
BDSM/fetish bibliography, sorted by key: U

This is Datenschlag's bibliography of publications on sadomasochism, fetishism and related subjects (also available in German). Please use the web form to submit new entries.

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The following people sent helpful corrections and contributions: tph, Wolf Deunan, Elmar Schlüter, Valentin Sitzmann, Inge Schwarzer and Margit Huber. Many thanks!
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Last change: 20.09.2004

[Ueb88] Uebelmann, Cleo, 1988
Die Dominas - Mano Destra
Publisher: Claudia Gehrke
Language: German
[Ujh53] Ujhely, Valentine A., 1953
An unusual case of renifleurism
In: American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 7, 1953, pp. 68-71
Abstract:  "An unusual case of olfactory-sexual fixation and compulsive paraphilic behavior is reported. An attempt is made to show that renifleurism substitutes for a more serious paraphilia (homosexuality)."
[Ull64] Ullerstam, Lars, 1964
De seksuelle minoriteter
Publisher: Pax, Oslo
Language: Swedish
Abstract:  "The Swedish medical doctor Lars Ullerstam's book had a considerable influence to inform people about sexual diversiveness in Scandinavia in the 1960s." (Svein Skeid)
[Ull65] Ullerstam, Lars, 1965
Die sexuellen Minderheiten
Publisher: Kala Verlag, Hamburg
Language: German
Notes:  German translation of → Ull64, with a preface and notes by Dr. med. Willhart S. Schlegel
[Ull70] Ullerstam, Lars, 1970
Die Abartigen
Publisher: Lichtenberg, München
Language: German
[Ull85] Ullmann, E., 1885
Zur Frage über die Bedeutung der Einwilligung im Strafrecht
In: Der Gerichtssaal, Vol. 37, 1885, pp. 529-556
Language: German
[Ull01] Ullo, Dr., 1901
Die Flagellomanie. Ihre Erscheinungsformen bei Anwendung der Straf- und Erziehungsmittel. Aufzeichnungen aus dem Leben, der Litteratur und Vergangenheit
Publisher: H.R. Dohrn, Dresden
Language: German
[Und60] Underwood, Miles (i.e. John Glassco), 1960
Under the Birch: The Story of an English Governess
Publisher: Olympia Press, Paris
[Ung12] Unger, Franz (ed.), 1912
Die Flagellanten: Beiträge zur Geschichte und Psychologie des historischen Flagellantismus und der Flagellomanie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Werke von Giovanni Frusta und des Abbé Boileau, bearbeitet von Franz Unger Series: Rätselhafte Naturen, Vol. 1
Publisher: Schumann, Coethen
Language: German
Notes:  79 pages
[Ung70] Ungerer, Tomi, 1970
Publisher: Diogenes, Zürich
Language: German
Archived at: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr Archive, Dortmund
[Ung76] Ungerer, Tomi, 1976
Totempole. Erotische Zeichnungen 1968-1975 Series: Club der Bibliomanen, Vol. 49
Publisher: Diogenes, Zürich
Language: German
[Ung86] Ungerer, Tomi, 1986
Schutzengel der Hölle
Publisher: Diogenes, Zürich
Language: German
[UD] Unter Druck (various authors), 1987-2002
Unter Druck
Zeitschrift der Libertine Wien
Notes:  Archived issues: 1/1987-49/2002.
Archived at: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Berlin
[Urq91] Urquhart, Alexander Reid, 1891
Case of Sexual Perversion
Publisher: MISSING, Edinburgh
[Uss77] Ussel, Jos van, 1977
Sexualunterdrückung. Geschichte der Sexualfeindschaft
Publisher: Focus, Gießen
Language: German
[Uva95] Uva, Jane L., 1995
Review. Autoerotic Asphyxiation in the United States
In: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 40, No. 4, 1995, pp. 574-581

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