
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted chronologically: 1996

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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Last change: 20.09.2004

[Abe96] Abernathy, Christina (i.e. Drew Campbell), 1996
Miss Abernathy's Concise Slave Training Manual
Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
[Ada96] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou) (ed.), 1996
The Slave
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
Notes:  416 pp.
[Ada96a] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou) (ed.), 1996
The Trainer
Publisher: Masquerade, MISSING
[AGS96] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1996
SM-Adressbuch 1996
4th edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[Ale96a] Alexander, J., 1996
Sex, Violence and Identity: A. C. Swinburne and Uses of Sadomasochism
In: Victorian Newsletter, Vol. 90, 1996, pp. 33-35
[Ale96] Alexandre, Claude, 1996
Corps obscur
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
[All96] Allen, Kate, 1996
Wie es dir gefällt
Publisher: Argument, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → All93 by Heike Brühl, 312 Seiten.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[AB+96] Allnutt, S.H. / Bradford, John McDonald Wilson / Greenberg, D.M. / Curry, S., 1996
Co-morbidity of alcoholism and the paraphilias
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 41, No. 2, 1996, pp. 234-239
Abstract:  "Investigated the co-morbidity of alcoholism and specific paraphilias including sexual sadism, fetishism, incest, pedophilia, exhibitionism, and transvestism. 728 adult paraphilic males were evaluated. Rapists were included although by definition it is not strictly a paraphilic disorder. Each S underwent a 90-min clinical interview and sexual behaviors assessment which included the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. Results show that most of the sexual sadists were alcoholics. Alcoholism in association with sexual sadists was statistically significant as compared to transvestites, rapists, pedophilias, and incest offenders. Transvestism had the lowest relative rate of alcoholism. The role of alcoholism in causing violent sexual behavior in individuals with paraphilias is discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[APA96] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1996
Diagnostisches und statistisches Manual psychischer Störungen DSM-IV
Publisher: Hogrefe, Verlag für Psychologie, Göttingen, Bern, Toronto, Seattle
Language: German
[Ano96] Anonymous, 1996
Anleitung zum Korsett-Training für figurbewusste Frauen
Language: German
[Ano96a] Anonymous, 1996
Erinnerungen einer Korsettiere
Publisher: Wagner-Textilversand, Hamburg
Language: German
[Ant96a] Antoniou, Laura, 1996
Electra, on the Rocks: Following the Paradigm Tides
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. 252-257
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[Ant96] Antoniou, Laura (ed.), 1996
Publisher: vbz Verlag Bernd Zeun, Gießen
Language: German
[Ara96] Araki, Nobuyoshi, 1996/97
Shikijyo - Sexual Desire
Publisher: Edition Stemmle, Zürich
Language: German
[Are96] Aresin, Lykke / Starke, Kurt, 1996
Lexikon der Erotik
Publisher: Droemer Knaur, München
Language: German
[Azo96] Azoulay, Isabelle, 1996
Phantastische Abgründe. Die Gewalt in der sexuellen Phantasie von Frauen
Publisher: Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bue96] Büchner, Barbara, 1996
Blut und Rosen. Erotische Schauergeschichten.
Publisher: Charon, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  167 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Bak96] Bakos, Susan Crain, 1996
SM - Sex, Gewalt und Liebe
Publisher: Knaur, München
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Bak95 by Anneli von Könemann.
[Bea96] Bean, Joseph W., 1996
Leathersex Q&A
Publisher: Daedalus, San Francisco
Abstract:  From the blurb: "Leathersex Q&A is a wealth of information about this special style of sexuality. Questions are answered concerning a wide range of topics including SM, bondage, relationships, safety, spirituality, history, and much more. The answers in this book are responses to actual letters sent to the author over several years of his career as a lecturer, columnist, and editor of a gay men's leather magazine. Each question is answered with the sensitivity and insight only someone with a vast amount of experience in this style of sexuality could provide. Although the questions were originally posed in a gay male forum, the answers are generally of use to any man or woman, regardless of orientation, who wishes to venture into the world of leathersex."
[BGL96] Behrendt, Sita / Grimme, Matthias T.J. / Linke, Heico (ed.), 1996
Böse Geschichten und schmutzige Fotos 3
Publisher: Charon, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  83 pages
[Bei96] Beier, Klaus M., 1996
Paraphilien nach dem DSM-IV
In: Sexuologie, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1996, pp. 155-165
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ber96] Bergmann, Wolfgang, 1996
Fesseln des Eros: Eine Psychologie der Perversionen
Publisher: Limes, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ber96a] Berner, Wolfgang, 1996
Wann ist das Begehren krank? Vom Perversionsbegriff zur Paraphilie
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 9, 1996, pp. 62-75
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[BS96] Bhugra, Dinesh / de Silva, Padmal, 1996
Uniforms - Fact, fashion, fantasy and fetish
In: Sexual and Marital Therapy, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1996, pp. 393-406
Abstract:  "Discusses attraction to uniforms as part of fetishistic behavior and fantasy and outlines underlying etiological theories about factors which may lead to an attraction towards uniforms. The roles of perceived power and of other paraphilias in relation to such attraction are discussed. Psychoanalytic hypotheses, behavioral approaches, and organic causes are provided. Uniforms and attraction towards uniforms are not necessarily pathological; however, their study will contribute to the understanding of other fetishes and of normal attraction." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Bij96] Bijsterbosch, Willem, 1996
Der Leibsklave
Publisher: Albino, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of "Van een knecht" by Rainer Kersten.
[Bre96] Brenner, I., 1996
On trauma, perversion, and "multiple personality"
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 44, 1996, pp. 785-814
[Bre96a] Brent, Bill (ed.), 1996
The Black Book
4th edition
Publisher: Black Book / Amador Communications, San Francisco
[BB96] Brockman, Bee / Bluglass, Robert S., 1996
A general psychiatric approach to sexual deviation
in: Rosen, Ismond (ed.): Sexual Deviation, pp. 1-42
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
Abstract:  From the chapter: "... an historical review of physical treatments used in the past and current practice /// the paraphilias [exhibitionism, fetishism, frotteurism, voyeurism, paedophilia, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, some other paraphilias] / understanding sexual deviancy"
[Bro96] Brokmann, Angela, 1996
Was ist pervers?
Publisher: Sexologisches Institut e.V. Hamburg, Hamburg
Language: German
[Bro96a] Brokmann, Angela, 1996
Macht und Erotik
Publisher: Sexologisches Institut e.V. Hamburg, Hamburg
Language: German
[BW+96] Brown, G.R. / Wise, T.N. / Costa, P.T. / Herbst, J.H. / Fagan, P.J. / Schmidt, C.W., 1996
Personality Characteristics and Sexual Functioning of 188 Cross-Dressing Men.
In: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, Vol. 184, 1996, pp. 265-273
[Buv96] Buvat, J., 1996
Role of hormone in sexual dysfunction, homosexuality, transsexualism, and paraphilia-related disorders
In: Contraception, Fertilité, Sexualité, 1996, pp. 834-846
[Cal96] Califia, Pat, 1996
A House Divided: Violence in the Lesbian S/M Community
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. 264-274
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[CS96a] Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin, 1996
Come Soon, Come In, and Come as You Are: An Introduction
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. XI-XVII
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[CS96] Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.), 1996
The Second Coming - A Leatherdyke Reader
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[Cam96] Campbell, Drew Kelly, 1996
Sex and the Single Submissive
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. 184-186
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[CB96] Chivers, Meredith / Blanchard, Ray, 1996
Prostitution advertisements suggest association of transvestism and masochism
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1996, pp. 97-102
[Chm96] Chmilar, Gerald, 1996
Schmerzvolle Lüste. Erotische Geschichten.
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  176 pages
[Coo96] Cooper, A.J., 1996
Auto-erotic Asphyxiation: Three Case Reports
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1996, pp. 47-53
[Cur96] Curran, David K., 1996
Tyranny of the Spirit: Domination and Submission in Adolescent Relationships
[DN96] Davison, G.C. / Neale, J.M., 1996
Klinische Psychologie. Ein Lehrbuch.
MISSING, probably 2nd, probably revised edition
Publisher: Urban & Schwarzenberg, München, Wien, Baltimore
Language: German
[Dun96] Duncan, Patricia L., 1996
Identity, Power and Difference: Negotiating Conflict in an S/M Dyke Community
in: Beemyn, Brett / Eliason, Mickey (ed.): Queer Studies. A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Anthology., pp. 87-114
Publisher: New York University Press, New York, London
[Fes96] Festenberg, Nikolaus von, 1996
Amor trägt Trauerflor
In: Spiegel, Vol. 23, 1996, pp. 132-136
Language: German
[FSK96] Freund, Kurt / Seto, Michael C. / Kuban, Michael, 1996
Two types of fetishism
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 34, No. 9, 1996, pp. 687-694
Abstract:  "This study attempted to differentiate two clinical types of fetishism-fetishism proper and tranvestism-and to determine if tranvestites are truly fetishistic. The transvestites were further divided into gender-conforming and gender-noncomforming groups according to their score on a gender identity scale. These groups were compared using a self-report scale measuring fetishistic interests, and a set of questionnaire items regarding their childhood history, parental characteristics, and their emotional closeness with their parents. In addition, the penile responses of a subset of fetishists and tranvestites were recorded while they were presented with visual depictions of female and male public regions and potentially fetishistic objects (nylon stockings, female and male shoes, panties, male underwear, female and male feet). The fetishists proper and the transvestite subgroups did not differ from each other in terms of self-reported fetishistic interest or childhood and family histories. Moreover, there were no differences between these groups in their penile response to the potentially fetishistic stimulus they were most aroused by, relative to the depictions of the pubic region of their preferred gender. These results suggest that transvestites are in fact fetishistic, and that they are difficult to distinguish from fetishists proper."
[Gar96] Garoutte, Claire, 1996
Matter of Trust - Sache des Vertrauens
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ger96] Gerisch, Benigna, 1996
"Aber ich weiß, ich muß gezüchtigt werden ..." Psychodynamische Aspekte der weiblichen sadomasochistischen Beziehungsstruktur.
in: Herzog, G. / Tergeist, Gabriele (ed.): Störfall Sexualität: Intimitäten in der Psychiatrie, pp. 198-208
Publisher: Psychiatrie-Verlag, Bonn
Language: German
[Ger96a] Gerisch, Benigna, 1996
Was ist mein Leben, wenn du mich verlässt? Suizidalität und weibliche sadomasochistische Beziehungsstruktur
In: Forum der Psychoanalyse: Zeitschrift für Klinische Theorie und Praxis, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1996, pp. 242-258
Language: German
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Gib96] Gibby, Gwyneth, 1996
Marquis de Sade
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gif96] Gifford, Patricia, 1996
Abrichtung und Bestrafung des Ehemanns
Language: D, E
[GG96] Gijs, Luk / Gooren, Louis, 1996
Hormonal and Psychopharmacological Interventions in the Treatment of Paraphilias: An Update
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1996, pp. 273-290
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gli96] Glickauf-Hughes, Cheryl, 1996
Sadomasochistic Interactions
in: Kaslow, Florence W. (ed.): Handbook of Relational Diagnosis and Dysfunctional Family Patterns, pp. 270-286
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Gre96] Greenacre, Phyllis, 1996
in: Rosen, Ismond (ed.): Sexual Deviation, pp. 88-110
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
Abstract:  From the chapter: "the central core of fetishism as a perversion seems to lie in an extraordinarily severe castration complex / this ultimately results in an illusion of some actual impairment of the genitals / [focus] on fetishism as a perversion, [as it manifests] in the adult psychosexual life /it is now also recognized that some quite severe cases of manifest fetishism may be found in the young child and may continue uninterruptedly into adult life / the significance of such early appearances of fetishism will be discussed ..., in considering their relation to transitional objects and transitional phenomena /// the development background / the emergence of the fetish"
[Gri96] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1996
Das SM-Handbuch
Publisher: Charon Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[Gri96a] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1996
Schläge und Schlaginstrumente: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 16
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 27, 1996, pp. 50-51
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri96b] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1996
Von Tabus und Verträgen, Codes und Codewörtern: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 17
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 28, 1996, pp. 50-51
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri96c] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1996
Dirty Games: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 18
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 29, 1996, pp. 50-51
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri96d] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1996
Des Mannes liebste Stücke: Penis und Hoden: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 19
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 30, 1996, pp. 49
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri96e] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1996
Knebel, Atem- und Würgespiel: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 20
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 31, 1996, pp. 12-13
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri96f] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1996
Spiele mit der Brust: Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 21
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 32, 1996, pp. 12-13
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri96g] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1996
Thomas Franz
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 27, 1996, pp. 47-49
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri96h] Grimme, Matthias T.J. (ed.), 1996
Böse Geschichten und schmutzige Fotos 2
Publisher: Charon, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  83 pages
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Gri96i] Grimme, Matthias T.J. (ed.), 1996
Böse Geschichten und schmutzige Fotos 3
Publisher: Charon, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  83 pages
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[HS+96] Hammond, Ralph / Standridge, Michael / Dodson, Pamela / Chompuming, Peraset, 1996
Profiles of Sadomasochistic Lifestyles
Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Houston, Texas
[Her96] Hermann, Kai, 1996
Ich quäle Männer. Für Geld. Die Geschichte der Sadomasochistin Marlene.
In: Stern, Vol. 6, 1996, pp. 36-46
Language: German
[HT96] Herzog, G. / Tergeist, Gabriele (ed.), 1996
Störfall Sexualität: Intimitäten in der Psychiatrie
Publisher: Psychiatrie-Verlag, Bonn
Language: German
[Hig96] Highleyman, Liz, 1996
My Life as a Dom
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. 77-89
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[Hof96] Hoffmann, Regina, 1996
Sarahs Lust
Publisher: Seitenblick, Königswinter
Language: German
Notes:  208 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Jac96] Jacques, Trevor, 1996
Alternate Sources
2nd edition
Publisher: Kink, Ink, Toronto
[K96] K., Lena (ed.), 1996
Das Bondagebuch: Anleitung zum erotischen Fesseln von HEL, Teil 1
Publisher: Chiffre Verlag, MISSING
Language: German
Notes:  64 pages
[Kap96] Kaplan, Rebecca Dawn, 1996
Sex, Lies, and Heteropatriarchy: The S/M Debates at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. 123-130
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[Las96] Laskin, Miriam, 1996
Contemplating Porn, the Liberator: A Personal Memoir / Outlaw Manifesto
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. 258-263
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[Lau96] Lau, Evelyn, 1996
Fetisch & andere Stories
Publisher: Goldmann, München
Language: German
[Mar96] Marasotti, Curt, 1996
Zucht mit Rohrstock und Peitsche
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Mar96a] Margolies, Eva, 1996
Der Mann und seine sexuellen Probleme. Ursachen, Hilfe, Überwindung.
Publisher: Kabel, Hamburg
Language: German
[Jo96] Marie Jo, 1996
Der Liebe ganze Härte. Tagebuch einer liaison dangereuse.
Publisher: Seitenblick, Königswinter
Language: German
Notes:  223 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mel96] Melchior, Willem, 1996
Kasper Valentijn
Publisher: Uitg. Atlas, Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
[Mey96] Meyer, Adolf-Ernst, 1996
Zur Psychoanalyse der Perversionen
(On the psychoanalysis of perversions)
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1996, pp. 149-157
Language: German
Notes:  Reprint of the late A.-E. Meyer's (1925-1995) paper published in 1976.
[Mie96] Mielinski, Annegret, 1996 (Diploma thesis / Masters thesis)
Zum Mythos des Sadomasochismus in der Gesellschaft unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der weiblichen Sexualität: ein Versuch der Aufklärung
School: Fachhochschule Hildesheim/Holzminden, Fachbereich Sozialpädagogik
Language: German
[Mil96] Millot, Catherine, 1996
Gide Genet Mishima. Intelligence de la perversion.
Publisher: Gallimard, Paris
Language: French
[MJ96] Moebius / Jodorowsky, 1996
Des Engels Kralle
Publisher: Edition Kunst der Comics, Sonneberg
Language: German
Notes:  100 pages, b/w
Abstract:  "DeLuxe edition of a very erotic explicit fantasy book with many fetish-oriented subtle drawings from TVs to women in bondage in an exuberant fantasy story." (Art of Fee)
[Mor96] Morris, David B., 1996
Geschichte des Schmerzes
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main
Language: German
[MM96] Moser, Charles / Madeson, J.J., 1996
Bound to be Free: The SM Experience
Publisher: Continuum, New York
[NW96] Nora / Wolf, 1996
Geliebtes Nichts
Publisher: Seitenblick, Königswinter
Language: German
[Nor96] Norman, John, 1996
Gor 21: Die Söldner von Gor
Publisher: Heyne, München
Language: German
[NN96] Novick, Jack / Novick, Kerry Kelly, 1996
Fearful Symmetry: The Development and Treatment of Sadomasochism
Publisher: Aronson, Northvale, NJ et al.
[Ope96] Opel, Adolf (ed.), 1996
Wanda und Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. Szenen einer Ehe. Eine kontroversielle Biographie.
Publisher: Wiener Frauenverlag, Wien
Language: German
Notes:  304 pages
[PS96] Posner, Richard A. / Silbaugh, Katharine B., 1996
Guide to America's Sex Laws
Publisher: University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Notes:  243 pages
[Que96] Queen, Carol, 1996
Bisexual Perverts Among the Leather Lesbians: Some Thoughts on Border-Crossing
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. 71-76
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[Que96a] Queen, Carol, 1996
Women, S/M, and Therapy
In: Women and Therapy, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1996, pp. 65-73
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[RP96] Randall, Housk / Polhemus, Ted, 1996
The Customized Body
Publisher: Serpent's Tail, London
[Ree96] Reese, Laura, 1996
Brennende Fesseln
Publisher: Goldmann, München
Language: German
[Rei96] Reiche, Reimut, 1996
Psychoanalytische Therapie sexueller Perversionen
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Sexuelle Störungen und ihre Behandlung, pp. 241-265
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ric96] Richards, A.K., 1996
Ladies of fashion: pleasure, perversion or paraphilia
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 77, No. 2, 1996, pp. 337-351
Abstract:  "The author considers the reasons why interest in fashion is important in female development. Freud's comment that 'all women are clothes fetishists' and his explanation that a woman uses clothes to show that 'one can find in her everything that one can expect from women' are amplified and challenged by other authors and psychoanalytic evidence. Caper's (1994) focus on the erotic meaning of his patient's clothing is contrasted with the use ego-psychologists have made of 'appropriate' clothing and grooming as markers of mental health and intact functioning. A case of a woman who had a shopping symptom is considered. The roots of the symptom in her fantasy life, its replacement of genital satisfaction, its precursors in interactions with her parents and its use in enacting sado-masochistic fantasies is elaborated in the case material. A second case briefly illustrates the role ascetic refusal of clothing may play in some women's psychic lives. Use of clothing as a way of displaying the body, as an indicator of economic power, as an incitement to envy, and as a sexual enticement is discussed. Examples of understanding of the psychological aspects of interest in clothing are drawn from art, anthropology, sociology, political science and philosophy. The paper concludes with the idea that clothing and shopping for clothing can range from normal pleasure to paraphilia and leaves open the question whether it can be a perversion. Focusing on clinical material about shopping for fashionable clothing, the author shows how shopping can become central in some women's lives as it is important in many. It considers the boundaries between source of pleasure, paraphilia and sexual fetish as they are exemplified in women's attitudes towards clothing and their use of it."
[Ros96] Rosen, Ismond (ed.), 1996
Sexual Deviation
3rd edition
Publisher: Oxford University Press, New York/London
Notes:  XII, 496 pp.
Abstract:  Examines issues in sexual deviation and sexual behavior. From the preface: "While this [book] refers to the biological, genetic, developmental, unconscious, psychological, social, and legal aspects, the aims of the book are primarily clinical. Many of the various approaches described here apply simultaneously. This must be accepted in order to appreciate what is happening within a particular person with sexual deviation, their interaction with a partner or victim, and their need for care. /// The prevailing attitudes to sexuality in Western society are now more liberal. Sexual behaviour hitherto regarded as intolerably abnormal, is now viewed as passable, provided it does not offend publicly or harm others."
[RE96] Rubenstein, E.B. / Engel, N.L., 1996
Successful treatment of transvestic fetishism with sertraline and lithium.
In: The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 57, No. 2, 1996, pp. 92
[Rub96] Rubin, Gayle S., 1996
The Outcasts: A Social History
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[SZ+96] Saß, H. / Zaudig, M. / Houben, I. / Wittchen, H.-U., 1996
Einführung zur deutschen Ausgabe: Zur Situation der operationalisierten Diagnostik in der deutschsprachigen Psychiatrie
in: American Psychiatric Association (ed.): {Diagnostisches und statistisches Manual psychischer Störungen DSM-IV, pp. IX-XXIV
Publisher: Hogrefe, Verlag für Psychologie, Göttingen, Bern, Toronto, Seattle
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sac96] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1996
Bruchstücke. Autobiographische Prosa
Publisher: Belleville, München
[Saw96] Sawyer, David, 1996
An attempt to repair: The meanings of fetish in the case of Mr. A
In: Issues in Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1996, pp. 21-35
Abstract:  "Presents elements of the brief analysis of an adult male which sheds light on the meanings of his fetish. The fetish, large breasts, has multiple meanings. It represents a phallus, useful to the patient in warding off castration anxiety occasioned by his identification with his mother, his sisters and his "castrated" father, his wishes to be a girl, and his homosexual love for his father. The author explains that this search for a phallus extended beyond the patient's sexual life into his choice of phallic career, his choice of cosmetic surgery, and his choice of phallic spouse. The author also briefly comments on the connections between the patient's construction of a fetish and certain defects in his reality testing, as well as deficits in object relations. The author concludes that the work with the patient in this brief analysis was incomplete, but nevertheless, it illustrates an important feature about perversion that is insufficiently understood: perversion is not necessarily confined to a particular sexual enactment; often, perversion marks the entire character and, therefore, life of the person who has in a sense derailed over the very facts of life. The author also offers a brief literature review on fetishes and discussion."
[Sch96a] Scheu, Jan P., 1996
Pleasure & Pain - according to Murphys Law
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 28, 1996, pp. 47-49
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sch96b] Scheu, Jan P., 1996
Masami Akita
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 30, 1996, pp. 45-47
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ3196a] Schlagzeilen (Autor ungenannt), 1996
Umbra et Imago: Interview
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 31, 1996, pp. 46-47
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ2796] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1996
Schwerpunktthema: Selbst-Bilder (Teil 3)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 27, 1996, pp. 29-41
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ2896] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1996
Schwerpunktthema: Moral? (Teil 1)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 28, 1996, pp. 28-41
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ2996] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1996
Schwerpunktthema: Moral? (Teil 2)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 29, 1996, pp. 28-41
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ3096] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1996
Schwerpunktthema: Kontakt-VerSuche
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 30, 1996, pp. 28-41
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[SZ3196] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1996
Schwerpunktthema: The First Cut ... (Teil 1)
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 31, 1996, pp. 28-41
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Sch96c] Schmidt, Gunter, 1996
Sexuelle Verhältnisse: Über das Verschwinden der Sexualmoral
Publisher: Ingrid Klein Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[SS+96] Schnurrer, Achim / Spiegel, Josef / Seim, Roland / Hiebing, Dieter, 1996
Zensiert, diskutiert, unterschlagen. Beispiele aus der Kulturgeschichte der BRD.
Publisher: Edition Kunst der Comics, Sonneberg
Language: German
[Sig96] Sigusch, Volkmar, 1996
Die Zerstreuung des Eros
In: Spiegel, Vol. 23, 1996, pp. 126-130
Language: German
[Sig96a] Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.), 1996
Sexuelle Störungen und ihre Behandlung
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Spi96] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1996
Sex muss schärfer werden
In: Spiegel, Vol. 23, 1996, pp. 114-125
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ste96] Steele, Valerie, 1996
Fetish - Fashion, Sex and Power
Publisher: Oxford University Press, Oxford
[Ste96a] Steele, Valerie, 1996
Fetisch - Mode, Sex und Macht
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ste96, 237 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[TC96] Taormino, Tristan / Clark, David Aaron (ed.), 1996
Ritual Sex
Publisher: Masquerade, New York
Abstract:  "Ritual Sex, edited by Tristan Taormino and CU contributing writer David Aaron Clark, is an anthology exploring the many intersections of sex and religion. Recently released by Rhinoceros, the book includes pieces by such well known kinky authors as Laura Antoniou, Guy Baldwin, Pat Califia, Genesis P-Orridge, Annie Sprinkle, and Mark Thompson." (Masquerade)
[Teg96] Tegtmeier, Bettina (ed.), 1996
Schmerz - Strafe - Lust
Publisher: Seitenblick, Siegburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[OWK96] The Other World Kingdom (ed.), 1996
Leben im Königreich - Die andere Welt / Living in the Other World Kingdom. Der wahre Staat der dominanten Frauen / Real State of Dominant Women.
Publisher: The Other World Kingdom, Vizovice
Language: D, E
[Thi96] Thibault, Kelly J., 1996
Leather and Latex Care: How to Keep Your Leather and Latex Looking Great
Publisher: Daedalus, San Francisco
[Tow96] Townsend, Larry, 1996
Leather Ad: M
Notes:  201 pages
[Tow96a] Townsend, Larry, 1996
Leather Ad: S
Notes:  211 pages
[Way96] Wayne, Linda, 1996
S/M Symbols, Fascist Icons, and Systems of Empowerment
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. 242-251
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[Wis96] Wiseman, Jay, 1996
SM 101
2nd edition
Publisher: Greenery Press, San Francisco
Notes:  391 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund

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