Argument
In: Ethics, Vol. 83, 1972, pp. 314-320
[Nov72] Novick, Jack, 1972
Beating Fantasies in Children
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 53, No. 2, 1972, pp. 237-242
[Pau72] Pauly, Joachim, 1972
Flagellantismus als Erziehung
Publisher: Hönscheid, München
Language: German
[PB72] Prince, Virginia / Bentler, P.M., 1972
Survey of 504 Cases of Transvestism
In: Psychol. Rep., Vol. 31, 1972, pp. 903-917
[Ras72] Raspé, G. (ed.), 1972
Schering Symposium über Sexualdeviationen und ihre medikamentöse Behandlung, Berlin, 17. und 18. Mai 1971 Series: Life Science Monographs, Vol. 2
Publisher: Pergamon Press / Vieweg, Oxford et al.
Language: German
[Res72] Resnik, H.L.P., 1972
Eroticized Repetitive Hangings: A Form of Self-Destructive Behavior
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1972, pp. 4-21
[Rup72] Rupp, J.C., 1972
The Love Bug
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 18, 1972, pp. 259-262
[Sch72] Schröder, Jörg, 1972
Publisher: März, Frankfurt am Main
Language: German
[Sch72a] Schnabl, Siegfried, 1972
Intimverhalten, Sexualstörungen, Persönlichkeit
Publisher: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin
Language: German
[Sch72b] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1972
Die sexuellen Deviationen beim Menschen - Kritik an der Typologie
in: Raspé, G. (ed.): {Schering Symposium über Sexualdeviationen und ihre medikamentöse Behandlung, Berlin, 17. und 18. Mai 1971 Vol. 2, pp. 33-43
Publisher: Pergamon Press / Vieweg, Oxford et al.
Language: German
[Sch72c] Schmitt, Rudolf, 1972
Strafrechtlicher Schutz des Opfers vor sich selbst?
in: ? (ed.): Festschrift für Reinhart Maurach, pp. 113-126
Publisher: MISSING, Karlsruhe
Language: German
[Sig72] Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.), 1972
Ergebnisse zur Sexualmedizin
Publisher: MISSING, Köln
Language: German
[Tow72] Townsend, Larry, 1972
The Leatherman's Handbook
1st edition
Publisher: Olympia Press, MISSING
[Wei72] Weidner, Eva, 1972 (Doctoral thesis)
Sodomie und Sadismus als Tierschutzproblem
School: Universität Gießen, Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin
Language: German
[Wie72] Wiedeking, C., 1972
Symposion: Sexualdeviationen und ihre medizinische Behandlung
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 4, 1972, pp. 217f.
Language: German
[Win72] Winslow, Robert Wallace, 1972
The Emergence of Deviant Minorities: Social Problems and Social Changes
Publisher: Consensus Publishers, San Ramon, CA
[Wor72] Work, Henry W., 1972
Sexual deviations
in: Freedman, Alfred M. / Kaplan, Harold I. (ed.): The child: His psychological and cultural development: II. The major psychological disorders and their treatment, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Atheneum, Oxford?
Abstract:  "Discusses the epidemiology and clinical aspects of abnormal sexual patterns in children, among them: masturbation, homosexuality, transvestitism, abnormal relations, hypersexuality, fetishism, and prostitution." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Zav72] Zavitzianos, George, 1972
Homeovestism: Perverse Forms of Behavior Involving Wearing Clothes of the Same Sex
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 53, No. 4, 1972, pp. 471-477
Abstract:  "Describes 2 cases of homeovestism, i.e. perverse form of behavior involving wearing clothes of the same sex. The behavior is closely related to transvestism and fetishism. Similarities and differences among these 3 categories are summarized. The literature on these problems is reviewed. The cases of 2 homeovestites, a 20-yr-old male and a 20-yr-old female, are discussed in detail. The basic trend in both is considered to be the denial of the female genitalia in order to avoid castration anxiety. The female's anxiety was due to the fact that she did not have a penis, the male's anxiety to the fear of losing his and to a pronounced identification with the female." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lap72] Laplanche, Jean, 1972-1973
Moral and Social Norms: Their Impact in the Subjective Topic
In: Bulletin de Psychologie, Vol. 26, No. 12-13, 1972-1973, pp. 705-723
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bar73] Barclay, A.M., 1973
Sexual fantasies in men and women
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 7, 1973, pp. 205-216
[Bar73a] Bartholomew, Allen A., 1973
Two features occasionally associated with intravenous drug users: A note
In: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1973, pp. 206-207
Abstract:  "In a population of drug dependent 19-25 yr old males who administered their drugs iv, 2 features were occasionally noted: autohemofetishism and injection masochism. These 2 features are considered to be brought about on the basis of classical conditioning." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Eps73] Epstein, Arthur W., 1973
The Relationship of Altered Brain States to Sexual Psychopathology
in: Zubin, Joseph / Money, John (ed.): Contemporary Sexual Behavior: Critical Issues in the 1970s, pp. ?-?
Publisher: John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
[Fel73] Feldman, P., 1973
Abnormal sexual behaviour - males
in: Eysenck, H.J. (ed.): Handbook of Abnormal Psychology, pp. 131-170
Publisher: EdITS, San Diego
Abstract:  "Discusses the classification, measurement, etiology and treatment of various types of sexual deviations in males. (from the chapter) homosexuality / fetishism and transvestism / transsexualism / exhibitionism / impotence /paedophilia." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fre73] Freud, Sigmund, 1973
Sigmund Freud, Studienausgabe
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Fro73] Fromm, Erich, 1973
The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
Publisher: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York
[Ger73] Gerber, K.A. (ed.), 1973
Hiebe aus Liebe per Inserat: die umfassende Dokumentation zum Thema der flagellantischen Kontaktaufnahme Series: Hiebe aus Liebe, Vol. 5
Publisher: Isabella-Verlag, München
Language: German
[GG73] Greene, Caroline / Greene, Gerald, 1973
S-M: The Last Taboo. A Study of Sado-Masochism.
Publisher: Grove Press, New York
[Gie73] Giese, Hans, 1973
Zur Psychopathologie der Sexualität
Publisher: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Stuttgart
Language: German
[HB73] Haft, J.S. / Benjamin, H.B., 1973
Foreign Bodies in the Rectum: Some Psychosexual Aspects
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 7, No. 8, 1973, pp. 74-95
[Hoe73] Hoevels, Fritz E., 1973
Originaltitel unklar, etwa: Ein Roman über einen Fetischisten von O. Panizza
(A novel about a fetishist by O. Panizza)
In: Praxis der Psychotherapie, Vol. 18, No. 5, 1973, pp. 205-213
Language: German
Abstract:  "Reviews a novel by the psychiatrist, publicist and poet, Oskar Panizza, which first appeared in 1893 under the title 'Visions.'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Irv73] Irvin, J., 1973
Deviant Behaviour as a Subcultural Phenomenon
in: Arnold, David O. (ed.): Subcultures, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Glendessary, Berkeley
[Mar73] Marshall, W.L., 1973
The modification of sexual fantasies: A combined treatment approach to the reduction of deviant sexual behaviour
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1973, pp. 557-564
Abstract:  "A consideration of the literature on the behavioral therapy of sexual deviations suggests that the direct modification of fantasies will provide an effective treatment method. A combination of 2 procedures for modifying the content of sexual fantasies is outlined, and the results of treatment with 12 male patients (homosexuals, fetishists, rapists, and pedophiles) using this combined approach are described. The hypothesis that the modification of fantasies would have a direct effect on both deviant behavior and attitudes toward deviant material was not unequivocally supported. However, the program had eliminated deviant behavior in all Ss by the end of treatment, and this was maintained at follow-up in at least 75%." (APA/PsycINFO)
[McC73] McCary, James L., 1973
Human Sexuality
2nd edition
Publisher: Van Nostrand, New York
[Muz73] M'Uzan, Michel de, 1973
A Case of Masochistic Perversion and an Outline of a Theory
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 54, 1973, pp. 455-467
[Nor73] Norman, John, 1973
Gor 1: Gor - Die Gegenerde
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Obe73] Ober, William B., 1973
Carlo Gesualdo, Prince of Venosa: Murder, Madrigals, and Masochism
In: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 49, No. 7, 1973, pp. 634-645
[Pan73] Panken, Shirley, 1973
The Joy of Suffering: Psychoanalytic Theory and Therapy of Masochism
Publisher: Jason Aronson, Inc., New York
[Pet73] Peto, A., 1973
The olfactory forerunner of the superego: its role in normalcy, neurosis and fetishism
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 54, No. 3, 1973, pp. 323-330
[Sch73] Schott, Gerhard, 1973
Selbstkastration aus sadistischer Triebperversion, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Antiandrogentherapie
In: Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 25, No. 7, 1973, pp. 435-442
Language: German
[SG73] Stolorow, Robert D. / Grand, H.T., 1973
A partial analysis of a perversion involving bugs
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 54, 1973, pp. 349-350
[Sti73] Stieber, Hans, 1973
Brutaler Sex - Seine Opfer sagen aus
Publisher: Verlag der Europäischen Bücherei, Bonn
Language: German
[Sto73] Stoller, R.J. et al., 1973
A Symposium: Should Homosexuality be in the APA Nomenclature?
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 130, No. 11, 1973, pp. 1207-1216
[WW73] Weinberg, Martin S. / Williams, Colin J., 1973
Soziale Beziehungen zu devianten Personen bei der Feldforschung
in: Friedrichs, Jürgen (ed.): Teilnehmende Beobachtung abweichenden Verhaltens, 2nd revised and enlarged edition, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Beltz, Weinheim et al.
Language: German
[ZM73] Zubin, Joseph / Money, John (ed.), 1973
Contemporary Sexual Behavior: Critical Issues in the 1970s
Publisher: John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
[ABJ74] Abel, Gene G. / Blanchard, Edward B. / Jackson, 1974
The Role of Fantasy in the Treatment of Sexual Deviation
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 30, 1974, pp. 467-475
Abstract:  "Sexual fantasy plays a critical role in the treatment of sexual deviations from both the psychoanalytic and behavioral viewpoints. Both orientations can be interpreted as successively conceptualizing sexual fantasy first as a dependent and then as an intervening variable. Most revently the behaviorally oriented therapists have reported successful treatment based on the assumption that sexual fantasy can be used as an independent variable to be directly altered by the therapist. These latter studies are reviewed in considerable detail in hopes of incorporating there findings into the general body of psychiatric knowledge."
[And74] Andrews, Terry, 1974
The Story of Harold
Publisher: Holt Rinehart, MISSING
[Ano74] Anonymous, 1974
Ein Widerschein von Liebeswirklichkeit - Sadomasochistische Annoncen in Zeitschriften für Homosexuelle
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 3, No. 11, 1974, pp. 585-588
Language: German
[Bak74] Bak, Robert C., 1974
Distortions of the concept of fetishism
In: Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 29, No. 19, 1974, pp. 1-214
Abstract:  "Reviews the literature on fetishism and examines the role inanimate things play in the maturation of infant, child, adolescent, and adult perversions. Discrepancies in the use of key concepts are noted. The differentiation between the phase-specific quality of fetishes and the use of inanimate things and their changing functions are also discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ban74] Bancroft, John, 1974
Deviant Sexual Behaviour - Modification and Assessment
Publisher: Clarendon Press, Oxford
[Bar74] Barthes, Roland, 1974
Sade - Fourier - Loyola
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bar70a.
[Bar74a] Barbara, Dominick A., 1974
Masochism in Love and Sex
In: American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1974, pp. 73-79
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bar74b] Barlow, David H., 1974
The treatment of sexual deviation: Towards a comprehensive behavioral approach
in: Calhoun, K.S. / Adams, H.E. / Mitchell, K.M. (ed.): Innovative Treatment Methods in Psychopathology, pp. ?-?
Publisher: John Wiley, New York
[Bet74] Bethell, Martin F., 1974
A rare manifestation of fetishism
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1974, pp. 301-302
Abstract:  "Presents a brief case report of a 20-yr-old male who exhibited infantile sexual behavior (e.g., dressing in a diaper, wearing a female wig, and sucking a bottle) associated with known brain damage. The patient suffered a right hemiplegia, caused by polyarthritis nodosa, at age 5, and had received steroid therapy from age 5-15." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bla74] Blanchot, M., 1974
in: Glaser, H.A. (ed.): Wollüstige Phantasie. Sexualästhetik der Literatur., pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING, München
Language: German
[Bla74a] Blanch, Andrea, 1974
The Problem of Feminine Masochism: An Approach Through Theory and Literature
In: Cornell Journal of Social Relations, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1974, pp. 1-15
[DA74] Dutton, D.G. / Aron, A.P., 1974
Some evidence for heightened sexual attraction under conditions of high anxiety
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 30, 1974, pp. 510-517
[Dau74] Daucher, Emmeran, 1974
Todesfälle bei masochistischen Praktiken
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. ?, 1974, pp. 262-264
Language: German
[Dau74a] Daucher, Emmeran, 1974
Todesfälle bei masochistischen Praktiken
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. ?, 1974, pp. 360-362
Language: German
[Dau74b] Daucher, Emmeran, 1974
Todesfälle bei masochistischen Praktiken
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. ?, 1974, pp. 453-454
Language: German
[Des74] Deschner, Karlheinz, 1974
Das Kreuz mit der Kirche, Eine Sexualgeschichte des Christentums.
Publisher: Econ, Düsseldorf
Language: German
[Die74] Dietz, Manuel, 1974
Cruelty in Sex
In: Human Response, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1974, pp. 7-10
[Dom74] Dominick, B.A., 1974
Masochism in Love and Sex
In: American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 34, 1974, pp. 73-?
[DR74] Dannecker, Martin / Reiche, Reimut, 1974
Der gewöhnliche Homosexuelle: Eine soziologische Untersuchung über männliche Homosexuelle in der Bundesrepublik
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main
Language: German
[Dra74] Drach, Albert, 1974
In Sachen de Sade. Nach dessen urschriftlichen Texten und denen seiner Kontaktpersonen.
Publisher: Claassen, Düsseldorf
Language: German
[Fen74] Fensterheim, Herbert, 1974
Behavior therapy of the sexual variations
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1974, pp. 16-28
Abstract:  "Describes the behavior therapy of such sexual variant behavior as fetishism, exhibitionism, and transvestism. Homosexual behaviors are excluded from consideration. Clinical guidelines are formulated to determine when the variant behaviors should be treated directly and when other behaviors must be treated first. The aversive methods currently are the most powerful techniques for modifying such behaviors. However, clinical experience suggests that other methods, particularly thought stoppage, may prove even more effective. Several cases are presented to illustrate the flexibility and highly individualized nature of behavior therapy in this area." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fro74] Fromm, Erich, 1974
Anatomie der menschlichen Destruktivität
Publisher: DVA, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Gen74] Genet, Jean, 1974
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[HS74] Hariton, E.B. / Singer, J.L., 1974
Women's fantasies during sexual intercourse and theoretical implications
In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 42, 1974, pp. 313-322
[Hun74] Hunt, Morton, 1974
Sexual Behavior in the 1970s
Publisher: Playboy Press, Chicago, Illinois
[Kli74] Klimmer, Rudolf, 1974
SM-Aspekte. Ein Wiederschein von Liebes-Wirklichkeit
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 11, No. 7, 1974, pp. 585-588
Language: German
[Kol74] Koller, Erna, 1974
Mädchenpensionat Karsten. Ein Bericht über meine strenge Erziehung während des Krieges 1915 in Werden an der Aller.
Publisher: J.M. Hönscheid Verlags-KG, München, London
Language: German
[Lab74] Laberge, P., 1974
(A case of fire-fetishism)
In: Information Psychiatrique, Vol. 50, No. 10, 1974, pp. 1021-1024
Language: French
Abstract:  "Presents a psychoanalytic interpretation and case history of a pyromaniac." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Leo74] Leonhard, Karl, 1974
Der Masochismus von Rousseau in seinem Leben und seinem literarischen Schaffen
In: Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1974, pp. 324-339
Language: German
[LEW74] Larson, Donna / Easter, Polly / Ward, Barbara, 1974
A Group Treatment Program for Masochistic Patients
In: Hospital and Community Psychiatry, Vol. 25, No. 8, 1974, pp. 525-528
[Mar74] Marshall, George L., 1974
A combined treatment approach to the reduction of multiple fetish-related behaviors
In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1974, pp. 613-616
Abstract:  "Describes a behavioral analysis of an unusual case of trouser fetishism in a young adult male that revealed a complex of fetish-related problem behaviors. These behaviors could be grouped into 3 categories: (a) the use of trousers in physical contact during masturbation, (b) fetishistic fantasies that occurred during and apart from masturbation, and (c) overt behavior aimed at procuring trousers for masturbation. A simple aversive conditioning program using the masturbation-related activities as target problems had some limited therapeutic value, but it was necessary to employ further behavioral treatments before the goals of therapy were achieved. Because of the design it was not possible to infer effects specific to each of the treatment components. However, the case was useful in demonstrating both the need for an adequate behavioral analysis and the value of combining various therapeutic programs in treating the individual case." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mar74a] Marcus, Maria, 1974
Den frygtelige sandhed: En brugs-bog om kvinder og masokisme
Publisher: Tiderne skifter, Kųbenhavn
Language: Danish
Notes:  341 pages
[McD74] McDougall, Joyce, 1974
The Anonymous Spectator: a Clinical Study of Sexual Perversion
In: Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1974, pp. 289-310
[Mor74] Morgenthaler, Fritz, 1974
Die Stellung der Perversionen in Metapsychologie und Technik
In: Psyche, Vol. 12, 1974, pp. 1077-1098
Language: German
[MZ74] Michaelis, K. / Zitzmann, H., 1974
Todesfälle bei autoerotischer Betätigung
In: Kriminalistik und forensische Wissenschaften, Vol. 17, 1974, pp. 135-148
Language: German
[Nor74] Norman, John, 1974
Gor 2: Der Geächtete von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor74a] Norman, John, 1974
Gor 3: Die Priesterkönige von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor74b] Norman, John, 1974
Gor 4: Die Nomaden von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor74c] Norman, John, 1974
Gor 5: Meuchelmörder von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Rui74] Ruitenbeek, H.M., 1974
The New Sexuality
Publisher: New Viewpoints, New York
[Sna74] Snapper, Johan P., 1974
Algolagnia in Modern Dutch Literature: the Work of G.K. van het Reve
Paper Presented at the 2nd Annual Conference on 20th Century Literature, Louisville
[Sto74] Stoller, Robert J., 1974
Hostility and mystery in perversion
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 55, 1974, pp. 425-434
[Wil74] Willie, John, 1974
Die Abenteuer der Sweet Gwendoline
Publisher: Widder Press, Frankfurt
Language: German
[AB+75] Abel, Gene G. / Blanchard, Edward B. / Barlow, David H. / Mavissakalian, M., 1975
Identifying specific erotic cues in sexual deviation by audiotaped descriptions
In: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Vol. 4, 1975, pp. 655-671
[Bat75] Bates, Dorothy, 1975
Sadomasochists Discuss Their Pleasure ... and Pain
In: Sexology, Vol. 42, No. 5, 1975, pp. 10-14, 44
[BS75] Becker, N. / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1975
in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 238-256
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[BS75a] Becker, N. / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1975
Die psychoanalytische Theorie sexueller Deviationen
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen, pp. 156-179
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, New York
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[CL75] Comer, R. / Laird, J.D., 1975
Choosing to suffer as a consequence of expecting to suffer: Why do people do it?
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 32, 1975, pp. 92-101
[Cre75] Crepax, Guido, 1975
Histoire d'O
Publisher: Livre-Essor, Paris
[Dau75] Daucher, Emmeran, 1975
Todesfälle bei masochistischen Praktiken
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 1, 1975, pp. 19-20
Language: German
[DDE75] Donnerstein, Edward / Donnerstein, Maria / Evans, Roland, 1975
Erotic Stimuli and Aggression: Facilitation or Inhibition
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1975, pp. 237-244
[DR75] Deforges, Regine / Réage, Pauline, 1975
O m'a dit
Publisher: Societé Nouvelle de Editions Jean Jacques Pauvert, Paris
Language: French
[EG+75] Ernst, Jan-Peter / Gestefeld, Magret / Schulte-Westenberg, Jan / Seidensticker, Mathias / Schmidt, Gunter / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1975
Reaktionen auf sexuell-aggressive Filme
in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 272-298
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[Eps75] Epstein, Arthur W., 1975
The fetish object: Phylogenetic considerations
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1975, pp. 303-308
Abstract:  "Describes behavior evoked by a fetish object (wet shoe) in a 15-yr-old male. The intrinsic qualities of an object endowing it with fetish power (a) may be related to human perceptual preferences, a product of phylogeny, stemming from such factors as the primate interest in body parts and extracorporeal objects; (b) may reflect the crucial role of objects (tools) in hominid evolution; or (c) be based on the human capacity to assign multiple meanings to an object." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Eri75] Erichsen, Freerk, 1975
Schizophrenie und Sexualität: am Beispiel von Perversion, Scham, Eifersuchts- und Liebewahn
Publisher: Huber, Bern et al.
Language: German
[Fen75] Fenichel, Otto, 1975
Psychoanalytische Neurosenlehre
Publisher: Walter-Verlag, Olten und Freiburg im Breisgau
Language: German
[Fer75] Ferber, Leon, 1975
Beating Fantasies
in: Marcus, I. / Frances, J. (ed.): Masturbation from Infancy to Senescence, pp. 205-222
Publisher: International Universities Press, New York
[Fou75] Foucault, Michel, 1975
Surveiller et Punir. Naissance de la prison.
Publisher: Gallimard, Paris
Language: French
[Gad75] Gadpaille, W., 1975
What constitutes perversion?
in: Lief, Harold I. (ed.): Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality: 750 questions answered by 500 authorities, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore
[Gol75] Goldberg, A., 1975
A Fresh Look at Perverse Behavior
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 56, 1975, pp. 335-342
[Haj75] Hajdics, Frank G., 1975
Erotic-Corporal Balance: A Proposed Behavior Modification Technique for Sado-Masochic [sic] Sexual Behavior
[Hal75] Halvorsen, John E., 1975
Conditioning a fetish in subjects who do not believe that they can be conditioned
In: Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 35, No. 7-8, 1975, pp. 3581
[Hei75] Heilbrunn, Gert, 1975
On the erotization of the umbilicus
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 44, No. 2, 1975, pp. 259-273
Abstract:  "Presents a psychoanalytic case report of a borderline schizophrenic man 27 yrs old whose fascination with protruding navels prompted him to raise his own depressed navel by self-operational methods. Psychodynamic speculations as to the etiology of his practice are presented." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hol75] Hollister, L.E., 1975
Popularity of Amyl-Nitrite as Sexual Stimulans
in: Lief, Harold I. (ed.): Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality: 750 questions answered by 500 authorities, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore
[Jor75] Jordt, H., 1975
Psychoanalytische Bemerkungen zum Verständnis und zur Therapie sexueller Abweichungen, insbesondere der männlichen Homosexualität
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Thieme, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Kur75] Kurth, Wolfram, 1975
Über Fetische und Fetischismus
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 4, No. 6, 1975, pp. 374-376
Language: German
[Len75] Lenzer, Gertrude, 1975
On Masochism: A Contribution to the History of a Phantasy and Its Theory
In: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1975, pp. 277-324
Abstract:  "Explains the psychology of male masochism through a detailed analysis of 'Venus in Furs' and other writings by Sacher-Masoch. The genesis of masochism in the oedipal conflict is investigated and shown to be related to a variety of sexual phenomena, including fetishism, transvestism, and latent homosexuality. The theme of women's superiority over men and its counterpart are seen as collective, obsessive preoccupations of German society from the latter part of the 19th century to the 1930s. During that period there was an unusual amount of writing on the topics of women, sexuality, criminality, and sexual perversions, ranging from pornographic materials to scientific treatises. It is suggested that preoccupation with these themes stemmed from disturbances of the processes leading to the establishment of individual male identities." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Les75] Lester, David, 1975
Unusual Sexual Behavior. The Standard Deviations.
Publisher: Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill.
Abstract:  "The purpose of this book is to review the literature on sexual deviations. I have adopted a classification of sexual deviations that proposes three kinds of deviant behavior: 1. Variation in mode, 2. Variation in object, and 3. Variation in strength of the sexual response. Since transvestism and transsexualism do not fit into any of the three categories they are discussed separately."
[Lou75] Louria, D.B., 1975
Sexual Use of Amyl Nitrite
in: Lief, Harold I. (ed.): Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality: 750 questions answered by 500 authorities, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore
[Mar75] Marmor, J., 1975
in: Lief, Harold I. (ed.): Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality: 750 questions answered by 500 authorities, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore
[McC75] McCall, Raymond Joseph, 1975
The Varieties of Abnormality
Publisher: Charles C. Thomas, Springfield
[Mey75] Meyer, Adolf-Ernst, 1975
Zur Psychoanalyse der Perversionen
Language: German
[Moo75] Moore, Barbara, 1975
Sadomasochism and Feminism: A Reconciliation
In: Primo Times, 1975, pp. 9
[Mor75] Morgan, E.E., 1975
The erotization of male dominance/female submission
In: University of Michigan Papers in Women's Studies, Vol. 11, 1975, pp. 112-145
[Nor75] Norman, John, 1975
Gor 6: Die Piratenstadt von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor75a] Norman, John, 1975
Gor 8: Die Jäger von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Pet75] Petri, H., 1975
Analytische Kurztherapie bei sexuellen Deviationen. Mit Bemerkungen zur Antiandrogentherapie.
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Thieme, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Pet75a] Peto, Andrew, 1975
The etiological significance of the primal scene in perversions
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 44, No. 2, 1975, pp. 177-190
Abstract:  "Discusses the etiological significance of the actually observed primal scene in fetishism and other perversions. The effect of the primal scene on the pathology of part object relationships, on self and object image, and on the development of superego structures in perversion is stressed. The primal scene and its internalized, poorly structured bisexual representations make it extremely difficult to establish firm object and self-representations. 4 illustrative psychoanalytic case summaries are presented." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Plu75] Plummer, Kenneth, 1975
Sexual Stigma: An Interactionist Account
Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul, London
[San75] Sansweet, Stephen J., 1975
The punishment cure
Publisher: Mason Charter, Oxford?
Abstract:  "Explains aversion therapy, outlining its origins and clinical applications and considering the controversy over its use. Individual chapters focus on the application of this technique to alcoholism, smoking, obesity, phobic behavior, fetishism, and homosexuality problems." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sch75] Schmidt, Gunter, 1975
Sexuelle Motivation und Kontrolle
in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 7-12
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[Sch75a] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1975
Sexuelle Deviationen: Ideologie, Klinik, Kritik
in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 48-92
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[Sch75b] Schoof, W., 1975
Ein Jahr sexologische Poliklinik
in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 123-153
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[Sch75c] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1975
Häufige Merkmalskombinationen bei Sexualstraftätern
in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 257-271
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[Sch75d] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1975
Sexuelle Deviationen: Ideologie, Klinik, Kritik
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen, pp. 118-155
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sch75e] Schwab, P., 1975 (Doctoral thesis)
Todesfälle durch Strangulation und Rückatmung bei autoerotischer Betätigung
School: Universität Düsseldorf
Language: German
[Sha75] Shainess, N., 1975
Sadistic phantasies
in: Lief, Harold I. (ed.): Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality: 750 questions answered by 500 authorities, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore
[Sig75] Sigusch, Volkmar, 1975
Therapie sexueller Störungen
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart
Language: German
[SM75] Sack, Robert L. / Miller, Warren, 1975
Masochism: A Clinical and Theoretical Overview
In: Psychiatry, Vol. 38, 1975, pp. 244-257
Abstract:  "This paper will review some of the theoretical and clinical features of masochism from an eclectic point of view. The topic of masochism has been taken up by authors of many perspectives because it addresses one of the anomalous, absurd, difficult-to-explain aspects of behavior for which no psychological system has an easy answer. Therefore, a wide-ranging literature on the topic of masochism is available. However, few previous reviewers have attempted to draw from a variety of disciplines and theoretical frameworks. In this review the historical development of the term and some of the psychoanalytic conceptualizations will be presented first. Since previous reviews of masochism from a strictly psychoanalytic perspective are adequate (...), our discussions of masochism will be developed employing more extensively the interpersonal, social, learning theory, and biological perspectives."
For another abstract, see → Bie00.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SS75] Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.), 1975
Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung. Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung.
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[SS75a] Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter, 1975
Arbeit des Hamburger Instituts für Sexualforschung: Gegenwärtige Aufgaben und Probleme
in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 7-12
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[SS75b] Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter, 1975
Sexuelle Liberalisierung und Emanzipation
in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 15-29
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[Ste75] Stein, M., 1975
Lovers, Friends and Slaves
Publisher: Berkeley Publishing, New York
[Ste75a] Stefen, Rudolf, 1975
Dauerindizierung der "neuen gerichtszeitung" wegen Propagierung der Prügelstrafe. Dokumentation.
In: Medien & Sexualpädagogik, Vol. 1, 1975, pp. 34-43
Language: German
[Ste75b] Steg, J., 1975
Sadism (Brief Guide to Office Counseling)
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. ? (September), 1975, pp. 149f.
[Ste75c] Sternbach, Oscar, 1975
Aggression, the Death Drive and the Problem of Sadomasochism: a Reinterpretation of Freud's Second Drive Theory
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 56, No. 3, 1975, pp. 321-323
Abstract:  "Focuses on and seeks to clarify a formerly disregarded aspect of the second drive theory, the organism's primary tendencies toward tension increase and tension decrease. A better fit between theory and clinical observation is possible if Thanatos is differentiated from destructiveness, hate, sadism, and masochism. The life and death instincts are physical forces. The drives (e.g. love, hate) are mental reactions to the physical forces and not equivalent to them. Eros and Thanatos alternate, mix, and fuse, participating in every human action. Aggression is defined as any act leading to tension decrease and libido as negative quantities that build up greater tension. The implications of this interpretation of the second drive theory are discussed in relation to sadism, masochism, hate, and depression; clinical applications are included."
[Sto75] Stoller, Robert, 1975
Perversion: The Erotic Form of Hatred
Publisher: Pantheon, New York
[Sto75a] Stolorow, Robert D., 1975
The Narcissistic Function of Masochism (and Sadism)
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 56, 1975, pp. 441-448
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Sto75b] Stolorow, Robert D., 1975
Addendum to a partial analysis involving bugs: an illustration of the narcissistic function of perverse activity
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 56, 1975, pp. 361-364
[Wit75] Wittram, Sigrid, 1975 (Doctoral thesis)
Über die rechtsmedizinische Untersuchung und versicherungsmedizinische Begutachtung von Todesfällen bei autoerotischer Manipulation
School: ?, MISSING
Language: German
[LR75] Laubichler, W. / Ruby, M., 1975/76
Sexualattentat in der Kirche
In: Forensia, Vol. 1, 1975/76, pp. 76-83
Language: German
[ACJ76] Anonymous / Chambers, William M. / Janzen, William B., 1976
The eclectic and multiple therapy of a shoe fetishist
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1976, pp. 317-326
Abstract:  "Tested the assumption that clients can directly influence the progress of therapists in understanding the therapeutic process. Four critical periods during therapy with a shoe fetishist (who appeared to have the ability, introspection, and candor to engage in such a venture) were described from the client's and 2 therapists' viewpoint. These particular periods were chosen by the therapist and client, and each individual expressed his perceptions and experiences of these periods. It is concluded that clients have instructive input for the understanding of the therapeutic process. It is also suggested that multiple therapy provides a significant avenue for therapists' continuing education." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ano76] Anonymous, 1976
J'Aime me Faire Fouetter
In: Union, Vol. 51, 1976, pp. 50-58
Language: French
[AP76] Alby, Jean-Marc / Pasche, Francis, 1976
Der Masochismus in der psychoanalytischen Theorie seit Freud - Wandel und Identität
(Masochism in psychoanalytic theory since Freud - change and identity)
in: Eicke, Dieter (ed.): Freud und die Folgen (1) Vol. II, pp. 478-492
Publisher: Kindler, Zürich
Language: German
[BA76] Barlow, David H. / Abel, G.G., 1976
Recent developments in assessment and treatment of sexual deviation
in: Craighead, W.E. / Kazdin, A.E. / Mahoney, M.J. (ed.): Behavior modification: Principles, issues, and applications, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin, Boston
[Bad76] Bader, A., 1976
Über moderne weibliche Leitbilder und ihre Beziehungen zum Fetischismus
(Observations on modern images of womanhood and their relationships to fetishism)
In: Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, Vol. 119, No. 1, 1976, pp. 49-72
Language: German
Abstract:  "Maintains that (a) the accepted image of womanhood has changed from the corseted lady at the beginning of the 20th century to the emancipated and booted woman of today, (b) the dictates of fashion in clothing correspond to unconscious wishes nurtured by men, and (c) current fashion trends enable latent fetishist tendencies to work themselves out within the social framework and are directed at creating the 'phallic woman'. The boot and leather fetishism masquerading under the guise of a fashionable trend sheds light on unconscious sexual behavior in the male, the underlying psychodynamics of which are further illuminated by the 'private' model of rubber fetishism. Similar arguments apply to the current wave of transvestism and pseudotransvestism. An analysis of certain comic strips and TV series illustrates such tendencies. Both decorative art and the pop show business are showing signs of a trend toward an exchange of roles between the sexes, and an ambisexual image which is valid for both sexes is now emerging." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BDS76] Bemporad, Jules R. / Dunton, H. Donald / Spady, Frieda H., 1976
The treatment of a child foot fetish
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1976, pp. 303-316
Abstract:  "Traces the course of a child foot fetishist from infancy to early adolescence. The role of parent pathology is noted as creating the symptom and in forcing the child to evolve specific defense mechanisms which were later maintained and served to avoid developmental tasks, resolve ambivalence, and preserve body integrity. The purpose of the symptom at varying stages of development is discussed as is the transformation from symptom to character trait in adolescence. This case history may help to clarify the role of infantile and childhood experience in the development of adult perversions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bea76] Beach, Frank A. (ed.), 1976
Human Sexuality in Four Perspectives
Publisher: Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD
[Ber76] Bernstein, Isidor, 1976
Masochistic Reactions in a Latency-Age Girl
In: Journal of the American Psycho-Analytic Association, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1976, pp. 589-607
[Bir76] Bird, John, 1976
Percy Grainger
Notes:  XVI/317 pages with many b/w photos.
[Blu76] Blum, Harold P., 1976
Masochism, the ego ideal, and the psychology of women
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (Suppl.), Vol. 24, 1976, pp. 157-192
[Bul76] Bullough, Vern L., 1976
Sexual Variance in Society and History
Publisher: University of Chicago Press, Chicago
[Bul76a] Bullough, Vern L., 1976
Sex, Society, and History
Publisher: Science History Publications, New York
[Com76] Comfort, Alex, 1976
Joy of Sex
Publisher: Ullstein, MISSING
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Com72.
[Cor76] Cordova, Jeanne, 1976
Towards a Feminist Expression of Sado-Masochism
In: Lesbian Tide, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1976, pp. 14-17
[Dav76] Davenport, W.H., 1976
Sex in cross-cultural perspective
in: Beach, Frank A. (ed.): Human Sexuality in Four Perspectives, pp. 115-163
Publisher: Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD
[Den76] Denko, Joanne D., 1976
Klismaphilia: Amplification of the Erotic Enema Deviance
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1976, pp. 236-255
[DR76] Deforges, Regine / Réage, Pauline, 1976
Die O hat mir erzählt. Hintergründe eines Bestsellers.
Publisher: Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung, München
Language: German
Notes:  190 pages, German translation of → DR75 by Simon Saint-Honoré.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Eys76] Eysenck, H.J., 1976
Sex and Personality
Publisher: Open Books, London
[Fau76] Faustman, William O., 1976
Aversive control of maladaptive sexual behavior: Past developments and future trends
In: Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1976, pp. 53-60
Abstract:  "Traces the evolution and present status of the application of aversion therapy to homosexuality, fetishism, and transvestism. Attention is focused on the generally poor outcomes obtained by using emetic solutions or electric shock paradigms with homosexuals, and it is argued that aversion treatment disregards the complex learned repertoire and topography of homosexual behavior. The impressive results of aversion therapy, particularly electrical techniques, with fetishism-transvestism, on the other hand, are attributed to the fact that these types of deviance involve relatively simple private behaviors. Ethical questions involving such treatments are considered, and it is urged that individual paradigms be designed for each patient, with aversive control being applied only when no other effective treatment is available." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fou76] Foucault, Michel, 1976
Histoire de la sexualité I. La volonté de savoir.
Publisher: Gallimard, Paris
Language: French
[Fre76] Freund, Kurt, 1976
Diagnosis and treatment of forensically significant anomalous erotic preferences
In: Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections, Vol. 18, 1976, pp. 181-189
[Gra76] Granamour, A. de (Pseud.(, 1976
Master of S and M fiction
In: Best of Fetish Times, Vol. 3, 1976, pp. 61-64
[Gre76] Greenberg, Dan, 1976
Herrschertyp sucht Dienerin
In: Playboy, Vol. 1, 1976, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Has76] Haskell, Molly, 1976
Rape Fantasy: The 2,000-Year-Old Misunderstanding
In: Ms. Magazine, 1976, pp. 84-96
[Her76] Hermann, I., 1976
Clinging-going-in-search. A contrasting pair of instincts and their relation to sadism and masochism.
In: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 1, 1976, pp. 5-36
[Hes76] Hessellund, H., 1976
Masturbation and sexual fantasies in married couples
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 5, 1976, pp. 133-147
[Hit76] Hite, Shere, 1976
The Hite Report. Das sexuelle Erleben der Frau.
Publisher: Bertelsmann, München
Language: German
[Hoe76] Hoenig, J., 1976
Sigmund Freud's views on sexual disorders in historical perspective
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 129, 1976, pp. 193-200
[Kur76] Kurth, Wolfram, 1976
Lustgewinn aus Grausamkeit. Über die sexuelle Problematik des Sadismus.
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 7, 1976, pp. 513-516
Language: German
Abstract:  "Cruelty for the sake of sexual delight is termed sadism and its concomitant is described as masochism, the two varieties being summarized by the concept of sadomasochism. Forms of manifestation of these perversions are manifold. Genuine sadism finds its climax in the infliction of drastic bodily tortures. The procedure aimed at deriving sexual satisfaction takes rational brainwork and is as a rule cleverly thought out. The socalled minor sadism is more or less part of normal sexual relationships or is projected into the intellectual sphere, finding expression in phenomena such as pornographomania, surrogate religious experience, maltreatment of children and so on. In therapy, attention must be paid to neuroses to be traced back to early childhood."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Lei76] Leigh, L., 1976
Sado-Masochism, Consent and the Reform of the Criminal Law
In: Modern Law Review, Vol. 39, 1976, pp. 130-146
[Mac76] Mack, John E., 1976
A Prince of Our Disorder - The Life of T.E. Lawrence
Publisher: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London
[McC76] McCully, Robert S., 1976
A Jungian Commentary on Epstein's Case (Wet-Shoe Fetish)
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1976, pp. 185-187
Abstract:  "Expands upon A. W. Epstein's (see → Eps75) comment that extrapersonal factors may have been involved in the case of a 15-yr-old male's fetish for wetting canvas shoes belonging to women. The view that these extrapersonal factors included expressions of archetypal language is discussed, and various symbolic meanings of shoes are explored." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mey76] Meyer, Adolf-Ernst, 1976
Zur Psychoanalyse der Perversionen
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 3, 1976, pp. 169-?
Language: German
[Neu76] Neumann, John (ed.), 1976
Die Ungezogenen. Leserberichte zum Thema Jugenderziehung.
Publisher: gja-euroscript / J.M. Hönscheid Verlags-KG, München
Language: German
[Nor76] Norman, John, 1976
Gor 9: Die Marodeure von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[PL76] Pinard, Gilbert / Lamontagne, Yves, 1976
Electrical aversion, aversion relief and sexual retraining in treatment of fetishism with masochism
In: Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1976, pp. 71-74
Abstract:  "Treated a 27-yr-old male for fetishism with masochism by electrical aversion and aversion relief on a twice/day basis for 8 days. To increase heterosexual responsiveness, sexual retraining was combined with the above procedure. After this active treatment, the patient was discharged from hospital to continue sexual retraining exercises at home for 1 mo. The latency to imagine the deviant fantasies and to evoke sexual arousal while fingering his fetishistic objects increased progressively as the treatment evolved. At 1-and 3-mo follow-ups, S reported that his masochistic and fetishistic fantasies had completely disappeared, and at a 4-mo follow-up, he considered his sexual problems solved. Improvement was maintained 1 yr after treatment." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rob76] Robinson, P., 1976
The Modernization of Sex: Havelock Ellis, Alfred Kinsey, William Masters and Virginia Johnson
Publisher: Harper & Row, New York
[Ros76] Rossi, William A., 1976
The Sex Life of the Foot and Shoe
Publisher: Routledge & Kegan Paul, MISSING
[Sag76] Sagarin, E., 1976
Kritik zu: Greene, G.C. (The last Taboo)
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 12, 1976, pp. 77-?
[San76] Santini, Rosemarie, 1976
The Secret Fire: A New View of Women and Passion
Publisher: Playboy Press, Chicago
Notes:  XV/260 pages
[Sch76] Diverse, größtenteils anonym, 1976
Schwuchtel (Zeitung der Schwulenbewegung), SM-Sonderheft
Language: German
[Sch76a] Scharfman, Melvin A., 1976
Perverse development in a young boy
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1976, pp. 499-524
Abstract:  "During the analysis of a preadolescent boy who initially presented with obsessional neurotic symptoms, material developed indicating fetishistic, transvestite, and masochistic patterns of behavior as well, with signs of borderline functioning. The overdetermination of this pattern of functioning is correlated with the analytic literature and additional aspects of fetishistic phenomena are considered, including the role of the transitional object when there are difficulties in self- and object-representation." (APA/PsycINFO)
[SG76] Siomopoulos, V. / Goldsmith, J., 1976
Sadism Revisited
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 30, 1976, pp. 631-640
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Spr76] Springer, Edward William (ed.), 1976
The Sexual State of the Union - Letters to Penthouse Magazine
Publisher: Materia Medica, New York
[Sto76] Stoller, Robert J., 1976
Sexual excitement
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 33, 1976, pp. 899-909
[Ung76] Ungerer, Tomi, 1976
Totempole. Erotische Zeichnungen 1968-1975 Series: Club der Bibliomanen, Vol. 49
Publisher: Diogenes, Zürich
Language: German
[Ham76] Hammer, Signe, 1976, 10.4.
The Rape Fantasies of Women: Up From Disrepute
In: Village Voice, 1976, 10.4., pp. 10-12
[AB+77] Abel, Gene / Barlow, David / Blanchard, Edward / Guild, Donald, 1977
The Components of Rapists' Sexual Arousal
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 34, 1977, pp. 895-903
[Ano77a] Anonymous, 1977
One Couple's S/M Follies
In: Sexology, Vol. 43, No. 6, 1977, pp. 44-49, 61, 81
[Atk77] Atkins, Richard N., 1977
Activity and Masochism
In: Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1977, pp. 233-250
[Ave77] Avery, Nicholas C., 1977
Sadomasochism: a defense against object loss
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 64, No. 1, 1977, pp. 101-109
[BB77] Byrne, D. / Byrne, L., 1977
Exploring Human Sexuality
Publisher: Harper & Row, New York
[BB77a] Bullough, Vern / Bullough, Bonnie, 1977
Sin, Sickness, Sanity: A History of Sexual Attitudes
Publisher: New American Library, New York
[BE77] Beyer, James C. / Enos, William F., 1977
Obscure Causes of Death During Sexual Acticity
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 11, 1977, pp. ?-?
[Beb77] Bebbington, Paul E., 1977
Treatment of male sexual deviation by use of a vibrator: Case report
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1977, pp. 21-24
Abstract:  "Describes a new technique of enhancement of heterosexual responsiveness which uses a classical conditioning paradigm with heterosexual photographic material as the CS and erections elicited by a vibrator as the UCS. A case report of a 44-yr-old fetishist who was successfully treated in this manner is presented." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BHB77] Brownell, K.D. / Hayes, S.C. / Barlow, David H., 1977
Patterns of appropriate and deviant sexual arousal: The behavioral treatment of multiple sexual deviations
In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 45, 1977, pp. 1144-1155
[BM77] Buhrich, Neil / McConaghy, Neil, 1977
Can fetishism occur in transsexuals?
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1977, pp. 223-235
Abstract:  "Studied the relationship between transsexualism and transvestism and their association with fetishism. Sexual activity, including sexual arousal to women's clothes, is frequently reported in histories of transsexuals. Characteristics are reported of 12 23-56 yr old males who showed sexual arousal to women's clothes and who had a sustained cross-gender identity combined with a desire for a change-of-sex operation. Five Ss, who were seeking a full change-of-sex operation, were referred from a transsexual clinic; the other 7 Ss were volunteers from a club for heterosexual transvestites. Diagnostic categories alternative to transsexualism for Ss who cross-dress were inadequate to classify at least some of the 12 Ss. Restricting the definition of transsexualism to exclude those who have shown fetishistic features is considered premature." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bri77] Bristow, Edward J., 1977
Vice and Vigilance: Purity Movements in Britain since 1700
Publisher: Gill & Macmillan, Dublin
[Cap77] Cappon, Jorge, 1977
Masochism: A Trait in the Mexican National Character
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 64, No. 2, 1977, pp. 163-171
[Cre77] Crepault, C., 1977
Erotic Imagery in Women
in: Gemme, R. / Wheeler, C.C. (ed.): Progress in Sexology: Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 1976 International Congress of Sexology, pp. 267-283
Publisher: Plenum Press, New York, London
[Cre77a] Crepax, Guido, 1977
Die Geschichte der O
Publisher: Edition Belrose, Rotterdam
Language: German
[DW77] DeLora, J.S. / Warren, C.A.B., 1977
Understanding Sexual Interaction
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston
[Eck77] Eckert, G, 1977
The Pathology of Self-mutilation and Destructive Acts. A Forensic Study and Review
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 22, 1977, pp. ?-?
[Epp77] Eppendorfer, Hans, 1977
Der Ledermann spricht mit Hubert Fichte
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Fou77] Foucault, Michel, 1977
Überwachen und Strafen. Die Geburt des Gefängnisses.
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Gag77] Gagnon, John, 1977
Human Sexualities
Publisher: Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Ill.
[GG77] Grumley, Michael / Gallucci, Ed, 1977
Hard Corps: Studies in Leather Masochism
Publisher: E.P. Dutton, New York
[Hal77] Halpern, B., 1977
Spanks for the Memory
In: Screw, Vol. 420 (21. März), 1977, pp. 4-7
[HBR77] Hollender, M.H. / Brown, C.W. / Roback, H.B., 1977
Genital exhibitionism in women
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 134, 1977, pp. 436-438
[JBS77] Janus, Sam / Bess, Barbara / Saltus, Carol, 1977
A Sexual Profile of Men in Power
Publisher: Warner Books, New York
[Kau77] Kaunitz, Paul E., 1977
Sadomasochistic Marriages
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1977, pp. 68-69
[Koc77] Kockott, Götz, 1977
Sexuelle Störungen - Verhaltensanalyse und -modifikation
Publisher: Urban & Schwarzenberg, München et al.
Language: German
[Lap77] Laplante, Jacques, 1977
(Sexual offenders: Their constant redefinition)
In: Vie medicale au Canada français, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1977, pp. 211-227
Language: French
Abstract:  "Reviews the historical development of the law regarding sexual offenders. The psychopathology of the sexual offender is discussed, including deviations as indicated by (a) the subject (i.e., transsexualism, transvestism, etc), (b) the object (i.e., homosexuality, fetishism, pedophilia, incest, etc), and (c) the method (i.e., masochism, sadism, voyeurism, seduction, prostitution, etc). A descriptive and phenomenological classification scheme is proposed, which includes legal, social, and psychological aspects. The social milieu and its effects on sexual offenders are examined." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lax77] Lax, Ruth F., 1977
The Role of Internalization in the Development of Certain Aspects of Female Masochism: Ego Psychological Considerations
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 58, 1977, pp. 289-300
[Mal77] Malamuth, Neil M., 1977
Sexual Arousal and Aggression: Recent Experiments and Theoretical Issues
In: Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1977, pp. 110-133
[MCY77] McGuire, R.J. / Carlisle, J.M. / Young, B.G., 1977
Sexuelle Deviationen als konditioniertes Verhalten: Eine Hypothese
in: Kockott, Götz (ed.): Sexuelle Störungen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Urban und Schwarzenberg, München, Wien, Baltimore
Language: German
[MFJ77] Malamuth, Neil M. / Feshbach, Seymour / Jaffe, Y., 1977
Sexual Arousal and Aggression: Recent Experiments and Theoretical Issues
In: Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 2, 1977, pp. 110-133
[ML77] Marshall, W.L. / Lippens, K., 1977
The clinical value of boredom: A procedure for reducing inappropriate sexual interests
In: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 165, No. 4, 1977, pp. 283-287
Abstract:  "A combination of aversive therapy and orgasmic reconditioning failed to produce the expected changes in sexual activities and arousal patterns in a 27-yr-old married male with a history of sexually assaultive behavior. A procedure that involved verbalizing deviant fantasies while engaged in continual masturbation for 9 sessions each of 11/2 hrs duration, led to marked changes in sexual interests in an appropriate direction." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mon77] Money, John, 1977
Apotemnophilia: Two Cases of Self-demand Amputation as a Paraphilia
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1977, pp. 115-125
[Nor77] Norman, John, 1977
Gor 10: Die Stammeskrieger von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[NW77] Naeve, W. / Wittram, S., 1977
Tödliche autoerotische Unfälle. Die versicherungsmedizinische Untersuchung und Begutachtung von Todesfällen in "autoerotischer Fundsituation".
Publisher: Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft e.V., Karlsruhe
Language: German
[Rei77] Reik, Theodor, 1977
Aus Leiden Freuden. Masochismus und Gesellschaft.
Publisher: Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
[Sac77] Sacher-Masoch, Wanda von, 1977
Le mie confessioni
Publisher: Adelphi, Milano
Language: Italian
Notes:  410 pages, Italian translation of → Sac06.
[SB77] Schorsch, Eberhard / Becker, Nikolaus, 1977
Angst, Lust, Zerstörung: Sadismus als soziales und kriminelles Handeln; zur Psychodynamik sexueller Tötungen
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Sch77] Schnabl, Siegfried, 1977
Mann und Frau intim: Fragen des gesunden und des gestörten Geschlechtslebens
9th revised edition
Publisher: VEB Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin
Language: German
[Sch77a] Schmidt, Angelika, 1977
Sadomasochismus in der Partnerschaft
In: miteinander leben lernen: Zeitschrift für Tiefenpsychologie, Persönlichkeitsbildung und Kulturforschung, Vol. 4, 1977, pp. 28-31
Language: German
[Sim77] Simonopoulos, V., 1977
Masochistic Sources of Satisfaction
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. ? (Januar), 1977, pp. 95-?
[Spe77] Spengler, Andreas, 1977
Manifest Sadomasochism of Males: Results of an Empirical Study
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 6, 1977, pp. 441-456
Abstract:  "Two hundred forty-five manifestly sadomasochistic West German men completed an anonymous questionnaire concerning their sexual behavior and psychosocial problems. They were reached as placers of sadomasochistic contact advertisements or as members of sadomasochistic clubs. Thirty percent were exclusively heterosexually oriented, 31% bisexually oriented, and 38% homosexually oriented. Results are described with respect to the invisibility of deviant behavior, seeking of partners, participation in the subculture, realization of the deviant desires, self-acceptance, preferences for sadomasochistic roles and practices, masturbation, and coming out. The possibilities for the realization of the deviance are poorer for heterosexual sadomasochists than for the other groups. However, subcultural groups exist among heterosexual sadomasochists."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Ste77] Stefen, Rudolf (ed.), 1977
Gesamtverzeichnis der von der Bundesprüfstelle indizierten Medien Vol. 1
14th edition
Publisher: MISSING, Baden-Baden
Language: German
[Tal77] Tallent, N., 1977
Sexual deviation as a diagnostic entity: A confused and sinister concept
In: Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 41, No. 1, 1977, pp. 40-59
[The77] Theweleit, Klaus, 1977
Männerphantasien, Bd. 1: Frauen, Fluten, Körper, Geschichte
Publisher: Stroemfeld/Roter Stern, Frankfurt a.M.
Language: German
Notes:  611 pages
[Tow77] Townsend, Larry, 1977
The Leatherman's Handbook
3rd edition
Publisher: Le Salon, San Francisco
[TU77] Topiar, A. / Uhlir, F., 1977
(The case of raincoat fetishism with a sadistic component)
In: Československa Psychiatrie, Vol. 73, No. 6, 1977, pp. 401-403
Language: Czech with Russian summary
Abstract:  "Describes a fetishistic raincoat ritual that included a sadistic component with an assumed raping of the object. The ceremony became a means of gratification of a primary sexual need in interaction with a partner, and was a stabilizing and conductive factor in genital function." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Uss77] Ussel, Jos van, 1977
Sexualunterdrückung. Geschichte der Sexualfeindschaft
Publisher: Focus, Gießen
Language: German
[Vla77] Vlatkovic-Prpic, Milica, 1977
(Aberrations in sexual development)
In: Psihijatrija Danas, Vol. 9, No. 2-3, 1977, pp. 251-256
Language: Serbocroatian
Abstract:  "The psychosexual development of the child is determined by complex interactions of biological and psychological factors. Deviant sexual development is difficult to recognize before puberty, since it is only during puberty that sexual preferences begin to be defined. Polymorphously perverse tendencies can be noticed in childhood. At certain stages of childhood, behavior reminiscent of certain perversions can be observed. Such behavior is a result of stage-specific conflicts and of transitional fixations. The influence of this behavior on the development of the personality allows an insight into its pathological significance. Transsexual behavior can sometimes be noticed in early childhood as a symptom of cross-sexual identification. Only in approaching puberty can perversions be detected. One case of fetishism and another of trichotillomania are presented. This is also considered as a symptom of unconscious conflicts in sexual development." (APA/PsycINFO)
[WHO77] World Health Organization (ed.), 1977
Manual of the international statistical classification of diseases, injuries and causes of death: based on the recommendations of the Ninth Revision Conference, 1975, and adopted by the Twenty-ninth World Health Assembly
Publisher: WHO, Geneva
[Wic77] Wickramasekera, Ian, 1977
Desensitization, Re-sensitization and Desensitization Again: A Preliminary Study
in: Fischer, Joel / Gochros, Harvey L. (ed.): Handbook of Behavior Therapy With Sexual Problems Vol. 2, pp. 574-580
Publisher: Pergamon, New York
[WS+77] Walsh, F. / Stahl, C. / Unger, H. / Lilienstern, O. / Stephens, R., 1977
Autoerotic Asphyxial Deaths: A Medicolegal Analysis of Forty-Three Cases
In: Legal Medicine Annual, 1977, pp. 155-182
[Zav77] Zavitzianos, George, 1977
The object in fetishism, homeovestism and transvestism
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 58, No. 4, 1977, pp. 487-495
Abstract:  "Describes the conditions of fetishism (FTM), homeovestism (HVM), and transvestism (TVM) and the relationship among them. In HVM, the inanimate object represents the penis of the parent of the same sex with whom the patient wishes to identify. In the male, the homeovestite act does not symbolize a sexual relation with the phallic mother, as in the case of FTM, but a homosexual relation with the father, with the goal of incorporating the paternal penis. In contrast, FTM and TVM have heterosexual objects. Narcissism and skin erotism are must greater in HVM and TVM than in FTM. Case vignettes are presented, including examples of how cases diagnosed as FTM were actually TVM with a shift in puberty to HVM." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cob77] Coburn, J., 1977, 4.2.
In: New Times, Vol. 8, 1977, 4.2., pp. 43-50
[Ada78] Adam, B.D., 1978
The Survival of Domination
Publisher: Elsevier, New York
[Bor78] Borneman, Ernest, 1978
Lexikon der Liebe: Materialien zur Sexualwissenschaft
Publisher: Ullstein, Berlin / Wien
Language: German
[Bra78] Braun, Walter, 1978
Sadismus, Masochismus, Flagellantismus
6th revised edition
Publisher: Stephenson, Flensburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bra67 by Helmut B. Iversen.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Buh78] Buhrich, Neil, 1978
Motivation for cross-dressing in heterosexual transvestism
In: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol. 57, No. 2, 1978, pp. 145-152
Abstract:  "Interviewed 33 members of a club established for heterosexual transvestites to assess (a) motivation for cross-dressing, and (b) the importance of compulsive and narcissistic aspects in their transvestite behavior. These data were compared with those reported by 24 transsexual Ss. While cross-dressed, transvestite and transsexual Ss frequently reported feeling relaxed, comfortable, and relieved of masculine demands. Transvestite Ss showed significantly more compulsive and narcissistic aspects in their transvestite behavior than transsexual Ss. Fetishistic pleasure was infrequently given as a motivation for cross-dressing." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Car78] Carter, Angela, 1978
The Sadeian Woman and the Ideology of Pornography
Publisher: Pantheon Books, New York
[Cha78] Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, 1978
Reflexions on the Connexions Between Perversion and Sadism
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 59, 1978, pp. 27-35
[CK+78] Du Chesne, A. / Kaupert, Anita / Prokop, A. / Schröpfer, D. / Hofmann, V., 1978
Autoerotische Unfälle
In: Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung, Vol. 3, 1978, pp. 136-139
Language: German
[Cow78] Cowan, Lyn, 1978
Masochism: A Jungian View
Publisher: Spring Publications, Dallas
[DB78] Donnerstein, Edward / Barett, Gary, 1978
Effects of Erotic Stimuli on Male Aggression Towards Women
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1978, pp. 180-188
[DH78] Donnerstein, Edward / Hallam, John, 1978
Facilitating Effects of Erotica on Aggression Against Women
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 36, No. 11, 1978, pp. 1270-1277
[Die78] Dietz, P.E., 1978
Kotzwarraism: Sexual Induction of Cerebral Hypoxia
[FM78] Feshbach, Seymour / Malamuth, Neil, 1978
Sex and aggression: proving the link
In: Psychology Today, Vol. 12, No. 6, 1978, pp. 111-117
Abstract:  "Laboratory research by the authors suggests that sexual arousal and aggression may be mutually enhancing in our culture. The prevailing view among psychologists is that pornography does not foster deviant or criminal behavior among adolescents and adults. The authors propose not to apply this judgement uniformly to all forms of erotica and pornography, for one of the most troubling results of their research suggests that men who view erotic materials depicting sadomasochistic encounters tend to be more stimulated than others by the idea of rape and less sympathetic to the victims. The research-study is discussed at length, in the meantime other recent findings are included as well."
[Fri78] Friday, Nancy, 1978
Die sexuellen Phantasien der Frauen
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[FW78] Falk, Gerhard / Weinberg, Thomas S., 1978
Masters, Slaves and Bitch-God-Classes: The Social Organization of Sadists and Masochists
[Gib78] Gibson, Ian, 1978
The English Vice: Beating, Sex and Shame in Victorian England and After
Publisher: Duckworth, London
[Ham78] Hamilton, James W., 1978
Preoedipal factors in a case of fetishism
In: Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 42, No. 5, 1978, pp. 439-444
Abstract:  "Presents the case of a 29-yr-old White male referred for psychiatric evaluation by a local court after being convicted of 'gross sexual imposition.' The most significant aspect of the patient's early development involved a bizarre toilet training ritual employed by his mother when he was 6 mo of age." (APA/PsycINFO)
[LL78] LoPiccolo, J. / LoPiccolo, L. (ed.), 1978
Handbook of Sex Therapy
Publisher: Plenum, New York
[LMH78] Laws, Donald Richard / Meyer, J. / Holmen, Martin L., 1978
Reduction of Sadistic Sexual Arousal by Olfactory Aversion: A Case Study
In: Behavior research and therapy, Vol. 16, 1978, pp. 281-285
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Mar78] Martin, Michael, 1978
Abwegige Sexgelüste Series: Intim, Vol. 63
Publisher: Zettner, Würzburg
Language: German
[McN78] McNeill, Elizabeth, 1978
Nine and A Half Weeks: A Memoir of a Love Affair
Publisher: Dutton, New York
[Nor78] Norman, John, 1978
Gor 11: In Sklavenketten auf Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Pat78] Patrias, Dale, 1978 (Doctoral thesis)
The Sociology of Secret Deviation: The Case of Sexual Sado-Masochism
School: New York University, New York
[Per78] Perutz, Kathrin, 1978
Reigning Passions
Publisher: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London
Notes:  367 pages. Also published by J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, New York, 1978.
Abstract:  On Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.
[Pfa78] Pfäfflin, F., 1978
Vorurteile, Strukturen und Ideologie psychiatrischer Gutachten über Sexualstraftäter
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Pia78] Pia, Pascal, 1978
Les Livres d'Enfer: Bibliographie critique des ouvrages érotiques dans leurs differentes ed. du XVie siècle a nos jours
Publisher: Coulet et Faure, Paris
Language: French
[Pic78] Pichard, Georges, 1978
Marie-Gabrielle de Saint-Eutrope
Publisher: Editions Jacques Glenat, Grenoble
Language: French
[Ros78] Rosemeier, Hans Peter, 1978
Medizinische Psychologie
2nd completely revised edition
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Roy78] Roy, Alec, 1978
In: British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol. 51, No. 2, 1978, pp. 201-203
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Sch78] Schmitt, Rudolf, 1978
§ 226a StGB ist überflüssig
in: ? (ed.): Gedächtnisschrift für Horst Schröder, pp. 263-272
Publisher: MISSING, München
Language: German
[Sch78a] Bretonne, Restif de laSchalk, Peter (ed.), 1978
Schuhgeschichten Series: Exquisit Bücher,
3rd edition
Publisher: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München
Language: German
[Str78] Streff, Jean, 1978
Le masochisme au cinéma
Publisher: Veyrier, Paris
Language: French
[The78] Theweleit, Klaus, 1978
Männerphantasien, Bd. 2: Zur Psychoanalyse des Weißen Terrors
Publisher: Stroemfeld/Roter Stern, Frankfurt a.M.
Language: German
Notes:  564 pages
[Val78] Vallejo, Boris, 1978
The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo
Publisher: Ballantine Books
[Ver78] Verch, Klaus, 1978
Außergewöhnliches Sexualverhalten
in: (ed.): Lehrmappe Sexualerziehung, 3rd edition, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Richarz, St. Augustin
Language: German
[Wei78] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1978
Sadism and Masochism: Sociological Perspectives
In: The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1978, pp. 284-295
[WF78] Weinberg, Thomas S. / Falk, Gerhard, 1978
Sadists and Masochists: the Social Organization of Sexual Violence
Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Wil78] Wilson, Glenn, 1978
The Secrets of Sexual Fantasy
Publisher: Dent, London
[Zin78] Zinnbauer, R., 1978
Pechvogels Autoflagellantismus
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 7, 1978, pp. 589-592
Language: German
[Ano79] Anonymous, 1979
Dir gehört der Arsch versohlt - Die erotische Freude am Popoklatschen - Wiederentdeckt in Fotos der Jahrhundertwende
Publisher: argos press, Köln
Language: German
[Bar79] Barry, Kathleen, 1979
Female Sexual Slavery
Publisher: Prentice-Hall
[BS79] Benard, Cheryl / Schlaffer, Edit, 1979
Zur Logik des Sexismus: Männer - die "besseren" Masochisten
in: Albrecht-Désirat, Karin / Pacharzina, Klaus (ed.): Sexualität und Gewalt, pp. 63-?
Publisher: Päd.-Extra-Buchverlag, Bensheim
Language: German
[Cal79a] Califia, Pat, 1979
Lesbian Sexuality
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1979, pp. 255-266
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Com79] Comfort, A., 1979
Sexual idiosyncrasy - deviation or magic?
In: Journal of Operational Psychiatry, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1979, pp. 11-16
[Dem79] Demey, L., 1979
Sadomasochisten in Theorie en Praktijk
Licentieverhandeling, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Language: Dutch
[DN79] Davison, G.C. / Neale, J.M., 1979
Klinische Psychologie. Ein Lehrbuch.
1st edition
Publisher: Urban & Schwarzenberg, München, Wien, Baltimore
Language: German
[EW79] Eysenck, H.J. / Wilson, Glenn, 1979
The Psychology of Sex
Publisher: J.M. Dent & Sons, London
Notes:  208 pages
[Fis79] Fischer-Homberger, Esther, 1979
Krankheit Frau und andere Arbeiten zur Medizingeschichte der Frau
Publisher: Hans Huber, Stuttgart
Language: German
[FM79] Feshbach, Seymour / Malamuth, Neil, 1979
Sex und Gewalt: Was sie verbindet, was sie trennt
In: Psychologie Heute, Vol. 2, 1979, pp. 67-75
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Fri79] Frieden, Gary, 1979
Masochistic Behavior as an Outcome of Role Confusion
Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New York
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[GG79] Greilsheimer, H. / Grover, J., 1979
Male Genital Self-Mutilation
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 36, 1979, pp. ?-?
[GJ79] Gebhard, Paul H. / Johnson, A.B., 1979
The Kinsey data: Marginal tabulations of the 1938-1963 interviews conducted by the Institute for Sex Research
Publisher: W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia
[Gos79] Gosselin, Christopher C., 1979
Personality attributes of the average rubber fetishist
In: : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Love and Attraction, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Pergamon Press, London
[Hag79] Hagemann-White, C., 1979
Frauenbewegung und Psychoanalyse
Publisher: Stroemfeld / Roter Stern, Frankfurt/M., Basel
Language: German
[HL79] Hans, M.-F. / Lapouge, G., 1979
Die Frauen - Pornographie und Erotik. Interviews.
Publisher: Luchterhand, Darmstadt
Language: German
[JBS79] Janus, Sam / Bess, Barbara / Saltus, Carol, 1979
Die Mächtigen und der Sex
Publisher: Ullstein, Berlin, Frankfurt/M., Wien
Language: German
[JC79] Janik, A. / Chromy, K., 1979
Pripad nekrofilie
(A case of necrophilia)
In: Československa Psychiatrie, Vol. 75, No. 5, 1979, pp. 301-306
Language: Czech with English and Russian abstracts
Abstract:  "Presents the case of a 44-yr-old male exhibiting a rare necrofetish deviance that was a pure variant of the anomoly without associated elements of sadism or other deviant factors. Discussed are S's neurotic mother fixation, preoccupation with mother's death, alcohol abuse, and social personality deprivation. Motivational factors are shown to have been eased out of the conscious level into the extraconscious sphere." (APA/PsycINFO)
[JY79] Jay, Karla / Young, Allen, 1979
The Gay Report. Lesbians and Gay Men Speak Out About Sexual Experiences and Lifestyle.
Publisher: Summit Books, New York
[Kni79] Knight, Bernard, 1979
Fatal Masochism - Accident or Suicide?
In: Medicine, Science and the Law, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1979, pp. 118-120
[Lan79] Lanteri-Laura, G., 1979
Lectures des perversions. Histoire de leur appropriation médicale.
Publisher: Masson, Paris
Language: French
[Law79] Lawner, Peter, 1979
Sado-Masochism and Imperiled Self
In: Issues in Ego Psychology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1979, pp. 22-29
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Lee79] Lee, John Alan, 1979
The Social Organization of Sexual Risk
In: Alternative Lifestyles, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1979, pp. 69-100
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Lei79] Leithes, Nathan, 1979
Depression and Masochism: an Account of Mechanisms
Publisher: Norton, New York
[Ler79] Lerner, Leila (ed.), 1979
Masochism and the Emergent Ego: Selected Papers of Esther Menaker, Ph.D.
Publisher: Human Sciences, New York
[Mar79] Marcus, Steven, 1979
Umkehrung der Moral. Sexualität und Pornographie im viktorianischen England
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Mos79] Moser, Charles, 1979 (Doctoral thesis)
An Exploratory-descriptive Study of a Self-defined S/M (Sadomasochistic) Sample
School: Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco
[RF79] Rosenblum, Stephen / Faber, Myron M., 1979
The Adolescent Sexual Asphyxia Syndrome
In: Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1979, pp. 546-558
[Ros79] Rosen, I., 1979
Exhibitionism, scoptophilia and voyeurism
in: Rosen, I. (ed.): Sexual Deviation, 2nd edition, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
[Sad79] Sade, Marquis de, 1979
Marquis de Sade - Gesammelte Werke
Publisher: Stephenson, Flensburg
Language: German
Notes:  532 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sch79] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1979
Der Sadismus und die gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit
in: Spengler, Andreas (ed.): Sadomasochisten und ihre Subkulturen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING, Frankfurt
Language: German
[Sch79a] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1979
Sadomasochismus: Über die gesellschaftlichen Ursachen eines sexuellen Modetrends
in: Gremliza, Hermann L. (ed.): Sexualität Konkret, pp. 30-31
Publisher: Neuer Konkret Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sel79] Selg, Herberg, 1979
Psychologie des Sexualverhaltens
Publisher: Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, Berlin, Köln, Mainz
Language: German
[Sha79] Shainess, Natalie, 1979
Vulnerability to Violence: Masochism as Process
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1979, pp. 174-189
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Sha79a] Shane, Morton, 1979
The developmental approach to "working through" in the analytic process
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 60, No. 3, 1979, pp. 375-382
Language: E, F, D, SP abstracts
Abstract:  "Demonstrates the usefulness of the developmental orientation and approach both to analytic theory and to technique, using the working through process (WTP) as an illustration. A case study is presented of a 31-yr-old male patient who was arrested along several developmental lines and had suffered from a wool fetish. Many changes in the WTP could be attributed to interpretation and the developmental progression. The S attained increasing capacities to utilize insight in actions that themselves led to new experiences of developmental import, and in a spiral process, further structural developmental change was achieved that consolidated its dominance through further capacity for new insights." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Spe79] Spengler, Andreas, 1979
Sadomasochisten und ihre Subkulturen
Publisher: Campus, Frankfurt/M., New York
Language: German
[Sto79] Stoller, Robert J., 1979
Perversion. Die erotische Form von Hass.
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Sto79a] Stoller, Robert, 1979
Sexual Excitement: Dynamics of Erotic Life
Publisher: Pantheon Books, New York
[Sue79] Sue, D., 1979
Erotic Fantasies of College Students During Coitus
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 15, 1979, pp. 299-305
[SW79] Shaw, William J. / Walker, C. Eugene, 1979
Use of relaxation in the short-term treatment of fetishistic behavior: An exploratory case study
In: Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1979, pp. 403-407
Abstract:  "An 8-yr-old boy was treated for inappropriate and excessive sexual response in the presence of barefoot women. The boy also suffered from phenylketonuria resulting in mild to moderate mental retardation and hyperactivity. Relaxation training was used for 1 wk of intensive training, followed by approximately 6 mo training via tape recordings in the patient's home. A significant decrease was noted in the target behaviors at the end of Week 1. At 6-, 12-, and 18-mo follow-up, the behavior was reported to be virtually eliminated." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sym79] Symonds, Alexandra, 1979
Violence Against Women - The Myth of Masochism
In: Journal of American Psychotherapy, Vol. 33, 1979, pp. 161-173
[TA79] Tollison, C.D. / Adams, H.E., 1979
Sexual Disorders: Treatment, Theory, and Research
Publisher: Gardner Press, New York
[Tol79] Tollison, C. David, 1979
Sexual Disorders
Publisher: Gardner Press, New York
[Wot79] Wottawa, Wolfgang, 1979
Das sexuelle Verhalten der Deutschen
Publisher: Moewig, Rastatt
Language: German
[You79] Young, Ian, 1979
in: Richmond, Len / Noguera, Gary (ed.): The New Gay Liberation, pp. 45-53
Publisher: Ramparts, Palo Alto
[You79a] Young, Ian, 1979
Forum on Sado-Masochism
in: Jay, K. / Young, A. (ed.): Lavender Culture: The Perceptive Voices of Outspoken Lesbians and Gay Men, pp. 85-117
Publisher: Jove/HBJ, New York
[Cal79] Califia, Pat, 1979, 27.12.
A Secret Side of Lesbian Sexuality
In: The Advocate, 1979, 27.12., pp. 19-23
[Ant80] Antenprecht, Wilhelm, 1980
Körperliche Züchtigung und Sexualität
(Corporal punishment and sexuality)
Publisher: Isabella, München
Language: German
[APA80] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1980
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Third Edition (DSM-III)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[AR80] Angelis, Gaetano de / Rubino, I. Alex, 1980
Sulla clinica psicoanalitica del feticismo
(A psychoanalytical, clinical approach to fetishism)
In: Lavoro Neuropsichiatrico, Vol. 67, No. 3, 1980, pp. 265-273
Language: Italian
Abstract:  "Discusses aspects of fetishism in relation to the evolution of Freud's ideas on fetishism, P. Greenacre's (1953, 1969) examination of fetishism in childhood, V.N. Smirnoff's (1970) analysis of fetishist rituals, M. Katan's (1964) discussion of the role of splitting and denial in fetishism, and the writings of other authors on the subject. The functions of the fetish object are described. Although psychoanalysts treat few patients with this syndrome, many borderline cases of fetishism exist in which the object has not yet become an isolated source of desire and sexual gratification in itself, and which therefore may go unrecognized." (APA/PsycINFO)
[AS80] Arentewicz, G. / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1980
Verhaltenstherapie sexueller Perversionen
(Behaviour therapy of sexual perversions)
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen, pp. 220-246
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, New York
Language: German
[BB80] Brownell, K.D. / Barlow, David H., 1980
The behavioral treatment of sexual deviation
in: Goldstein, Alan / Foa, Edna B. (ed.): Handbook of Behavioral Interventions: a Clinical Guide, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Wiley, New York, Chichester
[Ben80] Benjamin, Jessica, 1980
The Bonds of Love: Rational Violence and Erotic Domination
In: Feminist Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1980, pp. 144-174
[BH80] Bilmes, J. / Howard, A., 1980
Pain as Cultural Drama
In: Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly, Vol. 65, 1980, pp. 10-12
[Bra80] Brandon, S., 1980
The range of sexual variations
In: Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1980, pp. 345-361
[BS80] Becker, N. / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1980
Die psychoanalytische Theorie sexueller Perversionen
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, New York
Language: German
[BS80a] Benard, Cheryl / Schlaffer, Edit, 1980
Männlicher Masochismus: Oder: Wie Man(n) noch als Sklave Herr bleibt
In: Psychologie Heute, Vol. 11, 1980, pp. 56-62
Language: German
[Cal80] Califia, Pat, 1980
Sapphistry. The Book of Lesbian Sexuality.
1st edition
Publisher: Naiad Press, Tallahassee
[Car80] Carter, Angela, 1980
Sexualität ist Macht
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Car78
[CC80] Crépault, Claude / Couture, Marcel, 1980
Men's Erotic Fantasies
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 9, No. 6, 1980, pp. 565-581
Abstract:  "Ninety-four men were interviewed about their erotic fantasies. The majority of these men were married and the average duration of cohabitation with a woman was 6.5 years. All admitted to having had erotic fantasies outside their sexual activity and a large majority among them fantasized, at least occasionally, during heterosexual activity and masturbation. The contents during heterosexual activity center on three main themes: confirmation of sexual power, aggressiveness, and masochistic fantasies. (...)"
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[CS80] Conrad, P. / Schneider, J.W., 1980
Deviance and medicalization: From badness to sickness
Publisher: C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, MO
[Dan80] Danto, Bruce L., 1980
A Case of Female Autoerotic Death
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1980, pp. 117-121
[Deg80] Degler, Claus, 1980 (Doctoral thesis)
Zur Pathogenese und Psychodynamik der Flagellomanie
School: Universität Kiel, Kiel
Language: German
Notes:  51 pages.
[Don80] Donnerstein, Edward, 1980
Aggressive Erotica and Violence Against Women
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1980, pp. 269-277
[Dub80] Duberman, M.B., 1980
I Am Not Contented - Female Masochism and Lesbianism in Early 20th-Century New England
In: Signs, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1980, pp. ?-?
[Epp80] Eppendorfer, Hans, 1980
Alpträume mit Minutenlicht
in: Gremliza, Hermann L. (ed.): Sexualität Konkret Vol. 1, pp. 94-101
Publisher: Neuer Konkret Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[ER80] Eve, Raymond A. / Renslow, Donald G., 1980
An Exploratory Analysis of Private Sexual Behaviors among College Students: Some Implications for a Theory of Class Differences in Sexual Behavior
In: Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1980, pp. 97-105
Abstract:  "The research reported is based on an analysis of anonymous questionnaire data received from 72 Ss who were students at a southern public university. Ss filled out questionnaires at their leisure and returned them in sealed envelopes. A wide range of sexual behaviors and fantasies were self-reported by Ss including oral-genital sex, genital sex, homosexuality, bondage, sadomasochism, partialism, incest, pederasty, oralism, scatological acts, number of sexual partners, and premarital intercourse. The resulting data were presented in tabular form and compared with earlier national data sets. It was also noted that often fairly strong measures of association emerged in a positive direction between socioeconomic status and participation in (and/or approval of) 'deviant' sexual behaviors."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[For80] Forbes, D., 1980
Leather poet Jim Holmes views from afar
In: The Advocate, Vol. 395, 1980, pp. 34-36
[Fri80] Friday, Nancy, 1980
Men in Love
Publisher: Dell, New York
[Gre80] Gremliza, Hermann L. (ed.), 1980
Sexualität Konkret Vol. 1
Publisher: Neuer Konkret Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[Gre80a] Konkret (Autor ungenannt), 1980
Was ist, wie wirkt Pornographie
in: Gremliza, Hermann L. (ed.): Sexualität Konkret Vol. 1, pp. 102-104
Publisher: Neuer Konkret Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[GW80] Gosselin, Chris / Wilson, Glenn, 1980
Sexual Variations: Fetishism, Sadomasochism and Transvestism
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, New York
[Kam80] Kamel, G.W. Levi, 1980
Leathersex: Meaningful Aspects of Gay Sadomasochism
In: Deviant Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 1, 1980, pp. 171-191
[Kes80] Keßler, Bernd, 1980
Sexuelle Dysfunktionen und Varianten
in: Wittling, Werner (ed.): Handbuch der klinischen Psychologie Vol. 4.: Ätiologie gestörten Verhaltens, 1st edition, pp. 154-181
Publisher: Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
[KH80] Keßler, Bernd / Hoellen, Burkhard, 1980
Sexuelle Störungen
in: Wittling, Werner (ed.): Handbuch der klinischen Psychologie Vol. 5.: Therapie gestörten Verhaltens, 1st edition, pp. 177-219
Publisher: Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
[Lan80] Lande, Stephen D., 1980
A combination of orgasmic reconditioning and covert sensitization in the treatment of a fire fetish
In: Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1980, pp. 291-296
Abstract:  "Presents the case history of a 20-yr-old male whose fire-setting behavior associated with masturbation was his primary means of obtaining sexual gratification. Treatment included a new version of orgasmic reconditioning to increase heterosexual arousal and covert sensitization to decrease deviant arousal. Sexual arousal became greater for heterosexual than for fire stimuli. Masturbatory fantasies were reported to be exclusively heterosexual, and no further fire-setting incidents were reported. These changes were maintained at both 4- and 9-mo follow-ups." (APA/PsycINFO)
[LaT80] La Torre, Ronald A., 1980
Devaluation of the human love object: heterosexual rejection as a possible antecedent of fetishism
In: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 89, No. 2, 1980, pp. 1295-1298
Abstract:  "30 university men chose 1 of 6 women they would most like to date. Half of these men subsequently received feedback that their 1st choice did not choose them in return, and the remainder were informed that the women they chose reciprocally chose them as the men they would most like to date. This procedure was repeated, resulting in 2 successive rejections or acceptances for the respective groups. These 30 men, and an additional 15 who comprised a control group, then rated pictures of designs, lingerie, panties, women's feet, women's legs, and women on scales of pleasantness, sexual arousability, and acceptance. Rejected men evaluated pictures of women less positively than did other men, and they evaluated pictures of women less positively than they did pictures of women's legs and panties in contrast to other men whose ratings of these 3 pictures did not differ significantly. Implications for a 2-factor model of fetishism are discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mey80] Meyer, Adolf-Ernst, 1980
Perversionen, was ist das?
in: Gremliza, Hermann L. (ed.): Sexualität Konkret Vol. 1, pp. 84-93
Publisher: Neuer Konkret Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[MFH80] Malamuth, Neil M. / Feshbach, Seymour / Heim, M., 1980
Ethical Issues and Exposure to Rape Stimuli: A Reply to Sherif.
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 3, 1980, pp. 413-415
[MHF80] Malamuth, Neil M. / Heim, Maggie / Feshbach, Seymour, 1980
Sexual Responsiveness of College Students to Rape Depictions: Inhibitory and Disinhibitory Effects
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1980, pp. 399-408
[MHF80a] Malamuth, Neil M. / Haber, S. / Feshbach, Seymour, 1980
Testing Hypotheses Regarding Rape: Exposure to Sexual Violence, Sex Difference, and the "Normality" of Rapists.
In: Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 1, 1980, pp. 121-137
[Mor80] Morgan, Robin, 1980
Theory and Practice: Pornography and Rape
in: Lederer, Laura (ed.): Take back the night: Women on pornography, pp. 134-140
Publisher: William Morrow, New York
[MOT80] Mouren, M.C. / Ohayon, M. / Tatossian, A., 1980
Les animaux et leurs maitres: Aspects psychologiques et psychopathologiques
(Animals and their masters: Psychological and psychopathological aspects)
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 138, No. 5, 1980, pp. 543-557
Abstract:  "Summarizes psychological research regarding (a) the relationship between owners and pets and (b) sexual activities between humans and animals. Motivations for acquiring pets include (a) desire for a status symbol, (b) the owner's exhibitionistic need for attention (especially with exotic animals), (c) the timid owner's need for a conversation piece, and (d) surrogate for humans with childless couples and the elderly. Adults may experience severe depression, similar to the depression some individuals experience after moving from an area, due to the loss of a pet. Sodomy between master and animal usually occurs from loss of human partners, but it is also related to the incest taboo, fetishism, homosexuality, and religious rituals." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MR80] Morneau, Robert H. / Rockwell, Robert R., 1980
Sex, Motivation, and the Criminal Offender
Publisher: Thomas, Springfield, Ill.
[Par80] Parkin, Alan, 1980
On Masochistic Enthralment: A Contribution to the Study of Moral Masochism
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 61, 1980, pp. 307-314
[Rea80] Réage, Pauline, 1980
Geschichte der O Series: rororo 4126,
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Rea80b] Réage, Pauline, 1980
Geschichte der O und Rückkehr nach Roissy
Publisher: Herbig, München
Language: German
[Rei80] Reinelt, Anton, 1980
Störungen der psychosexuellen Entwicklung, Perversionen
Publisher: Reinhardt, München
Language: German
[Rei80a] Reinelt, Anton, 1980
Sexuelle Fehlentwicklungen
in: Spiel, Walter (ed.): Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts Vol. XII: Konsequenzen für die Pädagogik (2) Entwicklungsstörungen und therapeutische Modelle, pp. 504-534
Publisher: Kindler, Zürich
Language: German
[RL80] Russell / Lederer, 1980
Questions we get asked more often
in: Lederer, L. (ed.): Take back the night, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Morrow,
[Rup80] Rupp, Joseph C., 1980
Sex-Related Deaths
in: Curran, William J. (ed.): Modern Legal Medicine, Psychiatry, and Forensic Science, pp. 577-587
Publisher: MISSING, Philadelphia
[San80] De Sana, Jimmy, 1980
Submission. Photographs 1977-1978
Publisher: Fey, Stuttgart
[Sch80] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1980
Sexuelle Perversionen: Ideologie, Klinik, Kritik
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen → Sig80, pp. 119-158
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, New York
Language: German
[Sch80a] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1980
in: Gremliza, Hermann L. (ed.): Sexualität Konkret Vol. 1, pp. 78-83
Publisher: Neuer Konkret Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[Sig80] Sigusch, Volkmar, 1980
Therapie sexueller Störungen
2nd revised and enlarged edition
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, New York
Language: German
[Tay80] Taylor, Graeme J., 1980
Splitting of the ego in transvestism and mask wearing
In: International Review of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1980, pp. 511-520
Language: E, F, D, SP abstracts
Abstract:  "Review of the origin and functions of masks reveals that from the earliest of times masks were worn to (1) protect and disguise and (2) magically transform identity and facilitate the release of repressed libidinal and aggressive impulses. The case of a 63-yr-old male transvestite who wore masks fetishistically is reported. Clinical material demonstrates multiple identities resulting from a vertical split in the ego." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Vic80] Victor, J., 1980
Human Sexuality: A Social Psychological Approach
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
[WF80] Weinberg, Thomas S. / Falk, G., 1980
The Social Organization of Sadism and Masochism
In: Deviant Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 1, 1980, pp. 379-393
Abstract:  "Sadism and masochism, traditionally studied as an individual psychopathology, may be more fully understood as a sociological phenomenon. Sadomasochists have developed a subculture characterized by a set of norms, shared ideologies, and a common argot. Contacts among sadomasochists are made through magazine advertisements, participation in clubs and organizations, through exposure to this behavior in other deviant subcultures, and fortuitously. Sadomasochistic organizations, while differing widely among themselves, serve similar functions for their members: (1) they facilitate sexual and social contacts; (2) they provide members with information about techniques, events, other organizations, films, and so forth; (3) they develop and communicate justifications and apologias enabling people to accept their feelings and behavior as normal; and (4) they enable people to segregate their sadomasochistic needs and behavior from other areas of their lives."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[WG80] Wilson, G.D. / Gosselin, C., 1980
Personality characteristics of fetishists, transvestites and sadomasochists
In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 1, 1980, pp. 289-295
[Wie80] Wiederholt, I., 1980
Sexualität: normale, deviante (perverse), kriminelle
in: Eicher, Wolf (ed.): Sexualmedizin in der Praxis: ein kurzes Handbuch, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Fischer, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Wil80] Wilson, G., 1980
Sex Differences in Sexual Fantasy Patterns
in: Forleo, R. / Pasini, W. (ed.): Medical Sexology, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Elsevier, Amsterdam et al.
[Cal80a] Califia, Pat, 1980, 17.4.
Among Us, Against Us: The New Puritans
In: The Advocate, 1980, 17.4., pp. ?-?
[Kar80] Karol, C., 1980-81
The role of primal scene and masochism in asthma
In: International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Vol. 8, 1980-81, pp. 577-592
[Min80] Mintz, I.L., 1980-81
Multideterminism in asthmatic disease
In: International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Vol. 8, 1980-81, pp. 593-600
[ABB81] Abel, Gene G. / Blanchard, Edward B. / Barlow, David H., 1981
Measurement of sexual arousal in several paraphilias: The effects of stimulus modality, instructional set and stimulus content on the objective
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1981, pp. 25-33
Abstract:  "Determined the effects of instructional set (become aroused or suppress arousal), stimulus modality (videotape, audiotape, slides, free fantasy), and deviant or nondeviant (i.e., paraphilic or nonparaphilic) stimulus content on sexual arousal (measured by penile plethysmograph) of 6 different groups of paraphilics - pedophiles, rapists, exhibitionists, homosexuals, sado-masochists, and fetishists. Results from 48 males (ages 16-52 yrs) show significant main effects of instructional set and stimulus modality (videotape was more arousing), as well as several complex interactions of diagnostic group with the other independent variables." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ale81] Alexander, M., 1981
Passion Play
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, pp. 228-242
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Bar81] Barker, V., 1981
Dangerous shoes, or what's a nice dyke like me doing in a get-up like this?
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, pp. 101-104
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[BB81] Buhrich, Neil / Beaumont, Trina, 1981
Comparison of transvestism in Australia and America
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1981, pp. 269-279
Abstract:  "Obtained questionnaire data on gender identity, sexual orientation, cross-dressing behavior, fetishism, and bondage from 136 American (mean age 49 yrs) and 86 Australian (mean age 38 yrs) self-designated transvestites who reported a period of fetishism to women's clothes at some stage of development. Characteristics of transvestism were similar: All were male; almost half first cross-dressed in prepuberty and were well-established by late adolescence; intense fetishism was usually experienced during adolescence but waned in later years; in almost a quarter of Ss fetishism ceased, although the desire to cross-dress continued; in many, transvestism was associated with fantasies of bondage, usually of Ss bound while cross-dressed; and sexual orientation was predominantly or exclusively heterosexual in most Ss. Ss were categorized into 2 groups. Group 1, termed nuclear transvestites, were satisfied with cross-dressing. Group 2, termed marginal transvestites, desired feminization by hormone ingestion or by surgical intervention. Marginal compared to nuclear transvestites reported stronger feminine gender identity and a stronger interest in the homosexual direction. Differences appeared to be present from childhood." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BC81] Berlin, Fred S. / Coyle, Genevieve S., 1981
Sexual Deviation Syndromes
In: The Johns Hopkins Medical Journal, Vol. 149, 1981, pp. 119-125
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bel81] Bellwether, J., 1981
Love means never having to say oops: A lesbian's guide to s/m safety
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, pp. 69-79
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[BL81] Blair, C.D. / Lanyon, R.I., 1981
Exhibitionism: Etiology and Treatment
In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 89, 1981, pp. 439-463
[Blu81] Blum, Harold P., 1981
Masochismus, Ichideal und Psychologie der Frau
in: Grunert, Johannes (ed.): Leiden am Selbst: zum Phänomen des Masochismus, pp. 112-146
Publisher: Kindler, München
Language: German
[Bon81] Bond, A.H., 1981
The Masochist is the Leader
In: Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1981, pp. 375-389
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bou81] Bourgeois, Michel, 1981
L'oeuvre erotique de Georges Pichard
Publisher: Glénat, Grenoble
Language: French
[Bre81a] Brenner, Charles, 1981
Masochism: Current Concepts
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 29, 1981, pp. 673-688
[BWH81] Bell, Alan / Weinberg, M. / Hammersmith, S., 1981
Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women
Publisher: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana
[Cai81] Caien, Jacques, 1981
Obsessions, rites et fétiches
(Obsessions, rites and fetishes)
In: Confrontations Psychiatriques, Vol. 20, 1981, pp. 145-161
Language: French
Abstract:  "Discusses the similarities between obsessional behavior and perverse fetishism. In both cases, the rites of the patient are repetitions that serve 2 purposes: They fulfill feelings of narcissistic megalomania that sustain the rhythmic activity, and they eroticize the temporal segments that represent its support. Immobilized as a fetish object, the obsessive patient's time follows a circular movement." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cal81] Califia, Pat, 1981
Sapphistrie. Das Buch der lesbischen Sexualität.
Publisher: sub rosa Frauenverlag
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Cal80 by Alexandra Bartoszko.
[Cal81b] Califia, Pat, 1981
Feminism and Sadomasochism
In: Heresies, Vol. 12, 1981, pp. 30-34
[Cal81c] Califia, Pat, 1981
From Jessie
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 1st edition, pp. 154-180
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[CF81] Cooper, A.M. / Fischer, N., 1981
Masochism - Current Concepts
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 29, No. 3, 1981, pp. 673-688
[Cha81] Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, 1981
Loss of reality in perversions - with special reference to fetishism
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 29, No. 3, 1981, pp. 511-534
Abstract:  "Examines some aspects of the 'perverse solution' that implies that, compared to the neurotic, the pervert attempts to 'negotiate' his/her conflicts in a specific manner; this gives way to a certain way of approaching reality. The fundamental role played by idealization in the transmutation of reality with which it is implicitly associated is underscored." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Coe81] Coen, Stanley J., 1981
Sexualization as a predominant mode of defense
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 29, 1981, pp. 893-920
[Cre81] Crepax, Guido, 1981
Valentina in Stiefeln
Publisher: Bahia-Verlag, München
Language: DE
Notes:  German translation of "Valentina con gli stivali".
[CS+81] Croughan, J.L. / Saghir, M. / Cohen, R. / Robins, E., 1981
A comparison of treated and untreated male cross-dressers
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 10, No. 6, 1981, pp. 515-528
Abstract:  "In an interview study of 70 male members of cross-dressing clubs, multiple comparisons between treated and untreated subjects showed that the two groups are more similar than dissimilar. The only areas of comparison in which the treated group significantly differed from the untreated group were in fantasizing themselves as females while masturbating, having ever engaged in heterosexual intercourse while cross-dressed, currently preferring both heterosexual intercourse and homosexual behavior while cross-dressed, and having experienced more adverse consequences from cross-dressing. Further, where comparisons are possible, results are similar to those found in prior studies. All of the subjects were male and the average age of onset is prior to 10 years, with virtually all subjects first cross-dressing if not in childhood then by middle adolescence. There is a trend toward a more asexual nature to the cross-dressing during late adult life. Cross-dressing is infrequently associated with sadomasochism and not at all with exhibitionism. Rates of unipolar depression and alcoholism were increased in this sample. The results do not support a significant positive association between cross-dressing and obsessive-compulsive neurosis. The present study confirms previous findings that cross-dressing lacks a familial component either with respect to cross-dressing itself or in association with another disorder."
[Dal81] Dalibard, Yves, 1981
D'une autre difficulte de la psychanalyse: note sur le fétichisme
(Another difficulty for psychoanalysis: A note on fetishes)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 45, No. 6, 1981, pp. 1369-1374
Language: French
Abstract:  "Following a review of Freud's theory of the development of fetishes, a review of more recent psychoanalytic thinkers is undertaken to expand on the conceptualization of the development of fetishes. An example of a fetish for garters is utilized to demonstrate the different processes possible in the development of fetishes." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Dwo81] Dworkin, Andrea, 1981
Pornography: Men Possessing Women
Publisher: Perigee, New York
[Gil81] Gilberg, Arnold L., 1981
Treatment of young adults with sexual maladaptation
In: American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 41, No. 1, 1981, pp. 45-50
Abstract:  "Presents 3 clinical vignettes of patients who were treated for sexual disorders to illustrate the analytic approach to young adults. The cases include a 19-yr-old male homosexual, a 42-yr-old father and his 14-yr-old son who shared a fetish for shoes, and an 18-yr-old lesbian." (APA/PsycINFO)
[GL81] Gabbard, G.O. / Larson, J., 1981
Masochism - Myth or Human Need
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 138, No. 4, 1981, pp. 533
[Gru81] Grunert, Johannes (ed.), 1981
Leiden am Selbst: zum Phänomen des Masochismus
Publisher: Kindler, München
Language: German
[HBG81] Hazelwood, Robert R. / Burgess, Ann Wolbert / Groth, A. Nicholas, 1981
Death during dangerous autoerotic practice
In: Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 15, 1981, pp. 129-133
[Hil81] Hilberman, E., 1981
Masochism - Myth or Human Need - Reply
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 138, No. 4, 1981, pp. 533-534
[Hin81] Hinz, Stefan, 1981
Die Hölle ist das Paradies
in: ? (ed.): Sexualität Konkret, pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING,
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Kha81] Khan, M. Masud R., 1981
From Masochism to Psychic Pain
In: Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1981, pp. 413-422
[Mar81] Marcus, Maria, 1981
A Taste for Pain: On Masochism and Female Society
Publisher: St. Martin's Press, New York
[Men81] Menaker, Esther, 1981
Self-Psychology Illustrated on the Issue of Moral Masochism - Clinical Implications
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1981, pp. 205-220
[Mit81] Mitchell, G., 1981
Human Sex Differences
Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York
[Mon81] Money, John, 1981
Paraphilias: Phyletic origins of erotosexual dysfunction
In: International Journal of Mental Health, Vol. 10, 1981, pp. 75-109
[Mor81] Morin, Jack, 1981
Anal Pleasure and Health: A Guide for Men and Women
Publisher: Down There Press, Burlingame
[Pac81] Paczensky, Susanne von, 1981
Verschwiegene Liebe: Zur Situation lesbischer Frauen in der Gesellschaft
Publisher: Bertelsmann, München
Language: German
[Pau81] Paul, Robert, 1981
De L'Algolagnie
In: Cahiers de Sexologie Clinique, Vol. 7, No. 41, 1981, pp. 271-283
Language: French
[Per81] Peraldi, François (ed.), 1981
Polysexuality Series: Semiotext(e), Vol. 10
Abstract:  "Edited by a French psychoanalyst and containing works mostly by Frenchmen, this collection of stories and essays benefits from the fact that the French often seem to be 100 years ahead of everybody else when it comes to exploring sexual territory." (Russ Kick: "Psychotropedia: A Guide to Publications on the Periphery", 1998.)
[Per81a] Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. Sein Leben und seine Zeit., 1981
Perutz, Kathrin
Publisher: List, München
Language: German
Notes:  416 pages, German translation of → Per78 by Trude Fein.
[QCV81] Quinsey, Vernon L. / Chaplin, Terry C. / Varney, G., 1981
A comparison of rapists' and non-sex offenders' sexual preferences for mutually consenting sex, rape and sadistic acts
In: Behavioral Assessment, Vol. 3, 1981, pp. 127-135
[Res81] Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edmé, 1981
Der hübsche Fuß
Publisher: Birkhäuser, Basel
Language: German
[SAM81] SAMOIS (ed.), 1981
Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M
1st edition
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Sch81] Schmerl, Christiane, 1981
Frauenfeindliche Werbung - Sexismus als heimlicher Lehrplan
Publisher: Elefanten Press
Language: German
[Sch81a] Schiller, Greg, 1981
Homosexual Sadomasochism: a Psychodynamic Ethnography
In: Anthropological Research Group on Homosexuality, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1981, pp. ?-?
[Sil81] Silverman, D.K., 1981
Depression and Masochism - An Account of Mechanisms, by N. Leites
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 67, No. 4, 1981, pp. 574-576
[Sta81] Stark, G.D., 1981
Pornography, Society, and the Law in Imperial Germany
In: Central European History, Vol. 14, 1981, pp. 200-229
[Ste81] Steward, Samuel M., 1981
Chapters from an Autobiography
Publisher: Grey Fox Press, San Francisco
[Val81] Valles, Gérard, 1981
Le Sadomasochisme
In: Cahiers de Sexologie Clinique, Vol. 7, No. 42, 1981, pp. 341-350
Language: French
[Vis81] Visser, D., 1981 (Doctoral thesis)
Sado-masochisme: een teveel betekenend woord
School: Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Utrecht
Language: Dutch
[Wee81] Weeks, Jeffrey, 1981
Sex, Politics, and Society: The Regulation of Sexuality Since 1800
Publisher: Longman, London
[WL81] Wilson, Glenn D. / Lang, Rudie J., 1981
Sex differences in sexual fantasy patterns
In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1981, pp. 343-346
Abstract:  "A detailed sexual fantasy questionnaire was completed by 90 Londoners stratified by sex and social class. Information was also collected concerning sexual behavior, libido, and satisfaction. Factor analysis reveals 4 main types of fantasy: (1) Exploratory (e.g., group sex, promiscuity, homosexuality); (2) Intimate (e.g., kissing, oral sex, outdoor love); (3) Impersonal (e.g., watching others, fetishism, using objects for stimulation); and (4) Sadomasochistic (e.g., whipping or spanking, being forced). The 4 types of fantasy were positively correlated and all were more commonly reported by men, although women were almost as high on the Intimate factor. Women were also more likely to be passive or receptive in their fantasies, and men active. All fantasies were associated with high libido as indicated by self-rated sex drive and orgasm frequency, especially for women. In general, reports of many fantasies went with satisfaction in women but with dissatisfaction in men. This finding is explained in terms of the higher average level of libido in men than women, with the consequent difficulty experienced by men in acting out their desires." (APA/PsycINFO)
[ZBC81] Zillmann, Dolf / Bryant, Jennings / Carveth, Rodney A., 1981
The Effect of Erotica Featuring Sadomasochism and Bestiality on Motivated Intermale Aggression
In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1981, pp. 153-159
Abstract:  "Male subjects were provoked by a same-sex peer, exposed to (1) comparatively nonarousing, pleasant erotica (girlie fare); (2) arousing, displeasing, and nonaggressive erotica (bestiality); (3) arousing, displeasing, and aggressive erotica (sadomasochism); (4) not exposed to erotica, and then provided with an opportunity to retaliate against their annoyer. Exposure to arousing, displeasing erotica, regardless of the degree of apparent aggressiveness involved, was found to increase retaliatory aggression relative to non exposure. Presence or absence of aggressive cues in these equally arousing and equally displeasing erotica was of no consequence. Exposure to nonarousing, pleasant erotica, compared to no exposure, had a negligible effect. The aggression facilitating effect of exposure to displeasing, disturbing erotica was explained as the result of annoyance summation."
[Leo81] Leo, John, 1981, 4.5.
Stomping and Whomping Galore: Sadomasochism comes out of the closet - whips, chains and all
In: Time, 1981, 4.5., pp. 46-47
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sad] Sadanas (various authors), 1981-1993
Notes:  Archived issues: 19, 26, 32-34, 38, 41, 42, 50, 53, 56, 57, 59, 61, 83, 91 and the special issue "Best of Sadanas 1-12".
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Atk82] Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 1982
Why I'm Against S/M-Liberation
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 90-92
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Bar82] Bar On, Bat-Ami, 1982
Feminism and Sadomasochism: Selfcritical Notes
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Bar82a] Barry, Kathleen, 1982
On the History of Cultural Sadism
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Bar82b] Bartosch, Erwin, 1982
Das narzißtische Negativ: Strafbedürfnis, Sadismus, Schuld- und Unwertgefühl als ich-psychologisches Problem Series: Materialien zur Psychoanalyse und analytisch orientierten Psychotherapie, Vol. 8
Publisher: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen et al.
Language: German
[Bau82] Baumeister, Roy F., 1982
A self-presentational view of social phenomena
In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 91, 1982, pp. 3-26
[BB82] Bullough, Vern L. / Brundage, J., 1982
Sexual Practices and the Medieval Church
Publisher: Prometheus, Buffalo, NY
[Blu82] Blum, Harold P., 1982
Psychoanalytic Reflections on the 'Beaten Wife Syndrome'
in: Kirkpatrick, M. (ed.): Women's Sexual Experience, pp. 263-267
Publisher: Plenum, New York
[Bry82] Bryant, C.D., 1982
Sexual deviancy and social proscription; the social context of carnal behavior
Publisher: Human Sciences Press, New York
[But82] Butler, Judy, 1982
Lesbian S&M: The Politics of Dis-Illusion
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[Com82] Comfort, A., 1982
'Bondage' in sexual histories - fantasy and enactment
In: British Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol. 8, 1982, pp. 35-36
[DE82] Dietz, Park Elliott / Evans, B., 1982
Pornographic Imagery and Prevalence of Paraphilia
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 139, 1982, pp. 1493-1495
[Den82] Denson, Raymond, 1982
Undinism: The fetishization of urine
In: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 27, No. 4, 1982, pp. 336-338
Language: E, F abstract
Abstract:  "The origins of the term 'undinism' are traced, and the case history of a 17-yr-old male is presented. The various forms of urolagnia are described and proposals made for precise use of existing terminology. A hypothesis to explain the prevalence of fetishism is outlined and illustrated by reference to the case history." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Dij82] van Dijk, M., 1982
Exposé van Sexuele Scripts van Zestien Homoseksuele Mannen
Utrecht: Sectie Sexuologie, Instituut voor Klinische Psychologie en Persoonlijkheidsleer (IKPP), skriptie
Language: Dutch
[Emm82] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1982
Sadomasochismus. Die Macht der Erotik.
In: Emma, Vol. 4, 1982, pp. 50-53
Language: German
[FK82] Frings, Matthias / Kraushaar, Elmar, 1982
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Gra82] Gray, Susan H., 1982
Exposure to Pornography and Aggression Toward Women: The Case of the Angry Male
In: Social Problems, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1982, pp. 387-398
[Gri82] Griffith, Susan, 1982
Sadomasochism and the Erosion of Self: A Critical Reading of 'Story of O'
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Gus82] Gusy, Christoph, 1982
Sittenwidrigkeit im Gewerberecht
In: Deutsche Verwaltungsblätter, Vol. ?, 1982, pp. 984-989
Language: German
[Har82] Harris, Elizabeth, 1982
Sadomasochism: A Personal Experience
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 93-95
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[Hei82] Hein, Hilde, 1982
Sadomasochism and the Liberal Tradition
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 83-89
Publisher: Frog in the Well, East Palo Alto, CA
[HH82] Herron, Mary Jane / Herron, William G., 1982
Meanings of Sadism and Masochism
In: Psychological Reports, Vol. 50, 1982, pp. 199-202
Abstract:  "The evolution of sadism and masochism from their origins in the 19th century until the present are described. Included are the pain-pleasure conception, dominance-submission, and sadistic and masochistic personality types. The need for differentiationg types of sadism and masochism is emphasized."
[Hoa82] Hoagland, Sarah L., 1982
Sadism, Masochism and the Lesbian-Feminism
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[J82] J. (Pseud.), 1982
Proper orgy behavior
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 2nd edition, pp. 41-43
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Jon82] Jonel, Marissa, 1982
Letter from a Former Masochist
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 16-22
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[Jou82] Jouel, Marissa, 1982
Letter From a Former Masochist
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[KS+82] Kilmann, Peter R. / Sabalis, R. / Gearing, M.L. / Bukstel, L.H. / Scovern, A.W., 1982
The treatment of sexual paraphilias: A review of the outcome research
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1982, pp. 193-252
Abstract:  "Reviews research on the impact of treatment on Ss with singular and multiple sexual paraphilias (e.g., exhibitionism, fetishism, pedophilia, transvestism, voyeurism). A methodological evaluation was conducted with attention to 6 categories: design, Ss, therapists, treatment, time periods, and outcome measures. The methodological shortcomings included the failure to control for social desirability factors, especially in the case of sex offenders, and the reliance on verbal self-report in outcome evaluation. Most studies found positive treatment effects. Periodic booster treatment sessions sometimes were necessary with paraphilias of long duration. Tentative support was found for the efficacy of a multiple behavioral treatment package tailored to the patient's sexual arousal pattern. Elimination of variant sexual responses in conjunction with fostering appropriate, nonvariant sexual behavior is considered a relevant treatment strategy. Future research should use homogeneous experimental and control Ss, obtain a pretherapy assessment of sexual and social functioning, specify treatment goals, and use multiple outcome measures. To promote successful S^treatment matches, a checklist is derived that notes the psychological and situational correlates of the 5 predominant sexual paraphilias." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kun82] Kunzle, David, 1982
Fashion and Fetishism: A Social History of the Corset, Tight-Lacing and Other Forms of Body-Sculpture in the West
Publisher: Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, N.J.
[Lei82] Leidholdt, Dorchen, 1982
Freie Sklavinnen
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): Sexualität Vol. 3, pp. 88-93
Publisher: Emma Frauen Verlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Lei82a] Leigh, Susan, 1982
Interview with Audre Lorde
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[Les82] Lesh, Cheri, 1982
Hunger and Thirst in the House of Distorted Mirrors
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[Lin82] Linden, Robin Ruth, 1982
Against Sadomasochism
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Low82] Lowry, T.D., 1982
Psychosexual Aspects of the Volatile Nitrites
In: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1982, pp. 77-79
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[LP+82] Linden, Robin Ruth / Pagano, Darlene R. / Russell, Diana E.H. / Star, Susan Leigh (ed.), 1982
Against Sadomasochism. A Radical Feminist Analysis.
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[LW82] Lowery, Shearon A. / Wetli, Charles V., 1982
Sexual Asphyxia: a neglected area of study
In: Deviant Behavior, Vol. 4, 1982, pp. 19-39
[Mac82] MacDougall, Joyce, 1982
Plea for a Measure of Abnormality
Publisher: International University Press, New York
[Mag82] Magill, Martha S., 1982 (Doctoral thesis)
Ritual and Symbolism of Dominance and Submission: The Case of Heterosexual Sadomasochism
School: Department of Anthropology, State University of New York at Buffalo
[Mar82] Marcus, Maria, 1982
Die furchtbare Wahrheit. Frauen und Masochismus
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Mar82a] Marcus, Maria, 1982
Telefonat mit de Sade
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): Sexualität Vol. 3, pp. 94-95
Publisher: Emma Frauen Verlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Mer82] Meredith, Jesse, 1982
A Response To SAMOIS
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Mik82] Mikich, Sonia, 1982
Telefonat mit de Sade
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): Sexualität Vol. 3, pp. 20-22
Publisher: Emma Frauen Verlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Mol82] Mollinger, Robert N., 1982
Sadomasochism and Developmental Stages
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 69, No. 3, 1982, pp. 379-389
[Mor82] Morgan, Robin, 1982
The Politics of Sadomasochistic Fantasies
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 109-123
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[Nor82] Norman, John, 1982
Gor 12: Die Bestien von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[NPR82] Nichols, Jeanette / Pagano, Darlene / Rosoff, Margaret, 1982
Is Sadomasochism Feminist? A Critique of the Samois Position
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 137-146
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[Pae82] Paėrl, B., 1982
"Ik noem mezelf bewust radikaal pervers"
In: Sek, Vol. 12, No. 6, 1982, pp. 10-12
Language: Dutch
[Pag82] Pagano, Darlene R., 1982
Racism and Sadomasochism - A Conversation With 2 Black Lesbians
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[QC82] Quinsey, Vernon L. / Chaplin, Terry C., 1982
Penile responses to nonsexual violence among rapists
In: Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 9, 1982, pp. 372-381
[Ria82] Rian, Karen, 1982
Sadomasochism and the Social Construction of Desire
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Roe82] Roesch-Wagner, Sally, 1982
Pornography and the Sexual Revolution: The Backlash of Sadomasochism
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Rus82] Russel, Diana E.H., 1982
Sadomasochism: A Contra-Feminist Activity
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[SAM82] SAMOIS (ed.), 1982
Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M
2nd revised and updated edition
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Sch82] Schwarzer, Alice (ed.), 1982
Sexualität Series: EMMA-Sonderband, Vol. 3
Publisher: EMMA Frauen Verlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Sch82a] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1982
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Die sexuelle Frage → Sig82, pp. 113-120
Publisher: Konkret Literatur Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sch82b] Schad-Somers, Suzanne, 1982
Sadomasochism: Etiology and Treatment
Publisher: Human Sciences Press, New York
[Sch82c] Schnabl, Siegfried, 1982
Mann und Frau intim: Fragen des gesunden und des gestörten Geschlechtslebens
14th revised edition
Publisher: VEB Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin
Language: German
[Sch82d] Schiller, Gregory, 1982
The Social Organisation of Homosexual Sado-Masochism: A Brief History
Unpublished Association Paper: American Sociological Association (ASA)
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Sig82] Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.), 1982
Die sexuelle Frage
Publisher: Konkret Literatur Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[SM82] Stephen, G.E. / McMullin, D.T., 1982
Tolerance of sexual nonconformity: city size as a situational and early learning determinant
In: American Sociological Review, Vol. 47, 1982, pp. 411-415
[Sto82] Stoltenberg, John, 1982
Eroticized Violence, Eroticized Powerlessness
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Sto82a] Stoller, Robert J., 1982
Transvestism in women
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1982, pp. 99-115
Abstract:  "Presents 3 cases of a previously undefined condition - fetishistic cross-dressing in women. The outstanding common feature found in each woman is a powerful masculinity present since childhood, but no full answer is available yet to the question why these masculine women use men's garments for erotic excitement. Transvestism in women is compared with other types of cross -dressing in women and - in more detail - with transvestism in men. Fetishism is less demanding in the woman and is not the necessary or preferred means of gratification as it is in the typical transvestite male. It is hypothesized that an object becomes a fetish when it stands for meanings that are unconscious. If the text becomes conscious, the fetish no longer causes excitement." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Tik82] Tiklicoret, Paula, 1982
Smokers Against Healthism
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Tow82] Townsend, Larry (ed.), 1982
The Fledermaus Anthology
Publisher: Larry Townsend, Los Angeles, CA
[Wag82] Wagner, Sally Roesch, 1982
Pornography and the Sexual Revolution: The Backlash of Sadomasochism
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 23-44
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Wal82] Walker, Alice, 1982
A Letter of the Times. Or Should this Sado-Masochism be Saved?
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Wal82a] Walker-Crawford, Vivienne, 1982
The Politics of Sado-Masochistic Fantasies
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Wis82] Wise, Thomas N., 1982
Urethral manipulation; an unusual paraphilia
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1982, pp. 222-227
Abstract:  "Urethral manipulation may be an active form of autoerotic behavior or can present as a compulsive search for iatrogenic instrumentation. The cases of 7 14-55 yr olds exhibiting this paraphilic behavior are discussed, which share both fetishistic and sadomasochistic features. It is suggested that this behavior occupies a midpoint between a fetish and sadomasochistic activity. Dynamic understanding involves both libidinal, structural, and ego psychological constructs. Identification and careful management of these individuals is necessary to prevent further self-destructive behavior." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Zav82] Zavitzianos, George, 1982
The perversion of fetishism in women
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 51, No. 3, 1982, pp. 405-425
Abstract:  "Reviews cases of female fetishism reported by several authors (e.g., E. Buxbaum, 1960; R. Dickes, 1963; G. A. Dudley, 1954; and M. Sperling, 1963) and attempts to demonstrate that fetishism as defined by Freud in males also exists among women. Fetishism in women conforms in general to the same unconscious dynamic genetic principles and factors elucidated by Freud in his work on fetishism in men. Freud described fetishism as a defense against castration anxiety arising from the perception of the female genitals. It is suggested that the main difference between male and female fetishism is that, because of developmental factors involving the phallic phase, for women the fetish represents the penis of the father, not of the mother. Clinical material is presented to support these hypotheses." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Zof82] Zoftig, S., 1982
Coming Out
in: Samois (ed.): {Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, pp. 86-96
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Are83] Aresin, Lykke, 1983
Sexuelle Deviationen
(Sexual deviations)
in: Aresin, Lykke / Günther, Erwin (ed.): Sexualmedizin: ein Leitfaden für Medizinstudenten, pp. ?-?
Publisher: VEB Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin
Language: German
[BB83] Boström, Jörg / Boulboullé, Guido (ed.), 1983
Ästhetik und Gewalt Series: Jahrbuch Ästhetische Erziehung, Vol. 1
Publisher: Frölich & Kaufmann, Berlin
Language: German
[BB83a] Barande, Ilse / Barande, Robert, 1983
Antinomies du concept de perversion et paradoxes de son usage dans la pratique et la theorie psychanalytiques: De la fonction fétiche du concept de perversion a la condition "phobo-perverse" et serve de la libido
(Antinomies in the concept of perversion, and the paradoxical applications of it in psychoanalytic theory and practice: The fetishist aspect of the concept of perversion in the "phobo-perverse" condition of the libido)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 169-282
Language: French
Abstract:  "Analyzes the contradictions inherent in the concept of perversion with respect to countertransference and the role of drives and the object. Contradictions in theory and practice are considered in relation to methodology and metapsychology. The process by which excitation is generated is discussed in terms of insights from animal and human ethology. The need for submission and servitude, the 'libidinal economy,' and considerations from political anthropology are also reviewed. The 'avatars of the appetite of excitation' in the analytic relationship are discussed in relation to memories of inachievement." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ben83] Benjamin, Jessica, 1983
Master and Slave: The Fantasy of Erotic Domination
in: Snitow, Ann / Stansell, Christine / Thompson, Sharon (ed.): The Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality, pp. 280-299
Publisher: Monthly Review Press, New York
[Ber83] Bernstein, Isidor, 1983
Masochistic Pathology and Feminine Development
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 31, 1983, pp. 467-486
[Ber83a] Bergeret, Jean, 1983
Violence, OEdipe et perversion
(Violence, Oedipus, and perversion)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 291-297
Language: French
Abstract:  "Explores the connection between violence and perversion with reference to A. Lussier's (→ Lus83,→ Lus83a) essay on fetishism. Although the present author agrees with Lussier's analysis of the factors making up the perverse personality, he suggests that this analysis does not go far enough. It is suggested that perversion is essentially an expression of a narcissistic desire for control, especially the oedipal desire to control the mother figure. The perverse personality forms a monopolar sexual economy, essentially narcissistic, and seeks to become strong and dominant." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BH83] Burgess, A.W. / Hazelwood, Robert R., 1983
Autoerotic Asphyxial Deaths and Social Network Response
In: Amer. J. Orthopsychiat., Vol. 53, No. 1, 1983, pp. ?-?
[BJP83] Diverse, 1983
Symposium on sexual deviation
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 143, 1983, pp. 215-255
[Bro83] Brown, Christie, 1983
Paraphilias: Sadomasochism, Fetishism, Transvestism and Transsexuality
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 143, 1983, pp. 227-231
Abstract:  "Argues that since definitions of deviance reflect the norms of a society, deviant individuals are best seen as leaning toward the extremes of sexual norms. Treatment should be based on a therapeutic contract to which the patient is an informed and willing party. Extreme sadomasochism is a rare phenomenon, confined usually to males. This deviance has been treated with dynamic psychotherapy, behavior therapy, administration of anti-androgens, and the surgical destruction of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus on the non-dominant side. The rare cases of fetishism also generally involve males; common fetish items include rubber and leather. Psychoanalysts contend that fetishism is the result of a developmental disturbance leading to a sexual interest in symbolic objects. It has also been associated with temporal lobe abnormalities. Transvestism is best seen as bridging the gap between fetishism and transsexualism. Most patients are male, and behavior therapy is the most important component in treatment. The etiology of transsexualism is multifactorial, yet little understood. Again, it is more prevalent among men than women. Transsexuals attending clinics show a high rate of other psychiatric disturbances. The most successful treatment involves actual hormonal and surgical sex change." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bro83a] Brodeur, Claude, 1983
Au sujet du fétichisme: Les destins d'un evenement
(On the subject of fetishism: The destinies of an event)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 304-315
Language: French
Abstract:  "Considers fetishism to be a reaction of the traumatized personality to sexual feelings directed toward a maternal figure. This incomplete resolution of the oedipal drama is transferred to other objects that retain some sexual connotation, such as high-heeled shoes or women's underwear. Fetishism is marked by a quality of delirium and a sense of unparalleled pleasure for the fetishist. Fetishists rarely seek psychoanalytic treatment, and treatment is likely to be more complex and difficult than that involved in the neuroses usually seen in analysis." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Buh83] Buhrich, Neil, 1983
The association of erotic piercing with homosexuality, sadomasochism, bondage, fetishism and tattoos
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1983, pp. 167-171
Abstract:  "Sexual deviations of subscribers advertising in the dalliance columns of Gauntlet, a magazine published for those with an erotic interest in piercing, were examined. There appeared to be a strong association between erotic piercing and homosexuality, sadomasochism, bondage, fetishism, and tattoos. Males advertised 25 times more frequently than females." (APA/PsycINFO)
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Cal83] Califia, Pat, 1983
Sapphistry. The Book of Lesbian Sexuality.
2nd edition
Publisher: Naiad Press, Tallahassee
[Cal83a] Califia, Pat, 1983
A secret side of lesbian sexuality
in: Weinberg, Thomas S. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S&M - Studies in Sadomasochism, pp. 129-136
Publisher: Prometheus Books, New York
[Car83] Caraco, Albert, 1983
Supplément à la Psychopathia sexualis Series: Le bruit du temps,
Publisher: Editions L'Age d'homme, Lausanne
Language: French
Notes:  174 pages.
[Cas83] Castaigne, Micheline, 1983
A propos du fétichisme
(Considering fetishism)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 316-320
Language: French
Abstract:  "Clinical material illustrates the idea that perversions are symptoms of a deeper psychic disorder. They may be permanent or transitory, depending on the severity of the pathological context. Perversions such as kleptomania and fetishism are considered to be symptoms of the phallic-narcissistic stage. Perversions express conflicts on the libidinal level and among the ego, superego, and ego ideal concerning the affirmation of narcissistic power. The defense mechanisms brought into play are denigrations of the impossibilities of incest and the differences of sex and generation, and the superego is expressed in a confused and obscure way. It is concluded that the fetish is a symbolic expression of the 'maternal phallus,' an innately confusing expression of power." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cha83] Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, 1983
Perversion and the universal law
In: International Review of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 10, 1983, pp. 293-301
[Cha83a] Charme, S.L., 1983
Religion and the Theory of Masochism
In: Journal of Religion & Health, Vol. 22, No. 3, 1983, pp. 221-233
[Cle83] Clerk, Gabrielle, 1983
Pour une lecture nouvelle du fétichisme
(Toward a new reading of fetishism)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 321-324
Language: French
Abstract:  "Although the author recognizes the phallic aspects of fetishism, she presents a new perspective on this variety of perversion. It is suggested that the expressed desire of the fetishist is to cling to the maternal figure, to symbolically reenter the womb and remain united with the mother. It is contended that the fetish is a substitute or symbol of that desire, and the phallic overtones of the fetish are actually secondary effects." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Col83] Coloço Belmonte, J.A.F., 1983
Typen van Masochisme; een oriėnteerend overzicht
In: Modern Medicine, 1983, pp. ?-?
Language: Dutch
[CP83] Chalkley, A. / Powell, G.E., 1983
The clinical description of forty-eight cases of sexual fetishism
In: The British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 142, 1983, pp. 292-295
Abstract:  "Surveyed the discharge register of a London teaching hospital over 20 yrs to collect data on its 48 cases of clinical sexual fetishism. An attempt was made to identify the clinical problems these patients present and the classification that fetishism describes. Ss' clinical problems had more to do with the perception of fetishes as personally or socially unacceptable than with objective restrictions placed on sexual activity. Ss ranged in age from 12 to 59 yrs. All but 1 were male; the only woman was a homosexual. 16 Ss had additional psychiatric classifications that included paranoid schizophrenia, depression, and sexual dysfunction. 20% or more of Ss had fetishes for clothes or rubber or rubber items, or wore or stole a fetish or fetishes. Few generalities can be made from these data." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Die83] Dieckmann, Bernhard, 1983 (Doctoral thesis)
Devianz und Literatur: ein Beitrag zur Theorie abweichenden Sexualverhaltens am Beispiel Sades und des Sadismus
School: Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
Language: German
[Ems83] Emson, H.E., 1983
Accidental hanging in autoeroticism: An unusual case occurring outdoors
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1983, pp. 337-340
[Eve83] Everaerd, Walter, 1983
A case of apotemnophilia: A handicap as sexual preference
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 37, No. 2, 1983, pp. 285-293
Abstract:  "Reviews the literature on the few cases of reported apotemnophilia (in which patients wished to have part of their healthy body amputated or wished to have sex with someone who had an amputation) and presents the case of a 65-yr-old man with a desire for amputation. S appeared to have a fetish for peg legs and for homosexual relations with amputees. This desire began when he was 10 yrs old." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fai83] Fain, Michel, 1983
Realité du fétiche, realité de la castration
(Fetish, castration, and reality)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 325-332
Language: French
Abstract:  "Disagrees with a central point of A. Lussier's (→ Lus83, → Lus83a) essay on fetishism, which stressed the symbolic nature of the fetish, and argues that the fetish represents an active denial of the central conflict in the life of the fetishist. This conflict stems from a misperception of the difference between the sexes and leads to a deep-seated fear of castration, the denial of which is at the core of the fetish." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fou83] Foucault, Michel, 1983
Der Wille zum Wissen. Series: Sexualität und Wahrheit, Vol. 1
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Fri83] Friday, Nancy, 1983
Die sexuellen Phantasien der Männer
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[FSH83] Freund, Kurt / Scher, H. / Hucker, S., 1983
The courtship disorders
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 12, 1983, pp. 369-379
[FW83] Falk, Gerhard / Weinberg, Thomas S., 1983
Sadomasochism and Popular Western Culture
in: Weinberg, T. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S&M: Studies in Sadomasochism → WK83, pp. 137-144
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Amherst, N.Y.
[Gie83] Gieseler, Harald (ed.), 1983
Cool - Handbuch für Lederkerle
Publisher: Pink Rose Press, Berlin
Language: German
[Gir83] Girard, Claude, 1983
Ces perversions que je ne saurais voir ...
(Perversions I have never seen ...)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 350-356
Language: French
Abstract:  "Comments on a series of preceding articles on perversion, including A. Lussier's (→ Lus83, → Lus83a) analysis of the symbolism involved in fetishism and I. Barande and R. Barande's (→ BB83a) rejection of the concept of perversion. The present author argues that perversion is a compromise with prevailing morality and that the controversy over the description of perversion reflects differing views of what perversion represents. It is suggested that perversion involves oedipal conflicts, a desire for death, and an inability to identify sexually." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Goe83] Gödde, Günter, 1983
Masochismus und Moral: über das individuelle und konventionelle Verlangen nach Selbstaufgabe
Publisher: Europaverlag, Wien et al.
Language: German
[Gol83] Goldstein, I., 1983
Pain and Masochism
In: Journal of Value Inquiry, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1983, pp. 219-223
[Hae83] Haeberle, Erwin J., 1983
Die Sexualität des Menschen. Handbuch und Atlas.
Publisher: de Gruyter, Berlin, New York
Language: German
[Haw83] Hawton, Keith, 1983
Behavioural approaches to the management of sexual deviations
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 143, 1983, pp. 248-255
Abstract:  "In recent years, there has been a trend away from the suppression of sexual deviation and toward the management of such deviation in therapy. This trend reflects changes in social attitudes, especially with regard to homosexuality. There are 3 broad approaches to the behavioral management of deviant sexuality: procedures designed to implement a decrease in interest and behavior, techniques directed toward increasing nondeviant behavior, and management techniques. Methods for decreasing sexual interest include aversion therapy, covert sensitization, and self-regulation techniques. Methods for increasing nondeviant sexual behavior include positive conditioning (aversion relief, fading, orgasmic conditioning), systematic desensitization, treatment of sexual dysfunction, and methods for improving social skills. A general behavioral approach to the management of sexual deviance might follow the steps of assessment, negotiation of a contract, detailed behavioral analysis, identification of the initial focus of treatment, the treatment program, monitoring progress, and the duration of treatment. Examples are provided of clients treated for voyeurism, unwanted homosexual tendencies, and fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[HDB83] Hazelwood, Robert R. / Dietz, Park Elliott / Burgess, Ann Wolbert, 1983
Autoerotic Fatalities
Publisher: DC Heath & Co., Lexington
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[HHS83] Herron, Mary Jane / Herron, William G. / Schultz, Candace L., 1983
Sexual Dominance/Submission, Gender and Sex-Role Identification
In: Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 56, 1983, pp. 931-937
Notes:  Article based on → Her80.
Abstract:  "Sexual dominance/submission has commonly been depicted in bipolar constellations of dominance, male gender, and masculinity as opposed to submission, female gender, and femininity. The present study questioned these sex-typed clusters by exploring the relationship between sexual dominance/submission, gender, and sex-role identification as measured by the Personal Attributes Questionnaire. The subjects were 30 male dominants, 30 female dominants, 30 male submissives, and 30 female submissives, als self-identified and heterosexual. An interaction between sexual status and gender was significant using femininity as the dependent variable, and approached significance with masculinity as the dependent variable. In specific comparisons dominant persons were more masculine than submissive ones, but dominant males were also more feminine than dominant females and did not differ in femininity from submissive males. Submissive females were more feminine than dominant females. Submissive males and females did not differ in masculinity or femininity. Support is indicated for a model of interacting factors of sexual dominance/submission, gender, and masculinity/femininity, with different patterns for dominance and submission." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hoo83] , 1983
Lijden in lust. Onderzoek naar 14 jaar SM in de Nederlandse homporno.
Utrecht: Instituut voor Klinische Psychologie en Persoonlijkheidsleer (IKPP), skriptie
Language: Dutch
[HS83] Hurley, Anne D. / Sovner, Robert, 1983
Treatment of sexual deviation in mentally retarded persons
In: Psychiatric Aspects of Mental Retardation Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1983, pp. 13-16
Abstract:  "Presents case examples of 7-52 yr old mentally retarded Ss to demonstrate how behavior therapy can be used to correct problematic sexual behavior when the deviant behavior is strictly defined. It is shown how pedophilia, public masturbation, public disrobing, exhibitionism, and fetishism were corrected by response cost treatment, positive reinforcement and overcorrection, aversive conditioning, and in vivo desensitization. It is recommended that positive techniques be used before implementing more restrictive ones." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Jul83] Juliette (Pseud.), 1983
Autobiography of a Dominatrix
in: Weinberg, Thomas S. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S&M - Studies in Sadomasochism, pp. 87-93
Publisher: Prometheus Books, New York
[Kam83] Kamel, G.W. Levi, 1983
The Leather Career: On Becoming a Sadomasochist
in: Weinberg, T. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S&M: Studies in Sadomasochism → WK83, pp. 73-79
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Amherst, N.Y.
[Kam83a] Kamel, G.W. Levi, 1983
Toward a Sexology of Sadomasochism
in: Weinberg, T. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S&M: Studies in Sadomasochism → WK83, pp. 197-203
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Amherst, N.Y.
[Kel83] Keller-Husemann, Ursula, 1983
Destruktive Sexualität: Krankheitsverständnis und Behandlung der sexuellen Perversion
Publisher: Reinhardt, München et al.
Language: German
[Kha83] Khan, M. Masud R., 1983
Entfremdung bei Perversionen
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Kor83] Kore, Clea Elfi, 1983 (Doctoral thesis)
Decadence and the Feminine: The Case of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
School: Stanford University
Notes:  357 pages
[Kut83] Kutchinsky, Berl, 1983
Obscenity and Pornography: Behavioural Aspects.
in: Kadish, Sanford H. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice Vol. 3, pp. 1077-1086
Publisher: Free Press, New York
[KW83] Kamel, G.W. Levi / Weinberg, Thomas S., 1983
Diversity in Sadomasochism: Four S&M Careers
in: Weinberg, T. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S&M: Studies in Sadomasochism → WK83, pp. 113-128
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Amherst, N.Y.
[Let83] Letarte, Paulette, 1983
Les dessous d'un fétiche: le fétiche "porte-mere"
(The underside of a fetish: The mother image)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 364-375
Language: French
Abstract:  "Presents the case of a 24-yr-old male that illustrates the role of the mother-figure in the development of fetishes. The S, who had been abnormally slow to develop, was rejected by his mother and desired to flee the family. He developed fantasies and fetishes as a means of soothing his sense of isolation." (APA/PsycINFO)
[LG83] Aresin, Lykke / Günther, Erwin (ed.), 1983
Sexualmedizin: ein Leitfaden für Medizinstudenten
Publisher: VEB Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin
Language: German
[Loh83] Lohs, Margit, 1983
Frauen äußern ihre sexuellen Phantasien. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung zum sexuellen Verhalten studierender Frauen.
in: Lockot, Regine / Rosemeier, H.P. (ed.): Ärztliches Handeln und Intimität, pp. 126-142
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Lus83] Lussier, André, 1983
Les deviations du desir. Etude sur le fétichisme: I. Presentation du rapport
(The deviations of desire: A study of fetishism: I. Introduction)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 19-39
Language: French
Abstract:  "Discusses the function of fetishism in terms of the nature of desire and the choice of an object, the pleasure derived from it, and the symbolic aspect of the fetish. It is suggested that the fetish is a fixation for an object that has usurped the erotic aspect of the genital region of the opposite sex, implying a displacement of emotional investment. It is also argued that a true fetish is based on the representation of an unconscious idea rather than an instrumental object, but that many objects with unconscious sexual meanings do not represent fetishes." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lus83a] Lussier, André, 1983
Les déviations du désir. Etude sur le fétichisme: II. Rapport
(The deviations of desire: A study of fetishism: II. Analysis)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 41-142
Language: French
Abstract:  "Discusses the psychic structure of the fetishist in relation to Freud's writings on the topic and to the current literature. Several characteristics of the male fetishist are identified: an overwhelming identification with the mother figure, a tendency toward depression, a disposition toward homosexuality, hostility, separation anxiety and a desire to return to the mother, self-delusions, and a body fixation in which the fetish is necessary to physical well-being or a form of physical penance. These factors lead the fetishist into a state of semi-delirium, and the fetish becomes a protective device against further fragmentation of his personality. Sexuality and uncertainty play an overwhelming role in the fetishistic personality." (APA/PsycINFO)
[LW83] Lowry, T.P. / Williams, G., 1983
What homosexuals do; a study of two homosexual subcultures in California
In: British Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol. 102, No. 10, 1983, pp. 41-43
Abstract:  "Like heterosexual society, the gay world is not homogeneous, but consists of a variety of subcultures, each with its own set of dress codes. Social behaviors, speech patterns. Sexual preferences and ambiance. In this study, the authors compared the sexual behaviours, especially in the area of sadomasochism, of two different San Francisco areas: Castro Street and Folsom Street. The following generalisations describe the characteristics of the two neighbourhoods."
[Mas83] Mass, Lawrence, 1983
Coming to Grips with Sadomasochism
in: Weinberg, Thomas S. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S and M. Studies in Sadomasochism → WK83, pp. 45-56
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Amherst, N.Y.
[MC83] Malamuth, Neil M. / Check, James V.P., 1983
Sexual Arousal to Rape Depictions: Individual Differences
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 92, No. 1, 1983, pp. 55-67
[MC83a] Malamuth, Neil M. / Check, James V.P., 1983
Sex-Role Stereotyping and Reactions to Depictions of Stranger versus Acquaintance Rape
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 45, 1983
[McN83] McNeill, Elizabeth, 1983
Neun Wochen und drei Tage
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[MD83] Meyer, Jon K. / Dupkin, Carol, 1983
in: Fann, William Edwin (ed.): Phenomenology and Treatment of Psychosexual Disorders, pp. 13-22
Publisher: Spectrum Publications, Jamaica, NY
[Mit83] Mitscherlich, Alexander, 1983
Aus der Analyse eines Gummi-Fetischisten
(From the analysis of a rubber fetishist)
In: Psyche: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, Vol. 37, No. 10, 1983, pp. 867-904
Language: D, E abstract
Abstract:  "Reports an extensive case history of a fetishistic patient, taken from the estate of the late A. Mitscherlich. The patient had entered analysis in the early 1940's, was referred to Mitscherlich in 1948 by the colleague who had conducted the 1st phase of the treatment, and continued under Mitscherlich until 1952." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Moh83] Mohr, Jasper, 1983 (Doctoral thesis)
Verhaltensanalytische Studien zum Sadismus als Psychopathologie des Phänomens der Liebe
School: Universität Hamburg, Hamburg
Language: German
[MS+83] MacCulloch, M.J. / Snowden, P.R. / Wood, P.J.W. / Mills, H.E., 1983
Sadistic Fantasy, Sadistic Behaviour and Offending
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 143, 1983, pp. 20-29
Abstract:  "This paper explores the genesis of sadistic behaviour in men and its relationship to crime. Sixteen male special hospital patients, each with a diagnosis of psychopathic disorder, formed the basis of this descriptive study. In only three cases were the crimes explicable in terms of external circumstances and personality traits. The offences of the remaining 13 cases became comprehensible only when the offender's internal circumstances were explored: investigation revealed repetitive sadistic masturbatory fantasies which had spilled over into overt behaviour because the patients had felt impelled to seek and create increasingly dangerous in vivo 'try-outs' of their fantasies. The paper discusses the crucial link between sadistic fantasy and behaviour."
[Myn83] Mynard, Jacques, 1983
Perversité/perversions et de l'avantage de les differencier
(Perversity/perversion and the advantage of distinguishing between them)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 383-390
Language: French
Abstract:  "Reviews the controversy over the analytic description of perversion in relation to essays by A. Lussier (→ Lus83, → Lus83a) on the nature and function of fetishism and by I. Barande and R. Barande (→ BB83a) on the contradictions inherent in the concept of perversion. To accommodate both perspectives, the present author suggests a distinction between perversion - an attempt to recapture the pleasure of the infantile stage through the use of a compulsive object - and perversity - which stems from a conflict in sexual identity and a straining toward death." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Nac83] Nachin, Claude, 1983
Contribution a la metapsychologie du fetichisme et des "perversions"
(A contribution to the metapsychology of fetishism and "perversions")
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 391-395
Language: French
Abstract:  "Discusses the nature of perversion in relation to clinical material and to the perspectives of a variety of other writers on the topic. It is suggested that the roots of perversion in a metapsychological sense reflect a mixture of joy and suffering, a filial instinct, dependence, and a desire for submission - a confused tangle of desires that cannot help but find expression in an 'extra-normal' fashion." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pie83] Pierrejouan, Christian, 1983
Publisher: Bruno Gmünder
Language: German
[Pri83] Price, R.M., 1983
Masochism and Piety
In: Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1983, pp. 161-166
[Roq83] Roquelaure, Anne (Anne Rice), 1983
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty
Publisher: Dutton, New York
[SC83] Smith, H. / Cox, C., 1983
Dialogue with a Dominatrix
in: Weinberg, Thomas S. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S&M: Studies in Sadomasochism, pp. 80-86
Publisher: Prometheus Books, New York
[Sco83] Scott, Gini Graham, 1983
Dominant Women - Submissive Men: An Exploration in Erotic Dominance and Submission
Publisher: Praeger Publishers, New York
[Sel83] Sellers, Terence, 1983
The Correct Sadist: The Memoirs of Angel Stern
Publisher: Vitriol Pubs., New York
[Sor83] Sorayama, Hajime, 1983
Sexy Robot
Publisher: Genko-sha Publishing Co.
[SS83] Schellmann, Burghard / Scheithauer, Richard, 1983
Tödliche autoerotische Unfälle
In: Archiv für Kriminologie, Vol. 171, 1983, pp. 20-25
Language: German
[SST83] Snitow, Ann / Stansell, Christine / Thompson, Sharon (ed.), 1983
The Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality
Publisher: Monthly Review Press, New York
[Tan83] Tannahill, Reay, 1983
Kulturgeschichte der Erotik
Publisher: Ullstein Verlag, Frankfurt am Main et al.
Language: German
[Tow83] Townsend, Larry, 1983
The Leatherman's Handbook II
Publisher: Modernismo, New York
[Vis83] Visser, D., 1983
Vormen van Sado-Masochisme: onderzoeksresultaten. Deel I.
Publisher: Instituut voor Klinische Psychologie en Persoonlijkheidsleer (IKPP), Utrecht
Language: Dutch
[WB83] Wesselius, Cassie L. / Bally, Ralph, 1983
A male with autoerotic asphyxia syndrome
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1983, pp. 341-345
[WK83] Weinberg, Thomas S. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.), 1983
S and M - Studies in Sadomasochism
Publisher: Prometheus Books, New York
[WK83a] Weinberg, Thomas S. / Kamel, G.W. Levi, 1983
S&M: An Introduction to the Study of Sadomasochism
in: Weinberg, T. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S&M: Studies in Sadomasochism → WK83, pp. 17-24
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Amherst, N.Y.
[Zav83] Zavitzianos, George, 1983
Les fétiches de la phase phallique
(Fetishes of the phallic stage)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 425-430
Language: French
Abstract:  "Describes a type of fetishism that does not correspond to the classic definition given by Freud. The fetish is largely homosexual in content and involves an item of distinctly masculine character, such as a military uniform or athletic equipment. It becomes a representation of the father's penis, identifying the fetishist with all that is powerful and masculine. This extends to a fear of castration, in which the denial of the penis-less mother becomes a denial of the female role in sexuality. This phenomenon has also been noted in women, reflected in an overidentification with the masculine figure that leads to a denial of their own female identity. This type of fetishism is considered a sort of transvestism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Zuc83] Zuckerman, Marvin, 1983
A Biological Theory of Sensation Seeking
in: Zuckerman, Marvin (ed.): Biological Bases of Sensation Seeking, Impulsivity and Anxiety, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ
[Bru83] Brunt, E., 1983, 19.2.
De Feministische Paradox: de strijd tegen de vanille-sex
In: Haagse Post, 1983, 19.2., pp. ?-?
Language: Dutch
[AH84] Abramson, Paul R. / Hayashi, Haruo, 1984
Pornography in Japan: Cross-Cultural and Theoretical Considerations
in: Malamuth, Neil / Donnerstein, Edward (ed.): Pornography and Sexual Aggression, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Academic Press, Orlando
[Ano84] Anonymous (ed.), 1984
Flagellanten: Darstellungen aus 3 Jahrhunderten
Publisher: DMK GmbH, Nürnberg
Language: German
[APA84] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1984
Diagnostisches und statistisches Manual psychischer Störungen DSM-III
Publisher: Beltz, Weinheim
Language: German
[Ari84] Ariès, Ph. u.a. (ed.), 1984
Die Masken des Begehrens und die Metamorphosen der Sinnlichkeit - Zur Geschichte der Sexualität im Abendland
Publisher: MISSING, Frankfurt/Main
Language: German
[Auf84] Aufmuth, U., 1984
Von großer Qual und großer Lust - das Körpererleben des Alpinisten
in: Klein, M. (ed.): Sport und Körper, pp. 89-105
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Aus84] Austin, Roy L., 1984
S and M: Studies in Sadomasochism
In: Sociology and Social Research, Vol. 69, No. 1, 1984, pp. 164
[Bar84] Bartky, Sandra L., 1984
Feminine Masochism and the Politics of Personal Transformation
In: Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1984, pp. 323-334
[Bej84] Béjin, A., 1984
Niedergang der Psychoanalytiker, Aufstieg der Sexologen
in: Ariès, Ph. u.a. (ed.): Die Masken des Begehrens und die Metamorphosen der Sinnlichkeit - Zur Geschichte der Sexualität im Abendland, pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING, Frankfurt/Main
Language: German
[Bel84] Bellos, Linda, 1984
For lesbian sex, against sado-masochism
in: Kanter, Hannah / Lefanu, Sara / Shah, Shaila / Spedding, Carole (ed.): Sweeping statements: Writings from the women's liberation movement, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Women's Press, London
[Ber84] Berkowitz, L., 1984
Some effects of thoughs on anti- and prosocial influences of media events: A cognitive-neoassociation analysis
In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 95, 1984, pp. 410-427
[Boe84] Böhme, H., 1984
"Beim Glockenschlag des Wahnsinns schlagen die Stunden der Venus" - Marquis de Sade
in: Knödler-Bunte, E. / Ziehe, T. (ed.): Der sexuelle Körper: ausgeträumt?, pp. 183-198
Publisher: Ästhetik und Kommunikation, Berlin
Language: German
[Cap84] Caplan, Paula J., 1984
The Myth of Women's Masochism
In: American Psychologist, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1984, pp. 130-139
[Cap84a] Caplan, Paula J., 1984
Women in Distress
In: Psychology Today, Vol. , No. ?, 1984, pp. 10-?
[Car84] Card, Claudia, 1984
Sadomasochism and Sexual Preference
In: Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. 15, 1984, pp. 42-52
[Cas84] Caston, J., 1984
The Relation Between Masochism and Depression
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 32, No. 3, 1984, pp. 603-614
[Dav84] Davies, Terence, 1984
Halleluja Now
[Dia84] Diamond, Irene Q.L., 1984
American Feminism in the Age of the Body
In: Signs, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1984, pp. 119-125
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[DMK84] DMK-GmbH (ed.), 1984
Flagellanten: Darstellungen aus 3 Jahrhunderten
Publisher: S&K Ltd. / DMK-GmbH, Nürnberg und London
[DS84] Dannecker, Martin / Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.), 1984
Sexualtheorie und Sexualpolitik
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Eul84] Eulenburg, Albert, 1984
Sadism & Masochism - Algolagnia: the Psychology, Neurology and Physiology of Sadistic Love and Masochism
Publisher: Bell Publishing Company, New York
[Fra84] France, Marie, 1984
Sadomasochism and Feminism
In: Feminist Review, Vol. 16, 1984, pp. 35-42
[Fra84a] Francesconi, Hedy, 1984
Transvestitismus beim Mann
(Male transvestism)
In: Psyche: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, Vol. 38, No. 9, 1984, pp. 801-816
Language: German
Abstract:  "Discusses transvestism in connection with the treatment of a 25-yr-old male patient. Even though elements of fetishism (perversion) and addiction are discernible, transvestism should be etiologically distinguished from these. The function and meaning of cross-dressing are important. The latter is used to resolve the separation trauma of the symbiotic phase. The transvestite attempts to hold fast the mother within the transvestite act so as to control her. The transference relationship is complicated because of the intense aggression that normally is bound up and isolated within the perverse act." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fri84] Fritscher, Jack, 1984
Leather Blues - The Adventures of Denny Sargent
Publisher: Gay Sunshine, MISSING
Notes:  82 pages
[Ges84] Geschka, Christian, 1984 (Doctoral thesis)
Aspekte zur Behandlung abnormer Sexualität durch freiwillige Kastration und andere Behandlungsmethoden
School: Universität München
Language: German
[Gle84] Glenn, Jules, 1984
Psychic Trauma and Masochism
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1984, pp. 357-386
[Gle84a] Glenn, Jules, 1984
A Note on Loss, Pain, and Masochism in Children
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 32, No. 1, 1984, pp. 63-73
[Gos84] Gosselin, Christopher C., 1984
Fetishism, Sadomasochism and Related Behaviours
in: Howells, Kevin (ed.): The Psychology of Sexual Diversity, pp. 89-110
Publisher: Basil Blackwell, Oxford
Abstract:  From the chapter: "... deals primarily with two forms of statistically unusual but behaviourally related sex behaviour, namely fetishism and sadomasochism / emphasis is placed upon those variables which might provide clues as to why a proportion of males ... take so fervently to sexual patterns which appear inappropriate to the propagation of the species."
[GW84] Gosselin, Chris / Wilson, Glenn, 1984
Fetishism, sadomasochism and related behaviors
in: Howells, Kevin (ed.): The Psychology of Sexual Diversity → How84, pp. 89-110
Publisher: Blackwell, Oxford
[Hop84] Hopkins, Juliet, 1984
Role of trauma in foot and shoe fetishism: 6 year old girl
In: International Review of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1984, pp. 79-91
Notes:  Reprinted in Lubbe, Trevor (ed.): "The Borderline Psychotic Child" (2000) as "A case of foot and shoe fetishism in a 6-year-old girl".
Abstract:  "Presents the case study of a 6-yr-old girl with a foot and shoe fetish who was psychotic at first presentation to the clinic and believed herself to be a boy. In the course of her therapy, it emerged and was confirmed that she had been the victim of terrifying, life-threatening assaults by her father who had died before she was 4 yrs old. It seemed probable that she had an incestuous relationship with him. The defensive nature of S's psychotic illness and masculine identity is explored, and the possibility that her fetishism represented a reenactment of sexual trauma is considered. Treatment freed S from her presenting symptoms and enabled her to be moved from a special school to a school for normal children." (APA/PsycINFO)
[How84] Howells, Kevin (ed.), 1984
The Psychology of Sexual Diversity
Publisher: Blackwell, Oxford
Abstract:  From the jacket: "This book draws together the findings of psychological research into sexual diversity and assesses recent progress in our understanding of sexual 'deviance' and dysfunction.
As a ... summary of research into the topic, this book will be of particular interest to clinical psychologists and psychiatrists, and of practical value to all concerned with the study and treatment of those whose sexual behaviour causes problems for themselves or society."
[Kol84] Kolbe, Val, 1984 (Diploma thesis / Masters thesis)
Urban, Middle-Class Women and the Fashion of Corsetry in Nineteenth Century
School: University of Wisconsin
[Kra84] Kraemer, E.R., 1984
Functionalism and Masochism
In: Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 81, No. 11, 1984, pp. 727-728
[Lev84] Levin, B., 1984
Masochism in Art
In: About the House, Vol. 6, No. 11, 1984, pp. 12
[Mai84] Mains, Geoff, 1984
Urban Aboriginals - A Celebration of Leathersexuality
Publisher: Gay Sunshine, San Francisco
[Mal84] Maleson, F.G., 1984
The multiple meanings of masochism in psychoanalytic discourse
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1984, pp. 325-356
[MC84] Malamuth, Neil M. / Check, James P.V., 1984
Debriefing effectiveness following exposure to pornographic rape depictions
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 20, 1984, pp. 1-13
[MD84] Malamuth, Neil M. / Donnerstein, Edward (ed.), 1984
Pornography and Sexual Aggression
Publisher: Academic Press, Orlando
[Mon84] Money, John, 1984
Paraphilias: Phenomenology and classification
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1984, pp. 164-179
Abstract:  "Discusses over 30 paraphilias (erotosexual conditions of being dependent on an unusual or unacceptable stimulus in order to initiate arousal and orgasm) and subdivides these paraphilias into 6 categories on the basis of their phenomenological dynamics: (1) sacrificial paraphilias, in which one or both partners must atone for the wicked act through penance or sacrifice; (2) predatory paraphilias, including rape; (3) mercantile paraphilias, in which the illusion of prostitution is created; (4) fetish paraphilias; (5) eligibility paraphilias, in which the partner must meet some physical or social criterion; and (6) allurement paraphilias, in which some more or less extraneous ritual (such as exhibitionism or making erotic telephone calls) replaces genital intercourse. The author introduces the concept of the 'lovemap,' which is usually manifested as the innate desire for standard heterosexual intercourse. However, when the normal heterosexual play and sexual rehearsal of childhood are hampered by too much prohibition or punishment, the standard heterosexual lovemap does not develop properly in the brain, and paraphilias may develop. For male paraphiliacs, especially those with hyperorgasmia, the most effective treatment may include counseling therapy as well as injections of medroxyprogesterone acetate." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mor84] Morgenthaler, Fritz, 1984
Homosexualität, Heterosexualität, Perversion
Publisher: Qumran, Frankfurt/M., Paris
Language: German
[Mor84a] Morgenthaler, Fritz, 1984
Perversionen als Ich-Leistung
in: Kentler, H. (ed.): Sexualwesen Mensch: Texte zur Erforschung der Sexualität, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
[Mos84] Moser, Charles, 1984
Dominant women - submissive men: An exploration in erotic dominance and submission (Book Review)
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 20, 1984, pp. 417-419
[Mos84a] Moser, Charles, 1984
"Against Sadomasochism - A Radical Feminist Analysis, by R.R. Linden, D.R. Pagano, D.E.H. Russell, S.L. Star
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1984, pp. 417-419
[Mos84b] Moser, Charles, 1984
S-and-M - Studies in Sadomasochism, by T. Weinberg, G.W.L. Kamel
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1984, pp. 417-419
[Nor84] Norman, John, 1984
Gor 7: Sklavin auf Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor84a] Norman, John, 1984
Gor 13: Die Erforscher von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor84b] Norman, John, 1984
Gor 14: Kampfsklave auf Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor84c] Norman, John, 1984
Gor 15: Der Schurke von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nun84] Nunes, Clara H., 1984
Transferencia nas perversoes
(Perversion transference)
In: Revista Brasileira de Psicanalise, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1984, pp. 197-206
Language: Portuguese
Abstract:  "Defines perversion as a sexual relationship in which the other is not regarded as a whole person. Freud considered 'perversion' as part of what passes for the normal constitution. Although Freud only mentioned fetishism, all perversions include disavowal, which should be distinguished from neurotic repression. Objects of perversion are transitional objects, and castration fear is the etiology of perversion. The psychoanalytic profession's particular vulnerability to manipulation by perverse analysands, due to some analysts' own perverse tendencies, is discussed. The clinical example of a perverted patient's attempts to involve his female analyst in his perverse sexual games illustrates this theme. The ritualistic aspect of perversion is also examined." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Obe84] Ober, William B., 1984
The sticky end of Frantisek Koczwara, composer of "The Battle of Prague"
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1984, pp. 145-149
[Pae84] Paėrl, B., 1984
Glad en glijdend
In: Rubber (Amsterdam, VSSM), 1984, pp. 6-18
Language: Dutch
[Pal84] Palys, T.S., 1984
A Content Analysis of Sexually Explicit Videos in British Columbia Series: Working Papers on Pornography and Prostitution, Vol. Report No. 15
Publisher: Department of Justice, Ottawa
[Plu84] Plummer, Kenneth, 1984
Sexual diversity: a sociological perspective
in: Howells, Kevin (ed.): The Psychology of Sexual Diversity (→ How84, pp. 219-253
Publisher: Blackwell, Oxford
[Pre84] Preston, John, 1984
I Once Had a Master and Other Tales of Erotic Love
Publisher: Alyson, Boston
[QCU84] Quinsey, Vernon L. / Chaplin, Terry C. / Upfold, Douglas, 1984
Sexual Arousal to Nonsexual Violence and Sadomasochistic Themes Among Rapists and Non-Sex-Offenders
In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 52, No. 4, 1984, pp. 651-657
Abstract:  "Twenty heterosexual rapists, 10 non-sex-offender patients from the same maximum security psychiatric institution, and 10 men with low socioeconomic status recruited from the local community were presented with audiotaped narrations while their penile tumescence was measured. The story categories were as follows: female victim/partner (neutral situation, consenting sex, rape, nonsexual violence, consenting bondage and spanking) and male victim/partner (neutral situation, consenting sex, rape, and nonsexual violence). There were no differences between the two non-sex-offender groups, and they were combined. Rapists showed more sexual arousal to rape depictions and less to consenting sex stories than the control subjects. As predicted, rapists were sexually aroused by stories involving nonsexual violence with female but not male victims. Surprisingly, there were no differences between rapists and control subjects in their responsiveness to the spanking and bondage stories. It was concluded that the amount of violence in the rape descriptions is critical in differentiating rapists from non-sex-offenders."
[RB84] Rapaport, Karen / Burkhart, Barry R., 1984
Personality and Attitudinal Characteristics of Sexually Coercive College Males
In: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 93, No. 2, 1984, pp. 216-221
[Roq84] Roquelaure, Anne (Anne Rice), 1984
Beauty's Punishment
Publisher: Dutton, New York
[Rub84] Rubin, Gayle S., 1984
Thinking Sex
in: Vance, Carol (ed.): Pleasure and Danger, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Routledge & Kegan, Paul, New York
[Sco84] Scoville, J.W., 1984
Sexual Domination Today: Sado-masochism and Domination-submission
Publisher: Irvington, New York
[Sha84] Shainess, Natalie, 1984
Sweet Suffering: Woman as Victim
Publisher: Bobbs-Merrill, New York
Notes:  See also Paula Caplan's review in → Cap84a.
[Sig84] Sigusch, Volkmar, 1984
Die Mystifikation des Sexuellen
Publisher: Campus, Frankfurt/M., New York
Language: German
[Sil84] Silverstein, C., 1984
The ethical and moral implications of sexual classification: A commentary
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1984, pp. 29-37
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Siv84] Sivaloganathan, S., 1984
Aqua-eroticum - A Case of Auto-Erotic Drowning
In: Medicine, Science and the Law, Vol. 24, No. 4, 1984, pp. 300-302
[SKG84] Sigusch, Volkmar / Klein, Ingrid / Gremliza, Hermann (ed.), 1984
Sexualität konkret
Publisher: Neuer Konkret Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[Sla84] Slade, J.W., 1984
Violence in the hard-core pornographic film: A historical survey
In: Journal of Communication, Vol. 34, 1984, pp. 148-163
[SP84] Silverstein, Charles / White, Edmund, 1984
Die Freuden der Schwulen: ein Handbuch zum Leben und Lieben
Publisher: Bruno Gmünder, Berlin
Language: German
[Sta84] Stanley, Liz (ed.), 1984
The Diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian Maidservant
Publisher: Virago Press, London
Abstract:  Hannah Cullwick (1833-1909), servant and self-named slave, lived for many decades with upper-class gentleman A.J. Munby whom she called "Massa". Today we would recognize the relationship as based on a master/slave element. See also → Hud72 for his diaries.
[Stu84] Studlar, Gaylyn, 1984
Masochism and the Perverse Pleasures of the Cinema
In: Quarterly Review of Film and Video, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1984, pp. 267-282
Notes:  Also published in "Movies and Methods" (ed. Bill Nichols), University of California Press, 1985, pp. 602-621.
[Sup84] Suppe, Frederick, 1984
Classifying Sexual Disorders: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatrical Association
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1984, pp. 9-28
Abstract:  "The objectivity of the classification of sexual disorders in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-III) of the American Psychiatric Association is explored via a critical examination of (1) the replacement of homosexuality per se by ego-dystonic homosexuality, (2) DSM's working concept of a mental disorder, (3) the notion of a paraphilia, (4) components of sexual identity, and (5) the literature on variant sexual behaviors. It is argued that (a) the same criteria that led to the removal of homosexuality per se as a mental disorder require the removal of all the paraphilias per se, (b) there is no empirical warrant to justify their continued inclusion, and (c) while there is legitimacy for a generalized ego-dystonic category, such ego-dystonias are only incidentally sexual. It is suggested that the present classification of sexual disorders is merely the codification of social mores."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Top84] Topor, Roland, 1984
Die Masochisten
Publisher: Kiepenheuer und Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[Tre84] Treut, Monika, 1984
Die grausame Frau
Publisher: Stroemfeld / Roter Stern, Basel und Frankfurt
Language: German
Notes:  252 pages
[TS+84] Thibault, Robert / Spencer, Jerry D. / Bishop, John W. / Hibler, Neil, 1984
An Unusual Autoerotic Death: Asphyxia with an Abdominal Ligature
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 29, 1984, pp. 679-684
[VBS84] Voth, H.M. / Benedek, E. / Shainess, N., 1984
Is there a relationship between pornography and sexual violence?
In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 18, No. 8, 1984, pp. 62-74
[VSSM84] , 1984
Homo en SM
Vereniging Studiegroep Sado-Masochisme (VSSM), Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
[Win84] Winkler, Gerd, 1984
John Willie. Der de Sade des Comic-strips
In: Comic-Forum, Vol. 24, 1984, pp. 57-67
Language: German
[WWM84] Weinberg, Martin S. / Williams, Colin J. / Moser, Charles, 1984
The Social Constituents of Sadomasochism
In: Social Problems, Vol. 31, No. 4, 1984, pp. 379-389
Abstract:  "Traditional conceptions of sadomasochism are misleading. This is because they are not based on close examination of what the majority of SM participants actually do and how they interpret their own behaviors. Over a period of eight years, we interviewed a variety of SM participants and observed their behavior in many different settings. We found that sadomasochism was constituted by five social features: dominance and submission, role playing, consensuality, a sexual context, and mutual definition. These features formed the basis for the interpretation of behaviors and experiences as SM by participants. This focus permits a sociological model of the phenomena which avoids the limitations of more traditional conceptions."
[Zel84] Zeller, N., 1984
Der Duft der Bayerischen Lederhose. Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte der "Kurzen Wichs".
In: Toy, Vol. 39, 1984, pp. 4-9
Language: German
[AFG85] Arndt, W. / Foehl, J. / Good, F., 1985
Specific sexual fantasy themes: A multidimensional study
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 48, 1985, pp. 472-480
[Apo85] Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1985
Die elftausend Ruten
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz, München
Language: German
Notes:  XXXIV/223 pages, German translation of → Apo06 by Rudolf Wittkopf and Lothar Klünner.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ban85] Bancroft, John, 1985
Grundlagen und Probleme menschlicher Sexualität
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Human Sexuality and its Problems" by Bernhard Strauß with a foreword by Gunter Schmidt.
[BEL85] Breslow, Norman / Evans, Linda / Langley, Jill, 1985
On the Prevalence and Roles of Females in the Sadomasochistic Subculture: Report of an Empirical Study
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 14, 1985, pp. 303-317
Abstract:  "Tested the theoretical and clinical assumption that females do not exist in the sadomasochistic (SM) subculture, or exist in such small numbers as to make analysis impossible, through responses from questionnaires placed in 2 publications that cater to sadomasochists and additional questionnaires mailed to advertisers whose ads appeared in a sadomasochistic contact magazine. Of 182 individuals who responded, 130 were males, and 52 were females, indicating a meaningful female presence in the subculture (...)"
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Ben85] Benjamin, Jessica, 1985
Herrschaft - Knechtschaft: Die Phantasie von der erotischen Unterwerfung
in: Snitow, A. / Stansell, C. / Thompson, S. (ed.): Die Politik des Begehrens: Sexualität, Pornographie und neuer Puritanismus in den USA, pp. 89-117
Publisher: Rotbuch, Berlin
Language: German
[Ben85a] Benjamin, Jessica, 1985
Die Fesseln der Liebe: Zur Bedeutung der Unterwerfung in erotischen Beziehungen
In: Feministische Studien, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1985, pp. 10-33
Language: German
Notes:  Probably German translation of → Ben80.
[Cap85] Caplan, Paula J., 1985
The Myth of Women's Masochism
Publisher: E.P. Dutton, New York
[Car85] Caraco, Albert, 1985
Das Reich der Sinne: Supplement zur "Psychopathia sexualis" Series: Debatte, Vol. 16
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz, München
Language: German
Notes:  239 pages with illustrations. Translation of → Car83 by Isabel Matthes.
[Cha85] Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, 1985
Creativity and Perversion
Publisher: Norton, New York
[Coe85] Coen, Stanley J., 1985
Perversion as a solution to intrapsychic conflict
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 33, 1985, pp. 17-57
[Cop85] Copi, 1985
Der Krieg der Samba
Publisher: Albino, Berlin
Language: German
[Dia85] Diana, L., 1985
The Prostitute and her Clients
Publisher: Thomas, Springfield, IL
[Far85] Farren, Mick, 1985
The Black Leather Jacket
Publisher: Abbeville, New York
[GC85] Gilman, S.L. / Chamberlain, E. (ed.), 1985
Degeneration: The Dark Side of Progress
Publisher: Columbia University Press, New York
[Gil85] Gilman, S.L., 1985
Difference and Pathology. Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness.
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y.
[Gre85] Greif, A.C., 1985
Masochism in the Therapist
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 72, No. 3, 1985, pp. 491-501
[Gro85] Grof, Stanislav, 1985
Beyond the Brain. Birth, death, and transcendence in psychotherapy
Publisher: State University of New York Press, New York
[Gro85a] Grob, C.S., 1985
Single case study: female exhibitionism
In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 173, 1985, pp. 253-256
[Hae85] Haeberle, Erwin J., 1985
Sexuelle Minderheiten in San Francisco
in: Wulf, Christoph (ed.): Lust und Liebe, pp. 151-180
Publisher: Piper, München et al.
Language: German
[Hae85a] Haeberle, Erwin J., 1985
Die Sexualität des Menschen
2nd enlarged edition
Publisher: de Gruyter, Berlin
Language: German
[HH85] Herron, William G. / Herron, Mary Jane, 1985
Understanding Masochism
In: American Psychologist, Vol. 40, No. 5, 1985, pp. 570-571
[Hoh85] Hohmann, Joachim S., 1985
Sexualforschung und -aufklärung in der Weimarer Republik: eine Übersicht in Materialien und Dokumenten; mit einem Beitrag über den frühen Aufklärungsfilm.
Publisher: Foerster, Berlin, Frankfurt
Language: German
Notes:  300 pages
[HRA85] Hiss, Jehuda / Rosenberg, Sharon B. / Adelson, Lester, 1985
"Swinging in the park": An investigation of an autoerotic death
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1985, pp. 250-255
[HS+85] Haag, Antje / Schorsch, Eberhard / Galedary, Gerlinde / Hauch, Margret et al., 1985
Perverse Symptombildungen als Chiffren im diagnostischen Prozess
(Sexual perversions as diagnostic clues)
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 56, No. 7, 1985, pp. 373-378
Language: German
Abstract:  "Discusses 7 types of sexual perversions (exhibitionism before women or children, pedophilia, sadism involving women or children, voyeurism, obsene phone calls, fetishism) and hypothesizes that they represent significant clues to underying personality disorders and psychoses. The authors studied and treated 86 sexual perverts, half of whom were under mandatory referral to psychological counseling and two-thirds of whom had a police record for sexual offenses. The Ss' deviations are considered in the light of a corresponding psychopathy: demonstrations of manhood and sexual potency; escape from mature genitality; expressions of rage and hatred; outbreaks of hostility; filling of inner emptiness, and fulfillment of vicarious wishes. Two case histories illustrate the complexity of the function of the perversions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Huc85] Hucker, Stephen J., 1985
Self-Harmful Sexual Behavior
In: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1985, pp. 323-337
[Jef85] Jeffreys, Shiela, 1985
Sadomasochism: The Erotic Cult of Fascism
[Kel85] Kelman, Harvey, 1985
A fetishist's dream
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 54, No. 4, 1985, pp. 624-628
Abstract:  "Presents the case of a middle-aged male whose dream analysis suggests that the source of the idea of the maternal penis can be found in the genetic precursors of the fantasy of the phallic woman. Derivatives of the S's unconscious tendency toward parental fusion are discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ker85] Kernberg, Otto F., 1985
Ein konzeptuelles Modell zur männlichen Perversion
In: Forum Psychoanalyse, Vol. 1, 1985, pp. 167-188
Language: German
[Ker85a] Kerscher, Ignatz, 1985
Sexualtabus: Gesellschaftliche Perspektiven in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
in: Gindorf, Rolf / Haeberle, Erwin J. (ed.): Sexualität als sozialer Tatbestand. Theoretische und empirische Beiträge zu einer Soziologie der Sexualitäten., pp. ?-?
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York
Language: German
[Kla85] Kłanska, Maria, 1985 (Doctoral thesis)
Zur Thematisierung eines nationalen und politisch-sozialen Phänomens in deutschsprachiger Prosa zwischen 1846 und 1914
School: Uniwersytet Jagielloński Rozprawy Habilitacyjne
Language: German
[Kut85] Kutchinsky, Berl, 1985
Pornography and its effects in Denmark and the United States: A rejoiner and beyond.
In: Comparative Social Research, Vol. 8, 1985, pp. 301-330
[LG85] Llaboe, Gary P. / Guy, James D., 1985
Masochism and the Distortion of Servanthood
In: Journal of Psychology and Theology, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1985, pp. 255-262
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Mal85] Maldavsky, David, 1985
Sobre La Teoria Del Masoquismo Erogeno, Ochenta Anos Despues
In: Revista De Psicoanalisis, Vol. 42, No. 3, 1985, pp. 621-651
[Min85] Minyard, Frank, 1985
Wrapped to death: Unusual autoerotic death
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1985, pp. 151-152
Abstract:  "Despite the large population of New Orleans, including many homosexuals and transsexuals, there have been relatively few cases of autoerotic deaths. The case reported here is an interesting one as it includes a bizarre form of autoerotic behavior from the standpoint of the method used. There have been no deaths reported in the literature in which the victim died as a result of jeopardizing himself by enclosing his body into plastic with an airway out of his "cocoon" in the form of a snorkel tube. He was engaged in masturbation when he apparently lost his mouth piece or airway. He attempted to use a knife to cut himself out."
[Moe85] Möllering, M., 1985
Sexuelle Devianz und Pubertät
in: Nissen, Gerhardt (ed.): Psychiatrie des Pubertätsalters, pp. 113-125
Publisher: Huber, Stuttgart et al.
Language: German
[Mos85] Mosse, G.L., 1985
Nationalism and Sexuality. Respectability and Abnormal Sexuality in Modern Europe.
Publisher: Howard Fertig, New York
[Nor85] Norman, John, 1985
Gor 16: Der Leibwächter von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor85a] Norman, John, 1985
Gor 17: Die Wilden von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor85b] Norman, John, 1985
Gor 18: Die Blutsbrüder von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor85c] Norman, John, 1985
Gor 19: Kajira von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[NV85] Naerssen, A.X. van / Visser, Dick, 1985
S and M: Studies in Sadomasochism
In: Sociologische Gid, Vol. 32, No. 5-6, 1985, pp. 452-453
[Pag85] Pagh, Jorgen, 1985
Behovet for spęnding
Publisher: Juvelen, Bagsvęrd
Language: DK
Abstract:  "The Danish author points out the need for fictitious excitement in masochism. He uses the term 'fictitious' because he means that masochists scarcely are looking for real danger. The active sadomasochist brings the masochist into a border district where dangerous thing easily could happen. But the sadist guides the M safely through. The excitement, the uncertainty, the fright and the joy of terror is essential aspects. Maybe there can be constructed illutions like a scenic railway, in circus or in trick films. It feels and looks very dangerous, but it is in reality quite safe." (Svein Skeid)
[Res85] Restuccia, Frances L., 1985
Molly in Furs: Deleuzean/Masochian Masochism in the Writing of James Joyce
In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1985, pp. 101-116
[RG85] Russ, S.W. / Grossman-McKee, A., 1985
The Persisting Concept of Masochism in Women
In: American Psychologist, Vol. 40, No. 5, 1985, pp. 571
[Roq85] Roquelaure, Anne (Anne Rice), 1985
Beauty's Release
Publisher: Dutton, New York
[Sac85] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1985
Souvenirs: Autobiographische Prosa
Publisher: belleville, München
Language: German
[Sac85a] Sack, Rolf, 1985
Das Anstandsgefühl aller billig und gerecht Denkenden und die Moral als Bestimmungsfaktor der guten Sitten
In: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift, Vol. ?, 1985, pp. 761-769
Language: German
[Sch85] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1985
Sexuelle Perversionen
In: Medizin, Mensch, Gesellschaft, Vol. 10, 1985, pp. 253-260
Language: German
[Sch85a] Schiller, Gregory, 1985
S and M: Studies in Sadomasochism
In: Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1985, pp. 363
[Sel85] Sellers, Terence, 1985
Der korrekte Sadismus. Die Memoiren der Angel Stern.
Publisher: ikoo, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Sel83 by Monika Richters, 190 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[SI85] Sociologisch Instituut (ed.), 1985
De leerscene: Een onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van mannelijkheid
Publisher: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
[SST85] Snitow, Ann / Stansell, Christine / Thompson, Sharon (ed.), 1985
Die Politik des Begehrens. Sexualität, Pornographie und neuer Puritanismus in den USA
Publisher: Rotbuch, Berlin
Language: German
[Sto85] Stoller, Robert, 1985
Observing the Erotic Imagination
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
Abstract:  From the jacket: "In this book, Dr. Stoller suggests that similar elements are present in the erotic fantasies of both perverse and non-perverse people; we all construct 'a script, the principal purpose of which is to undo childhood traumas, conflicts, and frustrations by converting these earlier painful experiences to present (fantasized) triumphs.' To build these daydreams, says Stoller, we make use of mystery, risk-taking, revenge, and dehumanizing, or fetishizing. In the fantasies of almost everyone, hostility - a desire to humiliate - is a manifest or latent presence."
[Sto85a] Stoller, Robert J., 1985
La perversion y el deseo de danar
(Perversion and the desire to hurt)
In: Revista Uruguaya de Psicoanalisis, Vol. 64, 1985, pp. 5-38
Language: Spanish
Abstract:  "Examines whether or not perversion really exists based on diagnostic sources, and defines the concept according to Freudian psychoanalytic theory. Fetishes are described. The psychodynamics of perversion are explored, with emphasis on sex differences." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Stu85] Studlar, Gaylyn, 1985
Schaulust und masochistische Ästhetik
In: Frauen und Film, Vol. 39, 1985, pp. 15-35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SWR85] Shook, L.L. / Whittle, R. / Rose, E.F., 1985
Rectal fist insertion: An unusual form of sexual behavior
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 6, 1985, pp. 319-324
[Val85] Valverde, Mariana, 1985
Sex, Power and Pleasure
Publisher: The Women's Press, Toronto
[Vis85] Visser, D., 1985
Interviews met sadomasochistische mannen en vrouwen. Onderzoeksresultaten, Deel II.
Publisher: Instituut voor Klinische Psychologie en Persoonlijkheidsleer (IKPP), Utrecht
Language: Dutch
[Vor85] van Vorsselen, L., 1985
Liefhebbers van SM en fascisme
in: Kolpa, R. et al. (ed.): Fascisme en homoseksualiteit, pp. 155-167
Publisher: SUA / De Woelrat, Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
[War85] Warren, Virginia L., 1985
Explaining Masochism
In: Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1985, pp. 103-129
[Wee85] Weeks, Jeffrey, 1985
Sexuality & Its Discontents: Meaning, Myths & Modern Sexualities
Publisher: Routledge, New York, NY
[Whe85] Wheeler, H., 1985
Pornography and Rape: A Feminist Perspective
in: Burgess, A.W. (ed.): Rape and Sexual Assault, pp. 374-412
Publisher: Garland, New York
[Wie85] Wiederholt, J.C., 1985
Deviantes Sexualverhalten: selten oder abnorm?
in: Eicher, W. (ed.): Praktische Sexualmedizin, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Medical Tribune, Wiesbaden
Language: German
[Win85] Winick, C., 1985
A content analysis of sexually explicit magazines sold in an adult bookstore
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 21, 1985, pp. 206-210
[Wis85] Wise, Thomas N., 1985
Fetishism - Etiology and Treatment: A Review from Multiple Perspectives
In: Comprehensive Psychiatry, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1985, pp. 249-257
Abstract:  "Asserts that fetishism, defined as the obligate need for inanimate or part objects for sexual arousal, may be viewed from multiple perspectives. Sociocultural, biological, psychodynamic, and behavioral issues may all contribute to its etiology. Although psychoanalytic investigations offer much data to explain fetishism, behavioral treatments have been primarily reported as a treatment approach. Problems remain, however, in understanding the natural clinical course, etiology, and best treatment for this paraphilia. Associated behaviors have been reported to include other impulsive symptoms such as kleptomania and the coexistence of borderline personality organizations. In a minority of cases, temporal-lobe dysfunction may account for the fetish and thus provide a rationale for treatment with anticonvulsant medication." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Wul85] Wulf, Christoph (ed.), 1985
Lust und Liebe: Wandlungen der Sexualität
Publisher: Piper, München et al.
Language: German
[Cal85] Califia, Pat, 1985, 3.9.
See No Evil: An Update on the Feminist Antipornography Movement
In: The Advocate, 1985, 3.9., pp. 35-39
[Ang86] Angermann, Ingrid, 1986
Sadomasochistische Partnerbeziehung: Wer kann meinem Patienten weiterhelfen?
(Sadomasochistic relationship: Who can help my patient?)
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 10, 1986, pp. 492-495
Language: German
[Ano86] Anonymous, 1986
Publisher: Odörfer, Nürnberg
Language: German
[AO86] Ardill, Susan / O'Sullivan, Sue, 1986
Upsetting an applecart: Difference, desire and lesbian sadomasochism
In: Feminist Review, Vol. 23, 1986, pp. 31-58
[Bau86] Baumeister, Roy F., 1986
Identity: Cultural change and the struggle for self
Publisher: Oxford University Press, New York
[Bei86] Beinstein, Krista, 1986
Obszöne Frauen
Publisher: Promedia, Wien
Language: German
Notes:  143 pages, with an essay by Monika Treut
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BEL86] Breslow, Norman / Evans, Linda / Langley, Jill, 1986
Comparisons Among Heterosexual, Bisexual and Homosexual Male Sado-Masochists
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1986, pp. 83-107
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Ber86] Berg, Andre, 1986
Mademoiselle Sade
Publisher: Visual Books, Milano
[Ber86a] Berg, Tormod, 1986
Narcissus: Herre/Knekt i Hverandres Speilbilde
In: Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1986, pp. 152-160
Language: Norwegian
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[BRS86] Blanchard, Ray / Racansky, I.G. / Steiner, Betty W., 1986
Phallometric detection of fetishistic arousal in heterosexual male cross-dressers
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1986, pp. 452-462
Abstract:  "Examined whether an erotic response to cross-dressing fantasies could be detected in heterosexual male cross-dressers (HCDs) who verbally denied any erotic arousal in association with cross-dressing for at least the past year. Ss were 37 HCD patients (mean age range 29.1-36.2 yrs) and 10 heterosexual controls (mean age 23 yrs). HCDs were divided into groups according to their response to a questionnaire item asking the proportion of occasions that cross -dressing was erotically arousing during the past year. Penile blood volume was monitored while Ss listened to descriptions of cross-dressing and sexually neutral activities. All HCD groups responded significantly more to cross -dressing than to neutral narratives. It is suggested that only those causal hypotheses of heterosexual cross-dressing that also account for the presence of fetishism need to be considered." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cap86] Caplan, Paula J., 1986
Frauen sind keine Masochisten. Das Ende eines Vorurteils.
Publisher: Benziger, Zürich, Köln
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Cap85.
[Cap86a] Caplan, Paula J., 1986
Women as Targets - Authors Comment on Review by Johnstin, Jill of the 'Myth of Women's Masochism
In: New York Times Book Review, 1986, pp. 33
[Cau86] Cautela, Joseph R., 1986
Behavioral analysis of a fetish: First interview
In: Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1986, pp. 161-165
Abstract:  "Presents a transcript of a therapy session with a 31-yr-old male who became aroused when he thought about boys' feet. The transcript illustrates how behavioral analysis and therapy are constant coexisting processes and how the S was shaped into cooperating with likely treatment procedures. Some therapeutic suggestions are offered, such as pointing out the aversive consequences of engaging in the overt and covert maladaptive behaviors." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cha86] Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, 1986
Kreativität und Perversion
Publisher: Nexus, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Cha85.
[Dai86] Daiber, Hans, 1986
Ein Kapitel aus der Naturgeschichte der Menschheit: Aufklärer im Pelz. Neue Bücher von und über Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch zum 150. Geburtstag
In: Die Zeit (Hamburg), Vol. 5, 1986, pp. 50
Language: German
[DHH86] Dietz, Park Elliott / Harry, Bruce / Hazelwood, Robert R., 1986
Detective Magazines: Pornography for the Sexual Sadist?
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 1, 1986, pp. 197-211
Abstract:  "The origins of detective magazines can be traced to 17th and 18th century crime pamphlets and to 19th century periodicals that Lombroso called 'really criminal newspapers.' Content analysis of current detective magazines shows that their covers juxtapose erotic images with images of violence, bondage, and domination; that their articles provide lurid descriptions of murder, rape, and torture; and that they publish advertisements for weapons, burglary and car theft tools, false identification, and sexual aids. Six case histories of sexual sadists illustrate the use of these magazines as a source of fantasy material. We postulate that detective magazines may contribute to the development of sexual sadism, facilitate sadistic fantasies, and serve as training manuals and equipment catalogs for criminals. We recommend that detective magazines be considered during policy debates about media violence and pornography."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Dij86] Dijkstra, Bram, 1986
Idols of Perversity: Fantasies of Feminine Evil in Fin-de-Siècle Culture
Publisher: Oxford University Press, New York
[Dis86] Diski, Jenny, 1986
Nothing Natural
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, New York
[EHJ86] Ehrenreich, Barbara / Hess, Elizabeth / Jacobs, Gloria, 1986
The Lust Frontier: From Tupperware to Sadomasochism
in: ? (ed.): Re-Making Love: The Feminization of Sex, pp. 103-133
Publisher: Anchor Press/Doubleday, New York
[Ehr86] Ehrenreich, Barbara, 1986
The Lust Frontier: From Tupperware to Sadomasochism
in: Ehrenreich, Barbara (ed.): Remaking Love: The Feminization of Sex, pp. 119-?
Publisher: Anchor Press/Doubleday, New York
[ER86] Elam, A.L. / Ray, V.G., 1986
Sexually Related Trauma: A Review
In: Annals of Emergency Medicine, Vol. 15, 1986, pp. 576-584
[Gal86] Galenson, E., 1986
The Precursors of Masochism - Protomasochism
In: Integrative Psychiatry, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1986, pp. 266-267
[Gri86] Grimme, Matthias T.J. (ed.), 1986
Käufliche Träume. Erfahrungen mit Pornografie
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Gro86] Grossman, William I., 1986
Notes on Masochism: A Discussion of the History and Development of a Psychoanalytic Concept
In: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 55, No. 3, 1986, pp. 379-413
[Gud86] Gudjonsson, Gisli H., 1986
Sexual variations: Assessment and treatment in clinical practice
In: Sexual and Marital Therapy, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1986, pp. 191-214
Abstract:  "Presents empirical data on the most common sexual variations, their assessment, and treatment. Types of variations considered include exhibitionism, fetishism, homosexuality, incest, pedophilia, rape, sadism and masochism, transsexualism, transvestism, voyeurism, and elderly sex offenders. It is reported that evidence with respect to the nature of sexual variations is growing rapidly and has been accompanied by the development of more sophisticated assessment methods and innovative treatment packages. It is concluded that the outcome of treatment studies is often difficult to evaluate and more information is needed about the type of patients who benefit from different techniques, or a combination of techniques, and under what conditions treatment is most effective." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Hei86] Heider, Ulrike (ed.), 1986
Sadomasochisten, Keusche und Romantiker: Vom Mythos neuer Sinnlichkeit
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Her86] Hertoft, P., 1986
Funktionelle Sexualstörungen und sexuelle Deviationen
in: Kisker, K.P. (ed.): Psychiatrie der Gegenwart 1, 3rd edition, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Springer, Berlin et al.
Language: German
[HL86] Heilbrun, Alfred B. / Loftus, M.P., 1986
The Role of Sadism and Peer Pressure in the Sexual Aggression of Male College Students
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 22, No. 3, 1986, pp. 320-332
[Ker86] Kernberg, Otto F., 1986
A Conceptual Model for Male Perversion
in: Fogel, G.I. et al. (ed.): The psychology of men: New psychoanalytic perspectives, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
[Kle86] Klein, Marguerite P., 1986
The value of transference in the treatment of a fetishist
In: Issues in Ego Psychology, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1986, pp. 17-24
Abstract:  "Presents the case report of a 32-yr-old male who began treatment at age 17 yrs. This case demonstrates the value of transference in the treatment of a fetishist. The S was diagnosed as a neurotic with depressive, paranoid, narcissistic features and paraphilia with fetishism and castration anxiety after 15 yrs of supportive treatment; analysis was suggested." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kon86] Michael-A. Konitzer, 1986
Das Reich von Sinnen: Die repräsentative Studie über die perversen Praktiken der Deutschen
In: Wiener, Vol. 9, 1986, pp. ?-?
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[KW86] Komisaruk, B.R. / Whipple, B., 1986
Vaginal stimulation-produced analgesia in rats and women
in: Kelly, D. (ed.): Stress Induced Analgesia, pp. 30-39
Publisher: New York Academy of Science, New York
[Leo86] Leonhard, K., 1986
Originaltitel unklar, etwa: Sadomasochismus und Träume bei Kafka
(Sadomasochism and dreams in the background of Kafka's poetry)
In: Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 38, No. 6, 1986, pp. 315-323
Language: German
Abstract:  "Kafka's detailed descriptions of individuals being physically and psychically tortured can only be understood when accepting a sado-masochistic background. On the other hand, the discrepancies and absurdities, appearing again and again in his poetic products, are due to his habit of taking dream and its illogical connections as a model. The specific feature of dream with its central and peripheral phenomena is often identifiable in Kafka's descriptions. Whether he intended to present symbols is uncertain."
[LeS86] Le Soldat, Judith, 1986
Zum Problem von Sadismus und Masochismus
In: Psyche, Vol. 7, 1986, pp. 617-639
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[LP86] Laplanche, Jean / Pontalis, Jean-Bertrand, 1986
Fantasy and the Origins of Sexuality
in: Burgin, Victor et al. (ed.): Formations of Fantasy, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Methuen, London
[Lyn86] Lyne, Adrian, 1986
9 1/2 Wochen
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mal86] Malamuth, Neil M., 1986
Predictors of Naturalistic Sexual Aggression
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 50, No. 5, 1986, pp. 953-962
[MCB86] Malamuth, Neil M. / Check, James V.P. / Briere, John, 1986
Sexual Arousal in Response to Aggression: Ideological, Aggressive and Sexual Correlates
In: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 50, No. 2, 1986, pp. 330-340
[McD86] McDougall, Joyce, 1986
Identifications, Neoneeds, and Neosexualities
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 67, 1986, pp. 19-31
[Mia86] Miale, Janet P., 1986 (Doctoral thesis)
An Initial Study of Nonclinical Practitioners of Sexual Sadomasochism
School: The Professional School of Psychological Studies, San Diego
[Mon86] Money, John, 1986
Lovemaps: Clinical Concepts of Sexual/Erotic Health and Pathology, Paraphilia, and Gender Transposition in Childhood, Adolescence and Maturity
Publisher: Irvington/Prometheus, New York
Abstract:  "Dr. John Money's groundbreaking 1985 book Lovemaps helped to change the medical conversation about sexual diversity - somewhat. A clinical sexologist at Johns Hopkins University since 1952, John Money argued that every human has a lovemap, an idiosyncratic and complex image of one's idealized lover and ideal romantic/sexual relationship. This lovemap develops like a native language from birth on, as a result of many different stimuli, including sensual input during infancy, early childhood 'sexuo-erotic rehearsal play,' relationships to parents and siblings, social pressure, and religious prohibition. (...) Unfortunately, Dr. Money then goes on to reinforce prejudices many people have about sexual misfits by lumping anyone who fails to conform to his notion of 'optimal' development - i.e. 'heterosexual without complexities' - together. Turkey Man, erotic piercing, and consensual S/M fall into the same diagnostic category as child molesters, self-mutilation, rape, and lust murder. He makes little distinction between people whose sex acts may be eccentric but are reasonable and consensual, and those whose desires and actions are criminal or dangerous. He describes only the most extreme cases, confirming our assumption that there is no such thing as a paraphile capable of observing limits to their behavior. He strengthens the prejudice that someone with an unusual sexual fantasy is automatically impaired in their ability to negotiate the difference between fantasy and reality." (Katherine Gates in → Gat00, p. 9)
[Nay86] Naylor, Bruce A., 1986
Sadomasochism in Children and Adolescents: A Contemporary Treatment Approach
In: Psychotherapy, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1986, pp. 586-592
Abstract:  "The nature and origins of sadomasochistic behavior in children are discussed in terms of psychoanalytic and social reinforcement theories. The child's search for intense emotional contact is seen as central. The optimum treatment of sadomasochistic behavior in children consists of an intense, corrective therapeutic experience utilizing variants of techniques such as mirroring, joining, reframing, restraining, refocusing, and use of countertransference reactions."
[ND+86] van Naerssen, A.X. / van Dijk, Mart / Hoogeveen, Geert / Visser, Dick / van Zessen, Gertjan, 1986
Gay SM in Pornography and Reality
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 13, No. 2-3, 1986, pp. 111-119
Abstract:  "A picture of SM interactions as depicted by pornographical issues of SM between 1974 and 1983 is presented by means of a correlational study of pornography. Actual SM scenarios are then compared with the depiction in magazines. The changes that have occurred over more than a decade reflected changes in the nature of violence and sexuality."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Pau86] Pauvert, Jean-Jacques, 1986
Une Innocence sauvage: 1740-1777 Series: Sade vivant, Vol. 1
Publisher: R. Laffont, Paris
Language: French
[Pla86] Playboy (Autor ungenannt), 1986
Interview: Ruth Westheimer
In: Playboy, Vol. 1, 1986, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Roh86] Rohde-Dachser, Christa, 1986
Ringen um Empathie - Ein Interpretationsversuch masochistischer Inszenierungen
In: Forum Psychoanalyse, Vol. , No. 2, 1986, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Sac86] Sacher-Masoch, Wanda von, 1986
Die Beichte der Dame im Pelz
Publisher: Moewig, Rastatt
Language: German
Notes:  347 pages. Unabridged reissue of → Sac06 with a preface by Michael Farin.
[Sch86] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1986
Die sexuellen Deviationen und sexuell motivierte Straftaten
in: Venzlaff, Ulrich (ed.): Psychiatrische Begutachtung; ein praktisches Handbuch für Ärzte und Juristen, 1st edition, pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING, Stuttgart/New York
Language: German
[Sch86a] Schorsch, Eberhard et al., 1986
Schutzengel der Hölle
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 11, 1986, pp. 562-?
Language: German
[Sch86b] Schneider, Monique, 1986
La Blessure, Le Couple et L'Autre Comme Objet
In: Psychoanalyse a L'Université, Vol. 11, No. 44, 1986, pp. 637-663
Language: French
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Sch86c] Schwarz, Beate, 1986 (Diploma thesis / Masters thesis)
Kunstverständnis und Zeitkritik bei Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. Versuch einer Ehrenrettung anhand ausgewählter Werke.
School: FEHLT, Fernwald
Language: German
Notes:  115 pages, typescript
[SG86] Simon, William / Gagnon, John H., 1986
Sexual Scripts: Performance and Change
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 2, 1986, pp. 97-120
[Sha86] Shainess, Nathalie, 1986
Masochism in a New Key
In: Integrative Psychiatry, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1986, pp. 267-269
[SN86] Sonderbo, K. / Nyfors, A., 1986
Skin lesions in sadomasochism
In: Dermatologica, Vol. 172, No. 4, 1986, pp. 196-200
Abstract:  "This paper presents the case of a 35-year-old man who consulted the department of venereology because of healing problems with some wounds caused by burning his skin perianally with cigarettes as part of a sexual satisfaction ritual. Knowledge of such lesions may be useful to physicians and social workers. Sadomasochism and 'offers' in the intimate-massage clinics in Copenhagen are surveyed."
[Sob86] Soble, A., 1986
Pornography, Marxism, Feminism and the Future of Sexuality
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven
[Spi86] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1986
Nadeln und Eier
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 1, 1986, pp. 122-?
Language: German
[Spi86a] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1986
Schwer hörig
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 5, 1986, pp. 184-?
Language: German
[Ung86] Ungerer, Tomi, 1986
Schutzengel der Hölle
Publisher: Diogenes, Zürich
Language: German
[Vis86] Visser, D., 1986
Med minder genoegen nemen. Aspecten van sado-masochisme.
Publisher: Anthos, Baarn
Language: Dutch
[Wal86] Walter, Hubert, 1986 (Doctoral thesis)
Zur Theorie der sexuellen Perversion: Genese, Psychodynamik und funktionale Bedeutung in der Sicht der Psychoanalyse
School: Freie Universität Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  318 pages
[Wei86] Weigend, Thomas, 1986
Über die Begründung der Straflosigkeit bei Einwilligung des Betroffenen
In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, Vol. 98, 1986, pp. 44-72
Language: German
[Wer86] Wertheimer, Jürgen (ed.), 1986
Ästhetik der Gewalt. Ihre Darstellung in Literatur und Kunst.
Publisher: Athenäum
Language: German
[Wil86] Wilson, Glenn D., 1986
Male-female differences in sexual activity, enjoyment and fantasies
In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. ?, No. ?, 1986, pp. ?-?
[ZB86] Zillmann, Dolf / Bryant, Jennings, 1986
Shifting preferences in pornography consumption
In: Communication Research, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1986, pp. 560-578
Abstract:  "Male and female students and nonstudents were exposed to one hour of common, nonviolent pornography or to sexually and aggressively innocuous materials in each of six consecutive weeks. Two weeks after this treatment, they were provided with an opportunity to watch videotapes in a private situation. G-rated, R-rated, and X-rated programs were available. Subjects with considerable prior exposure to common, nonviolent pornography showed little interest in common, nonviolent pornography, electing to watch uncommon pornography (bondage, sadomasochism, bestiality) instead. Male nonstudents with prior exposure to common, nonviolent pornography consumed uncommon pornography almost exclusively. Male students exhibited the same pattern, although somewhat less extreme. This consumption preference was also in evidence in females, but was far less pronounced, especially among female students."
[AC87] Astuto, Cynthia / Califia, Pat, 1987
Being Weird is not Enough: How to Stay Healthy and Play Safe
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M), 3rd revised and updated edition, pp. 69-80
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[APA87] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1987
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Third Revised Edition (DSM-III-R)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[Atk87] Atkins, R.N., 1987
The Origins of Masochism - Current Issues in Development
In: Integrative Psychiatry, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1987, pp. 49-52
[Bau87] Baumeister, Roy F., 1987
How the self became a problem: A psychological review of historical research
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 52, 1987, pp. 163-176
[Bay87] Bayer, Ronald, 1987
Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis
Publisher: Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey
Notes:  With a new Afterword on AIDS and Homosexuality. Revised version of the 1981 edition.
[BB87] Bourget, D. / Bradford, John McDonald Wilson, 1987
Fire fetishism, diagnostic and clinical implications: A review of two cases
In: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 32, No. 6, 1987, pp. 459-462
Language: E with French abstract
Abstract:  "Presents 2 cases of adult male arsonists whose sexual assessments showed fire to be part of a fetish. Ss were treated for the sexual deviation associated with the acts of arson and showed significant changes in their sexual functioning." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BG87] Branningan, A. / Goldenberg, S., 1987
Pornography studies: the second wave. A review essay.
In: Law in Context, Vol. 5, 1987, pp. 56-72
[Bre87] Breslow, Norman, 1987
Locus of Control, Desirability of Control, and Sadomasochists
In: Psychological Reports, Vol. 61, 1987, pp. 995-1001
Abstract:  "Two studies were conducted to determine whether sadists (dominants), masochists (submissives) and versatiles (those who state that they enjoy both the sadistic and masochistic roles) possess similar or different attitudes toward control, as measured by Rotter's Internal vs. External Locus of Control Inventory and Burger and Cooper's Desirability of Control inventory. Sadomasochists, as a group, scored within the internal locus of control category. There were no differences among the three subgroups. The second study indicated all three groups posses a high desire for control. Planned comparisons among the three groups showed sadists had a higher desire for control than the masochists. The data are interpreted as support for observational and descriptive studies which have identified (at least) three distinct subgroups of sadomasochists."
[Cal87] Califia, Pat, 1987
A personal view of the history of the lesbian S/M community and movement in San Francisco
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3rd revised and updated edition, pp. 245-283
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Cli87] Cliffe, Michael J., 1987
Paradoxical psychotherapy in a case of transvestism
In: British Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol. 60, No. 3, 1987, pp. 283-285
Abstract:  "Describes the success of paradoxical psychotherapy in reducing the compulsion and guilt attached to transvestism in a 35-yr-old male patient, who came to restrict his cross-dressing to the home, the practice having had fetishistic and feminine-expression motivations." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Com87] Comfort, Alex, 1987
Deviation and variation
in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 1-20
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Abstract:  Glenn Wilson: "Alex Comfort discusses some issues of definition and 'diagnosis' with respect to variant sexuality and shows how sexual behaviour must be understood in the context of its meaning for the individual. While some behaviours are restrictive, distressing and unacceptable, others that have been viewed as pathological are better regarded as recreational, creative, expressive, and 'magical'."
[Cow87] Coward, D., 1987
The Sublimations of a Fetishist: Restif de la Bretonne (1734-1806)
in: Maccubbin, R.B. (ed.): 'Tis Nature's Fault: Unauthorized Sexuality During the Enlightenment, pp. 98-108
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
[Dan87] Dannecker, Martin, 1987
Auf der Suche nach dem Sexuellen
in: Pfäfflin, F. / Schorsch, Eberhard (ed.): Sexualpolitische Kontroversen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Dav87] Davis, Katherine, 1987
Introduction: What We Fear We Try to Keep Contained
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3rd revised and updated edition, pp. 7-13
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Dou87] Dougherty, N., 1987
Female Masochism - Perspectives for Social Workers
In: Clinical Social Work Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1987, pp. 22-34
[Dwo87a] Dworkin, Andrea, 1987
Pornographie. Männer beherrschen Frauen.
Publisher: Emma Frauenbuchverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[EGB87] Eriksson, Anders / Gezelius, Christer / Bring, Gunilla, 1987
Rolled Up to Death: An Unusual Autoerotic Fatality
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1987, pp. 263-265
[Eps87] Epstein, Arthur W., 1987
The Phylogenetics of Fetishism
in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 142-149
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Abstract:  Glenn Wilson: "Arthur Epstein discusses fetishism in the light of observations of similar behaviour in non-human primates, focussing on the characteristics of objects that attract fetishistic interest and the social experiences that render animals fetish-prone."
[Ert87] Ertl, Erich (ed.), 1987
Abenteuer Lust
Publisher: Promedia, Wien
Language: German
[Esk87] Eskapa, Roy D., 1987
Bizarre Sex
Publisher: Quartet Books, London
[Far87] Farr, Susan, 1987
The Art of Discipline: Creating Erotic Dramas of Play and Power
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3rd revised and updated edition, pp. 183-191
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Far87a] Farin, Michael (ed.), 1987
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch: Materialien zu Leben und Werk
Publisher: Bouvier, Bonn
Language: German
[Flo87] Flor-Henry, Pierre, 1987
Cerebral aspects of sexual deviation
in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 49-83
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Abstract:  Glenn Wilson: "Pierre Flor-Henry considers the evidence for the involvement of neurological factors in deviant sexuality and presents new evidence that exhibitionists in particular can be distinguished from normal persons on the basis of EEG responses to standard mental tasks." See also → OCa89.
[Fra87] Franklin, D., 1987
The politics of masochism
In: Psychology Today, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1987, pp. 52-57
[Gel87] Gelder, Paul van, 1987
Leren kleren
Language: Dutch
[Goo87] Goodman, Raymond E., 1987
Genetic and Hormonal Factors in Human Sexuality: Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives
in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 21-48
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Abstract:  Glenn Wilson: "Raymond Goodman traces the evolution of sexuality from bacteria to humans, showing the important role of chromosomes, genes, hormones, neurotransmitters and other biological factors in the determination of sexual behaviour, both normal and aberrant."
[Gor87] Gordon, R., 1987
Masochism - The Shadow Side of the Archetypal Need to Venerate and Worship
In: Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 3, 1987, pp. 227-240
[Gos87] Gosselin, Christopher C., 1987
The Sadomasochistic Contract
in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 229-257
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Abstract:  Glenn Wilson: "Christopher Gosselin returns to a theme of Alex Comfort's, that an anthropological study of sadomasochistic practices that takes account of their meaning to the individuals involved is essential to full understanding. Specifically, he shows how s/m partners arrive at implicit 'contracts' that enhance their relationship." See → Bie00 for another abstract.
[Hay87] Haynesseman, C., 1987
Developmental Origins of Moral Masochism - A Failure-to-Thrive Toddlers Interactions with Mother
In: Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1987, pp. 319-330
[Hei87] Heider, U., 1987
Der seltsame Tanz um die Pornographie
In: Psychologie Heute, Vol. 4, 1987, pp. 40-47
Language: German
[Hit87] Hite, Shere, 1987
Frauen & Liebe. Der neue Hite-Report.
Publisher: Bertelsmann, München
Language: German
[HM+87] Haydn-Smith, P. / Marks, I. / Buchaya, H. / Repper, D., 1987
Behavioural Treatment of Life-threatening Masochistic Asphyxiation: A Case Study
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 150, 1987, pp. 518-519
[Hoh87] Hohmann, Joachim S., 1987
Geschichte der Sexualwissenschaft in Deutschland 1886-1933. Eine Übersicht.
2nd edition
Publisher: Foerster, Berlin, Frankfurt
Language: German
[Hun87] Hunt, Margaret, 1987
Report of a Conference on Feminism, Sexuality and Power: The Elect Clash with the Perverse
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3rd revised and updated edition, pp. 81-89
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Jui87] Juicy Lucy (Pseud.), 1987
If I Ask You to Tie Me Up, Will You Still Want to Love Me?
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3rd revised and updated edition, pp. 29-40
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Ken87] Kendrick, Walter, 1987
The Secret Museum - Pornography in Modern Culture
Publisher: Viking Penguin Inc., New York
[Kit87] SAMOIS (ed.), 1987
Taking the Sting out of S/M
in: (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3rd revised and updated edition, pp. 60-63
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Kli87] Kline, Paul, 1987
Sexual Deviation: Psychoanalytic Research and Theory
in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 150-175
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Abstract:  Glenn Wilson: "Since Freud and the psychoanalysts are so widely believed to have contributed important theories of sexual deviation, I invited Paul Kline to assess their current status in the light of the many empirical studies that have been inspired by them. His systematic review shows the difficulties that are encountered in testing Freudian theory scientifically and he concludes that that results so far are 'disappointing'".
[Koc87] Kockerbeck, C., 1987
Comics für Erwachsene: Erotische Gewaltphantasien
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 2, 1987, pp. 76-77
Language: German
[Koh87] Kohon, Gregorio, 1987
Fetishism revisited
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 68, No. 2, 1987, pp. 213-228
Language: English with French, German and Spanish abstracts
Abstract:  "Argues that fetishism is recognized as a male perversion, the core of which rests on the severity of the castration complex. It is argued that whether or not the different developments of the psychoanalytic theory of perversions are agreed upon, they provide a greater understanding of how the boundaries between perversions, neuroses, and psychoses are blurred. The existence of fetishism in males is explained on the basis of the impossibility for the man to hide any phallic failure. Freudian view on human sexuality is invoked to explain fetishism. Freud distinguished between 2 types of sexual aberrations: deviations in respect to sexual object and to the sexual aim, with fetishism included in the latter group. A case of fetishism is presented." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lib87] Libertine Wien (ed.), 1987
Erstes Literaturverzeichnis der Libertine-Sadomasochismus Initiative, März 1987
Notes:  12 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[LL87] Langevin, Ron / Lang, Reuben A., 1987
The Courtship Disorders
in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 202-228
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Abstract:  Glenn Wilson: "Ron Langevin and Reuben Lang question the validity of the concept of 'courtship disorders' by examining the correlations between voyeurism, exhibitionism, obscene calls, toucherism, and rape. Some overlapping features are found, but also important differences, and the empirical evidence for various theories is reviewed."
[McK87] McKellar, R.J., 1987
Debate over Masochism
In: Psychology Today, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1987, pp. 4
[ML87] Moser, Charles / Levitt, Eugene E., 1987
An Exploratory-Descriptive Study of a Sadomasochistically Oriented Sample
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 23, 1987, pp. 322-337
Notes:  Also published in → Wei95.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Mon87] Money, John, 1987
Masochism: On the childhood origin of paraphilia, opponent-process theory, and antiandrogen therapy
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 23, No. 2, 1987, pp. 273-275
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[NN87] Novick, Kerry Kelly / Novick, Jack, 1987
The Essence of Masochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 42, 1987, pp. 353-384
[Ott87] Ottar, 1987
Lust ... träumen ... erleben ... genießen
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Pen87] Penthouse (Autor ungenannt), 1987
Jean de Berg: Sadistin
In: Penthouse, Vol. 1, 1987, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Pin87] Pinkava, Václav, 1987
Logical Models of Variant Sexuality
in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 116-141
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Abstract:  Glenn Wilson: "Václav Pinkava outlines some observations of he and his Czechoslovakian colleagues that led him to apply the mathematical theory of logical nets to sexual variation. Consistent with other authors in this volume (especially Comfort, Epstein and myself), he believes that distortions of innate and imprinted patterns of behaviour are an important basis of paraphilia and goes on to show how these can be modelled by computer."
[PS87] Pfäfflin, F. / Schorsch, Eberhard (ed.), 1987
Sexualpolitische Kontroversen
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[RG87] Roiphe, Herman / Galenson, Eleanor, 1987
Preoedipal roots of perversion
In: Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1987, pp. 415-430
Abstract:  "Asserts that the psychoanalytic study of perversions, particularly that of fetishism, has increasingly implicated preoedipal factors in the constitution of the perversions. Disturbances in early sexual development, which result in significant distortions of core gender identity in the 2nd year of life, are delineated. The implications of the severe preoedipal castration reactions on the subsequent drive organization and their implications for later perverse development are traced. Findings are based on 35 boys and 35 girls who were studied. Case material of 1 child distinguishes the development of the infantile fetish from the transitional object." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rub87] Rubin, Gayle S., 1987
The Leather Menace: Comments on Politics and S/M
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3rd revised and updated edition, pp. 194-229
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Rus87] Russo, A., 1987
Conflicts and contradictions among feminists over issues of pornography and sexual freedom
In: Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1987, pp. 103-112
Abstract:  "The intense debate over the sexual politics of pleasure and of violence against women continues to be played out in the women's movement, particularly over the issue of pornography and sexual sadomasochism. In general the arguments have clustered around two positions: one emphasizing women's sexual colonization and victimization, and the other emphasizing women's sexual repression and passivity. By juxtaposing the arguments in this essay, the author suggests that both sides tend to categorize each other essentially as either virgins or whores. This dichotomous thinking has served to increase the polarization on these issues."
[Sac87] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1987
Seiner Herrin Diener. Briefe an Emilie Mataja nebst Anhang und Nachwort.
Publisher: Belleville, München
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[SAM87] SAMOIS (ed.), 1987
Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M
3rd revised and updated edition
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[SC87] Scott, J.E. / Cuvelier, S.J., 1987
Sexual Violence in Playboy Magazine: A longitudinal content analysis
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 23, 1987, pp. 534-539
[Sch87b] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1987
Therapie mit Sexualstraftätern
in: Jäger, H. / Schorsch, Eberhard (ed.): Sexualwissenschaft und Strafrecht, pp. 127-133
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Sch87c] Schiller, Gregory Charles, 1987 (Doctoral thesis)
The Pursuit of Masculinity: A Study in Homosexual Sadomasochism
School: University of California, Santa Barbara
[Sie87] Siegel, Carol, 1987
'Venus Metempsychosis' and Venus in Furs: Masochism and Fertility in Ulysses
In: Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1987, pp. 179-195
[Spi87] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1987
Titel ?
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 8, 1987, pp. 234-238
Language: German
[Spi87a] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1987
Titel ?
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 50, 1987, pp. 45-48
Language: German
[The87] Theweleit, Klaus, 1987
Male Fantasies - Volume 1: Women, Floods, Bodies, History
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis
Notes:  English translation of → The77.
[Wag87] Wagner, P., 1987
The Discourse on Sex - Or Sex as Discourse: Eighteenth-Century Medical and Paramedical Erotica
in: Rousseau, G.S. / Porter, R. (ed.): Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment, pp. 46-68
Publisher: Manchester University Press, Manchester
[Wei87] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1987
Sadomasochism in the United States: A Review of Recent Sociological Literature
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 23, 1987, pp. 50-69
Abstract:  "In the last several years, a new body of sociological literature on sadomasochism (S&M) has begun to appear. The perspective of this corpus of work is quite different from that of more traditional approaches. Although differing within its own discipline in theoretical orientation and research methods, the sociological approach nevertheless shares a common ground: the idea that S&M is dependent upon meanings, which are culturally produced, learned, and reinforced in S&M subcultures. In the present paper I assess the contributions of this new literature by providing: (a) a brief review of the most important sociological contributions in terms of temporal priority, theoretical issues raised, and implications for larger issues; (b) a discussion and assessment of what is now known about a number of sociological issues and an attempt to resolve some definitional problems in the study of S&M; and (c) suggestions for additional directions for future research on S&M."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Wil87] Wilson, Glenn (ed.), 1987
Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Abstract:  "The study of sexual behaviour is a subject that always attracts wide interest, but which is characterised more by sensational stories in the media than by scientific analysis. With variant sexuality and sexual deviation that is even more true. Some deviations, such as fetishes, may be trivial or at times amusing, but others may lead to horrific crimes. Although family forms of sexual behaviour such as homosexuality are now more widely discussed, others such as paedophilia are still largely taboo, and others may require clinical treatment... This book presents contributions from major international authorities reviewing major themes in variant sexuality, and presenting new research. For example, there is evidence of neurological factors being identifiable in exhibitionists, who can be distinguished from normals on the basis of EEG responses to mental tasks. Genetic and evolutionary arguments are presented for the preponderance of paraphilia in males. Freudian and psychoanalytic theories are shown to have limited scientific explanatory power. These and other topics are reviewed in a book that should interest psychologists, biologists and psychiatrists in particular, as well as others fascinated by the social, behavioural and biological aspects of sexuality." For another abstract see → Bie00.
[Wil87a] Wilson, Glenn D., 1987
An Ethological Approach to Sexual Deviation
in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 84-115
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
[WS+87] Wegner, Daniel M. / Schneider, D.J. / Carter, S.R. / White, T.L., 1987
Paradoxical effects of thought suppression
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 53, 1987, pp. 5-13
[UD] Unter Druck (various authors), 1987-2002
Unter Druck
Zeitschrift der Libertine Wien
Notes:  Archived issues: 1/1987-49/2002.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[AB+88] Abel, Gene G. / Becker, J.V. / Cunningham-Rathner, J. et al., 1988
Multiple paraphilic diagnoses among sex offenders
In: Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. 16, 1988, pp. 153-168
[Arb88] Arbeitskreis der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion für die Gleichstellung von Mann / Frau, Renate Schmidt (ed.), 1988
Pornographie: Hinsehen oder Wegsehen? Konsequenzen, Alternativen, Handlungsbedarf - Dokumentation der Anhörung vom 13./14. September 1988 , 1988
Publisher: MISSING
Language: German
[Asc88] Asch, S.S., 1988
The analytic concepts of masochism: a reevaluation
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 93-116
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Bar88] Barthes, Roland et al., 1988
Das Denken des Marquis de Sade
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Bau88] Baumeister, Roy F., 1988
Masochism as Escape from Self
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 25, 1988, pp. 28-59
Abstract:  "Recent theoretical advances from social psychology, especially self-awareness theory and action identification theory, are here applied to masochism. It is possible to consider masochism as neither a form of self-destruction nor a derivative of sadism. Instead, masochism may be a means of escaping from high-level awareness of self as a symbolically mediated, temporally extended identity. Such awareness is replaced by focus on the immediate present and on bodily sensations, and sometimes by a low-level awareness of self as an object. Evidence is reviewed indicating that the principal features of masochism (pain, bondage, and humiliation) help accomplish this hypothesized escape from high-level self-awareness. Historical evidence suggests that sexual masochism proliferated when Western culture became highly individualistic. This could mean that cultural emphasis on the autonomous, individual self increased the burdensome pressure of selfhood, leading to greater desires to escape from self masochistically."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Bau88a] Baumeister, Roy F., 1988
Gender Differences in Masochistic Scripts
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 25, 1988, pp. 478-499
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bau88b] Baumeister, Roy F., 1988
Self-defeating behavior patterns among normal individuals: Review and analysis of common self-destructive tendencies
In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 104, 1988, pp. 3-22
[BB88] Byard, Roger W. / Bramwell, Nigel H., 1988
Autoerotic Death in Females: An Underdiagnosed Syndrome?
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1988, pp. 252-254
[BC88] Blanchard, Ray / Clemmensen, Leonard H., 1988
A test of the DSM-III-R's implicit assumption that fetishistic arousal and gender dysphoria are mutually exclusive
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1988, pp. 426-432
Abstract:  "This study sought to determine the proportion of adult, male, heterosexual cross-dressers who acknowledge both gender dysphoria and at least occasional fetishistic response to cross-dressing. Subjects were 193 outpatients of the gender identity clinic or behavioral sexology department of a psychiatric teaching hospital. (...) About half of even the most strongly gender dysphoric subjects, however, acknowledged that they still become sexually aroused or masturbate at least occasionally when cross-dressing. These findings indicate a need for revision in the DSM-III-R's diagnostic criteria for transvestism and gender identity disorders, which presuppose that gender dysphoria and fetishistic reactions are mutually exclusive."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ben88] Benjamin, Jessica, 1988
The Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and the Problem of Domination
Publisher: Pantheon, New York
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Bir88] Birken, L., 1988
Consuming Desire: Sexual Science and the Emergence of a Culture of Abundance, 1871-1914
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y.
[Bra88] Brauerhoch, A. et al. (ed.), 1988
Masochismus Series: Frauen und Film, Vol. 39
Publisher: Stroemfeld, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[BU88] Baik, Sung-ook / Uku, Justin M., 1988
Ligature Strangulation of a Woman during Sadomasochistic Sexual Activity
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1988, pp. 249-251
[Cai88] Caien, Jacques, 1988
Introduction à la discussion sur les perversions
In: Psychologie Médicale, Vol. 20, No. 10, 1988, pp. 1423-1424
Language: French with English abstract
Abstract:  "Discusses sexual perversion, or paraphilia, from clinical, dynamic, and topical perspectives. The importance of paraphilia to the understanding of psychodynamics and various types of psychopathology (including neurosis) is described in relation to psychoanalysis and other forms of psychotherapy, and the presence of paraphilia throughout cultural history is noted. Fetishism is identified as the common dynamic of all forms of paraphilia." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cal88] Califia, Pat, 1988
Macho Sluts
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
Notes:  296 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Cal88a] Califia, Pat, 1988
Sapphistry. The Book of Lesbian Sexuality.
3rd revised edition
Publisher: Naiad Press, Tallahassee
[Cal88b] Califia, Pat (ed.), 1988
The Lesbian SM Safety Manual
Publisher: Lace / Alyson, Boston
[Cha88] Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, 1988
A woman's attempt at a perverse solution and its failure
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 69, 1988, pp. 149-161
[Cha88a] Chancer, Lynn-Sharon, 1988 (Doctoral thesis)
The Social Generality of Sadomasochism: A Study in the Political as Personal
School: City University of New York, New York
[Coe88] Coen, Stanley J., 1988
Sadomasochistic excitement: Character disorder and perversion
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 43-60
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Coo88] Cooper, Arnold M., 1988
The narcissistic-masochistic character
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 117-139
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Cre88] Cremerius, Johannes (ed.), 1988
Masochismus in der Literatur Series: Freiburger Literaturpsychologische Gespräche, Vol. 7
Publisher: Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg
Language: German
Notes:  127 pages
[Dai88] Dailey, D.M. (ed.), 1988
The sexually unusual: guide to understanding and helping; special issue
In: Journal of Social Work and Human Sexuality, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1988, pp. 169-?
[DF88] D'Emilio, John / Freedman, Estelle B., 1988
Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America
Publisher: Harper & Row, New York
[Dwo87] Dworkin, Andrea, 1988
Brief aus einem Kriegsgebiet
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 78-87
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[DZ88] Dankert, Birgit / Zechlin, Lothar (ed.), 1988
Literatur vor dem Richter. Beiträge zur Literaturfreiheit und Zensur.
Publisher: MISSING, Baden-Baden
Language: German
[Emm87] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Frauen gegen Pornographie (BRD)
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 6-14
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Emm87a] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Frauen gegen Pornos
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 38-39
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Emm88] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Das Schweigen ist gebrochen
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 46-51
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Emm88a] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Für oder gegen ein Anti-Porno-Gesetz?
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 52-55
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH,
Language: German
[Emm88b] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Zwei Reaktionen
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 56-59
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Emm88c] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Ganz linke Freiheit
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 64-65
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Esk88] Eskapa, Roy D., 1988
Die bizarre Seite der Sexualität
Publisher: Kabel, Hamburg
Language: German
[Fed88] Fedoroff, John P., 1988
Buspirone hydrochloride in the treatment of transvestic fetishism
In: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 49, No. 10, 1988, pp. 408-409
Abstract:  "Presents a case report of a 46-yr-old man with generalized anxiety disorder and transvestic fetishism who responded to buspirone. Cross-dressing stopped during buspirone administration but not alprazolam." (APA/PsycINFO) See also → Fis89a.
[Fen88] Fenz, Josef, 1988
Gebraucht die Votzen und Schwänze nicht nur zum Kuscheln im Bett ... Sexualität ist politisch. Entwurf eines politischen Programms der Libertine-Sadomasochismusinitiative.
Notes:  13 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Fil88] Filter, Cornelia, 1988
Die bittere Realität
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 24-30
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Fil88a] Filter, Cornelia, 1988
Bomber-Pilotin + Porno-Produzentin
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 68-75
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Fis88] Fischer, Monika, 1988
Ich war Domina. Wie TEMPO-Redakteurin Monika Fischer die Kunst der Demütigung lernte.
In: Tempo, Vol. 8, 1988, pp. 48-53
Language: German
[Ged88] Gedö, J.E., 1988
Masochism and the repetition compulsion
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 139-150
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Gib88] Gibeault, A., 1988
Etienne or One of Todays Adolescents - On Adolescence and Moral Masochism
In: International Review of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 15, No. P2, 1988, pp. 195-206
[GK88] Grimme, Matthias T.J. / Kraushaar, Elmar (ed.), 1988
Die ungleichen Brüder
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[GM88] Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.), 1988
Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives.
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Heu88] Heumakers, A., 1988
Sade, een pessimistische libertijn
in: Bremmer, J. (ed.): Van Sappho tot de Sade. Momenten in de geschiedenis van de seksualiteit, pp. 100-114
Publisher: Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
[HS88] Heilbrun, Alfred B. / Seif, David T., 1988
Erotic Value of Female Distress in Sexually Explicit Photographs
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. , No. ?, 1988, pp. 2447-2457
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[IH+88] Ikeda, N. / Harada, A. / Umetsu, K. / Suzuki, T., 1988
A Case of Fatal Suffocation During an Unusual Auto-Erotic Practice
In: Medicine, Science and the Law, Vol. 28, No. 2, 1988, pp. 131-134
[Joh88] Johans, Karen, 1988
S/M First Aid
in: Califia, Pat (ed.): The Lesbian SM Safety Manual, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Lace / Alyson, Boston
[Jun88] Junginger, John, 1988
Summation of arousal in partial fetishism
In: Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1988, pp. 297-300
Abstract:  "A summation model of classical conditioning was used to describe the deviant sexual arousal pattern of a 26-yr-old male psychiatric outpatient. Penile assessment showed a response to a compound stimulus (radio static plus a picture of a woman) that was approximately equal to the sum of the responses to each component alone. The S's self-report of sexual arousal followed a similar pattern. The author suggests that what may be particularly troublesome in partial fetishism is the potential for high levels of summated arousal." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kat88] Katz, Jack, 1988
Seductions of Crime: Moral and Sensual Attractions in Doing Evil
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
[Ker88] Kernberg, Otto F., 1988
Clinical Dimensions of Masochism
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 61-80
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Kos88] Koschorke, Albrecht, 1988
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch: Die Inszenierung einer Perversion
Publisher: Piper, München
Language: German
Notes:  187 pages, 12 illustrations.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[KPV88] Kunjukrishnan, R. / Pawlak, A. / Varan, Lily R., 1988
The clinical and forensic psychiatric issues of retifism
In: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 33, No. 9, 1988, pp. 819-825
Language: English with French abstract
Abstract:  "Reports a case of foot fetishism (retifism) in a 27-yr-old married male, with emphasis on the psychosexual development leading to the specific sexual deviation. The specific behavioral treatment consisted of covert aversive conditioning using self-reports of sexual urges and psychophysiological monitoring as objective measures of therapeutic change." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lau88] Lautmann, Rüdiger, 1988
Die neue Gefährlichkeit der Pornographie. Politische Kampagnen und psychologische Wirkungsforschung.
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 1, 1988, pp. 45-?
Language: German
[Lea88] Leadbeatter, Stephen, 1988
Dental Anesthetic Death: An Unusual Autoerotic Episode
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1988, pp. 60-63
Abstract:  "The details of an unusual autoerotic death are presented; the postulated method of induction of cerebral hypoxia was inhalation of nitrous oxide from a dental anesthetic machine; the theme of dental anesthesia, presumably an elaborate bondage fetish, recurred in documentary material found at the scene."
[LT88] Levine, Martin P. / Troiden, Richard R., 1988
The Myth of Sexual Compulsivity
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1988, pp. 347-363
Abstract:  "This paper analyzes critically the newly discovered 'conditions' of sexual addiction and sexual compulsion from the sociological perspective of symbolic interactionism. (...) We demonstrate that the definitions are conceptually flawed and that the criteria for these 'conditions' are subjective and value laden. There is nothing inherently pathological in the conduct that is labeled sexually compulsive or addictive. Rather than referring to actual clinical entities, sexual addiction and compulsion refer to learned patterns of behavior that are stigmatized by dominant institutions."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Lut88] Luther, Jeanette, 1988
Tied Up With Love: The Making of Mistress Antoinette
[Mac87] MacKinnon, Catharine A., 1988
Das kalte Herz
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 20-21
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Mey88] Meyers, Helen C., 1988
A consideration of treatment techniques in relation to the functions of masochism
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 175-188
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Mos88] Moser, Charles, 1988
In: Journal of Social Work & Human Sexuality, Vol. 7(1), 1988, pp. 43-56
Notes:  Special Issue: The Sexually Unusual: Guide to Understanding and Helping.
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Naz88] Nazarieff, Serge, 1988
Jeux de Dames Cruelles. Photographies 1859-1960.
Publisher: Taco, Berlin
[Nit88] Nitzschke, Bernd, 1988
Sexualität und Männlichkeit zwischen Symbiosewunsch und Gewalt
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[PL88] Prokop, Ulrike / Lorenzer, Alfred, 1988
Sadismus und Masochismus in der Literatur, oder: der Kampf gegen die übermächtige Mutterimago
in: Cremerius, Johannes et al. (ed.): Masochismus in der Literatur Vol. VII, pp. ?-?
Publisher: MISSING, Würzburg
Language: German
[Pop88] Popp-Baier, Ulrike, 1988
Vom männlichen zum weiblichen Masochismus: Anmerkungen zur Geschlechtsumwandlung eines psychologischen Deutungskonzeptes.
Language: German
[Rau87] Rauch, Judith, 1988
Die Beweise liegen vor
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 31-34
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Rau87a] Rauch, Judith, 1988
"Diesen Blick hat man drauf"
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 35-36
Publisher: EMMa Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Rid88] Riddle, Grant C., 1988
Amputees and Devotees: Made For Each Other?
Publisher: Irvington Publishers, New York
[Ros88] Rosenfeld, Herbert A., 1988
On masochism: a theoretical and clinical approach
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 151-174
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Ros88a] Rose, Louis, 1988
Freud and fetishism: Previously unpublished minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 57, No. 2, 1988, pp. 147-166
Abstract:  "Presents the original minutes of a meeting of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, which were believed to have been lost and which provide the only record of Freud's paper 'On the Genesis of Fetishism.' The comments and discussion of other members of the Society who were present are also included." (APA/PsycINFO)
[SAB88] Stolorow, Robert D. / Atwood, G.E. / Brandchaft, B., 1988
Masochism and its Treatment
In: Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, Vol. 52, No. 6, 1988, pp. 504-509
[Sar88] Sargent, Thomas O., 1988
In: Journal of Social Work & Human Sexuality, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1988, pp. 27-42
Notes:  Special Issue: The Sexually Unusual: Guide to Understanding and Helping.
Abstract:  "The present author discusses how his own fetish with rubber has helped him deal professionally with clients and their fetishes. It is suggested that inconsequential fetishes lend themselves to desensitization for clients with seriously disruptive behavioral responses. A lighthearted attitude toward professional work and fetishism allows clients to share things they would otherwise conceal. Early sessions with fetish clients stress (1) a sense of ease around sexual variety, (2) exploration of the roles of rigid past learned responses, (3) cultivation of a solid sense of self, and (4) the view that directly suppressing a behavior pattern tends to reinforce the pattern." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sch87] Schwarzer, Alice, 1988
Das Gesetz - Die Begründung zum Gesetz
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 42-45
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Sch87a] Schwarzer, Alice, 1988
Die Würde der Frau ist antastbar
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 40-41
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Sch88] Schwarzer, Alice (ed.), 1988
PorNO Series: EMMA-Sonderband,
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Sch88a] Schwarzer, Alice, 1988
Von der "Stern"-Aktion zum Anti-Porno-Gesetz
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 5
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Sch88b] Schwarzer, Alice, 1988
Das richtige Gesetz?
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 51
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Sch88c] Schwarzer, Alice, 1988
Einerseits und andererseits
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 62-63
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Sch88d] Schwarzer, Alice, 1988
So antworten die neuen Männer den neuen Frauen!
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 88-89
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Sch88e] Schnabl, Siegfried, 1988
Warum geht jede(r) Vierte fremd?
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 9, 1988, pp. 522-528
Language: German
[Sch88f] Schmidt, Gunter, 1988
Das große Der Die Das
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Sch88g] Schafer, Roy, 1988
Those wrecked by success
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 81-92
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Sel88] Sellers, Terence, 1988
Begierde: 3 Paradigmen unerreichbarer Liebe.
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[Sil88] Silverman, K., 1988
Masochism and Male Subjectivity
In: Camera Obscura, Vol. 17, 1988, pp. 31-66
[Soc88] Socarides, Charles W., 1988
The Preoedipal Origin and Psychoanalytic Therapy of Sexual Perversions
Publisher: International University Press, Madison
Abstract:  From the preface: "Throughout the years, those suffering from pedophilia, voyeurism, sadomasochism, fetishism, transvestitism, transsexualism, and many other forms of sexual deviation, sought my psychoanalytic help. A record of these experiences is found within these pages.
I believe that the theories and detailed clinical findings in this book can find ready application to all cases of sexual perversion and improve our understanding of each condition.
Until the present time, there has been no systematic or unifying textbook under single authorship devoted entirely to the integration of the multiple facets of these disorders, as exists for the transference neuroses, psychoses, borderline conditions, and narcissistic personality disorders. This book attempts to remedy this condition.
It is my intention in this book to lead the reader to a sharing of my clinical experience and the evolution of my theoretical formulations in the area of sexual perversions, applying them to old and new cases. ... I suggest a preoedipal nuclear core origin for all perversions, delineate a unitary theory (Socarides, 1979a), provide a 'psychoanalytic' classification (Socarides, 1978a) into which specific perversions and their various forms may be placed, explore the crucial importance of aggression, anxiety, and depression in perversion, describe the meaning and content of perverse dreams, provide clinical illustrations and an example of the meaning and function of each perversion, as well as define therapeutic methods employed for their alleviation. My unitary theory of preoedipal causation expands our understanding and knowledge, integrates earlier clinical and theoretical concepts with new information, promotes further research, and I trust, will lead to improvements in treatment."
[Spi88] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1988
Titel ?
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 1, 1988, pp. 122-131
Language: German
[Sta87] Stanton, Therese, 1988
So wehren sich die Amerikanerinnen
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 16-19
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Ste88] Stewart, S., 1988
The Marquis-De-Meese (the Meese Commission Report on Pornography and Sade's '120 Days of Sodom'
In: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1988, pp. 162-192
[Str88] Strobl, Ingrid, 1988
Justine und Justiz
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 66-67
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Stu88] Studlar, Gaylyn, 1988
In the Realm of Pleasure: Von Sternberg, Dietrich, and the Masochistic Aesthetic
Publisher: University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois
[SZ0188] Schlagzeilen (Autorin "X."), 1988
Was hat Aids mit unseren Perversionen zu tun? (Teil 1)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 1, 1988, pp. 23
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ueb88] Uebelmann, Cleo, 1988
Die Dominas - Mano Destra
Publisher: Claudia Gehrke
Language: German
[Wei88] Weirauch, Wolfgang, 1988
Die Lady mit der Peitsche: Interview mit Liliane von Rönn
In: Flensburger Hefte, Vol. 20, 1988, pp. 62-94
Language: German
[Ano89] Anonymous, 1989
100 Flagstories
Publisher: Orion, Flensburg
Language: German
[Ban89] Bancroft, John, 1989
Human Sexuality and Its Problems
2nd edition
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone, London
Abstract:  Contains: "The concept of sexual deviance", "Fetishism", "Sadomasochism", "The polymorphous perverse" etc.
[Bau89] Baumeister, Roy F., 1989
Masochism and the Self
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[BC89] Bräutigam, Walter / Clement, Ulrich, 1989
Sexualmedizin im Grundriss: Eine Einführung in Klinik, Theorie und Therapie der sexuellen Konflikte und Störungen
3rd revised edition
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Bei89] Beinstein, Krista, 1989
Im Rausch der Triebe. Erotische Frauen-Bild-Geschichten
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
Notes:  160 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BpjS89] Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften, 1989
Entscheidung Nr. 3599 (V) vom 14.07.1989 (Indizierungsbeschluss Willie, John: "Die Abenteuer der Sweet Gwendoline" (→ Wil74)
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BpjS89a] Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften, 1989
Entscheidung Nr. 4007 vom 7.12.1989 (Indizierungsbeschluss Manara, Milo: "Die Kunst, den Hintern zu versohlen" (→ Ena)
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BR89] Burgard, Roswitha / Rommelspacher, Birgit (ed.), 1989
Publisher: Orlanda Frauenverlag, Berlin
Language: German
[Bre89] Breslow, Norman, 1989
Sources of Confusion in the Study and Treatment of Sadomasochism
In: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1989, pp. 263-274
Abstract:  "A review of the literature for explanations of sadomasochism, particularly the two prevalent views, psychodynamic and behavioral, shows that precise definitions and empirical data are lacking. Several avenues of investigation are proposed to increase knowledge and understanding of this subject. (...) It is argued that psychodynamic theorists have been too broad in their identification of causal factors, and behavioral theorists have oversimplified the phenomenon, often confounding it with other behavior patterns (e.g., fetishism). Researchers are encouraged to build a solid base of empirical data and use precise definitions to remove sources of confusion regarding differences between erotogenic, feminine, and moral masochism; normal and abnormal aggressiveness; overt sadomasochistic and psychosexual sadomasochistic behavior, and consensual and nonconsensual sexual activity."
[Cam89] Caminsky, E., 1989
Bizarre Lüste
Publisher: Orion, Flensburg
Language: German
[Can89] Canguilhem, Georges, 1989
The Normal and the Pathological
Publisher: Zone Books, New York
Notes:  English translation of → Can66 by Carolyn R. Fawcett.
[CC89] Cesnik, John A. / Coleman, Eli, 1989
Use of Lithium Carbonate in the Treatment of Autoerotic Asphyxia
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1989, pp. 277-286
[Coo89] Cooper, Arnold M., 1989
Narcissism and Masochism - The Narcissistic-Masochistic Character
In: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1989, pp. 541-542
[Die89] Dietl-Wichmann, Karin, 1989
In: Stern, Vol. 3, 1989, pp. 60-74
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Die89a] Dietl-Wichmann, Karin, 1989
Ich wollte so gern gemocht werden
In: Stern, Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 52-58
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Die89b] Dietl-Wichmann, Karin, 1989
Sofort aussteigen oder krepieren
In: Stern, Vol. 5, 1989, pp. 97-102
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Die89c] Dietl-Wichmann, Karin, 1989
Ich glaube, du kannst Karriere machen
In: Stern, Vol. 6, 1989, pp. 52-60
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Die89d] Dietl-Wichmann, Karin, 1989
Ich wollte Sex, Liebe kannte ich nicht
In: Stern, Vol. 7, 1989, pp. 101-110
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Dis89] Diski, Jenny, 1989
Küsse und Schläge
Publisher: Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Emm89] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1989
PorNO - Eine Bilanz
In: Emma, No. FEHLT, 1989, pp. 26-29
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Far89] Farin, Michael, 1989
Heroine des Grauens - Elisabeth Bathory
Publisher: P. Kirchheim
Language: German
[Fis89] Fisher, Seymour, 1989
Sexual Images of the Self: The Psychology of Erotic Sensations and Illusions
Publisher: Erlbaum, Hillsdale, N.J.
[Fis89a] Fishbain, David A., 1989
Buspirone and transvestic fetishism
In: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 50, No. 11, 1989, pp. 436-437
Abstract:  "D. A. Fishbain disagrees with J. P. Fedoroff's (→ Fed88) conclusion that buspirone reduced a cross-dressing patient's frequency of cross-dressing, independent of its antianxiety effect. Fishbain argues that the aberrant behavior (i.e., cross-dressing) was a symptom-relief mechanism for anxiety. The concept of aberrant behavior serving a symptom-relief function deserves further psychiatric investigation." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gei89] Geißler, Sina-Aline, 1989
Zum Glück gequält
In: Cosmopolitan, No. 5, 1989, pp. 30-40
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gle89] Glenn, Jules, 1989
From Protomasochism to Masochism - A Developmental View
In: Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. ?, 1989, pp. 4473-4486
[Gra89] Gray, Alasdair, 1989
Janine 1982
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "1982 Janine" by Bernd Rullkötter
[GS89] Gordon, Sol / Snyder, Craig W., 1989
Personal issues in human sexuality: A guidebook for better sexual health
2nd edition
Publisher: Allyn and Bacon, Needham Heights
Abstract:  From the preface: "After reading a conventional book on human sexuality, one is often left unsatisfied. Although it is important to learn the latest facts and research findings, these do not often lend insight to the inherently personal issues of one's own sexual behavior. Thus, in this edition (as it was in the first), our focus is on both the personal, philosophical, and ethical issues in people's lives and the significant medical and research data." Includes a chapter "VI. Relationships: Sexual pleasures and dysfunctions" with the subtopics: "Sexual dysfunctions: What to consider before seeking therapy", "Sexual problems: Fetishes and paraphilias", "When and how to seek a therapist".
[Har89] Hartmann, Uwe, 1989
Inhalte und Funktionen sexueller Phantasien. Ergebnisse einer Panel-Studie an Männern und Frauen. Series: Beiträge zur Sexualforschung, Vol. 64
Publisher: Enke, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Hei89] Heider, Patricia, 1989 (Diploma thesis / Masters thesis)
Exhibitionismus: Ausdruck sexueller Perversion oder konflikthafter Kommunikation?
School: Fachhochschule München
Language: German
[HS89] Heinzlmeier, Adolf / Schultz, Berndt, 1989
Tabus im Kino Series: Cinema Sonderband,
Publisher: Kino Verlag
Language: German
[IE89] Innala, Sune M. / Ernulf, Kurt E., 1989
Asphyxiophilia in Scandinavia
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1989, pp. 181-189
[Jon89] Jones, Stephanie, 1989
Strictly Fashionable: A Straight-Laced Look at Corsetry
In: Skin Two, Vol. 9, 1989, pp. 42-47
[Kap89] Kaplan, Harold I., 1989
Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry
Publisher: Williams & Wilkins, MISSING
[Kap89a] Kaplan, D.M., 1989
Introduction to the Characteristics of Masochism
In: American Imago, Vol. 46, No. 2-3, 1989, pp. 197-202
[Ken89] Kennedy, Hansi, 1989
Sadomasochistische Perversion in der Adoleszenz: Eine entwicklungsgeschichtliche Betrachtung
In: Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1989, pp. 348-360
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[KGB89] Klintschar, Michael / Grabuschnigg, Peter / Beham, Alfred, 1989
Death from Electrocution During Autoerotic Practice
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1989, pp. 190-193
Abstract:  "A fatal case of electrocution occurring during autoerotic practice is described. A plausible reconstruction of the accident involves attachment of one electrode to the anus and accidental touching of the other electrode with hand and chest when attempting to attach it to the penis. Death was caused by myocardial fibrillation. Both cable and pornographic literature were obviously hidden by the parents of the deceased to conceal the actual cause of death. The accident is compared to cases found in the literature."
[Kit89] Kittel, Ingo-Wolf, 1989
Zur historischen Rolle des Psychiaters und Psychotherapeuten Arthur Kronfeld in der frühen Sexualwissenschaft
in: Gindorf, Rolf / Haeberle, Erwin J. (ed.): Sexualität in unserer Gesellschaft. Beiträge zur Geschichte, Theorie und Empirie, pp. 33-44
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York
Language: German
[Koc88] Kockott, Götz, 1989
Sexuelle Variationen
Publisher: Hippokrates, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Koh89] Kohout, Jutta, 1989
Hörigkeit - Dein ist mein ganzer Schmerz
In: Cosmopolitan, Vol. 2, 1989, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Lan89] Lange, Ehrig, 1989
Beschmutzung und Beschädigung von Kinderwagen: Fetischistische Regression ins Frühkindliche mit neurotischer Aggression
(Soiling of and causing damage to perambulators: A fetishistic return to early childhood accompanied by neurotic aggression)
In: Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 41, No. 8, 1989, pp. 505-506
Language: German with English and Russian abstracts
Abstract:  "Presents findings from a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation of a 26-yr-old man with developmental retardation who obtained sexual gratification by defecating in and subsequently damaging unoccupied baby carriages. These behaviors followed a breakdown in the S's marital intimacy and the rejection by the S's wife of his wish to adopt a child. A psychoanalytic interpretation of this case is presented, and the determination of diminished responsibility on the grounds of pathological personality development is noted." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lan89a] Lange, Ehrig, 1989
Kleidungsaufschneiden beim Fahrradfahren - artistische Leistung eines kommunikationsgeschwächten fetischistischen Schwerhörigen
In: Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 41, No. 9, 1989, pp. 550-552
Language: German
Abstract:  "Presents the case history of a 26-yr-old German adult male with difficulties in developing relationships with women who had the habit of slitting the clothing of female adolescents and adults, and masturbated while riding on a motor cycle. The development of the clothes-slitting fetish and its sexual motivation are described." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lan89c] Lange, Ehrig, 1989
(Flag fetishism)
In: Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 41, No. 11, 1989, pp. 693-694
Language: German
Abstract:  "Presents the case of a 22-yr-old East German male with a flag fetish. Results of a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation indicate severe disturbance of psychosexual development associated with organic brain damage." (APA/PsycINFO)
[LeS89] Le Soldat, Judith, 1989
Freiwillige Knechtschaft: Masochismus und Moral
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt
Language: German
[Lim89] Limentani, Adam, 1989
Perversions: Treatable and Untreatable
Publisher: Free Association Books, MISSING
[LO89] Lawrenz, Constanze / Orzegowski, Patricia, 1989
Das kann ich keinem erzählen. Gespräche mit Frauen über ihre sexuellen Phantasien.
Publisher: Luchterhand, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Mac89] MacNair, Mike, 1989
The contradictory politics of S/M
in: Sheperd, Simon / Wallis, Mick (ed.): Coming on strong: Gay politics and culture, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Unwin Hyman, London
[Mat89] Mathis, James L., 1989
Paraphilias and gender identity disorders
in: American Psychiatric Association (ed.): Treatments of psychiatric disorders: A task force report of the American Psychiatric Association, pp. 617-684
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC
Abstract:  The book section covers several chapters: "Fetishism and Tranvestism" (Thomas N. Wise), "Sexual Sadism and Sexual Masochism" (David B. Marcotte, "Exhibitionism and Voyeurism" (John M. Rhoads).
[ML89] Money, John / Lamacz, Margaret, 1989
Vandalized Lovemaps: paraphilic outcome of seven cases in pediatric sexology
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY
[MM89] Murray, Thomas E. / Murrell, Thomas R., 1989
The Language of Sadomasochism: a glossary and linguistic analysis
Publisher: Greenwood Press, New York
[Mon89] Montgomery, Jill D. (ed.), 1989
Masochism: The Treatment of Self-Inflicted Suffering
Publisher: International University Press, Madison, Conn.
[OCa89] O'Carroll, Ronan, 1989
A neuropsychological study of sexual deviation
In: Sexual and Marital Therapy, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1989, pp. 59-63
Abstract:  "Compared 11 adult sexual deviants (diagnosed with exhibitionism, pedophilia, voyeurism, or fetishism) with ll psychologically distressed (anxious) Ss and 11 normal Ss, using 3 measures reported by P. Flor-Henry (→ Flo87) to be the best discriminators between sexual deviants and controls (i.e., Coloured Progressive Matrices [J. C. Raven, 1962], Williams Verbal Learning Task [M. Williams, 1968], and the Trail Making B Task [Army Individual Test Battery, 1944]). The findings reported by Flor-Henry that sexual deviants perform poorly on certain neuropsychological tests (that are presumed to reflect dominant hemisphere fronto-temporal dysfunction) were not replicated in this study." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ott89] Otto, Harro, 1989
Eigenverantwortliche Selbstschädigung und -gefährdung sowie einverständliche Fremdschädigung und -gefährdung
in: ? (ed.): Festschrift für Herbert Tröndle, pp. 157-175
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York
Language: German
[Par89] Parl, Betty (i.e. Betty Paetremarl, 1989
Wat is 'Slechte Meiden'?
in: Slechte Meiden (ed.): Spelen met Erotiek, pp. 124-127
Publisher: Stichting SMet, Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
[Pau89] Pauvert, Jean-Jacques, 1989
Tout ce qu'on peut concevoir dans ce genre-là: 1777-1793 Series: Sade vivant, Vol. 2
Publisher: R. Laffont, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  636 pages.
[Pic89] Pick, D., 1989
Faces of Degeneration: A European Disorder 1848-1918
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
[PSP89] Peiss, Kathy / Simmons, Christina / Padgug, Robert A. (ed.), 1989
Passion and Power: Sexuality in History
Publisher: Temple University Press, Philadelphia
[PT+89] Person, Ethel S. / Terestman, Nettie / Myers, Wayne A. / Goldberg, Eugene L. / Salvadori, Carol, 1989
Gender differences in sexual behaviors and fantasies in a college population
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1989, pp. 187-198
Abstract:  "This study presents male and female responses of 193 university students to questions about sexual experiences in fantasies. There are few significant gender differences in experiences, but many in fantasies. Males fantasized about sex more and exhibited greater interest in partner variation and in the spectrum from domination to sadism. While male sexuality is often described as aggressive/sadistic and female sexuality as passive/masochistic, most men and women in our population do not report fantasies supporting such stereotypes."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Rap89] Raphling, David L., 1989
Fetishism in a woman
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 37, No. 2, 1989, pp. 465-491
Abstract:  "Presents a clinical illustration of a 22-yr-old woman with a fetishistic perversion (generally considered to occur only in males) and considers it within the context of the classic concept of fetishism originally described by Freud (1927). Similarities and differences between male and female fetishism are discussed, with attention given to the greater complexity of the perversion as it occurs in a woman. The clinical example confirms the existence of fetishism in women and suggests that subtle forms of the perversion may go unnoticed and be more prevalent than previously realized." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rei89] Reik, Theodor, 1989
The Characteristics of Masochism (1939)
In: American Imago, Vol. 46, No. 2-3, 1989, pp. 161-195
[Rei89a] Reinelt, Toni, 1989
The effects of a scientifically objectifying (self-)understanding on the psychosexual development
In: European Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Acta Paedopsychiatrica, Vol. 52, No. 4, 1989, pp. 302-306
Language: German
Abstract:  "Determined the presence of concept contents in psychological tests and anamnestic details that indicate a mechanical self-experience in 106 children and adolescents. Ss presented with disturbances in sexual identity, object choice, and sexual behavior. Results for fetishistic Ss, more than results for Ss with violent tendencies, support the hypothesis that a spiritualized technical-mechanical world and human image can play a role in the development of sexual perversions." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rob89] Robinson, Paul, 1989
The Modernization of Sex
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca
[Sac89] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1989
Die geschiedene Frau: Passionsgeschichte eines Idealisten
Publisher: Greno, Nördlingen
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sau89] Saunders, Edward J., 1989
Life-Threatening Autoerotic Behavior: A Challenge for Sex Educators and Therapists
In: Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1989, pp. 82-91
[Sch89] Schmid-Bode, Wilhelm, 1989
Hilfe nur bei starkem Leidensdruck
In: Stern, Vol. 7, 1989, pp. 110
Language: German
[Sch89a] Schwieren, Ulrike, 1989
Phantasien: Lust durch Unterwerfung
In: Cosmopolitan, Vol. 3, 1989, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Sch89b] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1989
Versuch über Sexualität und Aggression
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 2, 1989, pp. 14-28
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SM89] Slechte Meiden (ed.), 1989
Spelen met Erotiek
Publisher: Stichting SMet, Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
[Sto89] Stoehr, Irene, 1989
PorNO-Kampagne und Frauenbewegung
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 3, 1989, pp. 199-?
Language: German
[Sto89a] Stoller, Robert J., 1989
Consensual Sadomasochistic Perversions
in: Blum, Harold P. / Weinshel, Edward M. (ed.): The Psychoanalytic Core: Essays in Honor of Leo Rangell, M.D., pp. 265-282
Publisher: International Universities Press, Madison
[Stoe89] Stoehr, Irene, 1989
PorNo-Kampagne und Frauenbewegung
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 2, 1989, pp. 199-206
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Str89] Strill, Manfred, 1989
Libertine - Ein Versuch in Erotik-Kultur: Die Sadomasochismusinitiative Wien
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 2, 1989, pp. 17-19
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SW89] Sinha, Indra / Wellmann, Hans-Heinrich (ed.), 1989
Die Liebeslehren des Kama Sutra
Publisher: Unipart, Stuttgart
Language: German
[SZ0289] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1989
Hamburger Verhältnisse - Berliner Verhältnisse
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 2, 1989, pp. 8-10
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0389] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1989
Schwerpunktthema: Weibliche Zurückhaltung? Warum haben uns so wenig Frauen geschrieben?
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 3, 1989, pp. 14-16
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0389a] Schlagzeilen (Autor ungenannt), 1989
Werkstatt: Die feine englische Art
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 3, 1989, pp. 13
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0489] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1989
Schwerpunktthema: Alltag / Politik / S/M
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 20-25
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0489a] Schlagzeilen (Autor ungenannt), 1989
Das Syndikat lud ein - und alle, alle kamen
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 30
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0489b] Schlagzeilen (Autor ungenannt), 1989
Das Sündikat lud ein - die Hafenstraße lud durch
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 31
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0589] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1989
Schwerpunktthema: "Ich habe mit S/M nichts zu tun"
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 5, 1989, pp. 20-24
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0589a] Schlagzeilen (Autorin "X."), 1989
Was hat Aids mit unseren Perversionen zu tun? (Teil 2)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 5, 1989, pp. 28-29
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0589b] Schlagzeilen (Autor ungenannt), 1989
Werkstatt: The American Way of Life. Fesselung (Bondage, libotage, die erste).
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 5, 1989, pp. 36
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tem89] Tempo (Autor ungenannt), 1989
Zur Lage des Sex
In: Tempo, Vol. 3, 1989, pp. 55-62
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[The89] Theweleit, Klaus, 1989
Male Fantasies - Volume 1: Male Bodies: Psychoanalysing the White Terror
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis
Notes:  English translation of → The78.
[TM89] Tarlow, Gerald / Maxwell, Anne, 1989
Clinical handbook of behavior therapy: Adult psychological disorders
Publisher: Brookline, Cambridge, MA
Notes:  360 pp.
Abstract:  Contains entries on "Deviant sexual fantasies", "Exhibitionism", "Fetishism", "Sadomasochism", "Transvestism", "Voyeurism", "Scavenging behavior (coprophagy and pica).
[Val89] Valverde, Mariana, 1989
Sex, Macht und Lust Series: Die Frau in der Gesellschaft,
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Val85.
[Van89] Vanderkolk, B.A., 1989
The Compulsion to Repeat the Trauma - Reenactment, Revictimization, and Masochism
In: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1989, pp. 389-411
[VJ89] Vale, V. / Juno, Andrea (ed.), 1989
Modern Primitives
Publisher: Re/Search Publications, San Francisco
[Weg89] Wegner, Daniel M., 1989
White Bears and Other Unwanted Thoughts: Suppression, Obsession, and the Psychology of Mental Control
Publisher: Viking, New York
Notes:  207 pages
[Wei89] Weich, Martin J., 1989
The fetishistic use of speech
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 70, No. 2, 1989, pp. 245-253
Language: English with French, German and Spanish abstracts
Abstract:  "Focuses on the clinical usefulness of using a broad definition of fetishism that includes the use of abstract means to symbolically deny the female lack of a phallus. The case of a 23-yr-old male graduate student with an obscene telephone perversion is presented in which obscene words seen, heard, and spoken were used to deal with conflicts involving the dread of the sight of the 'castrated' female genital." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Wie89] Wiener (Autor ungenannt), 1989
Die Satanspriesterin - In einer Sekte zur Domina abgerichtet
In: Wiener, Vol. 3, 1989, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Kin89] Kintzinger, Axel, 1989, 22.8.
"Kein Unterschied zu Spießbürgern"
In: taz hamburg, 1989, 22.8., pp. 20
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Are90] Aresin, Lykke (ed.), 1990
Lexikon der Humansexuologie
(Lexicon of human sexuology)
Publisher: Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin
Language: German
[Arg90] Argens, Jean Baptiste de Boyer Marquis d', 1990
Thérèse philosophe: eine erotische Beichte
Publisher: Schneekluth, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BBS90] Buresova, A. / Bartova, D. / Svestka, J., 1990
Comparison of pharmacotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of sexual deviant behaviour
In: Activitas Nervosa Superior, Vol. 32, No. 4, 1990, pp. 299-301
Abstract:  "Compared the effects of depot medroxyprogestronacetate and oxyprothepine decanoate (OXD) with the standard drug diethylstilbestrol dipropionate (DSD) in the treatment of 21 patients (aged 18-57 yrs) with sexual deviant behavior. The parameters monitored included relapse of sexual deviant behavior, phalloplethysmographic findings, plasma testosterone levels, and spermiologic findings. There was a relapse in fetishistic behavior with the application of OXD and a relapse of exhibitionism with the application of DSD." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ben90] Benjamin, Jessica, 1990
Die Fesseln der Liebe: Psychoanalyse, Feminismus und das Problem der Macht
Publisher: Stroemfeld / Roter Stern, Basel, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ben88
[Ber90] Berger, Wolfgang, 1990
Die Lust, wenn es weh tut
In: Lui, Vol. 6, 1990, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Bol90] Bolze, Daniela, 1990
Brennende Fesseln
In: Playgirl, Vol. ?, 1990, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Cal90] Califia, Pat, 1990
Doc and Fluff. The Distopian Tale of a Girl and Her Biker.
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Cin90] Kino Verlag (ed.), 1990
Science Fiction III Series: Cinema Sonderband,
Publisher: Kino Verlag
Language: German
[Cle90] Clement, Ulrich, 1990
Empirische Studien zu heterosexuellem Verhalten
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 4, 1990, pp. 289-?
Language: German
[Dav90] Davidson, A.I., 1990
Closing Up the Corpses: Diseases of Sexuality and the Emergence of the Psychiatric Style of Reasoning
in: Boolos, G. (ed.): Meaning and Method: Essays in Honor of Hilary Putnam, pp. 295-325
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
[DHW90] Dietz, P.E. / Hazelwood, R.R. / Warren, J., 1990
The Sexually Sadistic Criminal and his Offenses
In: Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. 18, 1990, pp. 163-178
Abstract:  "Dietz and his collaborators who have studied 30 american criminal sadists, don't look upon sadism as a an abnorm condition like psychiatry has done a hundred years before them. The researchers stress that it has been usual to name cruel crimes as 'sexual sadistic' without necessarily reason. Sadistic fantasies and sadistic practice is not in itself proof on a psychiatric disorder. Only when the active part completely looses the empathy with the other person, we can talk about abnormal caracter as with crimes of violent and non-violent nature." (Source: → Gro92, p. 78-79)
[DIE90] Diamond, Milton / Innala, Sune M. / Ernulf, Kurt E., 1990
Asphyxiophilia and autoerotic death
In: Hawaii Medical Journal, Vol. 49, No. 1, 1990, pp. 11-16, 24
[Ert90] Ertel, Henner, 1990
Erotika und Pornographie: Repräsentative Befragung und psychophysiologische Langzeitstudie zu Konsum und Wirkung
Publisher: Psychologie Verlags Union, Weinheim
Language: German
[EVW90] Eckert, R. / Vogelgesang, W. / Wetzstein, T.A. / Winter, R., 1990
Grauen und Lust - Die Inszenierung der Affekte: Eine Studie zum abweichenden Videokonsum Series: Reihe Medienwissenschaft, Vol. 6
Publisher: Centaurus-Verlags-Gesellschaft, Pfaffenweiler
Language: German
[Far90] Farin, Michael (ed.), 1990
Marquis de Sade - Der Mensch ist böse. Ein erotisch-philosophisches Lesebuch.
Publisher: Heyne
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Far90a] Farin, Michael, 1990
Nachtseiten der Liebe - Feinsinnig vorurteilsfrei, aufgeschlossen: der Begründer der Sexualwissenschaft Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing
In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, SZ am Wochenende, Vol. 184, 11./12. August, 1990, pp. 126
Language: German
Notes:  Also published in → Far90a, pp. 54-57.
[Far91] Farin, Michael (ed.), 1990
Lust am Schmerz: Texte und Bilder zur Flagellomanie
Publisher: Schneekluth, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Fre90] Freund, Kurt, 1990
Courtship disorder
in: Marshall, W.L. / Laws, Donald Richard / Barbaree, Howard E. (ed.): Handbook of Sexual Assault: Issues, Theories, and Treatment of the Offender, pp. 195-207
Publisher: Plenum, New York
[FW90] Freund, Kurt / Watson, Robin, 1990
Mapping the Boundaries of Courtship Disorder
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 27, No. 4, 1990, pp. 589-606
Abstract:  "The courtship disorder hypothesis maintains that voyeurism, exhibitionism, toucheurism-frotteurism, and the preferential rape pattern are expressions of the same disorder (courtship disorder). Earlier studies had shown that with the exception of the preferential rape pattern these paraphilias co-occur to a reasonably high degree. The present study (1) demonstrated that the preferential rape pattern co-occurs with the above reasonably well established expressions of courtship disorder to a higher degree than other main paraphilic activity patterns do and (2) supported the conjecture that in addition to an erotic preference for unfamiliarity of target person-or-object (noted by earlier authors), three other paraphilic target-person or object preferences may be connected with courtship disorder, though they are not at all virtually obligatory as is erotic unfamiliarity. These are choosing children and adults alike as target persons of the paraphilic activities, non-gender dysphoric transvestism, and fetishism."
[Gee90] Geest, Hans von der, 1990
Verschwiegene und abgelehnte Formen der Sexualität: Eine christliche Sicht
Publisher: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, Zürich
Language: German
[Gei90] Geißler, Sina-Aline, 1990
Lust an der Unterwerfung. Frauen bekennen sich zum Masochismus.
Publisher: Moewig, Rastatt
Language: German
Notes:  208 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gei90a] Geißler, Sina-Aline, 1990
Mut zur Demut. Erotische Phantasien von Frauen.
Publisher: Moewig, Rastatt
Language: German
Notes:  206 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ghe90] Ghent, E., 1990
Masochism, Submission, Surrender - Masochism as a Perversion of Surrender
In: Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1990, pp. 108-136
[Goe90] Göbel, Alfred, 1990 (Doctoral thesis)
Die Einwilligung im Strafrecht als Ausprägung des Selbstbestimmungsrechts
School: Universität Bonn
Language: German
[Gra90] Grandes, Almudena, 1990
Lulś - die Geschichte einer Frau
Publisher: Galgenberg, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Las edades de Lulś" by Christiane Rasche.
[Gri90] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1990
Eine Ausnahme? Das Plenum "Sexualität und Herrschaft"
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 7, 1990, pp. 6-7
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hor90] Horn, H.-J., 1990
Antiandrogene bei Sexualdelinquenz. Zur Therapie von sexuell Devianten.
in: Wille, R (ed.): Zur Therapie von sexuell Devianten, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Diesbach, Berlin
Language: German
[HS90] Herdt, Gilbert / Stoller, Robert J., 1990
Intimate Communications: Erotics and the Study of Culture
Publisher: Columbia University Press, New York
[Huc90] Hucker, Stephen J., 1990
Sexual Asphyxia
in: Bluglass, Robert (ed.): Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, pp. 717-721
Publisher: MISSING, Edinburgh
[Jea90] Jean, Raymond, 1990
Ein Portrait des Marquis de Sade
Publisher: Schneekluth, München
Language: German
[Jef90] Jeffreys, Sheila, 1990
Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution
Publisher: The Women's Press Limited, London
[Joh90] Johansen, Birgit, 1990
Smertens lyst
Publisher: EkstraBladets Forlag, Copenhagen
Language: DK
Abstract:  "The Danish psychiatrist Birgit Johansen explains how endorphins that produce positive happy feelings in sports have the same effect in sadomasochism." (Svein Skeid)
[Kin90] King, Michael B., 1990
Sneezing as a fetishistic stimulus
In: Sexual and Marital Therapy, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1990, pp. 69-72
Abstract:  "Presents the case of a 26-yr-old homosexual male who was sexually aroused by observing other people sneeze and who had an obsessive fear of vomiting in public. Graded exposure exercises resulted in a rapid improvement in the S's fear of vomiting. Although the use of covert sensitization had little effect on the S's fetishistic impulses, he found thought-stopping useful in reducing his preoccupation with the fetishistic stimulus. The case is discussed in terms of the etiology and psychopathology of fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kra90] Krambeck, Kirsten, 1990 (Doctoral thesis)
Die erotischen Formen des Hasses: das sadomasochistische Bildwerk des Joseph Sell aus der Heidelberger Prinzhornsammlung aus ausdruckspsychopathologischer, psychoanalytischer und psychopathologischer Sicht
School: Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg
Language: German
[Kue90] Kürthy, Ildikó von, 1990
Ihr Gesicht, seine Augen und die Peitsche ...
In: Viva, Vol. 8, 1990, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Leh90] Lehne, Gregory K., 1990
Adolescent paraphilias
in: Perry, M.E. (ed.): Childhood and adolescent sexology Vol. 7, pp. 381-394
Publisher: Elsevier Science, New York
Abstract:  From the chapter: "the presence of a paraphilia is often difficult to evaluate in adolescents / there is little direct research available pertaining to this age group / the information in this chapter is based extensively upon experience working with adolescents in a clinic for paraphilic problems, and upon extrapolation from the adult professional literature, particularly the work of John Money /// overview of the paraphilias [pedophilia, ephebophilia and gerontophilia; exhibitionism and voyeurism; rapism; fetishism; transvestic fetishism; sexual masochism and sadism] / evaluation of adolescent paraphilias / issues in the treatment of adolescent paraphilias"
[LM+90] Levin, Fred M. / Meyer, Jon K. / Blos Jr. Peter / Rothstein, Arnold / Zients, Alan B. / Gillmann, Robert D., 1990
Sadism and Masochism in Neurosis and Symptom Formation
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1990, pp. 789-804
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[LRA90] Levine, S. / Risen, C. / Althof, A., 1990
Essay on the diagnosis and nature of paraphilia
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 16, 1990, pp. 89-102
[Maa90] Maaß, Geli, 1990
Werkstatt: Die zweite Haut - Gummi, Latex, Rubber
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 7, 1990, pp. 30-31
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mey90] Meyer, J.K., 1990
Sadism and Masochism in Neurosis and Symptom Formation
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1990, pp. 789-804
[MH90] Maaß, Geli / Hardtke, Roland, 1990
Werkstatt: Fesselung, Bondage, Ligotage, die zweite ...
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 6, 1990, pp. 24-25
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Moo90] Moore, Thomas, 1990
Dark Eros: The Imagination of Sadism
Publisher: Spring Publications, Dallas
Notes:  200 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ott90] Otto, Alfred, 1990
In: Magnus, Vol. 11, 1990, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Pag90] Paglia, Camille, 1990
Sexual Personae. Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson.
Publisher: Yale University Press, London, New Haven
[Pan90] Pandita Gunawardena, Ranjani, 1990
Paraphilic infantilism: A rare case of fetishistic behaviour
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 157, 1990, pp. 767-770
Abstract:  "Presents a rare case of infantile behavior of a fetishistic nature in an 80-yr-old man that was possibly related to a head injury at the age of 6, when his regression first began. The S's behavior was considered as paraphilic exhibitionism, possibly due to the childhood head injury and perpetuated by his mother's overprotective and infantalizing attitude. Problems with treatment approaches are discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pau90] Pauvert, Jean-Jacques, 1990
Cet écrivain à jamais célèbre: 1793-1814 Series: Sade vivant, Vol. 3
Publisher: R. Laffont, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  593 pages.
[Pet90] Petra (Autor ungenannt), 1990
Sex und Macht - Spezial
In: Petra, Vol. 12, 1990, pp. 151
Language: German
[Pos90] Posche, Ulrike, 1990
Eine Liebe mit Schmerzen
In: Stern, Vol. 10, 1990, pp. 68-74
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Rav90] van Ravensberg, Frank (ed.), 1990
20 Jaar VSSM - Tijdsbeeld van een vereniging
Uitgave VSSM
Notes:  49 pages with photographs
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ric90] Richards, Arlene K., 1990
Female fetishes and female perversions: Hermine Hug-Hellmuth's "A case of female foot or more properly boot fetishism" reconsidered
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 77, No. 1, 1990, pp. 11-23
Abstract:  "Presents a translation of H. Hug-Hellmuth's (1915) paper reporting the case of a 30-yr-old woman with boot fetishism. Hug-Hellmuth implies several etiological factors for the S's perversion (e.g., identification with her father and a passionate wish to be a boy). The author discusses how the theory of the development of perversions focuses on the phallic element, thereby suggesting that perversions occur mainly in males. Other examples of female perversions are cited, with the suggestion that discussion of female perversions was taboo because they threatened the ideal image of motherhood and maternal purity." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Roq90] Roquelaure, Anne (Anne Rice), 1990
Dornröschens Erwachen
Publisher: Goldmann, München
Language: German
[Ros90] Rosen, Michael A., 1990
Sexual Portraits. Photographs of radical sexuality.
Publisher: Shaynew Press (Eigenverlag), San Francisco
[Sad90] Sade, Marquis de, 1990
Die hundertzwanzig Tage von Sodom oder Die Schule der Ausschweifung. Series: Die bibliophilen Taschenbücher, Vol. 76
Publisher: Harenberg, Dortmund
Language: German
[Sad90b] Sade, Donatien A. de, 1990
Der Greis in Charenton - Letzte Aufzeichnungen und Kalkulationen
Publisher: Belleville, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sal90] Salewski, Michael, 1990
"Julian, begib dich in mein Boudoir": Weiberherrschaft und Fin-de-Siècle
in: Salewski, Michael / Bagel-Bohlan, A. (ed.): Sexualmoral und Zeitgeist im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Leske + Budrich, Opladen
Language: German
[Sau90] Saudelli, Franco, 1990
Clinica Bondage
[Sch90] Schnabl, Siegfried, 1990
Mann & Frau intim: Fragen des gesunden und gestörten Geschlechtslebens
18th revised and enlarged edition
Publisher: Verlag Gesundheit, Berlin
Language: German
[SG+90] Schorsch, Eberhard / Galedary, G. / Haag, A. / Hauch, M. / Lohse, H. (ed.), 1990
Perversion als Straftat. Dynamik und Psychotherapie.
Publisher: Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York, Tokyo
Language: German
[See90] Seeßlen, Georg, 1990
Der pornographische Film
Publisher: Ullstein, Frankfurt/M., Berlin
Language: German
[Spi90] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1990
Ein bißchen Schmerz
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 40, 1990, pp. 299-302
Language: German
[Spi90a] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1990
Gequältes aus zweiter Hand
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 52, 1990, pp. 165
Language: German
[Spi90b] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1990
"Ja, ich bin ein Wüstling": Wiederkehr als "Klassiker" am 250. Geburtstag - der Marquis de Sade
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 23, 1990, pp. 194-211
Language: German
[Ste90] Stern (various authors), 1990
Leserbriefe zu → Pos90
In: Stern, Vol. 11, 1990, pp. ?
Language: German
[SZ0690] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1990
Schwerpunktthema: Kindheit
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 6, 1990, pp. 20-23
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0790] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1990
Schwerpunktthema: When I was a Child ... (Teil 2)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 7, 1990, pp. 18-23
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[The90] Theis, Hannelore, 1990 (Doctoral thesis)
Masochismus und Weiblichkeit
School: Freie Universität Berlin
Language: German
[Wil90] Wille, Reinhard (ed.), 1990
Zur Therapie von sexuell Devianten
Publisher: Diesbach, Berlin
Language: German
[HM90] FEHLT, 1990, 17.01.
Akademiker sucht Frau als Sklavin
In: Hamburger Morgenpost, 1990, 17.01., pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Bil90] BILD (Autor ungenannt), 1990, 19.5.
Auch ich brauche Erniedrigung
In: BILD, 1990, 19.5., pp. ?
Language: German
[Sad90a] Sade, D.A.F. de, 1990-1995
Justine und Juliette
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz, München
Language: German
[AGS91] AG SM & Öffentlichkeit, 1991
Sadomasochistisches Manifest 1991
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. 35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Arl91] Arlow, Jacob, 1991
Derivative manifestations of perversions
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 59-74
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Arn91] Arndt, William B., 1991
Gender Disorders and the Paraphilias
Publisher: International Universities Press, Madison, CT
Abstract:  From the jacket: "This volume presents descriptions and explanations of all gender disorders and paraphilias recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The material presented is derived from a review of some 1,200 references, making it the definitive work in this area.
Each chapter contains a critical discussion of various definitions, a detailed description of the deviant behavior, and a presentation of developmental history and personality dynamics.
What distinguishes this work from others on these topics is the information presented is from multiple perspectives. These perspectives include therapists' reports on development and psychodynamics, data from surveys conducted on these groups, observations from sociological field studies, analysis of literature written specifically for these groups, and especially these individuals' own perceptions and cognitions of their feelings and behaviors.
Our information about gender disorders and paraphilias comes from such fields as endocrinology, general psychiatry, psychoanalysis, forensic medicine, psychology, sociology, and social work."
[Bac91] Bach, Sheldon, 1991
On sadomasochistic object relations
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 75-92
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
Abstract:  From the chapter: "[a psychoanalytic exploration] of the more ubiquitous perversions of everyday life in which the individual, rather than using a fetish or fantasy as a prosthesis to replace a missing part of his ego, uses instead a mode of relating that one of my patients called a 'technical' relationship, one that falls under the more general heading of sadomasochistic object relations.
Such sadomasochistic relations may or may not include actual perversions, but they always include sadomasochistic fantasies, which may be conscious or deeply unconscious / they cover a continuum of nosologies from the neurotic through the psychotic, but I [the author] believe they are developmentally related to the sexual perversions because, like them, they arise as a defense against and an attempt to repair some traumatic loss that has not been adequately mourned / in this view, sadomasochistic relations are seen as a kind of denied or pathological mourning, a repetitive attempt to disclaim the loss or to repair it in fantasy, but an attempt that does not lead to resolution because in some dissociated part of the psyche that loss remains disavowed."

[Bai91] Bailey, K.G., 1991
Human paleopsychopathology: Implications for the paraphilias
In: New Trends in Experimental and Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1991, pp. 5-16
Abstract:  "Introduces the concept of paleopsychopathology and applies it to a reconceptualization of the paraphilias. The model suggests that the paraphilias are basically disorders of phylogenetic maleness where high sex drive and other aspects of male primate sexuality are displaced, 'malimprinted,' or disinhibited in socially proscribed ways. Specific disorders discussed are voyeurism, exhibitionism, pedophilia, and fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ban91] Bancroft, John, 1991
Die Zweischneidigkeit der Medikalisierung männlicher Sexualität
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 4, 1991, pp. 294-?
Language: German
[Bau91] Baumeister, Roy F., 1991
Escaping the Self: Alcoholism, Spirituality, Masochism
Publisher: Harper Collins, New York
Notes:  268 pages, masochism on pp. 115-138.
[Bel91] Bellion, Regina, 1991
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[Ber91] Bergson, Boris (Pseud.), 1991
Gummi-Leder-Fetischismus: Kasuistisches Material zum Syndrom des Fetischismus unter besonderer Berücksichtigung algolagnischer Fixierungen dargestellt am Beispiel unveröffentlichter privater Porno-Texte
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  208 pages
[Ber91a] Berner, Wolfgang, 1991
Sadomasochismus bei einer Frau. Bericht über eine psychoanalytische Behandlung.
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 1, 1991, pp. 45-57
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BH91] Blanchard, Ray / Hucker, Stephen J., 1991
Age, Transvestism, Bondage, and Concurrent Paraphilic Activities in 117 Fatal Cases of Autoerotic Asphyxia
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 159, 1991, pp. 371-377
[Blo91] Blos, Peter, 1991
Sadomasochism and the defense against recall of painful affect
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 417-430
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Blu91] Blum, Harold P., 1991
Sadomasochism in the psychoanalytic process, within and beyond the pleasure principle: discussion
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 431-450
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[BP91] Betz, Peter / Penning, Randolph, 1991
Ein ungewöhnlicher Unfall bei autoerotischer Betätigung
In: Archiv für Kriminologie, Vol. 188, 1991, pp. 20-24
Language: German
[BT+91] Boglioli, Lauren R. / Taff, Mark L. / Stephens, Peter J. / Money, John, 1991
A Case of Autoerotic Asphyxia Associated with Multiplex Paraphilia
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 64-73
[BTW91] Bell, Michael D. / Tate, Larry G. / Wright, Ronald K., 1991
Sexual Asphyxia in Siblings
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 77-79
[BWH91] Bell, Alan P. / Weinberg, Martin S. / Hammersmith, Sue K., 1991
Der Kinsey Institut Report über sexuelle Orientierung und Partnerwahl
Publisher: Bertelsmann, München
Language: German
[Cal91] Califia, Pat, 1991
The Advocate Advisor
Publisher: Alyson, Boston, Mass.
[Cal91a] Califia, Pat, 1991
The Power Exchange
in: (ed.): Skin Two Retro 1, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Tim Woodward, London
[Can91] Canguilhem, Georges, 1991
The Normal and the Pathological
Publisher: Zone Books, New York
[Cap91] Caplan, Paula J., 1991
How do they decide who is normal? The bizarre, but true, tale of the DSM process
In: Canadian Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1991, pp. 162-170
[Cha91] Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, 1991
Sadomasochism in the perversions: some thoughts on the destruction of reality
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 399-415
Abstract:  "The author summarizes and develops some of her viewpoints on the perversions (outlined in several of the books and articles she has written). For her all the perversions, whatever their content, develop against an anal sadomasochistic backdrop. Their aim is to destroy reality. Reality, from a psychosexual perspective, may be defined as resulting from the existence of the father separating the mother and the child. This may be formulated in another way: reality is recognition of sexual and generational differences. Or, yet again: mother and father have a procreative sexuality, whereas the child does not. This leads to the idea that the destruction of reality is equivalent to destruction of the paternal universe. Clinical case illustrations are provided, one of which centers on the assassination of an old man who, besides representing a paternal oedipal image, also represents reality itself. This case illustrates in concrete form the murder of the father, and hence of reality, accomplished by the pervert when he eradicates the paternal dimension of psychosexuality by regressing to the anal sadomasochistic dimension."
[Coo91] Coover, Robert, 1991
Spiel mit der Magd
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Coo91a] Cooper, Arnold M., 1991
The unconscious core of perversion
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[CS91] Cooper, A.M. / Sacks, M.H., 1991
Sadism and Masochism in Character Disorder and Resistance
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 1, 1991, pp. 215-226
[Dej91] Deja, Christine, 1991
Frauenlust und Unterwerfung. Geschichte der O und Neun Wochen und drei Tage.
Publisher: Kore, Freiburg im Breisgau
Language: German
Notes:  173 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Die91] Dietl-Wichmann, Karin, 1991
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Div91] Diverse, 1991
Sadomasochism in the Perversions. Panel Report.
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1991, pp. 741
[Dol91] Dollimore, Jonathan, 1991
Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault
Publisher: Clarendon Press, Oxford
Notes:  X/388 pages
[EKD91] Eckert, William G. / Katchis, Steve / Donovan, William, 1991
The Pathology and Medicolegal Aspects of Sexual Activity
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 3-15
Abstract:  So astoundingly lurid, badly researched and prejudiced it makes you wonder from what strange motivation this piece was written. Don't read it unless you have to.
[Emm91] Emmermann, Heide-Marie, 1991
Credo an Gott und sein Fleisch: Erfahrungen mit irdischer und himmlischer Liebe
Publisher: Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
[Ena91] Enard, Jean-Pierre, 1991
(The Art of Spanking)
[Eng91] Engstfeld, Lilly, 1991
Die geheime Lust. Frauen und Männer enthüllen ihr erotisches Doppelleben.
In: Stern, Vol. ? (September), 1991, pp. 78-86
Language: German
[FM91] Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.), 1991
Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Fog91] Fogel, Gerald I. (ed.), 1991
Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven et al.
[For91] Fordham, Michael, 1991
The androgyne: Some inconclusive reflections on sexual perversions
in: Samuels, Andrew (ed.): Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian perspectives, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Press, New York
[Fri91] Friday, Nancy, 1991
Women on Top: How Real Life has Changed Women's Sexual Fantasies
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, New York
[Gei91] Geißler, Sina-Aline, 1991
Onderdanig wil ik zijn: Vrouwen & masochisme
Publisher: A.W. Bruna Uitgevers B.V., Utrecht
Language: Dutch
Notes:  Translation of → Gei90 into Netherlands by Peter de Rijk
[Git91] Gitlin, Todd, 1991
On Thrills and Kills: Sadomasochism in the Movies
In: Dissent, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1991, pp. 245-248
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Gol91] Goldschmidt, Georges-Arthur, 1991
Die Absonderung
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Gol91a] Gold, S.R., 1991
Brief research report: History of child sexual abuse and adult sexual fantasies
In: Violence and Victims, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1991, pp. 75-82
[Gor91] Gordon, Rosemary, 1991
Masochism: The Shadow side of the archetypal need to venerate and worship
in: Samuels, Andrew (ed.): Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian perspectives, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Press, New York
[Gra91] Grandes, Almudena, 1991
Ich werde dich Freitag nennen
Publisher: Galgenberg, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Te llamaré Viernes" by Christiane Rasche.
[Gro91] Grof, Stanislav, 1991
Geburt, Tod und Transzendenz. Neue Dimensionen in der Psychologie.
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Gro91a] Grossman, William I., 1991
Pain, Aggression, Fantasy, and Concepts of Sadomasochism
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 60, No. 1, 1991, pp. 22-52
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[GW91] Glickauf-Hughes, Cheryl / Wells, M., 1991
Current Conceptualizations on Masochism: Genesis and Object Relations
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 45, No. 1, 1991, pp. 53-68
[GWB91] Gosselin, Chris C. / Wilson, Glenn D. / Barrett, P.T., 1991
The Personality and Sexual Preferences of Sadomasochistic Women
In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 11-15
Abstract:  "Eighty-seven women who enjoyed using sadomasochistic components in their sexual life completed the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, a slightly modified version of the Wilson Sexual Fantasy Questionnaire and demographic questionnaires exploring the sadomasochistic and other features of their sexual lifestyle, the results being compared with those from a sample of 50 women of conventional sexual lifestyle. Results showed that sadomasochistic females score significantly higher on psychoticism and extraversion and lower on neuroticism than control women. They were in general also more active, both in fantasy and activity terms."
[Hal91] Halberstadt-Freud, Hendrika C., 1991
Freud, Proust, Perversion and Love
Publisher: Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam et al.
Notes:  219 pp.
Abstract:  "Central to this book is the idea that perversion is the prototype for problems in intimacy, for narcissism, for lack of gender identity and for the sexualization of fear and aggression. The other person is made a fetish in order to manipulate him or her and to create a false semblance of love to hide hatred and destructiveness. To illustrate this idea the author gives some clinical examples and an analysis of the work of Proust in which the development and life history of the protagonist are told and in which the connection between feelings of guilt and sadomasochism is emphasized." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Her91] Herrman, Bert, 1991
TRUST / The Hand Book: A Guide to the Sensual and Spiritual Art of Handballing
Publisher: Alamo Square Press, San Francisco
[HNH91] Hall, Gordon / Nagayama, C. / Hirschman, Richard, 1991
Towards a Theory of Sexual Aggression: A Quadripartite Model
In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 59, No. 5, 1991, pp. 662-669
[Hou91] Houlberg, R., 1991
The Magazine of a Sadomasochistic Club: The Tie that Binds
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 21 (1/2), 1991, pp. 167-183
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[HST91] Huws, Rhodri / Shubsachs, A.P. / Taylor, P.J., 1991
Hypersexuality, fetishism and multiple sclerosis
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 158, 1991, pp. 280-281
Abstract:  "Indicates that hypersexuality, disinhibition, and fetishism appeared in a 28-yr-old male patient with multiple sclerosis whose magnetic resonance imaging scan showed frontal and temporal lesions. The coexistence of disinhibition, hypersexuality, and fetishism suggests that both frontal and possibly 2 distinct temporal lobe pathways are involved." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kap91] Kaplan, Louise, 1991
Female Perversions
Publisher: Doubleday, New York
[Kap91a] Kaplan, Louise J., 1991
Weibliche Perversionen. Von befleckter Unschuld und verweigerter Unterwerfung.
Publisher: Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Kel91] Keller, Gustav, 1991
Die Psychologie der Folter. Die Psyche der Folterer. Die Psycho-Folter. Die Psyche der Gefolterten.
Publisher: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Ker91] Kernberg, Otto F., 1991
Sadomasochism, Sexual Excitement, and Perversion
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 333-362
Abstract:  "Sadomasochism, an ingredient of infantile sexuality, is an essential part of normal sexual functioning and love relations, and of the very nature of sexual excitement. Sadomasochistic elements are also present in all sexual perversions. Sadomasochism starts out as the potential for erotic masochism in both sexes, and represents a very early capacity to link aggression with the libidinal elements of sexual excitement. Sexual excitement may be considered a basic affect that overcomes primitive splitting of love and hatred. Erotic desire is a more mature form of sexual excitement. Psychoanalytic exploration makes it possible to uncover the unconscious components of sexual excitement: wishes for symbiotic fusion and for aggressive penetration and intermingling; bisexual identifications; the desire to transgress oedipal prohibitions and the secretiveness of the primal scene, and to violate the boundaries of a teasing and withholding object. The relation between these wishes and the development of erotic idealization processes in both sexes is explored in the context of a critical review of the pertinent psychoanalytic literature."
[Ker91a] Kernberg, Otto F., 1991
Aggression and love in the relationship of the couple
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 153-175
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Kir91] Kirsch, Claudia, 1991
Männer von Frauen gefesselt
In: Esquire, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Kul91] Kulla, Carsten, 1991 (Diploma thesis / Masters thesis)
Die Funktion der Subkultur für die Identitätsbildung - Probleme der Erwachsenenbildung
School: FB Erziehungswissenschaften der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Kut91] Kutchinsky, Berl, 1991
Pornography and Rape: Theory and Practice?
In: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Vol. 14, 1991, pp. 47-66
[Leb91] Lebegue, B., 1991
Paraphilias in U.S. Pornography Titles: "Pornography Made Me Do It" (Ted Bundy)
In: Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1991, pp. 43-48
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Lor91] Lorefice, L.S., 1991
Fluoxetine treatment of a fetish
In: The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 52, No. 1, 1991, pp. 41
Abstract:  "Reports the case of a 27-yr-old man with a fetish about flexed muscles who was successfully treated with fluoxetine. The question is raised, given fluoxetine' effectiveness in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), of whether fetishism and OCD are related disorders." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Maa91] Maaß, Geli, 1991
Der S/M tanzt - Auftakt in die Ballsaison
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. 20-25
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mar91] Martin, Gigi, 1991
Die Herrin
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[McD91] McDougall, Joyce, 1991
Perversions and Deviations in the Psychoanalytic Attitude: Their Effects on Theory and Practice
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 176-203
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Mey91] Meyers, Helen C., 1991
Perversion in fantasy and furtive enactments
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 93-108
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Mil91] Millot, Catherine, 1991
Not Yet Virgin: The Function of Masochism in Joyce
In: James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1991, pp. 43-46
[Mir91] Mirbeau, Octave, 1991
Der Garten der Qualen Series: Die erotische Bibliothek,
Publisher: Schneekluth, München
Language: German
[Mor91] Morché, Pascal, 1991
Sex bizarr - Fetischismus wird zum Volksvergnügen
In: Tempo, Vol. ? (Februar), 1991, pp. 56-62
Language: German
[MWH91] Money, John / Wainwright, Gordon / Hingsburger, David, 1991
The Breathless Orgasm: A Lovemap Biography of Asphyxiaphilia
Publisher: Prometheus, Buffalo, N.Y.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Neu91] Neu, Jerome, 1991
Freud and perversion
in: Neu, Jerome (ed.): The Cambridge companion to Freud, pp. 175-208
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, New York
Abstract:  "Discusses S. Freud's conceptualizations of sexual perversion as set forth in 'Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ney91] Neyen, Werner, 1991 (Doctoral thesis)
Die Einwilligungsfähigkeit im Strafrecht
School: Universität Trier
Language: German
[NN91] Novick, Kerry Kelly / Novick, Jack, 1991
Some comments on masochism and the delusion of omnipotence from a developmental perspective. Presentation, Wintermeeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 307-331
[Nye91] Nye, Robert A., 1991
The History of Sexuality in Context: National Sexological Traditions
In: Science in Context, Vol. 4, 1991, pp. 387-406
[PA91] Pulver, S.E. / Akhtar, S., 1991
Sadomasochism in the Perversions
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1991, pp. 741-755
[Pau91] Pauvert, Jean-Jacques, 1991
Der göttliche Marquis. Leben und Werk des Donatien-Aldonze-François De Sade
Publisher: Paul List, München
Language: German
[Pet91] Peters, Edward, 1991
Folter. Geschichte der peinlichen Befragung.
Publisher: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg
Language: German
[Roc91] Rocha, Fernando, 1991
Algumas Considerações sobre Desejo e Fetichismo a Partir de uma Experiencia Psicanalitica
(Some considerations regarding desire and fetishism based on a psychoanalytic experience)
In: Revista Brasileira de Psicanalise, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1991, pp. 165-174
Language: Portuguese with English abstract
Abstract:  "Discusses the phenomenon of fetishism, quoting Freud's definition of it as a response to the castration threat in men and the disavowal of penis absence in women. As a protection against the danger of castration, the importance of fetishism lies in its reassurance value. Fetishism may symbolize the last moment in which a woman could be thought of as phallic. The question of fetishism may transcend the studies of perversion, raising questions regarding conditions essential for the constitution of desire. This theme is illustrated with the clinical case of a man with a fetish for cows." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Roh91] Rohwer, Tom, 1991
Der Mythos von der "Gewalt-Pornographie", oder: Plädoyer für ein Sado-Masochistisches Manifest
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 9, 1991, pp. 27-29
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Roq91] Roquelaure, Anne (Anne Rice), 1991
Dornröschens Bestrafung
Publisher: Goldmann, München
Language: German
[Roq91a] Roquelaure, Anne (Anne Rice), 1991
Dornröschens Erlösung
Publisher: Goldmann, München
Language: German
[Rot91] Rothstein, Arnold, 1991
Sadomasochism in the neuroses conceived of as a pathological compromise formation
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 363-375
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Rot91a] Rothstein, Arnold, 1991
Application of the Theory of Conflict and Compromise Formation to Clinical Phenomena: Narcissism, Masochism, Sadism, and Transference
in: Rothstein, Arnold (ed.): The Moscow Lectures on Psychoanalysis, pp. 61-76
Publisher: International Universities Press, Inc., Madison
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Rub91] Rubin, Gayle S., 1991
The Catacombs: A Temple of the Butthole
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson, Boston, Mass.
[Sac91] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1991
Mondnacht: Erzählungen aus Galizien
Publisher: Ruetten & Loening, Berlin
Language: German
[Sch91] Scheu, Jan P., 1991
Just put a Ring on my Finger ...
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 8, 1991, pp. 6-7
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sch91a] Schwarzer, Alice, 1991
Weiblicher Masochismus ist Kollaboration!
In: EMMA, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Sch91b] Schoenewolf, Gerald, 1991
The art of hating
Publisher: Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ
Notes:  XIII, 213 pp.
Abstract:  With sections on "Masochism", "Transvestism", "Exhibitionism", "Voyeurism", "Fetishism", "Sexual sadomasochism" and "Beastiality" (sic).
[Shy91] Shy, Marlon, 1991
Fetisch Park: Die vergessene Kunst vor Liebe zu sterben
Publisher: konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen
Language: German
Notes:  224 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sit91] Sitzmann, Valentin, 1991
Zur Strafbarkeit von sado-masochistischen Körperverletzungen
In: Goltdammers Archiv für Strafrecht, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. 71-81
Language: German
[Spi91] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1991
Vom Leder gezogen
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 31, 1991, pp. 173
Language: German
[Spi91a] Spitz, E.H., 1991
Reflections on the smile of Dionysus: Theatricality, specularity, and the perverse
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 207-231
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Ste91] Steward, Samuel M., 1991
Dr. Kinsey takes a peek at S/M: A reminiscence
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. 81-90
Publisher: Alyson, Boston, Mass.
[Ste91a] Stein, David, 1991
S/M's Copernican Revolution: From a closed world to the infinite universe
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson, Boston, Mass.
[Sto91] Stoller, Robert, 1991
Pain and Passion: A Psychoanalyst Explores the World of S&M
Publisher: Plenum Press, New York
Abstract:  From the jacket: "A preeminent psychoanalyst explores the world of consensual S & M. An expert on the dynamics of perversion and erotic excitement, Dr. Stoller sets out on an expedition to the S & M community of West Hollywood. We meet the highly articulate Ron, who serves as a guide to the fetishes and bizarre practices of both casual and devoted proponents of sadomasochism. We are introduced to Marilyn and Claudelle, two warmly opinionated entrepreneurs of a B & D (bondage and discipline) establishment. The arcane business of S & M videos is documented by Merlin, an enthusiastic producer of pornography. Most interesting are Dr. Stoller's provocative questions to these denizens of the S & M world and his engaging musings on their answers.
Like an anthropologist in New Guinea, Dr. Stoller observes the customs of these natives. He studies them in his quest for insight into the perplexing question of why some people associate pain and humiliation with intense erotic desire. Thus his journey is not only external, but internal - into the meaning and boundaries of the term perversion and its place within the psyche. He investigates how the theater of the imagination is moved into the real world's reverberating complexity. In the course of this journey, Dr. Stoller changes his views, first referring to these S & M practitioners as specimens and then perceiving them, in their ambiguities and contradictions, as human beings. By joining Dr. Stoller, we find not only nuances in the meanings of consensual sadomasochism but larger implications of what being human means."
[Sto91a] Stoller, Robert, 1991
Porn: Myths for the Twentieth Century
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, CT
Abstract:  From the jacket: "Bill, Merlin, Happy, and Kay are among the porn-film performers and producers who tell their stories to Dr. Robert J. Stoller in this psychodynamic ethnography of adult heterosexual pornography. Their engrossing accounts reveal in rich detail not only the inner workings of 'the Industry' and the fantasies and motivation of its participants but also the relation between this most denigrated of occupations and 'normal' human erotic behavior and attitudes.
Consistently nonjudgmental about the material he presents, Dr. Stoller nevertheless draws provocative conclusions about porn, its practitioners, and its effects on society. Everyone at work on a porn production, he says, uses it as a vehicle for unloading his or her rage against something - mores, institutions, laws, parents, females, or males. According to Dr. Stoller, pornography does not exist only to degrade women, there is no reliable evidence that it increases the frequency of rape, and (with the exception of child porn) it does little harm. Pornography, says Dr. Stoller, seems more the result of our changing society than a cause of change; it reflects, more than influences, our values and mores.
This work is an outstanding contribution to the psychoanalytic exploration of the erotic and to the exploration of mass culture from the psychoanalytic perspective."
[Sto91b] Stoller, Robert, 1991
The term perversion
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 207-231
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Sto91c] Storr, Anthony, 1991
The psychopathology of fetishism and transvestism
in: Samuels, Andrew (ed.): Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian perspectives, pp. 255-274
Publisher: Guilford Press, New York
Abstract:  From the chapter: "I have tried to show in this paper that fetishists and transvestites are persons who, because of a certain type of immaturity, feel themselves to be inadequate as men: that their symptoms are an effort to remedy this situation, by an attempt to transfer masculinity from other person to themselves, whether this person be male or female: and that this attempt is paralleled in the mythological theme of the hero's struggle with the bisexual dragon: and I have also attempted to show that the opposing views of other psychopathologists can be reconciled if this interpretation is accepted."
[Sug91] Sugarman, A., 1991
Developmental Antecedents of Masochism - Vignettes from the Analysis of a 3-Year-Old Girl
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 72, No. P1, 1991, pp. 107-116
[SZ0891] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1991
Schwerpunktthema: Freiheit, die wir meinen ...
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 8, 1991, pp. 16-22
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0991] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1991
Schwerpunktthema: Vor aller Augen ...? Sadomasochismus und Öffentlichkeit
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 9, 1991, pp. 18-29
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1001a] Schlagzeilen (Autor "Panta Rhei"), 1991
Schwarze Seelen und lichtscheues Gesindel
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. 19
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tem91] Tempo (Autor ungenannt), 1991
Gier auf Gummi
In: Tempo, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Tho91] Thompson, Mark (ed.), 1991
Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice.
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston, Mass.
[Tru91] Truscott, Carol, 1991
S/M: Some questions and a few answers
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston, Mass.
[Tuc91] Tucker, Scott, 1991
The Hanged Man
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston, Mass.
[WF+91] Wise, T.N. / Fagan, P.J. / Schmidt, C.W. / Ponticas, Y. / Costa, P.T., 1991
Personality and sexual functioning of transvestitic fetishists and other paraphilics.
In: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 179, No. 11, 1991, pp. 694-698
Abstract:  "Utilizing the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI) and the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI), 24 transvestitic fetishists (TVs) were compared with a similar clinic-evaluated group of 26 other paraphilics (OPs). The data replicated previous results and extended them by showing that TVs did not differ from OPs on most dimensions of the NEO-PI and the DSFI. Both groups were significantly higher on neuroticism and significantly lower on agreeableness than the NEO-PI male normative population. The other paraphilic group tended to score lower on conscientiousness than the TVs and the normative comparison group. For nine of the 10 DSFI variables, there were no significant differences between the TVs and the OPs. The TVs were significantly higher than the OPs on role identity, indicating a more feminine identification. Both the TVs and OPs reported elevated levels of fantasy. The implications of these findings suggest that, in general, TVs and OPs are more similar than they are different, with a common personality profile and a similar pattern of sexual functioning."
[Wur91] Wurmser, Léon, 1991
"Der goldleuchtende Dolch" - Masochistische Übertragung, Über-Ich-Übertragung und Gegenübertragung
In: Forum der Psychoanalyse, Vol. 7, 1991, pp. 1-19
Language: German
[YG91] Young, G.H. / Gerson, S., 1991
New Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Masochism and Spouse Abuse
In: Psychotherapy, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1991, pp. 30-38
[TAZ91] taz (Autor ungenannt), 1991, 12.10.
"Geschäftsmäßige Erziehungsspiele mit Zofen"
In: die tageszeitung, 1991, 12.10., pp. 28
Language: German
[Arm92] Armin, Thomas P., 1992
Kerle in Ketten: Deutschlands schwule Leder- und S/M-Szene
Publisher: Foerster, Darmstadt
Language: German
[Bah92] Bahnen, Peter, 1992
Zur Sozialgeschichte des Sadomasochismus
(The social history of sadomasochism)
In: Schwulenreferat im ASTA / FU Berlin: Homosexualität und Wissenschaft II, pp. 11-26
Publisher: Verlag Rosa Winkel, Berlin
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Ban92] Bannon, Race, 1992
Learning the Ropes: A Basic Guide to Safe and Fun S/M Lovemaking
Publisher: Daedalus, Los Angeles
[Bau92] Baur, Eva Gesine / Schmid-Bode, Wilhelm, 1992
Was heißt hier pervers? Die Lust, sexuelle Phantasien auszuleben.
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Bei92] Beinstein, Krista, 1992
Gewaltige Obsessionen - Mysterien sexueller Phantasie
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[Ben92] Benjamin, Jessica, 1992
Die Entfremdung des Verlangens: Der Masochismus der Frauen und die ideale Liebe
in: Alpert, Judith (ed.): Psychoanalyse der Frau jenseits von Freud, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Springer, Berlin
Language: German
[Ber92] Berquet, Gilles, 1992
Larme Blanche
Publisher: Editions Astarte
Language: French
[Bok92] Bokanowski, Thiery, 1992
A propos de la perversion et de l'emprise: Le fétichisme
(Perversion and mastery: Fetishism)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 1707-1714
Language: French
Abstract:  Defines fetishism as the most fluid and the most readable of perversions. Illustrating this theme with the complex case of a 50-yr-old male patient, the author highlights, among other manifestations, the deep disorganization of the S's fantasy elaboration. The early roots of the S's fetishism had to be sought, among other things, in the early mastery exercised over him by a seductive and dysfunctional mother. The S's auto-erotic manifestations, without any objectal references, beacme part of his perversion together with the intrapsychic organization of primary homosexuality. The mastery and control originally wielded over the S by his mother became internalized in her absence, and inextricably intertwined with his psychic apparatus.
[BR92] Burgard, Roswitha / Rommelspacher, Birgit (ed.), 1992
Leiden macht keine Lust: Der Mythos vom weiblichen Masochismus
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Bro92] Broschat, Gernot, 1992
Einfache und qualifizierte Pornographie
In: Jugend Medien Schutz-Report, Vol. 5, 1992, pp. 39-41
Language: German
[Cal92] Califia, Pat, 1992
S&M Sicherheitshandbuch
Publisher: ikoo, MISSING
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Cal92a] Califia, Pat, 1992
Love and the Perfect Sadist
In: Skin Two, Vol. ?, 1992, pp. 42-47
[Cha92] Chancer, Lynn-Sharon, 1992
Sadomasochism In Everyday Life: The Dynamics of Power and Powerlessness
Publisher: Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ
[Dan92] Dannecker, Martin, 1992
Die Lust am Verbot
in: Dannecker, Martin (ed.): Das Drama der Sexualität Vol. 174, pp. 26-34
Publisher: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg
Language: German
[Dun92] Dunde, Siegfried Rudolf (ed.), 1992
Handbuch Sexualität
Publisher: Deutscher Studien-Verlag, Weinheim
Language: German
[Fed92] Fedoroff, J.P., 1992
Buspirone hydrochloride in the treatment of an atypical paraphilia.
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1992, pp. 401-406
Abstract:  "A case report involving buspirone hydrochloride in the successful treatment of a patient with an atypical paraphilia and transvestic fetishism is presented. Treatment outcome was assessed by the patient's self-report as well as by retrospective examination of detailed notes about paraphilia fantasies which unknown to the therapists, had been kept by the patient. Preliminary evidence indicates that buspirone appears to effectively treat some paraphilias."
[FF92] Freeman, R. / Freeman, T., 1992
An Anatomical Commentary on the Concept of Infantile Oral Sadism
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 73, 1992, pp. 343-348
[Fin92] Finell, J.S., 1992
Sadomasochism and Complementarity in the Interaction of the Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Type
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 79, No. 3, 1992, pp. 361-379
[Fog92] Fog, Agner, 1992
Paraphilias and Therapy
In: Nordisk Sexologi, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1992, pp. 236-242
[Fou92] Fout, J.C. (ed.), 1992
Forbidden History: The State, Society, and the Regulation of Sexuality in Modern Europe
Publisher: University of Chicago Press, Chicago
[FR+92] Fedora, Orestes / Reddon, John R. / Morrison, James W. / Fedora, Shawn K. / Pascoe, Herbert / Yeudall, Lorne T., 1992
Sadism and other paraphilias in normal controls and aggressive and nonaggressive sex offenders.
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1992, pp. 1-15
Abstract:  "Penile circumference responses (PCRs) to a visual age/gender erotic preference battery were analyzed from 60 normal controls and 227 sexual offenders. Sixty offenders were classified as sexual aggressives on the basis of their behavior and damage to their victims. The mean PCR to sadism slides (visual portrayals of nonsexual violence against fully clothed females) was significantly larger for the sexually aggressive group compared to the sexual nonaggressive offender and normal control groups. There were no significant differences in mean victim damage scores between the sexual aggressives who responded significantly to the sadism slides and those who did not. Thus, PCRs were not useful in identifying more from less dangerous sexual aggressives. The incidence of a clinically significant PCR to any of the four paraphilic categories included in the assessment battery was 28, 60, and 65% in the normal controls, sexual nonaggressives, and sexual aggressives, respectively. For sadism, it was 5, 8, and 45% respectively, for these groups. Pedophilia had a low incidence of co-occurrence with other paraphilias whereas sadism, transvestism/fetishism, and the courtship disorder paraphilias had a high incidence of co-occurrence."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Fri92] Friday, Nancy, 1992
Befreiung zur Lust - Neue sexuelle Phantasien von Frauen
Publisher: Bertelsmann, München
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Fri91.
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Gar92] Garber, Marjorie, 1992
Vested Interests - Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety
Publisher: Routledge, London
[Ger92] Gert, Bernard, 1992
A sex caused inconsistency in DSM-III-R: the definition of mental disorder and the definition of paraphilias.
In: Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1992, pp. 155-171
Abstract:  "The DSM-III-R definition of mental disorder is inconsistent with the DSM-III-R definition of paraphilias. The former requires the suffering or increased risk of suffering some harm while the latter allows that deviance, by itself, is sufficient to classify a behavioral syndrome as a paraphilia. This inconsistency is particularly clear when examining the DSM-III-R account of a specific paraphilia, Transvestic Fetishism. The author defends the DSM-III-R definition of mental disorder and argues that the DSM-III-R definition of paraphilias should be changed. He recommends that the diagnostic criteria for specific paraphilias, particularly that for Transvestic Fetishism, be changed to make them consistent with the DSM-III-R definition of mental disorder." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ger92a] Gertzman, Jay A., 1992
'Esoterica' and 'The Good of the Race': Mail-Order Distribution of Erotica in the 1930's
In: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Vol. 86, 1992, pp. 295-340
[Goe92] Gödtel, Reiner, 1992
Sexualität und Gewalt
Publisher: Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Goe92a] Görgens, Klaus, 1992
in: Dunde, Siegfried Rudolf (ed.): Handbuch Sexualität, pp. 168-174
Publisher: Deutscher Studien-Verlag, Weinheim
Language: German
[Gol92] Goldner, Colin, 1992
Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert ...
In: Psychologie heute, Vol. 7, 1992, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Gra92] Grassl, Gerald (ed.), 1992
Herrische Weiber
Publisher: MISSING, Wien
Language: German
[Gri92] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1992
Das SM-Sicherheits-Brevier 1. Teil
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 12, 1992, pp. 41
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri92a] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1992
Der Körper und seine Schwachstellen: SM-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 2
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 13, 1992, pp. 38-39
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri92b] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1992
Schmerz und Ritual
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 12, 1992, pp. 30-31
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hae92] Haeberle, Erwin J., 1992
Sexualwissenschaft heute
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaftliche Sexualforschung, MISSING
Language: German
[Gro92] Groenner Hanssen, Svein, 1992
Den Bakvendte erotikken
Publisher: Sigma Forlag, MISSING
[Hau92] Haug, Frigga, 1992
Beyond Female Masochism: Memory-Work and Politics
Publisher: Verso, London et al.
[Hau92a] Hauser, R.I., 1992 (Doctoral thesis)
Sexuality, Neurasthenia and the Law: Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902
School: University College, University of London, London
[Hen92] Henley, Helen, 1992
Verpackte Stöße
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Hoo92] Hooven, Valentine F., 1992
Tom of Finland: Sein Leben, seine Kunst
Publisher: Bruno Gmünder, Berlin
Language: German
[HS92] Hucker, S.J. / Stermac, L., 1992
The evaluation and treatment of sexual violence, necrophilia, and asphyxiophilia
In: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 15, 1992, pp. 703-719
[Jac92] Jackson, Master, 1992
Sir! More Sir!
[Jal92] Jalka, Susanne, 1992
Publisher: Kabel, Hamburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Jaq92] Jaqueline, 1992
Ich peitsche dich, ich küsse dich. Lebensbeichte einer Domina.
Publisher: Wilhelm Heyne, München
Language: German
[Ker92] Kershaw, Alex, 1992
Love Hurts
In: The Guardian Weekend, Vol. ? (November), 1992, pp. 6-12
[Ker92a] Kernberg, Otto F., 1992
Aggression in Personality Disorders and Perversions
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven et al.
[Kim92] Kime, Z.R., 1992
Aberrant sexual behavior, violence and reproduction
In: Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1992, pp. 231-241
Abstract:  "The hypothesis is advanced that sexual arousal and orgasm can result, in certain situations, from mental or physical violence or stress to oneself or to others. This sexual arousal is based in an organism's biological imperative to reproduce when under stress. Parallels with lower forms of life-cells, plants, and animals - are presented as demonstrating a unity of evolutionary purpose. Autoerotic asphyxia is looked at as a learned technique of enhancing sexual pleasure through hypoxia to the brain. Anaerobic exercise and the accompanying hypoxia is also presented as capable of inducing sexual arousal. Violence is examined as a sexual stimulus, especially as it occurs in sadomasochistic practices, rape, child molesting, and serial killings. All of these aberrant sexual behaviors are seen as sresses which can produce sexual arousal."
[KK92] Koesters, Ingrid / Koesters, Paul-Heinz, 1992
Die verborgene Art zu lieben
Publisher: Rasch und Röhring
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Law92] Stone, Lawrence, 1992
Libertine Sexuality in Post-Restoration England: Group Sex and Flagellation Among the Middling Sort in Norwich in 1706-07
[Lev92] Levitt, Shelley, 1992
The Scary Lure of Sado-masochism
In: Cosmopolitan, Vol. ? (November), 1992, pp. 212-215
[Lun92] van Lunsen, Rik H.W., 1992
Autoerotic Asphyxia (AEA): treatment of practitioners
in: Bezemer, W. et al. (ed.): Sex Matters, pp. 317-320
[Mar92] Marasotti, Curt, 1992
Lederlust auf bloßer Haut
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Mas92] Massé, Michelle A., 1992
In the Name of Love: Women, Masochism, and the Gothic
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca et al.
[Mic92] Micati, Loredana, 1992
Fonction de quelques defenses feminines perverses
(The function of some perverse feminine defenses)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 1733-1742
Language: French
Abstract:  "Discusses certain traits of the psychic apparatus that are common to the perverse defense mechanism of female Ss. These traits include a compulsion to accept reality only to a limited extent and certain fantasies with sadomasochistic contents. Several clinical examples illustrate the type of fantasies that alone enable these females to have orgasms in their sexual relations. These stereotyped and repetitive erotic fantasies should be considered a kind of fetishistic phenomenon: they appear to have a protective function similar to that of the fetishist's perverse masculine defenses. The masculine fetish is generally an object or a part of the body, whereas the female fetish is hidden among the S's fantasies." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MN92] Muthesius, Angelika / Neret, Gilles, 1992
Erotik in der Kunst
Publisher: Taschen, Köln
Language: German
[Mos92] Moser, Charles, 1992
Lust, lack of desire, and paraphilias: Some thoughts and possible connections
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1992, pp. 65-69
[Mye92] Myers, James, 1992
Nonmainstream Body Modification: Genital Piercing, Branding, Burning, and Cutting.
In: Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Vol. 21, 1992, pp. 267-306
[Nol92] Nolte, Friedrich, 1992
in: Dunde, Siegfried Rudolf (ed.): Handbuch Sexualität, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Deutscher Studien-Verlag, Weinheim
Language: German
[Pag92] Paglia, Camille, 1992
Die Masken der Sexualität
Publisher: Byblos, Berlin
Language: German
[PF+92] Pincus, Harold Alan / Frances, Allen / Davis, Wendy Wakefield / First, Michael B. / Widiger, Thomas A., 1992
DSM-IV and New Diagnostic Categories: Holding the Line on Proliferation
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 149, No. 1, 1992, pp. 112-117
Abstract:  "The authors discuss aspects of the decision-making process for including 'new' diagnostic categories in DSM-IV. They detail the different kinds of new categories proposed for inclusion in DSM-IV and discuss the risks and benefits of incorporating them. The authors comment on whether new diagnostic categories should be included in official nosologies as a stimulus for research or as a culmination of research. They also highlight problems with 'sunsetting' diagnoses. The criteria for change in DSM-IF - a way to deal with the expanding array of proposals for additional diagnostic entrities - are discussed. The authors also offer a series of specific examples of the different kinds of new categories being considered for inclusion in DSM-IV."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ric92] Richards, Arlene K., 1992
Bisexuality, perversion and childhood sexual abuse
In: Issues in Ego Psychology, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1992, pp. 33-43
[Roh92] Rohwer, Tom, 1992
Manifest und so ... Reaktionen, Ergebnisse und Meinungen zur in Vol. X vorgestellten S/MÖff-Initiative
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 11, 1992, pp. 19
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[RS92] Rohwer, Tom / Schneider, Martin, 1992
Projekte, Partys, Paragraphen
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 12, 1992, pp. 44-45
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sco92] Scott, James C., 1992
Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts
[Sei92] Seidman, Steven, 1992
Embattled Eros: Sexual Politics and Ethics in Contemporary America
Publisher: Routledge, New York und London
[SP92] Silverstein, Charles / Picano, Felice, 1992
Die neuen Freuden der Schwulen: ein Handbuch zum Leben und Lieben
Publisher: Bruno Gmünder, Berlin
Language: German
[SP92a] Silva, Padmal de / Pernet, Amanda, 1992
Pollution in "Metroland": An unusual paraphilia in a shy young man
In: Sexual and Marital Therapy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1992, pp. 301-306
Abstract:  "Describes an unusual sexual deviation in a 20-yr-old man who had little social interaction or sexual knowledge or experience. His main sexual interest was in Austin Metro cars, and he preferred to masturbate in or behind them. The problem is discussed as it presented clinically, and some of the issues, including that of the etiology of fetishistic behavior, are addressed. Therapy, which concentrated on reducing the paraphilic behavior and enhancing more acceptable sexual desires, had only limited success." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Spi92] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Ausbruch aus der Folterkammer
In: Spiegel, Vol. 47, 1992, pp. 323
Language: German
[Spi92a] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Freier sind heimliche Sadisten
In: Spiegel, Vol. 31, 1992, pp. 168-170
Language: German
[Spi92b] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Zutiefst krank
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 50, 1992, pp. 206
Language: German
[Spi92c] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Völlig erledigt
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 51, 1992, pp. 71-74
Language: German
[Str92] Strasser, Eva, 1992
Starker Mann gesucht
In: Playboy, Vol. 3, 1992, pp. 48-57
Language: German
[SZ1192] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1992
Schwerpunktthema: Psycho Killer? Sadomasochismus und mögliche psychische Konsequenzen (Teil 1)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 11, 1992, pp. 22-31
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1192a] Schlagzeilen (Autor "Dr. Gnadenlos"), 1992
Einige Bemerkungen zum Sado-Masochistischen Manifest
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 11, 1992, pp. 20-21
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1292] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1992
Schwerpunktthema: Psycho Killer! (Teil 2)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 12, 1992, pp. 22-31
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1392] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1992
Schwerpunktthema: Vor Kindern sichern?
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 13, 1992, pp. 22-32
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1392a] Schlagzeilen (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Männer erschreckt es immer, wenn Frauen in ihrer Sexualität autonom sind. Interview mit Krista Beinstein.
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 13, 1992, pp. 42-43
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tho92] Thomas, Marianne, 1992
Die netten Perversen von nebenan
In: Prinz (München), Vol. ? (Juni), 1992, pp. 38-44
Language: German
[Ver92] Vermorel, Henri, 1992
Fetischisme masculin et anorexie mentale feminine: Reflexions d'àpres congres sur le rapport de Massimo Tomassini
(Male fetishism and female anorexia nervosa: Post-congress reflections on Massimo Tomassini's report)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 1715-1719
Language: French
Abstract:  "Argues that anorexia nervosa in women is the equivalent of fetishism in men. Both pathologies share traumatic experiences of separation and loss in childhood, including actual or emotional abandonment by a dysfunctional mother, among other psychopathogenic life events. The fetishism described in parallel with anorexia-bulimia include suicidal tendencies in its sufferers, whose disregard of all psychic boundaries is similar to the game of Russian roulette in its contempt for the interests of self-preservation. The psychotherapy of anorexia nervosa must, therefore, contain elements of the psychotherapy of psychoses." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Wal92] Walter, N., 1992
Confront Sade, Don't Ban Him (A Response to Bremner, Moyra
In: Index on Censorship, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1992, pp. 7
[Wal92a] Walter, N., 1992
Bremner, Moyra and My Article on Sade
In: Index on Censorship, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1992, pp. 5
[Wes92] West, Celeste, 1992
Der Lesbenknigge
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[WHO92] World Health Organization (ed.), 1992
The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines. Vol. I
Publisher: WHO, Geneva
[Wil92] Williams, Ron (i.e. Éric Rochat), 1992
Geschichte der O
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Wis92] Wiseman, Jay, 1992
SM 101
1st edition
Publisher: Greenery Press, San Francisco
[HR92] Hamburger Rundschau (Autor ungenannt), 1992, 19.3.
Blasphemie. Pervers: ein Pfarrer auf Abwegen - im S/M-Outfit selbst stranguliert
In: Hamburger Rundschau, 1992, 19.3., pp. ?
Language: German
[TAZ92] taz (Autor ungenannt), 1992, 23.01.
Kein Verbot von Porno-Filmen
In: die tageszeitung, 1992, 23.01., pp. 5
Language: German
[Dep] S/M-Depesche (various authors), 1992-2000
Notes:  Archived issues: 1992-1999.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ada93] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou), 1993
The Marketplace
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
Notes:  423 pp.
[AGS93] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1993
SM-Adressbuch 1993
1st edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[All93] Allen, Kate, 1993
Tell Me What You Like
Language: German
[AM93] Adams, H.E. / McAnulty, Richard D., 1993
Sexual disorders: The paraphilias
in: Sutker, P.B. / Adams, H.E. (ed.): Comprehensive handbook of psychopathology, pp. 563-579
Publisher: Plenum, New York
[AP93] Apter, Emily / Pietz, William (ed.), 1993
Fetishism as Cultural Discourse
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca et al.
[Aue93] Auer, F. (i.e. probably Johanna Fürstauer), 1993
Grausamkeit, Folter und Todesstrafen
(Cruelty, Torture and Capital punishment)
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Aza93] Azar, Amine A., 1993
Emergence et accueil fin de siècle du sadisme et du masochisme
(End-of-century emergence and welcome of sadism and masochism)
In: Psychanalyse à l'Université, Vol. 18, No. 69, 1993, pp. 37-65
Language: French with English and Spanish abstracts
Abstract:  "Discusses the procedures to establish the birth certificate of the concepts of sadism and masochism, their growth chart, and the account of their reception and diffusion at the turn of the 19th century. A bibliographic study is presented of works dealing with sexual perversions, including seminal works such as those of R. Krafft-Ebing (1879, 1890) and L. von Sacher-Massoch (1870), along with contemporary works (e.g., M. Foucault, 1962). Topics addressed include the relationship of the concepts of sadism and masochism to the problem of sexual inversion; the impact of A. Binet's (1887) study on fetishism; Krafft-Ebing's metapsychology; and the peculiar way in which the international scientific community received the concepts of sadism and masochism and possible reasons." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bad93] Bader, Michael, 1993
Adaptive sadomasochism and psychological growth
In: Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993, pp. 279-300
[Bad93a] Bader, Michael, 1993
Adaptive Sadomasochism and Psychological Growth: Reply
In: Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993, pp. 309-313
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bak93] Bakos, Susan Crain, 1993
Sexual Obsessions
In: Ladies' Home Journal, Vol. 4, 1993, pp. 110-114
[Bal93] Baldwin, Guy, 1993
Ties That Bind
Publisher: Daedalus, San Francisco
[Bal93a] Baldazzini, Roberto, 1993
Publisher: Orawia Press, Bologna
[Bal93b] Baldazzini, Roberto, 1993
Kay's Souvenir
Publisher: Telemaco Comunicazioni, Bologna
[Bar93] Bartosch, Erwin, 1993
Die Verschränkung von Religion und Sadomasochismus aus der Sicht der Selbstpsychologie
In: Psychotherapie Forum, Vol. 1, 1993, pp. 147-157
Language: German
[BBJ93] Brame, Gloria G. / Brame, William D. / Jacobs, Jon, 1993
Different Loving: The World of Sexual Dominance and Submission
Publisher: Villard, New York
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
Recommended reading
[Bei93] Beinstein, Krista, 1993
Rituale der Begierde
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[BHH93] Byard, Roger W. / Hucker, Stephen J. / Hazelwood, Robert R., 1993
Fatal and Near-Fatal Autoerotic Asphyxial Episodes in Women
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1993, pp. 70-73
[BL93] Bayer, Franz / Leonhardt, Karl Ludwig, 1993
Selten und gesucht: Bibliographien und ausgesuchte Nachschlagewerke zur erotischen Literatur
Publisher: Hiersemann, Stuttgart
Language: German
[BP93] Bradford, John McDonald Wilson / Pawlak, A., 1993
Double-Blind Placebo Crossover Study of Cyproterone Acetate in the Treatment of the Paraphilias
In: Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Vol. 22, No. 5, 1993, pp. 383
[BP93a] Book, R.G. / Perumal, G., 1993
Sexual Asphyxia: A Lesser Epidemic
In: Medicine and Law, Vol. , No. ?, 1993, pp. 687-698
[Bro93] Brodsky, J.I., 1993
The Mineshaft: A Retrospective Ethnography
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 24, No. 3/4, 1993, pp. 233-251
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bro93a] Brokmann, Angela, 1993
(K)ein Grund zum Aufregen: käufliche Liebe, Pornographie, Perversionen, Moral
Publisher: GEWIS, Hamburg
Language: German
[BRW93] Brosig, Bernd / Rodewig, Klaus / Woidera, Regina, 1993
Die Klassifikation von Sexualstörungen in der ICD-10: Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Forschungskriterienstudie
in: Schneider, Wolfgang (ed.): Diagnostik und Klassifikation nach ICD-10, Kap. V: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung; Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Forschungskriterienstudie aus dem Bereich Psychosomatik/Psychotherapie Vol. 17, pp. 200-209
Publisher: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Cal93] Califia, Pat, 1993
Sensuous Magic. A Guide for Adventurous Lovers.
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
[Cal93a] Califia, Pat, 1993
Melting Point
Publisher: Alyson, Boston
[Cla93] Clayton, Anita H., 1993
Fetishism and clomipramine.
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 150, No. 4, 1993, pp. 673-674
Abstract:  "Reports the case of a 73-yr-old man with a history of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and a fascination with women's discarded clothing; the S complained of intrusive thoughts and ritualized behavior, including fantasy and masturbation. After 5 mo of successful treatment with clomipramine, the S experienced a mild anticholinergic delirium and was switched to sertraline." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cou93] Couchard, Françoise, 1993
"On bat une fille": Illustration d'un fantasme masochiste dans la culture musulmane
("A daughter is being beaten": Illustration of a masochistic fantasy in Islamic culture.)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 57, No. 3, 1993, pp. 733-749
Language: French with English, German, Spanish and Italian abstracts
Abstract:  "Discusses primal fantasies in Islamic culture, especially the intricate link between the seduction fantasy and violence. The relationship of violence between father and daughter is maintained in Islam by factors that exacerbate the erotic currents between the 2 protagonists. The fetishization of the daughter's virginity and, in the Horn of Africa, the custom of female infibulation induce castration anxiety in the adult male confronted by stitched female genitalia. Topics addressed include displacement of male interest from vaginal to anal sex (which many Muslim males try with other males in their gender-segregated world), and prolonged oedipal fixation of Muslim women, who continue to fantasize cold and passionate punishments from their fathers even when the latter's violence is no longer manifest." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cow93] Cowie, Elizabeth, 1993
Pornography and Fantasy: Psychoanalytic Perspectives
in: Segal, Lynn / McIntosh, Mary (ed.): Sex Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornography Debate, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J.
[Dim93] Dimen, Muriel, 1993
Adaptive Sadomasochism and Psychological Growth: Commentary
In: Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993, pp. 301-308
[Dis93] Discipline, Azzlo (ed.), 1993
Torture Garden: Vintage Erotic Archives
Publisher: Alexandre Dupouy Collection and Treville, Japan
[Due93] Duerr, Hans Peter, 1993
Obszönität und Gewalt (Der Mythos vom Zivilisationsprozess, Band 3)
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[FB93] Freund, Kurt / Blanchard, Ray, 1993
Erotic target location errors in male gender dysphorics, paedophiles, and fetishists
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 162, 1993, pp. 558-563
Abstract:  "A clinical series of male pedophiles who dressed or fantasized themselves as children suggests that certain paraphilias represent developmental errors in locating erotic targets in the environment and that proneness to such errors is a paraphilic dimension in its own right, apart from the specific nature of the erotic target." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fed93] Fedderke, Dagmar, 1993
Die Geschichte mit A.
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
Notes:  200 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Fla93] Flanagan, Bob, 1993
Publisher: Re/Search Publications
[FO+93] Flobecker, Pia / Ottosson, Johan / Johansson, Lars / Hietala, Max-Albert / Gezelius, Christer / Eriksson, Anders, 1993
Accidental Deaths From Asphyxia: A 10-Year Retrospective Study From Sweden
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1993, pp. 74-79
[Foc93] FEHLT, 1993
In: Focus, Vol. 45, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Fri93] Friedman, Richard C., 1993
Männliche Homosexualität
Publisher: Springer, Berlin et al.
Language: German
[FW93] Freund, Kurt / Watson, Robin J., 1993
Gender identity disorder and courtship disorder
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1993, pp. 13-21
Abstract:  "Investigated a hypothetical connection between gender identity disorder and courtship disorder in 274 heterosexual male patients of the following types: nontransvestic fetishists for female attire; transvestic fetishists; patients with gender identity disorder of adolescence and adulthood, nontranssexual type; and transsexuals. Of these patients, 53 had also demonstrated one or more of the putative expressions of courtship disorder. The proportion each of these types contributed to this group of 53 patients with a courtship disorder was compared with the same type's proportional contribution to the group of 221 gender identity patients without a courtship disorder. The transvestic fetishists contributed a significantly larger percentage and the transsexuals a significantly smaller percentage of individuals to the group with a courtship disorder than to that without a courtship disorder." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ger93] Gerbert, Frank, 1993
Fremdartiger Volksstamm
In: Focus, Vol. 45, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[GG93] Gibson, Pamela Church / Gibson, Roma (ed.), 1993
Dirty Looks: Women, Pornography, Power
Publisher: British Film Institute, London
[Gou93] Goulemot, Jean Marie, 1993
Gefährliche Bücher. Erotische Literatur, Pornographie, Leser und Zensur im 18. Jahrhundert.
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[GR93] Gagnier, Terril T. / Robertiello, Richard C., 1993
Sado-masochism as a defense against merging: six case studies
In: Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1993, pp. 183-192
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Gra93] Grassl, GeraldPolymorph Perverse Klinikliebe Wien - Von der Fleischeslust des Abartigen. (ed.), 1993
Herrische Weiber: s/m-Frauen im Interview
2nd revised edition
Publisher: VIDO - Verein zur Information der Öffentlichkeit, Wien
Language: German
[Gri93] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Blutspiele - Blood Sports: SM-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 3
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 44-45
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93a] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Das kleine Einmaleins: SM-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 4
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 15, 1993, pp. 44-45
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93b] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Das Spiel mit dem Feuer: SM-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 5
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 16, 1993, pp. 46-47
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93c] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Kleine Klammerkunde: S/M-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 6
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 17, 1993, pp. 46-47
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93d] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Formen der Unterwerfung und des Masochismus: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 7
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 18, 1993, pp. 42-43
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93e] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Des SM-Kaisers alte Kleider, oder: Noch mehr Anmerkungen zur Dress Code Debatte
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 15, 1993, pp. 12
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93f] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
"Spanner-Case" Spendenaufruf!
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 18, 1993, pp. 17
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hit93] Hitzler, Ronald, 1993
Die Wahl der Qual: Ein Einblick in die kleine Lebens-Welt des Algophilen
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 6, 1993, pp. 228-242
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hit94] Hitzler, Ronald, 1993
Rituale der Ungleichheit: S/M-Erotik in Lebenswelt und Medienalltag
in: Mörth, Ingo / Fröhlich, Gerhard (ed.): Das symbolische Kapital der Lebensstile. Zur Kultursoziologie der Moderne nach Pierre Bourdieu, pp. 193-206
Publisher: Campus, Frankfurt/M., New York
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hoc93] Hochreither, Irmgard, 1993
Deutschland bizarr. Perversion als Gesellschaftsspiel
In: Stern, Vol. 42, 1993, pp. 88-98
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hol93] Holland, Nancy, 1993
What Gilles Deleuze Has to Say to Battered Women
In: Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1993, pp. 16-25
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Hun93] Hunt, Lynn (ed.), 1993
The Invention of Pornography: Obscenity and the Origins of Modernity, 1500-1800
Publisher: Zone Books, New York
[Jac93] Jacques, Trevor, 1993
On the Safe Edge: A Manual for SM Play
Publisher: WholeSM, Toronto
[JJ93] Janus, Samuel S. / Janus, Cynthia L., 1993
The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior
Publisher: Wiley, New York
[Ker93] Kernberg, Otto F., 1993
Sadomasochismus, sexuelle Erregung und Perversion
In: Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis, Vol. VIII, No. 4, 1993, pp. 319-341
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[KM93] Keyes, Ronald W. / Money, John, 1993
The Armed Robbery Orgasm: A Lovemap Autobiography of Masochism
Publisher: Prometheus, Buffalo
[Koc93] Koch, Knut, 1993
Barfuß als Prinz - Zwei Leben
Publisher: edition dia
Language: German
[Kue93] Kürthy, Ildikó von, 1993
Die gestörte Lust
In: Brigitte (Dossier), Vol. ?, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Kun93] Kuntz-Brunner, R., 1993
Die Lust an der Qual: Ein Plädoyer für die Phantasie
In: Pro Familie Magazin, Vol. 21, 1993, pp. 16-17
Language: German
[Lap93] Laputan, M., 1993
Zur Sklavin erzogen. Bericht einer Masochistin.
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  240 pages
[Mar93] Markoe, Merrill, 1993
Dominatrix 101
In: Vanity Fair, Vol. ? (September), 1993, pp. ?-?
[Mas93] Masand, Prakash S., 1993
In: Depression, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1993, pp. 50-52
Abstract:  "Describes 2 cases of paraphilia (one with sexual masochism, involving a 40-yr-old male and one with transvestic fetishism, involving a 38-yr-old male). These patients were successfully treated with fluoxetine hydrochloride in a dose of 40 mg/d." (APA/PsycINFO)
[McC93] McClintock, Anne, 1993
Maid to Order: Commercial Fetishism and Gender Power
In: Social Text, Vol. 37, 1993, pp. 87-116
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Men93] Mendes, Peter, 1993
Clandestine Erotic Fiction in English 1800-1930: A Bibliographical Study
Publisher: Scolar Press, Aldershot et al.
[Mer93] Merck, Mandy, 1993
Perversions: Deviant Readings
Publisher: Virago Press, London
[Mil93] Miller, James, 1993
The Passion of Michel Foucault
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, New York
[Mil93a] Milligan, Don, 1993
Sex-Life: A Critical Commentary on the History of Sexuality
Publisher: Pluto Press, London
[MLC93] Moser, Charles / Lee, J. / Christensen, P., 1993
Nipple piercing: An exploratory-descriptive study
In: Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1993, pp. 51-61
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[MN93] McGuire, Christina / Norton, Carla, 1993
Die Leibeigene. Entführung, Verführung, Gehirnwäsche. Die sieben Jahre Qual der Colleen Stan. Series: True Crime / Der wahre Kriminalfall,
Publisher: Bastei-Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach
Language: German
[MO+93] Muhs, Aribert / Öri, Christina / Rothe-Kirchberger, Ingrid / Ehlers, Wolfram, 1993
Die Klassifikation der Persönlichkeitsstörungen in der ICD-10. Ergebnisse der Forschungskriterienstudie.
in: Schneider, Wolfgang (ed.): Diagnostik und Klassifikation nach ICD-10, Kap. V: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung; Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Forschungskriterienstudie aus dem Bereich Psychosomatik/Psychotherapie Vol. 17, pp. 132-149
Publisher: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mos93] Moser, Charles, 1993
A response to Aviel Goodman's "Sexual addiction: Designation and treatment"
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1993, pp. 220-224
[MSV93] Maydorn, Andreas / Scheffler, Benjamin / Vollbrechtshausen, Andreas, 1993
Wie man's macht. Das schwule Sexbuch.
Publisher: Jackwerth, Köln
Language: German
[MSV93a] Maydorn, Andreas / Scheffler, Benjamin / Vollbrechtshausen, Andreas, 1993
In: Magnus, Vol. 1, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Mue93] Müller, Phoebe, 1993
Schlachthof der Lüste
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
Notes:  140 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Nor93] Nordlohne, Jens, 1993
In: Focus, Vol. 25, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Nye93] Nye, Robert A., 1993
The Medical Origins of Sexual Fetishism
in: Apter, Emily / Pietz, William (ed.): Fetishism as Cultural Discourse, pp. 13-30
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca
[OHD93] O'Halloran, Ronald L. / Dietz, Park Elliott, 1993
Autoerotic Fatalities with Power Hydraulics
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 38, 1993, pp. 359-364
[Pes93] Pesta, Thekla, 1993
In: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1993, pp. 342-360
Language: German with English abstract
Abstract:  "Uses the minutes (rediscovered in 1988) of a 1909 meeting of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association (named 'Wednesday Society' until 1908) as an opportunity to review psychoanalytic literature on this perversion, beginning with Freud. Topics addressed include early-childhood events and trauma that may cause adult fetishism; the reason why the fetishist's world is populated with automata instead of living human beings; possible motives for the fetishist's impaired ability to live and love; and the difference between a fetish and a transitional object. For the fetishist to learn to perceive a fetish as a transitional object that can be discarded and forgotten represents the best hope for a successful psychoanalytic cure." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pet93] Pettinger, A., 1993
Why Fetish?
In: New Foundations. A Journal of Culture / Theory / Politics, Vol. 19, 1993, pp. 83-93
[Pev93] Peven, Dorothy E., 1993
The individual psychological viewpoint of the psychosexual disorders
in: Sperry, Len / Carlson, Jon (ed.): Psychopathology and psychotherapy: From diagnosis to treatment, pp. 429-451
Publisher: Accelerated Development, Philadelphia
Abstract:  From the chapter: "[discusses] psychosexual disorders as listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (Third Edition-Revised) (American Psychiatric Association, 1987) with an emphasis on the views of Individual Psychology /// Adler's viewpoint / gender identity disorders /paraphilias / fetishism / exhibitionism and voyeurism / zoophilia, necrophilia, and pedophilia / sexual sadism and sexual masochism / homosexuality / the psychosexual dysfunctions"
[Pol93] Pollak, K., 1993
Das neue Lexikon der Sexualkunde
Publisher: Ullstein, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Pop93] Popp, Stephan, 1993 (Doctoral thesis)
Die Sittenwidrigkeit der Tat im Sinne von § 2261 StGB
School: Universität Nürnberg
Language: German
[Q93] Q, John, 1993
The Q Letters: True Stories of Sadomasochism
Publisher: Prometheus, Buffalo
[Ret93] Reti, Irene (ed.), 1993
Unleashing Feminism: Critiquing Lesbian Sadomasochism in the Gay Nineties: a Collection of Radical Feminist Writings
Publisher: HerBooks, Santa Cruz
[Rub93] Rubin, Gayle S., 1993
Misguided, Dangerous, and Wrong: An Analysis of Anti-Pornography Politics
in: Assiter, Allison / Avedon, Carol (ed.): Bad Girls and Dirty Pictures: The Challenge To Reclaim Feminism, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Pluto, London
[Sat93] Sattler, Stephan, 1993
Ich hasse die Heuchelei
In: Focus, Vol. 47, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Say93] Saylor, Douglas B., 1993
The Sadomasochistic Homotext: Readings in Sade, Balzac and Proust
Publisher: Lang, New York et al.
[SH93] Schneider, Babette / Heim, Georg, 1993
Am Gipfel der Lust
In: AZ - Andere Zeitung, Vol. 9, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[She93] Sheng-Hua, Lu, 1993
A case of sadism
In: Sexology of China. Journal of Chinese Sexology., Vol. 3, 1993, pp. 51-53
Language: Chinese
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sil93] Silva, Padmal de, 1993
Fetishism and sexual dysfunction: Clinical presentation and management
In: Sexual and Marital Therapy, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1993, pp. 147-155
Abstract:  "Fetishism is a clinical relevant variable when the fetishistic desire interferes with the individual's normal sexual functioning. Some individuals can incorporate their mild fetishes into their sexual relationships. In many cases, the fetishism will reemerge when a relationship loses its initial novelty and excitement. Hypnotherapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and behavior therapy are the standard treatments for fetishism. For fetishistic problems in the context of an existing relationship, the treatment needs to be flexible because of the involvement of a partner. With the gradual enhancement of the relationship, the reliance of the affected individual on the fetish object is likely to decrease. However, the treatment approach will be determined in large part by the severity of the problem, nature of the fetish, and the partner's attitude." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sin93] Sinn, Lindsay E., 1993
The Silver Bullett
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1993, pp. 145-147
[SM93] Segal, Lynn / McIntosh, Mary (ed.), 1993
Sex Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornography Debate
Publisher: Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J.
[Spi93] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1993
Einsame Perversionen
In: Spiegel, Vol. 30, 1993, pp. ?
Language: German
[Spi93a] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1993
Fix und Fetisch
In: Spiegel, Vol. 36, 1993, pp. 133-136
Language: German
[Spi93b] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1993
"Der Mensch verschwindet"
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 226-229
Language: German
[Squ93] Squires, Judith (ed.), 1993
[SZ1493] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1993
Schwerpunktthema: Fetisch!
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 24-35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1493a] Schlagzeilen (Autorin "Andrea"), 1993
Dänen lügen nicht!
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 18-21
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1493b] Schlagzeilen (Autor ungenannt), 1993
Ein Bericht über kein Bundestreffen
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 46
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1593] Schlagzeilen (Autor "Andreas S."), 1993
Kritik zum Film "Anna Domina", aufgeführt am 10. Januar in München
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 15, 1993, pp. 46
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1693] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1993
Schwerpunktthema: Kein Widerstand - Sucht und die Unfähigkeit "Nein" zu sagen
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 16, 1993, pp. 23-35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1793] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1993
Schwerpunktthema: Grenzgänge
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 17, 1993, pp. 22-35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1893] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1993
Schwerpunktthema: Einsamkeit (Teil 1)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 18, 1993, pp. 22-35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1893a] Schlagzeilen (Autor "Norbert aus F."), 1993
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 18, 1993, pp. 17
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tag93] Tagetes, Rinella, 1993
Die Regenkönigin
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
Notes:  161 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tho93] Thompson, Mark, 1993
Lederlust - Der SM-Kult
Publisher: Bruno Gmünder, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Tho91.
[Tow93] Townsend, Larry, 1993
Meister gegen Schwachkopf
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[TP93] Travin, Sheldon / Protter, Barry, 1993
Sexual Perversion: Integrative Treatment Approaches for the Clinician
Publisher: Plenum Press, New York et al.
[Wal93] Walters, Suzanna-Danuta, 1993
Sadomasochism in Everyday Life: The Dynamics of Power and Powerlessness
In: New Politics (New Series), Vol. 4, No. 2, 1993, pp. 187-188
[WHO93] World Health Organization (ed.), 1993
The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. Diagnostic criteria for research. Vol. II
Publisher: WHO, Geneva
[WHO93a] World Health Organization (ed.), 1993
Internationale Klassifikation psychischer Störungen. ICD-10 Kapitel V (F) Klinisch-diagnostische Leitlinien
2nd corrected edition
Publisher: Hans Huber, Bern, Göttingen, Toronto, Seattle
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → WHO93.
[Woo93] Woodward, Tim (ed.), 1993
The Best of Skin Two
Publisher: Kasak Books, New York und London
[WS+93] Wetzstein, Thomas A. / Steinmetz, Linda / Reis, Christa / Eckert, Roland, 1993
Sadomasochismus - Szenen und Rituale
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
Recommended reading
[Wur93] Wurmser, Léon, 1993
Das Rätsel des Masochismus. Psychoanalytische Untersuchungen von Über-Ich-Konflikten und Masochismus.
Publisher: Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York
Language: German
[Wur98] Wurmser, Léon, 1993
Das Rätsel des Masochismus: Psychoanalytische Untersuchungen von Gewissenszwang und Leidenssucht
2nd, corrected edition
Publisher: Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York
Language: German
Notes:  583 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Zav93] Zaviacic, Milan, 1993
Sexualna asfyxiofilia (Koczwarizmus)
(Sexual Asphyxiophilia (Koczwarism))
In: Česka a Slovenska Psychiatrie, Vol. 89, No. 4, 1993, pp. 200-208
Language: Czech with English abstract
Abstract:  "DSM-III defines asphyxiophilia as an Atypical Paraphilia (302.90); it is known under different names elsewhere, e.g., as Koczwarism in former Czechoslovakia. The history and frequency of this little investigated, life threatening practice of oxygen deprivation as sexual stimulation, sometimes to orgasm, is offered. Both sexes practice it and it may be a factor in accidental deaths by strangulation, without intent to suicide, when safety devices fail. Diagnostic clues are detailed. It is recommended that asphyxiophilia be considered in forensic cases of death of unknown origin, though the history of this autoerotic practice usually is kept secret by its practitioners, often psychiatric patients. To separate such cases from the categories of suicide or murder, the investigators need to be better informed. A table shows the age (men 9-80 yrs; women 19-68 yrs), number of cases (men over 1,000/yr; women 20+/yr. In men pornography, unusual clothing, pain stimulating, bizarre supports and fetishism were found; in women the first 3 were infrequent and the latter 2 not found. Female prostatic ejaculation is also mentioned." (APA/PsycINFO)
[SSI] S/M-Szene intern (various authors), 1993-1996
S/M-Szene intern
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Adl94] Adler, Hildegard, 1994
Hörigkeit: eine neurotische Perversion
(Sexual dependence: a neurotic perversion)
In: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, Vol. 48, No. 9-10, 1994, pp. 886-903
Language: German
[AGS94] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1994
SM-Adressbuch 1994
2nd edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[Ale94] Alexandre, Claude, 1994
Gewalt und Zärtlichkeit
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[APA94] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1994
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[Bac94] Bach, Sheldon, 1994
The Language of Perversion and the Language of Love Series: The Library of Clinical Psychoanalysis,
Publisher: Aronson, Northvale, NJ et al.
[Bak94] Baker, Ronald, 1994
Psychoanalysis as a lifeline: A clinical study of a transference perversion
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 75, No. 4, 1994, pp. 743-753
Language: English with French, German and Spanish abstracts
Abstract:  "Discusses the analysis of a 29-yr-old male fetishistic cross-dresser (who was in psychoanalysis for 15 yrs) and the evolution of a transference perversion and treatment impasse in the form of anal flatulence as a recalcitrant symptom. The S's contrasting needs to cling perversely and addictively to the analyst and to provoke an acting out of the countertransference are ascribed to his dread of rejection and potentially suicidal reaction. The author argues in favor of offering psychoanalysis as a lifeline, but with the condition that the psychoanalytic setting and boundaries are maintained and that gratifications are denied. The relatively good outcome is explained in terms of the provision of safety, survival of the analyst, and avoidance of countertransference acting out. This enabled the S to question and reject his idealization of the anal universe that he inhabited." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bam94] Bamforth, N., 1994
Sado-Masochism and Consent
In: Criminal Law Review, Vol. ?, 1994, pp. 661-664
[Bar94] Barnard, Ian, 1994
Macho sluts: Genre-fuck, S/M fantasy, and the reconfiguration of political action
in: Kibbey, Ann et al. (ed.): Sexual artifice: Persons, images, politics, pp. ?-?
Publisher: New York University Press, New York, London
[BB94] Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.), 1994
Human sexuality: an encyclopedia
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
Recommended reading
[BDD94] Bullough, Vern L. / Dixon, Dwight / Dixon, Joan, 1994
Sadism, masochism and history, or when is behavior sado-masochistic?
in: Porter, Roy / Teich, Mikulás (ed.): Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Science: The history of attitudes to sexuality, pp. 47-62
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
[Bea94] Bean, Joseph W., 1994
Leathersex: A Guide for the Curious Outsider and the Serious Player
Publisher: Daedalus, San Francisco
Abstract:  From the blurb: "Everyone wants a more interesting and fulfilling erotic life. With that in mind, this book was written to give guidance to one popular style of erotic play which the author calls 'leathersex' - sexuality that may include S/M, bondage, dominance, submission, fantasy, role playing, sensual physical stimulation, and fetish, to name just a few. The reader will find much wisdom between these covers about this often misunderstood form of erotic expression. If you are simply curious about leathersex, or if you already enjoy its pleasures but want to learn more, this book is for you."
[Bei94] Beier, Klaus M., 1994
Weiblichkeit und Perversion: Von der Reproduktion zur Reproversion
Publisher: Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart et al.
Language: German
[Bel94] Bellion, Regina, 1994
Marmor für Zattek
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[Bla94] Blanc, Henri-Frédéric, 1994
Der Mann im Lift
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Combat des fauves au crépuscule" by Sigrid Vagt.
[Bla94a] Blackridge, Persimmon, 1994
Her Tongue on My Theory
Publisher: MISSING, Vancouver, BC, Canada
[Bor94] Borneman, Ernest, 1994
Sexuelle Marktwirtschaft: Vom Waren- und Geschlechtsverkehr in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Bor94a] Borens, Raymond, 1994
Der Perverse - Tragik oder Schuld?
In: RISS (Details unbekannt), Vol. 25, 1994, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Bre94] Breiner, Sander J., 1994
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and Masochism
In: Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1994, pp. 639-661
[Bre94a] Brent, Bill (ed.), 1994
The Black Book
2nd edition
Publisher: Black Book / Amador Communications, San Francisco
[Bul94] Bullough, Vern L., 1994
Science in the Bedroom: A History of Sex Research
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
[Bul94a] Bullough, Vern L., 1994
in: Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.): Human sexuality: an encyclopedia, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
[Bus94] Buschinger, Danielle et al. (ed.), 1994
Sexuelle Perversionen im Mittelalter. XXIX. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters 1994 in Brugge , 1994
Publisher: Reineke
Language: German
[Bus94a] Bushnell, Candice, 1994
Rubber Wear
In: Vogue, Vol. 9, 1994, pp. 254-256
[Bus94b] Buss, David M., 1994
The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
[Cal94] Califia, Pat (ed.), 1994
Doing It For Daddy: Short Sexy Fiction About a Very Forbidden Fantasy
Publisher: Alyson, Boston, Mass.
[Cal94a] Califia, Pat, 1994
Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex
Publisher: Cleis Press, Pittsburgh, San Francisco
[CCM94] Cooke, Clive Trevor / Cadden, Gerard Andrew / Margolius, Karin Ann, 1994
Autoerotic Deaths: Four Cases
In: Pathology, Vol. 26, 1994, pp. 276-280
[CD94] Cowan, Gloria / Dunn, Kerri F., 1994
What Themes in Pornography Lead to Perceptions of the Degradation of Women?
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 31, No. 1, 1994, pp. 11-21
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Col94] Colageras, Roy C., 1994
Sadomasochistische Objektbeziehungen: Einige klinische Beobachtungen
In: Forum Psychoanalyse, Vol. 10, 1994, pp. 97-115
Language: German
[Com94] Comings, D.E., 1994
Role of genetic factors in human sexual behavior based on studies of Tourette syndrome and ADHD probands and their relatives.
In: American Journal of Medical Genetics, Vol. 54, No. 3, 1994, pp. 227-241
Abstract:  "Most significant variations in the expression of human sexuality are considered to be the result of learned behavior or psychological problems. Tourette syndrome (TS) is a common, hereditary tic and disinhibition disorder sometimes associated with compulsive use of obscene words (coprolalia) and previously reported to be occasionally associated with exhibitionism. To further explore the relationship between the Gts genes and sexual behavior, questions concerning a wide range of such behaviors were administered to 1,040 subjects, 14 years of age or older, consisting of 358 TS probands, 101 non-proband relatives with TS, 359 non-TS first degree relatives, 79 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) probands, 70 unaffected relatives of the ADHD probands, and 73 controls. The behaviors included magnitude of sex drive, sex orientation, exhibitionism, transvestitism, transsexualism, sadism, masochism, pedophilia, fetishism, aversion to being touched, and aversion to sex. While most of these behaviors occurred in a distinct minority of TS subjects, there was a significant positive correlation between each behavior examined and the degree of genetic loading for the Gts gene(s). The nature of these behaviors and their association with TS suggests many are variants of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Studies in animals indicate that changes in serotonin and dopamine play a significant role in the sexual behavior and many lines of evidence are consistent with the hypothesis that TS is due to genetic changes in serotonin and dopamine metabolism. These studies suggest that genetic factors play a much greater role in a wide range of forms of sexual expression than previously thought."
[Dei94] Deitmer, Sabine, 1994
Dominante Damen
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Dom94] Dominguez, Ivo, 1994
Beneath the Skins: The New Spirit and Politics of the Kink Community
Publisher: Daedalus, Los Angeles
[DS94] Donnelly, Denise / Straus, M., 1994
The fusion of sex and violence
in: Straus, M.A. (ed.): Beating the devil out of them: Corporal punishment in American families, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Lexington/MacMillan, Boston
[Dup94] Dupouy, Alexandre, 1994
Yva Richard: L'âge d'or du fétichisme
Publisher: Editions Astarte, Paris
[EL95] Easton, Dossie / Liszt, Catherine A. (i.e. Janet W. Hardy), 1994
The Bottoming Book; or, How to Get Terrible Things Done to you by Wonderful People
Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
Notes:  123 pages with illustrations.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Eps94] Epstein, Steven, 1994
A Queer Encounter: Sociology and the Study of Sexuality
In: Sociological Theory, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1994, pp. 188-202
[FCS94] Fisher, Randy D. / Cook, Ida J. / Shirkey, Edwin C., 1994
Correlates of Support for Censorship of Sexual, Sexually Violent, and Violent Media
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 31, No. 3, 1994, pp. 229-240
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[FG94] Friedrich, William N. / Gerber, Paul N., 1994
Autoerotic Asphyxia: The Development of a Paraphilia
In: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 33, No. 7, 1994, pp. 970-974
[FG94a] Fisher, William A. / Grenier, Guy, 1994
Violent Pornography, Antiwomen Thoughts, and Antiwomen Acts: In Search of Reliable Effects
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 31, No. 1, 1994, pp. 23-38
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Foe94] Foelske, Walter, 1994
Im Wiesenfleck
Publisher: Thom, Leipzig
Language: German
[Fra94] Fragola, Anthony N., 1994
From the ecclesiastical to the profane: Foot fetishism in Luis Buñuel and Alain Robbe-Grillet
In: Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1994, pp. 663-680
Abstract:  "The Spanish surrealist L. Bunuel and the French writer/director A. Robbe-Grillet, who shares surrealist affinities with Bunuel, reveal the presence of feet and foot fetishism (FF) throughout the body of their work. Bunuel believes that sexual compulsions and deviations originate from the repressive teaching of Catholicism that equates sex with guilt. He demonstrates that the fetish is a substitute for intimacy evolving from an overpowering fear of castration rooted in the anxiety of women as being biologically separate from men. For Robbe-Grillet, FF serves as a means to both construct and deconstruct narrative and his use of it as punctuation is far more extensive than that of Bunuel. Whereas Bunuel treats FF and other compulsions as deviancies whose origins are religious, Robbe-Grillet presents them, if society were more truthful, as the norm." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Gil94] Giles, Marianne, 1994
R v Brown: Consensual Harm and the Public Interest
In: The Modern Law Review, Vol. 57, 1994, pp. 101-111
[GM94] Gatterburg, Angela / Marsiske, Hans-Arthur, 1994
Die Lust der Quälgeister
In: Spiegel, Vol. 1, 1994, pp. 76-81
Language: German
[Gra94a] Gray, Alasdair, 1994
Publisher: Rütten & Loening, Berlin
Language: German
[Gre94] Lady Green (i.e. Janet W. Hardy), 1994
The Sexually Dominant Woman: A Workbook for Nervous Beginners.
Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
[Gri94] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1994
Kleiner Knigge für "Passive" und "Aktive": Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 8
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 19, 1994, pp. 44-45
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri94a] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1994
Dehnungsspiele: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 9
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 20, 1994, pp. 46-47
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri94b] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1994
Vermischtes - oder was Ihr schon immer wissen wolltet: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 10
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 21, 1994, pp. 46-47
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gru94] Grüner, Sibylle, 1994 (Doctoral thesis)
Perversion: das Verschwinden des Sexuellen oder: Psychoanalytiker und ihre Abwehr des Triebhaften
School: Universität Bremen, Bremen
Language: German
[Guy94] Guyenz, Anuschka, 1994
Besuch bei einer kalten Dame
In: Tango, Vol. 41, 1994, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Hau94] Hauser, Renate I., 1994
Krafft-Ebing's Psychological Understanding of Sexual Behaviour
in: Porter, Roy / Teich, Mikulás (ed.): Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Science: The History of Attitudes to Sexuality, pp. 210-227
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
[Hei94] Heitmüller, Elke, 1994
Zur Genese sexueller Lust - von Sade zu SM
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[Her94] Herrmann, Horst, 1994
Passion der Grausamkeit: 2000 Jahre Folter im Namen Gottes
Publisher: Bertelsmann, München
Language: German
[Hit94a] Hitzler, Ronald, 1994
Devotion und Dominanz. Rituelle Konstruktionen in der algophilen Lebens-Welt.
in: Schröer, N. (ed.): Interpretative Sozialforschung, pp. 151-166
Publisher: MISSING, Opladen
Language: German
[HK+94] Hsu, B. / Kling, A. / Kessler, C. / Knapke, K. / Diefenbach, P. / Elias, J., 1994
Gender differences in sexual fantasy and behavior in a college population: A ten-year replication
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 20, 1994, pp. 103-118
[Hof94] Hoffmann, Florentine, 1994
Liebe mich, fessle mich!
In: Cosmopolitan, Vol. 3, 1994, pp. 29-32
Language: German
[Hop94] Hopkins, Patrick D., 1994
Rethinking Sadomasochism: Feminism, Interpretation, and Simulation
In: Hypatia, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1994, pp. 116-141
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[JF94] Journal Frankfurt (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Die Kunden sind die Machtelite. Fragen an Prof. Dr. Ernest Borneman.
In: Journal Frankfurt, Vol. 11, 1994, pp. 35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Jus94] Jussuf, Wladimir, 1994
Die strafende Peitsche der Zarin
Publisher: Orion, Flensburg
Language: German
[Ker94] Keres, Jad, 1994
Violence against SM Women within the Lesbian Community
Female Trouble
[Kla94] Klabundt, P., 1994
Psychopathia sexualis - die ärztliche Konstruktion der sexuellen Perversionen zwischen 1869 und 1914
In: Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, Vol. 13, 1994, pp. 107-137
Language: German
[Kra94] Krause, Dieter, 1994
Klempner für pikante Fälle
In: Stern, Vol. 46, 1994, pp. 217
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[KS94] Kerekes, David / Slater, David, 1994
Killing for Culture. An Illustrated History of Death Film from Mondo to Snuff.
Publisher: Creation Books, London
[LA94] Lewis, Reina / Adler, Karen, 1994
Come to Me Baby or What's Wrong with Lesbian SM
In: Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1994, pp. 433-441
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Lan94] Langfeldt, Thore, 1994
Aspects concerning the development and therapy of sexual deviant patterns in children
In: Nordisk Sexologi, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1994, pp. 105-110
Abstract:  "Presents a case study illustrating how children can develop some forms of paraphiliac behavior with a strong sexual component, similar to what is seen in adolescents and adults. Fetishistic and sadomasochistic behavior can develop before the age at which children begin masturbating to orgasm. A striking finding in this case study was the strong negative feelings associated with normal expressions of sexuality." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lau94] De Lauretis, Teresa, 1994
The Practice of Love: Lesbian Sexuality and Perverse Desire
Publisher: Indiana University Press, Bloomington
[Lea94] Leach, Christopher, 1994
Trotz "Spanner"-Affäre: die britische S/M-Szene läßt sich nicht unterkriegen
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 19-22
Language: German
[Lev94] Levitt, Eugene E., 1994
The paraphilias
in: Ronch, Judah L. / van Ornum, William (ed.): The counseling sourcebook: A practical reference on contemporary issues, pp. 476-483
Publisher: Crossroad, New York
Abstract:  "Examines characteristics of exhibitionism, pedophilia, voyeurism, fetishism, transvestism, sexual sadism, and sexual masochism, as well as referral issues involved in treatment." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Lew94] Lewicki, Marie-Luise, 1994
Geh weg, du bist ja pervers!
In: Eltern, Vol. 3, 1994, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Lin94] Linke, Heico, 1994
20 Nummern in 15 Minuten! oder der Versuch einer Chronik
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 20, 1994, pp. 20-21
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[LMJ94] Levitt, Eugene E. / Moser, Charles / Jamison, Karen V., 1994
The Prevalence and Some Attributes of Females in the Sadomasochistic Subculture: A Second Report
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1994, pp. 465-473
Abstract:  "Nonprostitute women in the sadomasochism (S/M) subculture have been believed to be rare. A sample of 45 women from the S/M subculture of whom 34 were determined to be nonprostitutes was obtained. This sample is compared with a similar sample obtained by Breslow et al. (1985). Despite methodological differences between the present investigation and that of Breslow et al., interstudy similarities permit conclusions about women in the S/M subculture in addition to the fact that they occur with sufficient frequency to study. The women become aware of their orientation as young adults and most are satisfied with it. They tend to be better educated and less often married than the general population. A majority designate themselves as heterosexual but a substantial minority are bisexual. They tend more often to prefer the submissive role but preference for the dominant role or no preference are found with considerable frequency. Oral sex and bondage are favored activities."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Lor94] Mistress Lorelei, 1994
The Mistress Manual: A Good Girl's Guide to Female Dominance
Publisher: Selbstverlag
[M94] Mistress M, 1994
Onkel Rohrstock-Geschichten. Mit Gebrauchsanweisung zur Erziehung des Ehemannes
Publisher: Barnas, Rheinberg
Language: German
[Mag94] Magel, Mira, 1994
Sklavinnen und heiße Nächte. Bizarr-erotische Geschichten.
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Man94] Mandiargues, André Pieye de, 1994
Der Engländer
Publisher: Matthes und Seitz, München
Language: German
[Mar94] Marasotti, Curt, 1994
Qualvolle Rohrstockstrafen anno dazumal
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Mas94] Mason, Michael, 1994
The Making of Victorian Sexuality: Sexual Behavior and Its Understanding
Publisher: Clarendon Press, Oxford
[McC94] McConaghy, Nathaniel, 1994
Sexual Deviations
in: Hersen, Michael / Ammerman, Robert T. et al. (ed.): Handbook of Aggressive and Destructive Behavior in Psychiatric Patients, pp. 261-286
Publisher: Plenum, New York
Abstract:  From the chapter: "exhibitionism, voyeurism, pedophilia, sadomasochism, sexual asphyxia, fetishism, and deviations of sexual identity, all of which can be associated with [self or other directed] psychological or physical aggression, are briefly described, as are sexual assault and murder /studies of the prevalence of these behaviors in clinical and community populations are reviewed / stimulus control, cognitive, and psychiatric -psychopathological theories of the etiology of sexual aggression are discussed"
[McC94a] McConnell, John H., 1994
Lesbian and Gay Male Identities as Paradigms
in: Archer, Sally L. (ed.): Interventions for Adolescent Identity Development, pp. 103-118
Publisher: Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[ML94] McCollum, B. / Lester, D., 1994
Violent sexual fantasies and sexual behavior
In: Psychological reports, Vol. 75, No. 2, 1994, pp. 742
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[MSP94] , 1994
Aufbruch aus dem Kohlenkeller - 30 Jahre Kölner Ledergeschichte
Language: German
[Nae94] Näcke, Paul, 1994
Un cas de fétischisme de souliers etc.
In: Bulletin de la société de médecine mentale de Belgique, Vol. ?, No. ?, 1994, pp. ?
Language: French
[Ner94] Neret, Gilles, 1994
Erotica Universalis
Publisher: Taschen, Köln
Language: German, English, French
Notes:  2 volumes, 757 and 766 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Neu94] Neumann, Nicolaus, 1994
Sex brutal
In: Stern, Vol. ? (Dezember), 1994, pp. 32-36
Language: German
[Omb94] Ombré, Juliette, 1994
Goldener Strahl aus goldener Dusche
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  212 pages
[Orm94] Ormerod, David, 1994
Consent and Offences against the Person: Law Commission Consultation Paper no. 134
In: The Modern Law Review, Vol. 57, No. 6, 1994, pp. 928-?
[Ott91] Ott, Ursula, 1994
Der Computermarkt - Was Studenten an Uni-Computern treiben
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): PorNO, pp. 189-200
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch,
Language: German
[Pre94] Prezwalski, Jim, 1994
Kiss of the Whip: Explorations in SM
[PT94] Porter, Roy / Teich, Mikulás (ed.), 1994
Sexual knowledge, sexual science: the history of attitudes to sexuality
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
[Pun94] Punzengruber, Michael Christian, 1994 (Diploma thesis / Masters thesis)
Masochismus: Leopold von Sacher-Masoch und sein Lebenswerk
School: FEHLT, Wien
Language: German
Notes:  74 pages, typescript
[Q94] John, Sir, 1994
Die Q-Briefe. Wahre Geschichten über Sadomasochismus
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
Notes:  209 pages. German translation of → Q93 by Martin Rometsch.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Rau94] Rau, Hans (i.e. A. Sper), 1994
Die Grausamkeit mit besonderer Bezugnahme auf sexuelle Faktoren
Publisher: Orion, Flensburg
Language: German
[Rin94] Rinella, Jack, 1994
Masters' Manual: A Handbook of Erotic Dominance
Publisher: Daedalus, Los Angeles
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Rub94] Rubin, Gayle S., 1994 (Doctoral thesis)
The Valley of the Kings: Leathermen in San Francisco, 1960-1990
School: University of Michigan
[Sch94] Schwarzer, Alice (ed.), 1994
PorNO. Opfer & Täter. Gegenwehr & Backlash. Verantwortung & Gesetz.
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Sco94] Scott, Gini Graham, 1994
Dominanz und Demut: die dunklen Seiten der Erotik
Publisher: Knaur, München
Language: German
[Sco94a] Scott, Gini Graham, 1994
Dominanz und Unterwerfung
Publisher: Knaur
Language: German
[Sco94b] Scott, G.C., 1994
His Mistress's Voice
Publisher: Nexus, London
[Sim94] Simon, William, 1994
Deviance as History: The Future of Perversion
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994, pp. 1-20
[SJ94] Die Schwulen Juristen (ed.), 1994
Schwule im Recht. Rechtsratgeber für homosexuelle Menschen
Publisher: Palette, Bamberg
Language: German
[SN94] Seyferth, Maartje / Nieuwenhuijs, Victor, 1994
Venus im Pelz
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SP94] Schorsch, Eberhard / Pfäfflin, Friedmann, 1994
Die sexuellen Deviationen und sexuell motivierte Straftaten
in: Venzlaff, Ulrich / Foerster, Klaus (ed.): Psychiatrische Begutachtung, 2nd edition, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Spi94] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Mal am Po
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 31, 1994, pp. 160
Language: German
[Spi94a] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Alice in Newton-Land
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 30, 1994, pp. 92-94
Language: German
[Sta94] Starrs, Roy, 1994
Deadly Dialectics: Sex, Violence and Nihilism in the World of Yukio Mishima
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu
[StJ94] St. Jorre, John de, 1994
The Good Ship Venus: The Erotic Voyage of the Olympia Press
Publisher: Hutchinson, London
[Stu94] Stubrin, Jaime P., 1994
Sexualities and homosexualities
Publisher: Karnac, London
Notes:  XIII, 157 pp. Translation from the ? by Eduardo Reneboldi.
Abstract:  From the introduction: "This book deals with human sexual life and its hardships, and with the so-called sexual 'deviations': perversions, neosexualities, [and] paraphilias. /// The aim of this book is to give conclusive and final definitions of these problems. [This book attempts] to outline the various theories that apply [to human sexuality], using precise concepts and by showing different theoretical and clinical approaches in order to clear the way for those who wish to research this subject. /// The aim is to present ideas with an approach that is free of conclusive theoretical concepts from both a psychoanalytic and an ideological standpoint. /// Another aim is to avoid the prejudices and drawbacks generated by closed ideologies. A biased analyst undermines the core and the very essence of psychoanalysis. /// It is mainly intended for psychoanalysts who are interested in the subject [of human sexuality]."
[SZ1994] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1994
Schwerpunktthema: Einsamkeit (Teil 2)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 19, 1994, pp. 24-37
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ2094] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1994
Schwerpunktthema: Einsamkeit (Teil 3)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 20, 1994, pp. 28-41
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ2094a] Schlagzeilen (Autor "Thomas"), 1994
New York, New York
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 20, 1994, pp. 14-15
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ2194] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1994
Schwerpunktthema: SM & Beziehung (Teil 1)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 21, 1994, pp. 26-39
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tam94] Tame, Chris R., 1994
Why sado-masochism should not be criminalised
Publisher: Libertarian Alliance, London
[Tat94] Tattoodoc, 1994
Some Reactions of a "Kinky" Physician
In: Checkmate, Vol. 9, 1994, pp. ?-?
[TBS94] Tough, Suzanne C. / Butt, John C. / Sanders, Gary L., 1994
Autoerotic Asphyxial Deaths: Analysis of Nineteen Fatalities in Alberta, 1978 to 1989
In: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 39, 1994, pp. 157-160
Abstract:  "This paper presents an unusual form of sexual (masturbatory) activity and brings this unusual cause of death to wider medical attention and understanding. All 19 cases of autoerotic asphyxial death that occurred between 1978 and 1989 in the province of Alberta, Canada were reviewed. The fatal victim of autoerotic asphyxia is typically a single male aged 15 to 29 years. Autoerotic sexual activity is typically performed in isolation; often there is evidence of repetitive practice. The accidental death usually results when the 'safety' mechanism designed to alleviate neck compression fails. Often the first sign of the activity (usually a surprise to family and friends) is death itself. Physicians who are alert to the practice may suggest counselling when patients present with sexual concerns, unusual marks around the neck or evidence of abrasions to limbs suggesting bondage or other masochistic practices."
[Tho94] Thompson, William, 1994
Sadomasochism: Painful Perversion or Pleasurable Play
Publisher: Cassell, London
[Twi0494b] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 8
Language: German
[Twi0494c] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Kitkat Club
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 9
Language: German
[Twi0494d] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Neugründung S/M-Gesprächskreis in Berlin
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 11
Language: German
[Twi0494f] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Countdown on Spanner ... S/M-Justiz England
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 22
Language: German
[Twi0494g] Nora (Pseud.), 1994
Wieder versaut ... Fernsehthema Sadomaso
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 38
Language: German
[Twi0494h] Twilight (Autor ungenannt), 1994
Gummi kaputt? Reparatur von Kleidung und Wäsche aus Gummi und Lackfolie
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 40
Language: German
[War94] Warren, John, 1994
The Loving Dominant
[Wei94] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1994
Sade, Marquis de (Donatien-Alfonse-François, Comte de Sade)
in: Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.): Human Sexuality: an Encyclopedia, pp. 526-527
Publisher: Garland, New York
[Wei94a] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1994
Research in Sadomasochism: A Review of Sociological and Social Psychological Literature
In: Annual Review of Sex Research, Vol. 5, 1994, pp. 257-279
Notes:  Also published in → Wei95, pp. 289-303.
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Wei94b] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1994
in: Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.): Human sexuality: an encyclopedia, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
[Wei94c] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1994
in: Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.): Human sexuality: an encyclopedia, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
[Wei94d] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1994
in: Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.): Human sexuality: an encyclopedia, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
[Wei94e] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1994
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold Ritter von
in: Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.): Human sexuality: an encyclopedia, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
[Wei94f] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1994
Sade, Marquis de
in: Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.): Human sexuality: an encyclopedia, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
[Wei94g] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1994
in: Bullough, Vern L. / Bullough, Bonnie (ed.): Human sexuality: an encyclopedia, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Garland, New York / London
[Wil94] Williamson, Clark, 1994
A Deadly Fetish
In: Checkmate, Vol. 9, 1994, pp. ?
[Wil94a] Williams, Janice G., 1994 (Doctoral thesis)
Representations of Female Masochism in American Cinema: contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives
School: Vanderbilt University, Nashville
[WWC94] Weinberg, Martin S. / Williams, Colin J. / Calhan, Cassandra, 1994
Homosexual foot fetishism
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 6, 1994, pp. 611-626
Abstract:  "262 respondents from an organization for homosexual foot fetishists provide information from a broader sample than clinical cases and allow examination of the effects of sexual preference on fetishism. Data show a wide range of feet/footwear objects to be arousing. Such interests were often associated with particular types of men, yet interests were subject to change over time. Fetishistic arousal rested on both sensual and symbolic aspects of the fetish. Symbolically, it was the theme of 'masculinity' that made male feet/footwear arousing, showing parallels to 'femininity' evoked by female feet/footwear for male heterosexual fetishists. For many of the respondents, fetishism did not seem to be a substitute for living persons. Respondents had intimate relationships and were able to incorporate their fetish interests into stable relationships and less intimate ones. Considerable involvement in sadomasochistic practices was also found as was involvement in the gay world. Finally, nothing about a fetishistic interest seemed to preclude the development of subcultural forms around the practice."
[Wyl94] Wylie, K., 1994
New approaches to paraphilias: Dealing with 'deviations': drugs and psychotherapy
In: British Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 5, 1994, pp. 18
[Zav94] Zaviacic, Milan, 1994
Sexual Asphyxiophilia (Koczwarism) in Women and the Biological Phenomenon of Female Ejaculation
In: Medical Hypotheses, Vol. 42, 1994, pp. 318-322
Abstract:  "Life threatening eroticizing behavior, asphyxiophilia (sexual asphyxia) is practiced in women, as in men, in order to heighten sexual excitement and to achieve orgasm, which is in some women accompanied by expulsions of fluid (ejaculation) from the urethra. The relatively easily achieved orgasm induced by the mechanism of asphyxia is hypothesized to be the common reason for repetitive deviant asphyxiophilic behavior. Moreover, in women of the ejaculatory type (female ejaculators) the desire to induce ejaculatory orgasm by asphyxia may also come into play as this kind of orgasm is usually assessed as sensation of greater delight than orgasm without ejaculation."
[Zuc94] Zuckerman, Marvin, 1994
Behavioral Expressions and Biosocial Bases of Sensation Seeking
Publisher: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, New York
[StJ94a] St. Jorre, John de, 1994, 1.8.
The Unmasking of O
In: The New Yorker, 1994, 1.8., pp. ?-?
[Moh94] Mohanraj, Mary Anne, 1994-1998
Alternative Sexualities in Fantasy and SF Booklist
[LL] Lack & Leder (various authors), 1994-2000
Lack & Leder
Zeitschrift des Club S
Notes:  Archived issues: 11/1997, 12/1997, 1/1998-4/1998, 6/1998-10/1998, 2/1999, 3/1999, 5/1999, 6/1999, 5/2000.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Pra] Pranger (various authors), 1994-?
Notes:  Archived issue: 5/1998.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ada95] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou), 1995
The Catalyst
2nd edition
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
Notes:  174 pp.
Abstract:  "The forbidden World of SM is explored in this story of initiation and discovery. After viewing a controversial, explicity kinky film full of imagines of bondage and submission, several audience members find themselves deeply moved by the erotic suggestions they“ve seen on the screen. A lesbian couple spank and make up after a heated argument. Two gay men pick up a leatherman to help them re-enact their favorite scenes from the film. A surburban and married couple break out the rope and engage in a drama of surrender and control." (Masquerade)
[AGS95] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1995
SM-Adressbuch 1995
3rd edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[Ant95] Antoniou, Laura (ed.), 1995
Some Women
Publisher: Rhinoceros, MISSING
[Bak95] Bakos, Susan Crain, 1995
Kink: The Hidden Sex Lives of Americans
Publisher: St Martin's Press, New York