
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted chronologically: 1991

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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[AGS91] AG SM & Öffentlichkeit, 1991
Sadomasochistisches Manifest 1991
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. 35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Arl91] Arlow, Jacob, 1991
Derivative manifestations of perversions
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 59-74
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Arn91] Arndt, William B., 1991
Gender Disorders and the Paraphilias
Publisher: International Universities Press, Madison, CT
Abstract:  From the jacket: "This volume presents descriptions and explanations of all gender disorders and paraphilias recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The material presented is derived from a review of some 1,200 references, making it the definitive work in this area.
Each chapter contains a critical discussion of various definitions, a detailed description of the deviant behavior, and a presentation of developmental history and personality dynamics.
What distinguishes this work from others on these topics is the information presented is from multiple perspectives. These perspectives include therapists' reports on development and psychodynamics, data from surveys conducted on these groups, observations from sociological field studies, analysis of literature written specifically for these groups, and especially these individuals' own perceptions and cognitions of their feelings and behaviors.
Our information about gender disorders and paraphilias comes from such fields as endocrinology, general psychiatry, psychoanalysis, forensic medicine, psychology, sociology, and social work."
[Bac91] Bach, Sheldon, 1991
On sadomasochistic object relations
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 75-92
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
Abstract:  From the chapter: "[a psychoanalytic exploration] of the more ubiquitous perversions of everyday life in which the individual, rather than using a fetish or fantasy as a prosthesis to replace a missing part of his ego, uses instead a mode of relating that one of my patients called a 'technical' relationship, one that falls under the more general heading of sadomasochistic object relations.
Such sadomasochistic relations may or may not include actual perversions, but they always include sadomasochistic fantasies, which may be conscious or deeply unconscious / they cover a continuum of nosologies from the neurotic through the psychotic, but I [the author] believe they are developmentally related to the sexual perversions because, like them, they arise as a defense against and an attempt to repair some traumatic loss that has not been adequately mourned / in this view, sadomasochistic relations are seen as a kind of denied or pathological mourning, a repetitive attempt to disclaim the loss or to repair it in fantasy, but an attempt that does not lead to resolution because in some dissociated part of the psyche that loss remains disavowed."

[Bai91] Bailey, K.G., 1991
Human paleopsychopathology: Implications for the paraphilias
In: New Trends in Experimental and Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1991, pp. 5-16
Abstract:  "Introduces the concept of paleopsychopathology and applies it to a reconceptualization of the paraphilias. The model suggests that the paraphilias are basically disorders of phylogenetic maleness where high sex drive and other aspects of male primate sexuality are displaced, 'malimprinted,' or disinhibited in socially proscribed ways. Specific disorders discussed are voyeurism, exhibitionism, pedophilia, and fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ban91] Bancroft, John, 1991
Die Zweischneidigkeit der Medikalisierung männlicher Sexualität
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 4, 1991, pp. 294-?
Language: German
[Bau91] Baumeister, Roy F., 1991
Escaping the Self: Alcoholism, Spirituality, Masochism
Publisher: Harper Collins, New York
Notes:  268 pages, masochism on pp. 115-138.
[BWH91] Bell, Alan P. / Weinberg, Martin S. / Hammersmith, Sue K., 1991
Der Kinsey Institut Report über sexuelle Orientierung und Partnerwahl
Publisher: Bertelsmann, München
Language: German
[BTW91] Bell, Michael D. / Tate, Larry G. / Wright, Ronald K., 1991
Sexual Asphyxia in Siblings
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 77-79
[Bel91] Bellion, Regina, 1991
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[Ber91] Bergson, Boris (Pseud.), 1991
Gummi-Leder-Fetischismus: Kasuistisches Material zum Syndrom des Fetischismus unter besonderer Berücksichtigung algolagnischer Fixierungen dargestellt am Beispiel unveröffentlichter privater Porno-Texte
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  208 pages
[Ber91a] Berner, Wolfgang, 1991
Sadomasochismus bei einer Frau. Bericht über eine psychoanalytische Behandlung.
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 1, 1991, pp. 45-57
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BP91] Betz, Peter / Penning, Randolph, 1991
Ein ungewöhnlicher Unfall bei autoerotischer Betätigung
In: Archiv für Kriminologie, Vol. 188, 1991, pp. 20-24
Language: German
[BH91] Blanchard, Ray / Hucker, Stephen J., 1991
Age, Transvestism, Bondage, and Concurrent Paraphilic Activities in 117 Fatal Cases of Autoerotic Asphyxia
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 159, 1991, pp. 371-377
[Blo91] Blos, Peter, 1991
Sadomasochism and the defense against recall of painful affect
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 417-430
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Blu91] Blum, Harold P., 1991
Sadomasochism in the psychoanalytic process, within and beyond the pleasure principle: discussion
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 431-450
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[BT+91] Boglioli, Lauren R. / Taff, Mark L. / Stephens, Peter J. / Money, John, 1991
A Case of Autoerotic Asphyxia Associated with Multiplex Paraphilia
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 64-73
[Cal91] Califia, Pat, 1991
The Advocate Advisor
Publisher: Alyson, Boston, Mass.
[Cal91a] Califia, Pat, 1991
The Power Exchange
in: (ed.): Skin Two Retro 1, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Tim Woodward, London
[Can91] Canguilhem, Georges, 1991
The Normal and the Pathological
Publisher: Zone Books, New York
[Cap91] Caplan, Paula J., 1991
How do they decide who is normal? The bizarre, but true, tale of the DSM process
In: Canadian Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1991, pp. 162-170
[Cha91] Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, 1991
Sadomasochism in the perversions: some thoughts on the destruction of reality
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 399-415
Abstract:  "The author summarizes and develops some of her viewpoints on the perversions (outlined in several of the books and articles she has written). For her all the perversions, whatever their content, develop against an anal sadomasochistic backdrop. Their aim is to destroy reality. Reality, from a psychosexual perspective, may be defined as resulting from the existence of the father separating the mother and the child. This may be formulated in another way: reality is recognition of sexual and generational differences. Or, yet again: mother and father have a procreative sexuality, whereas the child does not. This leads to the idea that the destruction of reality is equivalent to destruction of the paternal universe. Clinical case illustrations are provided, one of which centers on the assassination of an old man who, besides representing a paternal oedipal image, also represents reality itself. This case illustrates in concrete form the murder of the father, and hence of reality, accomplished by the pervert when he eradicates the paternal dimension of psychosexuality by regressing to the anal sadomasochistic dimension."
[CS91] Cooper, A.M. / Sacks, M.H., 1991
Sadism and Masochism in Character Disorder and Resistance
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 1, 1991, pp. 215-226
[Coo91a] Cooper, Arnold M., 1991
The unconscious core of perversion
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Coo91] Coover, Robert, 1991
Spiel mit der Magd
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Dej91] Deja, Christine, 1991
Frauenlust und Unterwerfung. Geschichte der O und Neun Wochen und drei Tage.
Publisher: Kore, Freiburg im Breisgau
Language: German
Notes:  173 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Die91] Dietl-Wichmann, Karin, 1991
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[Div91] Diverse, 1991
Sadomasochism in the Perversions. Panel Report.
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1991, pp. 741
[Dol91] Dollimore, Jonathan, 1991
Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault
Publisher: Clarendon Press, Oxford
Notes:  X/388 pages
[EKD91] Eckert, William G. / Katchis, Steve / Donovan, William, 1991
The Pathology and Medicolegal Aspects of Sexual Activity
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 3-15
Abstract:  So astoundingly lurid, badly researched and prejudiced it makes you wonder from what strange motivation this piece was written. Don't read it unless you have to.
[Emm91] Emmermann, Heide-Marie, 1991
Credo an Gott und sein Fleisch: Erfahrungen mit irdischer und himmlischer Liebe
Publisher: Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
[Ena91] Enard, Jean-Pierre, 1991
(The Art of Spanking)
[Eng91] Engstfeld, Lilly, 1991
Die geheime Lust. Frauen und Männer enthüllen ihr erotisches Doppelleben.
In: Stern, Vol. ? (September), 1991, pp. 78-86
Language: German
[Fog91] Fogel, Gerald I. (ed.), 1991
Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven et al.
[FM91] Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.), 1991
Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[For91] Fordham, Michael, 1991
The androgyne: Some inconclusive reflections on sexual perversions
in: Samuels, Andrew (ed.): Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian perspectives, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Press, New York
[Fri91] Friday, Nancy, 1991
Women on Top: How Real Life has Changed Women's Sexual Fantasies
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, New York
[Gei91] Geißler, Sina-Aline, 1991
Onderdanig wil ik zijn: Vrouwen & masochisme
Publisher: A.W. Bruna Uitgevers B.V., Utrecht
Language: Dutch
Notes:  Translation of → Gei90 into Netherlands by Peter de Rijk
[Git91] Gitlin, Todd, 1991
On Thrills and Kills: Sadomasochism in the Movies
In: Dissent, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1991, pp. 245-248
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[GW91] Glickauf-Hughes, Cheryl / Wells, M., 1991
Current Conceptualizations on Masochism: Genesis and Object Relations
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 45, No. 1, 1991, pp. 53-68
[Gol91a] Gold, S.R., 1991
Brief research report: History of child sexual abuse and adult sexual fantasies
In: Violence and Victims, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1991, pp. 75-82
[Gol91] Goldschmidt, Georges-Arthur, 1991
Die Absonderung
Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Gor91] Gordon, Rosemary, 1991
Masochism: The Shadow side of the archetypal need to venerate and worship
in: Samuels, Andrew (ed.): Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian perspectives, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Press, New York
[GWB91] Gosselin, Chris C. / Wilson, Glenn D. / Barrett, P.T., 1991
The Personality and Sexual Preferences of Sadomasochistic Women
In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 11-15
Abstract:  "Eighty-seven women who enjoyed using sadomasochistic components in their sexual life completed the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, a slightly modified version of the Wilson Sexual Fantasy Questionnaire and demographic questionnaires exploring the sadomasochistic and other features of their sexual lifestyle, the results being compared with those from a sample of 50 women of conventional sexual lifestyle. Results showed that sadomasochistic females score significantly higher on psychoticism and extraversion and lower on neuroticism than control women. They were in general also more active, both in fantasy and activity terms."
[Gra91] Grandes, Almudena, 1991
Ich werde dich Freitag nennen
Publisher: Galgenberg, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Te llamaré Viernes" by Christiane Rasche.
[Gro91] Grof, Stanislav, 1991
Geburt, Tod und Transzendenz. Neue Dimensionen in der Psychologie.
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Gro91a] Grossman, William I., 1991
Pain, Aggression, Fantasy, and Concepts of Sadomasochism
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 60, No. 1, 1991, pp. 22-52
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Hal91] Halberstadt-Freud, Hendrika C., 1991
Freud, Proust, Perversion and Love
Publisher: Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam et al.
Notes:  219 pp.
Abstract:  "Central to this book is the idea that perversion is the prototype for problems in intimacy, for narcissism, for lack of gender identity and for the sexualization of fear and aggression. The other person is made a fetish in order to manipulate him or her and to create a false semblance of love to hide hatred and destructiveness. To illustrate this idea the author gives some clinical examples and an analysis of the work of Proust in which the development and life history of the protagonist are told and in which the connection between feelings of guilt and sadomasochism is emphasized." (APA/PsycINFO)
[HNH91] Hall, Gordon / Nagayama, C. / Hirschman, Richard, 1991
Towards a Theory of Sexual Aggression: A Quadripartite Model
In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 59, No. 5, 1991, pp. 662-669
[Her91] Herrman, Bert, 1991
TRUST / The Hand Book: A Guide to the Sensual and Spiritual Art of Handballing
Publisher: Alamo Square Press, San Francisco
[Hou91] Houlberg, R., 1991
The Magazine of a Sadomasochistic Club: The Tie that Binds
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 21 (1/2), 1991, pp. 167-183
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[HST91] Huws, Rhodri / Shubsachs, A.P. / Taylor, P.J., 1991
Hypersexuality, fetishism and multiple sclerosis
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 158, 1991, pp. 280-281
Abstract:  "Indicates that hypersexuality, disinhibition, and fetishism appeared in a 28-yr-old male patient with multiple sclerosis whose magnetic resonance imaging scan showed frontal and temporal lesions. The coexistence of disinhibition, hypersexuality, and fetishism suggests that both frontal and possibly 2 distinct temporal lobe pathways are involved." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Kap91] Kaplan, Louise, 1991
Female Perversions
Publisher: Doubleday, New York
[Kap91a] Kaplan, Louise J., 1991
Weibliche Perversionen. Von befleckter Unschuld und verweigerter Unterwerfung.
Publisher: Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Kel91] Keller, Gustav, 1991
Die Psychologie der Folter. Die Psyche der Folterer. Die Psycho-Folter. Die Psyche der Gefolterten.
Publisher: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Ker91] Kernberg, Otto F., 1991
Sadomasochism, Sexual Excitement, and Perversion
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 333-362
Abstract:  "Sadomasochism, an ingredient of infantile sexuality, is an essential part of normal sexual functioning and love relations, and of the very nature of sexual excitement. Sadomasochistic elements are also present in all sexual perversions. Sadomasochism starts out as the potential for erotic masochism in both sexes, and represents a very early capacity to link aggression with the libidinal elements of sexual excitement. Sexual excitement may be considered a basic affect that overcomes primitive splitting of love and hatred. Erotic desire is a more mature form of sexual excitement. Psychoanalytic exploration makes it possible to uncover the unconscious components of sexual excitement: wishes for symbiotic fusion and for aggressive penetration and intermingling; bisexual identifications; the desire to transgress oedipal prohibitions and the secretiveness of the primal scene, and to violate the boundaries of a teasing and withholding object. The relation between these wishes and the development of erotic idealization processes in both sexes is explored in the context of a critical review of the pertinent psychoanalytic literature."
[Ker91a] Kernberg, Otto F., 1991
Aggression and love in the relationship of the couple
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 153-175
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Kir91] Kirsch, Claudia, 1991
Männer von Frauen gefesselt
In: Esquire, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Kul91] Kulla, Carsten, 1991 (Diploma thesis / Masters thesis)
Die Funktion der Subkultur für die Identitätsbildung - Probleme der Erwachsenenbildung
School: FB Erziehungswissenschaften der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Kut91] Kutchinsky, Berl, 1991
Pornography and Rape: Theory and Practice?
In: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Vol. 14, 1991, pp. 47-66
[Leb91] Lebegue, B., 1991
Paraphilias in U.S. Pornography Titles: "Pornography Made Me Do It" (Ted Bundy)
In: Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1991, pp. 43-48
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Lor91] Lorefice, L.S., 1991
Fluoxetine treatment of a fetish
In: The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 52, No. 1, 1991, pp. 41
Abstract:  "Reports the case of a 27-yr-old man with a fetish about flexed muscles who was successfully treated with fluoxetine. The question is raised, given fluoxetine' effectiveness in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), of whether fetishism and OCD are related disorders." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Maa91] Maaß, Geli, 1991
Der S/M tanzt - Auftakt in die Ballsaison
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. 20-25
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mar91] Martin, Gigi, 1991
Die Herrin
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[McD91] McDougall, Joyce, 1991
Perversions and Deviations in the Psychoanalytic Attitude: Their Effects on Theory and Practice
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 176-203
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Mey91] Meyers, Helen C., 1991
Perversion in fantasy and furtive enactments
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 93-108
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Mil91] Millot, Catherine, 1991
Not Yet Virgin: The Function of Masochism in Joyce
In: James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1991, pp. 43-46
[Mir91] Mirbeau, Octave, 1991
Der Garten der Qualen Series: Die erotische Bibliothek,
Publisher: Schneekluth, München
Language: German
[MWH91] Money, John / Wainwright, Gordon / Hingsburger, David, 1991
The Breathless Orgasm: A Lovemap Biography of Asphyxiaphilia
Publisher: Prometheus, Buffalo, N.Y.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mor91] Morché, Pascal, 1991
Sex bizarr - Fetischismus wird zum Volksvergnügen
In: Tempo, Vol. ? (Februar), 1991, pp. 56-62
Language: German
[Neu91] Neu, Jerome, 1991
Freud and perversion
in: Neu, Jerome (ed.): The Cambridge companion to Freud, pp. 175-208
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, New York
Abstract:  "Discusses S. Freud's conceptualizations of sexual perversion as set forth in 'Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality'" (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ney91] Neyen, Werner, 1991 (Doctoral thesis)
Die Einwilligungsfähigkeit im Strafrecht
School: Universität Trier
Language: German
[NN91] Novick, Kerry Kelly / Novick, Jack, 1991
Some comments on masochism and the delusion of omnipotence from a developmental perspective. Presentation, Wintermeeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 307-331
[Nye91] Nye, Robert A., 1991
The History of Sexuality in Context: National Sexological Traditions
In: Science in Context, Vol. 4, 1991, pp. 387-406
[Pau91] Pauvert, Jean-Jacques, 1991
Der göttliche Marquis. Leben und Werk des Donatien-Aldonze-François De Sade
Publisher: Paul List, München
Language: German
[Pet91] Peters, Edward, 1991
Folter. Geschichte der peinlichen Befragung.
Publisher: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg
Language: German
[PA91] Pulver, S.E. / Akhtar, S., 1991
Sadomasochism in the Perversions
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 3, 1991, pp. 741-755
[Roc91] Rocha, Fernando, 1991
Algumas Considerações sobre Desejo e Fetichismo a Partir de uma Experiencia Psicanalitica
(Some considerations regarding desire and fetishism based on a psychoanalytic experience)
In: Revista Brasileira de Psicanalise, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1991, pp. 165-174
Language: Portuguese with English abstract
Abstract:  "Discusses the phenomenon of fetishism, quoting Freud's definition of it as a response to the castration threat in men and the disavowal of penis absence in women. As a protection against the danger of castration, the importance of fetishism lies in its reassurance value. Fetishism may symbolize the last moment in which a woman could be thought of as phallic. The question of fetishism may transcend the studies of perversion, raising questions regarding conditions essential for the constitution of desire. This theme is illustrated with the clinical case of a man with a fetish for cows." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Roh91] Rohwer, Tom, 1991
Der Mythos von der "Gewalt-Pornographie", oder: Plädoyer für ein Sado-Masochistisches Manifest
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 9, 1991, pp. 27-29
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Roq91] Roquelaure, Anne (Anne Rice), 1991
Dornröschens Bestrafung
Publisher: Goldmann, München
Language: German
[Roq91a] Roquelaure, Anne (Anne Rice), 1991
Dornröschens Erlösung
Publisher: Goldmann, München
Language: German
[Rot91] Rothstein, Arnold, 1991
Sadomasochism in the neuroses conceived of as a pathological compromise formation
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, pp. 363-375
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Rot91a] Rothstein, Arnold, 1991
Application of the Theory of Conflict and Compromise Formation to Clinical Phenomena: Narcissism, Masochism, Sadism, and Transference
in: Rothstein, Arnold (ed.): The Moscow Lectures on Psychoanalysis, pp. 61-76
Publisher: International Universities Press, Inc., Madison
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Rub91] Rubin, Gayle S., 1991
The Catacombs: A Temple of the Butthole
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson, Boston, Mass.
[Sac91] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1991
Mondnacht: Erzählungen aus Galizien
Publisher: Ruetten & Loening, Berlin
Language: German
[Sch91] Scheu, Jan P., 1991
Just put a Ring on my Finger ...
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 8, 1991, pp. 6-7
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ1001a] Schlagzeilen (Autor "Panta Rhei"), 1991
Schwarze Seelen und lichtscheues Gesindel
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. 19
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0891] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1991
Schwerpunktthema: Freiheit, die wir meinen ...
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 8, 1991, pp. 16-22
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ0991] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1991
Schwerpunktthema: Vor aller Augen ...? Sadomasochismus und Öffentlichkeit
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 9, 1991, pp. 18-29
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sch91b] Schoenewolf, Gerald, 1991
The art of hating
Publisher: Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ
Notes:  XIII, 213 pp.
Abstract:  With sections on "Masochism", "Transvestism", "Exhibitionism", "Voyeurism", "Fetishism", "Sexual sadomasochism" and "Beastiality" (sic).
[Sch91a] Schwarzer, Alice, 1991
Weiblicher Masochismus ist Kollaboration!
In: EMMA, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Shy91] Shy, Marlon, 1991
Fetisch Park: Die vergessene Kunst vor Liebe zu sterben
Publisher: konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen
Language: German
Notes:  224 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sit91] Sitzmann, Valentin, 1991
Zur Strafbarkeit von sado-masochistischen Körperverletzungen
In: Goltdammers Archiv für Strafrecht, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. 71-81
Language: German
[Spi91] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1991
Vom Leder gezogen
In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 31, 1991, pp. 173
Language: German
[Spi91a] Spitz, E.H., 1991
Reflections on the smile of Dionysus: Theatricality, specularity, and the perverse
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 207-231
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Ste91a] Stein, David, 1991
S/M's Copernican Revolution: From a closed world to the infinite universe
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson, Boston, Mass.
[Ste91] Steward, Samuel M., 1991
Dr. Kinsey takes a peek at S/M: A reminiscence
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. 81-90
Publisher: Alyson, Boston, Mass.
[Sto91] Stoller, Robert, 1991
Pain and Passion: A Psychoanalyst Explores the World of S&M
Publisher: Plenum Press, New York
Abstract:  From the jacket: "A preeminent psychoanalyst explores the world of consensual S & M. An expert on the dynamics of perversion and erotic excitement, Dr. Stoller sets out on an expedition to the S & M community of West Hollywood. We meet the highly articulate Ron, who serves as a guide to the fetishes and bizarre practices of both casual and devoted proponents of sadomasochism. We are introduced to Marilyn and Claudelle, two warmly opinionated entrepreneurs of a B & D (bondage and discipline) establishment. The arcane business of S & M videos is documented by Merlin, an enthusiastic producer of pornography. Most interesting are Dr. Stoller's provocative questions to these denizens of the S & M world and his engaging musings on their answers.
Like an anthropologist in New Guinea, Dr. Stoller observes the customs of these natives. He studies them in his quest for insight into the perplexing question of why some people associate pain and humiliation with intense erotic desire. Thus his journey is not only external, but internal - into the meaning and boundaries of the term perversion and its place within the psyche. He investigates how the theater of the imagination is moved into the real world's reverberating complexity. In the course of this journey, Dr. Stoller changes his views, first referring to these S & M practitioners as specimens and then perceiving them, in their ambiguities and contradictions, as human beings. By joining Dr. Stoller, we find not only nuances in the meanings of consensual sadomasochism but larger implications of what being human means."
[Sto91a] Stoller, Robert, 1991
Porn: Myths for the Twentieth Century
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, CT
Abstract:  From the jacket: "Bill, Merlin, Happy, and Kay are among the porn-film performers and producers who tell their stories to Dr. Robert J. Stoller in this psychodynamic ethnography of adult heterosexual pornography. Their engrossing accounts reveal in rich detail not only the inner workings of 'the Industry' and the fantasies and motivation of its participants but also the relation between this most denigrated of occupations and 'normal' human erotic behavior and attitudes.
Consistently nonjudgmental about the material he presents, Dr. Stoller nevertheless draws provocative conclusions about porn, its practitioners, and its effects on society. Everyone at work on a porn production, he says, uses it as a vehicle for unloading his or her rage against something - mores, institutions, laws, parents, females, or males. According to Dr. Stoller, pornography does not exist only to degrade women, there is no reliable evidence that it increases the frequency of rape, and (with the exception of child porn) it does little harm. Pornography, says Dr. Stoller, seems more the result of our changing society than a cause of change; it reflects, more than influences, our values and mores.
This work is an outstanding contribution to the psychoanalytic exploration of the erotic and to the exploration of mass culture from the psychoanalytic perspective."
[Sto91b] Stoller, Robert, 1991
The term perversion
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 207-231
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Sto91c] Storr, Anthony, 1991
The psychopathology of fetishism and transvestism
in: Samuels, Andrew (ed.): Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian perspectives, pp. 255-274
Publisher: Guilford Press, New York
Abstract:  From the chapter: "I have tried to show in this paper that fetishists and transvestites are persons who, because of a certain type of immaturity, feel themselves to be inadequate as men: that their symptoms are an effort to remedy this situation, by an attempt to transfer masculinity from other person to themselves, whether this person be male or female: and that this attempt is paralleled in the mythological theme of the hero's struggle with the bisexual dragon: and I have also attempted to show that the opposing views of other psychopathologists can be reconciled if this interpretation is accepted."
[Sug91] Sugarman, A., 1991
Developmental Antecedents of Masochism - Vignettes from the Analysis of a 3-Year-Old Girl
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 72, No. P1, 1991, pp. 107-116
[TAZ91] taz (Autor ungenannt), 1991, 12.10.
"Geschäftsmäßige Erziehungsspiele mit Zofen"
In: die tageszeitung, 1991, 12.10., pp. 28
Language: German
[Tem91] Tempo (Autor ungenannt), 1991
Gier auf Gummi
In: Tempo, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Tho91] Thompson, Mark (ed.), 1991
Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice.
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston, Mass.
[Tru91] Truscott, Carol, 1991
S/M: Some questions and a few answers
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston, Mass.
[Tuc91] Tucker, Scott, 1991
The Hanged Man
in: Thompson, Mark (ed.): Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston, Mass.
[WF+91] Wise, T.N. / Fagan, P.J. / Schmidt, C.W. / Ponticas, Y. / Costa, P.T., 1991
Personality and sexual functioning of transvestitic fetishists and other paraphilics.
In: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 179, No. 11, 1991, pp. 694-698
Abstract:  "Utilizing the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI) and the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI), 24 transvestitic fetishists (TVs) were compared with a similar clinic-evaluated group of 26 other paraphilics (OPs). The data replicated previous results and extended them by showing that TVs did not differ from OPs on most dimensions of the NEO-PI and the DSFI. Both groups were significantly higher on neuroticism and significantly lower on agreeableness than the NEO-PI male normative population. The other paraphilic group tended to score lower on conscientiousness than the TVs and the normative comparison group. For nine of the 10 DSFI variables, there were no significant differences between the TVs and the OPs. The TVs were significantly higher than the OPs on role identity, indicating a more feminine identification. Both the TVs and OPs reported elevated levels of fantasy. The implications of these findings suggest that, in general, TVs and OPs are more similar than they are different, with a common personality profile and a similar pattern of sexual functioning."
[Wur91] Wurmser, Léon, 1991
"Der goldleuchtende Dolch" - Masochistische Übertragung, Über-Ich-Übertragung und Gegenübertragung
In: Forum der Psychoanalyse, Vol. 7, 1991, pp. 1-19
Language: German
[YG91] Young, G.H. / Gerson, S., 1991
New Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Masochism and Spouse Abuse
In: Psychotherapy, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1991, pp. 30-38

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