
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted by author: N

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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[Nae03] Näcke, Paul, 1903
Forensisch-psychiatrisch-psychologische Randbemerkungen zum Prozeß Dippold, insbesondere über Sadismus
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. XIII, 1903, pp. 350-372
Language: German
[Nae09] Näcke, Paul, 1909
Zum Flagellantismus
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 33, 1909, pp. 361-362
Language: German
[Nae11] Näcke, Paul, 1911
Warnung vor überschneller Annahme von Sadismus und Masochismus
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 41, 1911, pp. 157-158
Language: German
[Nae11a] Näcke, Paul, 1911
Auto-Sadismus und autosadistischer Selbstmord
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 42, 1911, pp. 171-172
Language: German
[Nae94] Näcke, Paul, 1994
Un cas de fétischisme de souliers etc.
In: Bulletin de la société de médecine mentale de Belgique, Vol. ?, No. ?, 1994, pp. ?
Language: French
[Ner98a] Néret, Gilles, 1998
1000 Dessous - Eine Geschichte der Reizwäsche
Publisher: Taschen, Köln
Language: German
Notes:  767 pages, mainly photographs.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ner01] Néret, Gilles (ed.), 2001
Erotica - 18th Century
Publisher: Taschen, Köln, London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Tokyo
Notes:  191 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ner01a] Néret, Gilles (ed.), 2001
Erotica - 19th Century
Publisher: Taschen, Köln, London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Tokyo
Notes:  191 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ner01b] Néret, Gilles (ed.), ca. 2001
Erotica - 20th Century, Volume II
Publisher: Taschen, Köln, London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Tokyo
Notes:  191 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[NF97] Nössler, Regina / Flocke, Petra (ed.), 1997
Publisher: Konkursbuchverlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen
Language: German
[Ano01c] n/a (ed.), 2001
bottoms - PO's
Publisher: Tosa Verlag, Wien
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Nac83] Nachin, Claude, 1983
Contribution a la metapsychologie du fetichisme et des "perversions"
(A contribution to the metapsychology of fetishism and "perversions")
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 391-395
Language: French
Abstract:  "Discusses the nature of perversion in relation to clinical material and to the perspectives of a variety of other writers on the topic. It is suggested that the roots of perversion in a metapsychological sense reflect a mixture of joy and suffering, a filial instinct, dependence, and a desire for submission - a confused tangle of desires that cannot help but find expression in an 'extra-normal' fashion." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Nac33] Nacht, S., 1933
Les troubles de la vie sexuelle
(Disorders of the sexual life)
In: Journal Medical Français, Vol. 22, 1933, pp. 109-115
Language: French
Abstract:  "This is a study of inversion, exhibitionism, and fetishism. For each perversion there are two kinds of perverts: those who are stable in their perversion and do not suffer, and the neurotics who do not accept their perversion and who have more or less conscious remorse. It is in the latter case that psychoanalytic treatment is possible." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Nac48] Nacht, S., 1948
Le Masochisme: Etude Psychanalytique
Publisher: Librairie le François, Paris
Language: French
[NB01] Nadesan, K. / Beng, O.B., 2001
Two cases of death due to plastic bag suffocation
In: Medicine, Science, and the Law, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2001, pp. 78-82
Abstract:  "Deaths due to plastic bag suffocation or plastic bag asphyxia are not reported in Malaysia. In the West many suicides by plastic bag asphyxia, particularly in the elderly and those who are chronically and terminally ill, have been reported. Accidental deaths too are not uncommon in the West, both among small children who play with shopping bags and adolescents who are solvent abusers. Another well-known but not so common form of accidental death from plastic bag asphyxia is sexual asphyxia, which is mostly seen among adult males. Homicide by plastic bag asphyxia too is reported in the West and the victims are invariably infants or adults who are frail or terminally ill and who cannot struggle. Two deaths due to plastic bag asphyxia are presented. Both the autopsies were performed at the University Hospital Mortuary, Kuala Lumpur. Both victims were 50-year old married Chinese males. One death was diagnosed as suicide and the other as sexual asphyxia. Sexual asphyxia is generally believed to be a problem associated exclusively with the West. Specific autopsy findings are often absent in deaths due to plastic bag asphyxia and therefore such deaths could be missed when some interested parties have altered the scene and most importantly have removed the plastic bag. A visit to the scene of death is invariably useful."
[NV85] Naerssen, A.X. van / Visser, Dick, 1985
S and M: Studies in Sadomasochism
In: Sociologische Gid, Vol. 32, No. 5-6, 1985, pp. 452-453
[NW77] Naeve, W. / Wittram, S., 1977
Tödliche autoerotische Unfälle. Die versicherungsmedizinische Untersuchung und Begutachtung von Todesfällen in "autoerotischer Fundsituation".
Publisher: Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft e.V., Karlsruhe
Language: German
[Nag57] Nagler, S.H., 1957
Fetishism: A review and a case study
In: Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol. 31, 1957, pp. 713-741
Abstract:  "The paper reviews analytic literature on fetishism and presents in detail a case of homosexual foot fetishism. 'It is suggested that the fetishist is a passive, dependent individual of extremely low self esteem, who seeks slavishly in fantasy to win favor and acceptance. Feeling inadequate to the full role of the male he serves the woman adoringly, religiously, or slavishly, to gain her love and her tolerance for his inadequate performance. In the case of the homosexual fetishist, he serves the man to gain his own acceptance as a male and thus is permitted to salvage his self-esteem.'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Nag69] Nagler, S.H., 1969
Fetishism and murder: discussion
In: SPSA, Vol. 15, No. , 1969, pp. 97-98
[Nan95] Nan, Mistress, 1995
My Private Life: Real Experiences of a Dominant Woman
Publisher: Daedalus Publishing Company, San Francisco
[Nay86] Naylor, Bruce A., 1986
Sadomasochism in Children and Adolescents: A Contemporary Treatment Approach
In: Psychotherapy, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1986, pp. 586-592
Abstract:  "The nature and origins of sadomasochistic behavior in children are discussed in terms of psychoanalytic and social reinforcement theories. The child's search for intense emotional contact is seen as central. The optimum treatment of sadomasochistic behavior in children consists of an intense, corrective therapeutic experience utilizing variants of techniques such as mirroring, joining, reframing, restraining, refocusing, and use of countertransference reactions."
[Naz88] Nazarieff, Serge, 1988
Jeux de Dames Cruelles. Photographies 1859-1960.
Publisher: Taco, Berlin
[Neb97] Nebenführ, Christa, 1997
Sexualität zwischen Liebe und Gewalt. Eine Ambivalenz und ihre Rationalisierungen. Series: Reihe Frauenforschung Bd. 35,
Publisher: Milena, Wien
Language: German
[Neb00] Nebreda, David, 2000
Autoportraits - David Nebreda
Publisher: Editions Léo Scheer, MISSING
[Neb03] Nebreda, David, 2003
Brief an Peter Weibel
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 418-421
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Neb03a] Nebreda, David, 2003
Schizophrenie, Masochismus und Fotografie
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 422-430
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Nee] Needham, Charles, FEHLT
Pony Mädchen
Publisher: Privately printed, MISSING
Language: German
[Ner94] Neret, Gilles, 1994
Erotica Universalis
Publisher: Taschen, Köln
Language: German, English, French
Notes:  2 volumes, 757 and 766 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ner98] Nersessian, Edward, 1998
A cat as fetish: A contribution to the theory of fetishism
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 79, No. 4, 1998, pp. 713-725
Abstract:  "Since Freud's original study of fetishism and his description of the genesis of the symptom, many additions and elaborations have been made to those propositions. In the past decade, fetishism has been increasingly applied to a wide variety of behaviour and mentation, some with no overt sexual component. In this paper, the author, drawing on his observations made during a very lengthy analysis of a female patient, underscores the need to broaden the applicability of the diagnosis of fetishism but sees value in limiting it to the sexual situation. He suggests that a fetish does not need to be an inanimate object and expresses agreement with those who feel that fetishism is not limited to males. Additionally, he offers for consideration the idea that fetishism belongs on a continuum with a whole gamut of phenomena such as the need for a transitional object, the use of amulets, and the endowment of magical properties to words, ideas, rituals and objects. All these phenomena have in common the use of an outside object bestowed by magic and illusion to control anxiety. The hierarchical level of such anxiety and its ideational content (oedipal versus pre-oedipal) are of less causative value than the ego's inability to master it without resorting to an outside object." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Neu91] Neu, Jerome, 1991
Freud and perversion
in: Neu, Jerome (ed.): The Cambridge companion to Freud, pp. 175-208
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, New York
Abstract:  "Discusses S. Freud's conceptualizations of sexual perversion as set forth in 'Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Neu71] Neuhuber, Rolf D., 1971
Techniken der körperlichen Züchtigungen in Pädagogik und Justiz: eine Dokumentation
Publisher: Hönscheid, München
Language: German
[Neu06] Neumann, Erna, 1906
Erzählungen von der Rute
Publisher: H. Hartleb, Pressburg
Language: German
[Neu69] Neumann, John, 1969
Erziehung in Amerika. Eine Dokumentation über Flagellomanie in der neuen Welt.
Publisher: J.M. Hönscheid, MISSING
Language: German
[Neu70] Neumann, John, 1970
Sadistinnen und Masochisten
Publisher: MISSING, London
Language: German
[Neua] Neumann, John, FEHLT
Bizarre Erotik
Publisher: Hönscheid, München
Language: German
[Neu76] Neumann, John (ed.), 1976
Die Ungezogenen. Leserberichte zum Thema Jugenderziehung.
Publisher: gja-euroscript / J.M. Hönscheid Verlags-KG, München
Language: German
[NM] Neumann, John / Matthias, Hanns, FEHLT
Erziehung in Deutschland. Eine Dokumentation über Flagellomanie in Deutschland.
Language: German
[Neu94] Neumann, Nicolaus, 1994
Sex brutal
In: Stern, Vol. ? (Dezember), 1994, pp. 32-36
Language: German
[Neu98] Neuner, H.-P., 1998
SM - Die schwule Lederszene und das Phänomen SM. Eine Annäherung von innen.
Publisher: Querverlag, Berlin
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[NRG03] Nevid, Jeffrey S. / Rathus, Spencer A. / Greene, Beverly, 2003
Abnormal psychology in a changing world
5th edition
Publisher: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Notes:  XXI/631 pp.
Abstract:  With a chapter on "Gender identity disorder, paraphilias, and sexual dysfunctions".
[New97] Newman, Bobby, 1997
The use of online services to encourage exploration of ego-dystonic sexual interests
In: Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1997, pp. 45-48
Abstract:  "One of the most difficult sexual relationship pressures a couple can face is that when one partner desires to engage in a particular sexual activity, and the other partner is unable or unwilling to comply. In some cases, this unwillingness is due to nervousness caused by believing that the partner's desired behavior is statistically or otherwise abnormal. Such reluctance can be addressed by demonstrating to the reluctant partner that the behavior desired by his/her partner is not unique, nor even statistically abnormal. One newly available means of doing this is to introduce both partners to online services (e.g., the Internet). Internet newsgroups exist that deal with virtually every legal paraphilia. Other online services (e.g., Compuserve, America Online, Prodigy) feature similar areas, places where partners can explore their ideas in comfort, safety and anonymity. A case study is presented that shows how these services can be used to help partners overcome irrational concerns regarding the "normalcy" of desired sexual behavior, and to help therapists become more knowledgeable about the issues facing their clients."
[New66] Newnham, William H., 1966
Sexual perversion associated with cerebral tumor
In: International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1966, pp. 633-636
Abstract:  "A man exhibiting sexual perversions from early adolescence was admitted to psychiatric care in middle age. He developed gross neurological signs and a fronto-parietal tumor was demonstrated by EEG and angiography. A causal relationship between the tumor and the perversions is suggested and the general interplay between organic and psychological conditions is discussed briefly." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ney91] Neyen, Werner, 1991 (Doctoral thesis)
Die Einwilligungsfähigkeit im Strafrecht
School: Universität Trier
Language: German
[NPR82] Nichols, Jeanette / Pagano, Darlene / Rosoff, Margaret, 1982
Is Sadomasochism Feminist? A Critique of the Samois Position
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 137-146
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[Nie99] Niedermair, Harald, 1999
Körperverletzung mit Einwilligung und die Guten Sitten. Zum Funktionsverlust einer Generalklausel. Series: Münchner Universitätsschriften, Reihe der Juristischen Fakultät, Vol. 139
Publisher: C.H. Beck, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Nie97] Niekerk, Carl, 1997
Foucault, Freud, Musil - Macht und Masochismus in den "Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß"
In: Zeitschrift für Deutsche Philologie, Vol. 116, No. 4, 1997, pp. 545-566
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Nit88] Nitzschke, Bernd, 1988
Sexualität und Männlichkeit zwischen Symbiosewunsch und Gewalt
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Nol55] Noll, Peter, 1955
Übergesetzliche Rechtfertigungsgründe, im besonderen die Einwilligung des Verletzten
Publisher: MISSING, Basel
Language: German
[Nol69] Noll, Peter, 1969
Begriff und Funktion der guten Sitten im Strafrecht
in: ? (ed.): Festschrift zum 150jährigen Bestehen des Oberlandesgerichts Zweibrücken, pp. 206-230
Publisher: MISSING, Wiesbaden
Language: German
[Nol92] Nolte, Friedrich, 1992
in: Dunde, Siegfried Rudolf (ed.): Handbuch Sexualität, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Deutscher Studien-Verlag, Weinheim
Language: German
[Twi0494g] Nora (Pseud.), 1994
Wieder versaut ... Fernsehthema Sadomaso
In: Twilight, Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 38
Language: German
[NW96] Nora / Wolf, 1996
Geliebtes Nichts
Publisher: Seitenblick, Königswinter
Language: German
[Nor93] Nordlohne, Jens, 1993
In: Focus, Vol. 25, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Nor73] Norman, John, 1973
Gor 1: Gor - Die Gegenerde
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor74] Norman, John, 1974
Gor 2: Der Geächtete von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor74a] Norman, John, 1974
Gor 3: Die Priesterkönige von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor74b] Norman, John, 1974
Gor 4: Die Nomaden von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor74c] Norman, John, 1974
Gor 5: Meuchelmörder von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor75] Norman, John, 1975
Gor 6: Die Piratenstadt von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor75a] Norman, John, 1975
Gor 8: Die Jäger von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor76] Norman, John, 1976
Gor 9: Die Marodeure von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor77] Norman, John, 1977
Gor 10: Die Stammeskrieger von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor78] Norman, John, 1978
Gor 11: In Sklavenketten auf Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor82] Norman, John, 1982
Gor 12: Die Bestien von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor84] Norman, John, 1984
Gor 7: Sklavin auf Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor84a] Norman, John, 1984
Gor 13: Die Erforscher von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor84b] Norman, John, 1984
Gor 14: Kampfsklave auf Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor84c] Norman, John, 1984
Gor 15: Der Schurke von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor85] Norman, John, 1985
Gor 16: Der Leibwächter von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor85a] Norman, John, 1985
Gor 17: Die Wilden von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor85b] Norman, John, 1985
Gor 18: Die Blutsbrüder von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor85c] Norman, John, 1985
Gor 19: Kajira von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor95] Norman, John, 1995
Gor 20: Die Spieler von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor96] Norman, John, 1996
Gor 21: Die Söldner von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor97] Norman, John, 1997
Gor 23: Die Verräter von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor97a] Norman, John, FEHLT
Imaginative Sex
[Nor98] Norman, John, 1998
Gor 24: Die Vagabunden von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor99] Norman, John, 1999
Gor 25: Die Zauberer von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Nor70] North, Maurice, 1970
The Outer Fringe of Sex: A Study in Sexual Fetishism
Publisher: Odyssey Press, London
[Nor70a] North, Maurice, ohne Jahr, ca. 1970
Fortuna Peitsche und Gummiglück. Fetischismus? Masochismus? Sadismus?
Publisher: Center-Verlag, Nürnberg
Language: German
[Nor72] Norton, David L., 1972
Eudaimonia and the Pain-Displeasure Contingency Argument
In: Ethics, Vol. 83, 1972, pp. 314-320
[Nov72] Novick, Jack, 1972
Beating Fantasies in Children
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 53, No. 2, 1972, pp. 237-242
[NN96] Novick, Jack / Novick, Kerry Kelly, 1996
Fearful Symmetry: The Development and Treatment of Sadomasochism
Publisher: Aronson, Northvale, NJ et al.
[NN87] Novick, Kerry Kelly / Novick, Jack, 1987
The Essence of Masochism
In: The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol. 42, 1987, pp. 353-384
[NN91] Novick, Kerry Kelly / Novick, Jack, 1991
Some comments on masochism and the delusion of omnipotence from a developmental perspective. Presentation, Wintermeeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 307-331
[Noy02] Noyes, John K., 2002
Vernunft, Leidenschaft und der Liberalismus des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts in Sacher-Masochs "Venus im Pelz"
in: Spörk, Ingrid und Strohmaier, Alexandra (ed.): Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, pp. 146-165
Publisher: Literaturverlag Droschl, Graz
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Noy97] Noyes, John K., 1997
The Mastery of Submission
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca et al.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Noy98] Noyes, John K., 1998
S/M in SA: Sexual Violence, Simulated Sex and Psychoanalytic Theory
In: American Imago, Vol. 55, No. 1, 1998, pp. 135-153
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Nun84] Nunes, Clara H., 1984
Transferencia nas perversoes
(Perversion transference)
In: Revista Brasileira de Psicanalise, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1984, pp. 197-206
Language: Portuguese
Abstract:  "Defines perversion as a sexual relationship in which the other is not regarded as a whole person. Freud considered 'perversion' as part of what passes for the normal constitution. Although Freud only mentioned fetishism, all perversions include disavowal, which should be distinguished from neurotic repression. Objects of perversion are transitional objects, and castration fear is the etiology of perversion. The psychoanalytic profession's particular vulnerability to manipulation by perverse analysands, due to some analysts' own perverse tendencies, is discussed. The clinical example of a perverted patient's attempts to involve his female analyst in his perverse sexual games illustrates this theme. The ritualistic aspect of perversion is also examined." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Nye91] Nye, Robert A., 1991
The History of Sexuality in Context: National Sexological Traditions
In: Science in Context, Vol. 4, 1991, pp. 387-406
[Nye93] Nye, Robert A., 1993
The Medical Origins of Sexual Fetishism
in: Apter, Emily / Pietz, William (ed.): Fetishism as Cultural Discourse, pp. 13-30
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca
[Nye99] Nye, Robert A., 1999
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
Notes:  XVII, 503 pp.
Abstract:  Includes chapters on "Doctors and sexual disorders, "Sadism", "Masochism", "Fetishism", "Exhibitionism".

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