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Dies ist ein Archiv der Schlagworte (SWL)-Mailingliste. | Suche im Archiv.
Jahresübersicht 1997
| Monatsübersicht August
Nachstehende Info fand ich in der Gruppe a.s.b.:
Like so many alt.sex groups the scat groups have fallen under the continuous attacks of spammers. Stories, hands-on experiences, opinions and facts are hardly ever posted there. All that's left is is spam, spam, glorious spam. For that reason I'll start a mailing list for people interested in scatology, a place where scat lovers can get together and where the signal to noise is ratio is a guaranteed 100
The Scat mailing list (SC-ML) will be put out in digest form and will come out at least once or twice a week. The number of weekly digest may go up if the list becomes a roaring success of course. The choice for a digest is to make it easier for me cut down on the amount of work needed to keep the list running. I might reconsider this though if I get enough requests (I'm not an inhuman brute).
- Only messages that involve scat are suitable for the SC-ML digest. If you want to share experiences, discuss safety, share stories, rate your favorite videos or tell the story of your life as a toilet slave, etc. you're more than welcome to post it on the list. Anything that has to do with shit is ok, anything else is better discussed elsewhere.
- No pictures. The list is not meant to be a trading board for collectors of scat pictures. If that's what you're looking for, you should take a look at alt.binaries.fetish.scat instead.
- No personals. If you're looking for the scat loving man/woman of your dreams, post your personal in the relevant newsgroup, not on the list.
- Mailing list subscribers are required to introduce themselved to other list members within the first three weeks after joining the list. (Don't worry, you're not required to write a Nobelprize winning piece of literature, a short note will do.) Members who don't introduce themselves in time can be dropped from the list.
If you want to be put on the list, simply send me your subsription request at the following email address: SC-manager — at — flatearth.demon.nl (NOT THE ADDRESS I'M POSTING FROM NOW) and I'll put you on the membership list. The above address is also the one to use if you have any questions.
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Datenschlag dankt den SWL-Admins für die Abdruckgenehmigung.
Erzeugt am: 15.03.2006
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