
Literaturverzeichnis, geordnet nach Erscheinungsjahr: 1987

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Stand: 20.09.2004

[APA87] American Psychiatric Association (Hrsg.), 1987
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Third Revised Edition (DSM-III-R)
Verlag: American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
[AC87] Astuto, Cynthia / Califia, Pat, 1987
Being Weird is not Enough: How to Stay Healthy and Play Safe
in: SAMOIS (Hrsg.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M), 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, S. 69-80
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Atk87] Atkins, R.N., 1987
The Origins of Masochism - Current Issues in Development
Erschienen in: Integrative Psychiatry, Bd. 5, Nr. 1, 1987, S. 49-52
[Bau87] Baumeister, Roy F., 1987
How the self became a problem: A psychological review of historical research
Erschienen in: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Bd. 52, 1987, S. 163-176
[Bay87] Bayer, Ronald, 1987
Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis
Verlag: Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey
Anmerkungen:  With a new Afterword on AIDS and Homosexuality. Überarbeitete Neuauflage der Ausgabe von 1981.
Kurzbeschreibung:  Beschreibt, durch welche Lobbyarbeit Homosexualität aus dem DSM entfernt wurde; Allgemeines über das Entstehen und die Aufrechterhaltung der DSM-Diagnosen.
[BB87] Bourget, D. / Bradford, John McDonald Wilson, 1987
Fire fetishism, diagnostic and clinical implications: A review of two cases
Erschienen in: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Bd. 32, Nr. 6, 1987, S. 459-462
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Presents 2 cases of adult male arsonists whose sexual assessments showed fire to be part of a fetish. Ss were treated for the sexual deviation associated with the acts of arson and showed significant changes in their sexual functioning." (APA/PsycINFO)
[BG87] Branningan, A. / Goldenberg, S., 1987
Pornography studies: the second wave. A review essay.
Erschienen in: Law in Context, Bd. 5, 1987, S. 56-72
[Bre87] Breslow, Norman, 1987
Locus of Control, Desirability of Control, and Sadomasochists
Erschienen in: Psychological Reports, Bd. 61, 1987, S. 995-1001
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Two studies were conducted to determine whether sadists (dominants), masochists (submissives) and versatiles (those who state that they enjoy both the sadistic and masochistic roles) possess similar or different attitudes toward control, as measured by Rotter's Internal vs. External Locus of Control Inventory and Burger and Cooper's Desirability of Control inventory. Sadomasochists, as a group, scored within the internal locus of control category. There were no differences among the three subgroups. The second study indicated all three groups posses a high desire for control. Planned comparisons among the three groups showed sadists had a higher desire for control than the masochists. The data are interpreted as support for observational and descriptive studies which have identified (at least) three distinct subgroups of sadomasochists."
[Cal87] Califia, Pat, 1987
A personal view of the history of the lesbian S/M community and movement in San Francisco
in: SAMOIS (Hrsg.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, S. 245-283
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Cli87] Cliffe, Michael J., 1987
Paradoxical psychotherapy in a case of transvestism
Erschienen in: British Journal of Medical Psychology, Bd. 60, Nr. 3, 1987, S. 283-285
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Describes the success of paradoxical psychotherapy in reducing the compulsion and guilt attached to transvestism in a 35-yr-old male patient, who came to restrict his cross-dressing to the home, the practice having had fetishistic and feminine-expression motivations." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Com87] Comfort, Alex, 1987
Deviation and variation
in: Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, S. 1-20
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Kurzbeschreibung:  Glenn Wilson: "Alex Comfort discusses some issues of definition and 'diagnosis' with respect to variant sexuality and shows how sexual behaviour must be understood in the context of its meaning for the individual. While some behaviours are restrictive, distressing and unacceptable, others that have been viewed as pathological are better regarded as recreational, creative, expressive, and 'magical'."
[Cow87] Coward, D., 1987
The Sublimations of a Fetishist: Restif de la Bretonne (1734-1806)
in: Maccubbin, R.B. (Hrsg.): 'Tis Nature's Fault: Unauthorized Sexuality During the Enlightenment, S. 98-108
Verlag: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
[Dan87] Dannecker, Martin, 1987
Auf der Suche nach dem Sexuellen
in: Pfäfflin, F. / Schorsch, Eberhard (Hrsg.): Sexualpolitische Kontroversen, S. ?-?
Verlag: Enke, Stuttgart
[Dav87] Davis, Katherine, 1987
Introduction: What We Fear We Try to Keep Contained
in: SAMOIS (Hrsg.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, S. 7-13
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Dou87] Dougherty, N., 1987
Female Masochism - Perspectives for Social Workers
Erschienen in: Clinical Social Work Journal, Bd. 15, Nr. 1, 1987, S. 22-34
[Dwo87a] Dworkin, Andrea, 1987
Pornographie. Männer beherrschen Frauen.
Verlag: Emma Frauenbuchverlags GmbH, Köln
Anmerkungen:  Dt. Übersetzung von → Dwo81. Mit einem Vorwort von Alice Schwarzer
[Eps87] Epstein, Arthur W., 1987
The Phylogenetics of Fetishism
in: Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, S. 142-149
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Kurzbeschreibung:  Glenn Wilson: "Arthur Epstein discusses fetishism in the light of observations of similar behaviour in non-human primates, focussing on the characteristics of objects that attract fetishistic interest and the social experiences that render animals fetish-prone."
[EGB87] Eriksson, Anders / Gezelius, Christer / Bring, Gunilla, 1987
Rolled Up to Death: An Unusual Autoerotic Fatality
Erschienen in: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Bd. 8, Nr. 3, 1987, S. 263-265
[Ert87] Ertl, Erich (Hrsg.), 1987
Abenteuer Lust
Verlag: Promedia, Wien
Kurzbeschreibung:  Laut SM-Katalog: "Ein Reader zu allen möglichen Formen der "bizarren Lust". Interviews und Reportagen zu SM, Fetischismus, Schwulenstrich, Exhibitionismus, Voyeurismus mit Fotos von Christa Beinstein und Christian Schreibmüller und einer kleinen Übersicht zu Piercing."
[Esk87] Eskapa, Roy D., 1987
Bizarre Sex
Verlag: Quartet Books, London
[Far87a] Farin, Michael (Hrsg.), 1987
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch: Materialien zu Leben und Werk
Verlag: Bouvier, Bonn
Anmerkungen:  438 Seiten mit Illustrationen
[Far87] Farr, Susan, 1987
The Art of Discipline: Creating Erotic Dramas of Play and Power
in: SAMOIS (Hrsg.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, S. 183-191
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Flo87] Flor-Henry, Pierre, 1987
Cerebral aspects of sexual deviation
in: Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, S. 49-83
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Kurzbeschreibung:  Glenn Wilson: "Pierre Flor-Henry considers the evidence for the involvement of neurological factors in deviant sexuality and presents new evidence that exhibitionists in particular can be distinguished from normal persons on the basis of EEG responses to standard mental tasks." See also → OCa89.
[Fra87] Franklin, D., 1987
The politics of masochism
Erschienen in: Psychology Today, Bd. 21, Nr. 1, 1987, S. 52-57
[Gel87] Gelder, Paul van, 1987
Leren kleren
Anmerkungen:  Niederländisch
Kurzbeschreibung:  Interviews mit homo-, bi- und heterosexuellen Ledermännern.
[Goo87] Goodman, Raymond E., 1987
Genetic and Hormonal Factors in Human Sexuality: Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives
in: Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, S. 21-48
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Kurzbeschreibung:  Glenn Wilson: "Raymond Goodman traces the evolution of sexuality from bacteria to humans, showing the important role of chromosomes, genes, hormones, neurotransmitters and other biological factors in the determination of sexual behaviour, both normal and aberrant."
[Gor87] Gordon, R., 1987
Masochism - The Shadow Side of the Archetypal Need to Venerate and Worship
Erschienen in: Journal of Analytical Psychology, Bd. 32, Nr. 3, 1987, S. 227-240
[Gos87] Gosselin, Christopher C., 1987
The Sadomasochistic Contract
in: Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, S. 229-257
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Kurzbeschreibung:  Abstract siehe → Bie00.
[HM+87] Haydn-Smith, P. / Marks, I. / Buchaya, H. / Repper, D., 1987
Behavioural Treatment of Life-threatening Masochistic Asphyxiation: A Case Study
Erschienen in: British Journal of Psychiatry, Bd. 150, 1987, S. 518-519
[Hay87] Haynesseman, C., 1987
Developmental Origins of Moral Masochism - A Failure-to-Thrive Toddlers Interactions with Mother
Erschienen in: Child Abuse & Neglect, Bd. 11, Nr. 3, 1987, S. 319-330
[Hei87] Heider, U., 1987
Der seltsame Tanz um die Pornographie
Erschienen in: Psychologie Heute, Bd. 4, 1987, S. 40-47
[Hit87] Hite, Shere, 1987
Frauen & Liebe. Der neue Hite-Report.
Verlag: Bertelsmann, München
[Hoh87] Hohmann, Joachim S., 1987
Geschichte der Sexualwissenschaft in Deutschland 1886-1933. Eine Übersicht.
2. Auflage
Verlag: Foerster, Berlin, Frankfurt
Anmerkungen:  160 Seiten mit Illustrationen, Literaturverzeichnis S. 135-141. Die 1. Auflage erschien unter anderem Titel als → Hoh85.
[Hun87] Hunt, Margaret, 1987
Report of a Conference on Feminism, Sexuality and Power: The Elect Clash with the Perverse
in: SAMOIS (Hrsg.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, S. 81-89
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Jui87] Juicy Lucy (Pseud.), 1987
If I Ask You to Tie Me Up, Will You Still Want to Love Me?
in: SAMOIS (Hrsg.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, S. 29-40
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Ken87] Kendrick, Walter, 1987
The Secret Museum - Pornography in Modern Culture
Verlag: Viking Penguin Inc., New York
[Kit87] SAMOIS (Hrsg.), 1987
Taking the Sting out of S/M , 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, S. 60-63
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Kli87] Kline, Paul, 1987
Sexual Deviation: Psychoanalytic Research and Theory
in: Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, S. 150-175
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Kurzbeschreibung:  Glenn Wilson: "Since Freud and the psychoanalysts are so widely believed to have contributed important theories of sexual deviation, I invited Paul Kline to assess their current status in the light of the many empirical studies that have been inspired by them. His systematic review shows the difficulties that are encountered in testing Freudian theory scientifically and he concludes that that results so far are 'disappointing'".
[Koc87] Kockerbeck, C., 1987
Comics für Erwachsene: Erotische Gewaltphantasien
Erschienen in: Sexualmedizin, Bd. 2, 1987, S. 76-77
[Koh87] Kohon, Gregorio, 1987
Fetishism revisited
Erschienen in: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, Bd. 68, Nr. 2, 1987, S. 213-228
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Argues that fetishism is recognized as a male perversion, the core of which rests on the severity of the castration complex. It is argued that whether or not the different developments of the psychoanalytic theory of perversions are agreed upon, they provide a greater understanding of how the boundaries between perversions, neuroses, and psychoses are blurred. The existence of fetishism in males is explained on the basis of the impossibility for the man to hide any phallic failure. Freudian view on human sexuality is invoked to explain fetishism. Freud distinguished between 2 types of sexual aberrations: deviations in respect to sexual object and to the sexual aim, with fetishism included in the latter group. A case of fetishism is presented." (APA/PsycINFO)
[LL87] Langevin, Ron / Lang, Reuben A., 1987
The Courtship Disorders
in: Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, S. 202-228
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Kurzbeschreibung:  Glenn Wilson: "Ron Langevin and Reuben Lang question the validity of the concept of 'courtship disorders' by examining the correlations between voyeurism, exhibitionism, obscene calls, toucherism, and rape. Some overlapping features are found, but also important differences, and the empirical evidence for various theories is reviewed."
[Lib87] Libertine Wien (Hrsg.), 1987
Erstes Literaturverzeichnis der Libertine-Sadomasochismus Initiative, März 1987
Anmerkungen:  12 Seiten.
Standort: Magnus-Hirschfeld-Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin
[McK87] McKellar, R.J., 1987
Debate over Masochism
Erschienen in: Psychology Today, Bd. 21, Nr. 4, 1987, S. 4
[Mon87] Money, John, 1987
Masochism: On the childhood origin of paraphilia, opponent-process theory, and antiandrogen therapy
Erschienen in: Journal of Sex Research, Bd. 23, Nr. 2, 1987, S. 273-275
Standort: Magnus-Hirschfeld-Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin
[ML87] Moser, Charles / Levitt, Eugene E., 1987
An Exploratory-Descriptive Study of a Sadomasochistically Oriented Sample
Erschienen in: Journal of Sex Research, Bd. 23, 1987, S. 322-337
Anmerkungen:  Auch in → Wei95 veröffentlicht.
Standort: Magnus-Hirschfeld-Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin
Besonders lesenswert
[NN87] Novick, Kerry Kelly / Novick, Jack, 1987
The Essence of Masochism
Erschienen in: The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Bd. 42, 1987, S. 353-384
[Ott87] Ottar, 1987
Lust ... träumen ... erleben ... genießen
Verlag: Rowohlt, Reinbek
Anmerkungen:  Ungekürzte Zusammenfassung der schwedischen "Buchzeitschrift über Sexualität, Zusammenleben und Gesellschaft - Ottar" Nr. 1/1985, "Kvinnors Lust" ("Die Lust der Frauen"), Nr. 2/1985, "Mäns Lust" ("Die Lust der Männer") und Nr. 4/1985 "Vara hemliga Lustar" ("Unsere geheimen Lüste").
Kurzbeschreibung:  Der Abschnitt "Unsere geheimen Lüste" behandelt "Voyeurismus und Exhibitionismus, Fetischismus, Sadomasochismus, Transvestitismus, Transsexualität und andere sexuelle Ungewöhnlichkeiten". Die Ablehnung der Interviewerinnen ist trotz der bemüht liberalen Haltung deutlich zu spüren. Der Band enthält fünf Texte psychologischer und sexualwissenschaftlicher Theoretiker aus der üblichen realitätsfernen klinischen Perspektive.
[Pen87] Penthouse (Autor ungenannt), 1987
Jean de Berg: Sadistin
Erschienen in: Penthouse, Bd. 1, 1987, S. ?-?
Kurzbeschreibung:  Interview- und Bildbericht über Jean de Berg.
[PS87] Pfäfflin, F. / Schorsch, Eberhard (Hrsg.), 1987
Sexualpolitische Kontroversen
Verlag: Enke, Stuttgart
[Pin87] Pinkava, Václav, 1987
Logical Models of Variant Sexuality
in: Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, S. 116-141
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Kurzbeschreibung:  Glenn Wilson: "Václav Pinkava outlines some observations of he and his Czechoslovakian colleagues that led him to apply the mathematical theory of logical nets to sexual variation. Consistent with other authors in this volume (especially Comfort, Epstein and myself), he believes that distortions of innate and imprinted patterns of behaviour are an important basis of paraphilia and goes on to show how these can be modelled by computer."
[RG87] Roiphe, Herman / Galenson, Eleanor, 1987
Preoedipal roots of perversion
Erschienen in: Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Bd. 7, Nr. 3, 1987, S. 415-430
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Asserts that the psychoanalytic study of perversions, particularly that of fetishism, has increasingly implicated preoedipal factors in the constitution of the perversions. Disturbances in early sexual development, which result in significant distortions of core gender identity in the 2nd year of life, are delineated. The implications of the severe preoedipal castration reactions on the subsequent drive organization and their implications for later perverse development are traced. Findings are based on 35 boys and 35 girls who were studied. Case material of 1 child distinguishes the development of the infantile fetish from the transitional object." (APA/PsycINFO)
[Rub87] Rubin, Gayle S., 1987
The Leather Menace: Comments on Politics and S/M
in: SAMOIS (Hrsg.): Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M, 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, S. 194-229
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Rus87] Russo, A., 1987
Conflicts and contradictions among feminists over issues of pornography and sexual freedom
Erschienen in: Women's Studies International Forum, Bd. 10, Nr. 2, 1987, S. 103-112
Kurzbeschreibung:  "The intense debate over the sexual politics of pleasure and of violence against women continues to be played out in the women's movement, particularly over the issue of pornography and sexual sadomasochism. In general the arguments have clustered around two positions: one emphasizing women's sexual colonization and victimization, and the other emphasizing women's sexual repression and passivity. By juxtaposing the arguments in this essay, the author suggests that both sides tend to categorize each other essentially as either virgins or whores. This dichotomous thinking has served to increase the polarization on these issues."
[Sac87] Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1987
Seiner Herrin Diener. Briefe an Emilie Mataja nebst Anhang und Nachwort.
Verlag: Belleville, München
Anmerkungen:  Herausgegeben von Michael Farin und Albrecht Koschorke.
Kurzbeschreibung:  Klappentext: Gäbe es eine Sacher-Masoch-Forschung, gleich ob psychoanalytischer oder literaturgeschichtlicher Provenienz, so wäre die Veröffentlichung des Briefwechsels eine kleine Sensation. Es handelt sich um die bis heute geschlossenste Dokumentation des Masochismus von der Hand seines Paten.
Standort: SMart-Rhein-Ruhr-Archiv, Dortmund
[SAM87] SAMOIS (Hrsg.), 1987
Coming to Power; Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M
3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Boston
[Sch87c] Schiller, Gregory Charles, 1987 (Dissertationsschrift)
The Pursuit of Masculinity: A Study in Homosexual Sadomasochism
Institut: University of California, Santa Barbara
[Sch87b] Schorsch, Eberhard, 1987
Therapie mit Sexualstraftätern
in: Jäger, H. / Schorsch, Eberhard (Hrsg.): Sexualwissenschaft und Strafrecht, S. 127-133
Verlag: Enke, Stuttgart
[SC87] Scott, J.E. / Cuvelier, S.J., 1987
Sexual Violence in Playboy Magazine: A longitudinal content analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Sex Research, Bd. 23, 1987, S. 534-539
[Sie87] Siegel, Carol, 1987
'Venus Metempsychosis' and Venus in Furs: Masochism and Fertility in Ulysses
Erschienen in: Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal, Bd. 33, Nr. 2, 1987, S. 179-195
[Spi87] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1987
Titel ?
Erschienen in: Der Spiegel, Bd. 8, 1987, S. 234-238
Kurzbeschreibung:  Über die Beschlagnahme des Romans "Die elftausend Ruten" von Guillaume Apollinaire in einem modernen Nachdruck beim Verlag Matthes & Seitz. Das Werk enthalte, so die Kriminalpolizei, gewaltpornographische Szenen und verstoße damit gegen § 184(3) StGB.
[Spi87a] Spiegel (Autor ungenannt), 1987
Titel ?
Erschienen in: Der Spiegel, Bd. 50, 1987, S. 45-48
Kurzbeschreibung:  Über Alice Schwarzers Gesetzesentwurf zur Anti-Porno-Kampagne von 1987.
[The87] Theweleit, Klaus, 1987
Male Fantasies - Volume 1: Women, Floods, Bodies, History
Verlag: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis
Anmerkungen:  Englische Übersetzung von → The77.
[UD] Unter Druck (diverse Autoren), 1987-2002
Unter Druck
Zeitschrift der Libertine Wien
Anmerkungen:  Im Archiv vorhanden sind die Nummern 1/1987 bis 49/2002 in Kopie.
Standort: Magnus-Hirschfeld-Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin
[Wag87] Wagner, P., 1987
The Discourse on Sex - Or Sex as Discourse: Eighteenth-Century Medical and Paramedical Erotica
in: Rousseau, G.S. / Porter, R. (Hrsg.): Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment, S. 46-68
Verlag: Manchester University Press, Manchester
[WS+87] Wegner, Daniel M. / Schneider, D.J. / Carter, S.R. / White, T.L., 1987
Paradoxical effects of thought suppression
Erschienen in: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Bd. 53, 1987, S. 5-13
[Wei87] Weinberg, Thomas S., 1987
Sadomasochism in the United States: A Review of Recent Sociological Literature
Erschienen in: Journal of Sex Research, Bd. 23, 1987, S. 50-69
Kurzbeschreibung:  "In the last several years, a new body of sociological literature on sadomasochism (S&M) has begun to appear. The perspective of this corpus of work is quite different from that of more traditional approaches. Although differing within its own discipline in theoretical orientation and research methods, the sociological approach nevertheless shares a common ground: the idea that S&M is dependent upon meanings, which are culturally produced, learned, and reinforced in S&M subcultures. In the present paper I assess the contributions of this new literature by providing: (a) a brief review of the most important sociological contributions in terms of temporal priority, theoretical issues raised, and implications for larger issues; (b) a discussion and assessment of what is now known about a number of sociological issues and an attempt to resolve some definitional problems in the study of S&M; and (c) suggestions for additional directions for future research on S&M."
Standort: Magnus-Hirschfeld-Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin
[Wil87] Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.), 1987
Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Kurzbeschreibung:  "The study of sexual behaviour is a subject that always attracts wide interest, but which is characterised more by sensational stories in the media than by scientific analysis. With variant sexuality and sexual deviation that is even more true. Some deviations, such as fetishes, may be trivial or at times amusing, but others may lead to horrific crimes. Although family forms of sexual behaviour such as homosexuality are now more widely discussed, others such as paedophilia are still largely taboo, and others may require clinical treatment... This book presents contributions from major international authorities reviewing major themes in variant sexuality, and presenting new research. For example, there is evidence of neurological factors being identifiable in exhibitionists, who can be distinguished from normals on the basis of EEG responses to mental tasks. Genetic and evolutionary arguments are presented for the preponderance of paraphilia in males. Freudian and psychoanalytic theories are shown to have limited scientific explanatory power. These and other topics are reviewed in a book that should interest psychologists, biologists and psychiatrists in particular, as well as others fascinated by the social, behavioural and biological aspects of sexuality." Weiterer Abstract in → Bie00.
[Wil87a] Wilson, Glenn D., 1987
An Ethological Approach to Sexual Deviation
in: Wilson, Glenn (Hrsg.): Variant Sexuality: Research and Theory, S. 84-115
Verlag: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore

Zahl: 68

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