
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted by key: M

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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Last change: 20.09.2004

[Mas99] De Masi, Franco, 1999
La perversione sadomasochistica: l'oggetto e le teorie
Publisher: MISSING, Torino
Language: Italian
Notes:  Preface by Francesco Barale.
[Mir98] della Mirandola, Pico, 1498
Disputationum adversus astrologos libri duodecim
in: (ed.): Joannis Pici Mirandulae Omnia opera, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Bernhardinus Venetus, Venedig
Language: Latin
[MD95] Devon, Molly / Miller, Philip, 1995
Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns. The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism
Publisher: Mystic Rose, Fairfield, CT
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Sexuelle Minderheiten - Ein Sadist packt aus
In: Marabo, Vol. ?, FEHLT, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[Moe85] Möllering, M., 1985
Sexuelle Devianz und Pubertät
in: Nissen, Gerhardt (ed.): Psychiatrie des Pubertätsalters, pp. 113-125
Publisher: Huber, Stuttgart et al.
Language: German
[Mue12] Müller, Franz C., 1912
Sexuelle Verbrechen und Verirrungen mit Rücksicht auf die moderne Gesetzgebung
Publisher: Sachs, München
Language: German
[Mue98] Müller, Peter, 1998
Sinn des Fetischs, Fetisch Sinn. Die Beziehung des Fetischs zur Sprache.
in: Michels, André / Müller, Peter / Perner, Achim / Rath, Claus-Dieter (ed.): Perversion Vol. 1, pp. 167-184
Publisher: edition diskord, Tübingen
Language: German
[Mue93] Müller, Phoebe, 1993
Schlachthof der Lüste
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
Notes:  140 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mue97] Müller, Phoebe, 1997
Sommer im Pelz
Publisher: Konkursbuch Verlag, Tübingen
Language: German
[Muz73] M'Uzan, Michel de, 1973
A Case of Masochistic Perversion and an Outline of a Theory
In: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 54, 1973, pp. 455-467
[Maa90] Maaß, Geli, 1990
Werkstatt: Die zweite Haut - Gummi, Latex, Rubber
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 7, 1990, pp. 30-31
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Maa91] Maaß, Geli, 1991
Der S/M tanzt - Auftakt in die Ballsaison
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. 20-25
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Maa97] Maaß, Geli, 1997
Uwe Kempen
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 34, 1997, pp. 43-45
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[MH90] Maaß, Geli / Hardtke, Roland, 1990
Werkstatt: Fesselung, Bondage, Ligotage, die zweite ...
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 6, 1990, pp. 24-25
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Maa37] Maaßen, Karl-Werner, 1937 (Doctoral thesis)
Über einen Fall von Briefmasochismus
School: Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel
Language: German
[MS+83] MacCulloch, M.J. / Snowden, P.R. / Wood, P.J.W. / Mills, H.E., 1983
Sadistic Fantasy, Sadistic Behaviour and Offending
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 143, 1983, pp. 20-29
Abstract:  "This paper explores the genesis of sadistic behaviour in men and its relationship to crime. Sixteen male special hospital patients, each with a diagnosis of psychopathic disorder, formed the basis of this descriptive study. In only three cases were the crimes explicable in terms of external circumstances and personality traits. The offences of the remaining 13 cases became comprehensible only when the offender's internal circumstances were explored: investigation revealed repetitive sadistic masturbatory fantasies which had spilled over into overt behaviour because the patients had felt impelled to seek and create increasingly dangerous in vivo 'try-outs' of their fantasies. The paper discusses the crucial link between sadistic fantasy and behaviour."
[Mac82] MacDougall, Joyce, 1982
Plea for a Measure of Abnormality
Publisher: International University Press, New York
[Mac76] Mack, John E., 1976
A Prince of Our Disorder - The Life of T.E. Lawrence
Publisher: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London
[Mac87] MacKinnon, Catharine A., 1988
Das kalte Herz
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 20-21
Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Mac89] MacNair, Mike, 1989
The contradictory politics of S/M
in: Sheperd, Simon / Wallis, Mick (ed.): Coming on strong: Gay politics and culture, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Unwin Hyman, London
[Mag00] Magel, Mira, 2000
Aber bitte bizarr! Über die Lust am Leiden, Strafen, Schnüren.
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  192 pages
[Mag94] Magel, Mira, 1994
Sklavinnen und heiße Nächte. Bizarr-erotische Geschichten.
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Mag82] Magill, Martha S., 1982 (Doctoral thesis)
Ritual and Symbolism of Dominance and Submission: The Case of Heterosexual Sadomasochism
School: Department of Anthropology, State University of New York at Buffalo
[Mag67] Magnan, V., 1967
Zwangsvorstellungen in Bezug auf den Geschlechtssinn
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 50-54
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Mag85] Magnan, Valentin, 1885
Des anomalies, des aberrations et des perversions sexuelles
In: Annales médico-psychologiques, 7ème serie, Vol. ?, 1885, pp. 454ff.
Language: French
[Mag91] Magnan, Valentin, 1891-?
Psychiatrische Vorlesungen
Publisher: Thieme, Leipzig
Language: German
[Mai84] Mains, Geoff, 1984
Urban Aboriginals - A Celebration of Leathersexuality
Publisher: Gay Sunshine, San Francisco
[MM99] Maiwald, Stefan / Mischler, Gerd, 1999
Sexualität unter dem Hakenkreuz. Manipulation und Vernichtung der Intimsphäre im NS-Staat.
Publisher: Europa Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
[Mal77] Malamuth, Neil M., 1977
Sexual Arousal and Aggression: Recent Experiments and Theoretical Issues
In: Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1977, pp. 110-133
[Mal86] Malamuth, Neil M., 1986
Predictors of Naturalistic Sexual Aggression
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 50, No. 5, 1986, pp. 953-962
[MC84] Malamuth, Neil M. / Check, James P.V., 1984
Debriefing effectiveness following exposure to pornographic rape depictions
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 20, 1984, pp. 1-13
[MC83] Malamuth, Neil M. / Check, James V.P., 1983
Sexual Arousal to Rape Depictions: Individual Differences
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 92, No. 1, 1983, pp. 55-67
[MC83a] Malamuth, Neil M. / Check, James V.P., 1983
Sex-Role Stereotyping and Reactions to Depictions of Stranger versus Acquaintance Rape
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 45, 1983
[MCB86] Malamuth, Neil M. / Check, James V.P. / Briere, John, 1986
Sexual Arousal in Response to Aggression: Ideological, Aggressive and Sexual Correlates
In: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 50, No. 2, 1986, pp. 330-340
[MD84] Malamuth, Neil M. / Donnerstein, Edward (ed.), 1984
Pornography and Sexual Aggression
Publisher: Academic Press, Orlando
[MFH80] Malamuth, Neil M. / Feshbach, Seymour / Heim, M., 1980
Ethical Issues and Exposure to Rape Stimuli: A Reply to Sherif.
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 3, 1980, pp. 413-415
[MFJ77] Malamuth, Neil M. / Feshbach, Seymour / Jaffe, Y., 1977
Sexual Arousal and Aggression: Recent Experiments and Theoretical Issues
In: Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 2, 1977, pp. 110-133
[MHF80a] Malamuth, Neil M. / Haber, S. / Feshbach, Seymour, 1980
Testing Hypotheses Regarding Rape: Exposure to Sexual Violence, Sex Difference, and the "Normality" of Rapists.
In: Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 1, 1980, pp. 121-137
[MHF80] Malamuth, Neil M. / Heim, Maggie / Feshbach, Seymour, 1980
Sexual Responsiveness of College Students to Rape Depictions: Inhibitory and Disinhibitory Effects
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1980, pp. 399-408
[Mal85] Maldavsky, David, 1985
Sobre La Teoria Del Masoquismo Erogeno, Ochenta Anos Despues
In: Revista De Psicoanalisis, Vol. 42, No. 3, 1985, pp. 621-651
[Mal84] Maleson, F.G., 1984
The multiple meanings of masochism in psychoanalytic discourse
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1984, pp. 325-356
[Mal02] Maletzky, Barry M., 2002
The paraphilias: Research and treatment
in: Nathan, Peter E. / Gorman, Jack M. (ed.): A guide to treatments that work, 2nd edition, pp. 525-557
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London
Abstract:  From the chapter: "The literature on the paraphilias has been focused chiefly on theoretical, etiological, and epidemiological concerns rather than on issues of treatment. However, a trend toward treatment outcome studies is emerging. At present, there is consensus that cognitive/behavioral therapies form the standard against which other approaches must be judged. Behavior therapies include various forms of aversive condition, social skills training, biofeedback, and sexual impulse control training, among others. Cognitive approaches include restructuring cognitive distortions, relapse prevention, and empathy training. Somatic treatments have also been reported, including the administration of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) and cyproterone acetate (CPA); both reduce circulating testosterone. Unfortunately, large outcome evaluations of any of these treatments are still lacking."
[Mal97] Maletzky, Barry M., 1997
Exhibitionism: Assessment and Treatment
in: Laws, Donald Richard / O'Donohue, William (ed.): Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Publications, New York
[Mal71] Malfatti, Felice Tino (Pseud.), 1971
Die Peitsche der Artemis
Publisher: Johannes M. Hönscheid, München
Language: German
[Mal45] Mallet, F., 1845
Les Flagellants
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
Language: French
[Man94] Mandiargues, André Pieye de, 1994
Der Engländer
Publisher: Matthes und Seitz, München
Language: German
[Man03] Mansfield, Nick, 2003
"Dieser Mann ... in der Gewalt eines Weibes ... im Dunkeln ...": Der Masochist und die Wahrheit
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 432-447
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Man97] Mansfield, Nick, 1997
Masochism: The Art of Power
Publisher: Praeger, Westport, Conn. et al.
[Man86] Mantegazza, Paolo (ed.), 1886
Gli amori degli uomini
Language: Italian
[Mar92] Marasotti, Curt, 1992
Lederlust auf bloßer Haut
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Mar94] Marasotti, Curt, 1994
Qualvolle Rohrstockstrafen anno dazumal
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Mar96] Marasotti, Curt, 1996
Zucht mit Rohrstock und Peitsche
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Mar98] Marasotti, Curt, 1998
Flagellanten - Ehezuchtgesetz weiblicher Verfehlungen. Paragraph 1-54 Strafmaß und Vollzug
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Mara] Marasotti, Curt, FEHLT
Blutorgien der Gewalt
Language: German
[MF31] Marchand, L. / Fuller, H.A., 1931
Fétichisme du pied chausse. Heredosyphilis.
(Fetishism of a clad foot. Hereditary syphilis.)
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 89, 1931, pp. 447-452
Language: French
Abstract:  "A patient with hereditary syphilis from the age of seven took great satisfaction in being stepped upon, especially when the foot was covered by a shoe which he particularly liked. At the age of puberty he had his first real orgasm when stepped upon by a young girl. Even after marriage, being stepped upon was his only source of sexual satisfaction for some time. After his wife suffered a nervous disorder, he followed the advice of his physician and was able to have normal sexual relations. However, after his wife died following a miscarriage, he reverted to his old fetishism." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Marb] Marchand, W.,
Unsere Masseusen: Ein Sittenbild aus einer Großstadt
Language: German
[Mar74a] Marcus, Maria, 1974
Den frygtelige sandhed: En brugs-bog om kvinder og masokisme
Publisher: Tiderne skifter, København
Language: Danish
Notes:  341 pages
[Mar81] Marcus, Maria, 1981
A Taste for Pain: On Masochism and Female Society
Publisher: St. Martin's Press, New York
[Mar82] Marcus, Maria, 1982
Die furchtbare Wahrheit. Frauen und Masochismus
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Mar82a] Marcus, Maria, 1982
Telefonat mit de Sade
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): Sexualität Vol. 3, pp. 94-95
Publisher: Emma Frauen Verlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Mar64] Marcus, Steven, 1964
The Other Victorians. A Study of Sexuality and Pornography in Mid-Nineteenth-Century England
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
[Mar79] Marcus, Steven, 1979
Umkehrung der Moral. Sexualität und Pornographie im viktorianischen England
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Mar55] Marcuse, Herbert, 1955
Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud
Publisher: Beacon Press, Boston
[Mar12] Marcuse, Max, 1912
Ein Fall von vielfach komplizierter Sexualperversion
In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Vol. IX, No. 3, 1912, pp. 19-?
Language: German
[Mar26a] Marcuse, Max, 1926
in: Marcuse, Max (ed.): Handwörterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft: Enzyklopädie der natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sexualkunde des Menschen, 2nd much enlarged edition, pp. 21
Publisher: Marcus & Weber, Bonn
Language: German
[MF29] Marcuse, Max, 1929
Sadismus bei weiblichen Jugendlichen
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik, Vol. XVI, No. 1, 1929, pp. 79
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mar30] Marcuse, Max, 1930
Sexualpsychopathie, Perversionen
in: Birnbaum, K. (ed.): Handwörterbuch der medizinischen Psychologie, pp. 549ff.
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Leipzig
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mar23] Marcuse, Max (ed.), 1923
Handwörterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft. Enzyklopädie der natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sexualkunde des Menschen.
Publisher: Marcus & Weber, Bonn
Language: German
Notes:  481 pages
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Mar26] Marcuse, Max (ed.), 1926
Handwörterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft. Enzyklopädie der natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sexualkunde des Menschen.
2nd much enlarged edition
Publisher: Marcus & Weber, Bonn
Language: German
[Mar32] Marett, R.R., 1932
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
in: (ed.): , pp. 201-202
Publisher: Macmillan, Oxford
Abstract:  A history and discussion of the uses of the term.
[Mar96a] Margolies, Eva, 1996
Der Mann und seine sexuellen Probleme. Ursachen, Hilfe, Überwindung.
Publisher: Kabel, Hamburg
Language: German
[Mar97a] Maria Theresia (ed.), 1997
Folterwerkzeuge und ihre Anwendung 1769. Constitutio Criminalis Theresiana.
Publisher: Reprint Verlag Leipzig, Holzminden
Language: German
[Mar71a] Maris, R.W., 1971
Deviance as Therapy: The Paradox of the Self-Destructive Female
In: Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1971, pp. 113-124
[Mar93] Markoe, Merrill, 1993
Dominatrix 101
In: Vanity Fair, Vol. ? (September), 1993, pp. ?-?
[Mar72] Marks, I.M., 1972
Phylogenesis and learning in the acquisition of fetishism
In: Danish Medical Bulletin, Vol. 19, 1972, pp. 307-310
[MG67] Marks, I.M. / Gelder, M.G., 1967
Transvestism and fetishism: Clinical and psychological changes during faradic aversion
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 113, 1967, pp. 711-729
Abstract:  "Clinical reports, erections measured on a penis transducer, and attitudes on evaluative scales of the semantic differential show changes in 3 transvestites and 2 fetishists. The patients were highly motivated, cooperative, and had well-adjusted personalities, apart from the deviant sexual excitement. Intensive treatment for 2 wk., with outpatient follow-up, produced marked improvement that is attributed to the electrical aversion training." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MRG65] Marks, I.M. / Rachman, S. / Gelder, M.G., 1965
Methods for Assessment of Aversion Treatment in Fetishism with Masochism
In: Behavioral Research Therapy, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1965, pp. 253-258
Abstract:  "An operant conditioning measure is described, which showed that faradic shocks were aversive in a patient whose fetishism was associated with masochism. The patient's response was in keeping with expectations drawn from the initial measures, since faradic aversion produced rapid improvement of the masochism with subsequent improvement of the fetishism, and increased enjoyment of normal sexual relations. The operant conditioning and semantic differential measures accurately reflected clinical changes after treatment, and are useful to assess progress. Masochism does not necessarily contra-indicate aversion treatment." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MGB70] Marks, Isaac / Gelder, Michael / Bancroft, John, 1970
Sexual Deviants Two Years after Electric Aversion
In: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 117, 1970, pp. 173-185
Abstract:  "24 patients comprised of 12 transvestites and fetishists, 7 transsexuals, and 5 sadomasochists given 2-3 wk. of electric aversion showed improvement except for the transsexuals. Improvement was not related to the amount of treatment with early evidence of improvement shown by those achieving the greatest change in incidence of deviant acts and fantasies or in deviant concepts. Untreated deviants showed less change during the 14-mo follow-up. These findings indicate that despite its unpleasant nature aversion therapy may be of value in the treatment of sexual deviations other than transsexual feelings." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MS67] Marks, Isaac M. / Sartorius, Norman H., 1967
A contribution to the measurement of sexual attitude
In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 145, No. 6, 1967, pp. 441-451
Abstract:  "Reports a measure of sexual attitude that is helpful in assessing progress of patients in treatment for sexual deviation. Patients rated 20 sexual and nonsexual concepts on 13 bipolar scales of semantic differential types. On principal components analyses of scales, 2 semantic dimensions emerged that reflected patients' clinical state - the well-known factor of general evaluation and a new one of sexual evaluation. On both these dimensions 8 transvestites and fetishists treated with faradic aversion therapy showed marked selective devaluation and desexualization of concepts about sexual deviance, with insignificant changes in other concepts. Change on sex evaluative scales was significantly greater than on general evaluative scales. Ratings on an anxiety dimension did not change significantly and were not helpful in assessing patients' clinical state." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mar75] Marmor, J., 1975
in: Lief, Harold I. (ed.): Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality: 750 questions answered by 500 authorities, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore
[Mar71] Marmor, Judd, 1971
"Normal" and "Deviant" Sexual Behaviour
In: The Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 217, No. 2, 1971, pp. 165-170
[Mar97] Marneros, Andreas, 1997
Sexualmörder. Eine erklärende Erzählung.
Publisher: Das Narrenschiff, Bonn
Language: German
[Mar97b] Marschollek, O., 1997 (Diploma thesis / Masters thesis)
Sexualität und sexuelle Störungen: Eine Literaturarbeit
School: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Language: German
[MS71] Marshall, Donald S. / Suggs, Robert C. (ed.), 1971
Human Sexual Behavior: Variations in the ethnographic spectrum
Publisher: Basic Books, New York
Notes:  XVIII/302 pages
[Mar74] Marshall, George L., 1974
A combined treatment approach to the reduction of multiple fetish-related behaviors
In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1974, pp. 613-616
Abstract:  "Describes a behavioral analysis of an unusual case of trouser fetishism in a young adult male that revealed a complex of fetish-related problem behaviors. These behaviors could be grouped into 3 categories: (a) the use of trousers in physical contact during masturbation, (b) fetishistic fantasies that occurred during and apart from masturbation, and (c) overt behavior aimed at procuring trousers for masturbation. A simple aversive conditioning program using the masturbation-related activities as target problems had some limited therapeutic value, but it was necessary to employ further behavioral treatments before the goals of therapy were achieved. Because of the design it was not possible to infer effects specific to each of the treatment components. However, the case was useful in demonstrating both the need for an adequate behavioral analysis and the value of combining various therapeutic programs in treating the individual case." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mar73] Marshall, W.L., 1973
The modification of sexual fantasies: A combined treatment approach to the reduction of deviant sexual behaviour
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1973, pp. 557-564
Abstract:  "A consideration of the literature on the behavioral therapy of sexual deviations suggests that the direct modification of fantasies will provide an effective treatment method. A combination of 2 procedures for modifying the content of sexual fantasies is outlined, and the results of treatment with 12 male patients (homosexuals, fetishists, rapists, and pedophiles) using this combined approach are described. The hypothesis that the modification of fantasies would have a direct effect on both deviant behavior and attitudes toward deviant material was not unequivocally supported. However, the program had eliminated deviant behavior in all Ss by the end of treatment, and this was maintained at follow-up in at least 75%." (APA/PsycINFO)
[ML77] Marshall, W.L. / Lippens, K., 1977
The clinical value of boredom: A procedure for reducing inappropriate sexual interests
In: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 165, No. 4, 1977, pp. 283-287
Abstract:  "A combination of aversive therapy and orgasmic reconditioning failed to produce the expected changes in sexual activities and arousal patterns in a 27-yr-old married male with a history of sexually assaultive behavior. A procedure that involved verbalizing deviant fantasies while engaged in continual masturbation for 9 sessions each of 11/2 hrs duration, led to marked changes in sexual interests in an appropriate direction." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MF98] Marshall, William L. / Fernandez, Yolanda M., 1998
Cognitive-behavioral approaches to the treatment of the paraphilias: Sexual offenders.
in: Caballo, Vicente (ed.): International handbook of cognitive and behavioural treatments for psychological disorders, pp. 281-312
Publisher: Pergamon / Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford
Abstract:  "Describes cognitive-behavioral approaches to the treatment of the paraphilias. After presenting a brief history of treatment of nonoffending patients with eccentric sexual desires (e.g., transvestism or fetishism), the authors discuss the treatment of sexual offenders." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mar31] Martens, K., 1931
Psychopathie und strafrechtliche Bedeutung unzüchtiger Abbildungen
(Psychopathy and the criminal significance of lascivious illustrations)
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik, Vol. 18, 1931, pp. 17-23
Language: German
Abstract:  "The rating of printing, photographs, and sculpture as 'artistic' or 'suggestive' is determined largely by subjective factors. The police of Dresden have a collection of confiscated material which includes a great mass of proscribed photographs, utensils, drawings, etc. The individuals who make use of such articles to arouse sex feelings are definitely psychopathic, in the same class with fetishists, voyeurs, or onanists. The author summarizes German law on the subject of such offenses against public morals." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mar91] Martin, Gigi, 1991
Die Herrin
Publisher: ikoo, Pullenreuth
Language: German
[Mar78] Martin, Michael, 1978
Abwegige Sexgelüste Series: Intim, Vol. 63
Publisher: Zettner, Würzburg
Language: German
[Mar70] Martinet, Mrs. (Pseud.), 1870
The Quintessence of Birch Discipline. A sequence to the Romance of Chastisement, etc.
Publisher: Privately printed, London
Abstract:  "The Quintessence terminates at p. 23, and the remaining seven pages are occupied by a Letter From a Page Boy to his Mother in the country." (→ Fra85) A detailed summary follows (pp. 258 et sqq.).
[MC03] Martins, Maria Cristina / Ceccarelli, Paulo Roberto, 2003
The so-called "deviant sexualities: Perversion or right to difference? , 2003
Abstract:  "This study, presented at the 16th World Congress of Sexology in Cuba 10-14 March, 2003, suggests that non-conventional sexual practices cannot be used as a diagnosed criteria of any kind, which means that the only aspect that distinguishes these individuals from others is their sexual practices."
Recommended reading
[Mas93] Masand, Prakash S., 1993
In: Depression, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1993, pp. 50-52
Abstract:  "Describes 2 cases of paraphilia (one with sexual masochism, involving a 40-yr-old male and one with transvestic fetishism, involving a 38-yr-old male). These patients were successfully treated with fluoxetine hydrochloride in a dose of 40 mg/d." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mas42] Maslow, A.H., 1942
Selfesteem (dominance feeling) and sexuality in women
In: Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 16, 1942, pp. 259-280
[Mas] Mason, D.R., FEHLT
Flagellation: The Worship of the Whip
Publisher: ohne Verlag, no place
Notes:  190 pages
[Mas97] Mason, Fiona L., 1997
Fetishism: Psychopathology and Theory
in: Laws, Donald Richard / O'Donohue, William (ed.): Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, pp. 75-91
Publisher: Guilford Publications, New York
Abstract:  From the chapter: "This chapter reviews the psychopathology and theories postulated to explain fetishism and concentrates on the abnormal or pathological forms. In the past 100 yrs authors from many disciplines have examined the concept of fetishism from many perspectives, including the sociocultural, sociobiological, ethological, biological, behavioral, and psychodynamic. These are reviewed, although the placing of theoretical models of etiology in context is somewhat difficult, as little epidemiological evidence has been published. Specific issues addressed include: diagnostic criteria; epidemiology; clinical features; the choice of fetish, significance, and classification; developmental issues; and proposed etiological factors. Throughout this review the difficulty of extrapolating from clinical populations, single case reports, and small series of cases is highlighted."
[Mas94] Mason, Michael, 1994
The Making of Victorian Sexuality: Sexual Behavior and Its Understanding
Publisher: Clarendon Press, Oxford
[Mas92] Massé, Michelle A., 1992
In the Name of Love: Women, Masochism, and the Gothic
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca et al.
[Mas83] Mass, Lawrence, 1983
Coming to Grips with Sadomasochism
in: Weinberg, Thomas S. / Kamel, G.W. Levi (ed.): S and M. Studies in Sadomasochism → WK83, pp. 45-56
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Amherst, N.Y.
[Mas95] Massen, Josef, 1995
Zoophilie - die sexuelle Liebe zu Tieren
Publisher: Pinto Press, Köln
Language: German
[Mas69] Masserman, Jules E., 1969
Dynamics of Deviant Sexuality
Publisher: Grune & Stratton, New York, London
[MS97] Massie, Henry / Szajnberg, Nathan, 1997
The ontogeny of a sexual fetish from birth to age 30 and memory processes. A research case report from a prospective longitudinal study.
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 78, 1997, pp. 755-771
Abstract:  "From a longitudinal study that began at birth, a case is described in which a man at the age of 30 recalls the onset of a sexual fetish in his fifth or sixth year of life. The memories activated and dreams reported during the thirty-year follow-up interview, were synthesised with parent-infant film data and historical information contained in the research record concerning the child's development, his parents' behaviour and traumatic experiences. Taken together they provide a detailed description of the psychological ontogenesis of the fetish. The case provides unusual information about the manner in which early childhood events-objectively documented-interdigitate with intrapsychic processes and mental structuralisation. This also illuminates processes by which memories are retained, condensed, distorted and lost. In addition, information from other participants in the project who reported sexually anomalous histories at the age of 30 raises questions of what can be predicted from early life experiences."
[Mas62] Masters, Robert E.L., 1962
Forbidden Sexual Behavior and Morality: An Objective Re-Examination of Perverse Sex Practices in Different Cultures.
Publisher: Julian Press, New York
[Mas65] Masters, Robert E.L., 1965
Sexuelle Tabus und Moral. Eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung perverser sexueller Praktiken in verschiedenen Kulturen.
Publisher: Kala, Hamburg
Language: German
[ML63] Masters, Robert E.L. / Lea, Eduard, 1963
Perverse Crimes in History: Evolving concepts of sadism, lust-murder, and necrophilia - from ancient to modern times
Publisher: Julian Press, New York
[MJ66] Masters, William H. / Johnson, Virginia E., 1966
Human Sexual Response
Publisher: Little, Brown and Co., Boston
[MJ67] Masters, William H. / Johnson, Virginia E., 1967
Die sexuelle Reaktion
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt a.M.
Language: German
[Mat89] Mathis, James L., 1989
Paraphilias and gender identity disorders
in: American Psychiatric Association (ed.): Treatments of psychiatric disorders: A task force report of the American Psychiatric Association, pp. 617-684
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC
Abstract:  The book section covers several chapters: "Fetishism and Tranvestism" (Thomas N. Wise), "Sexual Sadism and Sexual Masochism" (David B. Marcotte, "Exhibitionism and Voyeurism" (John M. Rhoads).
[Mat??] Matsu-Hakiri, FEHLT
Bondage Lust
Publisher: Hofmann, MISSING
[Mat87] Matthiessen, Susanne, 4. Juni 1987
Nur unterm Ladentisch ... gibt es die Zeitschrift Spaß und Macht zum lesbischen SM
In: taz, 4. Juni 1987, pp. 9
Language: German
[Mau67] Mauriac, Claude, 1967
Zur französischen Neuübersetzung der "Venus im Pelz" und "Ästhetik des Häßlichen": Zwei vergessene Erzählungen von Leopold Sacher-Masoch
In: Figaro (Paris), Vol. FEHLT, 1967, pp. FEHLT
Language: German
[May97] May, Olaf, 1997
Strafrecht und Sadomasochismus
Publisher: Shaker Verlag, Aachen
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin / SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[MSV93] Maydorn, Andreas / Scheffler, Benjamin / Vollbrechtshausen, Andreas, 1993
Wie man's macht. Das schwule Sexbuch.
Publisher: Jackwerth, Köln
Language: German
[MSV93a] Maydorn, Andreas / Scheffler, Benjamin / Vollbrechtshausen, Andreas, 1993
In: Magnus, Vol. 1, 1993, pp. ?-?
Language: German
[May50] Mayer, E.E., 1950
The Sex Deviate
In: Pennsylvania Medical Journal, Vol. 53, 1950, pp. 32-?
[May29] Mayer, Longinus, Winter 1929-1930
Liebe und Hiebe im Mädchenpensionat. Lesbisch-flagellantischer Roman.
Publisher: Privately printed by Eros-Presse, Budapest
Language: German
[Maz03] Mazin, Viktor, 2003
Der Masochismus, benannt nach Le nom du pére
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 188-198
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[McA95a] McAnulty, Richard D., 1995
The Paraphilias: Classification and Theory
in: Diamant, Louis / McAnulty, Richard (ed.): The Psychology of Sexual Orientation, Behavior, and Identity, pp. 239-255
Publisher: Greenwood Press, Westport
[McA95] McArdle, David, 1995
A Few Hard Cases? Sport, Sadomasochism and Public Policy in the English Courts
In: Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 10, 1995, pp. 109-118
[McC46] McCabe, Joseph, 1946
The History of Flagellation: The Whip as an Instrument of Punishment, Torture, Self-Beatings, Religion and Erotic Stimulation
Publisher: Haldeman-Julius Publications, Girard, Kan.
[McC49] McCabe, Joseph, 1949
The History of Torture
Publisher: Haldeman-Julius Publications, Girard, Kan.
[McC49a] McCabe, Joseph, ca. 1949
The amazing career of the Marquis de Sade: a study of the character and views of the man whose fantastic works gave rise to the word sadism
Publisher: Haldeman-Julius Publications, Girard, Kan.
[McC75] McCall, Raymond Joseph, 1975
The Varieties of Abnormality
Publisher: Charles C. Thomas, Springfield
[McC28] McCartney, J.L., 1928
Sadism and Masochism: With a Discussion of Erotic Flagellation
In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 68, 1928, pp. ?-?
[McC73] McCary, James L., 1973
Human Sexuality
2nd edition
Publisher: Van Nostrand, New York
[McC93] McClintock, Anne, 1993
Maid to Order: Commercial Fetishism and Gender Power
In: Social Text, Vol. 37, 1993, pp. 87-116
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[McC95] McClintock, Anne, 1995
Imperial Leather : Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Conquest
in: (ed.): , pp.
Publisher: Routledge, New York
Abstract:  On Cullwick/Munby (→ Sta84 and → Hud72).
[ML94] McCollum, B. / Lester, D., 1994
Violent sexual fantasies and sexual behavior
In: Psychological reports, Vol. 75, No. 2, 1994, pp. 742
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[McC94] McConaghy, Nathaniel, 1994
Sexual Deviations
in: Hersen, Michael / Ammerman, Robert T. et al. (ed.): Handbook of Aggressive and Destructive Behavior in Psychiatric Patients, pp. 261-286
Publisher: Plenum, New York
Abstract:  From the chapter: "exhibitionism, voyeurism, pedophilia, sadomasochism, sexual asphyxia, fetishism, and deviations of sexual identity, all of which can be associated with [self or other directed] psychological or physical aggression, are briefly described, as are sexual assault and murder /studies of the prevalence of these behaviors in clinical and community populations are reviewed / stimulus control, cognitive, and psychiatric -psychopathological theories of the etiology of sexual aggression are discussed"
[McC99] McConaghy, Nathaniel, 1998
Unresolved Issues in Scientific Sexology
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 28, No. 4, 1998, pp. 285-318
[McC94a] McConnell, John H., 1994
Lesbian and Gay Male Identities as Paradigms
in: Archer, Sally L. (ed.): Interventions for Adolescent Identity Development, pp. 103-118
Publisher: Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[McC00] McCormick, Ian David (ed.), 2000
Sexual outcasts, 1750-1850
Publisher: Routledge, London u.a.
[McC76] McCully, Robert S., 1976
A Jungian Commentary on Epstein's Case (Wet-Shoe Fetish)
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1976, pp. 185-187
Abstract:  "Expands upon A. W. Epstein's (see → Eps75) comment that extrapersonal factors may have been involved in the case of a 15-yr-old male's fetish for wetting canvas shoes belonging to women. The view that these extrapersonal factors included expressions of archetypal language is discussed, and various symbolic meanings of shoes are explored." (APA/PsycINFO)
[McD72] McDougall, Joyce, 1972
Primal Scene and Sexual Perversion
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 53, 1972, pp. 371-384
[McD74] McDougall, Joyce, 1974
The Anonymous Spectator: a Clinical Study of Sexual Perversion
In: Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1974, pp. 289-310
[McD86] McDougall, Joyce, 1986
Identifications, Neoneeds, and Neosexualities
In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 67, 1986, pp. 19-31
[McD91] McDougall, Joyce, 1991
Perversions and Deviations in the Psychoanalytic Attitude: Their Effects on Theory and Practice
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 176-203
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[MN93] McGuire, Christina / Norton, Carla, 1993
Die Leibeigene. Entführung, Verführung, Gehirnwäsche. Die sieben Jahre Qual der Colleen Stan. Series: True Crime / Der wahre Kriminalfall,
Publisher: Bastei-Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach
Language: German
[MCY65] McGuire, R.J. / Carlisle, J.M. / Young, B.G., 1965
Sexual deviations as conditioned behaviour: a hypothesis
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 2, 1965, pp. 185-190
[MCY77] McGuire, R.J. / Carlisle, J.M. / Young, B.G., 1977
Sexuelle Deviationen als konditioniertes Verhalten: Eine Hypothese
in: Kockott, Götz (ed.): Sexuelle Störungen, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Urban und Schwarzenberg, München, Wien, Baltimore
Language: German
[McK87] McKellar, R.J., 1987
Debate over Masochism
In: Psychology Today, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1987, pp. 4
[McK01] McKenna, Katelyn Y.A., 2001
Demarginalizing the sexual self
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2001, pp. ?-?
[McL99] McLaren, Angus, 1999
Twentieth-Century Sexuality: A History
Publisher: Blackwell, Oxford
[McL60] McLeish, John, 1960
Sadism and Masochism
In: Medical World, Vol. 93, No. 4, 1960, pp. 363-367
[McN78] McNeill, Elizabeth, 1978
Nine and A Half Weeks: A Memoir of a Love Affair
Publisher: Dutton, New York
[McN83] McNeill, Elizabeth, 1983
Neun Wochen und drei Tage
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[McN99] McNeill, Elizabeth, 1999
9 1/2 Wochen.Erinnerungen an eine Liebesaffäre
Publisher: Marterpfahl Verlag, Nehren
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[McS72] McSweeny, Austin J., 1972
Fingernail fetishism: Report of a case treated with hypnosis
In: American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1972, pp. 139-143
[Mea55] Mead, Margaret, 1955
Mann und Weib. Das Verhältnis der Geschlechter in einer sich wandelnden Welt.
Publisher: Diana, Stuttgart et al.
Language: German
[Mec59] Mechler, Ulrich, 1959
Sadistinnen und Masochisten
Publisher: Prehm, Dachau
Language: German
[Mec60] Mechler, Ulrich, 1960
FEHLT (Sadistinnen und Masochisten, Teil II)
Publisher: Prehm, Dachau
Language: German
[Mee66] Mees, Hayden L., 1966
Sadistic Fantasies Modified by Aversive Conditioning and Substitution: a Case Study
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1966, pp. 317-320
Abstract:  "A case study involving unpleasant electric shocks as the consequence of sadistic fantasies seems to have successfully helped to suppress or extinguish them while incompatible 'normal' sex fantasies were strengthened. The results are seen as analogous to other studies using extinction with aversive stimuli." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mei18] Meibom, Johann Heinrich, 1718
A treatise of the use of flogging in venerial affairs: also of the office of the loins and reins / by John Henry Meibomius; made English from the Latin original by a physician. To which is added A Treatise of Hermaphrodites (by Giles Jacob).
Publisher: E. Curll, London
[Mei39] Meibom, Johann Heinrich, 1639
Tractatus de usu flagrorum in re medica & veneria
Publisher: ohne Verlag, Lübeck
Language: Latin
[Mei92] Meibom, Johann Heinrich, 1792
De l'utilité de la flagellation dans les plaisirs du mariage et dans la médecine, et des fonctions des lombes et des reins = De flagrorum usu in re medica et venerea, et lumborum renumque officio
Publisher: Girouard, Paris
Language: French
[Mei47] Meibomius, J.H., 1847
Von der Nützlichkeit der Geißelhiebe in medizinischer und physischer Beziehung, und von den Verrichtungen der Lenden und Nieren
in: Scheible, Johann (ed.): Der Schatzgräber in den literarischen und bildlichen Seltenheiten, Sonderbarkeiten etc. hauptsächlich des deutschen Mittelalters. Vol. 4, pp. 245-292
Publisher: Scheible, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Mei47a] Meibomius, J.H., 1847
Die Nützlichkeit der Geißelhiebe in den Vergnügungen der Ehe, sowie in der ärztlichen Praxis, und die Verrichtungen der Lenden und Nieren.
in: Scheible, Johann (ed.): Der Schatzgräber in den literarischen und bildlichen Seltenheiten, Sonderbarkeiten etc. hauptsächlich des deutschen Mittelalters. Vol. 4, pp. 293-365
Publisher: Scheible, Stuttgart
Language: German
[Mei29] Meinertz, J., 1929
Analyse eines eigenartigen Falles von Fetischismus mit Verstümmelungsphantasien
(Analysis of a peculiar case of fetishism with mutilation-phantasies)
In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Vol. 117, 1929, pp. 19-48
Language: German
Abstract:  "A gifted young man showed a sexual perversion in that he was sexually excited only by one-legged women. Dressed up in women's clothes with one leg tied up double, he experienced orgasms. The analysis, especially on the basis of dreams, shows that his curious sexual development can be traced back to his relations with his father. Tyrannized over by his father, he still remained bound to him both in love and hate. Wishes that his father were castrated changed into fear of castration. At the same time, however, his own mutilation would make him a satisfactory female sexual object for his father, as he wanted to be. In his relation with women he experienced homo-sexually their mutilation as a male component. The determination to such a contradictory development was shown in his experiences as a child. Fetishism seemed to him both pleasure and punishment and its genesis was regarded as a very complex symbolization." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mei99] Meissner, W., 1999
The Dynamic Principle in Psychoanalysis: II. Toward a Revised Theory of Motivation
In: Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1999, pp. 41-83
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Mei39a] Meixner, F., 1939
Der Brillenräuber
(The glasses thief)
In: Kriminalistik, Vol. 13, 1939, pp. 223-224
Language: German
Abstract:  "A unique case of fetishism with sadistic elements. During the course of two years, a 40-year-old man repeatedly lay in wait at night on quiet streets for young women wearing glasses, which he would snatch off and carry away, if they were not broken. He would later throw them into the fire, or lay them on the street-car track, and was filled with satisfaction as he heard them ground under the wheels. He confessed that he was always especially drawn to women wearing glasses, but if they were indifferent to him he became sexually excited and felt impelled to tear off their glasses, which act relieved the tension. All the members of his family, both men and women, wore glasses." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mei52] Meixner, Franz, 1952
Kriminalität und Sexualität. Leitfaden für die Untersuchung von Sexualverbrechen. Unter Berücksichtigung der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen Gesetzgebung.
Publisher: Kriminalistik Verlag, Heidelberg
Language: German
[Mel96] Melchior, Willem, 1996
Kasper Valentijn
Publisher: Uitg. Atlas, Amsterdam
Language: Dutch
[Mel97] Meloy, J.R., 1997
The Psychology of Wickedness: Psychopathy and Sadism
In: Psychiatric Annals, Vol. 27, No. 9, 1997, pp. 630-633
[Mel68] Meltzer, David, ca. 1968
The Agency
Publisher: Essex House, North Hollywood, Cal.
[Mel68a] Meltzer, David, ca. 1968
The Agent
Publisher: Essex House, North Hollywood, Cal.
[Mela] Meltzer, David, FEHLT
How Many Blocks in the Pile
[Men53] Menaker, Esther, 1953
Masochism - A Defense Reaction of the Ego
In: Psychoanalysis Quarterly, Vol. 22, 1953, pp. 205-220
[Men69] Menaker, Esther, 1969
Will and the Problem of Masochism
In: Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1969, pp. 67-77
[Men81] Menaker, Esther, 1981
Self-Psychology Illustrated on the Issue of Moral Masochism - Clinical Implications
In: Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1981, pp. 205-220
[Men93] Mendes, Peter, 1993
Clandestine Erotic Fiction in English 1800-1930: A Bibliographical Study
Publisher: Scolar Press, Aldershot et al.
[Mer93] Merck, Mandy, 1993
Perversions: Deviant Readings
Publisher: Virago Press, London
[Mer82] Meredith, Jesse, 1982
A Response To SAMOIS
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Mer67] Merskey, H., 1967
in: Merskey, H. / Spear, F.G. (ed.): Pain: Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Baillière, Tindall & Cassell, London
[Mer78] Mertens, Theo, 1878
Schläge in der Schule
2nd unaltered edition
Publisher: Helwingsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Hannover
Language: German
[MW00] Mertens, Wolfgang / Waldvogel, Bruno (ed.), 2000
Handbuch psychoanalytischer Grundbegriffe
Publisher: W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart und Köln
Language: German
[MM70] Mertner, Edgar / Mainusch, Herbert, 1970
Pornotopia. Das Obszöne und die Pornographie in der literarischen Landschaft.
Publisher: Athenäum, Frankfurt
Language: German
[Mer09] Merzbach, Georg, 1909
Die krankhaften Erscheinungen des Geschlechtssinnes
Publisher: Hölder, Wien et al.
Language: German
[Mey75] Meyer, Adolf-Ernst, 1975
Zur Psychoanalyse der Perversionen
Language: German
[Mey76] Meyer, Adolf-Ernst, 1976
Zur Psychoanalyse der Perversionen
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 3, 1976, pp. 169-?
Language: German
[Mey80] Meyer, Adolf-Ernst, 1980
Perversionen, was ist das?
in: Gremliza, Hermann L. (ed.): Sexualität Konkret Vol. 1, pp. 84-93
Publisher: Neuer Konkret Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mey96] Meyer, Adolf-Ernst, 1996
Zur Psychoanalyse der Perversionen
(On the psychoanalysis of perversions)
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1996, pp. 149-157
Language: German
Notes:  Reprint of the late A.-E. Meyer's (1925-1995) paper published in 1976.
[Mey64] Meyer, B.C., 1964
Psychoanalytic studies on Joseph Conrad: II. Fetishism
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 12, 1964, pp. 357-391
Abstract:  "Conrad was fetishistic in respect to hair, fur, teeth, feet and shoes. Conrad denied the anatomical differences between the sexes, revered and denigrated women, was in conflict regarding scopophilic and exhibitionistic impulses, and showed castration hypochondria while precipitating injuries and misfortunes to himself." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mey03] Meyer, Gerd, 2003
"Verfehmter Nächte blasser Sohn" - Ein erster Blick auf Ernst Schertel
in: Farin, Michael (ed.): Phantom Schmerz: Quellentexte zur Begriffsgeschichte des Masochismus, pp. 488-505
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz, München
Language: German
[Mey90] Meyer, J.K., 1990
Sadism and Masochism in Neurosis and Symptom Formation
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1990, pp. 789-804
[MD83] Meyer, Jon K. / Dupkin, Carol, 1983
in: Fann, William Edwin (ed.): Phenomenology and Treatment of Psychosexual Disorders, pp. 13-22
Publisher: Spectrum Publications, Jamaica, NY
[Mey88] Meyers, Helen C., 1988
A consideration of treatment techniques in relation to the functions of masochism
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 175-188
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Mey91] Meyers, Helen C., 1991
Perversion in fantasy and furtive enactments
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 93-108
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Mia86] Miale, Janet P., 1986 (Doctoral thesis)
An Initial Study of Nonclinical Practitioners of Sexual Sadomasochism
School: The Professional School of Psychological Studies, San Diego
[Mic92] Micati, Loredana, 1992
Fonction de quelques defenses feminines perverses
(The function of some perverse feminine defenses)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 56, 1992, pp. 1733-1742
Language: French
Abstract:  "Discusses certain traits of the psychic apparatus that are common to the perverse defense mechanism of female Ss. These traits include a compulsion to accept reality only to a limited extent and certain fantasies with sadomasochistic contents. Several clinical examples illustrate the type of fantasies that alone enable these females to have orgasms in their sexual relations. These stereotyped and repetitive erotic fantasies should be considered a kind of fetishistic phenomenon: they appear to have a protective function similar to that of the fetishist's perverse masculine defenses. The masculine fetish is generally an object or a part of the body, whereas the female fetish is hidden among the S's fantasies." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MZ74] Michaelis, K. / Zitzmann, H., 1974
Todesfälle bei autoerotischer Betätigung
In: Kriminalistik und forensische Wissenschaften, Vol. 17, 1974, pp. 135-148
Language: German
[MR+60] Michaux, Léon / Rapaud, G. / Moor, L., 1960
Cinquante Ans De Mutilations Monstrueuses Chez Un Masochiste, Fils De Masochiste
In: Presse Médicale, Vol. 68, 1960, pp. 655-?
Language: French
[Mic03] Michel, Régis, 2003
Der Anti-Masoch: Essay über die Irrungen der Maso (Miso) Analyse
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 448-464
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[MM98] Michels, André / Müller, Peter, 1998
in: Michels, André / Müller, Peter / Perner, Achim / Rath, Claus-Dieter (ed.): Perversion Vol. 1, pp. 9-11
Publisher: edition diskord, Tübingen
Language: German
[MM+98] Michels, André / Müller, Peter / Perner, Achim / Rath, Claus-Dieter (ed.), 1998
Perversion Series: Jahrbuch für klinische Psychoanalyse, Vol. 1
Publisher: edition diskord, Tübingen
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mic02] Michler, Werner, 2002
"Venus im Pelz" und "Kampf um's Dasein"
in: Spörk, Ingrid und Strohmaier, Alexandra (ed.): Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, pp. 166-192
Publisher: Literaturverlag Droschl, Graz
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mie96] Mielinski, Annegret, 1996 (Diploma thesis / Masters thesis)
Zum Mythos des Sadomasochismus in der Gesellschaft unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der weiblichen Sexualität: ein Versuch der Aufklärung
School: Fachhochschule Hildesheim/Holzminden, Fachbereich Sozialpädagogik
Language: German
[Mik82] Mikich, Sonia, 1982
Telefonat mit de Sade
in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): Sexualität Vol. 3, pp. 20-22
Publisher: Emma Frauen Verlags GmbH, Köln
Language: German
[Mil03] Mildenberger, Florian, 2003
Richard von Krafft-Ebing und sein Masochismus
in: Farin, Michael (ed.): Phantom Schmerz: Quellentexte zur Begriffsgeschichte des Masochismus, pp. 58-69
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz, München
Language: German
[Mil03a] Mildenberger, Florian, 2003
Sigmund Freud und die "Perversion" des Masochismus
in: Farin, Michael (ed.): Phantom Schmerz: Quellentexte zur Begriffsgeschichte des Masochismus, pp. 370-378
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz, München
Language: German
[Mil93] Miller, James, 1993
The Passion of Michel Foucault
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, New York
[Mil95] Miller, James, 1995
Die Leidenschaft des Michel Foucault
Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
Language: German
[Mil93a] Milligan, Don, 1993
Sex-Life: A Critical Commentary on the History of Sexuality
Publisher: Pluto Press, London
[Mil91] Millot, Catherine, 1991
Not Yet Virgin: The Function of Masochism in Joyce
In: James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1991, pp. 43-46
[Mil96] Millot, Catherine, 1996
Gide Genet Mishima. Intelligence de la perversion.
Publisher: Gallimard, Paris
Language: French
[Mil98] Millot, Catherine, 1998
Ein perverses Talent
in: Michels, André / Müller, Peter / Perner, Achim / Rath, Claus-Dieter (ed.): Perversion Vol. 1, pp. 205-212
Publisher: edition diskord, Tübingen
Language: German
[MD97] Milner, Joel S. / Dopke, Cynthia A., 1997
Paraphilia Not Otherwise Specified: Psychopathology and Theory
in: Laws, Donald Richard / O'Donohue, William (ed.): Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Publications, New York
[Min72] Minton, Hugo, 1972
What You Always Wanted to Know About Bondage, Spanking and Sex: But Were Afraid to Ask
Publisher: Eros Pub. Co., Wilmington, Del.
[Min80] Mintz, I.L., 1980-81
Multideterminism in asthmatic disease
In: International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Vol. 8, 1980-81, pp. 593-600
[Min00] Minuit, 2000
Der Club der Dreizehn
Publisher: Kastley, Stuttgart
Language: German
Notes:  176 pages
[Min85] Minyard, Frank, 1985
Wrapped to death: Unusual autoerotic death
In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1985, pp. 151-152
Abstract:  "Despite the large population of New Orleans, including many homosexuals and transsexuals, there have been relatively few cases of autoerotic deaths. The case reported here is an interesting one as it includes a bizarre form of autoerotic behavior from the standpoint of the method used. There have been no deaths reported in the literature in which the victim died as a result of jeopardizing himself by enclosing his body into plastic with an airway out of his "cocoon" in the form of a snorkel tube. He was engaged in masturbation when he apparently lost his mouth piece or airway. He attempted to use a knife to cut himself out."
[Mir91] Mirbeau, Octave, 1991
Der Garten der Qualen Series: Die erotische Bibliothek,
Publisher: Schneekluth, München
Language: German
[Mir99] Mirbeau, Octave, 1899
Le jardin des supplices
Publisher: Charpentier, Paris
Language: French
[M94] Mistress M, 1994
Onkel Rohrstock-Geschichten. Mit Gebrauchsanweisung zur Erziehung des Ehemannes
Publisher: Barnas, Rheinberg
Language: German
[Mis97] Mistress of the Dark (Pseud.), 1997
Ausgestellt als Kunstwerk Series: Sklavin Nik, Vol. 3
Publisher: Fantasy Dreams, Hamburg
Language: German
[Mit81] Mitchell, G., 1981
Human Sex Differences
Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York
[MFH54] Mitchell, W. / Falconer, M. / Hill, D., 1954
Epilepsy With Fetishism Relieved by Temporal Lobectomy
In: Lancet, Vol. II, 1954, pp. 626-630
[Mit69] Mitchell, W.M., 1969
Observations on Animal Behavior and Its Relationship to Masochism
In: Diseases of the nervous system, Vol. 30, 1969, pp. 124-129
[Mit83] Mitscherlich, Alexander, 1983
Aus der Analyse eines Gummi-Fetischisten
(From the analysis of a rubber fetishist)
In: Psyche: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, Vol. 37, No. 10, 1983, pp. 867-904
Language: D, E abstract
Abstract:  "Reports an extensive case history of a fetishistic patient, taken from the estate of the late A. Mitscherlich. The patient had entered analysis in the early 1940's, was referred to Mitscherlich in 1948 by the colleague who had conducted the 1st phase of the treatment, and continued under Mitscherlich until 1952." (APA/PsycINFO)
[MJ96] Moebius / Jodorowsky, 1996
Des Engels Kralle
Publisher: Edition Kunst der Comics, Sonneberg
Language: German
Notes:  100 pages, b/w
Abstract:  "DeLuxe edition of a very erotic explicit fantasy book with many fetish-oriented subtle drawings from TVs to women in bondage in an exuberant fantasy story." (Art of Fee)
[Moh94] Mohanraj, Mary Anne, 1994-1998
Alternative Sexualities in Fantasy and SF Booklist
[Moh83] Mohr, Jasper, 1983 (Doctoral thesis)
Verhaltensanalytische Studien zum Sadismus als Psychopathologie des Phänomens der Liebe
School: Universität Hamburg, Hamburg
Language: German
[Mol14] Moll, Albert, 1914
Die Behandlung sexueller Perversionen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Associationstherapie
In: Zeitschrift für Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie, Vol. 3, 1914, pp. 3-29
Language: German
[Mol67] Moll, Albert, 1967
Untersuchungen über die Libido sexualis - Zusammenfassung
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 55-58
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Mol98] Moll, Albert, 1898
Untersuchungen über die Libido sexualis Vol. I
Publisher: Fischer, Berlin
Language: German
[Mol12] Moll, Albert (ed.), 1912
Handbuch der Sexualwissenschaften: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der kulturgeschichtlichen Beziehungen
Publisher: Vogel, Leipzig
Language: German
[Mol26] Moll, Albert (ed.), 1926
Handbuch der Sexualwissenschaften: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der kulturgeschichtlichen Beziehungen
3rd revised edition
Publisher: Vogel, Leipzig
Language: German
[Mol82] Mollinger, Robert N., 1982
Sadomasochism and Developmental Stages
In: Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 69, No. 3, 1982, pp. 379-389
[Mon50] Monchy, R. de, 1950
Masochism as a Pathological and as a Normal Phenomenon in the Human Mind
In: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 31, 1950, pp. 95-97
[Mon63] Money, J.A., 1963
Cytogenetic and psychosexual incongruities, with a note on space-form blindness
In: American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 119, 1963, pp. 820-827
[Mon77] Money, John, 1977
Apotemnophilia: Two Cases of Self-demand Amputation as a Paraphilia
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1977, pp. 115-125
[Mon81] Money, John, 1981
Paraphilias: Phyletic origins of erotosexual dysfunction
In: International Journal of Mental Health, Vol. 10, 1981, pp. 75-109
[Mon84] Money, John, 1984
Paraphilias: Phenomenology and classification
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1984, pp. 164-179
Abstract:  "Discusses over 30 paraphilias (erotosexual conditions of being dependent on an unusual or unacceptable stimulus in order to initiate arousal and orgasm) and subdivides these paraphilias into 6 categories on the basis of their phenomenological dynamics: (1) sacrificial paraphilias, in which one or both partners must atone for the wicked act through penance or sacrifice; (2) predatory paraphilias, including rape; (3) mercantile paraphilias, in which the illusion of prostitution is created; (4) fetish paraphilias; (5) eligibility paraphilias, in which the partner must meet some physical or social criterion; and (6) allurement paraphilias, in which some more or less extraneous ritual (such as exhibitionism or making erotic telephone calls) replaces genital intercourse. The author introduces the concept of the 'lovemap,' which is usually manifested as the innate desire for standard heterosexual intercourse. However, when the normal heterosexual play and sexual rehearsal of childhood are hampered by too much prohibition or punishment, the standard heterosexual lovemap does not develop properly in the brain, and paraphilias may develop. For male paraphiliacs, especially those with hyperorgasmia, the most effective treatment may include counseling therapy as well as injections of medroxyprogesterone acetate." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mon86] Money, John, 1986
Lovemaps: Clinical Concepts of Sexual/Erotic Health and Pathology, Paraphilia, and Gender Transposition in Childhood, Adolescence and Maturity
Publisher: Irvington/Prometheus, New York
Abstract:  "Dr. John Money's groundbreaking 1985 book Lovemaps helped to change the medical conversation about sexual diversity - somewhat. A clinical sexologist at Johns Hopkins University since 1952, John Money argued that every human has a lovemap, an idiosyncratic and complex image of one's idealized lover and ideal romantic/sexual relationship. This lovemap develops like a native language from birth on, as a result of many different stimuli, including sensual input during infancy, early childhood 'sexuo-erotic rehearsal play,' relationships to parents and siblings, social pressure, and religious prohibition. (...) Unfortunately, Dr. Money then goes on to reinforce prejudices many people have about sexual misfits by lumping anyone who fails to conform to his notion of 'optimal' development - i.e. 'heterosexual without complexities' - together. Turkey Man, erotic piercing, and consensual S/M fall into the same diagnostic category as child molesters, self-mutilation, rape, and lust murder. He makes little distinction between people whose sex acts may be eccentric but are reasonable and consensual, and those whose desires and actions are criminal or dangerous. He describes only the most extreme cases, confirming our assumption that there is no such thing as a paraphile capable of observing limits to their behavior. He strengthens the prejudice that someone with an unusual sexual fantasy is automatically impaired in their ability to negotiate the difference between fantasy and reality." (Katherine Gates in → Gat00, p. 9)
[Mon87] Money, John, 1987
Masochism: On the childhood origin of paraphilia, opponent-process theory, and antiandrogen therapy
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 23, No. 2, 1987, pp. 273-275
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mon97] Money, John, 1997
Principles of developmental sexology
Publisher: Continuum, New York
Notes:  384 pp.
Abstract:  From the cover: "This book is a summation of the author's life work, much of it devoted to pediatric sexology, both normal and abnormal. This book marks the foundation of a new branch of scholarship and science, the development sexology of childhood and adolescence, from prenatal life onward."
[Mon98] Money, John, 1998
Sin, Science and the Sex Police
Publisher: Prometheus Books, New York
[ML89] Money, John / Lamacz, Margaret, 1989
Vandalized Lovemaps: paraphilic outcome of seven cases in pediatric sexology
Publisher: Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY
[MWH91] Money, John / Wainwright, Gordon / Hingsburger, David, 1991
The Breathless Orgasm: A Lovemap Biography of Asphyxiaphilia
Publisher: Prometheus, Buffalo, N.Y.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mon89] Montgomery, Jill D. (ed.), 1989
Masochism: The Treatment of Self-Inflicted Suffering
Publisher: International University Press, Madison, Conn.
[Moo75] Moore, Barbara, 1975
Sadomasochism and Feminism: A Reconciliation
In: Primo Times, 1975, pp. 9
[Moo90] Moore, Thomas, 1990
Dark Eros: The Imagination of Sadism
Publisher: Spring Publications, Dallas
Notes:  200 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mor91] Morché, Pascal, 1991
Sex bizarr - Fetischismus wird zum Volksvergnügen
In: Tempo, Vol. ? (Februar), 1991, pp. 56-62
Language: German
[Mor80a] Moreau de Tours, Paul, 1880
Des aberrations du sens génésique
Publisher: MISSING, Asseline et Cie.
Language: French
[Mor67] Moreau, P., 1967
Abweichungen des Geschlechtssinnes
in: Giese, Hans (ed.): Die sexuelle Perversion, pp. 28-35
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Mor57] Morel, Bénédict Auguste, 1857
Traité des Dégénérescences physiques, intellectuelles et morales de l'espèce humaine et des causes que produisent ces variétés maladives
Publisher: J.B. Baillière, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  23 pages
[ML01] Morell, Charles / Loeb, Eli, 2001
Monsieur Avers' wunderbare Reise in die innere Wildnis
Publisher: Charon, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  74 pages with illustrations by Eli Loeb.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mor04] Morell, Valerie, 2004
Meine Lust an der Unterwerfung
4th edition
Publisher: Carl Stephenson, Flensburg
Notes:  424 pages
[Mor75] Morgan, E.E., 1975
The erotization of male dominance/female submission
In: University of Michigan Papers in Women's Studies, Vol. 11, 1975, pp. 112-145
[Mor80] Morgan, Robin, 1980
Theory and Practice: Pornography and Rape
in: Lederer, Laura (ed.): Take back the night: Women on pornography, pp. 134-140
Publisher: William Morrow, New York
[Mor82] Morgan, Robin, 1982
The Politics of Sadomasochistic Fantasies
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 109-123
Publisher: Frog in the Well Press, East Palo Alto, CA
[Mor74] Morgenthaler, Fritz, 1974
Die Stellung der Perversionen in Metapsychologie und Technik
In: Psyche, Vol. 12, 1974, pp. 1077-1098
Language: German
[Mor84] Morgenthaler, Fritz, 1984
Homosexualität, Heterosexualität, Perversion
Publisher: Qumran, Frankfurt/M., Paris
Language: German
[Mor84a] Morgenthaler, Fritz, 1984
Perversionen als Ich-Leistung
in: Kentler, H. (ed.): Sexualwesen Mensch: Texte zur Erforschung der Sexualität, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg
Language: German
[Mor81] Morin, Jack, 1981
Anal Pleasure and Health: A Guide for Men and Women
Publisher: Down There Press, Burlingame
[MR80] Morneau, Robert H. / Rockwell, Robert R., 1980
Sex, Motivation, and the Criminal Offender
Publisher: Thomas, Springfield, Ill.
[Mor96] Morris, David B., 1996
Geschichte des Schmerzes
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main
Language: German
[Mos00] Moser, Charles, 2000
Die Psychologie des Sadomasochismus (SM)
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Mos99a.
Recommended reading
[Mos01] Moser, Charles, 2001
Paraphilia: A Critique of a Confused Concept
in: Kleinplatz, Peggy J. (ed.): New Directions in Sex Therapy: Innovations and Alternatives, pp. 91-108
Publisher: Brunner-Routledge, Philadelphia
[Mos79] Moser, Charles, 1979 (Doctoral thesis)
An Exploratory-descriptive Study of a Self-defined S/M (Sadomasochistic) Sample
School: Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco
[Mos84] Moser, Charles, 1984
Dominant women - submissive men: An exploration in erotic dominance and submission (Book Review)
In: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 20, 1984, pp. 417-419
[Mos84a] Moser, Charles, 1984
"Against Sadomasochism - A Radical Feminist Analysis, by R.R. Linden, D.R. Pagano, D.E.H. Russell, S.L. Star
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1984, pp. 417-419
[Mos84b] Moser, Charles, 1984
S-and-M - Studies in Sadomasochism, by T. Weinberg, G.W.L. Kamel
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1984, pp. 417-419
[Mos88] Moser, Charles, 1988
In: Journal of Social Work & Human Sexuality, Vol. 7(1), 1988, pp. 43-56
Notes:  Special Issue: The Sexually Unusual: Guide to Understanding and Helping.
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[Mos92] Moser, Charles, 1992
Lust, lack of desire, and paraphilias: Some thoughts and possible connections
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1992, pp. 65-69
[Mos93] Moser, Charles, 1993
A response to Aviel Goodman's "Sexual addiction: Designation and treatment"
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1993, pp. 220-224
[Mos97] Moser, Charles, 1997
Combining sex and medicine
in: Bullough, Bonnie / Bullough, Vern L. / Fithian, M. / Hartman, W. / Klein, R. (ed.): How I Got Into Sex, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Prometheus Books, New York
[Mos98] Moser, Charles, 1998
Treating sexual minority patients
In: San Francisco Medicine, Vol. 71, No. 10, 1998, pp. 23-24
[Mos98a] Moser, Charles, 1998
A glossary of terms used by sexual minorities
In: San Francisco Medicine, Vol. 71, No. 10, 1998, pp. 25-26
[Mos98b] Moser, Charles, 1998
S/M (sadomasochistic) interactions in semi-public settings
In: Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1998, pp. 19-29
Notes:  Reprinted in → HT02.
Abstract:  "An organized semi-public event for the exhibition of S/M (sadomasochistic) behavior is known as a 'party' by the participants. Using a retrospective analysis of the author's experiences over the last 25 years, a description of these parties is presented. The present paper explores the structure, function, and purpose of these parties. The S/M behavior, sexual interactions, rules of etiquette, and structure of the party are summarized. The lack of genitally focused orgasm-seeking behavior at the party is discussed at length."
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mos99] Moser, Charles, 1999
Health Care Without Shame. A Handbook for the Sexually Diverse and Their Caregivers.
Publisher: Greenery Press, San Francisco
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[Mos99a] Moser, Charles, 1999
The psychology of sadomasochism (S/M)
in: Wright, Susan (ed.): SM Classics, pp. 47-61
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
Recommended reading
[MK02] Moser, Charles / Kleinplatz, Peggy J., 2002
Transvestic fetishism: Psychopathology or iatrogenic artifact?
In: New Jersey Psychologist, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2002, pp. 16-17
Recommended reading
[MK03] Moser, Charles / Kleinplatz, Peggy J., 2003
DSM-IV-TR and the Paraphilias: An Argument for Removal
Paper presented on May 19, 2003 at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association
Abstract:  "The DSM-IV-TR (2000) sets its own standards for inclusion of diagnoses and for changes in its text. The Paraphilia section is analyzed from the perspective of how well the DSM meets those standards. The concept of Paraphilias as psychopathology was analyzed and assessed critically to determine if it meets the definition of a mental disorder presented in the DSM; it does not. The Paraphilia diagnostic category was critiqued for logic, consistency, clarity, and whether it constitutes a distinct mental disorder. The DSM presents 'facts' to substantiate various points made in the text. The veracity of these 'facts' was scrutinized. Little evidence was found in their support. Problems with the tradition of equating particular sexual interests with psychopathology were highlighted. It was concluded that the Paraphilia section is so severely flawed that its removal from the DSM is advocated."
Recommended reading
[MLC93] Moser, Charles / Lee, J. / Christensen, P., 1993
Nipple piercing: An exploratory-descriptive study
In: Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1993, pp. 51-61
Abstract:  Abstract see → Bie00.
[ML87] Moser, Charles / Levitt, Eugene E., 1987
An Exploratory-Descriptive Study of a Sadomasochistically Oriented Sample
In: Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 23, 1987, pp. 322-337
Notes:  Also published in → Wei95.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[MM96] Moser, Charles / Madeson, J.J., 1996
Bound to be Free: The SM Experience
Publisher: Continuum, New York
[Mos71] Moser, Tilmann, 1971
Repressive Kriminalpsychiatrie. Vom Elend einer Wissenschaft. Eine Streitschrift.
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Mos85] Mosse, G.L., 1985
Nationalism and Sexuality. Respectability and Abnormal Sexuality in Modern Europe.
Publisher: Howard Fertig, New York
[MOT80] Mouren, M.C. / Ohayon, M. / Tatossian, A., 1980
Les animaux et leurs maitres: Aspects psychologiques et psychopathologiques
(Animals and their masters: Psychological and psychopathological aspects)
In: Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Vol. 138, No. 5, 1980, pp. 543-557
Abstract:  "Summarizes psychological research regarding (a) the relationship between owners and pets and (b) sexual activities between humans and animals. Motivations for acquiring pets include (a) desire for a status symbol, (b) the owner's exhibitionistic need for attention (especially with exotic animals), (c) the timid owner's need for a conversation piece, and (d) surrogate for humans with childless couples and the elderly. Adults may experience severe depression, similar to the depression some individuals experience after moving from an area, due to the loss of a pet. Sodomy between master and animal usually occurs from loss of human partners, but it is also related to the incest taboo, fetishism, homosexuality, and religious rituals." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Moy07] Moyer, Harold, 1907
Is Sexual Perversion Insanity?
In: Alienist and Neurologist, 1907, pp. ?-?
[MSP94] , 1994
Aufbruch aus dem Kohlenkeller - 30 Jahre Kölner Ledergeschichte
Language: German
[MSC99] MSC Berlin (ed.), 1999
25 Jahre MSC Berlin
Notes:  32 pages with photographs
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mue67] Muensterberger, W., 1967
Perversion, Cultural Norm and Normality
in: Ruitenbeek, H.M. (ed.): The Psychotherapy of Perversions, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Citadel Press, New York
[MO+93] Muhs, Aribert / Öri, Christina / Rothe-Kirchberger, Ingrid / Ehlers, Wolfram, 1993
Die Klassifikation der Persönlichkeitsstörungen in der ICD-10. Ergebnisse der Forschungskriterienstudie.
in: Schneider, Wolfgang (ed.): Diagnostik und Klassifikation nach ICD-10, Kap. V: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung; Ergebnisse der ICD-10-Forschungskriterienstudie aus dem Bereich Psychosomatik/Psychotherapie Vol. 17, pp. 132-149
Publisher: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Mun71] Mundinger, Gerda, 1971
Corporal Punishment
Publisher: Grove Press, New York
Notes:  146 pages
[MG01] Munroe, Robert L. / Gauvain, Mary, 2001
Why the paraphilias? Domesticating strange sex.
In: Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2001, pp. 44-64
Abstract:  "Paraphilias (e.g., pedophilia, fetishism) are said to be virtually ineradicable once established. The authors propose that the motivational state known as the Zeigarnik effect according to which interrupted tasks are better recalled than completed tasks, may provide understanding of this process, especially its later addictive-compulsive quality. Reasoning from Zeigarnik-type research, the authors predict a relation between early sexual arousal, its frustration, and subsequent events associated with such arousal. The paraphilias are thus seen as an unusual by-product of a normal adaptive process, that is, a tendency to privilege the recollection of unfinished over finished activities. The authors discuss why paraphilias are associated nearly exclusively with males, and why paraphilic tendencies are apparently quite rare in traditional societies. They also propose new research on the processes and outcomes entailed by the Zeigarnik effect, such research including, but not being limited to, sexuality." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Mur71] Murat, Jean-Claude, 1971
Hiebe aus Liebe in Frankreich. 11 flagellantische Storys mit Bild-Dokumentationen Series: Hiebe aus Liebe, Vol. 1
4th edition
Publisher: Isabella Verlag, München
Language: German
[Mur36] Murat, Walter von (ed.), 1936
Erotische Literatur in Deutschland, 1928-1936
Publisher: Reichsdruckerei, Berlin
Language: German
[Mur97] Murphy, William D., 1997
Exhibitionism: Psychopathology and Theory
in: Laws, Donald Richard / O'Donohue, William (ed.): Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Guilford Publications, New York
[MM89] Murray, Thomas E. / Murrell, Thomas R., 1989
The Language of Sadomasochism: a glossary and linguistic analysis
Publisher: Greenwood Press, New York
[Mus03] Musset, Alfred de, 1903
Beichte eines Kindes seiner Zeit
Publisher: MISSING, Leipzig
Language: German
[MN92] Muthesius, Angelika / Neret, Gilles, 1992
Erotik in der Kunst
Publisher: Taschen, Köln
Language: German
[Mye92] Myers, James, 1992
Nonmainstream Body Modification: Genital Piercing, Branding, Burning, and Cutting.
In: Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Vol. 21, 1992, pp. 267-306
[Myn83] Mynard, Jacques, 1983
Perversité/perversions et de l'avantage de les differencier
(Perversity/perversion and the advantage of distinguishing between them)
In: Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Vol. 47, No. 1, 1983, pp. 383-390
Language: French
Abstract:  "Reviews the controversy over the analytic description of perversion in relation to essays by A. Lussier (→ Lus83, → Lus83a) on the nature and function of fetishism and by I. Barande and R. Barande (→ BB83a) on the contradictions inherent in the concept of perversion. To accommodate both perspectives, the present author suggests a distinction between perversion - an attempt to recapture the pleasure of the infantile stage through the use of a compulsive object - and perversity - which stems from a conflict in sexual identity and a straining toward death." (APA/PsycINFO)

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