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Jahresübersicht 1999
| Monatsübersicht Juli
Am Sonntag, dem 31. Oktober 1999, findet parallel zum Rubber Ball eine Expo der britischen Zeitschrift "Skin Two" statt. Auf der Mailingliste SM ORG wurde folgende Einladung an Aussteller geforwarded:
Forwarded message
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 17:36:12 +0100 From: [GELOESCHT] Subject: skin two expo
July 1999
Dear Fetish Society Organiser,
Are you coming to London for the Rubber Ball? Why not make your trip pay for itself? The SKIN TWO Expo 1999 will take place on Sunday 31 October as part of the Rubber Ball Weekend. This international fetish fair is the ideal way to promote your company. As well as all the big fetish names, there will be an opportunity for new designers to showcase their work and exhibition space for artists and multimedia companies.
The SKIN TWO RUBBER BALL attracts thousands of customers from all over the world. Nearly all of these will be in London for the whole weekend and shopping will be high on their list of priorities. The SKIN TWO EXPO is your chance to promote your name to this target audience by distributing your leaflets, signing up new members, holding demonstrations and selling any merchandise you may have.
The venue is in a very central location with easy access and full facilities, including bar etc. The following stall options are available: 6 x 3 ft (2 x 1 metre) table: GBP100 ($160) 4 x 3 ft (1.3 x 1 metre) table: GBP50 ($80)
Space is filling up - book now! We welcome major credit cards - also cheques in UK pounds or US dollars (GBP1 = $1.6). Cheques should be made out to SKIN TWO.
An exhibition brochure will be available nearer the date, listing all stall holders. There will be advertising opportunities, and as a vendor you will be able to supply various money-off tokens and vouchers to increase interest in your stall. Please fax to book space, or call me if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
Julia Collings SKIN TWO Magazine
Yes! I would like to take a stall at the SKIN TWO EXPO. Please reserve my space of
. I enclose a cheque made out to SKIN TWO for the full amount of GBP
OR please charge my credit card for GBP
. Card number
Business name:
tel: +44 (0)171 498 5533 fax: +44 (0)171 498 5565 e-mail: mail — at — twpublishing.co.uk website: www.skintwo.co.uk snail: Tim Woodward Publishing Ltd, Unit 63 Abbey Business Centre, Ingate Place, London SW8 3NS, UK Office hours: 10am to 6pm Monday to Frday
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