BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted chronologically: 1992
This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.
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- [Arm92] Armin, Thomas P., 1992
Kerle in Ketten: Deutschlands schwule Leder- und S/M-Szene
- Publisher: Foerster, Darmstadt
- Language: German
- [Bah92] Bahnen, Peter, 1992
Zur Sozialgeschichte des Sadomasochismus
(The social history of sadomasochism)
- In: Schwulenreferat im ASTA / FU Berlin: Homosexualität und Wissenschaft II, pp. 11-26
- Publisher: Verlag Rosa Winkel, Berlin
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- Recommended reading
- [Ban92] Bannon, Race, 1992
Learning the Ropes: A Basic Guide to Safe and Fun S/M Lovemaking
- Publisher: Daedalus, Los Angeles
- [Bau92] Baur, Eva Gesine / Schmid-Bode, Wilhelm, 1992
Was heißt hier pervers? Die Lust, sexuelle Phantasien auszuleben.
- Publisher: Heyne, München
- Language: German
- [Bei92] Beinstein, Krista, 1992
Gewaltige Obsessionen - Mysterien sexueller Phantasie
- Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
- Language: German
- [Ben92] Benjamin, Jessica, 1992
Die Entfremdung des Verlangens: Der Masochismus der Frauen und die ideale Liebe
- in: Alpert, Judith (ed.): Psychoanalyse der Frau jenseits von Freud, pp. ?-?
- Publisher: Springer, Berlin
- Language: German
- [Ber92] Berquet, Gilles, 1992
Larme Blanche
- Publisher: Editions Astarte
- Language: French
- [Bok92] Bokanowski, Thiery, 1992
A propos de la perversion et de l'emprise: Le fétichisme
(Perversion and mastery: Fetishism)
- In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 1707-1714
- Language: French
- Abstract: Defines fetishism as the most fluid and the most readable of perversions. Illustrating this theme with the complex case of a 50-yr-old male patient, the author highlights, among other manifestations, the deep disorganization of the S's fantasy elaboration. The early roots of the S's fetishism had to be sought, among other things, in the early mastery exercised over him by a seductive and dysfunctional mother. The S's auto-erotic manifestations, without any objectal references, beacme part of his perversion together with the intrapsychic organization of primary homosexuality. The mastery and control originally wielded over the S by his mother became internalized in her absence, and inextricably intertwined with his psychic apparatus.
- [Bro92] Broschat, Gernot, 1992
Einfache und qualifizierte Pornographie
- In: Jugend Medien Schutz-Report, Vol. 5, 1992, pp. 39-41
- Language: German
- [BR92] Burgard, Roswitha / Rommelspacher, Birgit (ed.), 1992
Leiden macht keine Lust: Der Mythos vom weiblichen Masochismus
- Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
- Language: German
- [Cal92] Califia, Pat, 1992
S&M Sicherheitshandbuch
- Publisher: ikoo, MISSING
- Language: German
- Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
- [Cal92a] Califia, Pat, 1992
Love and the Perfect Sadist
- In: Skin Two, Vol. ?, 1992, pp. 42-47
- [Cha92] Chancer, Lynn-Sharon, 1992
Sadomasochism In Everyday Life: The Dynamics of Power and Powerlessness
- Publisher: Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ
- [Dan92] Dannecker, Martin, 1992
Die Lust am Verbot
- in: Dannecker, Martin (ed.): Das Drama der Sexualität Vol. 174, pp. 26-34
- Publisher: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg
- Language: German
- [Dun92] Dunde, Siegfried Rudolf (ed.), 1992
Handbuch Sexualität
- Publisher: Deutscher Studien-Verlag, Weinheim
- Language: German
- [FR+92] Fedora, Orestes / Reddon, John R. / Morrison, James W. / Fedora, Shawn K. / Pascoe, Herbert / Yeudall, Lorne T., 1992
Sadism and other paraphilias in normal controls and aggressive and nonaggressive sex offenders.
- In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1992, pp. 1-15
- Abstract: "Penile circumference responses (PCRs) to a visual age/gender erotic preference battery were analyzed from 60 normal controls and 227 sexual offenders. Sixty offenders were classified as sexual aggressives on the basis of their behavior and damage to their victims. The mean PCR to sadism slides (visual portrayals of nonsexual violence against fully clothed females) was significantly larger for the sexually aggressive group compared to the sexual nonaggressive offender and normal control groups. There were no significant differences in mean victim damage scores between the sexual aggressives who responded significantly to the sadism slides and those who did not. Thus, PCRs were not useful in identifying more from less dangerous sexual aggressives. The incidence of a clinically significant PCR to any of the four paraphilic categories included in the assessment battery was 28, 60, and 65% in the normal controls, sexual nonaggressives, and sexual aggressives, respectively. For sadism, it was 5, 8, and 45% respectively, for these groups. Pedophilia had a low incidence of co-occurrence with other paraphilias whereas sadism, transvestism/fetishism, and the courtship disorder paraphilias had a high incidence of co-occurrence."
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Fed92] Fedoroff, J.P., 1992
Buspirone hydrochloride in the treatment of an atypical paraphilia.
- In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1992, pp. 401-406
- Abstract: "A case report involving buspirone hydrochloride in the successful treatment of a patient with an atypical paraphilia and transvestic fetishism is presented. Treatment outcome was assessed by the patient's self-report as well as by retrospective examination of detailed notes about paraphilia fantasies which unknown to the therapists, had been kept by the patient. Preliminary evidence indicates that buspirone appears to effectively treat some paraphilias."
- [Fin92] Finell, J.S., 1992
Sadomasochism and Complementarity in the Interaction of the Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Type
- In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 79, No. 3, 1992, pp. 361-379
- [Fog92] Fog, Agner, 1992
Paraphilias and Therapy
- In: Nordisk Sexologi, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1992, pp. 236-242
- [Fou92] Fout, J.C. (ed.), 1992
Forbidden History: The State, Society, and the Regulation of Sexuality in Modern Europe
- Publisher: University of Chicago Press, Chicago
- [FF92] Freeman, R. / Freeman, T., 1992
An Anatomical Commentary on the Concept of Infantile Oral Sadism
- In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 73, 1992, pp. 343-348
- [Fri92] Friday, Nancy, 1992
Befreiung zur Lust - Neue sexuelle Phantasien von Frauen
- Publisher: Bertelsmann, München
- Language: German
- Notes: German translation of → Fri91.
- Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
- [Goe92] Gödtel, Reiner, 1992
Sexualität und Gewalt
- Publisher: Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Goe92a] Görgens, Klaus, 1992
- in: Dunde, Siegfried Rudolf (ed.): Handbuch Sexualität, pp. 168-174
- Publisher: Deutscher Studien-Verlag, Weinheim
- Language: German
- [Gar92] Garber, Marjorie, 1992
Vested Interests - Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety
- Publisher: Routledge, London
- [Ger92] Gert, Bernard, 1992
A sex caused inconsistency in DSM-III-R: the definition of mental disorder and the definition of paraphilias.
- In: Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1992, pp. 155-171
- Abstract: "The DSM-III-R definition of mental disorder is inconsistent with the DSM-III-R definition of paraphilias. The former requires the suffering or increased risk of suffering some harm while the latter allows that deviance, by itself, is sufficient to classify a behavioral syndrome as a paraphilia. This inconsistency is particularly clear when examining the DSM-III-R account of a specific paraphilia, Transvestic Fetishism. The author defends the DSM-III-R definition of mental disorder and argues that the DSM-III-R definition of paraphilias should be changed. He recommends that the diagnostic criteria for specific paraphilias, particularly that for Transvestic Fetishism, be changed to make them consistent with the DSM-III-R definition of mental disorder." (APA/PsycINFO)
- [Ger92a] Gertzman, Jay A., 1992
'Esoterica' and 'The Good of the Race': Mail-Order Distribution of Erotica in the 1930's
- In: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Vol. 86, 1992, pp. 295-340
- [Gol92] Goldner, Colin, 1992
Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert ...
- In: Psychologie heute, Vol. 7, 1992, pp. ?-?
- Language: German
- [Gra92] Grassl, Gerald (ed.), 1992
Herrische Weiber
- Publisher: MISSING, Wien
- Language: German
- [Gri92] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1992
Das SM-Sicherheits-Brevier 1. Teil
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 12, 1992, pp. 41
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Gri92a] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1992
Der Körper und seine Schwachstellen: SM-Sicherheits-Brevier Teil 2
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 13, 1992, pp. 38-39
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Gri92b] Grimme, Matthias T.J., 1992
Schmerz und Ritual
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 12, 1992, pp. 30-31
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Gro92] Groenner Hanssen, Svein, 1992
Den Bakvendte erotikken
- Publisher: Sigma Forlag, MISSING
- Language:
- [Hae92] Haeberle, Erwin J., 1992
Sexualwissenschaft heute
- Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaftliche Sexualforschung, MISSING
- Language: German
- [HR92] Hamburger Rundschau (Autor ungenannt), 1992, 19.3.
Blasphemie. Pervers: ein Pfarrer auf Abwegen - im S/M-Outfit selbst stranguliert
- In: Hamburger Rundschau, 1992, 19.3., pp. ?
- Language: German
- [Hau92] Haug, Frigga, 1992
Beyond Female Masochism: Memory-Work and Politics
- Publisher: Verso, London et al.
- [Hau92a] Hauser, R.I., 1992 (Doctoral thesis)
Sexuality, Neurasthenia and the Law: Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902
- School: University College, University of London, London
- [Hen92] Henley, Helen, 1992
Verpackte Stöße
- Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
- Language: German
- [Hoo92] Hooven, Valentine F., 1992
Tom of Finland: Sein Leben, seine Kunst
- Publisher: Bruno Gmünder, Berlin
- Language: German
- [HS92] Hucker, S.J. / Stermac, L., 1992
The evaluation and treatment of sexual violence, necrophilia, and asphyxiophilia
- In: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 15, 1992, pp. 703-719
- [Jac92] Jackson, Master, 1992
Sir! More Sir!
- [Jal92] Jalka, Susanne, 1992
- Publisher: Kabel, Hamburg
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Jaq92] Jaqueline, 1992
Ich peitsche dich, ich küsse dich. Lebensbeichte einer Domina.
- Publisher: Wilhelm Heyne, München
- Language: German
- [Ker92a] Kernberg, Otto F., 1992
Aggression in Personality Disorders and Perversions
- Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven et al.
- [Ker92] Kershaw, Alex, 1992
Love Hurts
- In: The Guardian Weekend, Vol. ? (November), 1992, pp. 6-12
- [Kim92] Kime, Z.R., 1992
Aberrant sexual behavior, violence and reproduction
- In: Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1992, pp. 231-241
- Abstract: "The hypothesis is advanced that sexual arousal and orgasm can result, in certain situations, from mental or physical violence or stress to oneself or to others. This sexual arousal is based in an organism's biological imperative to reproduce when under stress. Parallels with lower forms of life-cells, plants, and animals - are presented as demonstrating a unity of evolutionary purpose. Autoerotic asphyxia is looked at as a learned technique of enhancing sexual pleasure through hypoxia to the brain. Anaerobic exercise and the accompanying hypoxia is also presented as capable of inducing sexual arousal. Violence is examined as a sexual stimulus, especially as it occurs in sadomasochistic practices, rape, child molesting, and serial killings. All of these aberrant sexual behaviors are seen as sresses which can produce sexual arousal."
- [KK92] Koesters, Ingrid / Koesters, Paul-Heinz, 1992
Die verborgene Art zu lieben
- Publisher: Rasch und Röhring
- Language: German
- Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
- [Lev92] Levitt, Shelley, 1992
The Scary Lure of Sado-masochism
- In: Cosmopolitan, Vol. ? (November), 1992, pp. 212-215
- [Mar92] Marasotti, Curt, 1992
Lederlust auf bloßer Haut
- Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
- Language: German
- [Mas92] Massé, Michelle A., 1992
In the Name of Love: Women, Masochism, and the Gothic
- Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca et al.
- [Mic92] Micati, Loredana, 1992
Fonction de quelques defenses feminines perverses
(The function of some perverse feminine defenses)
- In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 1733-1742
- Language: French
- Abstract: "Discusses certain traits of the psychic apparatus that are common to the perverse defense mechanism of female Ss. These traits include a compulsion to accept reality only to a limited extent and certain fantasies with sadomasochistic contents. Several clinical examples illustrate the type of fantasies that alone enable these females to have orgasms in their sexual relations. These stereotyped and repetitive erotic fantasies should be considered a kind of fetishistic phenomenon: they appear to have a protective function similar to that of the fetishist's perverse masculine defenses. The masculine fetish is generally an object or a part of the body, whereas the female fetish is hidden among the S's fantasies." (APA/PsycINFO)
- [Mos92] Moser, Charles, 1992
Lust, lack of desire, and paraphilias: Some thoughts and possible connections
- In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1992, pp. 65-69
- [MN92] Muthesius, Angelika / Neret, Gilles, 1992
Erotik in der Kunst
- Publisher: Taschen, Köln
- Language: German
- [Mye92] Myers, James, 1992
Nonmainstream Body Modification: Genital Piercing, Branding, Burning, and Cutting.
- In: Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Vol. 21, 1992, pp. 267-306
- [Nol92] Nolte, Friedrich, 1992
- in: Dunde, Siegfried Rudolf (ed.): Handbuch Sexualität, pp. ?-?
- Publisher: Deutscher Studien-Verlag, Weinheim
- Language: German
- [Pag92] Paglia, Camille, 1992
Die Masken der Sexualität
- Publisher: Byblos, Berlin
- Language: German
- [PF+92] Pincus, Harold Alan / Frances, Allen / Davis, Wendy Wakefield / First, Michael B. / Widiger, Thomas A., 1992
DSM-IV and New Diagnostic Categories: Holding the Line on Proliferation
- In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 149, No. 1, 1992, pp. 112-117
- Abstract: "The authors discuss aspects of the decision-making process for including 'new' diagnostic categories in DSM-IV. They detail the different kinds of new categories proposed for inclusion in DSM-IV and discuss the risks and benefits of incorporating them. The authors comment on whether new diagnostic categories should be included in official nosologies as a stimulus for research or as a culmination of research. They also highlight problems with 'sunsetting' diagnoses. The criteria for change in DSM-IF - a way to deal with the expanding array of proposals for additional diagnostic entrities - are discussed. The authors also offer a series of specific examples of the different kinds of new categories being considered for inclusion in DSM-IV."
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Ric92] Richards, Arlene K., 1992
Bisexuality, perversion and childhood sexual abuse
- In: Issues in Ego Psychology, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1992, pp. 33-43
- [Roh92] Rohwer, Tom, 1992
Manifest und so ... Reaktionen, Ergebnisse und Meinungen zur in Vol. X vorgestellten S/MÖff-Initiative
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 11, 1992, pp. 19
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [RS92] Rohwer, Tom / Schneider, Martin, 1992
Projekte, Partys, Paragraphen
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 12, 1992, pp. 44-45
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Dep] S/M-Depesche (various authors), 1992-2000
- Zeitschrift
- Notes: Archived issues: 1992-1999.
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [SZ1192a] Schlagzeilen (Autor "Dr. Gnadenlos"), 1992
Einige Bemerkungen zum Sado-Masochistischen Manifest
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 11, 1992, pp. 20-21
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [SZ1392a] Schlagzeilen (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Männer erschreckt es immer, wenn Frauen in ihrer Sexualität autonom sind. Interview mit Krista Beinstein.
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 13, 1992, pp. 42-43
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [SZ1192] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1992
Schwerpunktthema: Psycho Killer? Sadomasochismus und mögliche psychische Konsequenzen (Teil 1)
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 11, 1992, pp. 22-31
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [SZ1292] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1992
Schwerpunktthema: Psycho Killer! (Teil 2)
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 12, 1992, pp. 22-31
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [SZ1392] Schlagzeilen (various authors), 1992
Schwerpunktthema: Vor Kindern sichern?
- In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 13, 1992, pp. 22-32
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Sco92] Scott, James C., 1992
Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts
- [Sei92] Seidman, Steven, 1992
Embattled Eros: Sexual Politics and Ethics in Contemporary America
- Publisher: Routledge, New York und London
- [SP92a] Silva, Padmal de / Pernet, Amanda, 1992
Pollution in "Metroland": An unusual paraphilia in a shy young man
- In: Sexual and Marital Therapy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1992, pp. 301-306
- Abstract: "Describes an unusual sexual deviation in a 20-yr-old man who had little social interaction or sexual knowledge or experience. His main sexual interest was in Austin Metro cars, and he preferred to masturbate in or behind them. The problem is discussed as it presented clinically, and some of the issues, including that of the etiology of fetishistic behavior, are addressed. Therapy, which concentrated on reducing the paraphilic behavior and enhancing more acceptable sexual desires, had only limited success." (APA/PsycINFO)
- [SP92] Silverstein, Charles / Picano, Felice, 1992
Die neuen Freuden der Schwulen: ein Handbuch zum Leben und Lieben
- Publisher: Bruno Gmünder, Berlin
- Language: German
- [Spi92] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Ausbruch aus der Folterkammer
- In: Spiegel, Vol. 47, 1992, pp. 323
- Language: German
- [Spi92a] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Freier sind heimliche Sadisten
- In: Spiegel, Vol. 31, 1992, pp. 168-170
- Language: German
- [Spi92b] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Zutiefst krank
- In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 50, 1992, pp. 206
- Language: German
- [Spi92c] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1992
Völlig erledigt
- In: Der Spiegel, Vol. 51, 1992, pp. 71-74
- Language: German
- [Law92] Stone, Lawrence, 1992
Libertine Sexuality in Post-Restoration England: Group Sex and Flagellation Among the Middling Sort in Norwich in 1706-07
- [Str92] Strasser, Eva, 1992
Starker Mann gesucht
- In: Playboy, Vol. 3, 1992, pp. 48-57
- Language: German
- [TAZ92] taz (Autor ungenannt), 1992, 23.01.
Kein Verbot von Porno-Filmen
- In: die tageszeitung, 1992, 23.01., pp. 5
- Language: German
- [Tho92] Thomas, Marianne, 1992
Die netten Perversen von nebenan
- In: Prinz (München), Vol. ? (Juni), 1992, pp. 38-44
- Language: German
- [Lun92] van Lunsen, Rik H.W., 1992
Autoerotic Asphyxia (AEA): treatment of practitioners
- in: Bezemer, W. et al. (ed.): Sex Matters, pp. 317-320
- [Ver92] Vermorel, Henri, 1992
Fetischisme masculin et anorexie mentale feminine: Reflexions d'àpres congres sur le rapport de Massimo Tomassini
(Male fetishism and female anorexia nervosa: Post-congress reflections on Massimo Tomassini's report)
- In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 1715-1719
- Language: French
- Abstract: "Argues that anorexia nervosa in women is the equivalent of fetishism in men. Both pathologies share traumatic experiences of separation and loss in childhood, including actual or emotional abandonment by a dysfunctional mother, among other psychopathogenic life events. The fetishism described in parallel with anorexia-bulimia include suicidal tendencies in its sufferers, whose disregard of all psychic boundaries is similar to the game of Russian roulette in its contempt for the interests of self-preservation. The psychotherapy of anorexia nervosa must, therefore, contain elements of the psychotherapy of psychoses." (APA/PsycINFO)
- [Wal92] Walter, N., 1992
Confront Sade, Don't Ban Him (A Response to Bremner, Moyra
- In: Index on Censorship, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1992, pp. 7
- [Wal92a] Walter, N., 1992
Bremner, Moyra and My Article on Sade
- In: Index on Censorship, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1992, pp. 5
- [Wes92] West, Celeste, 1992
Der Lesbenknigge
- Publisher: Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
- Language: German
- [Wil92] Williams, Ron (i.e. Éric Rochat), 1992
Geschichte der O
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Wis92] Wiseman, Jay, 1992
SM 101
- 1st edition
- Publisher: Greenery Press, San Francisco
- [WHO92] World Health Organization (ed.), 1992
The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines.
Vol. I
- Publisher: WHO, Geneva
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