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Jahresübersicht 2001
| Monatsübersicht August
Im Marterpfahl Verlag ist heute das Buch "Windeln, Stöckchen, strenge Gouvernanten" erschienen. Auf 124 Seiten enthält es acht Geschichten und einen Partybericht für devote Windelfetischisten.
www.baby-welt.de schreibt zur Entstehung der Geschichten:
Entstanden ist die in fünf Fortsetzungen zerfallende Haupterzählung um den 30jährigen Robert, den seine dominante Freundin in ein einjähriges, langsam ins Schulalter wachsendes Baby verwandelt, bei einem Krankenhausaufenthalt des Autors im Jahre 1998, als er mitanhörte, wie eine alte Patientin in Windeln gezwungen und ausgeschimpft wurde, weil sie auf die Toilette zu gehen versucht hatte. Die anderen Erzählungen entstanden später, wenn auch die Ideen dazu schon etwas älter waren.
Ergänzt wird das Ganze durch zwei Vorworte und passende Zitate.
Wer an Rezensionsexemplaren interessiert ist, möge sich an den Verlag wenden.
Schwester Incontinenzia (Hg.) und Pampersboy (Autor) Windeln, Stöckchen, strenge Gouvernanten 124 Seiten, 30, - DM / 15,- E ISBN 3-9806104-6-2
Marterpfahl Verlag Postfach 8 72147 Nehren Deutschland
From: Tomorrow's BDSM Daily News
New Yahoo Index: 500 clubs retrieved
(Amsterdam News Desk) - While the editing team is still working hard - and in the meantime heavily supported by readers of the Daily News who keep sending more links (keep doing that, please) - the Yahoo BDSM Clubs and Groups Index, produced by Sadistic Hell, reached a new milestone yesterday when Yahoo Club number 500 was added to the fast-growing index.
"We set out about a week ago with the objective to make a serious difference. And, while we're far from reaching our end goals yet, the 500 clubs Milestone makes it serious," said Hans Meijer, chairman of the POWERotics Foundation, the publisher of the Sadistic Hell website. "We still plan to add more clubs to the list as we find them and we're far from what we want to do for the Yahoo Groups. However, we may have a small team, but it is extremely determined."
One of the main problems is that no-one knows exactly how many groups and clubs are active on the Yahoo! system. "We haven't even bothered to ask Yahoo! about this," says Meijer. "The standard Yahoo! policy is not to respond to user questions, so even trying to would simply be a waste of time. So yes, it is largely a matter of finding your way in the dark, without exactly knowing where you go. We try to retrieve as many as we can - if that is the tip or the toal of the iceberg, nobody knows. Besides, new clubs and groups are still started every day, while others disappear, either as a result of censorship or because the club or group owner decides to terminate it."
In the meantime a search facility has been added to the Clubs and Groups index. This in order to cater those looking for very specific information.
The Yahoo Clubs and Groups Index can be found at www.bdsm-academy.org/hell/clubs.htm
POWERotics Foundation Hans Meijer
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