
Literaturverzeichnis, geordnet nach Autor: Q

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Hier findet sich ein möglichst umfassendes Literaturverzeichnis zu BDSM-Themen, sowohl wissenschaftliche Literatur als auch Sachbücher und Belletristik. Über Ergänzungen freuen wir uns natürlich: neue BISAM-Einträge können hier angelegt werden. Für Beiträge, Korrekturen, Ergänzungen und Einblick in private Sammlungen danken wir insbesondere tph, Wolf Deunan, Elmar Schlüter, Valentin Sitzmann, Inge Schwarzer, Margit Huber.

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Auszug Texte zu BDSM und Recht
Auszug Im Magnus-Hirschfeld-Archiv f�r Sexualwissenschaft (Berlin) vorhandenes Material

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Stand: 20.09.2004

[Q93] Q, John, 1993
The Q Letters: True Stories of Sadomasochism
Verlag: Prometheus, Buffalo
[Que] Queen, Carol, FEHLT
Leatherdaddy and the Femme
Verlag: Cleis Press, FEHLT
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Wonderful erotic fantasy of crossdressed femme seducing a leatherdaddy and then coming out in red heels the next morning, which he kisses. Hot description of their ensuing affair, spiced up with BDSM, crossdressing, gay high class dungeon parties, threesomes and transexuals, not to mention motorcycles and hard-muscled black dudes. Well written by one who knows and has been there, I think. If not, it's a great fantasy and mine, too." (Artesia)
[Que96] Queen, Carol, 1996
Bisexual Perverts Among the Leather Lesbians: Some Thoughts on Border-Crossing
in: Califia, Pat / Sweeney, Robin (Hrsg.): The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader, S. 71-76
Verlag: Alyson Publications, Los Angeles
[Que96a] Queen, Carol, 1996
Women, S/M, and Therapy
Erschienen in: Women and Therapy, Bd. 19, Nr. 4, 1996, S. 65-73
Kurzbeschreibung:  Abstract siehe → Bie00.
[Qui69] Quignard, Paris, 1969
L'être du balbutiement
Verlag: Mercure de France, Paris
Anmerkungen:  191 Seiten
[Qui02] Quignard, Pascal, 2002
Die Sprache der Ebene
in: Spörk, Ingrid und Strohmaier, Alexandra (Hrsg.): Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, S. 251-264
Verlag: Literaturverlag Droschl, Graz
Standort: Magnus-Hirschfeld-Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin
[QC82] Quinsey, Vernon L. / Chaplin, Terry C., 1982
Penile responses to nonsexual violence among rapists
Erschienen in: Criminal Justice and Behavior, Bd. 9, 1982, S. 372-381
[QCU84] Quinsey, Vernon L. / Chaplin, Terry C. / Upfold, Douglas, 1984
Sexual Arousal to Nonsexual Violence and Sadomasochistic Themes Among Rapists and Non-Sex-Offenders
Erschienen in: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Bd. 52, Nr. 4, 1984, S. 651-657
Kurzbeschreibung:  "Twenty heterosexual rapists, 10 non-sex-offender patients from the same maximum security psychiatric institution, and 10 men with low socioeconomic status recruited from the local community were presented with audiotaped narrations while their penile tumescence was measured. The story categories were as follows: female victim/partner (neutral situation, consenting sex, rape, nonsexual violence, consenting bondage and spanking) and male victim/partner (neutral situation, consenting sex, rape, and nonsexual violence). There were no differences between the two non-sex-offender groups, and they were combined. Rapists showed more sexual arousal to rape depictions and less to consenting sex stories than the control subjects. As predicted, rapists were sexually aroused by stories involving nonsexual violence with female but not male victims. Surprisingly, there were no differences between rapists and control subjects in their responsiveness to the spanking and bondage stories. It was concluded that the amount of violence in the rape descriptions is critical in differentiating rapists from non-sex-offenders."
[QCV81] Quinsey, Vernon L. / Chaplin, Terry C. / Varney, G., 1981
A comparison of rapists' and non-sex offenders' sexual preferences for mutually consenting sex, rape and sadistic acts
Erschienen in: Behavioral Assessment, Bd. 3, 1981, S. 127-135

Zahl: 9

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Für Beiträge, Korrekturen, Ergänzungen und Einblick in private Sammlungen danken wir insbesondere tph, Wolf Deunan, Elmar Schlüter, Valentin Sitzmann, Inge Schwarzer und Margit Huber.
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