
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted chronologically: 1993

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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Last change: 20.09.2004

[AM93] Adams, H.E. / McAnulty, Richard D., 1993
Sexual disorders: The paraphilias
in: Sutker, P.B. / Adams, H.E. (ed.): Comprehensive handbook of psychopathology, pp. 563-579
Publisher: Plenum, New York
[Ada93] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou), 1993
The Marketplace
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
Notes:  423 pp.
[AGS93] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1993
SM-Adressbuch 1993
1st edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[All93] Allen, Kate, 1993
Tell Me What You Like
Language: German
[AP93] Apter, Emily / Pietz, William (ed.), 1993
Fetishism as Cultural Discourse
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca et al.
[Aue93] Auer, F. (i.e. probably Johanna Fürstauer), 1993
Grausamkeit, Folter und Todesstrafen
(Cruelty, Torture and Capital punishment)
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Aza93] Azar, Amine A., 1993
Emergence et accueil fin de siècle du sadisme et du masochisme
(End-of-century emergence and welcome of sadism and masochism)
In: Psychanalyse à l'Université, Vol. 18, No. 69, 1993, pp. 37-65
Language: French with English and Spanish abstracts
Abstract:  "Discusses the procedures to establish the birth certificate of the concepts of sadism and masochism, their growth chart, and the account of their reception and diffusion at the turn of the 19th century. A bibliographic study is presented of works dealing with sexual perversions, including seminal works such as those of R. Krafft-Ebing (1879, 1890) and L. von Sacher-Massoch (1870), along with contemporary works (e.g., M. Foucault, 1962). Topics addressed include the relationship of the concepts of sadism and masochism to the problem of sexual inversion; the impact of A. Binet's (1887) study on fetishism; Krafft-Ebing's metapsychology; and the peculiar way in which the international scientific community received the concepts of sadism and masochism and possible reasons." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bad93] Bader, Michael, 1993
Adaptive sadomasochism and psychological growth
In: Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993, pp. 279-300
[Bad93a] Bader, Michael, 1993
Adaptive Sadomasochism and Psychological Growth: Reply
In: Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993, pp. 309-313
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Bak93] Bakos, Susan Crain, 1993
Sexual Obsessions
In: Ladies' Home Journal, Vol. 4, 1993, pp. 110-114
[Bal93a] Baldazzini, Roberto, 1993
Publisher: Orawia Press, Bologna
[Bal93b] Baldazzini, Roberto, 1993
Kay's Souvenir
Publisher: Telemaco Comunicazioni, Bologna
[Bal93] Baldwin, Guy, 1993
Ties That Bind
Publisher: Daedalus, San Francisco
[Bar93] Bartosch, Erwin, 1993
Die Verschränkung von Religion und Sadomasochismus aus der Sicht der Selbstpsychologie
In: Psychotherapie Forum, Vol. 1, 1993, pp. 147-157
Language: German
[BL93] Bayer, Franz / Leonhardt, Karl Ludwig, 1993
Selten und gesucht: Bibliographien und ausgesuchte Nachschlagewerke zur erotischen Literatur
Publisher: Hiersemann, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Bei93] Beinstein, Krista, 1993
Rituale der Begierde
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[BP93a] Book, R.G. / Perumal, G., 1993
Sexual Asphyxia: A Lesser Epidemic
In: Medicine and Law, Vol. , No. ?, 1993, pp. 687-698
[BP93] Bradford, John McDonald Wilson / Pawlak, A., 1993
Double-Blind Placebo Crossover Study of Cyproterone Acetate in the Treatment of the Paraphilias
In: Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Vol. 22, No. 5, 1993, pp. 383
[BBJ93] Brame, Gloria G. / Brame, William D. / Jacobs, Jon, 1993
Different Loving: The World of Sexual Dominance and Submission
Publisher: Villard, New York
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
Recommended reading
[Bro93] Brodsky, J.I., 1993
The Mineshaft: A Retrospective Ethnography
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 24, No. 3/4, 1993, pp. 233-251
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bro93a] Brokmann, Angela, 1993
(K)ein Grund zum Aufregen: käufliche Liebe, Pornographie, Perversionen, Moral
Publisher: GEWIS, Hamburg
Language: German
[BRW93] Brosig, Bernd / Rodewig, Klaus / Woidera, Regina, 1993
Die Klassifikation von Sexualstörungen in der ICD-10: Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Forschungskriterienstudie
in: Schneider, Wolfgang (ed.): Diagnostik und Klassifikation nach ICD-10, Kap. V: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung; Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Forschungskriterienstudie aus dem Bereich Psychosomatik/Psychotherapie Vol. 17, pp. 200-209
Publisher: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BHH93] Byard, Roger W. / Hucker, Stephen J. / Hazelwood, Robert R., 1993
Fatal and Near-Fatal Autoerotic Asphyxial Episodes in Women
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1993, pp. 70-73
[Cal93] Califia, Pat, 1993
Sensuous Magic. A Guide for Adventurous Lovers.
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
[Cal93a] Califia, Pat, 1993
Melting Point
Publisher: Alyson, Boston
[Cla93] Clayton, Anita H., 1993
Fetishism and clomipramine.
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 150, No. 4, 1993, pp. 673-674
Abstract:  "Reports the case of a 73-yr-old man with a history of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and a fascination with women's discarded clothing; the S complained of intrusive thoughts and ritualized behavior, including fantasy and masturbation. After 5 mo of successful treatment with clomipramine, the S experienced a mild anticholinergic delirium and was switched to sertraline." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cou93] Couchard, Françoise, 1993
"On bat une fille": Illustration d'un fantasme masochiste dans la culture musulmane
("A daughter is being beaten": Illustration of a masochistic fantasy in Islamic culture.)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 57, No. 3, 1993, pp. 733-749
Language: French with English, German, Spanish and Italian abstracts
Abstract:  "Discusses primal fantasies in Islamic culture, especially the intricate link between the seduction fantasy and violence. The relationship of violence between father and daughter is maintained in Islam by factors that exacerbate the erotic currents between the 2 protagonists. The fetishization of the daughter's virginity and, in the Horn of Africa, the custom of female infibulation induce castration anxiety in the adult male confronted by stitched female genitalia. Topics addressed include displacement of male interest from vaginal to anal sex (which many Muslim males try with other males in their gender-segregated world), and prolonged oedipal fixation of Muslim women, who continue to fantasize cold and passionate punishments from their fathers even when the latter's violence is no longer manifest." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Cow93] Cowie, Elizabeth, 1993
Pornography and Fantasy: Psychoanalytic Perspectives
in: Segal, Lynn / McIntosh, Mary (ed.): Sex Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornography Debate, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J.
[Dim93] Dimen, Muriel, 1993
Adaptive Sadomasochism and Psychological Growth: Commentary
In: Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993, pp. 301-308
[Dis93] Discipline, Azzlo (ed.), 1993
Torture Garden: Vintage Erotic Archives
Publisher: Alexandre Dupouy Collection and Treville, Japan
[Due93] Duerr, Hans Peter, 1993
Obszönität und Gewalt (Der Mythos vom Zivilisationsprozess, Band 3)
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Fed93] Fedderke, Dagmar, 1993
Die Geschichte mit A.
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
Notes:  200 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Foc93] FEHLT, 1993
In: Focus, Vol. 45, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Fla93] Flanagan, Bob, 1993
Publisher: Re/Search Publications
[FO+93] Flobecker, Pia / Ottosson, Johan / Johansson, Lars / Hietala, Max-Albert / Gezelius, Christer / Eriksson, Anders, 1993
Accidental Deaths From Asphyxia: A 10-Year Retrospective Study From Sweden
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1993, pp. 74-79
[FB93] Freund, Kurt / Blanchard, Ray, 1993
Erotic target location errors in male gender dysphorics, paedophiles, and fetishists
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 162, 1993, pp. 558-563
Abstract:  "A clinical series of male pedophiles who dressed or fantasized themselves as children suggests that certain paraphilias represent developmental errors in locating erotic targets in the environment and that proneness to such errors is a paraphilic dimension in its own right, apart from the specific nature of the erotic target." (APA/PsycINFO)
[FW93] Freund, Kurt / Watson, Robin J., 1993
Gender identity disorder and courtship disorder
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1993, pp. 13-21
Abstract:  "Investigated a hypothetical connection between gender identity disorder and courtship disorder in 274 heterosexual male patients of the following types: nontransvestic fetishists for female attire; transvestic fetishists; patients with gender identity disorder of adolescence and adulthood, nontranssexual type; and transsexuals. Of these patients, 53 had also demonstrated one or more of the putative expressions of courtship disorder. The proportion each of these types contributed to this group of 53 patients with a courtship disorder was compared with the same type's proportional contribution to the group of 221 gender identity patients without a courtship disorder. The transvestic fetishists contributed a significantly larger percentage and the transsexuals a significantly smaller percentage of individuals to the group with a courtship disorder than to that without a courtship disorder." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Fri93] Friedman, Richard C., 1993
Männliche Homosexualität
Publisher: Springer, Berlin et al.
Language: German
[GR93] Gagnier, Terril T. / Robertiello, Richard C., 1993
Sado-masochism as a defense against merging: six case studies
In: Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1993, pp. 183-192
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Ger93] Gerbert, Frank, 1993
Fremdartiger Volksstamm
In: Focus, Vol. 45, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[GG93] Gibson, Pamela Church / Gibson, Roma (ed.), 1993
Dirty Looks: Women, Pornography, Power
Publisher: British Film Institute, London
[Gou93] Goulemot, Jean Marie, 1993
Gefährliche Bücher. Erotische Literatur, Pornographie, Leser und Zensur im 18. Jahrhundert.
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Gra93] Grassl, GeraldPolymorph Perverse Klinikliebe Wien - Von der Fleischeslust des Abartigen. (ed.), 1993
Herrische Weiber: s/m-Frauen im Interview
2nd revised edition
Publisher: VIDO - Verein zur Information der Öffentlichkeit, Wien
Language: German
[Gri93] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Blutspiele - Blood Sports: SM-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 3
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 44-45
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93a] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Das kleine Einmaleins: SM-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 4
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 15, 1993, pp. 44-45
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93b] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Das Spiel mit dem Feuer: SM-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 5
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 16, 1993, pp. 46-47
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93c] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Kleine Klammerkunde: S/M-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 6
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 17, 1993, pp. 46-47
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93d] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Formen der Unterwerfung und des Masochismus: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 7
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 18, 1993, pp. 42-43
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93e] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
Des SM-Kaisers alte Kleider, oder: Noch mehr Anmerkungen zur Dress Code Debatte
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 15, 1993, pp. 12
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri93f] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1993
"Spanner-Case" Spendenaufruf!
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 18, 1993, pp. 17
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hit93] Hitzler, Ronald, 1993
Die Wahl der Qual: Ein Einblick in die kleine Lebens-Welt des Algophilen
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 6, 1993, pp. 228-242
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hit94] Hitzler, Ronald, 1993
Rituale der Ungleichheit: S/M-Erotik in Lebenswelt und Medienalltag
in: Mörth, Ingo / Fröhlich, Gerhard (ed.): Das symbolische Kapital der Lebensstile. Zur Kultursoziologie der Moderne nach Pierre Bourdieu, pp. 193-206
Publisher: Campus, Frankfurt/M., New York
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hoc93] Hochreither, Irmgard, 1993
Deutschland bizarr. Perversion als Gesellschaftsspiel
In: Stern, Vol. 42, 1993, pp. 88-98
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Hol93] Holland, Nancy, 1993
What Gilles Deleuze Has to Say to Battered Women
In: Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1993, pp. 16-25
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Hun93] Hunt, Lynn (ed.), 1993
The Invention of Pornography: Obscenity and the Origins of Modernity, 1500-1800
Publisher: Zone Books, New York
[Jac93] Jacques, Trevor, 1993
On the Safe Edge: A Manual for SM Play
Publisher: WholeSM, Toronto
[JJ93] Janus, Samuel S. / Janus, Cynthia L., 1993
The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior
Publisher: Wiley, New York
[Kue93] Kürthy, Ildikó von, 1993
Die gestörte Lust
In: Brigitte (Dossier), Vol. ?, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ker93] Kernberg, Otto F., 1993
Sadomasochismus, sexuelle Erregung und Perversion
In: Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis, Vol. VIII, No. 4, 1993, pp. 319-341
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[KM93] Keyes, Ronald W. / Money, John, 1993
The Armed Robbery Orgasm: A Lovemap Autobiography of Masochism
Publisher: Prometheus, Buffalo
[Koc93] Koch, Knut, 1993
Barfuß als Prinz - Zwei Leben
Publisher: edition dia
Language: German
[Kun93] Kuntz-Brunner, R., 1993
Die Lust an der Qual: Ein Plädoyer für die Phantasie
In: Pro Familie Magazin, Vol. 21, 1993, pp. 16-17
Language: German
[Lap93] Laputan, M., 1993
Zur Sklavin erzogen. Bericht einer Masochistin.
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  240 pages
[Mue93] Müller, Phoebe, 1993
Schlachthof der Lüste
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
Notes:  140 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mar93] Markoe, Merrill, 1993
Dominatrix 101
In: Vanity Fair, Vol. ? (September), 1993, pp. ?-?
[Mas93] Masand, Prakash S., 1993
In: Depression, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1993, pp. 50-52
Abstract:  "Describes 2 cases of paraphilia (one with sexual masochism, involving a 40-yr-old male and one with transvestic fetishism, involving a 38-yr-old male). These patients were successfully treated with fluoxetine hydrochloride in a dose of 40 mg/d." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MSV93] Maydorn, Andreas / Scheffler, Benjamin / Vollbrechtshausen, Andreas, 1993
Wie man's macht. Das schwule Sexbuch.
Publisher: Jackwerth, Köln
Language: German
[MSV93a] Maydorn, Andreas / Scheffler, Benjamin / Vollbrechtshausen, Andreas, 1993
In: Magnus, Vol. 1, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[McC93] McClintock, Anne, 1993
Maid to Order: Commercial Fetishism and Gender Power
In: Social Text, Vol. 37, 1993, pp. 87-116
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[MN93] McGuire, Christina / Norton, Carla, 1993
Die Leibeigene. Entführung, Verführung, Gehirnwäsche. Die sieben Jahre Qual der Colleen Stan. Series: True Crime / Der wahre Kriminalfall,
Publisher: Bastei-Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach
Language: German
[Men93] Mendes, Peter, 1993
Clandestine Erotic Fiction in English 1800-1930: A Bibliographical Study
Publisher: Scolar Press, Aldershot et al.
[Mer93] Merck, Mandy, 1993
Perversions: Deviant Readings
Publisher: Virago Press, London
[Mil93] Miller, James, 1993
The Passion of Michel Foucault
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, New York
[Mil93a] Milligan, Don, 1993
Sex-Life: A Critical Commentary on the History of Sexuality
Publisher: Pluto Press, London
[Mos93] Moser, Charles, 1993
A response to Aviel Goodman's "Sexual addiction: Designation and treatment"
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1993, pp. 220-224
[MLC93] Moser, Charles / Lee, J. / Christensen, P., 1993
Nipple piercing: An exploratory-descriptive study
In: Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1993, pp. 51-61
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[MO+93] Muhs, Aribert / Öri, Christina / Rothe-Kirchberger, Ingrid / Ehlers, Wolfram, 1993
Die Klassifikation der Persönlichkeitsstörungen in der ICD-10. Ergebnisse der Forschungskriterienstudie.
in: Schneider, Wolfgang (ed.): Diagnostik und Klassifikation nach ICD-10, Kap. V: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung; Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Forschungskriterienstudie aus dem Bereich Psychosomatik/Psychotherapie Vol. 17, pp. 132-149
Publisher: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Nor93] Nordlohne, Jens, 1993
In: Focus, Vol. 25, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Nye93] Nye, Robert A., 1993
The Medical Origins of Sexual Fetishism
in: Apter, Emily / Pietz, William (ed.): Fetishism as Cultural Discourse, pp. 13-30
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca
[OHD93] O'Halloran, Ronald L. / Dietz, Park Elliott, 1993
Autoerotic Fatalities with Power Hydraulics
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 38, 1993, pp. 359-364
[Pes93] Pesta, Thekla, 1993
In: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1993, pp. 342-360
Language: German with English abstract
Abstract:  "Uses the minutes (rediscovered in 1988) of a 1909 meeting of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association (named 'Wednesday Society' until 1908) as an opportunity to review psychoanalytic literature on this perversion, beginning with Freud. Topics addressed include early-childhood events and trauma that may cause adult fetishism; the reason why the fetishist's world is populated with automata instead of living human beings; possible motives for the fetishist's impaired ability to live and love; and the difference between a fetish and a transitional object. For the fetishist to learn to perceive a fetish as a transitional object that can be discarded and forgotten represents the best hope for a successful psychoanalytic cure." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Pet93] Pettinger, A., 1993
Why Fetish?
In: New Foundations. A Journal of Culture / Theory / Politics, Vol. 19, 1993, pp. 83-93
[Pev93] Peven, Dorothy E., 1993
The individual psychological viewpoint of the psychosexual disorders
in: Sperry, Len / Carlson, Jon (ed.): Psychopathology and psychotherapy: From diagnosis to treatment, pp. 429-451
Publisher: Accelerated Development, Philadelphia
Abstract:  From the chapter: "[discusses] psychosexual disorders as listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (Third Edition-Revised) (American Psychiatric Association, 1987) with an emphasis on the views of Individual Psychology /// Adler's viewpoint / gender identity disorders /paraphilias / fetishism / exhibitionism and voyeurism / zoophilia, necrophilia, and pedophilia / sexual sadism and sexual masochism / homosexuality / the psychosexual dysfunctions"
[Pol93] Pollak, K., 1993
Das neue Lexikon der Sexualkunde
Publisher: Ullstein, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Pop93] Popp, Stephan, 1993 (Doctoral thesis)
Die Sittenwidrigkeit der Tat im Sinne von § 2261 StGB
School: Universität Nürnberg
Language: German
[Q93] Q, John, 1993
The Q Letters: True Stories of Sadomasochism
Publisher: Prometheus, Buffalo
[Ret93] Reti, Irene (ed.), 1993
Unleashing Feminism: Critiquing Lesbian Sadomasochism in the Gay Nineties: a Collection of Radical Feminist Writings
Publisher: HerBooks, Santa Cruz
[Rub93] Rubin, Gayle S., 1993
Misguided, Dangerous, and Wrong: An Analysis of Anti-Pornography Politics
in: Assiter, Allison / Avedon, Carol (ed.): Bad Girls and Dirty Pictures: The Challenge To Reclaim Feminism, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Pluto, London
[SSI] S/M-Szene intern (various authors), 1993-1996
S/M-Szene intern
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sat93] Sattler, Stephan, 1993
Ich hasse die Heuchelei
In: Focus, Vol. 47, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Say93] Saylor, Douglas B., 1993
The Sadomasochistic Homotext: Readings in Sade, Balzac and Proust
Publisher: Lang, New York et al.
[SZ1593] Schlagzeilen (Autor "Andreas S."), 1993
Kritik zum Film "Anna Domina", aufgeführt am 10. Januar in München
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 15, 1993, pp. 46
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1893a] Schlagzeilen (Autor "Norbert aus F."), 1993
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 18, 1993, pp. 17
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1493b] Schlagzeilen (Autor ungenannt), 1993
Ein Bericht über kein Bundestreffen
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 46
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1493a] Schlagzeilen (Autorin "Andrea"), 1993
Dänen lügen nicht!
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 18-21
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1493] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1993
Schwerpunktthema: Fetisch!
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 24-35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1693] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1993
Schwerpunktthema: Kein Widerstand - Sucht und die Unfähigkeit "Nein" zu sagen
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 16, 1993, pp. 23-35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1793] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1993
Schwerpunktthema: Grenzgänge
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 17, 1993, pp. 22-35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1893] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1993
Schwerpunktthema: Einsamkeit (Teil 1)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 18, 1993, pp. 22-35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SH93] Schneider, Babette / Heim, Georg, 1993
Am Gipfel der Lust
In: AZ - Andere Zeitung, Vol. 9, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[SM93] Segal, Lynn / McIntosh, Mary (ed.), 1993
Sex Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornography Debate
Publisher: Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J.
[She93] Sheng-Hua, Lu, 1993
A case of sadism
In: Sexology of China. Journal of Chinese Sexology., Vol. 3, 1993, pp. 51-53
Language: Chinese
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sil93] Silva, Padmal de, 1993
Fetishism and sexual dysfunction: Clinical presentation and management
In: Sexual and Marital Therapy, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1993, pp. 147-155
Abstract:  "Fetishism is a clinical relevant variable when the fetishistic desire interferes with the individual's normal sexual functioning. Some individuals can incorporate their mild fetishes into their sexual relationships. In many cases, the fetishism will reemerge when a relationship loses its initial novelty and excitement. Hypnotherapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and behavior therapy are the standard treatments for fetishism. For fetishistic problems in the context of an existing relationship, the treatment needs to be flexible because of the involvement of a partner. With the gradual enhancement of the relationship, the reliance of the affected individual on the fetish object is likely to decrease. However, the treatment approach will be determined in large part by the severity of the problem, nature of the fetish, and the partner's attitude." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Sin93] Sinn, Lindsay E., 1993
The Silver Bullett
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1993, pp. 145-147
[Spi93] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1993
Einsame Perversionen
In: Spiegel, Vol. 30, 1993, pp. ?
Language: German
[Spi93a] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1993
Fix und Fetisch
In: Spiegel, Vol. 36, 1993, pp. 133-136
Language: German
[Spi93b] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1993
"Der Mensch verschwindet"
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 226-229
Language: German
[Squ93] Squires, Judith (ed.), 1993
[Tag93] Tagetes, Rinella, 1993
Die Regenkönigin
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
Notes:  161 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Tho93] Thompson, Mark, 1993
Lederlust - Der SM-Kult
Publisher: Bruno Gmünder, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Tho91.
[Tow93] Townsend, Larry, 1993
Meister gegen Schwachkopf
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[TP93] Travin, Sheldon / Protter, Barry, 1993
Sexual Perversion: Integrative Treatment Approaches for the Clinician
Publisher: Plenum Press, New York et al.
[Wal93] Walters, Suzanna-Danuta, 1993
Sadomasochism in Everyday Life: The Dynamics of Power and Powerlessness
In: New Politics (New Series), Vol. 4, No. 2, 1993, pp. 187-188
[WS+93] Wetzstein, Thomas A. / Steinmetz, Linda / Reis, Christa / Eckert, Roland, 1993
Sadomasochismus - Szenen und Rituale
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
Recommended reading
[Woo93] Woodward, Tim (ed.), 1993
The Best of Skin Two
Publisher: Kasak Books, New York und London
[WHO93] World Health Organization (ed.), 1993
The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. Diagnostic criteria for research. Vol. II
Publisher: WHO, Geneva
[WHO93a] World Health Organization (ed.), 1993
Internationale Klassifikation psychischer Störungen. ICD-10 Kapitel V (F) Klinisch-diagnostische Leitlinien
2nd corrected edition
Publisher: Hans Huber, Bern, Göttingen, Toronto, Seattle
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → WHO93.
[Wur93] Wurmser, Léon, 1993
Das Rätsel des Masochismus. Psychoanalytische Untersuchungen von Über-Ich-Konflikten und Masochismus.
Publisher: Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York
Language: German
[Wur98] Wurmser, Léon, 1993
Das Rätsel des Masochismus: Psychoanalytische Untersuchungen von Gewissenszwang und Leidenssucht
2nd, corrected edition
Publisher: Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York
Language: German
Notes:  583 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Zav93] Zaviacic, Milan, 1993
Sexualna asfyxiofilia (Koczwarizmus)
(Sexual Asphyxiophilia (Koczwarism))
In: Česka a Slovenska Psychiatrie, Vol. 89, No. 4, 1993, pp. 200-208
Language: Czech with English abstract
Abstract:  "DSM-III defines asphyxiophilia as an Atypical Paraphilia (302.90); it is known under different names elsewhere, e.g., as Koczwarism in former Czechoslovakia. The history and frequency of this little investigated, life threatening practice of oxygen deprivation as sexual stimulation, sometimes to orgasm, is offered. Both sexes practice it and it may be a factor in accidental deaths by strangulation, without intent to suicide, when safety devices fail. Diagnostic clues are detailed. It is recommended that asphyxiophilia be considered in forensic cases of death of unknown origin, though the history of this autoerotic practice usually is kept secret by its practitioners, often psychiatric patients. To separate such cases from the categories of suicide or murder, the investigators need to be better informed. A table shows the age (men 9-80 yrs; women 19-68 yrs), number of cases (men over 1,000/yr; women 20+/yr. In men pornography, unusual clothing, pain stimulating, bizarre supports and fetishism were found; in women the first 3 were infrequent and the latter 2 not found. Female prostatic ejaculation is also mentioned." (APA/PsycINFO)

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