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Dies ist ein Archiv der Schlagworte (SWL)-Mailingliste. | Suche im Archiv.
Jahresübersicht 1997
| Monatsübersicht November
Angekündigt über die Newslists-Mailingliste und die Newsgroup bit.listserv.new-list
| GLBT-NEWS on LISTSERV — at — DUH.ORG Gay/Les/Bi/Trans Full Text News Releases | | GLBT-NEWS exists to collect together important news releases relating to | current events concerning gay, lebian, bisexual, and transgendered people. | We don't write the news, we just report it. | | GLBT-NEWS is a one way mailing list. You can send any comments you have | to the list moderators at glbt-news-owner — at — duh.org, and it will reach a | human. MAIL SENT TO GLBT-NEWS — at — DUH.ORG WILL BOUNCE, however. | | We're always looking for new news feeds. If you know where GLBT-NEWS can | get a news feed automatically via email, or if you distribute news press | releases yourself, please contact glbt-news-owner — at — duh.org and get your | feed added to the list. | | To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to | LISTSERV — at — DUH.ORG (please note, this is NOT LSoft LISTSERV): | | subscribe glbt-news | | Owner: Todd Vierling <glbt-news-owner — at — duh.org> | or <tv — at — pobox.com> |
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Erzeugt am: 15.03.2006
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