
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted by key: A

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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[Aar71] Aarons, Z.A., 1971
Fetish, fact and fantasy: A clinical study of the problems of fetishism
In: International Review of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1971, pp. 199-230
Abstract:  "Presents a verification of Freud's theory of the fetishistic phenomenon as the clearest evidence of the existence of the castration complex. In the present case study, a young man's identification with his mother during his early pre-oedipal period is considered the predisposing cause of the fetish (involving one-legged girls). The fetishist can allow himself to be intimate with the fetish, but not with what it symbolizes. Analytic success is dependent on a replication in the transference of the patient's efforts to overcome the originally traumatic deprivation." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Abd38] Abdin, M.Z., 1938
Psychology of fetishism
In: Indian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 13, 1938, pp. 74-75
Abstract:  "The author views all fetish objects as substitutes for the breast of the mother, and states that in normal cases the function of the fetish is to enhance the sexual excitement; it becomes a perversion only when procreation is not the aim and it takes the place of coitus for producing an orgasm." (APA/PsycINFO)
[AH+01] Abdo, C.H. / Hounie, A. / de Tubino Scanavino, M. / Miguel, E.C., 2001
OCD and transvestism: is there a relationship?
In: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol. 103, No. 6, 2001, pp. 471-3
Abstract:  "OBJECTIVE: There have been reports of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients with comorbid paraphilias. In this paper, two cases of comorbidity between OCD and transvestism are reported with the aim of discussing possible explanations for this association. Method: Longitudinal case studies of two patients with OCD and tranvestism according to the DSM-IV were assessed using semi-structured interviews. RESULTS: Both patients presented with OCD and comorbid transvestism with different clinical features and treatment response. The case whose cross-dressing was more egodystonic responded better to treatment. CONCLUSION: It is possible that some cases of transvestism are OCD-related while others are more related to a gender identity disorder. A dimensional approach focusing on common phenomenological and neurobiological substrates is suggested as particularly useful for clinical management and future research of both disorders." (APA/PsycINFO)
[AB+77] Abel, Gene / Barlow, David / Blanchard, Edward / Guild, Donald, 1977
The Components of Rapists' Sexual Arousal
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 34, 1977, pp. 895-903
[AB+88] Abel, Gene G. / Becker, J.V. / Cunningham-Rathner, J. et al., 1988
Multiple paraphilic diagnoses among sex offenders
In: Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. 16, 1988, pp. 153-168
[ABB81] Abel, Gene G. / Blanchard, Edward B. / Barlow, David H., 1981
Measurement of sexual arousal in several paraphilias: The effects of stimulus modality, instructional set and stimulus content on the objective
In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1981, pp. 25-33
Abstract:  "Determined the effects of instructional set (become aroused or suppress arousal), stimulus modality (videotape, audiotape, slides, free fantasy), and deviant or nondeviant (i.e., paraphilic or nonparaphilic) stimulus content on sexual arousal (measured by penile plethysmograph) of 6 different groups of paraphilics - pedophiles, rapists, exhibitionists, homosexuals, sado-masochists, and fetishists. Results from 48 males (ages 16-52 yrs) show significant main effects of instructional set and stimulus modality (videotape was more arousing), as well as several complex interactions of diagnostic group with the other independent variables." (APA/PsycINFO)
[AB+75] Abel, Gene G. / Blanchard, Edward B. / Barlow, David H. / Mavissakalian, M., 1975
Identifying specific erotic cues in sexual deviation by audiotaped descriptions
In: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Vol. 4, 1975, pp. 655-671
[ABJ74] Abel, Gene G. / Blanchard, Edward B. / Jackson, 1974
The Role of Fantasy in the Treatment of Sexual Deviation
In: Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 30, 1974, pp. 467-475
Abstract:  "Sexual fantasy plays a critical role in the treatment of sexual deviations from both the psychoanalytic and behavioral viewpoints. Both orientations can be interpreted as successively conceptualizing sexual fantasy first as a dependent and then as an intervening variable. Most revently the behaviorally oriented therapists have reported successful treatment based on the assumption that sexual fantasy can be used as an independent variable to be directly altered by the therapist. These latter studies are reviewed in considerable detail in hopes of incorporating there findings into the general body of psychiatric knowledge."
[Abe96] Abernathy, Christina (i.e. Drew Campbell), 1996
Miss Abernathy's Concise Slave Training Manual
Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
[Abe99] Abernathy, Christina (i.e. Drew Campbell), 1999
Training With Miss Abernathy: A Workbook for Erotic Slaves and Their Owners
Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
Abstract:  "Fifty transformative lessons for the erotic slave the fundamentals of everything from providing sexual pleasure to sorting laundry to planning a worldwide tour with Master or Mistress. An invaluable reference guide for slave and Owner alike!" (Greenery)
[Abr10] Abraham, Karl, 1910
Bemerkungen über einen Fall von Fuß- und Korsettfetischismus
(Comments on a case of foot and corset fetishism)
In: Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse, 1910, pp. 129-?
Language: German
[Abr48] Abraham, Karl, 1948
Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis
in: (ed.): , pp. ?-?
Publisher: Hogarth, London
Notes:  English translation of → Abr10. Also in → Rui67.
[AH84] Abramson, Paul R. / Hayashi, Haruo, 1984
Pornography in Japan: Cross-Cultural and Theoretical Considerations
in: Malamuth, Neil / Donnerstein, Edward (ed.): Pornography and Sexual Aggression, pp. ?-?
Publisher: Academic Press, Orlando
[Ada78] Adam, B.D., 1978
The Survival of Domination
Publisher: Elsevier, New York
[AM93] Adams, H.E. / McAnulty, Richard D., 1993
Sexual disorders: The paraphilias
in: Sutker, P.B. / Adams, H.E. (ed.): Comprehensive handbook of psychopathology, pp. 563-579
Publisher: Plenum, New York
[Ada93] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou), 1993
The Marketplace
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
Notes:  423 pp.
[Ada95] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou), 1995
The Catalyst
2nd edition
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
Notes:  174 pp.
Abstract:  "The forbidden World of SM is explored in this story of initiation and discovery. After viewing a controversial, explicity kinky film full of imagines of bondage and submission, several audience members find themselves deeply moved by the erotic suggestions they´ve seen on the screen. A lesbian couple spank and make up after a heated argument. Two gay men pick up a leatherman to help them re-enact their favorite scenes from the film. A surburban and married couple break out the rope and engage in a drama of surrender and control." (Masquerade)
[Ada96] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou) (ed.), 1996
The Slave
Publisher: Masquerade Books, New York
Notes:  416 pp.
[Ada96a] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou) (ed.), 1996
The Trainer
Publisher: Masquerade, MISSING
[Ada97] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou) (ed.), 1997
The Marketplace
Publisher: Masquerade, MISSING
[Ada98] Adamson, Sara (i.e. Laura Antoniou) (ed.), 1998
The Catalyst
Publisher: Masquerade, MISSING
[Add97] Addington, Deborah, 1997
A Hand in the Bush: The Fine Art of Vaginal Fisting
Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
[AA99] Aderhold, Karin und Ahrens, Jutta, 1999
Midian oder Die Versuchungen der Gier
Publisher: Seitenblick, Siegburg
Language: German
Notes:  224 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Adi24] Adivec, K.E.I., 1924
Die Schülerin des Sadisten
Publisher: Privately printed
Language: German
[Adl25] Adler, Alfred, 1925
Eine häufige Wurzel des Sadismus
(A common root of sadism)
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie, Vol. 3, 1925, pp. 49-50
Language: German
[Adl30] Adler, Alfred, 1930
Das Problem der Homosexualität: erotisches Training und erotischer Rückzug
(The problem of homosexuality: erotic training and erotic withdrawal)
Publisher: Hirzel, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  VI/110 pages.
[Adl32] Adler, Alfred, 1932
Zum Thema: Sexuelle Perversionen
(On the subject of sexual perversions)
In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie, Vol. 10, 1932, pp. 401-409
Language: German
[Adl94] Adler, Hildegard, 1994
Hörigkeit: eine neurotische Perversion
(Sexual dependence: a neurotic perversion)
In: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, Vol. 48, No. 9-10, 1994, pp. 886-903
Language: German
[Ado63] Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund, 1963
Sexualtabus und Recht heute
(Sexual taboos and law today)
in: Bauer, Fritz / Bürger-Prinz, Hans / Giese, Hans / Jäger, Herbert (ed.): Sexualität und Verbrechen: Beiträge zur Strafrechtsreform, pp. ?-?
Publisher: S. Fischer, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
[Ads97] Adshead, Gwen, 1997
Transvestic Fetishism: Assessment and Treatment
in: Laws, Donald Richard / O'Donohue, William (ed.): Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment, pp. 280-296
Publisher: Guilford Publications, New York
Abstract:  From the chapter: "This chapter focuses on the assessment and treatment of male transvestic fetishism. Topics discussed include: diagnostic assessment; assessment for treatment; treatment strategies; and efficacy of treatment. The author concludes that the assessment and treatment of transvestic fetishism can only improve with a concurrent improvement in our understanding of its etiology and psychopathology."
[AGS93] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1993
SM-Adressbuch 1993
1st edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[AGS94] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1994
SM-Adressbuch 1994
2nd edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[AGS95] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1995
SM-Adressbuch 1995
3rd edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[AGS96] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1996
SM-Adressbuch 1996
4th edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[AGS97] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1997
SM-Adressbuch 1997
5th edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[AGS98] AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit (ed.), 1998
SM-Adressbuch 1998/99
6th and last edition
Publisher: AG S/M & Öffentlichkeit, Neumünster
Language: German
[AGS91] AG SM & Öffentlichkeit, 1991
Sadomasochistisches Manifest 1991
In: Schlagzeilen, Vol. 10, 1991, pp. 35
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Agu00] Aguilera, Raymond J., 2000
Disability and delight: Staring back at the devotee community
In: Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2000, pp. 255-261
Abstract:  "Discusses sexual attraction to disabled individuals by devotees, that is, individuals who are sexually aroused or interested specifically in people with disabilities, and responses to that attraction. A study by R. Bruno (1997) characterizes the devotee community as predators, and contends that devotees' attraction does not create nor maintain monogamous relationships. Reaction to devotees from the disabled community is mixed. Countless Internet websites, many run by females, sell devotee material, such as photographs, videos, and used crutches. Sites with amputee pornography are relatively soft-core and notably less explicit than mainstream pornography. The question remains whether the attraction of devotees exploits or empowers people with disabilities." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ahl50] Ahlbeck, Werner, 1950
Geheimnisse der erotischen Liebeskunst: Perversitäten bei Mann und Frau Series: Geheimnisse der erotischen Liebeskunst, Vol. 8
Publisher: Krämer, Bad Kissingen
Language: German
[Aig53] Aigner, S., 1953
Zum Problem des Masochismus
(On the problem of masochism)
In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 6, 1953, pp. 255-258
Language: German
[Ale] Aléra, Don Brennus, ohne Jahr
Memoiren eines Flagellanten. Nach dem intimen Tagebuch des Baron von M... veröffentlicht.
Publisher: Hermann Hartleb, Pressburg
Language: German
Notes:  Probably translation of → Ale08a. Excerpts published in → Far91.
[Ale05] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1905
La flagellation passionelle
Publisher: H. Pauwels, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  279 pages with illustrations
[Ale08] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1908
Esclaves blanches. Moeurs de l'état de Louisiane au milieu du XIXème siècle.
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Massy
Language: French
Notes:  272 pages with illustrations.
[Ale08a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1908
Cinquante Ans de flagellation, d'après le journal intime du Bon de M***, flagellant de marque
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Massy
Language: French
Notes:  266 pages
[Ale09] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1909
Le Journal d'une Flagellée
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  258 pages
[Ale10] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1910
L'Amant des chaussures
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  340 pages
[Ale10a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1910
Le Château du fouet
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  272 pages
[Ale10b] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1910
En Louisiane
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  272 pages
[Ale11] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
Vendue et Domptée
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
[Ale11a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
Les Bottes rouges d'Imperia
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  140 pages
[Ale11b] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  272 pages
[Ale11c] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
La Chanoinesse, marchande d'esclaves
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  344 pages
[Ale12] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1912
Ames sauvages
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  VIII/236 pages
[Ale12a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1912
Les Asservies Vol. 1
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  146 pages
[Ale12b] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1912
The underground Haunt, the adventures of two flagellants from the private diary of the baron de M***, a flagellant of note
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Notes:  265 pages, English translation of → Ale08a.
[Ale12c] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1912
L'Esclave gantée
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  352 pages
[Ale13] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1913
Bellone, batteuse de femmes
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  350 pages
[Ale14a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1914
Les Asservies Vol. 2
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  133 pages
[Ale21] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1921
Under the Yoke. Slavish customs in the middle of the nineteenth century
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Notes:  176 pages, probably English translation of → Ale08.
[Ale21a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1921
Les Asservies Vol. 3
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  128 pages
[Ale22] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1922
La Semeuse de caresses
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  160 pages, Select Bibliothèque No 51.
[Ale22a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1922
Les Asservies Vol. 4
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
[Ale25] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1925
The Diary of a flagellee
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Notes:  148 pages, probably English translation of → Ale09.
[Ale25a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1925
Les Asservies Vol. 5
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  129 pages
[Ale26] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1926
The Castle of the whip, from the private diary of the Baron de M***, a flagellant of note
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Notes:  160 pages, might be a translation of → Ale10a.
[Ale27] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1927
Lina Frido, jeune homme devenue femme
Publisher: probably Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
[Ale27a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1927
La Reine Esclave
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  218 pages
[Ale29a] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1929
Les Asservies Vol. 7
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  124 pages
[Ale31] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1931
La Beine du cuir verni
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  175 pages, Select Bibliothèque No 66.
[Ale35] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1935
Les Asservies Vol. 8
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  112 pages
[Ale36] Aléra, Don Brennus, 1936
L'Amoureux des Chevelures
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  138 pages, might be in 2 volumes.
[Alb97] Albert, Sylvia, 1997
Publisher: Sexologisches Institut e.V. Hamburg, Hamburg
Language: German
[Alb00] Albrecht, J.F., 1900
Hilfsbuch für Männer, welche an Schwäche der Geschlechtsteile leiden (Beseitigung der Folgen der Onanie)
Publisher: Verlagsbuchhandlung Leipzig, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  95 pages + 4 pages of publisher's ads.
[Alb29] Albrecht, O., 1929
Über eine Sadistin mit dem Versuch einer erbbiologischen Persönlichkeitsanalyse
In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Vol. 122, 1929, pp. 266-?
Language: German
[Alb71] Alby, Jean-Marc, 1971
A Propos D'Un Fantasme Sadomasochique
In: Revue Française De Psychanalyse, Vol. 35, No. 2-3, 1971, pp. 277-285
Language: French
[AP76] Alby, Jean-Marc / Pasche, Francis, 1976
Der Masochismus in der psychoanalytischen Theorie seit Freud - Wandel und Identität
(Masochism in psychoanalytic theory since Freud - change and identity)
in: Eicke, Dieter (ed.): Freud und die Folgen (1) Vol. II, pp. 478-492
Publisher: Kindler, Zürich
Language: German
[Ale29] Alexander, F., 1929
The Need for Punishment and the Death-Instinct
In: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 10, 1929, pp. 256-269
[AS66] Alexander, Franz G. / Selesnick, Sheldon T., 1966
The History of Psychiatry: An Evaluation of Psychiatric Thought and Practice from Prehistoric Times to the Present
Publisher: Harper and Row, New York
[Ale96a] Alexander, J., 1996
Sex, Violence and Identity: A. C. Swinburne and Uses of Sadomasochism
In: Victorian Newsletter, Vol. 90, 1996, pp. 33-35
[Ale67] Alexander, Leo, 1967
Psychotherapy of sexual deviation with the aid of hypnosis
In: American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1967, pp. 181-183
Abstract:  "Hypnosis is useful in psychotherapy with patients suffering from sexual deviation, because with this technique it is relatively easy to extinguish conditional associations and establish new ones." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ale81] Alexander, M., 1981
Passion Play
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, pp. 228-242
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Ale94] Alexandre, Claude, 1994
Gewalt und Zärtlichkeit
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
Language: German
[Ale96] Alexandre, Claude, 1996
Corps obscur
Publisher: Konkursbuch, Tübingen
[Ale99] alexuliuta, 1999
What you mean friends, boyfriend?
In: diskus. Frankfurter StudentInnen Zeitschrift, Vol. 48, No. 2, 1999, pp. 34-44
Language: German
[AS+01] Alison, Laurence / Santtila, Pekka / Sandnabba, N. Kenneth / Nordling, Nikolas, 2001
Sadomasochistically Oriented Behavior: Diversity in Practice and Meaning
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2001, pp. 1-12
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
Recommended reading
[All40] Allen, Clifford, 1940
The Sexual Perversions and Abnormalities: A study in the psychology of paraphilia
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London et al.
[All53] Allen, Clifford, 1953
Some Aspects of Sadism
In: International Journal of Sexology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1953, pp. 228-231
[All] Allen, Geoffrey, FEHLT
The Instruction of Olivia
Publisher: Chimera, MISSING
[All97] Allen, Geoffrey, 1997
Olivia and the Dulcinites
Publisher: Chimera, MISSING
[All93] Allen, Kate, 1993
Tell Me What You Like
Language: German
[All96] Allen, Kate, 1996
Wie es dir gefällt
Publisher: Argument, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → All93 by Heike Brühl, 312 Seiten.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[All33] Allendy, R., 1933
Sadism in Woman
In: Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytical Review, Vol. 20, 1933, pp. 437-439
[AB+96] Allnutt, S.H. / Bradford, John McDonald Wilson / Greenberg, D.M. / Curry, S., 1996
Co-morbidity of alcoholism and the paraphilias
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 41, No. 2, 1996, pp. 234-239
Abstract:  "Investigated the co-morbidity of alcoholism and specific paraphilias including sexual sadism, fetishism, incest, pedophilia, exhibitionism, and transvestism. 728 adult paraphilic males were evaluated. Rapists were included although by definition it is not strictly a paraphilic disorder. Each S underwent a 90-min clinical interview and sexual behaviors assessment which included the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. Results show that most of the sexual sadists were alcoholics. Alcoholism in association with sexual sadists was statistically significant as compared to transvestites, rapists, pedophilias, and incest offenders. Transvestism had the lowest relative rate of alcoholism. The role of alcoholism in causing violent sexual behavior in individuals with paraphilias is discussed." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Amb01] Amber, Bethany, 2001
Babala's Correction
Publisher: Chimera, MISSING
[APA00] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 2000
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fourth Edition, Text Revised (DSM-IV)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[APA52] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1952
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[APA68] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1968
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Second Edition (DSM-II)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[APA80] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1980
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Third Edition (DSM-III)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[APA84] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1984
Diagnostisches und statistisches Manual psychischer Störungen DSM-III
Publisher: Beltz, Weinheim
Language: German
[APA87] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1987
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Third Revised Edition (DSM-III-R)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[APA94] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1994
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[APA96] American Psychiatric Association (ed.), 1996
Diagnostisches und statistisches Manual psychischer Störungen DSM-IV
Publisher: Hogrefe, Verlag für Psychologie, Göttingen, Bern, Toronto, Seattle
Language: German
[Ami38] Amiaux, Mark, 1938
Un grand anormal: Le Chevalier de Sacher-Masoch
Publisher: Ed. de France, Paris
Language: French
Notes:  216 pages
[Ami67] Amir, M., 1967
Victim Precipitated Forcible Rape
In: Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Police Science, Vol. 4, No. 85, 1967, pp. ?-?
[And00] Anderssen, Lia, 2000
Sweet Submission
Publisher: Chimera, Waterlooville
Notes:  235 pages.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[And90] Andrews, Steven, ohne Jahr, ca. 1990
Obszöne Lust-Zofen. Ein Handbuch für Erzieher.
Publisher: Medienvertrieb, no place
Language: German
Notes:  164 pages with many b/w photographs
[And74] Andrews, Terry, 1974
The Story of Harold
Publisher: Holt Rinehart, MISSING
[And69] Andros, Phil (i.e. Samuel Steward), 1969
Publisher: Guild Press, MISSING
[AR80] Angelis, Gaetano de / Rubino, I. Alex, 1980
Sulla clinica psicoanalitica del feticismo
(A psychoanalytical, clinical approach to fetishism)
In: Lavoro Neuropsichiatrico, Vol. 67, No. 3, 1980, pp. 265-273
Language: Italian
Abstract:  "Discusses aspects of fetishism in relation to the evolution of Freud's ideas on fetishism, P. Greenacre's (1953, 1969) examination of fetishism in childhood, V.N. Smirnoff's (1970) analysis of fetishist rituals, M. Katan's (1964) discussion of the role of splitting and denial in fetishism, and the writings of other authors on the subject. The functions of the fetish object are described. Although psychoanalysts treat few patients with this syndrome, many borderline cases of fetishism exist in which the object has not yet become an isolated source of desire and sexual gratification in itself, and which therefore may go unrecognized." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ang86] Angermann, Ingrid, 1986
Sadomasochistische Partnerbeziehung: Wer kann meinem Patienten weiterhelfen?
(Sadomasochistic relationship: Who can help my patient?)
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 10, 1986, pp. 492-495
Language: German
[Ano] Anonymous, ohne Jahr, vor 1880
The Pleasures of Cruelty being a sequel to the reading of Justine et Juliette by the Marquis de Sade
[Ano01] Anonymous, 1901
Flagellations-Erfahrungen: eine Reihe bemerkenswerter Beispiele von körperlichen Züchtigungen, vorgenommen an beiden Geschlechtern; mit interessanten Anekdoten von Damen, welche die Birkenrute anzuwenden lieben. Zusammengestellt von einem Amateur.
Publisher: Leipziger Verlag GmbH, Leipzig
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ano85 by E. Weber, 91 pages.
[Ano01a] Anonymous, 1901
Suburban Souls
Publisher: Charles Carrington, MISSING
[Ano01b] Anonymous, 2001
Qualen der Lust. 15 bizarre S/M-Kurzgeschichten.
Publisher: C. Stephenson, Flensburg
Language: German
Notes:  159 pages
[Ano02a] Anonymous, 1902
Frank and I
Publisher: MISSING, Paris
[Ano05] Anonymous, 1905
Beauty and the Birch
[Ano06] Anonymous, 1906
The Shuttered Houses of Paris
[Ano06a] Anonymous, 1906
Rezension zu Schlichtegroll, 1901
In: Sexualreform, Beiblatt zu Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1906, pp. 322
Language: German
Notes:  Reprinted in → Sch03.
[Ano13] Anonymous, 1813
La Marquise de Ganges
Publisher: Béchet, Paris
Language: French
[Ano21] Anonymous, 1921
Göttin Astra: Aufzeichnungen eines perversen Buß- und Betzirkels
Publisher: Privately printed, Hamburg
Language: German
[Ano24] Anonymous, 1924
Von der Peitsche zum Laster
Publisher: Hollandia-Verlag, Amsterdam
Language: German
[Ano24a] Anonymous, 1924
A Guide to the Correction of Young Gentlemen. Written by a Lady.
[Ano26] Anonymous, 1926
Garnisonen ohne Männer: Wollust und Grausamkeit im Balkankrieg
Publisher: Privately printed, no place
Language: German
[Ano29] Anonymous, 1929
Das Tagebuch einer Tänzerin
Publisher: Elite, Leipzig
Language: German
[Ano30] Anonymous, ca. 1930
Jenny wird erzogen
Publisher: private manuscript, no place
Language: German
[Ano30a] Anonymous, 1830
The Inutility of Virtue
Publisher: Published as the Act directs, By Madame Le Duck, Mortimer Street, London
[Ano30b] Anonymous, ohne Jahr, ca. 1930
Publisher: Privately printed, no place
Language: German
[Ano30c] Anonymous, 1930
Momente eines Lebens - Aus den Briefen eines Masochisten, 14. Februar 1930 - 28. Juli 1930
In → Far03, S. 454-475 abgedruckt.
[Ano31] Anonymous, ca. 1831
Le Tartuffe libertin, ou le Triomphe du vice
Language: French
[Ano32] Anonymous, 1932
Günthers Erlebnisse (Aus dem Tagebuch eines Flagellanten)
Publisher: Gemeinschaftsbund Schwalbe (Hendebett), Berlin
Language: German
[Ano37] Anonymous, 1937
Pensionserlebnisse eines jungen Mädchens
Publisher: private manuscript, Berlin
Language: German
[Ano52] Anonymous, 1952
Figure-training Fundamentals for Women of Distinction and Discernment
Publisher: Naboma Company, Los Angeles
[Ano52a] AnonymousMary Wilson (ed.), ca. 1852
The Spirit of Flagellation; or, The Memoirs of Mrs. Hinton, Who kept a School many years at Kensington. To which is now added, Anecdotes, By a Lady much addicted to Birch Discipline, The Whipping Milliners; The Severe Stepmother, And The Complaisant Schoolmistress.
Publisher: Mary Wilson, London
[Ano57] Anonymous, 1957
The Callipyges. The whole philosophy and secret mystery of female flagellation now for the first time fully exposed. By four English ladies.
Publisher: Pall Mall Press, Paris
[Ano62] Anonymous, 1862-1875
Aus den Memoiren einer Sängerin
Publisher: Reginald Chesterfield (Verlagsbureau Altona), Boston
Language: German
[Ano63] Anonymous, 1863
Mysteries of Flagellation, or, A History of the Secret Ceremonies of the Society of Flagellants
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ano66] Anonymous, 1866
The Romance of Chastisement, or the Revelations of Miss Darcy
Publisher: Dugdale, London
[Ano67] Anonymous, 1867
Revelries! and Devilries! or Scenes in the Life of Sir Lionel Heythorp
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ano72] Anonymous, 1872
Madame Birchini's Dance, from The Exhibition of Female Flagellants
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ano73] Anonymous, 1873
The Romance of Lust
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ano74] Anonymous, 1974
Ein Widerschein von Liebeswirklichkeit - Sadomasochistische Annoncen in Zeitschriften für Homosexuelle
In: Sexualmedizin, Vol. 3, No. 11, 1974, pp. 585-588
Language: German
[Ano75] Anonymous, 1875
Curiosities of Flagellation. A Series of Incidents and Facts collected by an Amateur Flagellant, and published in 5 volumes.
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ano76] Anonymous, 1976
J'Aime me Faire Fouetter
In: Union, Vol. 51, 1976, pp. 50-58
Language: French
[Ano77] Anonymous, 1777
Exhibition of Female Flagellants in the Modest and Incontinent World etc.
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ano77a] Anonymous, 1977
One Couple's S/M Follies
In: Sexology, Vol. 43, No. 6, 1977, pp. 44-49, 61, 81
[Ano79] Anonymous, 1979
Dir gehört der Arsch versohlt - Die erotische Freude am Popoklatschen - Wiederentdeckt in Fotos der Jahrhundertwende
Publisher: argos press, Köln
Language: German
[Ano80] Anonymous, 1880
The Festival of Love or, Revels at the Fountain of Venus: Disclosed in a Series of Luscious Dialogues and Amatory Letters Between Flora and the Voluptuous Aldabella by the Princess Piccolomini
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ano85] Anonymous, 1885
Experiences of Flagellation: A Series of Remarkable Instances of Whipping Inflicted on Both Sexes with Curious Anecdotes of Ladies Fond of Administering Birch Discipline
Publisher: Metropolitan Publishing Company, London
[Ano86] Anonymous, 1986
Publisher: Odörfer, Nürnberg
Language: German
[Ano88] Anonymous, 1788
Venus School-Mistress, or, Birchen Sports
[Ano89] Anonymous, 1989
100 Flagstories
Publisher: Orion, Flensburg
Language: German
[Ano91] Anonymous, 1891
The Yellow Room
[Ano96] Anonymous, 1996
Anleitung zum Korsett-Training für figurbewusste Frauen
Language: German
[Ano96a] Anonymous, 1996
Erinnerungen einer Korsettiere
Publisher: Wagner-Textilversand, Hamburg
Language: German
[Ano97] Anonymous, 1997
Liebe und Hiebe im Mädchenpensionat
Publisher: Orion, Flensburg
Language: German
[Ano97a] Anonymous, 1997
Sado-Maso-Lust in Latex und Leder
Publisher: Orion, Flensburg
Language: German
Notes:  48 pages
[Ano97b] Anonymous, ohne Jahr, vor 1997
Publisher: Orion, Flensburg
Language: German
[Ano97c] Anonymous, 1997
Fetishes: General and specific
In: Psychotherapy in Private Practice, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1997, pp. 53-65
Abstract:  "This paper examines the causes of fetishism as well as recent treatment approaches for different types of fetishes. Also, a description of different types of fetishes, as well as diagnostic criteria, are presented. To better elaborate on the difficulty in identifying, assessing, and treating both male and female fetishes, the author presents a study of 70 males and 6 females (aged 15-34 yrs) possessing fetishes related to sexual behavior deemed harmful or disturbing. Types of treatment used combined directive guidance and behavior modification with cognitive-rational emotive approaches over 14 sessions. Results show that out of the 76 Ss, 7 failed to make progress, while the remainder responded very favorably and experienced a reduction in harmful effects as a results of their fetish." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ano98] Anonymous, 1898
Flagellation in France From a Medical and Historical Standpoint
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
Notes:  164 pages
[Ano98a] Anonymous, 1898
Lascivious Scenes in the Convent: How Tasso Diligently Cultivated Certain Waste Fields, and Made of Them a Delightful Paradise
[Ano99] Anonymous, 1899
The Memoirs of Dolly Morton
Publisher: Charles Carrington, Paris
[Anoa] Anonymous, Anfang der 30er Jahre
Die perverse Frau: Bekenntnisse und Darstellungen aus Frauenmund über die Psychologie der sexuellen Ab- und Irrwege des Weibes
Language: German
[Anob] Anonymous, FEHLT
The double life of Cuthbert Cockerton, Esq., attorney-at-law of the city of London. His history and that of his daughter and some curious anecdotes of other ladies and their lovers. From the original manuscript dated 1798, Penance in the year of our Lord 1894.
[Anoc] Anonymous, ohne Jahr
Les buveuses de larmes
Language: French
[Anod] Anonymous, ohne Jahr
Manon la Fouetteuse; or, the Quintessence of Birch Discipline. Translated from the French by Rebecca Birch, Late Teacher at Mrs. Busby's Young Ladies' Boarding School.
Publisher: MISSING, no place, probably London
[Anoe] Anonymous, ohne Jahr
The Birchen Bouquet; or, Curious and Original Anecdotes of Ladies fond of administering the Birch Discipline.
Publisher: Printed for George Tickler, Boston
[Ano26a] Anonymous ("Von einer Liebeskünstlerin"), ohne Jahr, ca. 1926
Ratschläge zur Behandlung der Männer für meine mindererfahrenen Mitschwestern
Language: German
Notes:  Also published in → Far03, pp. 390-405.
[Ano84] Anonymous (ed.), 1984
Flagellanten: Darstellungen aus 3 Jahrhunderten
Publisher: DMK GmbH, Nürnberg
Language: German
[Ano70] Anonymous (St. George H. Stock), 1876
The Romance of Chastisement or, Revelations of School and Bedroom, by an Expert
Publisher: MISSING, London
[ACJ76] Anonymous / Chambers, William M. / Janzen, William B., 1976
The eclectic and multiple therapy of a shoe fetishist
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1976, pp. 317-326
Abstract:  "Tested the assumption that clients can directly influence the progress of therapists in understanding the therapeutic process. Four critical periods during therapy with a shoe fetishist (who appeared to have the ability, introspection, and candor to engage in such a venture) were described from the client's and 2 therapists' viewpoint. These particular periods were chosen by the therapist and client, and each individual expressed his perceptions and experiences of these periods. It is concluded that clients have instructive input for the understanding of the therapeutic process. It is also suggested that multiple therapy provides a significant avenue for therapists' continuing education." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Ans12] Anson, Margaret (i.e. probably James G. Bertram), 1912
Un Club de flagellantes: souvenirs personnels recueillis par Marguerite Anson
Publisher: Librairie franco-anglaise, Paris
Language: French
[Ans68] Anson, Margaret (i.e. probably James G. Bertram), 1868
The Merry Order of St. Bridget: Personal Recollections of the Use of the Rod
Publisher: MISSING, London
[Ant66] Antenprecht, Wilhelm, 1966
Neurose der körperlichen Züchtigung
(Corporal punishment neurosis)
Publisher: Chronos, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Ant80] Antenprecht, Wilhelm, 1980
Körperliche Züchtigung und Sexualität
(Corporal punishment and sexuality)
Publisher: Isabella, München
Language: German
[Ant96a] Antoniou, Laura, 1996
Electra, on the Rocks: Following the Paradigm Tides
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (ed.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, pp. 252-257
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[Ant95] Antoniou, Laura (ed.), 1995
Some Women
Publisher: Rhinoceros, MISSING
[Ant96] Antoniou, Laura (ed.), 1996
Publisher: vbz Verlag Bernd Zeun, Gießen
Language: German
[Apo70] Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1970
Die elftausend Ruten
Publisher: Rogner & Bernhard, München
Language: German
[Apo85] Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1985
Die elftausend Ruten
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz, München
Language: German
Notes:  XXXIV/223 pages, German translation of → Apo06 by Rudolf Wittkopf and Lothar Klünner.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Apo99] Apostolides, Marianne, 1999
The Pleasure of the Pain: Why Some People Need S&M
In: Psychology Today, Vol. ?, No. ?, 1999, pp. ?-?
[App63] Appelbaum, Stephen A., 1963
The Masochistic Character as a Self-Saboteur (With Special Reference to Psychological Testing)
In: Journal of Projective Techniques, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1963, pp. 35-46
[AP93] Apter, Emily / Pietz, William (ed.), 1993
Fetishism as Cultural Discourse
Publisher: Cornell University Press, Ithaca et al.
[Ara96] Araki, Nobuyoshi, 1996/97
Shikijyo - Sexual Desire
Publisher: Edition Stemmle, Zürich
Language: German
[Arb88] Arbeitskreis der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion für die Gleichstellung von Mann / Frau, Renate Schmidt (ed.), 1988
Pornographie: Hinsehen oder Wegsehen? Konsequenzen, Alternativen, Handlungsbedarf - Dokumentation der Anhörung vom 13./14. September 1988 , 1988
Publisher: MISSING
Language: German
[Arc98] Archard, David, 1998
Sexual Consent
Publisher: Westview Press, Oxford
[AO86] Ardill, Susan / O'Sullivan, Sue, 1986
Upsetting an applecart: Difference, desire and lesbian sadomasochism
In: Feminist Review, Vol. 23, 1986, pp. 31-58
[AS80] Arentewicz, G. / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1980
Verhaltenstherapie sexueller Perversionen
(Behaviour therapy of sexual perversions)
in: Sigusch, Volkmar (ed.): Therapie sexueller Störungen, pp. 220-246
Publisher: Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, New York
Language: German
[Are83] Aresin, Lykke, 1983
Sexuelle Deviationen
(Sexual deviations)
in: Aresin, Lykke / Günther, Erwin (ed.): Sexualmedizin: ein Leitfaden für Medizinstudenten, pp. ?-?
Publisher: VEB Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin
Language: German
[Are90] Aresin, Lykke (ed.), 1990
Lexikon der Humansexuologie
(Lexicon of human sexuology)
Publisher: Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin
Language: German
[Are96] Aresin, Lykke / Starke, Kurt, 1996
Lexikon der Erotik
Publisher: Droemer Knaur, München
Language: German
[Arg90] Argens, Jean Baptiste de Boyer Marquis d', 1990
Thérèse philosophe: eine erotische Beichte
Publisher: Schneekluth, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Arg48] Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer Marquis d', 1748
Thérèse philosophe
Language: French
[Ari84] Ariès, Ph. u.a. (ed.), 1984
Die Masken des Begehrens und die Metamorphosen der Sinnlichkeit - Zur Geschichte der Sexualität im Abendland
Publisher: MISSING, Frankfurt/Main
Language: German
[Arl54] Arlow, Jacob, 1954
Perversions: Theoretical and Therapeutic Aspects
In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 2, 1954, pp. 336-?
[Arl91] Arlow, Jacob, 1991
Derivative manifestations of perversions
in: Fogel, Gerald I. / Myers, Wayne A. (ed.): Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 59-74
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
[Arm92] Armin, Thomas P., 1992
Kerle in Ketten: Deutschlands schwule Leder- und S/M-Szene
Publisher: Foerster, Darmstadt
Language: German
[AFG85] Arndt, W. / Foehl, J. / Good, F., 1985
Specific sexual fantasy themes: A multidimensional study
In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 48, 1985, pp. 472-480
[Arn91] Arndt, William B., 1991
Gender Disorders and the Paraphilias
Publisher: International Universities Press, Madison, CT
Abstract:  From the jacket: "This volume presents descriptions and explanations of all gender disorders and paraphilias recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The material presented is derived from a review of some 1,200 references, making it the definitive work in this area.
Each chapter contains a critical discussion of various definitions, a detailed description of the deviant behavior, and a presentation of developmental history and personality dynamics.
What distinguishes this work from others on these topics is the information presented is from multiple perspectives. These perspectives include therapists' reports on development and psychodynamics, data from surveys conducted on these groups, observations from sociological field studies, analysis of literature written specifically for these groups, and especially these individuals' own perceptions and cognitions of their feelings and behaviors.
Our information about gender disorders and paraphilias comes from such fields as endocrinology, general psychiatry, psychoanalysis, forensic medicine, psychology, sociology, and social work."
[Asc88] Asch, S.S., 1988
The analytic concepts of masochism: a reevaluation
in: Glick, Robert / Meyers, Donald I. (ed.): Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 93-116
Publisher: The Analytic Press, Hillsdale, NJ
[Asm01] Asmodeus (i.e. Burghard Assmus), 1901
Die Kupplerinnen von Berlin: Enthüllungen aus Perversen Kreisen
(The Bawds of Berlin: Revelations from Perverse Circles)
Publisher: Tessaro, Berlin
Language: German
Notes:  31 pages
[Asn13] Asnaourow, Felix, 1913
Sadismus, Masochismus in Kultur und Erziehung
(Sadism, Masochism in Culture and Education)
Publisher: Reinhardt, München
Language: German
Notes:  40 pages
[Asn10] Asnaurow, Felix, 1910
Algolagnie und Verbrechen
(Algolagnia and Crime)
In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 38, 1910, pp. 289-297
Language: German
[AC87] Astuto, Cynthia / Califia, Pat, 1987
Being Weird is not Enough: How to Stay Healthy and Play Safe
in: SAMOIS (ed.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M), 3rd revised and updated edition, pp. 69-80
Publisher: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Atk87] Atkins, R.N., 1987
The Origins of Masochism - Current Issues in Development
In: Integrative Psychiatry, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1987, pp. 49-52
[Atk77] Atkins, Richard N., 1977
Activity and Masochism
In: Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1977, pp. 233-250
[Atk82] Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 1982
Why I'm Against S/M-Liberation
in: Linden, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.): Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, pp. 90-92
Publisher: Frog in the Well, San Francisco
[Aue93] Auer, F. (i.e. probably Johanna Fürstauer), 1993
Grausamkeit, Folter und Todesstrafen
(Cruelty, Torture and Capital punishment)
Publisher: Odörfer, Röthenbach
Language: German
[Auf84] Aufmuth, U., 1984
Von großer Qual und großer Lust - das Körpererleben des Alpinisten
in: Klein, M. (ed.): Sport und Körper, pp. 89-105
Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Language: German
[Aug01] Augusto, S., 2001
Artigo especial: Os russos querem ser aceitos como "pais originais" do masoquismo. Sai Karl Marx, entra Sacher-Masoch.
In: O Esdado de São Paulo, Vol. 2, 2001, pp. ?-?
Language: Spanish
[Aus84] Austin, Roy L., 1984
S and M: Studies in Sadomasochism
In: Sociology and Social Research, Vol. 69, No. 1, 1984, pp. 164
[Ave77] Avery, Nicholas C., 1977
Sadomasochism: a defense against object loss
In: The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 64, No. 1, 1977, pp. 101-109
[Aza93] Azar, Amine A., 1993
Emergence et accueil fin de siècle du sadisme et du masochisme
(End-of-century emergence and welcome of sadism and masochism)
In: Psychanalyse à l'Université, Vol. 18, No. 69, 1993, pp. 37-65
Language: French with English and Spanish abstracts
Abstract:  "Discusses the procedures to establish the birth certificate of the concepts of sadism and masochism, their growth chart, and the account of their reception and diffusion at the turn of the 19th century. A bibliographic study is presented of works dealing with sexual perversions, including seminal works such as those of R. Krafft-Ebing (1879, 1890) and L. von Sacher-Massoch (1870), along with contemporary works (e.g., M. Foucault, 1962). Topics addressed include the relationship of the concepts of sadism and masochism to the problem of sexual inversion; the impact of A. Binet's (1887) study on fetishism; Krafft-Ebing's metapsychology; and the peculiar way in which the international scientific community received the concepts of sadism and masochism and possible reasons." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Azo00] Azoulay, Isabelle, 2000
Schmerz: die Entzauberung eines Mythos
(Pain: the Disenchantment of a Myth)
Publisher: Aufbau, Berlin
Language: German
[Azo03] Azoulay, Isabelle, 2003
Die süßen Schläge - Der andere Schmerz: Zur Ehrung von Sacher-Masoch, Graz 2003
in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 76-86
Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Azo96] Azoulay, Isabelle, 1996
Phantastische Abgründe. Die Gewalt in der sexuellen Phantasie von Frauen
Publisher: Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt/M.
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[AA10] d'Agérur, Jean / Aléra, Don Brennus, 1910
Contes paillards
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  280 pages
[AA11] d'Agérur, Jean / Aléra, Don Brennus, 1911
Contes polissons
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  280 pages
[AA14] d'Agérur, Jean / Aléra, Don Brennus, 1914
Contes inconvenants
Publisher: Select Bibliothèque, Sceaux
Language: French
Notes:  266 pages, Select Bibliothèque No 43.
[Apo06] G.A. (i.e. Guillaume Apollinaire), ohne Jahr (1906/1907)
Les onze mille verges
Language: French
[Ano01c] n/a (ed.), 2001
bottoms - PO's
Publisher: Tosa Verlag, Wien
Language: German
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin

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