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Translation: Stefan, BDSM Berlin e.V. / The Eulenspiegel Society
Marianne Bowen, Black Rose
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January 1, 2000
The German Federal Ministry for health puts the World Health Organizations (WHO) Version 1.3 of the "International Classification of Diseases " (ICD) ICD-10 into effect. It is to be applied in the hospital and medical practice. All medical diagnoses must be passed to the health insurance only after coding according to ICD-10.
The ICD does not yet convey the new realizations in DSM-IV to Sadomasochism. If "the sadomasochistic practice is the essential source of excitement and sexual gratification", physicians are to code F65.5. Sadomasochism is specified under "personality and behavior disorders". Not only sadomasochists violently dispute the new regulations because of privacy issues.
(www.informatik.fh more luebeck.de/icdger/)
January 2000
BDSM Berlin e.V (registered association) is recognized as a non-profit and charitable organization temporarily for one and a half years.
To our knowledge this is the first SM organization that succeeded to receive the classification "charitable". Whether or not this classification will last wont be seen until 2001.
(Personal communication Kathrin Passig, BDSM Berlin e.V., March 2000)
January 2000
In the city of Olten a SM group is created (www.smalheur.ch).
(Schlagworte: January 31, 2000)
March 6, 2000
The first version of the Datenschlag Chronicle of Sadomasochism (DACHS) is published as an HTML document on the Internet by Kathrin Passig and Wolf Deunan (BDSM Berlin e.V.). The document is approximately 90 KB.
March 25, 2000
"Open Channel Hamburg" transmits the 64th and last "Radio Schwarzer Adler" ("Radio Black Eagle") show.
(Schlagworte March 29, 2000)
March 2000
The Giessen based SM group SMall attempts to run ads in the daily newspaper the Giessener Anzeiger. The Giessener Anzeiger does not feel it appropriate to print ads with this type of content and advises the group to contact other newspapers.
(Schlagworte March 22, 2000)
April 6, 2000
The German magazine Stern published a twelve-page report on fetishism by Andreas Hutzler and Werner Mathes entitled "Wenn die Lust verrückt spielt" ("Wenn Desire Goes Insane"). It covers rubber, nylons, diapers and water sports as well as the primary sources of information exchange concerning fetishism (Marquis and other magazines). A full-page interview with sexologist Erwin J. Haeberle concludes the article. For its theoretical grounding the piece cites Kraft-Ebing, Frankfurt-based sexologist Martin Dannecker, Berlin-based psychologist Max Dessoir (c. 1900), American cultural historian Valerie Steele, English sex-researcher Clavel Brand, Sigmund Freud and psychoanalyst Reimut Reiche. In the concluding interview Dr. Haeberle is quoted as saying: "Actually, the part played by women [in fetishism] is very small, as with all sexual deviations. Men are psychically much weaker than women - and therefore more at risk."
The tone of the article is skeptical, but not completely lacking understanding. The experts cited seem arbitrarily chosen. Dr. Haeberle proves to be - apart from the unfounded statement about the role of women - more liberal and open-minded than the Stern-authors.
(Stern April 6, 2000)
April 2000
When checking the ability of entry of the SM group Schlagwerk Hamburg (www.schlagwerk.org) into the Vereinsregister (register of associations), the district court Hamburg expresses doubts. "The purpose of an association shall not offend proprieties, which, according to generally dominant opinions, applies to sadomasochism. At a minimum sadomasochism can not be judged as an equal form of sexuality. Additionally, the purpose of the association runs contrary to current laws, which possible bodily injuries developing from sadomasochistic actions are punishable after § 228 StGB".
The sparse legal literature that contains information on this topic unanimously denies punishability for this in Germany.
(Personal communication Schlagwerk Hamburg, April 21, 2000)
May 10, 2000
A press release from the Swiss Bundesrat announces that a bill has been introduced in Parliament that would alter the Swiss Criminal Code and Code of Military Law concerning a category of crimes referred to as "offenses against sexual integrity." The bill targets sexual offenses against children and would forbid the possession of hardcore pornography.
Possession of hardcore pornography has up to now been legal in Switzerland but now acquisition and possession of such products would be legally punishable. The possession of pornography depicting sex with animals or human body fluids - which cannot be sold in Switzerland - would not be punishable. Explicitly included in the ban are depictions of sexual violence. In the opinion of the Swiss Parliament portrayal of consensual sadomasochistic practices will fall under the rubric of "portrayals of sexual violence" if other criminal offences such as "bodily injury" are involved. As to the medical classification of sadomasochistic practices the Bundesrat refers to the - rather backward - SM section of the ICD-10.
(Schlagworte May 11, 2000)
May 2000
In Stuttgart the gay leather event "Internationales Maitreffen Stuttgart 2000" (International May Meeting Stuttgart 2000) takes place. Over 1,000 participants from Germany, Frankreich, Switzerland, Holland and other European countries are expected.
Easter 2000
70 women participate in the second "International Women's SM Leather Conference" Play! Mate 2000 in Berlin.
(Personal communication Kathrin Passig/BDSM Berlin e.V.)
Easter 2000
Christian Hermann, Fürth is voted German Mr. Leather in Berlin.
May 2, 2000
After reacting only sluggishly to inquiries for a long time and not updating the web pages in a while, the domain name agsmoeff.org of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft S/M und Öffentlichkeit (AG S/MOEFF) expires because of unpaid bills and is taken over by a commercial sex business. Most likely this means that the AG S/MOEFF can be considered dissolved.
Spring 2000
The Rowohlt Verlag publishes "Gemischte Gefühle. Ein Lesebuch zur sexuellen Orientierung", (Mixed Feelings: A reader about sexual orientation), which equally addresses heterosexual and homosexual young people. Sadomasochism is only mentioned in chapters about gay and lesbian sexuality, it is not mentioned at all in the heterosexual chapters.
(Braun, Joachim/Martin, Beate: "Gemischte Gefühle. Ein Lesebuch zur sexuellen Orientierung", Rowohlt Verlag, Hamburg 2000)
Spring 2000
The first three places in the gay International Mr. Leather Contest in Chicago are awarded to Mike Taylor (USA), Scott Bloom (USA) and Bob Pedder (USA).
June 16-18, 2000
The first meeting of the Arbeitskreis SM und Christsein (SM and Christianity Study Group) is attended by twenty participants.
(Personal communication Kathrin Passig, BDSM Berlin e.V.)
June 20, 2000
In its local Berlin section the "tageszeitung" (taz) reports on a Berlin meeting of the Arbeitskreis SM und Christsein (SM and Christianity Study Group) under the headline "Warum tut es weh, wenn ich bete?" ("Why does it hurt when I pray?") by Kathrin Passig. The report considers the plight of Christian sadomasochists who find ecclesiastical working relations endangered and don't feel fully understood by both Christian and sadomasochistic friends.
The report does not go into the deeper issues, but for taz is relatively SM-friendly.
(Schlagworte June 24, 2000)
June 2000
In the context of its "Sex in Berlin" series, the Berlin city magazine "tip" publishes an article on pony play titled "Zuckerbrot & Peitsche" ("With a stick and a carrot").
A good investigation, obviously from an scene insider who doesn't offer up the usual prejudices and cliches about SM and fetishism.
(tip No.13, 2000, pp. 20-21)
June 2000
The German commercial television station Pro7 runs a promotion piece both on the air and its website featuring a Domina whose gagged slave hangs from the ceiling behind her so that she can surf the Pro7 website undisturbed. The accompanying slogan says, "Pro-7.de
not so easy to stop."
(Schlagworte 26. Juni 2000)
July 2, 2000
Between 80 and 100 hetero- and bisexual sadomasochists march in the Christopher Street Day Parade in Köln (the German equivalent of Gay Pride). Various media outlets reported some 40,000 marchers and up to 700,000 spectators for the event. Marching next to SMart Rhein-Ruhr e.V. were members of other SM organizations including BDSM Berlin e.V., Smart Bremen-Oldenburg e.V., BDSMayence and the editors of the scene magazine Schlagzeilen.
(Schlagworte June 26, 2000)
July 21, 2000
The American SM activist and creator of the Leather Pride Flag, Dr. Anthony DeBlase, died after a prolonged illness.
(Schlagworte July 22, 2000)
July 2000
In the DSM-IV-TR, a revised reversion of the diagnostic handbook DSM-IV, the American Psychiatric Association alters the diagnostic criteria for "Sexual Sadism". In the revised version of the handbook such a diagnosis is now only allowed if the impulse or fantasies cause distress. Consensual acts are excluded as diagnostic criteria.
(Schlagworte July 22, 2000)
July 2000
The German SM magazine Twilight is renamed and will henceforth appear under the title Vamp Magazin.
(www.twilight.de / www.vamp.de)
August 2000
The German SM organization Datenschlag publishes an online SM encyclopedia titled Papiertiger (www.datenschlag.org/papiertiger).
Papiertiger had been in the works since 1995.
(Schlagworte August 25, 2000)
August 30, 2000
The group Magdeburg Bizarr is founded in Magdeburg.
(Schlagworte September 17, 2000)
Summer 2000
In place of the group Libertine Linz, a new and still nameless SM group is established in Linz.
(Personal communication, Bertold/Linz, bdsm-linz@gmx.at)
Summer 2000
An SM munch is established in Trier.
(Schlagworte September 6, 2000)
September 12, 2000
The Franco-German television station "arte" broadcast the documentary "Die Peitsche der Pandora" (Fetishes [USA 1996], director: Nick Broomfield). Featured is the New York Domina studio "Pandora's Box."
The film offers nothing new and is cheaply produced. It is received with ambivalence in the SM subculture.
(no source)
September 2000
A Camel advertisement: A man and a woman walk through an SM party. At the end he sits on a chair, a whip dangling in the foreground. The point being a Camel is holding the whip.
Another installment in the multi-year "Dominatrix-Camel" advertising campaign.
(no source)
September 2000
The group Novanilla Ulm is founded in Ulm.
(Schlagworte September 19 and September 23, 2000)
September 2000
The organization Vereinigung Fetisch und SM (VFSM) for gay men is founded in Hamburg.
(Schlagworte September 13, 2000)
September 2000
Ira Strübel, journalist and advertising copy writer, and Kathrin Passig, journalist and chair of BDSM Berlin e.V., release the book "Die Wahl der Qual. Handbuch für Sadomasochisten und solche, die es werden wollen" ("The Choice of Pain: A Handbook for Sadomasochists and Those Who Would Like to Be"). It features a look at the current state of SM research, interviews with SM practitioners, an introduction to the SM subculture and detailed information about SM on the Internet.
Thanks to its humorous and comprehensible portrayals, the book is well received in the SM subculture.
(Passig, Kathrin and Strübel, Ira: "Die Wahl der Qual. Handbuch für Sadomasochisten und solche, die es werden wollen". Rowohlt Verlag 2000.)
September 2000
The "BDSM Notfalltelefon Rhein-Ruhr" (Rhein-Ruhr Emergency BDSM Hotline) is established. Target groups are people needing advice in a BDSM situation. Examples of such situations include: scenes gone wrong, broken boundaries, abuse, rape, threat, extortion or blackmail. The Hotline has its origins in SMart Rhein-Ruhr e.V. and is seeking contact with police officers, doctors, lawyers and psychologists which they can pass on.
(Schlagworte September 11, 2000)
October 2000
The Swiss SM and fetish magazine "Lack & Leder" will discontinue publication as of 5/00 (October/November). The reason for the discontinuation is that after six years in publication, the magazine has yet to turn a profit.
(Schlagworte July 20, 2000)
2000 - Book publications without separate entries
Cagliostro: "Vagina Dentata", Charon Verlag
Cagliostro: "Cagliostro Lesebuch", Marterpfahl Verlag, Tübingen
Schmitt, Tom: "Bondage. Austieg aus der Selbstkontrolle." Männerschwarmskript.
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