BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted by author: E
This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.
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Last change: 20.09.2004
- [ED20] E. D., 1920
Die Kallipygen oder Die Freuden der Rute
- Publisher: Privately printed, no place
- Language: German
- [ED26] E. D., 1926
Die Memoiren einer russischen Tänzerin
- Publisher: Privately printed, no place
- Language: German
- [ED91] E.D., 1891
Lesbia, Maitresse D'ecole (sic)
- 2nd or 3rd edition
- Publisher: MISSING, Paris
- Language: French
- [ED92] E.D., 1892
Les Callipyges ou les Délices de la verge
- Publisher: MISSING, Paris
- Language: French
- [Ear96] Earle, Alice Morse, 1896
Curious Punishments of Bygone Days
- Publisher: Herbert S. Stone, Chicago
- [EL02] Earls, C.M. / Lalumiere, M.L., 2002
A case study of preferential bestiality (zoophilia)
- In: Sex Abuse, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2002, pp. 83-88
- Abstract: "Humans show a wide array of sexual preferences and behaviors. Although most humans prefer and have sex with consenting adults of the opposite sex, some individuals have unconventional preferences with regard to the sex or age of sexual partners, or with regard to the nature of sexual activities. In this paper, we describe a rare case of preferential bestiality, or zoophilia. The client meets the most stringent criteria for the diagnosis of zoophilia. In particular, his phallometrically measured arousal pattern shows a sexual preference for horses over other species, including humans."
- [Eas44] East, W.N., 1944
Sexual Offenders
- in: Radzinowicz, L. / Turner, J.W.C. (ed.): English Studies in Criminal Science. Vol. II: Mental abnormality and crime., pp. 177-207
- Publisher: Macmillan, Oxford
- Notes: XXIV, 316 pp.
- Abstract: "A discussion is presented of sexual irregularities as seen from the standpoint of the law, the church, and medicine, with a plea for an integration of these views. Tables show the frequency and type of sexual crimes in England. In a discussion of psychological factors in sexual irregularities, the author defines sexual perversion as sexual activity in which complete satisfaction is sought and obtained without the necessity of heterosexual intercourse and which is not a substitute for preferred heterosexual activity. Both inherited and environmental factors seem important in developing perverts. Brief discussions are given on the incidence of sexual crimes committed by the mentally ill and deficient and on the types of crimes committed (heterosexual, homosexual, exhibitionistic, sadistic, masochistic, fetishistic and transvestic). Seduction in childhood is considered the most important environmental factor in producing homosexuality. Treatment is discussed in relation to punishment." (APA/PsycINFO)
- [EL00] Easton, Dossie / Liszt, Catherine A. (i.e. Janet W. Hardy), 1997
When Someone You Love Is Kinky
- Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
- [EL95] Easton, Dossie / Liszt, Catherine A. (i.e. Janet W. Hardy), 1994
The Bottoming Book; or, How to Get Terrible Things Done to you by Wonderful People
- Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
- Notes: 123 pages with illustrations.
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [EL95a] Easton, Dossie / Liszt, Catherine A. (i.e. Janet W. Hardy), 1995
The Topping Book; or, Getting Good at Being Bad
- Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
- Notes: 165 pages with illustrations.
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [EL97] Easton, Dossie / Liszt, Catherine A. (i.e. Janet W. Hardy), 1997
The Ethical Slut: a Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities
- Publisher: Greenery Press, Emeryville, CA
- [Ebs23] Ebstein, Erich, 1923
In memoriam: Iwan Bloch. With Bibliographia Blochiana
- In: Medical Life, Vol. 30, 1923, pp. 57-70
- [Eby99] Eby, Carl P., 1999
Hemingway's fetishism: Psychoanalysis and the mirror of manhood.
- Publisher: New York University Press, New York
- Notes: XV, 366 pp.
- Abstract: From the cover: "In Hemingway's Fetishism, the author demonstrates in detail and with new archival evidence how fetishism was crucial to the construction and negotiation of identity and gender in both Hemingway's life and his fiction. Critics have long acknowledged Hemingway's lifelong erotic obsession with hair, but this book is the first to explain in a coherent manner why Hemingway was a fetishist and why the public should care. Without reducing Hemingway's art to his psychosexuality, the author demonstrates that when the fetish appears in Hemingway's fiction, it always does so with a retinue of attendant fantasies, themes, and symbols that are among the most prominent and important in Hemingway's work."
- [Eck77] Eckert, G, 1977
The Pathology of Self-mutilation and Destructive Acts. A Forensic Study and Review
- In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 22, 1977, pp. ?-?
- [EVW90] Eckert, R. / Vogelgesang, W. / Wetzstein, T.A. / Winter, R., 1990
Grauen und Lust - Die Inszenierung der Affekte: Eine Studie zum abweichenden Videokonsum
Series: Reihe Medienwissenschaft, Vol. 6
- Publisher: Centaurus-Verlags-Gesellschaft, Pfaffenweiler
- Language: German
- [EKD91] Eckert, William G. / Katchis, Steve / Donovan, William, 1991
The Pathology and Medicolegal Aspects of Sexual Activity
- In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, pp. 3-15
- Abstract: So astoundingly lurid, badly researched and prejudiced it makes you wonder from what strange motivation this piece was written. Don't read it unless you have to.
- [EHH99] Eder, F.X. / Hall, L.A. / Hekma, G. (ed.), 1999
Sexual Cultures in Europe: National Histories
- Publisher: Manchester University Press, Manchester
- [Edm97] Edmundson, Mark, 1997
Nightmare on Main Street: Angels, Sadomasochism, and the Culture of Gothic
- Publisher: Harvard University Press, Cambridge and London
- [Edu02] Educ, Gerhard, 2002
Opa Rudi und der Rohrstock
Series: Rohrstockgeschichten, Vol. 1
- Publisher: RS-Verlag, MISSING
- Language: German
- [Edw93] Edwards, S., 19. März 1993
No Defence for a Sado-Masochistic Libido
- In: New Law Journal, 19. März 1993, pp. 406
- [Egg98] Eggert, Gerd, 1998
Sehnsucht nach der Nacht in deinen Augen
- Publisher: Seitenblick, Siegburg
- Language: German
- [Ehr86] Ehrenreich, Barbara, 1986
The Lust Frontier: From Tupperware to Sadomasochism
- in: Ehrenreich, Barbara (ed.): Remaking Love: The Feminization of Sex, pp. 119-?
- Publisher: Anchor Press/Doubleday, New York
- [EHJ86] Ehrenreich, Barbara / Hess, Elizabeth / Jacobs, Gloria, 1986
The Lust Frontier: From Tupperware to Sadomasochism
- in: ? (ed.): Re-Making Love: The Feminization of Sex, pp. 103-133
- Publisher: Anchor Press/Doubleday, New York
- [Eid67] Eidelberg, L., 1967
A Contribution to the Study of Masochism
- in: Ruitenbeek, Hendrik M. (ed.): The Psychotherapy of Perversions, pp. ?-?
- Publisher: Citadel Press, New York
- [Eid34] Eidelberg, Ludwig, 1934
Beiträge zum Studium des Masochismus
- In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Vol. 20, 1934, pp. 336-353
- Language: German
- [Eid45] Eidelberg, Ludwig, 1945
A Contribution to the Study of the Masturbation Phantasy
- In: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 26, 1945, pp. 127-137
- [Eis67] Eisenbud, Ruth-Jean, 1967
Masochism Revisited
- In: Psychoanalysis Review, Vol. 54, 1967, pp. 561-582
- [Eis51] Eisler, Robert, 1951
Man into Wolf: An Anthropological Interpretation of Sadism, Masochism, and Lycanthropy
- Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul, London
- [Eis58] Eissler, K.R., 1958
Bemerkungen zur Technik der psychoanalytischen Behandlung Pubertierender nebst einigen Überlegungen zum Problem der Perversion
- In: Psyche, Vol. 20, 1958, pp. 837-872
- Language: German
- [ER98] El Badri, Selim M. / Robertshaw, Barbara A., 1998
Sexual fetishism associated with temporal lobe dysrhythmia and learning disability: Two case studies
- In: British Journal of Learning Disabilities, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1998, pp. 110-114
- Abstract: "Several reports stress the occurrence of fetishism in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy or dysfunction. Fetishism in association with EEG evidence of temporal lobe(s) dysfunction in 2 males (29 yr old and 20 yr old) with learning disability are discussed. Before treatment with carbamazepine, the EEG showed abnormalities of epileptic nature although overt seizures were absent. Both Ss improved with carbamazepine treatment. The authors conclude that an anticonvulsant medication, such as carbamazepine, may therefore be beneficial for some patients whose fetishism is associated with EEG evidence of epileptic activity involving the temporal lobes."
- [ER86] Elam, A.L. / Ray, V.G., 1986
Sexually Related Trauma: A Review
- In: Annals of Emergency Medicine, Vol. 15, 1986, pp. 576-584
- [EB97] Elliott, Leland / Brantley, Cynthia, 1997
Sex on Campus
- Publisher: Random House, New York
- [EA61] Ellis, Albert / Abarbanel, Albert, 1961
The Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior
- Publisher: Hawthorn Books, New York
- Notes: 2 volumes, 1059 pages
- [Ell01] Ellis, Havelock, 1901
Geschlechtstrieb und Schamgefühl
- 2nd unaltered edition
- Publisher: Stuber's Verlag (C. Kabitzsch), Würzburg
- Language: German
- [Ell04] Ellis, Havelock, 1904
Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
- Publisher: Society of Psychological Research, MISSING
- [Ell07] Ellis, Havelock, 1907
Die krankhaften Geschlechts-Empfindungen auf dissoziativer Grundlage
- Publisher: Stuber's Verlag (Curt Kabitzsch), Würzburg
- Language: German
- [Ell07a] Ellis, Havelock, 1907
Geschlechtstrieb und Schamgefühl
- 3rd enlarged and completely revised edition
- Publisher: Stubers (C. Kabitzsch), Würzburg
- Language: German
- [Ell10] Ellis, Havelock, 1910-1911
Geschlecht und Gesellschaft: Grundzüge der Soziologie des Geschlechtslebens
- Publisher: Kabitzsch, Würzburg
- Language: German
- [Ell12] Ellis, Havelock, 1912
Handbuch der Sexualwissenschaften: Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der kulturgeschichtlichen Beziehungen
- Publisher: F.C.W. Vogel, Leipzig
- Language: German
- [Ell26] Ellis, Havelock, 1926
Studies in the Psychology of Sex
Vol. 3
- 2nd revised and enlarged edition
- Publisher: F.A. Davis, Philadelphia
- [Ell35] Ellis, Havelock, 1935
From Rousseau to Proust
- Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York
- [Ell42] Ellis, Havelock, 1942
Studies in the Psychology of Sex
- Publisher: Random House, New York
- [Ell70] Ellison, Alfred, 1970
Sex Between Humans & Animals: The Psycho-Mythic Meaning of Bestiality
- Publisher: Academy Press, San Diego
- [Elm01] Elman, R. Amy, 2001
Mainstreaming immobility: Disability pornography and its challenge to two movements
- in: Renzetti, Claire M. / Edleson, Jeffrey L. et al. (ed.): Sourcebook on Violence Against Women, pp. 193-207
- Publisher: Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks
- Abstract: From the chapter: "Challenges the prevailing wisdom on sexuality and disability by suggesting that because disabled women and girls inherit ascriptions of passivity and weakness, pornographers and others have sometimes selected to portray them as ultimate compliant sex objects. The chapter has 4 parts all of which are influenced by events and scholarship in North America, Britain, and Sweden. After an overview of recent developments within ordinary pornography, the author focuses on the disability genre. The author reflects on the ways in which fetishists of disability have assumed prominence in the mainstream. The chapter concludes with a critical exploration of the political implications of these developments."
- [Elm97] Elman, R. Amy, 1997
Disability pornography: The fetishization of women's vulnerabilities
- In: Violence Against Women, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1997, pp. 257-270
- Abstract: "This work provides a critical exploration of various media that both sexualize and ridicule women and girls whose health and relative immobility make them especially vulnerable to sexual abuse. More specifically, pornography made of disabled women and girls is the prominent focus." (APA/PsycINFO)
- [Emm82] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1982
Sadomasochismus. Die Macht der Erotik.
- In: Emma, Vol. 4, 1982, pp. 50-53
- Language: German
- [Emm87] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Frauen gegen Pornographie (BRD)
- in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 6-14
- Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
- Language: German
- [Emm87a] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Frauen gegen Pornos
- in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 38-39
- Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
- Language: German
- [Emm88] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Das Schweigen ist gebrochen
- in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 46-51
- Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
- Language: German
- [Emm88a] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Für oder gegen ein Anti-Porno-Gesetz?
- in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 52-55
- Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH,
- Language: German
- [Emm88b] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Zwei Reaktionen
- in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 56-59
- Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
- Language: German
- [Emm88c] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1988
Ganz linke Freiheit
- in: Schwarzer, Alice (ed.): EMMA Sonderband PorNO → Sch88, pp. 64-65
- Publisher: EMMA Frauenverlags GmbH, Köln
- Language: German
- [Emm89] Emma (Autorin ungenannt), 1989
PorNO - Eine Bilanz
- In: Emma, No. FEHLT, 1989, pp. 26-29
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Emm91] Emmermann, Heide-Marie, 1991
Credo an Gott und sein Fleisch: Erfahrungen mit irdischer und himmlischer Liebe
- Publisher: Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg
- Language: German
- [Ems83] Emson, H.E., 1983
Accidental hanging in autoeroticism: An unusual case occurring outdoors
- In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1983, pp. 337-340
- [Ena] Enard, Jean-Pierre, FEHLT
Die Kunst, den Hintern zu versohlen
- Publisher: Edition Bikini, MISSING
- Language: German
- [Ena91] Enard, Jean-Pierre, 1991
(The Art of Spanking)
- Language:
- [Ene69] Enelow, M.L., 1969
Fetishism and murder: discussion
- In: SPSA, Vol. 15, 1969, pp. 99-100
- [Eng27] Englisch, Paul, 1927
Geschichte der erotischen Literatur
- Publisher: Püttmann, Stuttgart
- Language: German
- [Eng31] Englisch, Paul, 1931
Irrgarten der Erotik. Eine Sittengeschichte über das gesamte Gebiet der Welt-Pornographie
- Publisher: MISSING, Leipzig
- Language: German
- [Eng29] Englisch, Paul (ed.), 1929
Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa: Verzeichnis der gesamten deutschen Literatur mit Einschluß der Übersetzungen, nebst Beifügung der Originale
Series: Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, Vol. 9 (Ergänzungsband)
- 3rd much enlarged edition
- Publisher: Müller, München
- Language: German
- [Eng91] Engstfeld, Lilly, 1991
Die geheime Lust. Frauen und Männer enthüllen ihr erotisches Doppelleben.
- In: Stern, Vol. ? (September), 1991, pp. 78-86
- Language: German
- [Epp77] Eppendorfer, Hans, 1977
Der Ledermann spricht mit Hubert Fichte
- Publisher: Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M.
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Epp80] Eppendorfer, Hans, 1980
Alpträume mit Minutenlicht
- in: Gremliza, Hermann L. (ed.): Sexualität Konkret Vol. 1, pp. 94-101
- Publisher: Neuer Konkret Verlag, Hamburg
- Language: German
- [Eps60] Epstein, Arthur W., 1960
Fetishism: A Study of Its Psychopathology With Particular Reference to a Proposed Disorder in Brain Mechanisms as an Etiological Factor
- In: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 130, 1960, pp. 107-110
- Abstract: "In an attempt to gain greater understanding of fetishism, a case of the author's and documented cases in the literature are presented and analyzed. The psychodynamics of the fetishist are said to stem from a disturbance of cerebral physiology." (APA/PsycINFO)
- [Eps61] Epstein, Arthur W., 1961
Relationship of Fetishism and Transvestism to Brain and Particularly to Temporal Lobe Disfunction
- In: The Journal of nervous and mental disease, Vol. 133, 1961, pp. 247-253
- Abstract: "5 cases of fetishism and cross-dressing are presented in support of a brain dysfunction theory of these disorders." (Psyc Abstracts)
- [Eps69] Epstein, Arthur W., 1969
Fetishism: a comprehensive view
- in: Masserman, Jules E. (ed.): Dynamics of Deviant Sexuality → Mas69 Vol. 15, pp. 81-87
- Publisher: Grune & Stratton, New York, London
- [Eps73] Epstein, Arthur W., 1973
The Relationship of Altered Brain States to Sexual Psychopathology
- in: Zubin, Joseph / Money, John (ed.): Contemporary Sexual Behavior: Critical Issues in the 1970s, pp. ?-?
- Publisher: John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
- [Eps75] Epstein, Arthur W., 1975
The fetish object: Phylogenetic considerations
- In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1975, pp. 303-308
- Abstract: "Describes behavior evoked by a fetish object (wet shoe) in a 15-yr-old male. The intrinsic qualities of an object endowing it with fetish power (a) may be related to human perceptual preferences, a product of phylogeny, stemming from such factors as the primate interest in body parts and extracorporeal objects; (b) may reflect the crucial role of objects (tools) in hominid evolution; or (c) be based on the human capacity to assign multiple meanings to an object." (APA/PsycINFO)
- [Eps87] Epstein, Arthur W., 1987
The Phylogenetics of Fetishism
- in: Wilson, Glenn (ed.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, pp. 142-149
- Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
- Abstract: Glenn Wilson: "Arthur Epstein discusses fetishism in the light of observations of similar behaviour in non-human primates, focussing on the characteristics of objects that attract fetishistic interest and the social experiences that render animals fetish-prone."
- [Eps94] Epstein, Steven, 1994
A Queer Encounter: Sociology and the Study of Sexuality
- In: Sociological Theory, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1994, pp. 188-202
- [Eri75] Erichsen, Freerk, 1975
Schizophrenie und Sexualität: am Beispiel von Perversion, Scham, Eifersuchts- und Liebewahn
- Publisher: Huber, Bern et al.
- Language: German
- [EGB87] Eriksson, Anders / Gezelius, Christer / Bring, Gunilla, 1987
Rolled Up to Death: An Unusual Autoerotic Fatality
- In: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1987, pp. 263-265
- [EG+75] Ernst, Jan-Peter / Gestefeld, Magret / Schulte-Westenberg, Jan / Seidensticker, Mathias / Schmidt, Gunter / Schorsch, Eberhard, 1975
Reaktionen auf sexuell-aggressive Filme
- in: Schorsch, Eberhard / Schmidt, Gunter (ed.): Ergebnisse zur Sexualforschung: Arbeiten aus dem Hamburger Institut für Sexualforschung, pp. 272-298
- Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln
- Language: German
- [EI95] Ernulf, Kurt E. / Innala, Sune M., 1995
Sexual Bondage: A Review and Unobtrusive Investigation
- In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 24, No. 6, 1995, pp. 631-654
- Abstract: "To investigate unobtrusively how individuals experience sexual bondage, we analyzed all messages about sexual bondage (N = 514) mailed to an international computerized group on sexual bondage in 1990. The most frequent individual experience reported (n = 60) was playful use of bondage to explore new areas of sexual pleasure. Other frequent experiences were the exchange of power, intensified sexual pleasure, and tactile stimulation and bodily sensations. Preference for the dominant-initiator role was expressed in 71% of the messages by male heterosexuals, 11% of the messages by heterosexual females, and 12% of the messages by homosexual males. Preference for the submissive-recipient role was expressed in 29% of the messages by heterosexual males, 89% by heterosexual females, and 88% by homosexual males. In 33% of messages subjects stated that sexual bondage occurred simultaneously with sadomasochism or was perceived as part of it."
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Ert90] Ertel, Henner, 1990
Erotika und Pornographie: Repräsentative Befragung und psychophysiologische Langzeitstudie zu Konsum und Wirkung
- Publisher: Psychologie Verlags Union, Weinheim
- Language: German
- [Ert06] Ertel, W., 1906
Ein "Sklave"
- In: Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik, Vol. 25, No. 1-2, 1906, pp. 104-110
- Language: German
- [Ert87] Ertl, Erich (ed.), 1987
Abenteuer Lust
- Publisher: Promedia, Wien
- Language: German
- [Esk87] Eskapa, Roy D., 1987
Bizarre Sex
- Publisher: Quartet Books, London
- [Esk88] Eskapa, Roy D., 1988
Die bizarre Seite der Sexualität
- Publisher: Kabel, Hamburg
- Language: German
- [Ess09] Essée, Fedor (i.e. Franz Wolfbauer), 1909
Ruten-Reigen: Familienszenen nach berühmtem Vorbild
- Publisher: Privately printed, no place
- Language: German
- Notes: 95 pages
- [Ess20a] Essée, Fedor (i.e. Franz Wolfbauer), ohne Jahr, ca. 1920
Peitschen- und Liebesorgien
- Publisher: privately printed, no place
- Language: German
- Notes: 124 pp.
- [Ess] Essai, Fedor (i.e. probably Franz Wolfbauer, ohne Jahr
Sadistische Novellen
- Publisher: Privately printed, MISSING
- Language: German
- [Ess20] Esses, Fedor (i.e. Franz Wolfbauer), ohne Jahr, ca. 1920
Kinderheilanstalt. Erotisch-flagellantische Novelle aus dem modernen Berlin. Einem Freunde nacherzählt von Fedor Esses.
- Publisher: Hungaria-Verlag, Budapest-Hamburg
- Language: German
- Notes: 119 pp.
- [Esz30] Eszterhazy, Gräfin Agnes (ed.), 1930
Das lasterhafte Weib. Bekenntnisse und Bilddokumente zu den Steigerungen und Abberrationen im weiblichen Triebleben. Psychologie und Pathologie der sexuellen Ab- und Irrwege des Weibes.
Series: Allmacht Weib. Erotische Typologie der Frau., Vol. ?
- Publisher: Verlag für Kulturforschung, Wien und Leipzig
- Language: German
- [Etk03] Etkind, Alexander, 2003
Die russischen Leidenschaften des Leopold Sacher-Masoch
- in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 162-172
- Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Eto82] Etonensis (i.e. George Augustus Sala), 1882
The Mysteries of Verbena House, or, Miss Bellasis Birched for Thieving
- Publisher: Privately printed, London
- [Eul01] Eulenburg, Albert, 1901
Der Marquis de Sade
- Publisher: Dohrn, Dresden
- Language: German
- [Eul01a] Eulenburg, Albert, 1901, 25.05.
- In: Die Zukunft (Berlin), Vol. 9, 1901, 25.05., pp. 306-313
- Language: German
- Notes: Reprinted in → Sch03.
- [Eul02] Eulenburg, Albert, 1902
Sadismus und Masochismus
Series: Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens: Einzeldarstellungen für Gebildete aller Stände, Vol. 19
- Publisher: J.F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden
- Language: German
- Notes: 89 pages
- [Eul11] Eulenburg, Albert, 1911
Sadismus und Masochismus
- 2nd partly revised edition
- Publisher: J.F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden
- Language: German
- URL:
- Notes: Also published in → Far03, pp. 178-283.
- [Eul14] Eulenburg, Albert, 1914
Über sexuelle Perversionen
- In: Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, Vol. 8, 1914, pp. 305 und 347
- Language: German
- [Eul16] Eulenburg, Albert, 1916
Moralität und Sexualität: sexualethische Streifzüge im Gebiete der neueren Philosophie und Ethik
- Publisher: Marcus & Weber, Bonn
- Language: German
- Notes: 92 pages.
- [Eul84] Eulenburg, Albert, 1984
Sadism & Masochism - Algolagnia: the Psychology, Neurology and Physiology of Sadistic Love and Masochism
- Publisher: Bell Publishing Company, New York
- [Eul95] Eulenburg, Albert, 1895
Sexuale Neuropathie: Genitale Neurosen und Neurosenpsychosen der Männer und Frauen
- Publisher: Vogel, Leipzig
- Language: German
- [Eul99] Eulenburg, Albert, 1899
Der Marquis de Sade
- In: Die Zukunft, Vol. VII, No. 26, 1899, pp. 497-515
- Language: German
- [ER80] Eve, Raymond A. / Renslow, Donald G., 1980
An Exploratory Analysis of Private Sexual Behaviors among College Students: Some Implications for a Theory of Class Differences in Sexual Behavior
- In: Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1980, pp. 97-105
- Abstract: "The research reported is based on an analysis of anonymous questionnaire data received from 72 Ss who were students at a southern public university. Ss filled out questionnaires at their leisure and returned them in sealed envelopes. A wide range of sexual behaviors and fantasies were self-reported by Ss including oral-genital sex, genital sex, homosexuality, bondage, sadomasochism, partialism, incest, pederasty, oralism, scatological acts, number of sexual partners, and premarital intercourse. The resulting data were presented in tabular form and compared with earlier national data sets. It was also noted that often fairly strong measures of association emerged in a positive direction between socioeconomic status and participation in (and/or approval of) 'deviant' sexual behaviors."
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Eve83] Everaerd, Walter, 1983
A case of apotemnophilia: A handicap as sexual preference
- In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 37, No. 2, 1983, pp. 285-293
- Abstract: "Reviews the literature on the few cases of reported apotemnophilia (in which patients wished to have part of their healthy body amputated or wished to have sex with someone who had an amputation) and presents the case of a 65-yr-old man with a desire for amputation. S appeared to have a fetish for peg legs and for homosexual relations with amputees. This desire began when he was 10 yrs old." (APA/PsycINFO)
- [Eve72] Everett, G., 1972
Effects of Amyl-Nitrite ("Poppers") on Sexual Experience
- In: Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. ? (Dezember), 1972, pp. 146-?
- [Exn02] Exner, Lisbeth, 2002
"Szenen meines Lebens" - Sacher-Masochs autobiographische Schriften
- in: Spörk, Ingrid und Strohmaier, Alexandra (ed.): Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, pp. 285-304
- Publisher: Literaturverlag Droschl, Graz
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Exn03] Exner, Lisbeth, 2003
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Series: rororo monographie,
- Publisher: Rowohlt, Reinbek
- Language: German
- Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
- [Exn03a] Exner, Lisbeth, 2003
Dolorosa alias Dolle Rosa, Schriftstellerin des Masochismus und der erotischen Kolportage
- in: Farin, Michael (ed.): Phantom Schmerz: Quellentexte zur Begriffsgeschichte des Masochismus, pp. 150-163
- Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz, München
- Language: German
- [Exn03b] Exner, Lisbeth, 2003
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch Zeittafel
- in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 14-31
- Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Exn03c] Exner, Lisbeth, 2003
Tagebuch-Silhouetten. Aus dem Leben eines "Masochisten".
- in: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Phantom der Lust Band I: Visionen des Masochismus, Essays und Texte, pp. 32-49
- Publisher: belleville / Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, München
- Language: German
- Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
- [Eys76] Eysenck, H.J., 1976
Sex and Personality
- Publisher: Open Books, London
- [EW79] Eysenck, H.J. / Wilson, Glenn, 1979
The Psychology of Sex
- Publisher: J.M. Dent & Sons, London
- Notes: 208 pages
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