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This description is part of the survey we are conducting in cooperation with other groups. The aim is a comparison of the situation of sadomasochists in the different countries of europe.
The information presented here was provided by altair@bdsm.cz. Thank you for your contribution.
If you have additions or corrections, please use the web form to reach us.
The information here represents the situation at february 2003.
There are no laws specific to SM. Some SM activities can be prosecuted as "causing health injury" or "restriction of personal freedom" etc., because for Czech laws the question of consent does not matter.
However the czech criminal law provides some exemption to the prosecution of criminal acts if they are deemed to pose no danger to society. So, my defense would be that SM acts that are safe, sane, and consensual (SSC) are not a danger to society and should be covered by my personal freedom, granted by the constitution.
SM organizations may be founded as civic associations. There is no regulation of their branch, as long as it's legal.
There is §205 of the penal law, named "menace to morality". You cannot publish anything, which is pornography and is displaying non-respect to humans, violence, sexual contact with child or animal, or other sexually pathologic practices.
Due to non-existent explication and too loose specification in law, in praxis the decision whether such cases would be regarded as criminal is up to the individual judge.
They are not caring much, but when, they generally reflect common prejudices.
There have not been any cases that received general attendence in the media. People usually do ignore cases where they encounter signs of SM play (for example when showing welts in a pool after having received a spanking).
There are no relations
It's not common, but possible. The majority of SM-inclining people is not out, a minority (about 10-15% maybe) is.
As far as I know, no.
There are no real organisations (officialy registered), dealing with SM. There are some non-formal fellowships (having 5-20 members), that have constituted from the different chatrooms etc.
In Czech relations, there are communities building along the web projects. The oldest and biggest one is BDSM.CZ, which I am publisher of. But this is - intentionally - not building any closed community along that.
No, there is no need.
The main problem is that there are too few connected SM-positive people (about 100-200 in whole country) and too many personal contradictions. But all the people are generally sharing the same chatrooms etc., so in short time everyone knows everything.
AFAIK, there is one printed magazine, named "Markyz" (Marquis). It's truly pornographic, run by a company publishing general erotic magazines, as a side product using fotosets too hard to their general publications. AFAIK, there is no connection between this magazine and Czech BDSM community.
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